tatives trtrt* colored groans', to or sociological tare. iSfcJrS have . played BISHOP L W. fcYLES, D. D.' Third District. I That Negroeswere f?lt as inferiors hot only in dUr own country and that color dte^riminhtion •' was uyt hh* '* ‘-'of Moorish characters- For our pur poses if is fsmiaterial whether ja Moor is a but it la ' i'v" '• ' ' •.* I & ;, * ; ■■ • ■ «• ■ • .’L-rjs&f “ ■ ' f ^ethelH^ maiijl MHPMyN SwStfW Ran from lM».«u*rfB*« to tte some Pl»yk*T0te: -tt.would So sow** thin# monstrous td \ conceive thia beautiful Venetian girl felling in love irt^v-iK'’:| There are thri^ g*ie*al types, a* fee ditow; ijgpjf: etoefgd, fern the ;masa^; ^ftttea s^atter ^ SSL' tin**, however, it is dhb atti tude behind the creation of the character rather than the-resulting character upon ‘which emphasis wilt be laid. These are the slave,, the i^bellum Segtb, thh Kegro & man i ?&•* t Portia again, af Chosen thc^raalr casket,, / |§fe gdntlif #iddaiM9B-*-draw cafr ' P^oy r* 1 4‘ " - m ,r*s< •n/wO* •••'; m-M Another Moor, Othello, IS CgHfd;h^ Mack ram, big thick lips, are sneered *t;':$ad fcrabasitli iiL arsing hi*& lot • dnchantiai and abdudt^^Is -daiigh- , ter,-Ws: . toad stature the kncw^ipa UUP; 12* tioyd In the writings of these dfetingttihhed ff it out attehtiorr-W The progress of the American Ne gro % one ofc the malrvels of modern Hvered .at3B<#*rd: the President S* «80*f hftf W***' , and it fe truest! ^Standards of .character and un Selfi&b ’ 'tgms connection Jhresideut Oodf* Tdge told hig auditors that “the Ne gro community of America has al f^eadt^ far progressed that its mem ber eah be assured that th^tr future le Imthdir aw# hands . Racial hoetil ^ " it tftkdHlos andgocialprej hot fd he elim^tefr im * pt m&f rwm M ~~ as the colored people by 'ctfnn -efforts and Under their osrh vr.'fram-:: worthyof tits rtpai^y > i pee and in g msnmP 3)HH£