AFRICAN w m Hints to Young Preachers. By S. A. -Chambers—Cannon BAt$* Wirem you are about 'to act ©very interest sfiroiuiMi be eonsidoreid that .is likefty to -be affected! by your action. iPiray (for tire peace and prosperity of the church.. (They .shall prosper .that (iove , When you find a public 'man who Jcnowts exactly (what to say, antd |where an inig, and repealing laws un,til the Christ of God returns .who shall rule in rigiheousness. W.e need not be alarmed, when any system fails as iti'S only the work of finite beings. We have observed' that, in church a,nid state, those whfo are out usually jnid serious fault of .those who are hut when they get in they are suaUly fashioned ‘by ‘the atmosphere they move. It is best, to ,W'hdle you «v Sen a ‘thing 'is dtone it is the y of every loyal minister to hold peace and' work ip unison with -me action done, whether the thing done is altogether in/ accord .with his notion or not. To do otherwise is discord which Us a .strict violation of disciplinary injunctions. Never always be picking at the bishops. We pay them two thou sand dollars and two hundred travel ing expenses to lookout for itlhe best interest of the ,church, and study ver needs, and report to us the re r 0,f .their findings, that proper may ho .taken to strengthen 1;at remains, and they should be .and unless iwe can' .prove beyond wi, reasonable doubt that they are Intfaitihful in their irecoimimenldia fio'ns. This will be hard to do. lslltB It is hardly possible for two men ).differ and both be right. It may Ogo .in extreme eases but they will iOit he of frequent occurrence. And when you have to (decide with the jfne or the other it is well to care LUilly and prayerfully .consider, what the man says who- is ini position to know best what he is (talking about, and who knows most, about the thing under consideration. Jf most (people would talk what they absolutely know (they would not speak another word in four days. We need many things 'but .we do not need enemies. Therefore, ,we should avoid' making them if pos ible. When once made they are unmake. The effort un hften intensifies what has tmaoev> A biting dda will- bite anybody, and a kicking flwle will lift up bis jbedUs against his piaster. - Out daily Conduct furnishes 'data for the pages of our history; and the moment that our hearts pulsates tor the Oaslt time the book .will he .run. toff of the press and it is up to ujs as to (whether or mot we would like to have it read. (Beware of these local church this a-iahs twho can tell -you all that v*r happened tin the church from Apiha to Omega. They usually notw too much and have too much toM the new pjastor. They “Gut s Inst stick o ftimber for the old and have carefully noted rakes of all of the pastors. what ought Had'd -enough. To excess., Excesses harm than good, •good that has been ON THE WING-. By Rev. B. J. Bolding, D. D. The handsome iPenin/syflvamia Ave. Church Baltimore, QVl?ft is ag>i ■e House, •! md the ei e, (goes di :toi'tii aciation with ppltbuc * ode of (preiheiffi CRe- from 105, and .wall f every -'Presndemt it the White ‘swing around hard ait work cm ihi« do 'Congress. That (he ground on the .tariff, tihie' cost of IF-vi/ng, and ail of ; that affetae lihe plain ■without saying. The , zenis hope for a rtim.gimg of the evil of lynching, other 'deel'araition for', weal. The document the most suign.'l’fioaait. sire state papers that hia»i the White .House in many the results that grow .out; be road with eager fnifefe American;. That Prelsidiemt Taft with the people, white reason of his meeting a,-™ and . speaking frankly to of tihousiaudls of his fefM/O all will have to agree. Prof, w, S. isoaatf^ dent Wiiliherf'oree Ui dent that President nominated- and iie-el Taifigt «3)ur, Booker T. - Wi * “ ere. T»———l "1~** ■* f * 'wiln meet at 14 ait 10 year’s many be u member 1 nriaced a i d«ep and constant interest in. ale *htat the board is doing for the en inrgemeiflJt of itihe Negrro opportuni ties "fen. 'tihie country districts of tht 9ou thiaiad. .The vacancy caused b> the death of BMiop Grant will be fi’lied, ' Bishop G. ;W.. Clinton, otf thr . A. Zion Church, is strongly en dorsed by t'he press oif the coun or v for the place, and Bishop ESKSas Col . trea.1, Of the C. M. E. Church, a aid Prof. H. T. Keal'inig, president of the . Western UniveTsfiity at Quiindaro, Kansas, are memitritoned as possibil ities. The colored mefmibers of the Board, besides Dr. Washington, are ,Hloin. J. C. Napier, Major R. R; ' Mofton atojd' R. L. Smithy df Texas. Mdjodana—Powell Nuptials By Miss Raymond Bland. On he 21s t day of June 1911, Miss WMlii© 0. Bolwell was maried ho Rev. David B. Mdiodama at high noon. Trinity Chapel A. M. E. Zion, church. The church was beautifully dressed fp, iwreaths and cillusters of flowers very - CostlHy ferns and plot flo wers of ; all dlescriptions. - ; The^ bride wore a very costly Mestallhe siilk which was 'beautifully trimmed tin silt flowered' feces and silver Ikxok'imig b raids she also wore a long white silk veal and was car ried in the church Iby her father Mr. J3. F. Powell., ~ iThe waters were dressed1 nearly ■imlbmidery dresses. -• The Missels Lizzie Kelly, Bonflm- Jiniwrviil ^ JUSSI wd W: -a siik (wihiiite). The e«£'; ' ' - 3.v " I’m trying hard to apprehend, ‘5 ; ®u.t 'have mat dppreihehdied yet. - J _ : The uMngfc bahi8.i'd* /me I forget ' ;An;d ever press 'tOwa-nd tfhe maPk: .But inward' fees my p5ans tupstef- '• :And minke the way atppteiax so di&r&L The things I .wen Id nx>t 46; I id®: ” What I would do, I do it met * Thie very dooirse I mlow puisne Is blighted hy unhoOfy It'heugrhffe,. •' I^erd Jesiuis len d a Helping hand-, ‘ Oh sett the captive pris/oher free: And heap my feefbdie stool to-stan*, To gain its eft sought liberty. * ‘ Th/etni, I shall ever add succeed, And (over all (the v ictory win Yet siiiJ/1 I’m all his meantfs pleiaidj: - To over (dome myseflf and sin. i Aggressive Expansion for oBd i Zion Church. .Editorial: OharJeshotn (W. Va.) Ad vocate. hi'.. - '■ * . Tlhi© i,a%- ©f tlie unaiou'ail i'Difeetreist % courntry tallies fiu !th‘© past. lit must go tfoaSvard*^”''! nwer (backward. Tt,thought it w3« to .elect up tto (ten BteSnops at St Loute miGOi. Lift jm the mS thing at Philadelphia (in 1908. Twe vacancies have occurred sftmoe tie General Oouiferemee .oif three yearn ago, anid (there is. an agitation on the part of some short-sighted f‘eooEtioa» , tto fl'ea've (these vacancies ua^ Billedi anid try to get 'atong; .for tfie J,0,u'r . y«WB .witfh toi-e presses* Benidh of eight B isih/ops, two ,oir three - who me plhysifcaMy unfit to pertor® * ™elir Episcopal duties as they shoull be performed. This means that the griftat A M. E. Zion Chumd, bioa»tfi»c of -a memibership of a rs ptodidauig allorng under tihe -mania^ memit of just about "'.stlx active Bisi*. ops. Wiiltlh possible viaoantcdels dp*. tibie .next qmadremidiijm, it cfca easily be seen that the' ahiuTCih vvoybj e in -a bad way by 1016,' alloiwiqc the average loss of t|wio. Bishops to*««|| cents—to speak from "a 'ctome^ei& standpoint—Ilf a main exerts (himself and is alive to 'his opportunities aLo-nig bioith ibusiinteisls amid spiritual tines. .He wHO; piay 'his oiwin salary in; a Single quadremmliump -withon# drawing on the existing resources of the cnurdh. . • *“■" iWiftjhoult a Bishop din ithe' brlo&d pianist from Alabama' to the Pacific Ooast, there its a vast stretch of yjr gm soffl wha/cb th£ Zitodlite®, - >bjy ifa* sainig an aggressi ve , policy *iotf expa® iskxni, coulld make to ' Mo&Som as ms . •' rose, with Zion cihturohesi.aiid Zfom prestige everywhere. Tif fbur Blip' f ops, young, vir!i*e anid . • :s(ptiritiu«air/" ■magnetic, are “made’* at Charlotte / neyt 'May and' stationed wifeely, igjm'j. • > not'- aia extuarvaganlt' prediction; t)hek*/ in another four years 'Che dhurtSif iwiii (have added more in mesnib^Fl " ^ sfhip aaaidi .increased mere in dollar nwxmey itham bheise men willl' draw salaries, arad the glory of the ohiiirtai will be 100 per oem/t. greater tSsan it iis- today, (because Of the miask)*^ ary work that It -wii® (hove diotta through itlhe 'imfuisnioa. Of new biooa and new exiitlh'ust'ajsm. ' " If tbe Zion-Cteiufrieb ■ wishes to muatar tiaim itself ais a truly matijoaiail orgafid aat&wi, it twp (have itk> adopta pojjjtey of “aigeiressrve exoamfstiOn” sooner -or flateo. The (Safometr- tdhe better.