“PmSoTired!” As tired in the morning as whet I go to bed 1 Why is it ? Simply beca use your blood is in such a poor, thin, sluggish condition jit does not keep up your strength and you do not get tbe benefit of your sleep. To fetl strong und keep strong just try the tonic and purifying effects of Hood’s Sarsaparll a. Our word for it, ’t will do you goc d. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is America’s Greatest Medici ne. Hood’s Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents. WAR ATLAS. The Seaboard Air Line hat gotten out and placed in the hands o ' all its Ticket Agents at principal points, a War Atlas, showing theUnitec States, European Countries, Cape Ye*de and Philippine Islands, Cuba and its larger cities in detail, and with maps of the World, North Amerioa, Europe and South America. These Atlitses are full of informa tion and will prove of great assistance in understanding the movements of fleets and armies as given in the newspapers. On account of tlie great expense of getting oat this Allas, the Seaboard Air Line is compelle d to fix a price of twenty-five cente each, which is merely nominal. They can be obtained upon applica tion to Agehts, Representatives or to T. J. Anderson, General Pt.ssenger Agent, Portsmouth, Ya. 2t. Mrs. Madge Babcock, 176 Second St., Grand Bapids, Mich., had ovarian trouble with its attendant aches and pains, now she is well. Here are her owr words: “ Your Vegeta ble Compot nd has made me feel like a new person. Before I be gan taking it I was all run down, felt* i red and sleepy most of the time, had ptins in my ba ek and sideband such tevrible he idaches all tie time, andcould not sit ep well nighls. I al so had ovarian trouble. 1 hrough the advict of a friend I began the use of I ydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound, and since taking it all troubles have gone. My monthly sickness used to be so painful, bat have not had the Slightest pain since taking your medidhe. I cannot praiiie your Vegetable Compound too much. My husband and friends see such a change in me. I locjk so much better ai d have some color in my face.” Mrs. Pinkham invites women who are ill to write to her at Lynn, Mess., for advice, which is freely offered. *• u ■N . 28.—!93. Mrs. Relieved He:* of All Troubles. PILES “Isufferedthe tortures of tlie d amned with protruding piles brought on by < onstipa tion with which I was afflicted foi twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the town of Newell; la., and never found i Ay thing to equal them. To-day I am entirely lree from piles and feel like a new maa ” C. H. Keitz, 1411 Jones St., Sioux (!ity, la. CANDY m. CATHARTIC KVdttMetO TRADE MARK REGISTERED Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste 1 rood. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 1C c, 25c, 50c. ... CURE CON8TIPATIOH. ... ■torilot Rtad; Company, Chicago, l«tral, Nci T«ii. 3tt NO-TO-BAG BUGGY THAT COSTS $z TO $5. More than the cheap, tra*ky kind U worth all it < >|W and more too. That little amount pay* the extra ooat of food wheel., good axlea,: good paint, good leather, Ac. "SOCK HILL” Buggies “Ay Little Higher in Price Bat— ’ worth more because they ’STAND CP and keep away 1 om the Bhop. See our agent in yonr town or write ns ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hill, S.C. ■■■■■HUH IN ordering goods or making enqnirii ta of ad’ vt-rtisers it w^li be to your advantage to men< tion th is paper. 8o. 2$ LANCASTER DISTRICT. BY REV. J. H. JACKSON, P. E. The work of Zion in this dis trict is alive. Lancaster station held by Rev. W. A. Blackwell is moving on as never before. He and members are laboring with un tiring energy on their new brick church. He is a scholar, preach er, afid a successful leader. Centennial church under Prof. M. D. Lee, is moving on nicely. The new sash have been put in and an old debt for lumber paid, and now he will soon begin to ceil. He is a preacher and schol ar as you all know. Rev. J. M. Erwin, the “lion of the tribe of Zion,” is carrying the country. He is a preacher and successful pastor and allows no in terest to lag in his work. He has purchased a bell for Mt. Moriah. Zion is safe in his hands. Rev. W. M. Davis is succeeding well at Camp Creek. His people love him. He paid out in the sec ond quarter. God bless him. Rev. R. A. McCreary of Mt. Carmel hopes to build soon. His wife has been very seriously ill for some time and odds have been against him. He is a good pastor. Rev, S. C. Coureton has made improvements at both churches. He has put in a bell at Mt. Tabor and finished ceiling Corner Rock. He carries the people. Rev. A. D. Miller has ceiled Mt. Nebo and will dedicate it on the second Sunday in July. He is a good pastor. Rev. R. W. Wilson of Steel Hill circuity that preacher, law-maker and disciplinarian, is moving things. He has finished seating the church at Steel Hill. Rev. T. S. Barnes has built a fine church at Gold Hill and is remodeling and ceiling Ell Bethel. He knows no failure and will suc ceed. Rev. K Martin, that preacher and building man, is getting on nicely. He has framed a nice church at Pleasant Valley and it is now ready for covering and floor ing. Rev. A. J. Johnson is building a fine church at Fort Mills. Zion has been held out of this place for 20 years. Some of the members paid cash $5, $6 and $10 apiece for the erection of this church. The district conference will be held in it this Fall. He, with the assist ance of Rev. M. D. Lee, raised in the rally $70 the third Sunday in June. Johnson is strictly a hust ler. Rev. J. W. H. Jackson is hold ing the fort at Mt. Zion. Four conversions last Sunday night and nine persons added to the church. His people love him. He paid out elder’s salary in last quarter. Rev. A. D. Duncan of Old Zion reports everything moving. He has a nice congregation; and paid out the first quarter. Pray for us that God may start a revival in every church. The Lancaster High School, under the leadership of Prof. M. D. Lee, a true, natural born leader of men and children, is coming slowly but surely. Don’t get in his way. Come, young men and women, to this seat of learning and get pre pared for the duties of life. Lancaster, S. C. There will be a grand Fete and Soiree given at Friendship Bap tist church Tuesday night, July 19, 1898, for the benefit of the church. Let all attend. A Startled Metlier. From the Freeport (h{.) Bulletin, While busy at work irj her home, Mrs. William Shay, corner of Taylor and Han cock Avenues, Freeport, 111., was startled by hearing a noise just behind her. Turning quickly she saw creeping toward ner her four-year old daughter, Beatrice. The child moved over the floor with an effort,, but seemed Ailed with joy at finding her mother. The rest of the KrSffir in Mrs. Shat! Woe Startled. the mother’s own words. She said: “On the 28th of Sept., 1896, while in the bloom of health, Beatrice was suddenly and severely afflicted wit;h spinal menin gitis. Strong and vigorous before, in five weeks she became feeble and suffered from a paralytic stroke which twisted her head back to the side and made it impossible for her to move a limb. Her speech, how ever, was not affected. We oalled in our family doctor, one of the most experienced and successful practitioners in the city. He considered the case a very grave one. Before long little Beatrice was compelled to wear a plaster paris jac ket. Prominent physicians were consulted, electric bat teries were applied, but no benefit was no ticed until we tried Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. “Busy in my kitchen one afternoon I was startled by the cry of ‘Mamma’ from little Beatrice who was creeping towards me. I had placed her on an improvised bed in the parlor comfortably close to the fireside and given her some books and playthings. She became tired of waiting for me to come back and made up her mind to go to me, so her story, ‘My Pink Pills made me walk,’ which she tells everyone who comes to our house, was then for the first time verified. She has walked ever since. She has now taken about nbre boxes of the pills and her pale and pinched face has been growing rosy, and her limbs gained strength day by day. She sleeps all night long now, while before tailing the pills she could rest but a few hours at a time.” D^. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are •old by all druggists. Coal is dearer in South Afrioa than in anj other part of the world; it is cheapest Id China. Beauty Is Bloo<l Deep. Clean blood means a :lean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarel-s, Candy Cathar* tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. 'degin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Frankfort and Paris pawnbrokers have found it necessafy to enlarge their premises for the storage of bicy War Atlas. The Seaboard Air Line has gotten out and placed in the hands of all its Ticket Agents at principal points, a War Atlas, showing the United States, Euro peon jCountries, Ca’pe Verde and Phillipine Islanc s, Cuoa and its larger cities in detail, and with maps of the World, North America, Europe and South America. , These Atlases are full of ijiformation. and will prove of great assistance in understand ing the movements of fleets and armies as given in the newspapers. On account of the great expense of getting out this Atlas, the Seaboard Air Line Is oompelled to fix a price of twenty-five cents each, which is merely nominal. They can be obtained npoa apolication to Agent*, Representatives or to T. J. Anderson, General Passenger Agent. 'Portsmouth, Va. Conductor E. D. Loomis. Detroit, Mich., says: “The effwjt of Hall’s Catarrh Cure is wonderful.” Write him about it. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing 8yrup for children teething, softens the gums, reducing inflama tiomallays pain,cures wind colic, 25c. a bottle Shoes made of porpoise leather are absolutely impervious to water. Bdncate Tour Bowels With Caeca rets. Candy Cathartic, cure oonf tlputkm fore ret 10o, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money If it falls to care. 25c. A French writer attributes the grace of the Spanish women to the fact that many of them are taught to fence. The report of the Building Department in New York city tor the first quarter of 1898 shows 1909 permits for new buildings to be erected at a total estimated lost of $25,414, 486. __ Doa*t Tobacco Spit and Smoke loir lift Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag* netic. full of life, nerveAnd vigor, take No-To* Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or ill. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy On, Chicago or New York. The china owned by the Czar of Russia is probably greater in quantity than that own ed by any other person in thd world. To Cure Conatlpatloa Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 85a BCCC fail to cure, druggu ts refund money. Ireland linen industry represents an In vestment of $350.000 000. Ko-To-Sm for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, II ah druggista We consume 450,000,000 pounds of coffee annually. Tsethina (TF.ETHING FOWDSRS) it prepared especially for children, and its suo oess in curing Cholera-infanium, all the Ir ritations of teething and usual Summer Troubles of children of any age makes it justly popular as a household remedy. Tbethina Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels and ma.kes teething easy. pi go’s Cure for Consumption relieves the most obst nate t oughs.—Rev. D. BuchmueLi LER. Lexington. \.o.. February -4. 1894. In order to beat MCI OUT KRicfcb on manos and Organs the people have all agreed to consult John B. Wright, Greensboro, N. C., before buying elsewhere. >404040<K>*0*040*0^0*0*0 A. & M. G0LLE6E • • »••♦•••••' SUMMER SCHOOL**** FOR COLORED TEACHERS. o •e•• SECOND ANNUAL SESSION begins at Greensboro July 20, 1898 and con tinue^ threi weeks. The most prom inent educators of the State with the regu’ar faculty comprise the corps of instructors for the session. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES. Total expenses $10.00. or catalogues ADDRESSIH • For circulars PRESIDENT DUDLEY, ( REENSBORO, N. C. :i404040404040404 ST. AUGUSTINE’S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, H. C. m * IHIDliR TUB PROTESTANT * EPISCOPAL GflURCft. + Collegiate, Normal, Industrial. For colored Students of both s**xes. Students pay $6 in cash and $2 in work eaoh month. Incidental fee $8 a year. Training schoe. for nurses, who pay th-ir way by their w»rk Seme studmte may work their way and go to scnool at night For cir-al k.ue address Rev. A. B. Funter, Raleigh, N. C. CAREERS WANTED r As Agents tor Young’s A Cable’s 1 Portable f lank Fence. NO posts, — POrtftl/sv gk sauus a* wssws *» ^ AT'VK'V',V7 no mortise, nothing needed to build this fence bat plants, hammer,, saw and nails. One of the greatest inventions of the age 1 Can be taken down and put np as fast as two hands oan load and onload from a vtegon. lose it to fence In my herd of! registered Poland China Hogs. It enables me to move my lot as often as I desire, and use all waste corners where there may be weeds, clover, fruit, nuts,etc., also enabling me to send out better pigs than it would be pcsslble for me to otherwise do. Practical, reliable farmers wanted as agents, because tb^y can see thenraptioal use of r.his grea t invention. Write before some one else g sts township or oounty. J. A. YOUNG, * ■ Greenaboro, N. C.; STOPPED TREE ' Permaaeotly Cumd Insanity Prevented by DR. KUNE’S GREAT SERVE RESTORER hiMwww IhrnU ftnwmlXiMw, Fill, SpfUftf, Bp*mt and St. Titu t* Done*, ho Kit* or Kerroumea ^ur imdv'iw. T re* tine and $> trial bottle I, they pajingexpreen charge*only free *o n potloata, __ _ 'when received. Se id to Dr. Kline, Ltd, Belleme Institute of Medicine, 931 Arch 8k. PhiledelohU. Pi Educate for a Situation We educate you, and then secure a good position for you, besides paying your mil road fare. Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Massey’s BUSINESS COLLEGE, COLUMBUS, GA. Send lor Catalogue No. 0 Cl Ml REPAIRS !■■■« SAWS. RIBS, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, <&c., FOR ANT MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES. BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repairs for tame. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Injectors, llpea, Valves and Fittings. LOMBARD IRON WORKS & SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA, GA. MAKE HILL CLIMBING EASY. 1 A New and Quick J»leth«d mattress, try It. Box 300. own Columbia Chain Wheels, $75 Hartfords, . „• 50 Vedettes, $40 & 35 POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. BISHOP HARRIS’ APPOINT MENTS. JULY. 3,....St. Luke, Wilmington, N. C. Arrangements are being made for a general mass-meeting to be held Tuesday evening, July 26th, 1898, in Clinton Chapel, for the benefit of the Colored Orphan Asylum, Oxford, N. C. f~ | Exercises beginning at 8 o’clock sharp. Rev. Robert Shepard, To Atlanta,jCharlotte.Aueusla, Athens, WU» mingtoD, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nash* ville, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond. Scnedule in effect May 8, L898. 7.. . 10.. 12,: 13.. 14.. 15.. Greenville, second circuit. .Southport, N. C. .Lake Waccamaw, N. C. ... Whiteville, N. C, . Cronley’s, N. C. .Elkton, N. C, .Lumberton, N. C, ' President, (Miss) R. E. Bond, Agent SOUTHBOUND. No. 403 Lv New York, Penn. R.R. *11 00am Philadelphia M ] 1 12pipa Baltimore “ j 3 15p«i Washington •* 4 40pfn Richmond, A C. L. 8 56ptn No 41 *9 00pm 12 05am 2 50am 4 30am 9 05am Lv. Norfolk, Portsmouth, Lv. Weldon, S. A. L. *8 30pm “ 8 45pm *9 05am 920am Ar. Raleigh, Hamlet, Monroe, *11 28pih 2 18am 5 07am 6 43am Ar. Charlotte, *7 50a il Ar. Clinton. 8. A. L. *9 45ar] Abbeville, “ 1103ai, Athens, “ 1 13pi Atlanta, (Central time) 2 50p; *11 55am 8 40prn 6 56pm 912pm 10 25prn *12 14am 1 35am 3 43am 5 20am NOBTHBOUND. | Lv.Atlanta/Centim)8.A»L.*l2 OOn’n *7 50pm Athens, “ 3 13pth 1119pm Abbeville, “ 515pih 1 35am Clinton, “ *6 30pih *2 55ana Ar. Charlotte, *10 25 pm *7 50am Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. WESTWABD. P. M. No. 41. Wilmington.*8 20 Lumberton....5 26 Maxton. 6 12 Laurinburg......... 6 23 Hamlet.*....... 6 53 Hamlet. 7 13 $ookingham... 7 30 Wadeaboro.».8 11 Marahville. 8 48 Monroe.^....... 9 12 Monroe..,. 9 35 Charlotte.10 25 Mt Holly.f. Shelby. 1. Ellen boro..... Ru therf or dt on...t. P.M. A, M. No. 40& •5 ia 5 2ft 6 25 6 4ft 7 001 7 6ft 9 4ft 10 3ft 11 87 12 1& 12 5ft P. M. f8 40 a. m. Lv. Hamlet Ar. 6 20 p. m, 10 00 a. m. At. Cheraw Lv. 'f5 00 p. m, EABTWABD. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. i v. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. No. 3a A. M. ..U Eutherf ordton......... Ellenboro.. .. Shelby. ,1. Lincointon. .>. Mt Holly.r. Charlotte.*5 10 Monro*.6 55 Monroe. 6 05 Marshvllle. 6 25 Wadesboro. 7 01 Rockingham. 7 4.1 Hamlet.*.7 55 Hamlet. 8 20 Laurinburg.8 46 Maxton. 9 05 Lumberton. 9 53 Wilmington....'. 12 05 P. It No. 420. P. M. *4 35 5 10 5 55 6 56 7 5a 8 23 910 940 10 31 11 05 11 20 Me •Dally. -(Dally, except Sunday. ^ Noe. 403 and 402.—“The Atlanta Special,’1 Solid Yestibuled Train of Pollman Sleepera and Coaches between Washington ind Atlan* ta, also Pullman Sleepers between Porta*, mouth and Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 88.—“The S. A. L. Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepera between Portsmouth and Atlanta. \Company Sleepers between Colombia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate connection at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile. New Or* leans,’ Texas, California, Mexico, Chattanoo* ga, Nashville. Memphis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to B. A, Newland, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept., 6 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. Geo. Me. P. Battle, Trav, Pass. Agt., Charlotte, N. C. E. St. John. Vioe-Pres. and Oen. Manages. H. W. B. Glover, Traffic Manager. Y. E. MoBee, General Supt. T. J. Anderson, G. P. Agent. , General Offices, Portsmouth, Ya.

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