V ,s ITOW JPKOPS ANDu OTHER rNOT ABtESiyrCOLUM BUS,6HIO. »P. /B CALDWEIifi ^EJMPLE^ DEBJ* CATEI^BISHOP* CLEMENT t, HONQREDU i&mcsA_£ .%nc~ * be:.a ,aao T r. TO V d. I“Iscn»a3 .t^JT T-l TJ^' the Federal Council of Churches ’5",Chfidt*in IBiyJfa ^(SSfoeH? (^re’BfecHwsn, aKo; -RlV: f &.* tl ' ■ ' J^Callfe iwer| =*' aid3 ^eb -W -•>■-*iftUrt&F'fcM tf^d^Ations.; “ ^ t&?. ‘Wr&sK. ^mtemv pm{ aen^^oP'tiil W&MaF^ifeptfet &n PhillfpsT^f Oft? <5?-%P-s». §£hurch, ^ ^terl &s >' " GbluihbnBtteg>*but ^hy '{eveBiag: •' >" church Was 'Ullc*; >'Th# church haU* been redodOrhted 3 tor? Mar reecaeion ‘ ' aid • BiphoS’ Gteirient. preached iw " < Tf!nA and*inapfrlfig*»e^mo®»At fr:P? | *r 1M;; the dCdichtortal ^ceremony was •gi5 >u harf ‘fcnflp 5Rdvt -Bri^Rtafe, rsecretaryr v©f> the eityfetoeratiefa, lgaw>*} ad-" 1 -rf** dre&B. ■13‘haieiad< 90-jThtrmoo so- i cKUfch ‘ wa»7 just $ntehin&.4gh f " thfe -whiehr 1s :-th«r last ^of athe ’ ~n-,.' ififjfcd&TOff flrafer- payment,-rSevw^l ^ church b Moaday jnigbtt -• i - •ehht^h (g*t«e5 iBish*pr;43lera«u^ _1 • f ^ahd* tt? ’ ’wa«3‘iaL-*aMKietz4n-T *■' :' deea-^lCffes^petfT 'clefksmostlyf^rhits^ frthtft aepunty ■nr.9bj auditor ^tm&aifacpofe • Tni,->oh I orf »7 f^A finrMto nTMatdheBieHEaBtif f3&»Pti?» criiTir : hitu >’Sf^rsh*H, ofatinnC^liolABP^Mt - > a<5otlt thirtyrf Whtte>qp^PPl^-»4§^4^er wffip .-onldred f*d6rks, ?tewa j ,f?p ■r.-< >: rftbrs^aaBTntttBrto fjfi sal^i 'i ‘ • siuostTprdanineuird dUtTch^r/^an^l^,,, ^."jdTitarfi ©r^oshi^. i^aolweiit*t^f( i Paul -croc? AO M. 1&-JiiChUroh, tffcfoiil&rnba r Li^AJUmimmVemow&. • .3- f ito leti iiHSP rjfg&Mfler.'rS! 'c ^t»rianrlw$m&pr ^ft ^;r *3*&f *m eh^4J|waPf 5«8» Jp mmik '»WW#WiS 1?rj*l ^"SSSM;’®®3 «S«'«e«'0t'W, cauniry -J*»r What 'Attoroey -«»< liard. sa$'aljbiiC O^ali^ll'M1 the ■•JonrnaU”• i “Pedicatory'' eio^ciS^ dr^Ca^dwe^ Temples l||t^wefekr we^la¥»eiy:nat*r 1 rl a- -Vs tOTdedl #e Vap 9«i^> • r s .tr-‘t*. Tr+j«.r* ,?c a»nV en^onbaFnfht’wtPll Cfiief Justice C f Iviars^il pf thC^^uureTme courts __ v.^vm. «jto-9#11*fft4nt ^'Sdhidgr to'hatfeeh^rt lip - p^riatdt- a tgreatur^counf^y; at'^igter'^r»i t*rx&q*tTdyed Pli^pa. prtfrh.t- M'v O’d KentucVv F-y^p” or^d “Old Black Joe” on an jS9W, F-s. >n«o r/W,r -of «J- 0#rch’ ^Qdw rf.thr 5 TR , ! *n®« - . T9rl K;rrr fi tol is: \ \Q J ir, 4 1b it ?rrfr>afi?TT9' mi s&i "Eg® r.irrerf %} £Pi5C0PiarANDrrs jcarr rr*/: ] ^ effe^on. i'Ta008m ^ao.-nso "roTiJIp^n .'r;;nr ,To the student of history the* evo 9jmmaz a ^ 3309.3* t “ra*’ lution of twenty, centuries ■ has rtem» a so assn r.-; i .. wrought marvelous changes in thft, unoia®6Tf (ii o^t'rs'ite sossirThr t - social, intellectual, political and xfr l>y 9oo;-’T 91 '-iii 9ft.-^ ; ibin'9 ligious realms. I c,.,r.. sadifoiT.'x 3. it:. 8 ffg.'fG'ri.r ^ «:• In no sphere of thought ,and action .94 or Z*5:uJ2Q2. 1647/ j however, -is this more strikingly j firJT J A T ;.tO TT : a A 5 TO M3*; t clear than in the ecclesiastical ;do^ fsn~ a ■.n/ijra eoqfooo vira&icta , Betw'een the supple scripts main.” Between the s' 5da. Oif Dffj 7a;- TO T3*tf r*.i» a? ~r, T3*w>'.-t {>iA*r/r ral JPresbyter, Bishops, of . the T9T jii.Tj ,TWO B'900 SflTJ i.B.90! e S ffrtt; °ceniury an<3i tie exalted ecclesiastirr? ?c&i; i¥h fri sour dam Mn5 Yaricfue'tittn^hefr* W tfi<^ t&rfstianr alP BiMftp#,*'' tfiefe'Os iflitte ’gVeattM' rfifflTenfe^.'1 ;i"0 ‘ jncep. oEioa V3&n9£3m &Aj%Bk£tq oft.; , Says, the jRev. Mr^ Hatch in' njtoz os- vadt T9T9«9i1w a^ao i jerepce to yie organ lzatfo: ‘ fe-'* hjOfl ttf. ijia 8 id OTSOfi .ft;■!«!£ _. x; the primitive episcopus and the 'me3 itei w hPF51nf!%l?#’,'lte#',SfUf4H an.hD0a .mqBd 9ftam -rBOf ! \0 T1>A AA/I ” * 1 3 fecogn ,*»—,■ w tSlfiffl 9il’, 5tB trait, of the. former a A£>1 li.a.^dj lad por j „tsD iLBd I'T.s.^ri.t lad h/:Brf Js asw But at the isamp time he cop the cliasinhm ts ronJcm Lwnr a space .oSf *nis ?f& VJ90of < ■'' iinnqahj. Dcb .-m/ can De traced.* ^otfffi^tfgitforfe mv& %h?s chapter 3F^stifw <&tem¥£ tS |tm? ^InlfMttW^ -iSfe-6 m* j -w* « *ly^ rfUffee^leSMSOPt^ftfe s^‘ teg9«felfoM€- "ttf^^^ppstles VilddtIfigirCMaMedRWe •Iblft^^s A , ftiido & oJ jfioft iaoTg b nBom i iloirivi ffjfo .if99'* 07 .73iIJ 72B9 nr J. JjfIS gJTTBSfl i ,89X0 wm™,* basd aJ&to ?PAlfiwWW^tiieni | naslo stoo-ii ftebaat* 4 !'.'/9 1(0^ • *3^^ ed here recently, 'the town where the famous^ 'martylfjfiyed fo^'inan^ -ye^rs an^ wtfere 1liis 5t>dy'now rests J . sf ?■ 3 V — r- *rf £ t \P iS ^ TTie painting was acqulreld by the patriotic board’ of supervisors ‘ of_thf copn|y of^lSsgex af'a“c^stP of ^r.OOg^ h 4 A cohgr^tulatoi'Jr t&egrato Waa ’re aft-t •( t r' afttH AldjSffO v389T history and sends aTond StgJBS^ldftjyWrSfte*!* tf!>s9T A lofty granite monument in mem cry of John Brown, to be erected over his grave by the colored people of this country, is a project now be ing considered. IMPERFECT IN ORIGINAL EMANCIPATION ADDRESS. DR. E D. W. JONES ADVOCATES A NEGRO CONGRESSMAN. Negro Congress Bureau, Wash* ington, D. C. * The Emancipation Proclamation Celebration for the District of Colum bia was held this year under the auspices of the National Negro Race Congress, Dr. W. , H. Jernagin, 2Pi$l!tfc$b*pow&‘ did Mfluence1 of the ^ race^hardi enlarged* "to the #crportibns ^tfeaCf eitheri/ti^nC 'NefarYotk, New ’ •Uerstfy^dllifaote, ?-T ‘Michdgafl i*or' IWffi :“ahat!^we^hur d Yew sye^^eniofed trfeA Slavery. fTheTSTegro^^thfettet- rfgtft fto *fes& eenfere6smda‘«»aii‘^wy": gr^tifr In Arftericft -'because/'hiB are etetffjSIiy befcig'Violattedte • $el I a&i r, 3‘.«rh%-T imigMtiOIr' ^tf ^ the ^flfeVoit of thtr^peaksr'eoMlmSW ^‘a&a-^fcfrVhatf ‘td>*Be <9ia#id*> alJri^ fb eCott^iifeifcoSidRSbisa/'^ut^^ftOre di 1 refelt^'diaifeeaBIfeP to *f > rigtfft*% de ^re to '-der- ffom”hatrda,^aisftMctfete- *' rftenl/Wd^tflSrSc&ddl f&dfliftes ttr-aP %ddfloil^ vffierti m H^*%0h«&bld,«iif< some larger measure ex€^jl§ei Wfc6 ^A^^-IS^jeatSen, ] edd* ^atdfcRft clPldi^n ffedP sdbdre ^d- ’ rfl¥r hf&smi' rodftf aoiinpal | erfi :i.e ffi^^elWnfer^o « th§« ‘MM^LetP'fcb1 forget his wrongs Srftf ^ as">‘t©T ;ad¥cidate ^eve^n d'TfmdMi§ ifc!3e ajt ^the e^MMse^of $s Pnifft%ally!«rfSr. aibSies^ippiflteth' flgit 9p#dsia%atia>^‘i^leCtWn •W&ld ft^T'det^mi^^'byf N«£fa rotes igay candidate because -x»|d.-JpttjHgw label, fbfft5h^fcaMStie'trfi>T»lnoiiae^9ina the at tytx«$eflhiaint»toediflfroward74he'n^ace-ye r txBfe efUrtbfejtl uifgedi tfeft9*3wy^rs of . h.MfBSere ‘^tcOappeab scape rcffFes j,ortjie rtoe/hsM ^bntYhlffei^ P*W#t j b^bw fti.r7.s.VT one V8if3 ,a~ J-y •CtOO i yji 73to ’ is Ma PARAGRAPHteCOMMENm -H.—H , M A g/rK’r A.fCl^dbk^B. 3 to tad 'T.&H^OesiflOO ; »iif TJ af' r»*i th^TSeislory^ oF thg^coBefer^ gHSe' ^ishdp h'ff^neWr UBe4n fegn^ V# €fncg^he^ha^kbeb»% blASo^fte ^g- a^m^h4 ^nfatasr'. V 'YWhr xg6ufa g*ffmM&g bV^heite^ sJ^nSftfife* oSf«th^oifl*?d8^ | fewll&p^&T1?# ^nfen^9^HyTassisted himf^W*? i'ssiftrials 9&e \ polit fcW’ttfSfW^aftf ^IP^fhe^n9' Bishop Walters. BisflSJP (S^eirf9?^1 #Wdiii![ elGhujjh&afr 'tfri 'Cl? annual conferences, peruse what has lieeii a)Se'd whr’tle written by those iij the onward, progressive ion °Ktethodism. ffcbAfA^dj 3amo8t, Jefficlent young pastors of ouF Church, who, by the way is one of the ’strong can r ^ t|> around, shite hands* wiSSuifie^i|reth , 'V JHi] .jr// t around, shake ha _ _ , o flBfn-riiirta « ioojft-nl. ritSi np.tr ren,, and .present their views ins poo os-'obni nn& .iioasaoieo .ataJs l n L ject to reduce mine to writing; witbr. - ‘flie tope itljat jlhl ^ftioirgh^ul ^oj: that t'?Sele 9 Tei^erl^^ay '^be"! ‘la 10. 30/M hn& dezs&nfoT .laeW • , throwing a ray more or light tb-paid us rll?^ant’icfpttlirfegi^lktiifn'?9 T j, Qr “.in ^iis lel?er'f‘^art imore^ 3speciflcafcpf anw*M°chu™h to hear me beAMroftSfly*.1 w S | .tt rtnn All that-J-said- in my fourth letter Mtf^ id m*6mp&i?hd$r’Et Jim- , of the ilfetb^Tn stfdrdffen *&ld*#'*w ' If s ”;|(%n^ftfd^d dex#wegky j , ^r , fi'.Og 973-rr tjfloq*i.f[ . R8000H9 ’ "9? ”‘>i'NtW 0HLFJ)VNS'M«E: CONFERENCE1" . n t Vj ffafTMrT/T Trrrf W A 7-1? \ rfeeds' a 9B^jodvp,lUiTJ|R.9?5> ' f** [■0 NeW T>rl%ald&; TBS. ■ Taii/^- War' Me Ass’cffcla tW'*M4t^o ’Prfc&s) f»Th# annu Sl'L a^af^hift%iF oft-fregrb ''Methodist !ChuVcffes ^ftsRT^ he?g“rAwTt*i1fl't chOTOfenex$£& ^tft-k' aifdriheSKfP campaigns. The area which, nfe iSK posed of AlabamaYM’I#ifesfifrpi, &0€ isiaria—aii® Texas / includes a of®94f$)00 TfifemW?f§siand sev etftf^sti«?0§l9O%f 8^M»'idSarnft^: h liWSfu^^Ptf tWWdfll^ithW^ea^fiifi^ der 'Jcn^mofffiChaa |600?#0 was raised for Missionary work and the completion of many new church es including one at San Antonio, Texas, the cost of which was $80,000 and one at Greenwood, Miss., cost BLAME US NOT BE CAUSE WE ARE NOT STARS. BUT BECAUSE WE ARE BE NEATH THEM. By Rev. E. Malcolm Argyle. 1 .. • Passing. The year 1923, is sad memory, It is rolled up in the scroll of eternity with all of its cares and tears, though many of us may not live to see its successor end, yet few of us Weep at its departure. We are conscious of the fact that the new year brings new duties, and new trials and new vexations, new burdens and more bit* ter/'tears, new disappointments, and new responsibilities to meet, but the problems that seem indisohible is the fact that "Whatever we do. Where ever we be, we are travelers to the grave.” —Many things have confronted us this year that have vexed our very souls. We have seen men, oblivious of the interest of fellow man, sordid^ and greedy, avaricious and selfish. We have seen them rise to power and fame, lauded and applauded, with others cowering in ahject men dicancy at their feet, and tP day— this new day of a new y«^y finds their power waned, their plac» among men vacant, their voices hushed They are gone to come no n^ore. lhese sad reminiscences Mucuty- but remind us we too are passing; and we should be careful bow tp tmod : > one another. We should start tha new year by leaving an bitterness behind us. *! • The Church. What about the Church, as shep herds of the flocks of Christ? Have we been as zealous abiu‘ the’ souls of • men as we have about, opr sala ries, general claims and other de mands? We should ask oursoHts these questions and take sto^k of la bors. There ig grave danger :n be ?comin^ too much engrossed in offices seeking. Some of us seem to go wild n^the mad scramble for office. is therg^not too many trying to get awa^frgm the shepherding of God’s 'flPswoo? ena11 cannot be bishops andl general opcgrs; some of us musk •WWlW P»«iWe to T^MM***.«»<«!>» lMi,ore ““ ifeSfrainrt?f)il8r irwr#Iveinf* •»»•» very small ^gga^ggii^re^, a*a sfflSfSS W%4S ixa ger ot real dearth of,, e^ec^ men. jTfSjft P% WSt is ln to boast of our r loyalty to the rich emoluments from its, .coffers, and living, m the esteem of .those in pow broth the es* «HFiv “IW "MTShTitVI ■ tak_ 1 Ihml rnr e« Vm?j%;.'Oftour, ouT,iaimii*ef words-, of iW^rniaff r ha$e .JjeenubiMroded.tas- idi otic drivel and the vaporing^#’ a din #j3#edt-b^n, oqr. seycrest critics will give us rW.itho sun fi^loy-o-wijt^ ^o.rPbu^//than wc£Oi worldly increments, <9fTW!fo1W!l#'cF have «n« the council were Dr- Ralph E. Dif fendqrfer, Chicago; and Dr. M. W. Hogan, president of Wiley ColTeg% Marshall, Texas-. : , We y°Wd tpf.have been ^Wcr#fr£cure ap tA^oQhVch in t_ _ *Otf liyrfjf fflflifng g. j i