ffi, Organ of ihe North Carolina Conference. Christ's Transforming Power. The touch of Christ always makes things better. However low and debasing we may be, we will be lifted higher and male better by surrendering ourselves to His magic power. The muddy slime in the street, a striking picture of the hopeless outcast illustrates this. That slime, when analyzed, is found to contain mud, soot, sand, and water, and these, when separated, may become four of the most beau tiful objects in the world. The mud or clay may become clear and hard, and it will refuse all colors except blue, but this it will absorb until we have the sapphire. The sand misteriously manipulated, is not partial to any particular color, but ab sorbs the green, the purple, and the red, and then we have the opal. The soot be comes hard like adamant, and its raven blackness gathers every ray of the sun and conbines them into a dazzling blaze of beauty the like of which human eyes never beheld, and then we have the diamond. And the filthy water, leaving its polluted and polluting home, perches on the blade of grass, like a jewel from the skies, and we have the dewdrop. If these coarse and common things beneath our feet can be so wondrously transformed, let man not despair. Though in the swine pen, in richest robes and with jeweled fingers he may sit down to a feast in the Father's house. Rev. M. M. Davis, in Christian Standard.