* THE OfTICIAL ORGAN OfTHE Af RICAN NUMBER TWENTY-ONE r-.HARI.OTTB, NORTH CARO) .INA* THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924. VOLUME FORTY-EIGHT General Conference i By t)r. W. Hf. Davenport* PRESIDENT COOLIDGE ENDORS ED BY THE GENERAL CONFER- j ENCE. ' When the A. M. E. Zion General Conference was called to order yester day morning by Bishop L. W. Kyles, of .North Carolina, the delegates plunged into the serious business of the session.' Dr.\ T. J- Moppins, of St. Louis; B. W. Swain, of Boston; Oscar W. Adams, of Birmingham, of A fered a resolution which was'approv ed, that the administration of Presi dent Coolidge be endorsed; that an Anti-Lynchiift Bill be enacted; that the establishment of a World Court instituted by President Harding and supported by President Coolidge. There was a favorable reaction to the resolution offered by Rev. I. B. Turner, of Trenton, N. J., who pro posed that general officers seeking the office of a Bishop, and failing of election to that office shall nof^ be a candidate for the office previously held by them. Bishop L. W. Kyles urged in reso lutions that a budget system and cen tral treasury be provided and that the’ Home Mission and CMurch Extension Department be separate and that an executive secretary for the Mission Department be elected and all monies raised for that department he appro priated for the ministers on the mis - siOn fields. Dr. E. D. W. Jones, of Washington, D. C. proposed that a committee of not less than three nor more than nine be appointed in the Annual Con ferences to look after the Brother hood monies; that public acknowl edgement be made before the Confer ence adjourns of the monies received and that the beneficiaries of the De partment be paid within—days of their death.. Dr. E. L. Madison, of Pittsburgh, Pa., insisted that the Connections] Board be full hedged1 and. that the travelling expenses of the Executive Board of this department be paid and that provisions therefore shall be madfijby the General Conference. Great excitemeilt prevailed when Bev. B. W. Swain, of Boston, propos ed equal representation in the An nual and General Conferences. It is said that the conferences are fav orably disposed to an equal repre sentation. , Missionary Study Course in prep aration for missionary work, at Liv ingstone College, was urged by reso lution presented by Mrs. Ida Wallace and a printing press be sent to the Gold Coast office and a book stort be opened there. Dr. E. M. Argyle urged thatmem bers of the boards be nominated bj the General Conference. Miss Mis souri Moore, Brooklyn, would equal ize representation, while R. F. Fiejher of Kansas City, wanted the Home Mission and Church Extension De partment separated. Shouts of ap proval went up whep it was propose< that the bishops be, required to liv< in their districts. N "Jesus Christ or Chaot” was th< challenge of J. W. Eiehelberger, Gen eral Superintendent of Sunday School) in his appeal for greater advance ii Christian Education and the adoptioi of modern method* in Sunday Schoo work. ' \ . •> Prof. Aaron Brown, Pensacola, Fla. reported a lar^e increase in Chris tian Endeavor activities vin the de nomination and the genereal recog nitiqn which the society attained dux ing the last quadrenniurn / W. L. Hamblin, Connectfonal Aud itor verified the reports of the fiscs agents df the Church. ’ Dr. J, E. Mason, Rochester, N. Y financial agent of Livingstone Col ieger:ri^Jto a Privilege and; services to the that no provision had been made for his travelling expenses. ■ The presid ing officer stated on behalf of the Bo'ard of Bishops that Dr.. Mason was a full fledged general officer. The Holy. Hour devotions followed the stirring activities of the morning. ■ Bishop Caldwell held these devotions and G. W. Maize with great devotion offered prayer. ':>■ ", | F. D. Douglass, Wm. Witherspoon, Wm. Bascom,^and E. M. Argyle were called to the platform and assisted in one of the most spiritual hours of the session. ' ^ j The Devotional Committee announc ed at 11:00 A. M., J. W: Brpwn, D. D., New York. 3:00 P. M. R. J. Buckner, D, D., Knoxville, Tenn. v 7:45 P. M. Rev,. T. J., Houston, i Asheville, N. C. The Sunday Services at Tomlinson : HhlL Not within the memory of Watch ; ing the Breakers,, who has been at , tending General Conferences for J twenty-eight years, has there been such ^spiritual manifestations as has been joyously witnessed at this j Conference. The results thus Tar ; have more than justified the spiritual program arranged by Bishop J. S. 1 Caldwell. Old Tomlinson Hall fair ly rang with jubilee singing and the shouting o£_Jie enraptured multitude. Bishop Paris A. Wallace, who had charge of the services, was in the best of form.' At 9:30 a. m., a model Sunday School wa,s conducted by Prof. J J. W. Eicheljberger, that master in Sunchiy School work. At 11 a. m., Sunday mo’rning, Ma'y 11, Dr. J. W. -Brown, pastor of Mother Zion New York City church, was called to the platform and the first Sunday service of the General Conference began by singing that devotional classic “Holy Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty,” •lined by Bishop G. C. Clement, which was followed by the reading of the j 13th chapter I Corinthians, by 1 Bishop L. W. Kyles. , Bishop W. L. Lee offered prayer and the Beatitudes were recited by Bishpp P. A .Wallace. The pnging of “If Jesus Goes With Me Ill *Go,” lifted up the people and Dr. J. W. Brown, who was introduced to preach, asked the congrega ion to sing, “My in a mother's ismile; power in a his text “Honor Thy Father add Thy Mother” from which he preached an eloquent and effective sermon in ob servance of Mother’s Day. Among other things he said, there is power j in a Mother’s smile; power( in a j mother's song; power in a mother’s j love. To honor \our mothers we must ( cultivate habits of industry, honesty, and integrity. We, should seel% tc better our hbmes.. Bricks and mor tar, fine carpets, and tapestries de not make'homes. Christian char acter, the family altar, must be back o’x everything. The congregation was in tears when the preacher took his seat, and Dr. G. W. Maize movedvii ! to deeper tears and hallelujahs wher ! in soft and tender notes watblec . “Will' Mother Meet Me There?’ . j Bishop J, S. CaldweH whs set op firs [ j and scouted this is the thing ws .1 needr Th< Afternoon Service. Dr. S. T. Hawkins of the Westerr N. C. Conference, conducted the spir jtual service, followed by singinj “Amazing GraOe/’ lined by Bisho] Wallace and Dr. R. A. Morrisey rea< a part of the 101th-Psalm for th< Scripture lesson. The old veteran, J H. Stone, of Louisville, Ky., addresset the throne of grace and Dr. R. J Buckner, the eloquent presiding eldei of the Tennessee Conference, selects for his text “Those that ^ go downb the sea in ships,- that do business ii greet waters, these shall see th< works of the Lord, apd his wonder! in the deen ” * i - in the deep.* The preacher said: “A man wiw has been given a fiery passion, ft giyen a corresponding intelligence h control that passion The t / BISHOPS. Bishop J. S. Caldwell, JX D., First Episcopal ^District. Bishop G. L. Blackwell, D. D., L.D.,' Second Episcopal District. Bishop L. W. Kyles, A. M., D. D., Third Episcopal District. Bishop W. L. Lee, D. D., Fourth Episcopal district. Bishop G. C. Clement, A. M., D. D., Fifth Episcopal pistrict. Bishop J. WLN Wood, D. D., Sixth Episcopal District. ... Bishop P. A. Wallace, A. M., D. I>., Seventh Episcopal Dis trict. - ^ '. " Bishop B. G. Shaw, D. D., Eighth Episcopal District.v Bishop E. D. W- Jones, D, Di, Nftith Episcopal District. Bishop W. J. Walls, D. D., Tenth Episcopal District., * x Bishop J. W. Martin, D. D., Eleventh Episcopal District. v Bishop C. C. Alleyne, D. D., Twelfth Episcopal District. •GENERAL OFFICERS. Rev. F. M. J elected General Rev. W; H. elected Financi Rev. S. D. re-elected Man ing House. Rev. W. H. D Editor the Star ;Rev. J. Franci eleced Editor Su erature. x . Rev. WyO. C. Editor Quarter Rev. W. W. re-elected Edi Seeff jobs, D. D., re lecsretary. >leiTi D. D., re Secretary. [atkins, D. D., jr- of Ptabjish ivenport, D. D., Zion, jf Lee, D. D., re ay School Lit rington, D, D., Review, itthews, D. D., Prof. J. W,. Youn&e, Secretary of Education/ • * a Dr. C. S. Whitted, re-elected Corresponding Secretary Minis terial Brotherhood. * Prof. S. M. Dudley, Secretary of Church Extension. Prof., J. W. Eichelberger, re elected Superintendent, of Sun day School Department. Prof.• Aaron Brown, re-elected President of Varick Christian Endeavor. Mrs. Daisy Johnson, re-elected President of General Missionary Society. Rev. W. L. Hamblin, re-elected Auditor. Mrs. S. D. Davis, re-elected Vice-Presidept of Missionary So ciety. / Miss Victoria Richardson, re elected Seceretary of Y; W. De partment. Mrs. Lizzie Pierce, re-elected Recording "Secretary. Mrs. Annie L.> Anderson, Corresponding Secretary Wo man’s Home and Foreign Mis sionary Society* Mrs. Ida V. Smith, re-elect&d Treasurer, W. H. and F. Mis sionary Society^ Mrs. Marie L. Clinton, re elected Superintendent of Buds of Promise. Mrs. Ada L. Hall, and Mrs Ida Barber, re-elected National Or ganizers^ | ' Mrs. J. W. Brown, re-elected j President Supply Department. I Dr. H. L. Simmons, re-elected 'Treasurer of Tercentenary Fund. \ er that many of us have we ereal ourselves. We must expect thi work if we do not follow God’s wor< The old chart, by which We navigal life’s sea, the anchorage of this work is unsafe. The old familiar song, “The 01 Sh|p ^ Zion,” the rallying song < many a great revival, was sung, 1« by Bishop Caldwell. l> Flurry' In Thu General Conference ' . The Uplifted Hoar. r l ■ ■ . .. ' * like a holt from the sky was the > effect of 4 resolution offered by Bev, » E. M. Arfirvle on Tnesdav fjfth Caldwell thought that the committee was toe large andr that the confer- , ettce should wait before appointing a [ .committee to such a task. Dr. F. M.. Jacobs insisted that the committee | was not. too large. The failure to publish promptly the General Confer ence, minues of 1920 was bought in to the discussion and all disclaimed responsibility for their non-publica tion. Dr. Jacobs disclaimed responsi- j bility. yf. 0. Carrington declared he ■ would not be made a scapegoat. Bishop Geo. C. Clement was opposed to what he designated as one-man*! rule. This commrtee will put into the discipline what you want there, interjected one speaker and the final j vote’ on resolutions as amended was as follows: Revision Committee: Bish op L. W. Kyles, Dr. W. H. Goler, Dr. W. J. Walls, Bishop Geo. C. Clement and Bishop J. S. Caldwell. Dr. W. W. Blair oi North Carolina, wanted the Rockingham Normal and Industrial School j merged into Liv-i ittgstone College. Dr. S. W. Weller, of Massachusetts stood for a uni form order of service^. The rules Were suspended and the resolutions of Rev. W.'M. Spaulding Of Rockingham, N.^ C., expressing sympathy for Rev. W. I J. Holmes, of Montgomery, Ala., Who ' was injured in5 an 'automobile acci dent last Saturday, was unanimously Dr. A. C. Conk, Clio, S. G;, start ed the ball rolling when htj proposed increased lay representation in the annual and General Conference. Jr is being.said that the committee on revision will report favorably on the resolution for increased lay represen tation. The desire of^ the west and southwest for the re-establishmfint calized in the resolution offered ■ by Dr. E. M. Argylfe* of' Hickory, N. C-, and supported by Dr. J. W. Carter, of Dermott, Arkansas, who is recover ing- from a painful accident -to his fb'ot a few days ago. Dr. Argyle also proposed that Prof. R. ,E. Clement, J. W. Younge, Bishop L. W. Kyles and Dr. W. H. Davenport, be the com 1 pilers and publishers of the minutes 'of this General Conference. The rules were suspended and the_ resolu tion adopted. . - The Union of the British Methodist Episcopal Church, colored, with the A, M. JE. Zion Church, was urged in a resolution by Dr. R. R. Ball, of Connecticut and a prayer made that advances from that body with that end in view should be accorded a hearty welcome. Dr. E. U. A. Brooks Auburn, N. Y., desired the /Creation of a board for the governing of the Harriet Tubman Home, while Dr. D. C. Suggs, Livingstont College, Salis bury, N. C., petitioned for a five hun dred thousand, dollars endowment fundNtfhich he will probably get for Livingstone College. He asked the appropriation co'mmttiee for a grant of thirty thousand dollars a year The resolu ion of Dr.SR. A. Carroll providing for adequate support foi superannuated ministers elicitecT'em phatic applause. Prof. T. A. • Wallace, Pittsburgh, Pa.,' offered resolutions urging eqUal lay representation in all the confer ences proposing that all members of tfte Unnual conferences shall partici pate in these elections. At the con clusions of the resolution hour, the reports from schools Fere continued Prof.-J. V. Taylor, Madisonville, Ky.. reporting for Atkinson College, stat ed that there were 396 students ii the institution, five teachers and that the school had graduated 12 persons It had raised for its maintenance ant Support, $34,927.00. *Hje asked for ai increased teachers my ✓be Prof. J. that th promptly, i, President o: re Livingstone C o i l e g e N Holds Brilliant Com mepcement Exercises. DR. EMMETT J. SCOTT DEtIVER$ COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS. , Salisbury, N. C.—“Livingstone Colr lege is the natural offspring > I lie gave bis only begotten Son, that ' i * . ’ v » Whosoever believeth in him should not :v*: ■ ' . perish, hut ave everlasting life.”— ,t»u O.IA $ ' ■* >■ mm H jonn o.io. >i