Organ of ihe Norih Carolina Conference. pfefg SIXTY-FOURTH YEAR, f A RALEIGH, N. C. AUGUST 22, 1918. To Thy Work. " Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might." That is splendid advice at any time, for any occasion, but it seems to have a special appropriateness and force for the pres ent day. When others are doing so much, and serving so heroically and self-sacrificing -ly, it would surely be a most incongruous and tragic thing if we were to spend our days in listlessness and indifference, and withont any high and holy ambition fon the common good. To do nothing earnestly, to attempt nothing that is difficult, to sacrifice nothing that is precious and worth while, would surely be to prove our selves out of touch with and unworthy of the day in which we live ; this day of days in the history of the world. The time calls for work, for work that demands the best that is in us, for work that seeks some other good than mere ly our own. And if we are not responding to that call with sincerity and faithfulness we are proving ourselves traitors to humanity in a day when we are sorely needed. -The Christian Guardian. j I