RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE LiuuiBuay, April 7, 19 1Q ft 9g Woman's Work Hf ft HOME MISSIONS Please send all communications for this De partment to Mrs. R. O. Burton, Raleigh, N. C Officers of the W. H. M. S., of the N. C. Conference, 1008-' 09. President Mrs. R. B. John, Raleigh, N. C. First Vice-President Mrs. T. W. Costen. Gates N. C. Second Vice-President Mrs. J. C. Angler, Durham, N. C. Third Vice-President Mrs. J. A. Spiers, Selma, N. C. Recording Secretary Mrs. B, N. Mann, Dur ham, N. C. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. S. H. Scott, Nbw Bern N C r Treasurer Mrs. N. E. Edgerton, Selma, N. C. T Superintendent of Supplies Mrs. I. T. Wil kins Weldon N. C. t Superintendent of Press Work Mrs. R. C. Craven, Henderson, N. C. Editor of Column in Raleigh Christian Advo cateMrs. R. O. Burton. District Secretaries. Raleigh District Mrs. W. H. Call. Selma, N.O Durham District Miss Lillie Duke, Durham, N. C. Fayetteville District Miss Florence Parker, Salemburg, N. C. Rockingham District Mrs. J. E. Underwood, Rockingham, N. C. Wilmington District Mrs. Edgar L. Hart, Wilmington, N. C. New Bern District Mrs. W. H. Trueman, New Bern, N. C. RWarrenton District Mrs. Lee Johnson, Wel don, N. C. Elizabeth City District Mrs. Lee Morgan, Corapeake, N. C. Washington District Mrs. J. W. Parker, Farmville. N. C. SHALL RIGHT YIELD TO OPPOR-TUNITIES. By Mary Helm. Lack of Spiritual Life in the Church Deplored. On every side we hear the lack of spiritual life in the church deplored. We also hear the assertion that wo men are more spiritual, more devout, than men. Can we fail to put two and two together and find an answer? Is not something left out that Christ intended to be in the management and councils of His church when the spiritual female element of that church is excluded from its direction and its controlling officers and coun cils? Is there not a strange contra diction in describing the church as the bride of Christ and at the same time robbing that church, in large measure, of the female element? God meant something more than man's physical life when He said, "It is not good for man to live alone," and made a "help-meet for him." Woman must be a help-meet for the "living soul" that God breathed into man and she must share with him his spiritual life if she would be stow upon the world sons and daugh ters possessing and giving to the world that higher life, and so it is in the church of God. "Taxation Without Representation." The women of the church have contributed largely to its resources, not just from the funds given them by their husbands or fathers, but from woman-earned money. Thou sands of women are paying the church assessment (taxes) who have not only no legal status themselves, but have no male representative. They have not only thus submitted to "taxation without representation," but have for love's sake consented, in hundreds of instances, to do its of ficial work without the legal sanction of the Church. In thus evading the law the women have not set for the men a high moral standard or taught them better official efficiency by leav ing to them the privileges of the of fice while the work of it has done by others. It has been said that if wo men granted the legal right to hold office the men of the Church will do less. Why? Are we to understand that men are holding office in the church simply for the sake of official position, or to keep women out? Women Should Say Who Are Fit or Unfiit to Be the Religious Teachers of Their Sons and Daughters. The dread has been expressed that if women were members of the An nual or the General Conference thay might have to serve on "scandalous trial" committees. Only clerical dele gates can .serve, but the whole body votes on the committee's report. Since woman's "sphere" is said to be the home, and she is continually de nominated "the guardian angel of the purity of the home," she has the right to know and to say who are fit or unfit to enter it in the intimate relation of a pastor the religious teacher and guide of the sons and daughters of that home. The WTomen Who Do Much Church Work Ask for Laity Rights. Another brother says: "The wo men themselves are not all of the same mind on this subject." Of course. All women do not think alike. They differ just as men do, but that furnishes no argument that touches the merit of the cause or the desirability of the legislation asked for. All women do not want to be Christians. All Christian women do not want to be Methodists, all Meth odist women do not want to join the Missionary Societies. Do we find here a reasonable argument against any of these things? It may be that many women do not know or appre ciate the need of the rights we ask for because they lack the experience some of us have had. They have never had to serve as stewards or in any other official capacity illegally, or refusing to break the law, have seen the affairs of the church they love mismanaged by incompetent men. As a general thing it is the women who have been doing the work of the church who are urging the re peal of a restrictive law. A law that is not "for the good of the church" is a bad law, and the church through its General Conference would do well to honestly repeal it. BARKER'S CHURCH AUXILIARY, EAST ROBESOX CIRCUIT, ROCK INGHAM DISTRICT. Mrs. Phereba Regan, President. Mrs. Fannie M. White, First Vice President. Miss Lottie M. White, Second Vice President. Mrs. Minnie Powers, Third Vice President. Mrs. W. A. Jenkins, Treasurer. Mrs. Mary Sheeting, Recording Secretary. Mrs. Phereba Regan, Correspond ing Secretary. I am happy to introduce the offi cers of Barker's Church Auxiliary, whom, with their sister members, we cordially welcome to our ranks, and we pray that they may be greatly blessed in all their work for the King. It is a pleasure to give you Mrs. Rogers' interesting letter, and we thank her for writing. The Aux iliary is blessed in having such a leader, whose willingness to perform double service shows her fine and faithful spirit: Lumberton, March 17, 1910. Dear Mrs. Burton: We have been trying for the past year to arouse enthusiasm in Home Missions, but until recently, when we reorganized, there was not much success. Mrs. Ellen Redman, Mrs. Daisy Jenkins, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Humphrey of Lumberton, came out to Barker's Church, and with the aid of our pastor, Rev. W. A. Jenkins, and his estimable wife, we start off this year with more than twenty members. We cannot send a delegate to Eliz abeth City this time, but hope to come into line in the future. The general membership has just finished paying the debt on the new church at Barker's, and it will soon be dedi cated, notice of which will be in the Advocate. Our Home Mission Society carpet ed it. Pray for us, that we may be a success. I feel my inability to per form the duties and obligations de volving on me, but with the help of God, shall try to do my best. Yours sincerely, MRS. PHEREBA REGAN, Corresponding Secretary. THOUGHTS FOR THE THOUGHT FUL. A WELCOME LETTER FROM BY NUM AUXILIARY. Dear Mrs. Burton. At our Feb ruary meeting we elected the follow ing officers for this year: Mrs. J. B. Atwater, President. Mrs. Nora M. Bynum, First Vice President. Mrs. L. M. Chaffin, Second Vice President. Mrs. R. J. Moore, Third Vice-President. Miss Julia Lambeth, Recording Secretary. Mrs. J. w. Mann, Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. C. W. Neal, Treasurer. Our Auxiliary has been organized about two years, and is doing excel lent work under the leadership of our energetic and loyal President. Our number is gradually increas ing, which is very encouraging and makes us believe that the members are interested and are trying to bring others into this great work. We regret that we cannot be repre sented at the Annual Meeting at Elizabeth City. With best wishes for the work of the women, I am, Yours sincerely, MRS. J. W. MANN, Corresponding Secretary. We thank Mrs. Mann for this fine letter, which brings cheer and en couragement to us all. KILLS A MURDERER. A merciless murderer is Appendi citis with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by pre vention. They gently stimulate stom ach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendi citis, curing Constipation, Headache, Druggists. It is a good policy to leave a few things unsaid. The way of faith is never harder than our hearts. The highest seat in the Kingdom of God is the stool of penitence. Dark clouds bring waters when the bright brings noae. John Bun yan. Our dream did not come true, But we hare freshened weary lives In ways we mever knew. Lucy Larcom. It is no use asking God to show us the way of life unless we start oat in search of it. Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health, and as friendly to the mind as to the body. Addison. No body will use other people's experience, nor has any of his own till it is too late to use it. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Christianity is a religion that will not keep; the only thing to do with it is to use it, spend it, give it away. Henry van Dyke. Earth grows into heaven, as we come to live and breathe in the at mosphere of the Incarnation. Jesus makes heavwi wherever He is. F. W. Faber. Let us not despond about our ex periences, nor debate as to whether we have faith, love, and hope. Let us act upon what we possess, and ex ercise will increase its growth. Se lected. Be gentle! Be gentle! Many a man you meet and many a woman, with serene countenance, is bearing about all a mortal can bear, though the burden be hidden away from the world. You may tighten heart strings already strained to thebreak ing point. God, who registers the cup Of mere cold water for His sake To a disciple rendered up, Disdains not His own thirst to slake At the poorest love that ever was of fered. And because my heart I proffered, With true love trembling at the brim, He suffers me to follow Him. Browning. The best proof of the truth of the Bible is its openness. It has nothing to hide. It stands out in the clear light. It challenges investigation. The effort to conceal it in any way is not warranted by its own demand that all men come and put it to a test. Come and see. TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA . AND BUILD UP THE SYSTLM Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE L ES C HILL TONIC. You know what you are tak in. The formula Is plainly printed on every bottle, showing: It is simply Qulnlnle and Iron In a tasteless form, and tke most effectual (orm. For crown people and children. 50o