BILL ARP'S FRIENDS. A Cow Gets Into the Garden. About Histories. More One hundred and fifty ( years ago old Dr. Johnsonsaid, "A cow is a very good animal in a field, but keep her out of tne garden " Late last night as the girls up stairs were going to bed and were closing the window blinds, they saw in the dim moonlight Bomething moving along in the garden, and sure enough it was cow our own cow ana sue was not far away from the rows rf English Dear that were in full bloom. The alarm was giv en, and my wife lighted the lantern, and with the girls, made haste to expel the intruder, Everything was wet, and, of course, I was not allowed to go. All 1 could do was to hold the lamp to the window and feel ashamed that I was sick and no account in an emergency like this. The cowboys in Texas never trotted around with more alacrity than did my wife and these cowgirls move after that cow. "Keep her away from the peas," cried a maternal voice And I echoed the speech of Pa trick Henry, who said, ltis vain to cry peas when there is no peas." The old huzzy ran by the crate three times and took the grand rounds with half a dozen calves visibleand invisible follow ing her, but finally gaveit;up and went out and was put in her pen. Old Aunt Dolly is our milk wom an, and declares she "fastened dat gate good,' but the cow and the garden says she didn't. But the garden has a gate, too, and I remember now that my wife told me in the morning before it rained that I might go out and cut the asparagus for dinner, and I did, and I reckon I left the cateorjen. "But all's well that ends well," and now there is peace in the family and peas in the garden. The world goes up and the world goes down. And the sunshine follows the rain: But 1'U bet that prowling nocturnal cow. Don't net In the garden attain. ble. Another mother wants a United States history that is reliable, and also a biography of Gen. Lee and "Stonewall" Jackson. Write to Dr. J. Wo. Jones, Richmond, Va., the Chaplain of the Confed erate Veterans, the Historian of the confederacy, the grandest man now left, a beacon light, a synonmy of wisdom and truth, and the gifted author of the biog raphies of Lee, and Jackson, and Davis. And I rejoice that he has lived to give us a United States history that is beyond-the reach of criticism, and will, I hope, be adopted by every school in the South, and be found in every house. I rejoice that Ala bama has passed a bill for uni form text books, and trust that the governor will appoint a com mission that can't be bought. We know that in some schools in the South Southern authors have been displaced to make room for Northern text books and it was done with money. Money rules everything now, and exemplifies the truth of what Paul wrote to Timothy, "The love of money is the root of all evil." But there is life in the old land yet, even though an officer in a bank can steal a hundred thou sand dollars before he is found out, and even though athletics are now the most important part of a young man's education. Yes. there is lite in tne oici land yet, for we see that the boys over twelve years have an order they call the C. M. A., "the Com ing Men of America,' and they have already enrolled 00,000 and have 3,358 lodges established. They are backed by the best men in every community, and declare that they intend to be good men and patriots, and perpetuate this government in spite of the poli ticians. The last lodge estab lished is at McCombCity, Miss., and has been named for me, and I am proud of it. This move on the part of the boys is a hopeful sign, and now the veterans can die in peace. HILL AttP. A TURKEY FULL OF $100 $ILLS. Eternal vigilance is not only the price of liberty, but it is the protection of a garden, for al most every day the little grand children come up to see me and comfort me, and now they want to pick some strawberries and pull up some radishes, and I sa yes, of course, and they will leave the gate open, and it is my business to shut it, and they have an idea that I am just here for their pleasure. They always come hungry, for they know that grandma has got some apples or cakes hid away, and grandma will get them. Even the little two-year-old boy knows where the sideboard keys are hung, and which door has the good things inside, and he takes me by the hand and leads me there. A biscuit will do these children at home, but it won't here. We don't keep tavern, but our house is a free and easy place, and the children of the town know it, and soon Easter Sunday about 150 of them gathered here to hunt the pretty eggs, and it was a biu: frolic, and the mothers and aunts came with them, and it took twenty dozen eggs to go round, and every little tot got some. And they played games in the grove and tennis in the court, and we old people were happv because the children were, Almost every body, old and young, came to salute me as I played patriarch in the big chair on the veranda, and some brought flow ers and some brought fruits, and all brought smiles, and so it is not so bad to be old and sick after all. Every mail brings me good let ters, kind letters, from far away and unknown friends, and they give comfort, and I answer all I can: but I must tell the school children once again that I cannot write any more compositions or essays or debates, and they are , wasting their time and postage , to ask me. One young man wants my opinion on the immor italitT of the soul, as though I . 'was Addison or a theologian, and so I sent him a postal card and referred him to the prophet Micah, sixth chapter and eighth verse. There is creed enough for anybody's souL A good mother wishes to know what 1 encyclopedia to buy for her chil dren, and asks what I think of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Since Mr. Oglesby ' anaylyzed th A work 1 did not know that anybody down South would at lo" it in coninintliMmuntt. Bet tor wnie -Mr. T. K. 0;leslj5 rf Atlanta, for hi "Truths of Horrible Suicide in Mitchell. On last Saturday Irby Davis, son of R. M. Davis, ex-register of deeds of the county, blew his head off with a breach-loading shot-gun. Early in the morning this young man, Davis, went in to the wToods for the purpose of killing squirrels. On his way home he procured some wine, and by the time he reached his father's house he was per fectly wild and acted as raving maniac. He rushed into the house, shot-gun in one hand and pistol in the other". He drew these weapons upon his father, and would have doubtless killed him had it not been for the inter vention of the boy's grandfather. Whereupon the boy went to the barn, caught a horse and mount ed him and rode off, cursing and abusing everybody he saw. He rode about half a mile to the home of Silas Greene. Mr. Greene's son saw the boy was perfectly wild and tried to pre vent him from killing himself, but before Greene could reach him, he placed the shot-gun with one hand on his forehead, and with the other hand he pulled the trigger, and the whole top. of his head was blown off. This was the most horrible suicide that has ever occurred in Mitchell county. Ashevule Gazette, J0th. Woman Receives It From Husband, Who Had Been Missing. . Morriston, N. J., May 9. Stuffed with $100 bills was a tur key that was received today by Mrs. E. C. Adams, from Mr. Adams, who had been mysteri ously missing for 1 1 months. The stuffings will be used to pay the passage of the Adams family to Sister Lakes, Mich., where the head of the house now resides. Adams, a carpenter by trade preferred to make a precarious living by playing a harp at dances. Last Thanksgiving eve times were hard with the Adams fam ily, and Adams picking up his harp said he would not return until he had a turkey for his fam ily. All trace of him was lost from that night until this morn ing when a turkey arrived by ex press and with it the following note: Sisters Lakes, Mich. "Dear Wife: I cannot bring the turkey to you as I am too busy, but you can fetch it to me and we will have a glorious old reunion. Kiss the babes for me and give love to Mother Fairchild. Bring her with you. I have a tine job with Uncle Charley, whom you do not know and never heard of. Affectionately. ED. It looked like other turkeys until it was being prepared for the oven, when its "undigested securities" were accidentally discovered. The Old Man "Treed." Atlanta Constitution. This is a Georgia boy's account of his father's entrance into poli tics. ' Dad has took the Stump. I" dunno who run him up it, but he's on it, jest the same. Dad is after a offis. One paper says he is a born lier, another one says he stoled a hoss, an' nuther one says he run off with a widder. When ma heard all thim things she said she thou ght that'she knew him before, but shes glad she's done and found him out at last, an' jest wait till she ketches him again: A Fit of the Conundrums. St. Louii Post-Dtspatoh. If Mississippi wore Missouri's New Jersey, what would Dela ware? Alaska. (I'll ask her.) Why are men like facts? Be cause they are stubborn things. Why is a lazy dog like a hill? Because he is a slow pup. (Slope up.) ! Who is the greatest chicken j thief spoken of in Shakespeare? Macbeth; because he did murder most foul. i Why does a minister always say: "Dearly beloved brethren" and not refer to the sisters? Be cause the brethren embrace the sisters. . When did George Washington first take a carriage? When he took a hack at the cherry tree. Why is life the greatest of all conundrums? Because we must all give it up. Why are dudes no longer im ported to this country from Eng land? Because a Yankee dude '11 do. (Yankee Doodle Deo.) Why is a madman like two men? He is onelbedside himself. Why does a brunette's face re semble a wet day? It is not fair. What river is it that runs be tween two seas? The Thomas, which flows between Chelsea and Battersea. Why is A like a honeysuckle? A bee follows it. Upon a hill there is a mill, by this mill there is a walk, under this walk there is a key. Mil waukee. A Monument lor a Living: Man. Monroe Journal. Mr. J. E. Efird went over in Stanly last week and sold a nice large monument to a man who is not yet dead, old Uncle Andrew Honeycutt, well known by all the old people of the surrounding country. The old gentleman is now in his 95th year, but has been confined to his bed for four W-r ..... years. He bougnt tne monument for himself, his first wife and his present wife, who yet lives and is about 40 years old. The old man says that he has caught wild horses in Stanly in his youth, shot buffalo and killed deer m numerable at the big salt lick, now the city of Big Lick. "Lottko COLD DUST twins do your "" solves the problem of easy dish washing. It cuts grease and cleans dishes better than anything else. Does its work quickly, well and economically. ; Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago, New York, Boston, St Louis. Maker of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. WELL DONE INDEED. A Boy Kills His Father. Asheville, N. C, May 6.TA telephone message to-night from Waynesville relates the details of a patricide which has caused ex citement in the Crabtree section of Haywood county. Samuel Keith was abusing his wife, when their young son, remonstrated. Keith then turned towards his son. who tired point-blank in his face. The father died in a few moments. The son is now in Waynesville jail, having surren dered to the officers. Quick Arrest J. A. Gulledjreof Verbena. Ala, was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 24 tumors. Al ter doctors and all remedii failed, Bucklen's Arn ca Salve quickly ar rested further intlamation and cured him. It conquers and kills pain. 20c at Lexington Drug (Jo. Druggist. The Richmond Times-Dispatch tells us. "The Confederate Bazaar clear ed the snug sum of $20,000, which means that the monument of Jef ferson Davis is to be built. All honor to the man, and all honor to the women of the Confederacy who have raised the money. The City Council has nnanim ously voted an appropriation of 30,000 to the Confederate Battle Abbey is to be built, Pretty good work for one week! Hurrah!' This will carry joy to every Southern heart. JJOTICK TO NON-RESIDENTS. N6bth Carolina. Da Vinson County. In Superior Court Before C. S. C. W. P Pickett. Adm'r. of W. S. Cecil. H I. vs. C. G. Cecil. J. M. Cecil. W. H. Cecil. R. C. Sink and husband. J. P. Sink. J. A. Tenoe and wife. M. K. Peace. Elvira Kennedy. Chas. Cecil. Peter Bonus and wife. O. M. Boggs. Jos. Hanes and wife. Flora A.. Wm. Cecil. S. M. Leonard and wife. Sarah M. Ieonartl. A. J. Leonard and wife. Ellen. W. E Cecil. C. C. Cecil and Crecia Osborn, TJef'ts. To Sarah M. Leonard and husband, S. M. Leonard. Ellen Leonard. A. J. Leonard. W. E. Cecil. C. C. Cecil, Harrison Green and Chas. Cecil, non-residents : You are hereby notified that plaintiffs have commenced the nbovf entitled special pro ceeding in the Superior Court of Davidson County, State of North Carolina, to obtain an order for sale of lands and declair funds In in the hands of the Sheriff, personal property to make asssets with which to pay debts and oosts of administration, and you are sum moned to be and appear before the Clerk of said Court on or before the 14th day of May. 1903, and answer the complaint or the relief prayed for will be granted. April 8th. 1903. H. T. Phillips, Clerk of the Superior Court. S. E. Williams. Attorney for Plaintiff. 1ST OTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. QREA IXY ALARflED. By a Persistent Cough, but Perma nently Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. II. P. Burbage, a student at law, in Greenville, S. C, had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says, "irreatlv alarmed me, causing me to fear that 1 was in the first stage of consumption." Mr. Bnrbage, having seen L'hamberlaiu's Cough Remedy advertised, concluded to try it. Now read what he savs of it: "I soon felt a remarkable change and after using two bottles of the twenty-five cent size, was permanently cured. bold hy J. B. Smith, druggist. Pistol Against Axe. Newton, N. C, May 6 Dr. W, S. Davidson shot and killed a ne &. ' J . Vniml HART.TlfA. riAVTTMON fJOTTNTT. ney or McNany. bo far as can superior court. be learned the darkey WOrkea Henry C. Kennanl, Trustee and Executor of V, rn i. f n i ,, f the estate of James E, Clayton, deceased. at Mrs. Trotts , the house at Plolntlfl. whichDr. Davidson boarded. Dr. , The Conrad H1U J1 Copper Comtmny. Davidson Says the.V had a few of Davidson County. North Carolina. The Coo "a j ,7 rrLiL A Jlf v,nr.aa raS Hill Gold and Copper Company, of Balti- words about the doctor s norse, more C,y, 80a tne conrad hm ooia and cop- 4V,Q mwrn namn at him ; per Company, of Baltimore. Defendants. wnen tne negro cam) an iirh-n,,nrttrtHiUGoldana coDDer company. njit.Vi on n.VP The Doctor drew ' of Baltimore City, and tne Conrad Hill Gold , , . . , j rt j t,. land Copper Company, of Baltimore. two of his pistol and nred tWO Sr.OtS the Dove named defeddanta, will eaoh take killing the negro instantly, ur. , 0 -JS in the superior court ot Davidson at .Once gave himselt ; Davidson County to perfect the title of plain .. . . . . , i tiff to a certain tract or parcel of land situate Up. lie IS now in CUStouy in mu , ln conrad HIU township, in said County, known Slierill, awaiunp iue acuon in , Davidson County. N. C and to remove a the COUrt. ! cloud from plaintiffs title set up by the de. take notice that they are required to appear at the August Term of the Superior Court of said nmmtv to be held on the 2nd Monday be fore the Ut Monday in September. 1903. at the A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merrltt, of JNO. wenoopany, ta., nmue a start- "rHn".. in said county. In Lexington. N. ling test resulting in a wonderful cure, ! c and answer or demur to the complaint in One thousand and, twenty words written on a postal card is the oroud achievement of an 88 year old boy in the town Areola, 111. He1 did it with tus little pen. Narried Behind tne Bars. Roanoke. Va.. May 7. Miles Charles, indicted for the murder of his business partner, U. U Hatch, in Buchanan county, and confined in the county jail at Grundy, was married behind the bars to day to Miss Heddie lib- betts. for many years clerk 01 the county court of Buchannan Charles was a prominent mer chant at the time of the tragedy. He will be tried next month. , General Baldwin who talked through his hat about negro and Filipino soldiers, has been whitewashed through omcnu in quiry, while General Miles, who reported officially upon tne ais graceful doings of our army in the Philippines, has been dis credited by two army officers who were bunted up for the pur pose. Verily, kissing goes by favor in the department X . Too Oreat Risk' i i In ilmoit every neighborhood some one hat died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus, often before medi cine could be procured or a physician s immond. A. reliable ' remedy for tr.e diseases should be kept at hand, The ri.k is too great for anyrine to take. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy has undoubt edly saved the live of more people ACCIDENTAl? Thevjury returned a verdict of acci dental death on the man who fell from the window ledge on which he had fallen asleep. - But the death was really due to , i n .,, . carelessness JUL which made the accident possible. There are a great many lives sud denly termi nated as result of carelessness. although the medical cer tificate may read "heart failure." When a man takes chances with his stomach and nerlecU the warninf symptoms of disease, he is e&relMah inT4dn emlatnitv. v. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diacorery cures diseases of the stomach and other orjrans of digestion and nutrition. It enables the perfect digestion and sadtrri lation of food, which makes etreurth. It stimulates the liver, cures biliousness. and teuiores bilious impurities from the blood. M had btea troubled with a pala la kmer pari of my rtomich for three yeara, aa mm I tboaght H would kill mt In time,' write Mr, Aaron Via Dam. of (Knlnirtoo) mm ngth St., Chirairo, nt. "I could hardly work; It felt like a bit weiriit hantrina on me and trni io barf that 1 had to takt medicine, I used Stooiach Bitn-ra fnr a ttma, but tt did no trod I wrot to Dr. a. V. Pirrat for advira. which he taw me it. mediately. ijnWnwi) him direilfna; Bwd two bottlr of hi mr-dlnn and wm cured. I had a tnMMd liver whi' b was lifiuMina; mi intftid of The 'Squire's Corn Cure. From the Oaslorjfa Gazette. Did you ever hear Esquire Frank Thompson s remedy for corns? He says no matter where the corns are, just rub your big toe with turpentine and take three drops internally. He be lieves turpentine one ot the greatest medicines in the world and that it would be a greater remedy still if it cost $30 or $40 a gallon instead of five cents a bot tle. ; OASTOniA Btarttbt jj in MHO 1W BMIWWSfJ BOugiU Rlfiatar of : m I I "' 1L 'ii - ' Sf" I ow; bnvt fruineJ The good roads movement ex tends all over United States. The President made a speech on the subject the other day, and de clared that good public highways were the pride of the nation and yet we do not seem to be ready for good roads. BARRELS OF SAMPLES. Over Two Hundred Thousand Trial . Bottles Sent Free By Mall. R anaerial arrangement with the manufac tures of that luaUy famous Kidney medicine. Dr. IWtM Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, the Mulom nf Taa Dtaoateh are enabled to obtain s trial bottle sod pamphlet of valuable medl eal advice absolutely free by simply sending their full name and poatomoe aaareaa vo me DK, OA V ID uunrvnKAiWfi, DnjHit M V.. and mentioning this Daper. The Doctor baa received so many srateful letter from those who have beea benefited nil Auiwd or the vanoua aiaeaaea 01 tne Kldaes, Liver, Bladder and blood, Rheuma tism. Dyapepaia and Chronle Oonatlpation, and all weakneaaea peculiar to women, that they mn. v miwi trim Dmnna u) m lunnvn. T.iKMt Itrttiinn fmttid that SI Der Cent Of thoxe who had uaed the trial bottle had re ceived benefit ana cars from Ita uae. It matter sot how sick yon are or how MiM, nhvalnlana have failed to bela rou. send for s trial bottle of tbia treat medicine: It coats you but s portal card, and benefit and silt nMi AMrtalnlir result. Put eome urine in a glaaa tumbler and let It stand M houra; If It baa a aedlment, la pale, dlmiolnred. aillkv or oloudy, atrii.iry or ropy. our Klrtnevs or BHirtder in a lad condltlnn. Dr. David Kennedr'aKaviiritr Remedy apeodlly our1lnil'h dumrarntm nyrol'ti.i.4 tfc 'l '" " He writes, "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had of ten found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient K&ined from the first, andhas not had an at tack in 14 months.'1 Electric Bitters are positively guaranteed- for Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kidney troubles. Try them. Only 50e at Lexington Drug Co. Salisbury Sun: "The rumor. which has been current in Salis bury for the past week that sev eral engineers on the Southern had resigned since the death ot Engineer Kinney, 1 is said by officials to be an error. Only one eneineer has resigned on the . . . division within the weelc ana ne l gave up his position to engage in other business." ' .- Hade Young Again. Tmn nf Dr. Kinc's New Life Pills each night tor two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" v. a. Aurner oi Demp8eytown, Pu They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable, never gripe. Only 25c at Lexington Drug Co. Drug Store. The Krupps, the great steel makers of Germany, employ 50,- 000 men in their works, and take good ca're of them, too. ; : said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed lor in saia complaint. iratea lain any oi Apni, ivm. H. T. Phillips. Clerk Superior Court Davidson County. QALE OF LAND. In pursuance of an order of the Superior eourt of Davidson county, the underslirned wUl sell at public auction on the premises on Thursday, the 28th day of May. 1903 at It o'clock, noon, two tracts ot land belong ing to the estate ot Rhoda Daniels, deceased, one adjoining Noo Davis, Jacob Reich. Sim Nelson and others, known as the home place, and containing SO sores, more 01 less; the oth er adjoining Uriah Cline, Spenoer Davis and others, containing AH acres, more or less, both In said oounty, State ot North Carolina. Terms of sale are cash on confirmation of sale, and bond with approved security will be required for the purchase money. J. I NSLSOK. April 17 1903. - Commissioner, Wood's Farm Seedg. ' Cow Peas Soja Beans Two of the most important crops for farmers everywhere. Write for leaflets entitled Soja Beans vs. Corn and " Cow Pea The Clover of The South," giving anoctal Information about these crops. We carry large stocks of all SEASONAHLR FARrl SEEDS, Seed Corn, Millet, Sorriiurtu, Teoiiinto, Late seea pota toes. Crimson Cover, ' ; , n-H Inability t., h.Xit n.ln. H -.V . 3 . u lin In vnmg It, fraguent ornirrt to uriijau. t ,4 . KUCKWneai, etc, .lclily at niiflil. the Btalnlng of linen and j M food's Serd Book and Spw all thn um.lenx.iiit nnl diiriK.T.u rnViMs on I : 1 , ,!,, and stusu l Mt-in IHCWWl I.V thl " Of llKkfV. I , , .,,11 , f!,D. I Sr""l Clreti- t:Mouauie In- A Spring And Summer Tonic. , Oo to the Glorious Mountains of Western North Carolina, The "Land of the Sky" and "Sapphire Country:" a Natural Paradise, at all times of the year, a pleasant spot, full of life, of color and enjoyment, rich with pos sibilities for health and recreation. For temperature and climate It is un excelled. Reached by the Southern Railway. . ',:.-. V-.-- Write for descriptive book of ''Land of the Sky " mailed free upon applica tion to any Agent of the Southern Railway, or Mr. S. H. Hardwick, General Passenger Agent, Washing ton, D. C. Qlenri, Manly & Hendren, ; 7 Attorneys at Law, , , Wxswron. N. C. Will hereafter praotlee regularly In Davtdaoa in r"w Bounty. Alao and BtateavUle. buaina aral eourta at Greensboro Prompt attention given to at J. M Rothrock, . . DENTIST, ' Of THOMASvru., la at Hotel March on the Brat Monday and Tuesday In eaoh month. awa. r. h iMhI and aalv business collect ia Va. i Nil wiiiuni. ! Latiitt & ent"rtnnt. ll(Hikkeplng,Bhorthtnd i JViwwrmug, i .'unaiwiiip, nirarmnny, ec ' 'leadinr butnji Mirth ol lbs Polumas r '.-. f u.nlti..l....t LM.iri.Hi li l-l.tnrMnr1 Va. CANCFUS find ennorw pron f'S W ! f-

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