RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE Tin" Page Fifteen rl:iv. lawh 15, 1917. . i- i i.u:;i: notes. I'lllAl1 u .rrent number of "The Jour- f l.'n" HSIl auu. vj v. 0t Lneini p . c .,.. rontains au - - - :0s; , Honnrimeui OI JiillK- ie, vi i" " , , JI1UUCUV.C jial I. Mnlll' . rn,i Leibniz i, (ill uix 4lls11'.,., rh statement is usually f'that 1'ope derived most of his made H'Ut ,im , U Mi. V!i III! IViilll &4mJiJ " iii ins J Will)llV f oi x-eiuai. ana f ... i.isil uieie ia W sue iio eviuenco lor uwamiHiun, ana mat moieau .. ...w.i vui ii.eia Willi huuiu uuwu to nave oecii idWinar. f t a UicOHUfi Oi tue Uiaooicai vJiuo ...ii. oi icOuiaiiou L.au6'udfjtii3, Louuucu.. ' uo meeting w iaigeiy uuenaea uy inemuers oi me Cituicaio ana uy Stuaeius liuereScea .....y-i. ,il SlUUiCD. ill - I, .. i.oiica lifiiri secretary ev. ii. wi,v",'vi ,. ,v; -, , 1 I II II tilirli'tl UI LllcS tor me oiuiuuj Wad Uio sunn Cui uuiia ouilieieuce, Speuei- at mo lum-ween meeting oi f uo local noting men's Liinsuun Ao iuciaiiun in ast Dana sanding v euneriuay night. I ai a meeting oi the Botanical Ciuo Jin iroweil Science Hall last night H. i. uaviness, o Coleridge, gave an in tuiting paper on certain pnases ol biological studies. . I tergt. Joan o. Durham, of Gas loina, wno lias been on tne Mexican Jjoruer with tno military, nas return ed to college and tanen up ms woni n tne benior class, m wnicn he means L graduate in June. I At recent meetings of the Colum bian and tne Hesperian Literary so cieties cliier marsnal and chiel man ager ior commencement were eiect d. E. M. Spivey, of Farmville, was elected cniei manager by the Colum bian society, and E. F. Dunstan, of Elizabeth City, was elected chief marshal by the Hesperian .Society, thief Manager Spivey has announced Ihe following assistants: Claude tooper, of Wilmington; A. J. Hobbs, of Koanoke Rapids; R. K. Smathers, Of Canton; C. H. Teague, of Madison. Wl L. V. Smith, of Ayden. Chief Marshal Dunstan has announced the appointment of the following assis tant marshals: H. L. Hoffman, of Cot tage Grove, Tenn.; C. L. Nichols, of Brevard; R. W. Bradshaw, of Ral eigh; 0. B. Carr, of Charlotte; C. C. Blades, of Elizabeth City, and O. D. Ingram, of High Point. I Dr. J. J. Wolfe, of the Department of Biology, has been re-elected a jnember of the board of trustees of )Vatts Hospital, representing Trinity College. Prof. W. H. Wannamaker was re ently appointed a member of the Durham County Board of Education, Jor a term of six years. He became T member of this board last summer, Bucceeding p. p. Reade, of Durham, nd served until the recent meeting the legislature which elected him for a full term of six years. Another ,Jeber of the faculty, Prof. E. C. Foks, has served the Durham city pools as trustee for several years, fine community has learned with pretof the death of Mr. V. B. wVf 122 La France street- At" L , ' Ga- who is remembered by the J "er generation of Trinity students. 1. ' ""Hin Was n mpmhoi- nf ta Place and had a successful busi an ?reer- "e was born near Pel J : n Caswell County, where some 1 J" relatives still reside. 9ft 7r" ) c- K5lly, of the class of erp'th-.ARllboro spent several days father i the pnest of his k nf n ?' T)oan Samuel F. Morde- re tl! ShlS wh,ch 'eHy beset us' To live in love is to live in ever lasting youth. Whoever enters old age by this royal road will find the last of life to be the very best of life. Instead of finding himself des cending the hills of life, he will find it uphill all the way into the clearer air. There the vision reaches fur ther: here the sunsets are more gol den and the twilight lasts longer. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore. f cult Popular sins. It is not dif- t0 fln'l out what they are. When we give grudgingly we do not give at all. Ex. RHEUMATISM AND INDIGESTION. Practically all physicians and medi cal writers are agreed that there is a close relationship between Indiges tion and Rheumatism. This view is substantiated by the fact that Shivar Spring Water, which is probably the best American mineral water for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, relieves Rheumatism and the Rheumatoid diseases, such as Gout, Sciatica, Neu ralgia and Nervous Headache. All of these diseases are probably related and all are probably due in whole or in part to imperfect digestion or to imperfect assimilation of food. Physicians who have studied this wa ter and who have observed its effects in their practice believe that it re lieves these maladies by rendering the digestion complete and perfect and thereby preventing the formation of those poisons which inflame the joints and irritate the nerves, and also by eliminating, through the kid neys, such poisons as have already been formed. The following letters are Interesting In this connection. Dr. Crosby, a South Carolina physician, writes: "I have tested your Spring Water in several cases of Rheuma tism, Chronic Indigestion, Kidney and Blad der troubles and in Nervous and Sick Head aches and find that it has acted nicely in each case, and 1 believe that, If used con tinuously for a reasonable time, will produce a permanent relief. It will purify the blood, relieve debility, stimulate the action of iht Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, aiding them in throwing off all poisonous matter." Dr. Avant, of Savannah, writes: "1 suf fered for years with a most aggravating form of stomach disorder and consulted a number of our best local physicians, went to Baltimore and consulted specialists there and still 1 was not benefited. 1 hud about despaired of living when I began to use Shivar Spring Water and in a short time was entirely relieved." Air. Klioues of Virginia, writes: "Please send me ten gallons Shivar Spring Water quickly. I want it for Rheumatism. 1 know of several who were relieved of Rheu matism with this water." Editor Cunningham writes: "The water has done more good than any medicine 1 have ever taken for Rheumatism. Am en tirely free from pain." Mr. McClam of South Carolina writes: "My wife has been a sufferer from Rheu matism and after drinking twenty gallons of your Mineral Water was entirely relieved of the horrible disease." Mr. Carter of Virginia writes: "Mrs. Carter has had enlarged joints upon her hands caused by Rheumatism. Shivar Spring Water removed every trace of the enlargement. The water is simply excel lent." If you suffer with Rheumatism, or with any chronic disease, accept the guarantee offer below by signing your name. Clip and mail to the Shivar Spring, Box 7-D, Shelton, S. C. Gentlemen: I accept your offer and enclose herewith two dol lars $(2.00) for ten gallons (two five-gallon demijohns) of Shivar Spring Water. I agree to give the water a fair trial in accordance with instructions which you will send, and if I report no benefit you are to re fund the price in full upon receipt of the two empty demijohns, which I agree to return promptly. Name Post Office Express Office (Ploiiso write distinctly.) FEATHER BED BARGAINS This ad and $10.00 gets yon our Hie Bargain as follows: One strictly New 40-pound Feather Bed; one pair6-pound New Feather Pillows; one pair Full Size Blankets; one Full Size Counterpane, and one pair lace Pillow Shams. All new, clean sanitary feathers covered with 8oz. A.C.A. Ticking. Retail worth of whole lot $23.00. Money back guarantee. Most for money This offer is good for 30 days only. Mail order now or write for order blanks. SOUTHERN FEATHER & PILLOW CO. Dept. 164. Greensboro, N. C. DO YOUR SPRING SHOPPING BY MAIL nprionroA ci,0, n . .,.. " ers Kven personal attention by ex penenced shoppers. Best references furnished. Goods pent bv Parcel l'ost free of charge .,nft . . MRS. JAMES L, RIDGELY, 4500 Maine Ave Baltimore, Md. DRUGS AND ALCOHOLIC ADDICTIONS N I T71 f ,.. , . . . """u,,l seienuncaiiy treate.i Ktliical physicians. Members of the Ameri can Medical Association. Expert attendants. Our large steam heated l.riek build ing has a special department for ladies. Healthful location. Excellent cuisine. rite for terms and full information. THE AVILLI MS-OLl Ell SAMTAIUUM No. 312 W. Sycamore St., (ireenshoro, N. Chicken Cholera To prevent or cure this disease pour a little of Spohn's Dis temper Compound on ground feed for your poultry. Full directions with each bottle. Read booklet carefully. Will also cure forms of Distemper in horses, mules and dogs. 50c. and $1 a bottle. All good druggists. Write for booklet. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY Chemists and Bacteriologists, Box 555, Goshen, Ind.. U. S. A. Fruit Trees at Great Bargains We are over-stocked with large apple and pear trees, and are offering these at great pargams Ihe high cost of production is causing the Nurserymen to make short plant ings, and prices are bound to advance next fall. Our present stock for spring sales was planted before present high prices prevailed, and we are offering these at very low prices. Next fall, and for some time in the future, we will be compelled to advance prices. Order to-day. Don't delay. GREENSBORO NURSERIES, John A. Young & Sons, Greensboro, N. C. Rflethodist Bemowolemt Mssociatiion I -rA j?"thern MelJisl Life Insurance Brotherhood. Issues Whole Life, 20-Premium Lite, Endowment at 70, . erm, and Disability Certificates. Insurance at cost. Over $165,000 paid to doV0"8!.;16 ver $50'000 reserve fund- Specially desirable for the young. Write J. H. SHU MAKER, Secretary, Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, Tenn 7 yf.. t Mil kirbySkdCoCoS lGArrnY,s.c. ,iih DON'T TAKE IT OUT OF THE SEED If YOU &P6 eoillfr n fwnnmiiivn ritin't w u ji. 1 mistake of trying to cut down on your seed bill bybnymsr cheap seed. The seed uru vour foundntion Cheap seed mean poor uerniinution, Inferior product' and ultimately a disappointing- crop. It is a naturai YOUR CROP WILL NOT BE BETTER THAN YOUR SEED Buy the best and expect the best. Deal withathorou-Iv reliable high grade seed house. We will be ulad to e-Tve you estimate by return mai I on ( 'lovers, Grasses, Vetcnes Alfalfa, Soy Jieans, 90 Day Velvet ): ans, Pens, Cane Seed' Onion Sets, Irish Potatoes, Cotton Seed, Oats, Rye, Bar ley, Corn, etc. Wo specialize in prompt shipments. t, "VrJc iii PRIOID lO OEJINJTEJ ESTABLISHED AT HALG1GB IN 182S B I TURNER'S 1 Eg NORTH CAROLINA j I mm I p.eiaily Cafevioie. fat ta. L.titua. an. Langttud. ef Nartft Caranna WBtLOMBBD AT RAUIIOB BV TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Sold in more than GOO North Carolina towns. A copy will bo mailed prepaid on receipt of 10 cents in stamps. Tl'UX KIl'S ALMANAC 222 Times Building, Raleigh. N. C.