Rev. 4. W. Smith, HarrUrorgb ft. ■-.» '■ / Ref J. IS. Temple, Kentucky Coo Dr 4. IL Manley, Kioxville, G< C. Hcurlock, Esq.,* State canva* ^ A^k.Jtotfl 41ftUn»ft fie?. 4. (V Hftmalera, Tuscaloosa, Ak. ‘v;: , [%: ^ Be?. F. A. diatom Floridft Corner enoe. Allegheny Conference, Be?. G W Clinton, Pittsburgh, Pa. oi all *mr eobnoribeni to the feet that whenever they eee two blub masks opposite our paragraph celtlve to tpne, it is the last paper that will bo maikd untO the subsoriptioa is zee newed N Mail Subscribers »ie requested to tenth by ebook, Foot Office Money Order, Postal Note «* Registered 1st r r - r v v ■ NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. n»8ia<Ur Ziob Will b# glad to otart woEMvfttMB ooonntminottBM all n*ri» or the eonatry on wihjvct* of fut onuintereci and giving tans of am > U u andttnxaod.howarer, L That tbojgiy^ia not wnpoombla for a. Tli* in all cam the teal oame of th* writer niactnooomiMnj bi» oomnramcation Thb isdeauvd not fat mbiicatioa, bat a» a gtuuaotw of good frith. a That *mclm lor publication dumld be vrittaB4a oovikbafibo abeet only, in an plain • hand w powible. 4 That tbe editor twarrca the tight u> A. That to tnaon publication, ardolee ohoold be pointed, mppnmtd in decent En gliah, tree from penunai aboee, and dealing vitiilift ^oeetaoue. * JuHN a D4KCT, >- - 'Bun^h Manager of Stab of ZiOh, Halehew . b-,». c. TaBonwourk oo the <mp ot your paper aska you to renew or a* tie up y«<or euOecnptio at xuUr *“** ia oat. Do to pinnae, this very month. What a cruel world indeed, that will make the i»noctat suffer for the aiua of the guiliy. According to the Feterabu-g Lun vet the colored people an 16 leading ciuee of Virginia own more than three million dollars worth of ^ropar ty. Good—very good. Jay GooidV income is only $7,500 per day. What a pity ! Poor man* Astor only takee in $9,000 a da? Can't some one help theee pour meu along a Uttlm *SfcM THBlmefhoU;. Ounewn did w* give to charity with anything like a laviah'hand. He gave all toiiis-rela lives and warrants, we believe. Hi» wea worth $1,250,000. * Do the brethren in the. two AJ* bama confareooea, wbo haws n<**r newed their subscriptions, desire to have the Stab continued to their address? ifeo,tber will please indi cateit by ao early remittance. ago. m Mft dangerous fight ag*m* ihow Tii dominant uartf in Irumuna and ' Arlaumn >^1 Ssvatob Ingalls inert hie hi again last week at speech maki and had an immense orowd to b him. He is tali and *lim*a»£p row; has a most cultivated voice, and his stylo of delivery entrances all who bear him Hejfa a bright scholar ac quainted with all the questions ofth* day. and bis utterances sparkle *feh brilliant flashes of wit, sarcasm and eloquence. Ha is easily the finest or ator in the senate, and can ontdraw any man there. He reminds one of Rneooe CMtifng in his superciiHous ness, and hhi imperious strut, and iik*; him be fa feared by every rival in debate. Heewoope down on an an tagonist and grinds him to powd er Sesatob George F Hoar is easily the more collared sod humane than any of the other senators now in the National Congress. He is the right fol sueoessor of Charles Sumner, who saoeeeded Daniel Webster. He stands for all that is honorable and just and right in American statesman shin. Hebelongs to i family «»f the brightest intellects in this nation Henee it isnot to be wondered at that be leads in farthering a measure winch emaas that the national tution shall have thrown proper safeguards to American cAtisen in the . erase of the elective fondiHL, honor to Senator H«»ar. AU honor to tbaa* noble men, who support him in an effort ao worthy of a free and liber V lovingpt-pW , T Da. SAtmoaaa, of the Afr * Araeri can is so genial and so serious for lb Own church' that we wtUibgly pardon him for being led into error touching the financial doings of our chwoh. We treated his comparison humorous ly as'we thought he woold at once discover. Seriously howevoywe did ritiefe quite 950,000 within the coufcr epcq fur the purpuees named 150 preachers on an average salary of 9200 gives 930,000 uf the amount; ten riwrchm .in the eonforenoe, vis., "aliSbUrv, Charlotte Payrtterille, Statesville, Gunord, Llncolnton, Mon raei, Wadrebore and Winston raised 10.090 besides, while rodents paid 910,000 quite for eopport of o«» schools. Wc are really correct Edi Urn Sanders, with a good maigin to spare. STILL 1 MPBOyiNG. Read the Stab carefully this week «Ve give yon as much reading matter, original, we mean, as any ev<unri pa per. ante oue. in the entire bouatry. And it is ns good matter, as an* colored paper will publish yet awhile Wa hope to keep up this reourd A brilliant array at correspondents will grace our columns durian the year Our list of contributors embraces of tne brightest minds in the m per* salable' ’ —— WfiOAG CREDIT. jiimiw or the state RjatuiKlinan .],»< EKpUllitUBII BM,r ippointmt-n <8 to dfe« the pneitiors in the be members that c<»roe from district# vhere they are a factor may have Ktnie explaining to do hi the Aitare -Harrusbarg Times nakeie •« THANKS. It was universal!v regretted that Mr. White was laboringund*r a thnuu uffectian, which forced him to Ihni his remarks to only a few minute Mr. Dancy, who was a s * present bi special invitation, was introduced and made a moat timely and thrilling sp*eatt which captivated the andience and wt« i«r him fresh lanrele as an engag ing speaker The benediction waanru. nounced by R^v. R H Simmons. Afro-American P esbyterian. [Mr White really spoke an hpg and in onr opinion made a furcibl Wx like to receive letters and com? muuications, but we do dislike to re ceive so many of them, with nothing in them but paper. Send us a"WA> soriber or two mid you eucourage ui* to .publish your matter. Do not ex act so much for so little—indeed tor ... We’have to pay printer paper tnantifkcturers, postage,’ pressman, travelling expenses etc, and it takes money and a lot of \i to do it. TTnderstaud this, and send fewer communications and private letters with nothing substantial in them,. ■ I THINK AND THEN oPEAK The Greensboro “Methodist” is un fair opt to say unreasonable in its criticism of a certain preacher, whom it farts to name, and the denomination be represents. This certain preacher has ashed tor missionary worh and* for three years ha* been aeeommo dated. His S'lcee* has been marvel* ous it, is tree, but it sh-rnld excite n<> four nor jealous criticism on the part of the church he held allegiance t«», It should ritber' rejoice that it bad whj»cao auoo#l, so weT it to his former fields n*% to injure others, but to strengthen -his own fold, and gather in the scattered* fl ask of tlrC house of Israel—not necessarily the scattered of amaher church, because tbev should not h* scattered, but 4«*ne fdd* ' Rev. Z. T. Pearsall belonged to ‘ hr church, and was psator at Mbile Ala He grew dissatisfied, withdrew with all be could take with him, and the M. E church erected him a church right there, and there he is t -da; How is this as acsseinpoint Br ,tfi* er “Methodist ” PARTY THE ICUERY EXPOSED Eiqut Bepoblioao aenttore votd last week 4o sidetrack the Fedora,! Election bill and tekr op the sjlyer bill, which provides lor free Mbsg*i The Democrats voted unanimous y with them, oi d the result wm the combination carried Thle was a severe blow indeed to the principle of equal aod exact jus tice, and the fre* d*»m of the ballot The issue Jmm been nnsrep'seented and obscured by a psjiissu prase and partisan speeches,. The bill ot»l^ provides for the security and prop* fion of every mgp in the exercise ot; the franchise,and every hone# map, beiievsw In thfewhetber he jb.a Re* publican or a Democrat. No partj* ***** J*'*m;*nv**'*p •the*by having all the efoeti n in its own hands, as it „ %mmm «rd outrage.■ Hence we era surprised; tea, as founded at the acti n of the senators. Aui think they deeenre to he pHued either at Washington, or mad1 to aeoouht for their stewardship to their constituents at home. • •'; • *0R£ CgtfBOHES THE GREAT ^•> ; / ITEEP $.i. W* went ehurcbe* and better cborcbet We have s >bte nseo «rh * ere . noted . tar their T a bil l t ^ to build eh arc he* We •riot mom of them. It is easy IjMffc«® M(*n * »ap«g*i»». if we MO fifll in a civi the Grand P*« eiffc Hotel, Han Francisco, Calif *rnia. last Monday af ernoon. He was a member of the Episcopal church, aod «a« honored and reapected bv all th** nat tonalities of the w »rld. We r- g» e his unexpected demise EVEN M). The Gioservatyr iutimateH b>a8tin_ ly that Dr J U Price has charged th» colored ministry with tar greater mor al and mental incapacity than wag charged by Prof Washington W have never heard a finer defense made by Dr. Price in Atlanta—Augusta Sentinel. The change originated with a Boston paper, and was exaggerated by thv Southern *‘Rec «rdet. The Sentinel is right h iwevur, in sxyiug that the c lored ministry has no stronger de tense living than Dr Price. His plea in their behalf in Beechers church seveu years ago was one of the strong est ever uttered by a member of tfoe race The Co uerwtor and Rec»rder are away off this time and need to hunt other ammunition as their supply is exhausted in its premature discharge. JOHN WESLEY AHEAD OF ^ ALL. For the last several days Mrs, FUta Batson Bergen, the noted colored wing' er, has given a series of priz* concerts in the following churches. Wylie A M. E ,^A very Mission A. ME ^ionl fabe'rnacle Baptist and John Weblev A M E, Zion. It was given oni that the chuoch selling the ra «t ticket', and having the highest seller would win the prize and be eonnidered tb* m*J6t popular church On Wednetc day Eve,-Dec. ljth the last ' its the series was held iu the John Wesley church. Notwithstanding the snow lay Id inches on the ground, and wus still coming down the church was filled with a very intelligent and apprecis* live audience The singer was acc m paniod by a select band of John We»» iev's bea< local talent, and Miss Put* press as Pianist Th • exercises being over, mauag r Bergen aunounoed the result, wnion shows that John Wesley nas cleared more money than all otb» era in the cmtest, and J.W. Sands her highest seller His w st e $20 *ir fir*t prize. itifs Broad Anr * - *+*+.+-"T»» THE FABMEE'ci ALLIANCE. North Carolina hss certainly a Fanner’s Aliiauo- legislature with a Vengeance. The men certainly are true blue. Fhev have already paw ed Resolutions instructing the senat *ra and repregnu 1411 yes m congress, from the state, t 'sopp <rt the subr treasury bill—or something stronger*** urt ft ardly endo siog the Ocala platf >rin They liave thoroughly c-'mmit<ed ’Senator Vauee to the measure and he hss agreed to supp >rt it The farmers are indeed a great power iu the land to day They are j ist beggnfuing to realize what their organized strength am hints to, and they a** forcing ehe elements «>f op position tor treat for terms of peace 4 id cuueidati-'n. *. |.i<feed the holiest yeomanry of the country shpui(| he treated with great; er consideration an,4 respect th^n bitnerto. Every class is protected and coquetted with but the farmer, and the time has at length arrived when he must have bis interest looked alter, or he will demaud to know the reason why . 4 .However we think relief will come to the farmers through independent political action, rather than reliance on a party thajt has always opposed the granting to tabor its just d 3mands ' ni—w i»i .’ifc 1111 n.— * ' T8Y AMAIN. it contemporary Dr J 0 Price a «eri>.U8 injustice lo quoting tbe Boston Trarue ipt report of a speech Or Price '&fhr*r*d in that city The whole p int «*f the speech is l««t m the abbreviated statement, Dr Price was descanting pn the great prgress of the nice under serious dis advantages. He pointed out that out of the 10,000 Negro prea h< rs—wh are the actual leaders -of the race— and who are leading well under the circumstances, that not more than 5MJ00 had received any special school • raining,' and that yet they Were doing »U«b ft irofl wHjHt such training Which eras the marye} of rhe g/e ‘The whole speech Was, iod**d, com: pliuietitary fit the highest degree so ihepegro ministry ^fludeedy. Dr Price has said less in criticism of hie raoe, than, any man ofhia capacity that we knosi th*r far-fetoh«d in the fteoorder s ?u«*i endorm but «mu» (MUd i Why Hoes n<»t the President o the name f James H Young?' be Senate for c- ufirmati>>n as I’oi ecror at the Put* sf W “ah_. ia« been asitd f r and urged bv *s j .ud men a» are>* he fnind ih-:ihe St ite, white and black alike -«-Stah •fZion. . , Tbrge be bold W> rdt», Sir Dane* y^Taware ofjfehe foil tin plication •tynor statement ? ■ Ifc*-vo» aeaUf mean to charge that Benjamin Har rison, President (it these XJf.frbd Stae*. actually agreed to d«> a thing which he tailed to <t?i? Genera^y, »ucb a change would be tantAoV'tyut to sating that such a person is unre liable, that his promises are not to he depended upon In this <*aae, surely Edit« r Dancy is not so seiious We Would like, however, to be set straight, for the Star of Zion is otfi* i>f the'papers u Vrknces have gr- at weight —Augusta, (Ga.) Sen tinel. • Their Oddness, brother Wright, is ott'y equ led by their sincerity aud their 'truth. We go further. The President not only agreed to make the appointment, but actually ma te it, and sent it to the Senate for*• co< Urination, and it fsiied iievause of the inability of ihe Senate to reach it be fore adj Urnment. This occasioned a tremendous fight immediately affe» wand, Which baa thus far prevented Mr. Young’s name fcyjn, being sent iu again' We did not; mean Yvujph imii -n o^jithefwise to, infer that the President bad, nof told the truth He did really nuceNfhat he agreed to do, and we were merely jogging bis memory so as** have him repeat so creditable" a performance. BISHOP J P. THOMPSON, M D. We present to our readers this week a very excellent Jikeneg* of Bishop J. p. Thompson, M D T*» sav he is a remarkable man in many way a is but to declare what all who know I'im are felly aware of He began life as a slave io Virgm * But be did ®ot like slave-life, and took nis master’s beet horse, and under the pretense «>f going to»a visit, stopped uot until he batfleaned into free* loth In making the j*'*urney however, he had to ■snhdue «&•* ietrils at one-,. they hav;ng sotigbt acie and return bira into slavery# He was robu t, being of powerful (U »u>d amt build, and easily dispose ! f tne entire crowd- V * .. V Once into fretdoR* his inpatp love of knowledge began to avert itseJt, and hence be eooo found himself, after a hard day’s mil, with, b ». k in baud, learning those lessons* witch were to serve him to so great purpose in late, years He learned pretty rapid) because he was anxious to learn. In early life he was converted upder the preaohiug of a pious aud devmt servant or G**d, and he attrib utes bis subsequent success in life to thi$ fact. 4II his triumphs are the result of hie ieiplH* faipi gnd f-'ust in G*d He was .the intimate f>iebdan<t It ib reported that Bisb'pTotu, • aon i| prepariog a work on hi*life’s rec Elections, for which w# bespeak i/< advance a tremendous sale. He is true to his church and its teuets. He has filled (Oust of «»ur iarg - churches North aud was regard* ed as a forcible preacher aurt w>ode* fuI revivalist Speaking to ua n-a long ag », he r. marked that some f th« tellows tried to outprepeh him when he heltf the fci»u church at New y.tra, &ut hp said ti they o»uld«i,> cbig&ftey g&mm financial ^tfPrlmy fails in such eases tioiii puO^^JBtxik . Ouooera on a l^bwKijpval it aJinoet entirely •f$fe di*0Wal embarr/i^iaetit, and pljged it igiboutd 80011 Prove a soWgce of riveat^m the church * ** n jffe hflSPfTOov*r*ight at preset-t ufjlhe North . Carolina, Geuese ami Michigan and Canada conference-, and the way he is rransterriog men to the 'two. Titter fftitu the form** mdi cates that be means t > strengthen help bw cbnri^tmd a*d fi's cotnjigeif t«» make it what they d< sire it shoo <d b&^aJ wring exaihptc J»f * *± weak things of the world to confound the mighty. ^ . ^ CONDOLENCE. tPiX**** * , Yamt- ’*D> ^' i ¥<m have ',mV_«jn«are lytupathf^ Earth hjw no sol-ryW that beaten cau notliein ~*** - ”*** *■-*** ‘*>**^06*Thoma* 1 /# ’**' ' * * 4 . '.k • *-»r tJ3«jJu»ar?.‘Md •' May tbia afflicti* >n be sanct»fi«i i • your j/o-d, aud iu the neer future enable you 'to fully \eiPize that,all tbiOit**wnrk together fur good {utiytyu. ttoTW« (&r * v , ^ J A D Bloice. Wilmington, NT*(J. ** Editor DabbyHe who tamper* the wind to the shorn lamb, will never tax bin servant* ben.i d thei* strength I qnnpathiaa with y >u greatly* - . ,, Maqgib L. W hiteman . Wiiwy», N. <; j M.a^thegood Lor$ sustain, support and comfort you in this b uir of iriaf ■> - V' ** « .1 J- W Levy. * Philadelphia, Pa. I fnabr^otir' wife welf, and I d» • plordlWfc?^tiu her untimely You have our heartfet ay ugpathy. ' Ukh JmyE^D HtjARO' 43 Dawifti;} I gyuapathut wi b you ih (be ’death. of • ymlr dear wih (inr thie «4r>.< tukrtaet %* dew ba-r bamVfcmi hi* W#what4fc "i* nsthejeii; all hfone1 in the %m\d > >1 eau’.onU »ay, in the wordref • J<b,- **the kn-d glietb, tCnd he l>*d tak« th aimff Brtdfop’tiad**r y**oir bhrdeii sw^bes*1 you cau and truaf God and he wif> taltadiir** f*you all; Y*for friend, A l/. GAiTBEfc, ■ • *• ' - - - Kn«>xville, Tens “ >j -Henderson, Njr, ‘In the death of your 'deajr *$},,!. regard it aa not only y<>ur grm»u*i and moat solemn JRwfartijne. pfi »TjuaUv afiared^ with the churph, $|*t* and race. Accept-'my de pest cypd«>< enee^SHth y>u in your d^sjtean .* I uOaftmtffl yon to the source of justice. * peace, rigbte’ -utm«SB .^ward^ef good *o |1< rnep , *7; To Wrap death in a roan tie ..f mercy ie what others have done in - ■^oeot language tbsu I: ever could hope to com round . To tell you it l* thp krt of mortals is but to*epea>» The .K«iy're«i'c**nof.^rt yi>u can dar|»** from my pen ia, took in th*'diieetj«u»i it points The Soger points heaven i wa*d 4 JL would say, think *of Mr* G U Milks J THE .MISSIONARY „_CONFER ENCE—R are' PROGRESS INDICATED. [>!!*• ,, AN INTERESTING LETTER FROM THAT • FIELD. BY RBV. SMITH qJUpOBNi;. Mr, Editor: Probably the many readers of the Star would like to, receive some* intelligence concerning* the Missouri conference, somp of whom-1 * presume are- unaware of its existence. This conference was'set off by the Kentucky conference *flf P*l •1S°wK5Ps7^ traveling preichcre, fwelVe Ttofises of worship,' mne hundred members, and nit»tb^a>oi»pwnwiiy.j^- tJmr.qhfe in many respect* vine guidance nod sup.ort we have succeeded in liquidating the debts of three or four of our ending churches, Several others hav^been ri^ntrfW arid* beautified, membership1 increased to one thousandi four hundred and twenty three. -Four jqpw societies have been organiaed under very en: couraging circumstances, and we coin template the erection of two of three new churches this year. Our con* f rence territory is large,Jthe'field i» white Unto harvest, and competent, worthy laborers are few. But are have DO suph a word P in vocaba 'gpjS&S?J£ES?% conncctidn in the near s3B hurch (hat had a tearly a thousand, nodate his Sabbath ations. May the triune God eou inue to augment the wceeaa of Rev. fhorapson and send us a few more as ie. Rev. Anthony Bunch, the pastor of >t. viark’s chapel, St. Louis, with a math but faithful membership is mak ng strenuous efforts to purchase a wenty-eight thousand dollar church >n the North west, corner of Nine eenthand Morgan sts. Rev. Bench ra- in the organisation of the Ken nckv conference, and if he fails to jut^WaHtTmembership in a new Ttnsrcft, it will be his first failure of he kind durfffe^is ministerial ca •AjUiuC. Jemp!^ of St. John, Sdhth St. Louis ii^Mwing a com 'nendkbte degree M success. He fias buil*< a new fefcce around his :hurcK,^iftd k now making prepara :ions to have it repaired and beautifi »d, . wh[icH when completed will greatly enhance its prestige in the Gptpmn^ijLjL.. #f 4* .Jones’ 'Eabcpjacle.^ Indianapolis, [od^wbich r^s re-JnRil and finish MyW l^tycar by Rev ■ r. J, Mahson, now of Chattanooga, Tcpn\ Vis doing grandly under the leade/snip*of R<r^. *W.H. Ealy. It is the finest and <tnost attractive Ne*ro church, in the interior of the Stale ot Indiana, Its financial and ipiritpaCcondition has been greatly improved \n the past four months. Hev.'Ealy has no superior and but few equate tot honesty, magnanimity and connectional pride and interest. He wields a potent influence where ever hr goes for God and Zion regardless of the many peculiar and perplexing circumstances by which he is enwiruped* He moves on with an „ indomitable will and courage, handling' thd debts of his church (which, w*H aggregate nearly seven mousand duffart)' apparently with as Itkkh ease<as'«rg»Mt would handle a boy Of five summers. His pdapfeaie highty-ontAtfsed over the ntlillaffkprospects otj&eir signal sue <*“■*»«!*«c,« .. . tstyeiv. uaue, iuamu*PQiw, is Kr!tu usify and l<ermati»,utly>mergiog fr»>m the slougii tff deepoad and insolvency, rhe local ion, mechanical *kill, archi tf crurai beauty and pauper t ion of this 6urch,'V%irder ltt one & the most .umirjdj e in iKe* conference. It waa (srr^d-a&i ui tightyears ago under ile ^ O. B Wal «er,*» ie of the bftgfcatst intellectual igbis oi the Keutueky conference, a dee th ok'^Uu,' an ek-euent preacher, and an t duoatyr of great repbte. But isiu& hjk runovaf better than tivLuiui^vuUfiuua comparatively ' 1 * ^•na ,5*r the good Retf’ William F 'of H two months ‘great good, lly baa been Jones u an ago (jiQoe Whl _ fi and«ily aaid aooomplisbath upright* honest^ Holy Ghost preacher aud the people aay he ia the right niaft and is i* the right place. Your hiitfible &rv*nt fat ppver tfeajfd hotter » gp4 made toffcal mure like the fficeuf Presiding Elder is deairable add lucrative ouer than while h Iding the quarterly aseotingsof Elders Ealy and Jones, ^lay the fc»»od Lord con nate to hVeaa their labors with unbounded success There are several other churches on my district whose labors since oonfer euOfe dre'equally meritorious and note worthy. But as I do not’wishto worry you with a lengthy, uninteresting fetter, l wijl conclude by saj jnp that thi membCra ot the Missouri oouferr ence have reeotved by their loyalty anfworkjto refute eyerything that h«a been said derogatory to their orihnSptt inti interest, jmd especially Vbiiefh^y were member* of the Ken* tucky conference ;a*d we frel that if tiJesstqte and highly distinguished edi** r woU*d eirfeit «otir annual confer euche hi ‘ct thnion with others, that he wrklfffa«e»eat«4M kindly and magr Hsnimously by- uV ae hgany other dlhlH*-B«e upbr the ftce* of B»s globe. ar paitoK wahtn peace and harmo ny to>‘ reign tfa 'bia ofaureh, and eapec tallyhetweerf- himself, and members, he bad b«*<W visit all alike, and any tn«mbe* who ia tod lioentious and disreputable fw tbtf - pastor to visit ate hi Id hot be retained as a member. HoweNrdr, dear Editor, we ***** you t» visit *iar conference some time, an! not ihthonse some one else to aa t .r you who will send unrated reports ^UMhnsJmt qu tbcWaad truth. Uh««*, ii

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