EPISCOPAL ZION CHURCH NUMBER TWO VOLUME FQXtTY-TWO. ' HHAliiStG THE .PLUM TREE.' Twenty-Five Reasons Why I Boast of our Zion. By Dr. E. D. W. Jones. Critics are seldom just. They al ays see the defects of one side and not the balancing good inf uence of efche other side shows sternness and stoicism. Your estimate of his char acter depends therefore on tho angle .of your view. V/Cbi-ries ' oofe'at,tnen and institutions sabjettiv'ely and their estimate is col ored by the varigated angular opti cal figures fatting across their vis ions. Zidn Church has been passing through the critics scrutiny and it ,is our intent to look *he g’-eat c4use of the Church in square front face and see the regular lines of symmetry and beauty .which makes the church a joy forever. •; - Have we nothing to boast of; tc glory ini Is criticism all that we have for a church that has existed fc over a hundred'years,? fs there noth'' ing ,in its past., 'and in its pregnant •I resent to make us all rejoice and lx exceedingly glad? Let us: pee. First; It ifs a source of just pride that the Church (has kept steadily-or' its way. without losing its identity for near y a score of years into its soyond century. R haa most difficult: sailing ,in its beginning and it has fcad to, pro ve itself , capable of a per manent place alongside, of other com pe-iing- iustiptions lUring these one beV'no matter his station, now in the Chuych had One thing to do with its beguning. It was nil formed, its foundation was laid and securely •built upon; its laws were formulated, its government was^made to be just and conducive to encourage the v ery j besif depbr'iment. iits doctrines were ) written and all of ,us now active came j into this well-constructed ark with- ; out sawing a timber or hitting a hail ' "Walk in and occupy" stood in blaz- ! ing letters over the door and person- j al possession is curs as ong as we prescribe to the original plans of the. fathers and "Keep, the old ark mov- j ing." Legated opportunity. Thid: We have reasons to be proud of our Church because of the men it has produced, some dead., some actively engaged and others in preparation tramping rapidly to take their proper places. Few if any in Zion would (have reached to such sud den heights outside the pales of the church. They may think so at times when d'scoraged and confronted with large duties and problems, but as we are dealing with facts and records based on experiences and tests, this idea of what might have been is not proven. ■ Fourth: We have reason to rejoice in our Methodism because of the op portunities it affords us for useful ness and service. If in her march 'through the decades she has not reached our conception of spiritual idealism, tfaat lack should afford the strongest incentive for immediate ef fort and labor. If she has; there is still work for us to do in pushing her to an always roomy top. If our finance is not larger, if any of our departments 'are not meeting their respective demands., if there is cause for complaint against our sys tems—our highest and best service is to be formed in regulating all seen and known irregu’arities. The mere fact that we notice a leak of breach is an invited opportunity for service. To say that we cannot, is to say ttoait we are unfit to take charge of affairs and utilize them for the very best possible resu’ts; and to lay down in hopeless despair is tbuifc the last cover of the coward. Fifth: We have reasons to be proud of bur Church because of her history. In all great issues of the race .we'fcaye bdrne our part of the (Continued on page S;)1 ACHklii V UC A* iilv/iV .MI^ jBjLEicJ;', By R&v. W. J. Walls, BD. Tiie repeat e.ection tor the peaty oi Douisvilie and Jefferson Coujky was one of the greatest and most decisive victories for Republicanism for more than a quarter of a century. The municipal affairs had been conduct ed by a debauched Democratic ma chine, dominated by the Roman Ca tholic ctiurch. committed to corrup tion, graft and trickery to perpetu | ate itself in power! There was no crime in the calendar that had not been connived at and resorted to by this corrupt ring. For years, votesell ing and repeating were carried on with impunity by the trashy element of both races, to the shame of de mocracy and the disgrace of the de cent people. That something had to be done to purge out such a condi tion'.. was evident to all, 'both white and black, agreed that -this was the time to begin the work of house, cleaning. Mr. Chesley Seagrcysa white “an made Chairman of the Re publican Campaign Committee and Pr Jesse B Colbert was the chairman of the Colored RepubliQ^ dSampaigni Committee, thus giving the Republi cans the most perfect organization ever had iniits history. Dr.. Colbert is successfully practicing law at the b£r of Louisylie and, the'State ox Ky. ; well as paltering, iQiir &i§tftric. At _ , |jta •lk“4f la ----- al machine in 'this city, and now we hhve a full fledged Republican party in control of thing they will be. Dr. Co bert is con ceded to have the inside tract, his vigilant and industrious ie«d. the influential forces of his people, has caused him to be sought and courted by scores of people of both races, seeking consideration at the hands of the ne-w Administration. The writer was in Conference with the Mayor and other prominent of ficials and was told that Dr. Colbert was the most deserving colored man :n the city and no doubt wou d be substantially rewarded. The Dr. has dhosen Louisville for his future home and purchased a beautiful residence on W. Walnut St. a most desirable locality. When I met Dr. Colbert the other day I made inquiry of him as to what was his primary motive for taking such an active part in the campaign at this time. He made this reply, After I had been honored witih the ,ery important and responsible po sition of the Chairmanship of the Colored Campaign Committee, a po sition offered me without the remot est attempt on my part 'to obtain it/. I had an opportunity to learn a great deal concerning the work of one of the most malicious political machines that has ever cursed an American city, and since I was a citi zen of Louisville, own property and pay taxes as well as many others of my race., I felt that was my civic duty as a citizen to contribute my ‘bit’ towards the destruction of the in falmous policy of ’one man power.’ to make myself better understood, the administration of Louisville had been practically dictated and manip ulated by one man, l\y the name of John Whallen, an Irish Catholic and had subsidized the whole city to the benefit and in the interest of the Roman Catholic Church which in its final analysis was a policy of 'Whal-. lemsm” and was a synonym of ballot 'ov stucing, thievery, thuggery, -vice * and gambling dens. It was this same identical machine that batched ou* the obnoxious Segregation ordinance which has lust been declared invalid by the Supreme Court of the United Ufa At OX ZION CHURCH OF THE PRES SENT TIMES. Of anc the DR JESSE L Louisville, Ky COLBERT. Great Preacher Lawyer. A Logical Candidate for Bishopric. stales. I am inherent! ably opposed to ring a ootii in church ana in reason I believe it to|ibe out of har mony and contrary td(jiour American institutions. It is a species of auto cracy which is at the ('/bottom of the world-wide war which1 is now being waged in the world to-day. J have vowed to strike it down when and wherever I see at. I verily believed that ‘charity should 'begin at home.’ The results of this election have shown beyond all reasonable doubt, the trend of the times and what we may expect when once the conscience of the people becomes aroused against wrong doing and injustice. y and unaiier r machine rule State for the The spirit of revolution and refor mation is in the very atmosphere whieh we breathe. In Louisville po litical bossisim has been dethroned and the chaos of right and justice has been enthroned. The Republican par ty which is conceded to be the party of liberty and freedom, is entrusted with power to rule in the affairs of Louisville for the first time in full in its history. The thing that please?; me most is the fact that the colored man had a part in the destruction of the vicious machine which has work a hardship and exploited its perpe trations of injustice nron my race for all the years.” After hearing Dr. Colbert speak at one of fhe great meetings last fall during the Presidential campaign, Mr. Wood F.. Axton who was a can didate for Mayor a few years ago ‘said Dr. Colbert delivered one of the abldst speeches to whh h he had lis tened during the wiho e campaign, notwithstanding he hal heard Mr , 1 Hughes^ (the President a1 Nominee . Col-. Roosevelt *** y other local speakers. Mjr. Wood is a man of great wealth and influence, the Pres ident of one of the largest manufac turing concerns in the West. Dr. Col bert enunciated (the slogan wlhich was caught up during the campaign to the effect, “the machine must be de stroyed’’ and it was destroyed and it remains to be seen what substantial emoluments will colme to him for this unprecedented victory for the race and the citizens of Louisville and the State of Kentucky. MISSIONARY CONVOCATION AT INDIANAPOLIS. INI>., A GLOWING SUCCESS. By Miss Frankie L. Wallace. On Thursday Morning, Aug. 2., 1917 a representative body of A. M. E. Zion Missionary women gathered in the auditorium of that historical Jones’ Tabernacle, where they were greeted and cordially received, by Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Davis and the good members of the above named church. There were Missionary wo men from New York, New Jersey. Philadelphia and Pittsburg, Pa., Ken tucky, Missiouri and a host of wo men from Indiana. The opening session was formal with a soul-stirring sermon by our Missionary Secretary, the Rev. J. W. Wood. t). D., after which holy com munion was administered. The organization “for the Convoca-? tlon was in order add the following person# elected : owing to the absence of Mrs. L. W. Kyles, (due to illness) the general President Mrs. Florence Randolph of Jersey City, N J., pre died; 'Mrs L: B. Evans-Pierce, of ; mrisvfili*; Ky., was elected Secretary. (Continued on page 5 m. WALKING ABOUT ZION. . . By Bishop J. S. Caldwell, D. D. Editor of the Star of Zion It was my privilege *9 visit the I Western North Carolina Conference 1 a few weeks ago at Charlotte, N. C., (presided over by Bishop G. W. Clin ton. This Conference ip composed of some of the best and Strongest men of our church. Within its boundary j is Livingstone College, our chiSf | Educational Institution. I was | pleased at the spirit which pervaded I the sessions as regards the pro J gressive movements of our great j Church. The Debt-Paying Rally was j taken hold of wath • steady hand and with a determination by bot'tt ! the Bishop and men We were as | sured that more than their quota: | would be forthcoming ere the Ita ly closes. Rev. B. F Martin one of the pioneer members of the Confertna.ee preached an eloquent* logical agM} very instructive sermon at the op* eniug of the Conference session. Rev. T. H. Jon s was heard to good advantage in a sermon also. Cur if ext stop was. at B-irmiug uain^ Ala. Here we found Bishop ,J. W. ' Aistork presiding oyer the North ; Alaba-tha Conference./ Thisa piedgel every cent or their quota in the Debt-Paying Rally. The men of the Conference planenl a purse of $400 or $500 with which to send Bishotpi Alrtork n' a little rest touiC •to some resort. Mrs. Algtork, as us ual, was there, doing her mite to aid the BrShop in ever*♦ way pos sible. Our next stop was at Montgom ery, Ala.., where we found Bishop W. L. Lee, presiding over the Cen tral Alabama Conference. Here we spent two da^s very pleasantly. We .... had the opportunity to observe our brother beloved for the first time weilding the gavel in one of his own Conferences. He went about his work like an old experienced .man. He was methodical and carried on the business with great dispatch. This Conference, Like the others, pledged their full quota in the* Debt Paying Rally. Our next point was Mobile, t^la., where we held the West Alao|W Conference. The (brethren in: this Conference each pledged his quota of the Debt Paying Rally money. Bishops Blackwell, Warner, Kyles, Bruce end Clement; have all been interviewed upon the outlook of the Debt-Paying Campaign, and have re ported that every dollar askel by the Committee and more will be raised. We find some of our breth ren willing and' ready to raise more than they have been asked to raise. Remember* the first report will he made in May in connection with the Commencement at Livingstone) College. Let us see how much we can roll up by that time. More anon. Philadelphia, Pa. Do you want to start a Chrtet-mas Savings Fund that never ceases to pay interest Subscribe Y. W. C. A. - Fund. Do it today! Subscribe ;Y. W. C. A. Make a New Year’s Resolution: Subscribe to Y. W. C. A. _2_■ Don't forget the Y, W. C. A. Fund. What shall I do for my daughter? Subscribe Y. W. C. A. Phyllis Wheatley Branch Y* C.* A. needs your help. St te but human nature to he interested in trhat yon pay for. So., subscribe to ?. W. C. A. $