K VOLUME FORTsY-TWC) AN OPEN LETTE TO THE FEDERAL COUNCIL OF BISHOPS By Bishop L. H. Holsey. Senior Bishqp C M E Church To the Federal Council of Bishops of the A M E; the A M E Zion and the C M E Churches to ibe held in Louisville, Ky, February 15*16, 1918: ■Bear Fathers, Brethren and Col leagues of the three Negro Method isms now in Federal Council as sembled. I present the following memorial and petition for your se rious thought and consideration, in the name of our Father and Jesus Clirst our Savior, to-wit: It appears to me that the time has come for the scattered and oroken family of Negro Methodism to have not only-a Federal Union and Episcopal co-operation, but the time has coime, in the will and de cree of God, that the sacred func tions and high prerogatives should no longer operate in separate and single organic relations, but •tb' there should be but one distinct, unified organization made up of the . three great Methpdsims represented^ th this Federal Council, oil *xshp^r. Years of confemilatiph, investigation jahd study reveal, the indisputable fact that our three grPat Mehbdist are in- aril essentials the in organic constitutionality, 4, In inherent and constituent qualities, facult’es and attributes. 5, In evangelical practice and fun damentals. 6. In official and prelaitical ap pointment and ordination. 7. In itenerant nre'acy and minis terial appointment. , 8. In Ritualistic usages and sa credotal policy and design.. 9. In denominational units and in dividualities and in all of the great God given and Divine elements and qualities that make up and consti tute universal Methodism. Now, therefore., Whereas: . The three great Metliodisms of the Ne gro race represented in this Federal Council of the Bishops here assembl ed, memorialize and petition the re spective General Conferences at their next sessions., that a joint com mission on organic union be ap pointed with full and plenipotentiary powers authority and prerogatives to formulate, propagate., define and establish one organic connection and .perfectly ^unified Methodism com posed of the African Methodist Epis copal church the African Methodist .. _ ,iscopal Zion Church and tne Col * * ored Methodist Episcopal Church in America. . And whereas., the three iv.tthodisms are the same and one in u, vision. I. Resowed; that we petition the respective -General Conferences to make them cne, full and complete, ti.roueh a the aforesaid joint Commission. li. Resolved; that the united and complete organization shall take the of “The Union Methodist Epis copal v.uurch.” ill. Resolved; That the Council of —shops meet ashington City ■or some ciaee fixed by the Senior >idhops, on the 18th (eighteenth) of September 1918 for the purpose of framing articles of agreement on - unMhja-tion and complete organiza tion, and that said articles of agree ment be submitted to the General Conferences for approval and adop tion. ' IV. Reso’ved, That as the General Conference of the C M E Church meets this year.; that body is hereby petitioned to appoint its number of commissioners vith plenipotentiary powers to be a part with the com missioners of the A M E and the A M E Zion churches so as to ob viate delays in the unification* pro cess. ' . V. Resolved, that the Federal Council of Bishops, in their meeting in September gather together such materials and parts of disciplines of j ; the. reflective churches and from them, formulate and select such parts- of statuatory law and polity as; may be thought to be agreeable with the united connection, these to be submitted to the General Confer | ences of the A M E; the A M E Zion churches and to the Oofcntnission of the € M E Church in America. ATLANTIC CITY CiKTi NEXT SESSION OF BUSI NESS LEAGUE J Mayor of New; Jersey City Wire* Secretary Scott Cordial Invi - tatiouCity:,ISeys : ; >• IS,~ , T % C „ . - vr V M And Unequalled t v .... .. Ho^iStallty ' '• -' . i I - ^ ■ /' V TV* v. . V IPPHL f ueen authorized by the. Hon. J. C. Napier President, and Dr. Robert it. Moton Chairman of the Execu tive Committee to announce that it has been decided to ho d the next meeting of the National Negro Bus iness League at Atlantic City, New jersey, August 21-22-23, 1918. During the meeting at Chattanoo ga Tennessee, 1G17, invitations were read from various cities including Atlantic City and it was decided then to leave the matter; of selection of the meeting place for 19IS to a special committee consisting of the president, Chairman of Executive Committee and the Secretary of the League. In /the telegram which came from the Mayor of At antic City to . the Secretary of the Leaguet he said: “We cordially extend you invitation and offer the city keys and unequali hospitality for next meeting of Na tional Negro Business League.” A j committee consisting of some of the j •dicers of the Local Negro Business : Li ©ague at Atlantic City went to' Wa^ington recently and conferred;1 with Mr. Scott the Secretary of the -oague, where he is temporan y lo-; eated a£ Special Assistant to the j Secretary of War. They outlined j •their plans for the entertainment of the guests, and the outlook is most j promising for a good and helpful ] meeting. The meeting will afford an unusual opportunity for combining business and pleasure, Atlantic City being known as the “world's play ground.” MONEY YO LOAN. I have ten thousand dollars to loan it once. Wll| loan It anywhere In forth Carpi i|u» on first mortgage, iigh class. proj>erty. Will split it but lot less, than one thousand dollar* n a place. Prefer long term loan.. Coi. Bank BMg. P.O. Box 701 Winston-Salem, X. C. C. H. JONWS, Real Esfafce Broker. ^iieh. She stands ir: sentative of a fortitude that For this today as a»,^e erimiofatiou;, Orowi&h in % today as the courage, faith came from 'trustl i| reason I love hex* Church because si still fostering rac' ly by Our own Lurjeh has been ttne, inculcating k 121. For this, tv. ‘because she W hen I ueiuug ,xu iK! a M E Zion strike a fatal j ocraey, but she ! ence and belief >eople that will have our own ; ur own schools, ! ublishing plant, | [aces innumer-1 3bple. We have j it us climb the j Not only did 4 blow to churchiy put a song of conji on the lips of ou never die out. W Churches, we have we' have our own we have provided able for our own said to the race ladder of success s|d achievement, we can do it becau ; here is an ex ample to follow.” If there is one 4iticism I have against Presbyteria ism as relates to our people it is here. It has its merits as well as lefoets, but we have clung to the F eedman’s Board so long, a’lowed it to pay Pastor and Missionaries a*[ the like, until fostered and is tlie spirit of indep well nigh frowned idence has. been What we need now more than a ■ thing else is a belief in ourselves, , at wPl make us do and dare., the^A pgnition of the truth that “if- veS«i the top after id itr Var all. it w,4H be efforts. The Zlo p reaching tb5s d this lesson for I love her. Thirdly I. love produces men. I have no eqjmpb ?rs whose mem bo the men they have io say the more •hnrcb; the more Bv men I 'mean vitally the life -!»T\d or a • sc nddihls imh [ mean men j pternret a from all heai id when we ve Wept. is mixed for forth, but T ictive the have come. to touch people, to left an 1 hearts n able t> echoing r^joic t iwher lik' THE EAGLE’S ALARM FROM THE SOUTH WEST Scattering Remarks. By C. W. P Mitchell, BS After a long silence. I at last scamper forth from my' c ose retreat and though a little late, I break the silencd with a “Hapcy New Year” to all ' 1 Much enthusiasm , seems to be in the “Debt Paying Rally” campaign, and well it may. Zion needs to shake herself and swing to greater limita tions in her General Financial manoy | verings. Every man in the church j should rise up to the dignity of , this feffort and do liis “bit” town tl placing Zion i^fthe Denomiiiaticn al ^larch at the' .head of the column. We can do it—we should do it—-we will do it. With such a (Qi^mander in chief, of Zion’s Army as the lit Rev Josiah S Caldwell?' I>D rending h!s orders down the line a|nd charging the host. 1 see 'no Cause for failure or fa’l off In this ‘great effort. - The. Fighting Seventh. Episcopal dl^-ricty Which distinguished it%lf “■ ' '*■*' ’”s Dormitory Rally” by to pay out under the Bishop G L Black we It ^Upld her ...place' in this effort idership of the' Look for e last five months :bas pastored.J re Payne’s Chapel A M E Zion ^ hurch, this city has resigned his n astoral charge of the First Con- t reigatioteal church., this city. * Dr. .X fcGowan is a worthy man, and he- * erves to succeed. Upon taking t harge of Payne’s Chapel the church ras more than two hundred dol irs* behind. and the matter was in itigation, and the money had to be aised at once or the property was o be sold. Dr McGowan raised two undred dollars in less than two reeks and lifted the Sheriff’s ham ner from over the congregation, ,nd made the church a present of wo hundred dollars. Thus you can ee that he was the “Joshua” for liis congregation, and the “Ram in he thickets*’ for that ^occasion. Dr N R Rhodes, a late transfer, - from A'abama is now pastoring ; 5 Coleman Chapel, A M E Zion church M this city., and starts off well. Dr j < Rhodes is one of Zion’s strong men < and is a valuable acquisition to Zion’s forces in these sections. We < trust that more men of his tribe and b: and will move Westward. * A rap on the door of my study a « few days ago ea’led me to the door ) where I was Vgreeted by the West- < ern Star of Zion. This “Knee babv”J! of Zion’s periodicals ventur^e had 1 o read about Price, Hood and Goler. ' r like to shout about Clinton., Kyles 5 ind Clement. If yon want financiers l point “you to Dancy, Cpttene. i EUackwell and Caldwell. If you want s sdueators, I point you to Suggs; Mason and Watkins, If you want ( ruill drivers who stir the mind, grip the heart and thrill the soul, then t ~»nd behind Anderson the philoso- c -•her., Jones the versatile and eru- t dite, pavenport who is without a i -ee.r, McDonald the pride of New j England and Wallace the glory e* .1 the middle west. If you want preach P ers I can take any of these n-arne/ t and add to the list Brown of M© ther Zion where the cradle first w**‘ a •ocked., McMullen who dw^’ls' h; 1 ihe Moible Bay, Langford vho reaps t by the angry Atlantic, or Swaitt wl*e « walks with a majestic air around t he Commons ot Boston-. - These and changed her dress a little bit, bu£ 1 -recognized her and Quite enjoyed her visit. She seems to have large ly recovered from her East St Louis catastrophe, and having lost none ner br.il,ancy emerges, like the Three Hebrew Beys, from her "mob ' furnace” With,not a hair singed or the “smell of. fine upon her gar ments.” She will always find a wel come to our desk, and iwe hope tor her a Hapg-y Year and often- visits. Whi e gazing into, the firmament of Zion’s Literature. I noticed lite rary disturbances' in the periodical circles. By adding more lenses to my Telescope for the purpose of strengthening my sight, there fin ally came struggling Within the range of my vision a new literary planet known as the Sunday School Herald., edited by that “Wizard” of Sunday School work Prof Jas W. ’ Eiche^s |.wger,j pur Connections.! Sunday School Superintendent! This new Star in Zion’s Idterary fi-aa ment is sueing for a place among those of the First Magnitude, and., much credit is due her Creator for . jiving us so bright a luminary to tdd further beauty to. our ’Literary Astral Dome. " Tfte me: sirous to ; e feel that -we are hot asking too inch when we beg that they state ieir organic purpose, and show up lie planks of their platform. We are ot trying to “hut in” but we want o know—^that’s ail. Dr W E Shaw, our returned Miss ionary from Africa., who is now ■astoring St Paul A ’M E Zion hurch, this city, has* gripped the Ituation with a Master hand,' and s handling the affairs of the con gregation in commendable style. Dr Shaw is a great preacher, and 11 signs point to a successful year :or this congregation fonder hi}| eadership. ; ‘ The funerah cf Mrs. Willie Baskin as conducted from Digg’s Chapel. . M E Zion church, Blackwell, Ar ansas. Sister Baskin was the daugh er of brother Sam Browrn and Sis 3-r Bettie Brown of Blackwell-. She led in Chicago., 111. and was a lember of Walters Metropolitan hurch, of whieh the scholarly Dr itm A Blackwell is pastor. She was model young woman, and in her eath the church loses a great work' r. The writer preached- her fune al. and a large eongregvTtion join d in paying the last tribute of re pect to the deceased. 4ttle Rock, Arkansas. .'.T-w^ron* •others are the ■gift of Jioii Methodism to humanity, men iorn in the crucible of independence aen who came forth with a mes age divine. Lastly I belong to the A "M 6 Sion ihurch because I love her doctrines. A good methodist is a good. Chris ian. A good Methodist ta^es the evil cry. and banks m» his Ikes. A ood Methodist never has; to lur^-. »h an alibi or machinate a® e*c»sp. L good Methodist is .always Oh the oh and doesn't suffer twijfe spasm die fits, though we leave. nasin^for hem. John Wesley and his little band re re called "The Holy Chib.” Why? because they detested hypocrisy In he church and wanted to Pttrtfjr the tream hy getting bank to the tfun alu of all streams. T>ey turned (Continued o* pago eight.)