1ST EPISCOPAL Z ION CHURCH 1918. VOLUME FORTY-TWO Annual Convention. New Jersey State Federation of Clubs. Dear Co.Worker We are nearing the close of our' third year of united work. On July j 25-2Q, 1818 we are to meet in Bor- : ■ " - • . f den town im What,-will be • the most! important convention in; . our his- j tory. , ,> The world's chaotic condition has imposed new duties, larger respon sibilities, and we must''increase 'our efforts to impress upon our sisters j in the state the urgent need of in-; ereased service. Some one has said, I ever it may come to an end, it is j clear we are through with the old order of things and a new one will-* have to take its place.' “In that pe- \ “This wo rid-wide war has separat ed the present from the past by a heavy curtain. Vv'nenever and how riod 6t readjustment the greater—t the more delicate tasks—will fall i . upon the world’s womanhood and": Upon the weaker races will the hea J Wiest burden fall. The thinking ele ment must bear not only its • quota ■.but that of the indifferent. Let us •prepare for that time by strength ening our forces and increased ac tivity. Let Us jnake an effort to double club ^membership*., 4U clubs en fu latmg matters fe memhership A't the Executive Board meeting it was unanimously voted to Ac cept the “New Jersey Observer’’*as our state organ, the editor offering U3 a column for notes each week and reducing subscription from $1.50 to $1 per year to Federation members in clubs of four. It is earnestly desired that you assist in securing the space and to send all club matter for publication to Mrs. Ella Barksdale Brown, 434 Halladay St Jersey City head of the Press Department or direct to the editor. It was voted to have a record or year-book printed every two years ;he first to be ready at the meeting in Bordentown. The book will con tain a history of the Federation auo clubs, work done since its organiz ation and cuts of officers. The 1918 year book will be sold for 25c per Copy and any woman desiring one is asked to pay at once the sum to her club (president or the Federa tion treausrer, Mrs Elia Rice, 110 Comstock St. New Brunswick. Heads of departments are asked to raise sufficient funds for postage for cor respondence of their respective de partments through their local clubs. The National Association (has been able through the financial help of all clubs to raise the mortgage on the Douglass Home in Washing ton D. C. To complete the restora tion and refurnishing of this home ■s the work of the coming year. We ■cannot fail to do our duty in con tributing to this cause The budget for the year will ap prorimate $250.00. It apportioned according to the present member ship. four dollars from each club would cover the sum. The payment is not compulsory but we ask all who can to contribute be the amount ever so small. The Gamp Dix matter has been called off. Presidents are urged to collect the money at once for the minute book as the printer must have at least $50 in advance. From point of service and enthusiasm let us make this the greatest conven tion ever held by Negro women. (Continued On page eight.) Reasons f rid Things, Four Nations andfc,Their Kings At War. By Ray Wm. I. Bley, ■; . K_^ . V D>anier 7:&r—“Four - great -beasts came up^from. the .sea.” <1. Daniel saw lou? great beasts come up out of