fr Organ of ihe North Carolina Conference. SIXTY-FOURTn YEAR. RALEIGH, N. C. JUNE 13, 1918 J J M MIIKK l!. Danger ! ,t. QfUVM-:, For the Board of Bishops. This World War clamors across the sly. We can hardly hear any other music. Thunder is hard to talk uyainst. The American people and Methodism are as one. Methodism has no minority report on this vast battle. W e arc not pacifists: we fiyht with (Sod for a safe world, for a decent world, for a world villi a chance to be virtuous, for a Christian world. Just because Methodism is so patriotic to the 1'nited Mates of America and to the united states of the planet, it is e.rpcrieneiny a subtle danyer. That danyer is that the Church should in any wise silence its own heavenly music. Patriotism is a lesser majesty than the yospel. Methodism must preach both majesties. The yospel must not be stifled by any business, howerer worthy. It need not be. There is a more amaziny trumpet than a battle hum pet. It is the yospel trumpet. Have a care, Methodism, lest in the revel of patriotism we become uncon sciously remiss in the hiyhest patriotism, namely, the proclamation and prac tice of spirituality, the pveachiny'of Jesus the Saviour, of the ylory and neces sity of the new birth, of the pressiny character of redemption, of the insistent ministry of immortality, in these battle days of death, of the necessity of Christianity above all the thinys this battliny world needs, to the end thai this irorld War may erentuate, in ft world peace, at whose heart dwells riyhl eousness. The Sunday-school, in particular, must be yuarded ayainst a threatened falling off. Christian men and women must not lest but more hold hard to the yospel. Sunday-school teachers and, Sunday-school helps musl speak in certain terms of Christianity and 'of Christian theoloyy. Sunday-school and Church were never so yreatly needed. The, Church, must hold to its Sunday school, its prayer meetiny, its Sunday service, its prayer, its sanctity of soul. Every Church, uqency must be as vital as the resurrection morniny. Preacher and Sunday-school teacher and, every Church, member must love Christ and talk Christ and practice Christ to the uttermost. Beware! Danyer, lest in our fervid activities our Christian fervor abate. lUtnqer! Methodism, to your knees! I