▼oeum* of God 1b full of illustra prore this. The word of show* many Instance? | i >ave them. Hq. -.if,. . We seem to be living , in an age when God speaks only to. the lew, « indeed he speaks at,all. It is inter esting to hear men these days gfving yon God’s great program as has only been revealed to the few. We are . not unmindful of the .fact that right it would seem has always been in the '' minority; yet the great question that . should concern us all is why God t has ceased to. speak to men every where, to inform and keep them in terested in His great and glorious Perhaps this busy age in which we lire has put men on wheels or - has given them wings so that the humming ot the wheels of industry, of worldlh|pss Of the buzsipg of the voice. We should think mor^ of Rev elation *':6, /‘He that hath5 an ear, L |nt him is will God havp a chance tp speak njen and offer any suggestions as. to .what our program . snail be for fee next four years or have we al ready fixed it without Him- Are we willing, to make this stupendous task of selecting men hnd women who will direct the affairs of the '• Church for the. next quadrenninm, a matter .of prayer and be led by His , Spirit, or will ' we 'choosd men and ^ women because, they are our friends and can be usedns, and then KNIbdtto help tis l»ep them straight or at least hid froth the public. We should never forget that scene General Conference that met in our General Conferenc fb to Charlotte in May 4912 Davenport Hints At Disagree ment With Financial Plan. By W. tt;Davenport.v; i'l*' . . y ~ ■» ' i(i;i '»'« "* A very Interesting document has osne into our hand* recently, which nm the nature of the letter aecom nnying It, has gone into the hands .Denominational .Creed” is the »f the tireless Bishop Kyle*. It m twelve articles of faith all stay set. forth' in understand inguage . To the better under ig of the spirit animating this ,&no*t every method pa'd been used i to elect some me# as bishops, but (failed, the Conference joined in sing* ing, ‘‘Father, I ptretcb toy hands to Thee, No other beip I know," etc. Tftas the hyton that should hpe been used'at the beginningwas sung near th# close and only when it wa» found that nothing could b^ accom plished by mere human force anti schemes. • ■'W! - Let Us hope that the noble men and women elected to serve in the Coming General Conference are men and women; who will take Order# : from the whispering' of the Holy. Spirit amd will do what ought and must be done for the establishing of Christ's kingdom in the earth. If it is making proper 1 district#; saving the kingdom’s money or electing competent men to be as signed to tbe district, let us put down selfishness and work for the good of the Church. Winston-Salem. your whole duty, there toshout to the passing In fact, if the reborn* mce is almost fcefcee and w® polls to oil the ttr Church, to j|thd gear^in momentum so 5 carry on foi. fhc|t to put on g® that w© shajt be i MMrtqKMKjK y< more, getting bet four yeats than^ of Zion Methodist Going to IndU be carried along t er used at Knor man* eveny deleg | 1 BI8H0P J. 8. 6ALDWELL, D. D. Bishop. J. S, Caldwell, who speaks at the Chicago AlMRace Conferento onthe subject: “The Effect of Religion on Race Relational ” > the opportunity which she offers far the development of their highest self expression, and the achievement of their individual and social aspira tions.” That aritcle reveals the man, and we can therefore apPrb|ch his creed with more confidence and as surance. It is, the purpose of thlf paragraph to touch only upon One other article at this time, for so many are interested in it, whether they less.t Article six hat in order rS admit it or not of abstract noth reads: “I bellei secure the most 'Spresentativfe ot ms or ur ears to the grognd, arid 11 to. the ci-yittg jars are pot deaf to those who sort the ‘cause, we , can hear 1 The South' are ifc’the rfj&t Bril deeds flee tl the break of day. rather than light* are eril< When .i tolerated in a ebl i indicates that th« rise up and cot even when entre wonders v +A •. . • - ; '•*' • member thereof unde graft and rbrauption. scintilla of pro^f is i is a serious abuse of speech. No sanely re of public opinion- ^on reckless utterance. 1 nalism' requires the* definitely ascertained i of where it leads or >. But even here a wi«C j vertisement of such ft ment. The true crit< determined by what h be served, and hot by nationalism. For the cannot see what racial is : accompSished hy ! pubfle scandal .our hie tieal dignitaries. W|id propensity in, apy ptjaej our own. .^