It will prove a more gaily occasion than any previous one, and ilie classical atmosphere will show a decided clerification, elevation and crystallization compared with the past history of the College. Great and substantial improvements have been made; the standard of Scholarship raised as well as efficiency in every respect. The new $50,000 Dormitory for girls—“Goler iiall”—will be dedicated, and together with the dedic*¥tion of the new tomb-monumental to the honor and sacred memory of the late Prof. Joseph Charles Price, A. M., D. D., first President and Founder of the College and which will doubtless attract thousands who desire to participate in -and witness these deeply interesting ceremonies as also the com mencement exercises which will prove this year of unusual interest. Ample accomodation will be made for the Board of Bishops, the General Officers, other church dignitaries, distinguished visitors; all will be suitably taken care of. Best of sleeping quarters at homes and college, good table-fare and plenty of it, a happy greet ing and a down-right good time promised to everybody. You do the “COMING”, WE will do the REST. A MORAL QUESITON. For patriotic and economical reasons the United States Govern ment changed the standards of the ordinary time of the day, which brings the Christian Sabbath one hour earlier than its usual time. This change does not effect the lunar nor solar measurements of time, but does inject a moral question. If the Christian Sabbath is to be governed by the time measure heretofore employed, would the laborer using that once sacred hour belonging to the Sabbath, be violating the sanctity and moral restrictions of the Sabbath? If io, why? There is universal assent and response to the Govern ment’s action, therefore, the patriotic phase of the act is not in question. But answers to the moral phase of it as effects the Chris tian Sabbath are permissible and wj^uld be published in this paper. ¥. THOMPSON TURNS “SEER.” I .. ■ Mr. R. W. Thompson, a prince of newspaper expert news-gatherer, lias also turned “Seer,” sue of the Indianapolis Freeman, he predicts a for Drs. P. A. Wallace, E. D. W. Jones and B. their well known ambitions. correspondents and in the current is “glorious future” G. Shaw respecting ZION IN LITTLE LOOK. The Arkansas Conference can catch inspiration from the- Zion jchurchesLof Ditt’e severe setback that ckme with th^ hardest winter ever ex perienced h©re, the churches appear to have become resurrected bodies. Little Rock is proud of the two residing Elders who make their residence here. Rev L D Davis of the ■pa District and Rev C P W -uitched of the Little Rock District, 3 men of sterling worth who have given many years of sacrificing ser :ce to the church in this Conference, loyalty and their devotion are felt in their interest in the local •churches, too. mskop L W Kyles is thoroughly -alive to the interests of the churches -here and has sought to place a num r of good ministers in Little Rock. At St Paul’s we have as Pastor Dr W E Shaw, the Missionary and Guilder of African schools. He has put new life into o'd St Paul’s Many persons have been added to the membership, claims are being easily raised and the general collec ts are larger than they have been for years. The iprospects are that the church will soon be free of its long standing mortgage debt. At presen, the church is stirred with a good re vival. Dr Shaw had not been here long before he was selected president of the Minister’s Alliance, and last "o?k he was the only city minister whose name appeared for an ad dress to the State Teacher’s Associa on. At Coleman’s Chapel, Dr H N Rhodes formerly of Alabama is •van ding the alarm and in a financ-'a’ effort that assures the final payment r'U the church debt very soon, a debt ~ that has hung on for years. He is untiring in his labors and preaches * a packed house. The membership is proud of his leadership and ap pears united in their determination to support his iplans I Payne Chapel our beautiful and commodious church on Rook Street, the church that has had so many ‘ ups and downs,” is now pastored by Rev E E Morgan of Mobile. This ! church has had four pastors within the past year. It is a fine piece ot property ancf one of the prettiest churches in 'the city. Rev Morgan has taken hold with energy and appears hopeful of the j future. He is on the front rank as j a preacher and if his iplans are fol lowed Payne Chapel will soon have smooth sailing. w Active missionary Societies are led oy Sisters. Davis and Mitchell. VQKD FJRDM WAKEFffEliD, VA. \VDi Cr. H. Spaulding, Pastor Dr Anderson i Will you please allow me space to say just a -word about o>ur work here. This is our second- year on this : charge, our work is in a better con dition this year than it has ever been i Vv e have not room to accomodate the cowds that come to hear the word ol‘ God. Members are joining our church every Sunday. Just a word about Easter. We had the best ser vices Easter, it ha,3 been my pleasure to attend. On March 31 the sun was Suining bright, everything seemed to welcome Easier. At 12 o’clock people were making their way to church from a i directions to hear the Eas ier sermon. The Pastor preached from ' the subject Our Resurrected Saviour.” At 3 pm. we listened to a urogram by the children who had osen trained by M"s Spaulding, Miss Ellen Warren and Miss Margaret Warren. We raised $45 at Wakefie'd on Easter. We nad our Easter services at Dendron on the, 7 of April at twelve o'clock the church was crowded and the yard filled to hear the Easter sermon preached by the Pastor. Sub ject “A Man Wanted.” At 3 pm. Rev J A StringfieM preached a splendid sermon from the subject ‘‘The King dom.” At 8 pm. we listened to an other splendid program prepared by Mrs Annie L James. The following persons raised $5 for Easter: Mrs Agnes Hamilton $5; Mrs Ju’ia Wal -_r, $5; Mrs Mary Spriggs $4.30; Mis,g Tessie Judkins $3; Mrs Lena j Loud $4.10; Mrs Della Saunders, $2; | total amount raised from Dendron i $65. Total amount raised at both churches for Easter purposes $110. Our Debt Paying Ra’ly money, church extension money and Dinwid die money have been sent in Dr Anderson: tne Star is shining a,s never before. I enjoy reading your editorials. Let this appear as soon as you can. Wakefield, Va T^E GREENSBORO N. C. BIST PICT AND THE MEN By Rev T. H. Stevenson. At our last Annual Conference which met in Concord,, N C Nov 28th 1917. Bishop G. L Blackwell DD, LLD, removed me from the Concord to the Greensboro District. Rev E B Watson our adjournment ai first Quarterly Conference which was a decided succ< as raising $65. But Watson is a h 3tier. The 3rd Saturday and Sund y in December were spent with Re at St Paul. The sn had a splendid sessi La g rand. - , At High Point D is ^.astoring to grea 1st Quarterly Confefence was noted for the high spirits; 1 interest, as well as for its final i$.l success. Rev E. H. Kemj> days after for his M T Lagrand w fell, but we a. Better watch W H Howard advantage. His pastor at White Oa He only has they are faith a few members, but ful. On the Briscoe -iork Rev G W Verble in the mids ain raised*' in his All his churches ar< M French has thing: is the splendid of snow and uartor $49.22. a:ive. Rev. W going his way ircuit. We had on the Zion Grove a great Conference^n. this work i. -- Rev J R Robmsoi holds the fort on the Mt Olive woi it snowed Saturday night, ibu t tl^e 'ptiople came through the shjw and we had a good conference. The District songi ter and gospel preacher Rev S 0 ’"V raddell outdone himself at Troy. In raised *100.27 and. his quarter ho left the peo ple shouting. Our ftunday School Convention meets it* ith the Troy church. Dr. Sims, ti e President of the Congregational School and the student body turned out w th us on the Sabbath. er is making Circuit. Tile ere we had a is pushing on— •work. His Rev J W Shamb good on the Mt Zi people ’ove him. J great Conference. The old warrior of many battles. Rev. W. J| Gaines, ward on the Conference was a grfat succe’ss. Dr J J iStubhs h£ 3 the happy people on the Mt A! y Circuit, H? knocked Rev. :Fa‘d; 1 out of the box by raising 28 Saturday and Suncicy in his - i ;aar:o". Stuobf is a power atuT^cs awes any pro motion that his . Cfnforence can give him. Rev A W Fry ras due the hij WmM mi a. sub Rev J J his quarter Grove Mis knows how )bs has our Rev D H* Cham:b^| 3t.itu.te Presiding ElJ Stubbs and raised il •$50.20 on the M6unt| sion Circuit. Chambi Lo do ’things. Dr Strj thanks for assistanceM rendered. Rev C W Lawrenc I has a tew faithful members at |the Warners vil'e Mission who are jworking hard to build a church. I the Connec tion would inffest^fcSoJroT $400, there it Would prove a i;»ying invest ment. We had a livil Conference nere. Revs T M Person, T W Bynum; A B J Cobb have promising Star; Ashboro; Reeisvi’le; Dan ville, Hillsboro; Cha ?el Hi’l and Rcxboro and Ramseu Hope it wid be d mvenient for you to pul lish this re; il soon as Rev is.ennedy and myself new districts. J Greensboro, N C. i E Gilchrist, ner and J C Missions at are each on JUST A WORD Fll COLiNTuN DIS Am THE LIN TRICT. Mr Editor of the .* |ar:—Perhaps tlje readers of our p« *er may think that we are frozen oi . and dead from the severity of"' te past win ter and war times. I tl mght a word from us would not be out of place Considering the unexi rienced hard ness of the winter ai f war times, we have no just reasdps to com plain. The men en tltp fields are doing fairly well. Thi^ are encou raged and hopeful of V, year of suc - cess. Rev R J Arnold, began his ad ministration at Linco ^ou as well as could foe hoped fo % The .people received him gladly atid the entire congrejgation is loud prnise of him as a gospel preadierr* They are paying him $700.00 arid kept near ly uip during the cold \9duter months The second quarter, 6 ®un_ day in March wTas a great day spi ritually and financial^*- Aside from the Presiding Elder Isilfry we rais ed $40 on pastor’s sala any special effort. I Gastonia | It was ‘hitting t head’ when Dr to Gastonia as the S T Hawkins who pastored there for without il oh the was sent r of Rev ccessfuliy rs. FVery body is highly pleased with Elder LanKfordMsnd says he preaches straight from his shoulders from a deep fountain of 'intellectual divine truth and the congregation is hap py and looking forward to greater success. They are paying 1700.00 Trinity Circuit Rev T B Jones slans off the sec ond year deeper and higher in the estimation of his people who says unstintedly that they have never had a better preacher if as good in the history of the church. The} have raised nearly a 1 of then claims already. Eider Jones i3 one of Zion’s strong and ' intel ectuai preachers who will measure u*e to | the gospel standard of today when ! and whereever ca led upon. We -are proud of him on the Lincolnton district. Bessmer Circuit. Rev L. L Boyd was returned to this charge for the third year. His people say he igets better every ser mon. Bro Boyd is developing into a very great preacher. IHis sermons are well thought out and delivered, intellectually filled with fine dic tion and spiritual power. The con gregations are ever on the increase He and the churches are not ex pecting anything less than success. >it Chapel Circuit. Rer R H 'radon was appointed to that wurk. He was sick and not able to get started until very late,, and the people scattered, especially at Adams Chapel. However since he has gotten there and met the peo ple things are putting on new life. They have put a new addition to the church at Mt Chapel and ceiled the church all over since Bro Hern don -went there and success Ieohs very hopeful. Kings Mt. Circuit Rev J S Smith, who for a- long time in the Western N C Confer jnce has been .noted for success ev erywhere he castors, is keeping up his reco d. The people-say the o d nan is “craving rations from the ■jospei ration house and walking ■bout in the pulpit. Everything is in fine shape and looking forward to round reports and a high spirit ual year. I .. . . Cherryville Circuit. man the people here'have Been look jig tot-a long time. They have nev er been so delighted since my ad ministration of a pastor. Nine per sons joined the church at Cherry ville at one service in January when few people were going to church. Rhones Chap<?l Circuit. Rev W A Wheeler is there for the second year. The date for tue first quarter there, the snow was so deep and cold I did not- got .any further than Newton, but he in fo rimis me that everything bj OK and all who knows Rev Wheeler ex pects nothing less than success. _ Shelby Station Rev P R Flack was appointed to that field and of course as -is well known did not stay. lie went up there and spent one day, preached two sermons and left. This and the fact that some of the members de sired the retu-n of the former pas or caused some dissatisfaction in he church, so Rev T F Rinehardt who was appointed to succeed the Rev F acie went theMa under un favorable conditions. The weather was bad and the people could not get out etc. It was a little dark for a while but the cioud that over shadowed him is about passed over and the sun of hope has risen and is shining brightly. They contract ed to pay him $500.00 with par sonage Henrietta Circuit. Rev. L C Thomas is doing well there. The people speak of him as being a high toned Christian gen tleman and a strong Gospel (preach er. He was very successful last year and I hope this year as well or bet ter. Doggelt Grove Circuit. Rev R M Harrison is the very j acceptable pastor there. This is Rev ! Harrison’s third year and the peo-1 pie like him better. His good vife! is a splendid help mate to him. Both of them are very highly re- j spec ted by the membership. They I are paying him more than they have ever paid any pastor. The New I Hopewell Church at Harris Station' is being built and will be ready for! use soon. I Zion Grove Circuit. Rev H A Keaton is carrying ev erything before him there. This is his second year and he has brought the work 'up from $500. to $650. pastor’s sala’y and built up the work every way. He is now fixing to ouiid a new enured at Zion Grove. Rev Keaton is a strong preacher and great singer which makes him very acceptable with the people. Rutherfordton Station. Rev R Farley Fisher is simply sweeping on to higher heights. He has had a splendid revival already this year in which twenty were sav ed. He has one of the best organ ized churches in the Western N C Conference. It is like a ebe hive— everybody at work. The Sunday School Convention meets there in July. 1A high entertainment may be expected. Dr Fisher is one of the rising stars in Zion as an intellec tual Gospel preacher. Jjog'an Chapel. Rev W D Carson is bringing things to pass on this charge. I hardly know which is the more de~ j lighted with each other, he or the people. Dr Fisher spoke of his suc cess not long since through this paper. Wesley Chapel Circuit Rev P B Falls is still doing well there as could be expected under ’the present conditions. They are building a new church at Wesley Chapel and the church is genera’ly on the increase. Rev James Love at Dallas and Briscoe on Chapel Hill Mission are both getcing on nicely. Since Rev Love has been at Dallas they have put an addition to the church for the pulpit and choir which adds very much to the looks of the church iSibce the winter has passed ev erything on the District seems hopeful for success. The Debt Pay ing rall y money will be raised at least by the Sunday School Conven tion in July, the Lord willing, ? Notice. The pastors of the District wi 1 please report and send to me ycur amounts for the Debt Paying Rally hy the 15 of Iviay. Raise and report the whole amount if possible. If iiri ossib e to report all send me what you hatfe and report the bal ance at the Sunday School Conven tion H. Blake, Presiding Elder. .... , t Editor of the Star of Zion: Plc-se allow me space in y&ur shining paper to say a few \Vords about our work in South Bend. I was appointed Pastor of Taylor’s A M E Zion Church at the Connec tional Council which convened at Chicago last August, by our distin guished Bishop G L Blackwell who knows how 10 dp and plan things. At that time I had pastoi&d St Mat' thews in' Chicago for over two years, and had learned to love the people of the “Windy City’’ and it pained my heart very much to leave tnem and come to South Bend. ''Being obedient to the Bishop I took this work on August 24th 191? and found them very much dis couraged along all, lines, but all seem to be very intelligent Chris tian people. I at once organized my forces and put them to work, and they all seemed willing to rally to any plans. Much has been said about the “disloyalty of church and peo ple of South Bend, but I find just as true Zionites here as anywhere in the connection, and the work is moving on. In my six months work here, thirteen new members have been added to the church roll and close to two thousand dollars have been raised for all purposes. Our fall rally which was he’d Nov 25th was simply a land-slide laispng £906.00. South Bend holds second place in the fall rallies of all the churches in the West. Let the large churches at Chicago and Indianapo lis report if they can beaf this. We are looking forward to a great time at our Annual Conference which convenes here in , June under the leadership of our great Bishop G L» Blackwell and our Presiding Elder G W Register. We expect to bring great things to pass, for great are the people Of South Bend. We are glad to note the great success our friend Dr H J Cailis is haring in Washington D C. It is not a sur prise to us for Cailis is one of our best Pastors. Mr Editor tell John W Wood, through your paper to preach on, sing on and write on, being faith ful over few things we will make him servant over many at the next General Conference. You may let the bright Star Shine on. L P Powell South Bend, Ind. g

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