'±1. ■ ■ YOWUB >• ism ifpba&T*pf ■— ,,.n, «■„ l totes a St, ;»24 > eowta. on r the clergy, him surpassed our Lne expectations. ■ can but m: the object 1® worthy, tfie 3 workable, the, results must aeficent, . v / te of the ministers who hate; l and returned the registration feel the blatter so important it and commendation. Many/ are not now for the first time to their opportunity In this to the nation—tKSy have long Sing upon their congregations i gallon not menelyof voting * of attendnig the primaries, ding in th? selection of can worar,of civil office. - Church, n«w York City, who Rmrtilj^in agreement with t oat the Christian Vote” as “ja non-partisan effort, ded * tb 'influece the voter’s preference for candidates 1 tended to bring the Church animation ‘into poltttQK’ It seen my custom to speat* to •era of my church froni the cerning their responsibilities j, both at the period of party' as well as before election Ink nothidg IS more impor n to get oat the vote m ^ based on the Support of B conviction. This business fraid of gettng the Church ics” seems to me a ,frauk of«a divided state of mind jabag with . life, yhe one arrel with te any endeavor Iocs of any sort, whether conomic, religious or pro I trust that your campaign Skeins te rhg The Homiil .has again put itself he reform./'Please alow muntry will “go to work conditions more the citizen The who take an acta lets unwholesome public life. \ w correspondents quoted in than those of the unversitjr and the puipit speaking -wholeheartedly and With pinphasis on tb«> importance ami, opportunity of this service. Such an Utterance as tjiat of Harldp, Ffcke Stone, Attorney Qenerai .of the trailed States, who affirms: * - J I "quite) agfree with yon that it is of the greatest imporance that there Should be brought home to the yot ffl» -to this country the ^responsibility which rests upon them and the* ne cessity for the in+elligent exercise of the franchise if our most cherished institutions, are to be preser^d. This is especially true to the case of those who are members of or associated with Christian ChurduSs. Perform ance of toty is one of the first es sentials of a Christian life and those who fail in the* first and most tmpto fort Plnchot jpj. Pentyl’ is. hib pronouncementrfv I adt in the yery hear thy with your plan to ttou^hes to gft their -s ‘' tf tvrfmORA A1 >mpare wit* it My experience rra.BMWitier 3* may mnt mania, ■ Jugosl participants, if 4t rtpuW }>© deemed'™ A ratUer ■ tp 6m* New Ject* in Jli© MSg and < the crm th©; “Witch tt we haw 4i| tli^ late war a future we must man power. T must arrest the Africa; he^tusi so ©a uflbt^s©^ n • seif-djestruei Ancrther great' need ;!t