CLOSE IN TOUCH W ITH GOD. BY R. L. PERKI NS. I would lie close in touch with Thee, My Saviour and my friend ; Into Thy confidence take me, On Thee do I depend. Jesus, my Saviour, Go land-King, My life, my guide, ny all; Eternal praise to Thee I’ll sing And on Thy name I’ll call. Closer and closer to Tty side Dear Saviour take Thou me, For all my wants do T iou provide TillT thy face shall see. Closer, until in Thee I live, Protected by Thy power ; To Thee my being now I give, O, take me from this hour. Br&wton, Ala. LOCAL ITEMS. ' t _ J. ELI WALKER, Rl PORTER. Mr. H. T. Hughes is spending the Summer at Buffallo, Va. The camp meeting, we are in formed, will start about the first week in August. Miiss D. Regina Scott succeeds Miss E. W. Sasser s,s one of the clerks in our office. The Y. W. C. T. U. concert at Friendship Baptist church Monday night was quite succe ssful. Miss Maggie Dixo i and Mr. S. L. Young will be united in holy bonds of wedlock to-night. Rev. J. W. Davis, pastor of the M. E. church, is meeting with suc cess in his series of ir eetings. The communion of the Lord's supper was celebrated at Clinton chapel last Sunday afternoon. While Miss A. E, Chapman is away Miss Gracie Scott presides at the organ of Clintc n chapel with ability and credit. For good work arid reasonable prices, send your p rinting to the A. M. E. Zion Publishing House. Mail orders receive prompt atten tion,1. The Charlotte Cycle club is pre paring for races J ily 4th. All who would like to enter the race contest, would do well to see eith er president J. T. Sanders, or track manager N. L, Wyche. Grace church is losing some of her best members. Two weeks ago Mrs. Jethro Surmer died, and Mrs. Mary Moore, a sweet soprano singer of * the choir died, Tuesday. Both had large funerals at the church. Miss Cornelia Gorham, after a stay of nearly three weeks in the city, left for "her home, Montgom ery, Ala., Tuesday night. Dur ing Miss Gorham’s stay in the city ' she made several fri ends and some “lasting impressions.” Among the recent visitors at the Publication House this week we note Rev. R. D, Davis, Misses Lydia Schenck, Miry Anderson, Minerva Thacker and Emma Richie. Misses Thacker and Richie are the guests of Miss An derson. Mrs. D. C. Covi igton, wife of the genial pastor of Clinton Chapel, recently left for Statesville to vis ti relatives, traveling through the country, a distance of 44 miles. The parson has the absence of his horse and buggie as well as his wife to grieve over now. Last Friday night the force and a few other friends of Miss Sasser, realizing that we were soon to lose her went to the home, of Miss Ad die McKnight to show our esteem and respect to our iriend, Miss Sas ser. The evening was spent very sociably and one of the mosten joy able features of ttie evening was the giving in of tho experiences of love. When the question was asked one young Is dy she said she had always found love “sorter nice” which put an end to that part of the program. Miss Sasser left Saturday morning via Wil mington for her home, Goldsboro. All expressed themselves as being sorry to have Miss Sasser leave. ON THE WING. BY REV. J. B. COLBERT. I left Washington Wednesday evening, June 1st, enroute for the Western New York Conference at Rochester, N. Y., arriving there Thursday morniDg in time to witness the opening of the day’s session. We found this Conference to be composed of an intelligent and progressive set of men. Bishop A. Walters was as sociated by Bishop G. W. Clinton. We were delighted to find that Bish op Walters put into execution the unique plan created by himself at the New Jersey Conference, to wit: that every minister can become a bona fide subscriber to all of our leading periodicals, viz.: The Star of Zion, The Quarterly Review, and The Varick Christian Endeavorer, for the sum of $2.25, and in keeping with the good example set by the New Jersey Conference, the New England, the New York, now the Western New York is following in hot pur suit. When we can get our ministers to read and patronize all of the literary productions of the brains of the mem bers of our Church, the signs of the times indicate that Zion is marching on. Really, we can see stronger and more potent evidences of the wonder ful possibilities for the Zion Church to day than ever before in her histo ry. We find the ministers of this Conference alive to every interest of the general Church. Away with your pessimistic and narrow notions about the interest in the Church being on the wane! Not a word of it. The Church as well as the world is growing bet ter every day. All the more because of the influence of the blessed Chris tian religion. We left this Confer ence full of hope and courage, and to God be all the glory and honor lor what the world and the Negro in par ticular have accomplished through the instrumentality of the Church of Jesus Christ. Among those who compose the old and venerable regime in this Confer* ence and have contributed so largely to make this in some respects the banner Conference, are, Fathers J. W. Lacy, I. Stewart, M. H. Ross, C. A. Smith and R. M. Turner. We find the major portion of the work has been transferred upon the stal wart shoulders of the younger men who have manfully and willingly as sumed the work which has come to them as the glorious heritage of the fathers, such as Revs. J. E. Mason, D. D., B. F. Wheeler, D. D., J. H. Anderson, D. D., G. C. Carter, J. R. Dangerfield, F. E. Owens, W. A. Eley, W. 0. Cooper, H. R. Phauix, B. W. Swain, A. R. Jackson, W. A. Fitch, S. L. Corrothers, J. H. Accooe, H. J. Callis, H. M. Cephas and oth ers of the younger men who give ev idence of hopefulness for a bright fu ture. r All V. C. E’s having celebrated or observed the anniversary occasion will please report at once as we de sire to publish names and amounts raised on said occasion. Those hav ing failed to celebrate will please do so at once as the time will not expire till the latter part of the month. Prayer without faith is salt without savor. PASTORS, ORGANIZE. BT MRS. U. BANKS. Mr. Editor: I have been a reader of the Star of Zion ever since the beginning of its publication, and this is my first attempt to write an aiticle for said paper. I want to speak to tbe ministers of the West Alabama Conference, as I am the Vice-Presi dent of the Woman’s Home and For eign Missionary Society. I beg them to do all they can in organizing the Society in the different churches and to encourage the women and tell them the meaning.' of the Society and its object for raising money. My heart, soul and bcdy are in the work. I also havg a gi’eat desire to travel ov6r the district, but on account of the illness of my husband, as you heard me speak of it in Zion church last January during the Conference, I am hindered in going over my work and doing my whole duty. I now ask the pastors to do all they ean to bring in a good report should we live to meet again in another annual Con ference. Pray that God may bless the good work throughout the dis trict as I know that nothing can be a success without prayer. Mr. Editor, I must say something more about this paper as I have some of the copies that were printed at the time that Dr. J. A. Tyler was man ager, and have many copies reserved. I love this paper as I do the Bible and I am sorry to say that a majority of Zionites do not know the good of the Star of Zion. On account of sickness, to read that paper is all the gospel I hear. I read it with a heart full of joy and eyes full of tears. You shall hear from me again soon. Mobile, Ala. A THANKFUL MAN. Dear Brother Smith: I take this method of ex! ending my heartfelt thanks to my many who have and are still sending me valuable presents in money and other things of a substantial nature. My Jubilee was a grand suc cess in every way, as it was associated with a Preachers’ Institute. It was of great interest to ministers and members. Bishop J. W. Hood was present associ ating our presiding Bishop C. R. Harris, and they gave us some wholesome infor mation. The program was carried out to the let ter and in grand style. It was my intention to publish the names of the donors and amounts of Jubilee presentations, but I have received quite a number of letters asking me to withhold publication until they could get in their donations. The Institute decided that the many friends might have until the first of December to get in their presents; and I have de cided to publish the minutes of the Ju bilee and Institute, and in the minutes I will publish the many soul-cheering let ters with all the papers read, and the sermon preached by Bishop Hood, to gether with the names and amounts of the donors. Up to this writing St. Peter’s A. M. E. Zion church, Rev. J. H. Love, pastor, Newbern, N. C., has sent in the larges amount of money, and Smith Creek cir cuit, on the Washington district, Rev. J. W. L. Council pastor, has sent iu the largest amount on my district. I have received letterf, and money from such distinguished persons as Bishop C. C. Pettey and wife , Bishop J. W. Hood and wife, Bishop C. R. Harris and wife; Bish op G. W. Clinton and wife, Rev. J. M. Hill, Presiding Elder, Dr. W. H. Goler, President of LI vingstone College, Rev. W. H. Davenport, Camden, H. J., and Rev. O. L W. Smith, Resident and Consul General to Monrovia, Liberia, who left with me $2.50 in gold before he sailed for Africa. He was first on the list. I have received money also from Rev. P. W. Lawrence, Rev. C. R. Coward and others that I have not time to men tion just now, but will later on. Oh ! we had a granc time, and the stay-away mtnisters lost a grand treat. 1 am a happy man to-day, and I feel that the Jubilee together with the Institute has added ten years to my life, whether I live that long or not. I am as ever yours for the success of our great Church, * W. J. M>ore, Box 59, Wilson, N. C BISHOP LOMAX’S APPOINTMENT “ 18-22, Montgomery, Ala Jane 23, Morganville, Ala NOTICE. To the Pastors in the North Carolina annual Conference: You are hereby notified thi.t Rev. Hubbard Bell, Of Goldsboro, N. C., has been appointed Conference Steward instead of Rev P. L. Cuyler, who has resigned. C- R. Harris, Bishop. BISHOP HARRIS’ APPOINTMENTS NORTB CAROLINA CONFERENCE. “ 19, 11 a m.,St Peters church, Newbern, J H Love. “ 8 p nc., Trinity Chapel, Newbern, A Hill. BISHOP HOOD’S APPOINTMENTS July 3rd, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th, Southern Pines, “ New Haven. Conn Bridgeport, “ Derby, “ Waterbury, “ Hartford, “ Haydens, “ Norwich, “ 20th-21st, 22nd to 24i,h, 25th to 27th, New Bedford, Mass Attleboro, “ Providence, “ 28th to 31s,t, Boston and Cambridge, “ August 1st, Portland, Me Shorthand ELF-TAUCHT stud, or the Manual of Phonography, by Benn Pitman and Jerome B. Howard. A perfect self-in structor. Over 355,000 sold. Thousands have mastered it; so can you. Sold by all bookseller;;, or we will send with Phono graphic Reader and Phonographic Copy Book, post-paid, for $i .25. Catalog and full infor mation free to those who wish to investi gate first. Send name on postal card. THE HENN PITMAN SYSTEM nas for 44 years been the standard. Called by U. S. Bureau of Education “ The Amer ican Syslem.” First prize, World’s Fair. The Phonographic Institute Co., 222 W. 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohiu ICUREFITS When I s&y I cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return Again. . mean a rac ical cure. I have made the disease of FITS. EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason far not now rec jiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Ex press and Postoffice address. Piof. W.H.PEEKE.F.D.. i Cedar St. .Mewlut Of the tiiieen City Real Estate Agency Is now open for subscribers. This institution is in a most flourishing condition and invites such subscribers as would like to invest in a money-making enter prise. H. A. Hunt, President, J. S. Leary, Secy, and Treas. Heac.quarters over Queen City Drugstore, Charlotte, N. C. Lithographs of Dr. Price, $3.00 per do2,en. Rowa’s Poems on Dr. Price with a fine cut of him on 1st page, $.50 per dosien. These can be furnished on short notice by Mrs. Jennie S. Price, Livingstone College, Salisbury, N. C. WANTED-A BOY. My boy Arthur Bolware of Fort Mills, 8. 0., left home Tuesday morning and has not returned. He went in the di rection of Charlotte, N. C. I traced him to Pineville and Shuman’s and was not able to trace him further. He has on a light pair ragged pants, is in his shirt sleeves, and wears an old red hat. H e is rather rawboned in the face and is 9 years of age. Any person finding him will do me a great kindness to in form me. PRIZES! Edward Bolware. It is not easy to take advice from those who have not in like manner suffered as we. We have heard some complaints relative to ministers transferring from one large church to another, but our inability to do the same is somewhat conspicuous. NE6R0 STARS! In Ml Ages Of The World BY W H QUICK, E8Q, Rockingham, N C NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION This is a very interesting and highly instructive volume. Its 400 pages carry information of vital importance to all readers, regardless of race or country. Sparkling with bright, life-like illus trations. It is handsomely and strongly cloth-bound. While it in very attrac tive, the reader, at the same time, gets the benefit of the widest possible range of thought and deep research on the va rious subjects discussed therein. It con tains many incidents and. theories con tained in no other book before the pub lic. It is indeed, a wonderful book. The conditions of life, whether in servi tude, liberty, honor, civilization, power, genius, patriotism, religion, domestic re lations, military glory or the decline and fall of the early Negro are all wide ly portrayed herein. The Negro has been an important factor, more or less in all countries and governments. Can you afford to be without it ? Liberal terms to agents. For a copy address, WH QUICK, Rockingham,N C St. Germain Female Pills, The only original and genuine French-JPemale Regulator, ol Mme. St. Germain, Parle. Unsur passed as being safe, sure and reliable in every case. Sold under positive guarantee or money refunded. Get the genuine. Price $1.00 per box by mall. Sole agents for the United States and Canada. King Harvard Co., 157 Washington St., Chicago. Free Trial Trea meat To every man. This offer Is made toy ttoe Illinois State Sanitarium provided application be made at once, Inordei that Its Inventions, appliances and never fall* lng remedies may receive the widest possible publicity, and prove their own merits by actu al use and permanent cure/. No money what ever will be received by the Illinois State Sanitarium from anyone u nder Its treatment until beneficial results are acknowledged. Its remedies and appliances have been com mended by the newspapers of two Continents and endorsed by the greatest doctors In the world. Where development Is desired, they accomplish It and never lall to Invigorate, up build and fortify. They Infuse new life and energy. They per manently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and produce despondency. They retone, refresh and restore to manhood, re gardless of age. They cure evil habits and permanently remove their effects, as well as those of excesses and ove r-taxed brain work, neurashthenla or nervous exhaustion No failure, no publicty, no deception, no disap pointment. Write to-day. Illinois State Sani tarium, Evanston, 111. The Oldest Colored Drug Store in the State. Friends, Spring is here and you are cordially invited to come and see us. We sell the best cigars and toilet articles. Our Soda Fountain is open in full blast. Delicious sodas, milk-shakes and sher berts served in lirst-class style. Mr E T Hasty, Ph G, licensed drug gist will carefully fill your perscriptions, using only fresh and pure drugs. Mr. Isaiah Hart, who has had five years’ experience at the soda fountain, will certainly please you. Dr. A. A. Wyche, a graduate ol Leon ard Medical College and who has had considerable experience in the Freed man’s Hospital, Washington, D. C., will make this his headquarters. His office is up stairs. Thanking yon for past fa vors, we solicit a continnance of the same. M. T. Pope & Co., Successors to Queen City Diug Co. Lots for Sale. I am now offering 43 lots for sale near the colored graded school, the finest property in the city, and prices and terms that will induce everyone to buy Prices running from Jl75 to $175 per lot, surrounded by Bonne ary, Myers, Alex under and Stonewall Streets For further particulars apply to E L Propst or John W Mill er Money loaned on notes anywhere in the United States. Postage stamp or a card sen Will ensure an answer. For particulars, Apply to, Isaac H. Smith, Box 727, Newbera, N. 0.

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