THIS STAB OF EIOM 'VbiisEed f A. M. ' Zloii Publication House, Brevard and second Streets, Charlotte, N. C. Coanded 1876. One of the Oldest. Best and Brightest Negro News papers. Official Organ of The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. 411 Articles For Publication Should oe Sent To The Editor, Box 117 Charlotte, N. G. All Communications of A Business Mature Should be Sent to J» W1 Crockett, General Manager, A. M. B. Cion Publication House, Charlotte, S' C. Published every Thursday. Entered at the Post Office at Charlotte, N. C. sa second-class matter. Subscription -iates: One year, $1.00; six months *0 cents; single copy, 5 cents. ^ Advertising Bates Per Line. (Reading Notices) One insertion ....».$ .15 ’"our insertions . « .4® Thirteen insertions ........ « 1.50 {Twenty-six insertions .. _ _ 2.25 tuty-two insertions ......... S.00 Rate Per Inch Display. (Set Matter) e ■t Cne insertion .f Pour insertions ... Thirteen insertions * an ty-six insertions .t „ Fifty-two insertions : Discount for Plate Matter 'ldth of column „ tabulation Kts highst com. ■ffv. J. HARVEY ANDERSON, ». > i>. PH.D. EDITOR. 1. W. CROCKETT, GENERAL MAN AGER. CORRESPONDING EDITORS; Rev. J. w. MacDonald, DD. lev. J. E. Aggrey, AM.# DM. Rev. W. H. Davenport, DD. Itev. B. D* W. Jones, AM, DD. Mon. John C. Dancy, AM., LL>D. Rev. F. A. Pinanko, Africa AM., (West CONTRIBUTING CORRESPOND ENTS: Rev. E. L. Madison, DD. Rev. James Ed Mason, AM.. DD. Rev. J. H. McMullen, DD. Rev. E. M. Argyle, D. D. Rev. W. J. Walls, AM., BSw Air. J. O. Overton. ; Eev. J. W. Cost, D. D Rev. T. H. iMerriweather, Ph# D# Rev. S. A. Chambers Prof. J. W. Eichelberger, Jr. A M Rev. W. A. Deane, p. E., (South America). Afer. John Ed. Brace, "Bruce Grft.” Rev. G. W. P. Mitchell. Mine age is departed, and is removed from me as a shep herd s tent; I have^ cut off like a weaver my life; he will cut me off with pining sickness.” -—— , . zz— —-- ’ -• -- '■■■-■ 1 Board Of Bishops A. M. E. Zion Church Meet-Great Interest Man ifested-Much Enthusiasm-Much Important Business Transacted General Church In Fine Shape-Organic Union Discussed-Can didates Galore. Cheerful And Happy Of Large Number Of Ministers From All Parts Of The Church And Country. The most largely attended Bishop’s meeting in the history of the Church by officials, ministers and laymen gathered at the Big! Zion A M. E. Zion Church, Pennsylvania Avenue, Baltimore Mary'' ^®bruary 10-14, 1920. The nine living Bishops were present: u. v\. Clinton, Senior Bishop, Charlotte. North Carolina, Second Episcopal District; J. W. Alstork, Third Episcopal District, Mont gomery , Alabama; J. S. Caldwell, Fourth Episcopal District, Phila delphia, la.; G. L. Blackwell, Fifth Episcopal District, Philadelphia, l a.; A. J. Warner, Sixth Episcopal District, Charlotte, North Caro lina; L. W. Kyles. Seventh Episcopal District, St. Louis Mo.; R. B. Bruce, Eighth Episcopal District, Charlotte, North Carolina; W. L Lee, Ninth Episcopal District, Brooklyn, N. Y.; G. C. Clement, Tenth Episcopal District. Louisville, Ky. Bishop A. Walters and the two retiled Bishops, J. V. Hood and C. R. Harris died during the Quad" lennium. All of the General Officers were present and rendered glowing reports from their several Departments which were not only highly gratifying to all concerned, but were passed for file and audit with least criticism. These were semi-annual reports and in-, dieated increases 01 membership and funds added interest and ac tivities throughout the entire Church. The Officials presenting their reports were: Dr. F. M. Jacobs, General Secretary, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Dr. W. II. Goler, Financial Secretary, Salisbury, North Carolina; Dr. C. S. Whitted. Secretary Ministerial Brotherhood and Benevo lence Department, New Haven, Conn.; Dr. J. W. Martin Secretary of Education. St.Louis, Mo.; Dr- J- "W”* Wbod, Secretary Foreign Mis sions and Editor Missionary Seer, Indianapolis, Ind.; Dr. J. C. Dan cy. Church Extension Secretary, Washington, D. C.; Prof. J. W. Crockett, General Manager of the Publication House, Charlotte North Carolina; Dr. J. Harvey Anderson, Editor Star of Zion, Pat erson, New Jersey; Dr. J. Francis Lee, Editor of the Sunday School Liteiature, Charlotte. North Carolina; Dr. C. C. Alleyne, Editor of the A. M. E. Zion Church Quarterly Review, New Rochelle, N. Y.; Di- C L. Aleexander, Secretary of A. M. E. Z. Legion of Financiers, Petersburg, Va.; Dr .D. C. Suggs, President of Livingstone College, Salisbury, North Carolina, (This report was loudly applaudedy 1 ™f- *Eichelberger, General Superintendent of Sunday School’ and Editor of the Sunday School Bulletin, Warren, Ark.; Prof Aaron Brown, Secretary of the Varick Christian Endeavor Union I ensacola, Florida; Mrs. Ida V. Smith, Treasurer W IT and F M* Society Washington, D- C-; Rev- F. D. Douglas, Connectional Evan ^e. lst, Indianapolis, Ind.; Rev. Alonzo Scott, Connectional Evang e ist, Baltimore, Maryland; Rev. Wm. Lyons, Connectional Evange’ jst, Asheville, North Carolina, was the only absentee of the General Cfficers. Most of the Executive Boards w'fcre represented by one or more members and a large representation of Presiding Elders pas .01 s and prominent laymen. But few of the. leading women of the church were present at this meeting. Aside from Mrs. Ida V. Smith fere Mrs. Ella J. Caldwell of Philadelphia, Pa.; Mi’s. J. Harvey An lerson. Paterson, New Jersey; Re'JJemiette Johns. Baltimore. Md. • feffi^.^neYeport of Mrs. SffiSrSiowed won. ierful accomplishments by the Woman’s Department of the Church . is. Annie W. Blackwell, the Corresponding Secretary, was detain ed by reason of injury sustained by a fall; and Mrs.'Marie Clinton superintendent of the Buds of Promise; Mrs. Florence Randolph Tie President, Miss Victoria Richardson, Secretary of the Young Vv oman s Department were all in regret for non-attendance. How ever the ladies found it inconvenient to arrange a program as is Iieir usual custom for this meeting, therefore their presence in so (mall a number. ( ' lu me large congregation of the clergy were observed: Dr G W Kincaid Dr. G. W. Gaines, Dr. R. B. Hendricks, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Drs. J. W. Brown, A. A. Crooke, P. A. Wallace. New York City; 7'tV; Joues> Janaes Ed. Mason, Rochester, New York; Dr W. J- Walls, Louisville. Ky.; Dr. B. G. Shaw, St. Louis, Mo.; Dr- W H- Davenport, Wilmot, Ark- ; Dr. S. P. Cooke, Dr. N. D. King, Dr B. J- Bolding, DrvM. F- Gregory, Norfolk, Va.; Rev. P. Roy Flack Richmond, \a.; Dr. T- A- Auten, Cambridge, Mass.; Dr. B. W Swam, Boston, Mass.; Dr- H- J. Callis, Dr- W. D Battle Dr J- T Moppnis, Dr. W. G Brown, Prof- S. M. Dudley, Washington, D. C-: n1' n ^OonquesbDr. J. A- S. Cole, Deroit, Mich.; Dr- A- Hannuin, Dr. Q M- Oliver, Philadelphia, Pa-; Dr. J. S- Shaw, Salisbury, Md.= Rev. J- H- Johnson, Ithaca, New York; Rev- II. Durham, Buffalo. New York; Dr C. L- Alexander, Petersburg, Va-; Dr. S. L. Corroth ers, Isewark, New Jersey; Dr- II- B- Bennett, Salisbury, North Car olina; Dr. H. D. Bailey,, Chester, South Carolina; Rev. E- C- Mclver, Sd?r ^’,?0rthA^ar0li^a; Dr- J‘ L< Blaek’ Knoxville, Tenn-; Dr- J H- McMullen, Akron, Ohio; Dr. W. W. Matthews, Montgomery, Al abama; Dr. Wm- Sutton, Rev- W- F- Witherspoon, New Bern, North Carolina; Dr. J. S. Campbell, Monroe, Ga.; Dr. A- L- Martin, Au gusta, Ga-; Rev- S. Q- Swann, Carlisle, Pa-; Prof A V Taylor At kinson College MadisonviUe, Ky.. Prof. w. E. Woodvard, DiaWid die Industrial^Col ege, Dmwiddie, Va.; Rev- A- H- Ilatwood Dr. H. L- Simmons, Charlotte, North Carolina; Prof. Oscar W- Adams Ed itor Birmingham Reporter, Birmingham, Alabama; Dr. L- D. Work man, Alabama; Rev- G W. Armstrong, Detroit, Michigan; Attor ney, K. L- Brokenburr, Indianapolis Ind.; Dr W- H Tavlor Pa • 7' McCrory, Baltimore, Md.; Rev. G W. Brown W-, Rev. j.’ P- Foote Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr. William Robinson, South Carolina: "V,B' a Yelverton, Syracuse, New York; Rev. A. Brown Dr M- D- Lee Lancaster Normal and Industrial College, Lancaster, South Carohna; Dr. D- C. Baum, Chester, South Carolina; Dr. A. J. Gorham, Elizabeth City North Carolina. Dr- R. s. Oden, Kinston. North Carolina; Rev- W- T. Beck, Blackstone, Virginia- Mrs Nellie (Johnson) Daly, Baltimore, Maryland; Miss E. F. Brooks Chief Clerk. Financial Headquarters, Philadelphia Pa-; Rev W j’Robin son Baltimore, Maryland; Dr. Earnest- Lyons of the John Wesley M. E- Church Baltimore ex-Minister to Liberia, and her present Consul General to the United States, delivered a magnificent ad dress before the Board of Bishops and a large gathering of minis ters and people who manifested their apreciation’ by frequent and hearty applause- Rev. A. D. Duncan, Wilmington, Delaware; Rev. Lieut. B- C. Robeson, St- Louis, Mo-; and his brother Mr. Wm. D Robeson, Medical student m Howard University, Dr. F. W- Alstork St. Louis, Mo.; Prof. F- W- M. Butts. Elizabeth City, North Caro hna; Rev- W. McHenry Vmtes, Auburn, New York- TW- F R ttu lingsworth, Washington, D-G-; Rev. H. B. Gantt, lllantic G New Jersey/f Present. Rt Rev. Roy B- Mohr, Bishop of the Protestant Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore, Maryland; Rev. A- E. Liles, D. D-, of the Peoples Congregational Church, Baltimore, Maryland; Attorney W- G. Anderson and a large number of City Clergymen and visitors from the A. M. E- Church’s Bishops’ Council in session at the Mother Bethel A. M. E- Church were among the prominent visitors to the various sessions of the Bishop’s Meeting and other ministerial Confluences at Zion"Church. The Board of Bishops straightened out the schedule of General Conference dele gates and that of the several Executive Boards which will be pub lished in these columns soon. Interest in the proceedings of the open meetings was lively and at some points intense and many point ed and significant questions were asked and answered from the Chair Bishop J- S. Caldwell, presiding, while Bishop G- C. Clement acted in the capacity of Secretary, assisted by Dr. F- M- Jacobs General Secretary. Bishop G. C. Clement delivered the usual ser mon on this occasion to a large audience and it w&s followed by an evangelistic appeal and effort led by Revs. Alonzo Scott and W. T Beck with good results. The sermon was well prepared and deliv ered in a masterly manner to the delight of all- Bishop Clement is classed among the ablest of Episcopal pulpiteers of the race and country- The Holy Communion was served to a large congregation of ministers and members on Wednesday night after the brief eu logistic exercise in memory of Mrs- Bishop J. W. Alstork, late of Montgomery. Ala., the principal eulogy being read by Dr-' W H Davenpbrt, of Arkansas. Other remarks followed by members of the Conference. The Boards of Bishops met in Executive session Tuesday preparatory to the regular sessions at which reports from the General Departments are read and passed upon- Dr- J. W. Mc Coy. the pastor and his congregation pleased all their distinguished; guests with the splendid entertainment they furnished- The terms were liberal, the homing of delegates was satisfactory, the food was of best quality, and tidily and politely served by competent attend ants, ladies of the congregation. The choir of this church is a fine - musical organization, led by Mr- Maurice Butler, an experienced and efficient musician and singer, and who also presides at the heavy tone pipe organ. The leading soprano is Mrs. Lillian Butler, sup ported by an efficient corps of sprightly and well trained songsters, bystem characterized their management of affairs. The church edi fice has been beautified with up-to-date fracoing and new paint and beautiful latest system of electric lights equal to the best in the city, white or colored, and heavy and costly art windows back and front, and other improvements to match both in the spacious audi torium and lecture room with its various apartments. Dr. McCoy is a hustling aggressive pastor of great taste and order and he has’the united support of his congregation which he has increased over five hundred per cent since his three years’ pastorate, and the main debt has been materially reduced, and the church made to rank with the leading churches of the City while Dr- McCoy has the respect and confidence of the entile City- He and his congregation received, the & o4 the delegates in, attendance- J A. distinguishing feature • the visit of the A. If* -E. ^iion J3isn ' ops in a body aceompariaed by a large number of ministers and lay men to the Council of Bishops of the A. M. E. Church in their most magnificent edifice situated on McColoh Street. The Greeting was most cordial, brotherly and spirited. After some formalities Bishop W- L- Eee of the Zion visitors was introduced to make the principal address which consisted in a review of events connected with the history and personnel, of the great A- M. E- Church, her distinguish 'd Bishops- great achievements and wonderful religious prestige as a denominational force and influence upon popular sentiment and as a powerful rage factor in its uplift, progress and education. The speech was masterly, eloquent and forceful and impressive which nade it exceedingly difficult to outclass. Bishop Lee was never in aetter form nor spoke to better advantage and to greater satisfac tion tfo a11 the auditors. The response Was made by Bishop Chap aelle of the A. M. E. Church and of the State of South Carolina. The iishop spoke well but it was evident that he had difficulty in re sponding to such a timely, logical and powerful address as was de lvered by Bishop Lee- - This criticism is in good spirit but we must ■ender unto each man his earnest 'earning- The reply was made n a splendid fraternal and brotherly spirit as was that of the form 'r sPeaher and both advanced in the most sincere terms the pending proposition of Organic Union between the A- M. E- Church the C tf. E- Church and the A. M. E. Zion Church The Episcopal visit was returned by the A- M. E. Church Bish )ps m a body accompanied by a big delegation of officials and lay nen on Thursday afternoon when a similar programme was execut ed Bishop A\. W-Beckett, of the A. M. E. Church being selected to nake the principal address- The Bishop was felicitous; earnest, >log cal and eloquent. Ills illustrations were applicable and forceful vhile Ins mannerism was pleasing and his plea for Organic Union vas warm and sincere. But another master appeared when Bishop :,eo. C- Clement of the A M E. Zion Church was called upon to re ;pond to the great speech of Bishop W: W- Beckett. Shch an array Jnforma13Jn> lucid details history and events connected vith the two great organizations concerned, logic, religious philo n’ •Strength of/rgument, force of expression and llliant eloquence is a sparce feature upon occasions of this kind U^d^W^WT1 -thlS °ne’ The verdict was unanimous in this egard. That the Union m question was accelerated by these won lerful and appealing addresses from the four distinguished Erhs opates was notleft a question. They were liberally SllpfriX tpplauded bytteir respective constituencies. Rev. JUonzo Scott, the .opular and renowned songster, sang with impressive and magnetic effect the popular selection: “Here Am I, Send Me Send Me “There lever was in the memeory of this writer who has hkd more than fifty -ears of observation, eonttef and^miliar connection with the J emal OTiriT^h^thiV’T’V^81’0 Methodist bodies a more fra emal spirit and brotherly feeling, and that breathed a greater sin utath ThT^ssTbihtUfTb t0 leaUy C°mP in sptrft and ■r seen and annrpebHelr "I he acheme was never made to be plata r seen and appreciated- There is so much to be given up so much o adjust and re-adjust, so much distance to cover smLhnT the each between each denomination concerned, so many knottv aues! ZtousSetremendOTsnyanPdr0biemSit0- S°lTe that the aPPears m° [lentous, tremendous and almost insurmountable The report of Mrs- Ida V- Smith, Treasurer of the W H. and F U Society showed the receipts to be over $3,000 for the past three nonths which is included in the half-year re’port AH fte Depa^

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