RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE Page Twelve ed bv Rev. C n t,, " "HI. Ml!, (,' DO YOU KNOW WHAT MADE Fanny Crosby's Life Happy . I- A - g C. Everybody knows Fanny Crosby's hymns and songs. Who has not heard and sung "Rescue the Perishing," "Draw Me Nearer, Nearer," "Safein the Arms of Jesus" and "Saved by Grace' ' ? Read the story of her life of ninety-four years and catch some of the spirit which made her happy. CONTENTS I. "Aunt Fanny" U. Childhood III. Growing Into Womanhood IV. A Little Love-Story V. How I Became a Hymn-Writer VI. My Living Hymns VII. Some Stories of Mm Scngs VIII. My Teachers and Teaching IX. My Notable Preachers X. Making the Best of Everything XI. My Lcve for Children XII. American Hearts and Homes XIII. My Visit to Cambridge XIV. Ninety Golden Years XV. "Some Day, Till Then " READ THE LIFE OF THE BLIND HYMIMVRITER Fanny Crosby's Story fovpIks By S. TREVENA JACKSON Illustrated, cloth SPECIAL For this book and Ralei8h Christian Advocate one ' year, new or renewal, send $2.25 to OFFER RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, v RALEIGH, N. C. HOLMAN SELF-PRONOUNCING HOME STUDY BIBLE WITH PELOUBET HELPS The Best Edition of the World's Best Book For Adults, Teachers, Preachers, Students and all who would study the "Word of God intelligently. FuU Bound size, 8x6 inches; nearly 1800 papre.s. Authored Versicn, printed from the clearest type ever used in a Bible, large hoi 1 face open print, with liberal spacing between the words and lines. Larpre- Print Hany to Read Marginal Inferences The Helps are the latest and most practical published pre pared by liev. F. N. Peloubet, 1). 1)., and consist of A TEACHERS NEW HEADY REFERENCE HAND BOOK, which gives the salient and essential information needed in Bible study. Illustrated Self-Fronouncir-? Bible Dictionary Containing- ICO illustrations. ( " Oriental Liht on the Bible (Containing over 100 illustration). A new kind of illuminating- Bible help. Treasury of Biblical Information. A New Series of Maps. A select'n cf the mot vsd, with some Special Maps, embodying the results of t.ie most recent explora tions. A New Practical Comparative Concordance, with nearly 50,000 references. Four Thousand Questions and Answers on the Old and New ABSOLUTELY DURABLE BINDINGS that will not break in the back. Specimen of the Print. Full size of the page is 5y2x8 inches. A BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATION PAGE Marriage Certificate and Family Rec ord makes this special edition a most desirable Bible for a wedding- gift. No. 4914. French Morocco, flexible limp, gold titles, round corners, red under gold edges, silk head Iq rj bands and silk marker yj.i.0 SEND ALL ORDERS TO RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATB, RALEIGH, N. C. Specwun of Typt. j 17 1" m From that time Je'sua be gan to preach, and to say, n Repent : for the kingdom of heaven is at THE GREATEST BIBLE BARGAE it' 01 A GENUINE j.50 HOLMAN India Paper Self-Pronouncing BIBLE FOR ONLY '.50 6 Carefully Wrapped and sent Postpaid in a box TEACHERS' EDITION, WITH COMPLETE NEW HELPS Authorized version, printed rom the clearest typo ever used in a Bible, larL bold face open print t with liberal spacing between the words and lines. PRINTED ON THE FINEST INDIA PAPER MADE The Text is Self-Pronouncing, with references. Containing New Copyrighted Helps, by Rev. F. N. PELOUBET, D. D. A Treasury of Biblical Information, Practical Comparative Con cordance, Oriental Light on the Bible. Four'Thousand Questions and Answers. New Colored Maps. BOUND IN FINE PERSIAN MOROCCO, divinity circuit, full leather linings, silk sewed, silk head bands and mark-r, special flat opening reinforced binding that will not break in the back. The size is 5Va x 8 inches only one inch thick. This India Paper Bible Compared with one of ordi nary paper, containing the same nnml fr of pages and Easy to Read f Type I tpeemm of lyj. 17 V mFrom that time Jo'ua be gan to preach, and to say, n Repent : for the kingdom of ieaven ia at No. 733X Publisher' Price 7.50 Sent Postpaid for 65( tilSND ALL ORDERS TO RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE RALEIGH, N. Q Marriages Williams-Sutton. At the parsonage of Columbia Circuit, March 17, 1918 Mr. Joseph Williams to Miss Mattie Sexton; M. B. Cox officiating. Caril-Pheliw. Married at th3 Methodist parsonage, Louisburg, Sunday afternoon, April 28, 1918, George M. Card and Miss Tempie P. Phelps; Rev. K. H. D. Wilson officiat ing. Vtrby- Walker. On April 24, 1918, Mr. Wayland A. Yerby and Miss Eddie Belle Walker were mar ried at the home of Mr. A. L. Wal ker, the bride's father; M. B. Cox officiating. At the Methodist Church, Louli burg, at high noon, Saturday, April 27, 1918, Lieut. Frederick O. Swin dell of the Medical branch of the National Army, and Miss Julia E. Barrow, by Rev. X. II. D. Wilson. Edcns-May. William Henry El ens and Miss Nora Lee May, at the h.ome of Mr. W. E. May, father of the bride, in Harris Township, Franklin County, Sunday afternoon, April 28, 1918; Rev. N. H. D. Wil son officiating. Obituaries We print an obituary of 150 words free o charge. For all words in excess of 150 we charge one cent a word. Please count the words and enclose with the obituary the amount necessary to cover the cost of publi cation under this rule. We do not publish original poetry about the dead. T- Mvi ws la;,. Dargan. Eli N. Dargan was born in Anson County, N. C, April 3, 1837, and departed this life in Fuquay, N. C, in the home of his son, Rev. M. W. Dargan, of the North Carolina Conference, on the 15th day of April, 1918. Age 81 years, 12 days. He had been in feeble health for some years, but was confined to his bed only three days before he died. He was married when a young man to Miss Virginia Wall, daugh ter of Wylie and Martha Wall, of Anson County. Two children were born unto them, a daughter, who died in infancy, and a son, Rev. M. W. Dargan. Soon after his marriage he moved to the eastern part of the State and made their home in Greene County until the death of his wife, seven years ago, after which he made his home with his son. Brother Dargan was converted and joined the Methodist Church about 35 years ago, and remained a loyal member of the same through life. He served the Church faithfuLy as steward and trustee for a number of years. He was faithful in his at tendance on the services of the sanctuary. His home was always open to the preacher. As his pas tor for four years on the Snow Hill Circuit, I was always made to feel welcome when visiting in his home. He was the preacher's friend He had faith in God, trusted in Christ as his Savior, realizing that he was neanng the end he expressed him self as not fearing to die. Said he was prepared to go. He knew Jesus loved Him, and was trusting in IV m Just before losing consciousness ho gave some directions about his fune ral, requested that the hymns, "Rock t Ages" and "Jesus Lover of My -oul," be sung at his funeral. His funeral service was conduct Jim, assisted by Rev. s ' of Farmville. His bod f r roof r Vlr. the Grimsley Cemetery in OrV" County to await the r.'-s-irr J?" morning. May God b oss the' T reaved son and all surviving f,,, J. M. UKN.sox ."'US" Former I'asror. Foy.-J. T. Foy was , Scott's Hill, N. C, x0Vmher 1846. He passed from earth ai'. its cares Friday morning-. l)ril .1918. In early life, the cares and re sponsibilities of a largo estate wi on his young shoulders. imt wit! prudent management and the coun sel and advice of a gifted mother, the estate grew and prospered. In young manhood his friends ana neighbors recognized his ability as a leader among men. He was elected on the Board of County Commit doners in which capacity he served for about twelve years. lie repre sented his county in the Legislature of North Carolina for several terms, also as Senator from Pender and Duplin Counties, all of which he served with great satisfaction to his people and credit to himself. His attitude in every question was always determined by the right and justice of the issue, always on (h? moral side, and the uplift of his fej lowmen. His neighbors always sought his advice and counsel, which ho would gladly give. His leisure hours were spent in his home, never idling away hi time but was always employed in a profitable way. For the last few years of his life he was not actively engaged in his favorite occulta! inn. but he kept up with every detail on his large farm. Many a weary traveler has found rest and comfort in his large pala tial home, whose doors were ever open to his friends. His heart was as soft and tender as ever heat in a human breast. No appeal for as sistance for the needy was ever turn ed away empty handed. What he did was not don ewith a Thareai cal nature, but his right hand never knew what his left had done. Brother Foy was a consistent and consecrated member of Wesleyan Chapel, M. E. Church. South, at Scott's Hill. He was a trustee ot the Church and parsonage, eer ready to give of his means and Ins time for the advancement of the Master's cause. In the death of Brother Foy. tne Church has lost a valuable member, the county has lost one of staunchest citizens the eoninun a kind and obliging neighbor. the loss to his immediate fami beyond the expression ot ni tongue. eat . i mnnrll llieil & He leaves iu mum.- and Foy ie leaves iu ,jS loss his wife, Mrs. Nora o. companion for forty-six un; three brothers, m - and and F. M. Foy of Scott s H. S. Foy of WinBton-Salcm. The funeral serves er the home of ins -the same room 1 held ove. in in other wer? eral services were mains of his father ami years ago. carried to Oak Uaio Ce Wilmington, where in "ie i of a large gathering. ol " acquaintances, his bod - irmiH t.n await tli.ii ' ..j. Christ shall come again glory and power h..

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