marked take notice that 7 NOTICE TO CORRESPOFDEITI^ii MfiristtSH* Wbo «re p»*toh ifc chuj^ot A. M E Zion dkonibA *J^ hereby •othorfted to act as agentetc the .6x4* of. findujg * deanqhtnt faubeoiiber, o persons desirous ot subscribing- is < ques&d ttyarifeefc frenimch «penc»> and the cash to thk ifliceaft^ taking cut the ocsfc qi fcrwai ding t»* same* < Most people and ifc.oasier to lay dowirgeid 0m*pk*,&u* **» *>bey them.:: Thtngs indiiflk«'W«y ««. demn in others they indulge in thenflliMfefc *ta* nut *&*■' tit Id^-arfferSfeass** *»•>■** The Wisconsin legislature has. passed a law guaranteeing? to colored people the stb$e privileged in ‘hotels and places of aro^aroept as,are ao corded to white people. ; , 6. iJ |~; .w'^W.kVv..^j Thu man who hat the conseftorik1 ness has never wronged any dfhitfMllowsi, Oithir secretly or opeotly, is not afraid fcr thh’light to be turned, \fydh~- hie' say in gs ^and doings.' ‘ .7 imUt Pbkachikg that fail® to feed the viM the tliinfcs of God may be eter so elo jiiniit o»© th»g needful, ttd *Will fail to build u|> the church 8piritually£g|^jg^*j| - * b’aOM'the way‘t^ng6'fco‘k'now it will cost almost as much to &rty* on lawsr^Vith^e^^p^brs^Hbe income lH^IWiNiHHfcS jlteSfiofll. since’ ■ agaa^ewlHitelrifa Wit. **** il* ok m iimT iistfiT *** r#sx«« tion Whfclfhas befc^lfltrittSstefedto Dr. Lansitiff for his uriwtbranted as scrtion against f)fesid'&At'^Jleveland shows that right thinking people wf opposed to the wty>Je&10 and uijbe. coming hldf tier' ch *h too often published concerning . persons^, in characterize ike plant in the sunshine and the rain. The fruit thatgiwwaon pluate which among them and be ye separate.” rrtep As ex trntted States Senator M. C. Butler of South Carolina lingers around Washington ashamed of his State and waiting for something to to»pt,lwrtiJdB landhimJn anoth i can eke an ainibg days, PPH ' t pic 1 and to —m .jhai.fu - »n v 8A)u CUXRuo HJulS. •’tftoid profit I f HtejKfcerB _tbd Wifch'steeped :l**inlgttittf Winded by bitter " prejudice, cruel li»*rWr*nd inexcusable lawlessness. • - ..*t£M*K THE ATI^WTA EXPOSITION. ^ %i>w that the ijqprsbf this great Southern e.n prise are being encouraged in the way^even, beyond most sanguine expectations, es most Of die states of the many foreign governments agreed to make exhibits and participate largely in the Exposition, vfr. I. Garland Penn,, the eommis sioner in partakent, is on the ground and busi ly engaged endeavoring to work up and makejthat department show in A manner that will be creditable to on and an honor to our i|ple.. But ft must be evident to ail that he needs the cooperation and Inf port of all who desire the Negro Department to be a success Hamp ton (Va ) Normal and Industrial In stitute lias led off among the schools of the race. It is planning to make a complete exhibit of .the work of all its departments and expects to make an attractive and thorough showing of . the scope, and aim of the work done at that school. " The TPoman’s Loyal League, of Salisbury, is making strenuous ef forts to aid Livingstone College to make a creditable exhibit. Let all the Negro schools and every organi zation having anything worthy of exhibition become interested and get ready to contribute His part toward thfe Negro exhibit'" Wo must have a exhibit. . fogro De mrr STEOSG DRI# K DID IT. We regret to learn that Dr. C. N. Grandison, a promineut minister of tbe M. E. Church and at 0*0 Jame president of Bennett College at Greensboro, N.C., has been exclud ed from the miaiat«y on accpunt of becoming a victim to strong drink. According to what wc have heard of his caee he began to use strong drink as a medicine under the direc tion. of a physician, but when the appetite for it .was fastened upon hjm it continued to grow until it at ticked his mind and now he, who wafe once one of most bitter foes and most uncompromising temper ance orators, has been thrown froih a lofty height to a position which makes him ap object for sympathy and pity. The' admonition of the iHse man—“Look not thou upon the wine, when it is rjp^wbcp it giveth feis color in khe cup, whe* it moveth itself aidght. At last it biteth like a sfer^nt and stingeth tike an adder.’’ All men will do well to.j^ad and hied theee * words. We hope that 0r, G randison, whose eloquent voice And fertile brain gave him a place Among the foremost men of his race may yet arise and in the strength Which God supplies through his grace, overcome the monster and be fiee oi once mote and do much tot God inj the race SO *aid tha§Hiey|lo$&tf iJReStljp^hlr 8’ate ifli^ bouMp land gratis for they feared that thej would not bo protected by the govern meat. ' ; H ■ *v‘ In the face of the above hard liti*s thegovernor of+;outlf<&ro|ina, the two ZTbited States senators and uow kno>Twhat^ oould be .(.wiser, iHfeWdjK* tWTftl h“,lVf fertheas thmgs to.wutinue? If t,hfi whoso pyivilege. it is, do uol use up and right the^e gross wioiigs, surely the God, who has said! ven geance is mine, I will repay, will, ere long, bring ^a cufse upon tha .State that will griud evil doers between tlib millstone. We are proud for the gqpdLthing* that can be said about North Caro Kna. It has always been ahead of its ^ter, when ifcjoametqtgiaiiciplet of right, justice' and progress, and it is destined to go yet farther ahead unless South ( arolina lays aside her idols, sins, crime* and iniquity anu takes up those principles of justice and :uds4qm w]bich ..alope are ealeu, fated to make a State and its peopk respected, grpat aud strong. Let us hope that the few good mpfi who are strugglingfor the rigid; may vet sue ceed in saying the State from fur, ther disgraee. A W GERMAN 7HATNEEBfcTH N$T BE ASH A MEG. We rewired a letter last week from f ev. James Henry Jackson, of Blacksburg, 8. 0, informing us that he is now preparing to build a new church at Oaffneyiity, arv iraport ant and progressive 't wn between Charlotte and Spartanburg, on the great Southern railway. Elder Jack son says, if he can get some -help from the ministers,,.members and friends of Zion abroad, he will bn able Jto build a fine church anti have it yeady far occupancy, by the first or -middle; of august Should Elder Jackson be ablo to ^arry out his plans in,building this church it will make the nineteenth church he has Built since he has entered th^ ministry, all of which are,respectable buildings and some of, which stand among the best wood; churches in the South Carolina conference El dey Jackson is not yet an o d man, scarcely;jnore than fifty, if that, but as a builder he stands almost without a peer, in the connection He is one of the jno$t,pious,; exemplary ministers we over knew. He never , refuses «to gjo wbeie. he is sent oi fails on any charge. He is a power in the. pulpit, believes iu aud preach es a full salvation in the present lift. Such a man is a workman approved unto God, tliat fieedeth not bf ashame. He> needs and deserves fi nancial aid to erect a church at Gaff ney City. Zion has; struggled long for a foothold there and has now but sevep members, M e are sort that if any man canhuijd .a, church there Elder Jacksou is that rnau^ Weask fq«..him contributions to help in that* im portent work., Zion, has too. long allowed herself to re main put of ‘iippp$ant towns in South, Parolina If we are hold an important place among our piste? churches and do great work for God \?e most go into Hus pities and towns aod.prea«b the preaching the Master bids us . Gaffney is an important to Jp ^ jw, people are constantly moving there The eyes of northern capitalist are turupd toward it Let us he p ; brother , Jacksou. , Any raoney-scut him to Blacksburg,^; C., properly - applied toward |he . |t 9$ney City*-E* dry jb^op iu $iou, scores of her ministetst And leading colored iAnd whits thi^totowiH test%^;hia integrity. Hb pledge him; soaae astistitose for our :pa^t ’■ J E^OKAL MENTION. '* $*»£ appointment M J3*gy. £huford, reoentlyof'the East ?M* s ^mfeieneej to m ibip oi tbe^ort&^tffcreho* ^he„ accession to (hat coa church they ought the ions what SfiT" i2ev. D. A. McKay of King’s Mountains is one of Zion’s older mim.tersbut he believes in progress along every line*? JJe>is organizing hristian Endeavor Societies in his ' *** Presiding Elder* White, Kesler -and Henderson of thejBlue Ridge conference have" ducfr "given .us re* g .< , Mforing charge zeal success He never fails on his ap* pointment. *V are pleased to learn that Rev. \ T. Whiteh has been appointed to the 1 pastorate of . the West End ^ Pittsburg) church and is succeeding nicely. The writer having organized that church and licensed its first pastor (Rev, John T.fJMoore) feels a deep interest in its s *** Rev T H, Staten is proving to be the right man in the right place at ranklin, Pa * * • * l Homewood A.K. E. Zion church b Nourishing as never before undei Rev. W. J. Holland. It is now tht uMht popular colored church in the oast section of Pittsburg. It was onilt by Rev. Adam Jackspn. a** Professor Booker- T. Washington, principal of the Tuskegee Institute, fuskegee, Ala., recently delivered a lecture before the Fisk University Lecture Bureau. “* **!fc We are -sure it w 11 payi every minister and member of our church to learn tha£ Father A. Hannon of Montgomery, Ala, is so serisualy il; that grave doubts of his recovery art entertained He w* .one of, if not the oldest, and pis ppce one of tht foremost ministers in the East Ala b&ma conference, lie has always sustained a most exemp ary charac ter, stood high as a citizen and is i> man of large means who has ckmt much for his church and people. Lateh—Since writing the above, colder Hannon has passed away. Be died Saturday, the 13th iust., at his homO ih Montgomery, Ala and was buried Monday from the Old Ship Sogers is conducting a sful revival in rt mce ^beginning be ras called to his assis successful revivalist, Rev ollins, who recently assisted F. A. Clinton at PittSburer. 1 J. H. McMullen at L ***. Few men are making greater sacri fices o? laboring more zealously to build up Zion than ‘is Jiev D. J. Donohoo td establish permanently and prominently our church in < hi cago. His amiable and cultured wife is assisting nobly. ’* •* We need nd better evidence of th# good'results of tlie preaching and living up to the doctrine of full sal vation than is clearly demonstrated •n.the work, of Fev. £ Geo. Piddle at Jersey City, N J* The church at that point is not only alive, it is Nourishing and Brother Biddle preaches and lives the full salvation. Wr are, indeed;; very grateful to Presiding Elder T J. Manson for having sent us a list of subscribers accompanied wrth 1 his odder for Oh 'aecbuiit ri beihg ready to go to press we were uoabletopub Yish his; district notes in this issue. send >! flic D«xt lift oi ca h subscribers? 1 ;’$£■ . tiU iJ,;,. i ■ 4, + csABton^NEwa ■J- r-u 1? hl t,;W> A *&?>£ The;a|frdWhill|Fc!ity elflKfen has been the cause ofmore interest than any election since the last presiden tial campaign. The Democrats are running straight tickets this time No colored- representative or Kepub liwui has been placed ' on the ticket th» time, . Heretofore a colored al derman has always been placed on ®rr|glilCicket. The. Democrats could stand a colored alderman, but drew the .line at a colored school commissioner. 1 he second ward has ^good-sized .majority of colored vot ers and if they were to stand togeth they could easily eteot the colored nominees, Dr N. B. Houser for al derman and Prof. H. A Hunt for school commissioner. TTe shall tell THE BANNER CHURCH of the ' YEAR. TWO ELOQUENT SERMONS BY BISHOP * WALTERS.—EXW CHURCH-—RE CEPTION.—DR. MORELAND. H BY REV. W IJ. MARSHALL. Wljbh the Southern Express of Frida/ moruing, March 29th, ended its long journey in the Harrisburg, station there stepped from the well crowded train two men whose very demeanor stamped them as men who were grave responsib li ties. They were Bishop A. Walters, D. D., and Rev. Dr. «'m Howard Day, who were met by the wri er and Dr Moreland. Before escorting our distinguished visitors to their home, we led them to the newly built *‘e$ley Union A M E. Zion church <>h |South st. Halting, as we ap preached the edifice, gazing at its three imposing, slate covered gables, surmounted by five beautiful finials, ahd marking the harmony And uniqueness of design, the bishop ex Claimed, “ Vfy most sanguine expec. tatiofis have been far surpassed. It is wonderful, wonderful. That is easily one of the most imposing structures owned by Negroes.” *' THE NEW" CHUBCII Here, about as well as any place, I can give a brief pen picture of the MNew Church,” Imagine, if you can, a lot 80x52, the shape of which is an elongated hexagon, facing ~a street rod an avenue . On this erect by imagination a brick building, brewn stone base, blue stone trimmings and roof of three gables as above de s^ribeid, rl’t*ee upon the six pilas cers six beautifully designed galva nized iron finials.. Let your windows ue qf the most recent design and of che largest dimensions extant. Have vouir door in front on the short arm of the elongated hexagon. Kyle*of architecture, Gothic. I ost, includ mg site, material Tn old building and furbishing, $20,000. Just a word concerning the interior. 'I he first floor contains a lecture room, an in fant department for school, two class rootn8, a pastor’s study and a kitch ear.4 These are separated by glass petitions which can be elevated, throwing the whole first floor into one. large lecture room, capable of aocoffltnodatmg about 800 persons. he. second story, which is ^reached by two flights of winding stairs, has an elevated floor and the furniture, including a $2,000 pipe organ, will be of the roost modern design. The building is lighted by electric lights and gas and is heated by steam. THE IXFO HAL OPEXING. At. the hour announced on Sabbath March 31st, the incompleted lecture room oi this buildiug was informal ly opened. After singing by the choir," 4pr Hay Tead. in his usual hnpiessive manner the lessons from the scriptures prayer by myself fol|owed. T hen Hr Moreland intro dused the Bishop, who spohe &om ■ .iiN^i.,j»., ..if., i" in »■• More and to Harrisburg is indisput able evidence, i Me has proven the man of the boar. Fhen tbe ebur. h thought it knew nhora it wanted I sent to you a man who was a strung er tdLthf n|i>Wt conference Like Bismarck, Gladstone and L ncoln, he came iqfelhe fulbiess of tira add that the collection was not made a specialty, as all ef forts are being reserved for the ded ication which occnr3 in the near fu ture. A short time ago this church raised over one thousand dollars in one da , and expects $ 1,500 at the dedication KECEFTION TO B'SHOF WAI/TJSK8 On Monday, April 1, the bishop was tendered a public r ceptiom which lasted frdra eight to ten p mf and which was attended by a vast and thoroughly representative gath ering of Harrisburgers After the rendition of a short program, the members of the Bishop Walters Club under the auspices of which the reception was tendered, esemted the guests of honor to the “ Royal Ta ble” where a sumptuous feast was enjoyed The guests represented the elite of the city On tnesday the (Jishop, accoiupa nied by Rev J IT ~mith, Zion’s leading corr spondent, started on a trip thro the umbtrland Valley NO I BS BY THE WAY. Use members of the building c tu rn ittee are as follows: chairman, Dr «V H l ay j financial secretary, Prof J P /Scott; corresponding sec rotary, * George Galbraith, rod of a lamented bishop; treasurer, A W Deunee; K. B Marshall, Jacob Al ien, -amuel Hall, Nicholas Butler Henry Pradley. HIGHLY COHPLIMEH ED. BY BEV w. H COLEMAN. Jodis’ University, located in iueca iooss, Ala, has a president in tbe per son of Prof David Williams Parker, (fwhoroyoit chuich and the race need not be ashamed. I have am-wn the young man fur some time, an1 1 am favorably impressed with him. He has lectured several tinns in this dir, one of which was in roy obuich. He electrified his Urge audiences every time. Last February he lec tured here in Zion chureh and there was net staodirg n om We were very eoxry when this giant young man left cur city. We bid him weloome at any time. Meridian, Mfe* AN EASTER BAZAAR An Easter Bazaar was given by the Womans Loyal League and the students cf Livingstone College on Easter Monday for the purpose of raising funds to prepare a College ex hi bit .for the Atlanta Exposition Tbe entertainment began, at l o’clock, p. m.. and continued at ni^nt A pleasing pr^rapi was ran* dared by the Price Memo ial Concert Compaxry io * large and appreciative audience. Refreshment were served ! and a vati ty of fancy articles were on sale. , , Mi*. E iz% Gardner, of Boston made a beauliftr t ad valuable oontri bn n Wimhisfetifc* b ^i^ ngoi he« Uttr»vt op|y A bo* of clothing. w*> .not.loi g a^D,>*rt | • PA?ety. A well arranged and care* tally prepared program was presented to. an appreciative audience. The de bate was, as usual, an attractive fea ture and the music was far above the average, which reflected credit open the energy and zeal of Prof. Blount, the efficient musical director. I>r. Wright delivered the annual address which was clear-cut, thought ful, pointed and forcibly detiverea. Prot. R. B. McCraiy delivered the annual address u> the Aiumm Aastoi* 1 aiion Oaty a lew persona heard his fine, scb laxly production which was a great literary treat. Prof McCrary . <8 one of Lincoln’s brighte-1 graduates aid is one ol the foremwt educat >ra " i<» the 8tate. The inclemency of the weather presented many from attend "g who otherwise would have attend ed. The year’s work for the school joat ended has been lar ahead of that of previous years. The attendance haa been better and work ot the student* more satisfactory. The curriculum was raised this year which prevented he graduation of a class. Prof Mar in has labored earnestly and zealous fj to build up the school and his ef forts are being crowned with aueceas. le wields a p >werful influence in the 'Oijurch of his choice and is highly re uprated by ail classes -of citizens. He deserves to succeed aad if persever ance, hard work and efficiency count or anything, success is his. CHE QUARTERLY REVIEW. The A. M. E. Zion Quarterly Re* vhi* is quite up to any number yet published. It gives a hist on o> Liv iogat- Dfc Co’.’e.e with cuts of all the Presidents, Chairman Board oi True* te*e, ard several teache’g, by Prof. B. A. Johnson ; a brief historical sketch of Zion church, by Rev G. W. Clin ton ; Zion Literature, by Rev. J. W. Sm'tb; an able termon by Rev.JA. G. ’Davis; a lengthy letter from H«n. Frederick Douglass, to Editor Dan cy ; * Morality and Religion,’*' by LawyerE A Johnson; ltP)oPatiia,” oi splendid poem by Editor Geo. C Rowe; Editorials on Frtderiek Doug lass, the (tntennial Jubilee, the At lanta Exposition, Changes in the Sooth, and much other interesting matter that should be read in every honqe Everybody who can should secure it. Price $i 20 per year, single copy 30c Address John O. Dahcy, Salisbury, N. CX y lM.PORTA.NT ^OriDii* Ministers and Sundayschool sopor* intendeuts are herebj notified that the Board of Bi»hope h«ve ordered all col lections tor the Bpnday .school de paitinent raised on Easier Bonday to be sent to the superintendent at tho Varick Memorial Building, 206 CoU lege street, Charlotte, N. C. The oondit>on of the department as it is at this time, and the changes which have been ordered by the Board of Bishops necessitate ua t» urge upon our brethren to rot forth an earnest effort to make the collec tion as Urge as possible and to send it in promptly. Remit all, moneys sol* looted on Easter Sunday or other moneys raised for the Sdaday-scboel Union to Her. tt. R. Morris, superin tendent Sunday sohool Union, 20ft College street, Charlotte, R. C. NOUCfi. T<* the Min inter4 if the A. J/. E. Zin Conneeiicn Dbab BBSXOBKa I desire to publish a "Centennial C'yclopcdia” of the A. M. B. Zion Ghurem Heretofore we have seen a few of Zion’s great mea published, but I wish to publish a work containing a short sketch of every active minister now traveling in the oonneetion. wttha few noted laymen and some great wo Will every minister be kiadenongh to sand ms at ones, a short sketoh ef hie life aid a bust wood eat} If Mg eon* vealent to do so, send you» photograph end flee dollar* and Iwfll kavwths rood cat made. All offloialaof a me and Foreign and the Son* and ecca or aay other ladies __ gaged la ohuroh work. A*o i«s and teacher* of our •epoeU glees*fend the uta me at tfew Baras, N.’C. ^ • ■*’ ihs''T e v * Tonra.fer Zfen, . ** *« j**•