TUB K191MTCX, UXDTdlOI, I. C W1DKISDAT, FEB. 14, Ml. snsime rrBLic rows. A Sasjple f What Ocean Higher tf Waea taa Feeple's GeverMeat If Raa for BtrtiM Oalj. The man with the hoe and the ham mer and the axe and with whatever 1m he labor walka his llttla appolnt- . 4 pathway, pays hia tax and votes tor th leather-lunged demagog whom th machine Dominate; and that' bout all he doe or know o tar a government t concerned. Up In Washington the leather-lung meet together and run the nation. The people' money 1 spent by the mil lion and a whole lot of it 1 "blows In." A sample of the rotten aide of the government la furnished by the Immigration commission. A bunch of congressmen were sent to Europe to make an Investigation of conditions In order that light might be thrown on the subject of immigration. They spent $657,933, and If the people have received any benefit for it there is lit tle to show where the adequate re turn comes In. Six members of the commission with a string of attendants drew 190, 000 on the trip and they account for but $,20,000 of it. They returned an expense account that included the us ual expenses of travel, but also in cluded fees and tips, hotel bills, tele grams, wines, whiskies, cognacs, min eral waters, lemonade, glaces, sip hons, citrons, cigars, cleaning clothes, shaves, shines, haircuts, shampoos, rubs, Turkish baths, and all sort of luxuries that had not the remotest connection with the business the con gressmen were sent on. Congressman Macon, of Arkansas, scored the con gressmen who had been guilty of this abominable piece of graft and de clared that the people would smite the party that permitted it He said that the gentlemen needn't get gay because they were criticised; that congressmen were no more than any body else when It came to dishonor able practices, and he declared that a larger per cent of congressmen had been indicted for rascality than sec retaries of immigration leagues, to one of whom he was Indebted for cer tain facts he used in his speech of de nunciation of the immigration com- . mission. The masses paid for this great trip through the old countries. It came In small amounts from the millions. It went in large chunks. The republican party has held power so long that it doesn't seem to care what it does any more. Like Vanderbilt of old, it says, "The people be dammed," and with Armour, the beef trust magnate, it says, when the people clamor for meat at living prices, "I.et them eat vegetables." A French king told a starving people to eat grass once and there came a day when they stuffed his skeleton with that sort of food. WOKTHI OF COXFIDIJtCX. 1 Offer Backed fcy Om ef Oar lest Rraatable Ceaceraa, We pay for all th medicine aaed during the trial, it our remedy fall to completely relieve you of constipa tion. We take all th risk. Tou are not obligated to u In any way what ever. If yon accept our offer. That's a mighty broad statement, but w mean every word of It Could any thing be more fair for you? A most scientific, common-sense treatment Is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like cetody. Their active principle I a recent scientific dis covery that Is odorless, colorless and tasteless; very pronounced, gentle and pleasant In action, and particu larly agreeable In every way. This ingredient does not cause diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or any In convenience whatever. Rexall Order lies arc particularly good for chil dren, aged and delicate persons. If you suffer from chronic or ha bitual constipation, or the associate or dependent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Remember you can get them in Lexington only at our store. 12 tablets 10 cents; 36 tablets 25 cents. The Rexall Store. The Lex ington Drug Co., Lexington, N. C. Dynamite ExpJosio on Soatabouad. Wadesboro Ansonian: While pre- Darlng a blast at the camp of Walton & Co., Southbound contractors at An sonville, Mr. J. A. Stafford, their chief Inspector, was painfully wounded Saturday by a premature explosion. The electric batteries, by which the blasts are fired, were connected by an assistant who was apparently not aware of what Mr. Stafford was doing. Several others standing near by where shocked by the explosion. Staf ford will lose an eye on account of the accident and while painfully hurt about the face and breast, will re cover. His wounds were dressed by Dr. J. M. Dunlap of Ansonvllle and Dr. J. M. Covington, Jr., of Wades boro. He was brought here yester day and a trained nurse is with him. Jadge Lea Sat Fifty Oat f Fifty Tw Weeks. We were in conversation with Judge - B. F. Long of Stateavill a few day ago, and he Informed us that out of the arty-two weeks of last year be held court fifty week. No Judge living or dead In North Car olina ha ever equaled this record. W mention this to say that no class of men have more arduous labors thaa do our Judges and the aext leg islature ought to increase the num ber of judges to twenty at least. Catawba County News. KEITHS OF JOI0E9. AaaaaJ Kepert Will Shew Gala el Over Tare Taeasaad la eaUwr shi Dartag the Tear. The state council of the Junior Or der will meet In Greensboro next Tuesday, the 22nd. Th report of th state secretary will show th follow ing: Number of council Instituted dur ing th year. 28; renlstated. S; total number council. 288. - Councils surrendering charters dur ing year, 3; consolidated, 194 with 159; subject to suspension. No. 17, 137, 179, 200. 243. 276. 280. Total. 8. Present number of active councils, 256. Total membership December II, 1909, 23,767, a gain of 3,072 during th year. Receipts, as per reports from sub ordinate councils, for Initiation, 118, 524.79; weekly dues, $149,721.83; all other sources, $65,419.42. Total, $233, 066.04. Disbursements: Sick benefits, $27, 470.60; death benefits, $48,223; fun eral benefit assessments. $71,376.10; per capita tax, $13,100.85; all other purposes, $49,875.48. Total, $210,046.03. Balance: Receipts over disburse ments, $23,620.01; cash In hands of treasurers and trustees, $79,433,97; value council property, real and per sonal, $54,709.71; total worth of coun cils. $138,143.63. LaGrlppe pains Ufat pervade the entire system, Lagrippe coughs that rack and strain, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly Laxative, safe and certain in results. J. B. Smith. Piedmont Printers ass Pablisaers. A number of printers and publish ers of the immediate section met re cently in Hickory and organized the Piedmont Printers and Publishers Association, with H. C. Martin, of the Lenoir News, president; J. W. Clay, Hickory, vice-president; and R. G. Mace, of Hickory, secretary and treasurer. The next meeting will be held In Statesville February 25. The purpose of the association is self lmprovemont and boostment of the piedmont country. Mursint Mathers and Malaria. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma laria and builds up tbe system. For grown people and children. 50c. New JJeaa of Law School. Lucius P. McGhee, who served five years in the university, has been elected dean of the law school at Chapel Hill. The salary Is increased to $4,250 a year with $500 for the summer law school. The trustees of th university took this action Wed nesday at their meeting in Raleigh At the meeting Prof. Archibald Hen derson, of the chair of mathematics, was given a year s leave of absence to tudy abroad. Made Sa Klax Uniforms. Mrs. Margaret Moser, whose maid en name was Whltsett, died in Bur lington last week aged 71 years, and with the announcement of same It was stated that she was the only woman ever admitted to the secrets of the Ku Klux Klan. She made the fantas tic uniforms worn by the soldiers of the night which struck terror to the hearts of ex-slave and carpet bagger and scalawag. Besides being engaged in a noble and patriotic work, the lady was laboring for her state at great personal risk, for it was dan gerous to have any association with the ghostly bands that roamed at , night and defied the military rule of the north. Hence the fact that she gave herself to this work, the fact that she was honored by the K. K. K. Is a thing that her descendants are doubtless very proud. If troubled with indigestion, con stipation, no appetite or feel bllllou, give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets a trial and you will be pleased with the results. These tba lets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. Sold by all dealers. Joha L. Sullivan Married. John L. Sullivan, aforetime heavy weight chsmpeen of the world, was married last week in Sharon, Mass. to Miss Katherine Hartnett, sweet heart of the old man's youth also possessed of much wealth. Bowel cloggtd, alck headache, no fun Is it? Why not have that happy face, red cheeks that come with good digestion. Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea makes the bowels work reg ular, natural, makes you feel like new, Take it to night J. B. Smith. . Special Agent of Ceases. Harry J. Overman, of Salisbury, says a dispatch from that town, ha been appointed to a position In the census department and is known as special agent and his work will be in connection with the manufacturing in- dutsries In his district, which em braces the counties of Rowan, Ca barrus, Staaly. Davidson, Randolph and Guilford, and will have two men under him to be known aa class 2, One of these will be Mr. William J. Weddington, formerly of Salisbury but lately of Concord, and his head quarters will be In High Point The other will be a Lelngton, Va., man and his neadquarters will be at Ran dleman, while Mr. Overman will be located la Salisbury. - Scrofula disfigures arid causes life-long misery. Children become strong and lirerjr when given small doses of ' , SJ BalaaiMe v SI c very dj. The starved ! - j is f c 1; tlie swollen -v Lc !:!, t-J C.j 1 r i 1 ; i r The Falraaaks Iatiaeat at Bone. Ecclesiastical circles were stirred no little by the action of Mr. Fair banks in Rome, published last week. It Is stated that the pope' reason for declining to receive Mr. Fairbanks was not that he was a Methodist, but because he invariably refuses to see any person who does not act as any Catholic minister would act when in Rome. In other words, when in Rome the pope expects you to act as the Romans do. Concerning the incident Archbishop Ireland, of Chicago, say: It was not a question of Mr. Fair banks being a Methodist or going to Methodist church in Rome for Sun day devotions. It was a question of appearing to give the fullest approval the work of the Methodist Associa tion in Rome. American Methodists Rome are active and I may read ily say pernicious proselyters. The Methodist Association is not in Rome serve and meet American Metho dists but to pervert from the Catholic faith all those urmn whom thev ran bring Influence to bear. "Now, a public address by a former ice-president of the United States before the Methodist Association would have no other meaning In the eyeB of the Roman public than the approval of America In the propa ganda of the Methodist Association. Had the holy father, guardian of the pirltual interests of the Catholic church of the world, smilingly wel comed Mr. Fairbanks to an audience on the following day, in what other position would he appear to be than giving his approval to the propagan da of the Methodist Association before which the address had been given? it was simply Impossible for the holy father In his official position as sovereign pontiff of tbe Catholic church to do aught else than to say pouieiy io mr. Fairbanks, I cannot receive you and accord you the hon ors due you In all other circumstances an American and a distinguished representative or a great republic' Kev. Joseph C. Hartsell. blshon of the Methodist Episcopal church, says: Archbishop Ireland's specific at tack upon what he terms 'the Metho dist Association' in Rome Is unlusL But his heated verbiage will not de ceive toe American people of the rroiesiant world. : John Loyd, of Mclver, Rockingham county, was arrested last week on a charge of robbing his uncle, J. B. Daw son, of $90 on the night of February at Danville. Uncle Dawson and his nephew went to Danville to sell the uncles tobacco, and to have frolic, and while there drank freely and bad a big time. When the uncle woke up on the morning of the 2nd bis nephew, was gone and hi $90 was absent and putting two and two to gether, he found that the result was four. Never can tell when youll mash a finger or auffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. . Thomas' Electric Oil Instantly relieves the pain quickly cures the wound. Will Fix the Blame for Smallpox. A Pnlslirh dldnatrh aava: Dr. Ran kin, tbe secretary of the state board of health, was Interviewed and said that every counts In the state except Dare now has a superintendent of health and only one doctor is availa ble there for this purpose, the others being on the board. Dr. Rankin Is determined to put th blame for small pox spread exactly where it belongs. He has given tbe public printers the copy for the January number of the bulletin and this will tell bow be propose to make publicity th mean of fixing the blame on county super intendent or board of health.- For example he will ascertain from coun ties how smallpox reached them, from some county where no care was given th matter of vaccination or quaran tin; he will print what I laid by the official of these counties, and thus locate the cause of the trouble exact ly. This Is to be don, without fear or favor. There have been uperln tendenta of health In some counties, and boards also, who have failed to do their duty as to vaccination quarantine, and this carelessness, which la little short of criminal, b !v-loted some very trying situation has bwti shown viry strongly In one rmirity this wlnti r. there having been Sv hnmlred nf s t l'-ant. It Is sain hr. I u.kin f. t;.. t this Is the on iv to t-t at the Hitnntlon and he 1 wit war that publicity I a very l...w..t fl IMne. The oulhrenk of i.-x In li,o liuutf't nnilmmiK'-s i 'i .!,, ;".. v.!i ca'l fri-i n'l.'n i i i I : i t -. v l:i f- 1 'it . i f I . -i r - I 1 y i i- ' v a wis rsonsioic. Bat a Privilege That Is Belag Crassly Ahasra Oplalea f Salisaary Paper a Daautge Salt. The Carolina Watchman has th following editorial In it last lsu: Th DM patch, of Lexington, Justly complain because of the custom of a certain "ambulance chasing" lawyer In carrying damage suits against the railroad eompany to that county for trial. Court after court, it avers, ha had to spend Its Urns and the county Its money to try the cases In which that county Is no wis responsible or van interested. At a recent special term, four day' Urn In th hearing and four day for the Jury to disa gree was taken up and $285 was speat on a case from Rowan. The Dis patch rightly say these litigants can get Justice here and can get nothing more nor leas there, hence it I both a reflection and an injustice to th two counties for auch a condition to continue. The law permits this course, and It Is probably a wise provision, but the privilege Is being grossly abused. The whole trouble lie at th door of a certain member of the Salisbury bar assoclae'sra. This fellow makes It his buslne be, hunt crippled ne groes and faring a damag suit against the railway company. He harbors them, pays their board and has been known to go to Winston-Salem and aven to South Carolina to keep up with a negro and hold him In tow where there was merely a slight chance, not merely for the privilege of appearing for him but to attempt to get tbe negro to take the case out or another lawyer's hands and turn . it over to htm. He does not hesitate to besmirch the character of hia profes sional associates, by affidavit or other wise, or any one else who may hap pen to need besmirching, If ha might succeed In obtaining a needed dollar thereby. It has only been recently that this same fellow had a caae be fore the Davidson court for damages against the railway company of course, where the negro had been bit ten by a dog. So, aa stated above, it Is probably not so much an improper law as it Is the abuse It is susceptible of by any unscrupulous practitioner. Ia the above there is no Intention of reflecting on the Salisbury Bar Association as a whole. The great majority of Its members are men of the highest character and a credit to themselves and the community. Our allusions are to a certain individual. horn they all know, and who also knows of whom we speak. Dates for Antnmn Fairs. The fair association has settled on the following dates for the openibg of the various fairs next fall: Virginia: Galax, August 30; Rad ford, September 6; Tazewell, Septem ber 13; Roanoke, September 20 ; Lynchburg, September 27. North Carolina: winston-saiem, October 4; Greensboro, October 11; Raleigh.October 17; Charlotte, Oc tober 24. South Carolina: Spartanburg, No vember 1; Columbia, November 8. Georgia' Augusta, November 16; Emporia, November 22. The farmer of Robeson county. through) their eannty union, have se cured arrangements with the guano dealers so that each and every mem ber of the union can get guano at very little hleher price than the whole sale figure, and altogether they will save one hundred thousand dollars this year. Moreover, a man who buys but a ton gets the same low price as the big farmer who buys several tons. Americas Victim of Mexlcaa Law, On the 26th of last Aueust a man named cook, of Cleveland, Ohio, con- uuciur oi a ireignt train in Mexico, was thrown Into prison by the Mexican omciais because Mexican thieves had wnue his train was in motion and while he was attending to his duties, broken into cars and thrown foods out by-the way, returning later and gatnering same up, selling them to French merchants in the city. These merchants, guilty of receiving stolen goods, and knowing it too, were al lowed ball. Not ao with Cook. Bail was denied him. Mexico does not have the right of habeas corpus and a man must prove his Innocence In stead of the state proving his guilt If at ine ena or six months be has not been found guilty of anything-, he is discharged. Cook will soon finish hia term. The Order of Railway Conduc tors has repeatedly endeavored to in tercede, but If they have succeeded in moving Uncle Sam, he has failed to move Cook, for Cook Is still In jail although a Innocent as you -or I Whea two Americans were captured and shot In Nicaragua for engaging in open rebellion against th govern ment Secretary of State Knox wrote a loud and boisterous state paper. He has Issued no such loud and boister ous state paper about th arrest and imprisonment of Cook. Seataboaad Bridge at Waltaey. Tbe Salisbury Post says: Superin tendent William, in charce of the construction of the big steel bridge to be built across the Tadkln at Whit ney, was In tbe city a short while last Sight He was called to his home at Lynchbhrg on account of the illness of his father. Mr. Williams stated that yesterday th big cable to be used In handling the heavy steel was stretched across the river. A large tower about 130 feet high has been erected on the cliff, this side the river, to which the cable Is to be attached, The work of building the pillar for tbe bridge will be commenced soon, and It ig planned to complete the structure before th close of this year.-. .. Although It Is said that Its Drovi slons have never been nsed. yet there Is a law In North Carolina allowing a parent to deed his children to whom be may; Just as there Is in South Car olina a law under the provisions of wnicn tsenator Tillman s son has deed ed to bis father and mother bis two children. C 1 rv - i i saa alt f ; A torr. 4 HT1 r,nrt$ th WBol V ii, en.J . t r"' Tsm Stops Lameness Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect See that your borsc is not al lowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's Liniment on hand and apply at the first sign of stiffness. It's wonderfully penetrating goes right to the spot relieves the soreness limbers up the joints and makes the muscles elastic and pliant ','; Here's the Proof. Mr. G. T. Roberts of Reeaca, Ga R.F.O. No. I, Box 43, writes : " I bv uMd your Liniment oa a hone lor sey and elected a flwroufh cam. I al ao removed a tpevis oa a anile. This pa vt a wu u laxf at a guinea eg g. la . nyettinutloa thetaeet lemdykwlaat. Beet aad toreaeu is - Send Name and Address Today Ton Can Have it Free and Be Strong and Vigorous. I have In mv traeeeeelon a orescrtntlon for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened mannooo, lauing memory ana tame Deck, brought on by ezeeaMS, unnatural drauuor the routes of youth, that haeeuredeo many worn and nervoue teen right In their own bomee without aay addlMoual help or modi, elcethat i think every man who wlshee to regain hie manly power and vlruily, quickly and quietly, eheuld have a copy. Ho, I have determlaed to send a cosy of tee prescription nree of enarge, in a piaia, ordinary seaiea en velope, to say maa who wUI write me for It. This prescription comae from a physician who has made a special study of men, and I am convinced It Is the surest-acting combi nation for the cure of deficient manhood and vigor-failure ever put together. 1 mine i owe it to my teiiow man to eeaa wis III m V'J iuMiuunm,WNi,i .uj ,imu anvwhere who la weak and discouraged with repeated failures may stop drugging himself ltn narmiui patent meoicinee, secure vnn, believe. Is the nulrkeet-actlng. restorative. pbulldma, HPOT-TuUCHNIU remedy ever devised, and so. cure himself at home uuletlv ana quicaiy. justarou me a line use mis Mr. A K. Koblneon, 46M Luck Bldg., Detroit, Mich., sad 1 will aend vou a roor of this splendid recelpe In a plain ordinary sealed envelope, free of charge. A great many doc tors would charge SHOO to fTi OO for merely writing out a preecrlptlun like this but J sena it entirely tree. . . - Sloan's Liniment Mr. H. M. Ubba, of Lawrence, Kant, R.F.D. No. j, writes : Your LlnU Slant It the best that 1 have ever ated. -I had a nare with an tbeceat oa her neck and en 50c. battle of Sloan's Liniment entirely cared ear. - I keep It aroand all m time for gills and small twsllinp aad for everything about the stock. . ' Sloan's Liniment will kill a spavin, Curb or splint, re duce wind puffs and swollen Joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, to under and thrush. Print 60c. and $1.00 r SIcMMi'S iHMk M amM, eat,!, afce Mm 11 " rl Lr. larl 8. Eloan, loctoa, Kit-, n.s.. NOTICB TO CREDITOIia Th undersigned having qualified at administrator upon th estate of 0. Bolder, deceased, late of Lavtdxon county. North Carolina, hereby not all person having clnlms ltt I e estate of said d ! to prusctit t e tame, duly proven, to me on or 1 1 for th 2nd day of February, 7b D isn't Colds and Headaches; To Cltantc tkc oSyatcm Effectually; To assist in Overcoming . Habitual Constipation Permanently ; Use the v;... Pleasant and Refreshing .Laxative Remedy Iil02ni (V Ifvi 4 Acts dently yet promptly without dis turbing the natural functions and with out any unpleasant after effects and there fore it is live best tor the mother , and the infant, for the invalid sick-abed and the strong, robust man. when bilious or constipated. W GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS MAHurAc FIG SYRUP CO. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. ONE SIZE ONLY, REGULAR. PRICE 50cts PER. BOTTLE. Hen-free. 3.50 Receip Cures Heak'Sf When Passing Look in my window and see the large display of CORN entered in the Growing Contest. Corn Buy, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TH1 . UNITED STATES, For the Western District of Norta Carolina. . Ia the mattar of ; W. U Klrkman, 1 ;U Bankrupt x Id ' Bankruptcy.. To tbe Creditors of W. L. Klrkman. of Wallburg, In tbe County of Da vidson and District aforesaid, Bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the 9th day of February, 1910, the said W. L Klrkman, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting or nis creditors vnji ne neia ai my taw office in Winston-Salem, N. C, - on the 23rd day of February. D. 1910. at 10 o'clock, a. m at which time the said creditor may attend. prove their claims, appolat a trustee, examine th bankrupt, consider th proposed compromise of any contro versies, the proposed aal of any property and transact sucn otfler business as many properly com be fore aald meeting. All claim aoould be lied direct with Was Referee and not with th Receiver or Truate. - Masonic Temple, Winston-Salem, N. C February 9. 1910. J. JC ALEXANDER, - JUfer la Bankruptcy. and you will get the best. J. B. SMITH, . "Tfce OH Reliable." MORTQAOI SALE! , Purauant to th provision of nrortgax execute by A. Ia and afollie V. Betta to J, B. Smith on ID mm day of February, 1907, and registered In th offlc of th Register of deeds of Davidson county, In book 41, page 205, default having been made In the oavmeat of the Interest and principal there) set forth, the undersigned will ell at public auction, for easb, in ice town of Lexington, N. C, at the ceurt bous door, oa th 7th day of starch 1910, at It o'clock m., th following property: , At the corner of 4th Avenue and Railroad street, rnanlsg about south with Railroad street 100 feet to a take; thence about east 65 feet to a stake; thenc about west luu leex w Fourth avenue; thence about east along Fourth avenue 65 feet to the bestanlng, containing 8.600 square feet more or lees. Conveyed by the said A. U and Mol lis V. lietts, to satisfy tbe deed aad Interest provided for in esvld mortgag. Thl ih dny of Jn"irr. lio. J. a F il l ii. irtsag. Wataer A a!jr. AturBe?s. Broaldway Central Hotel .at ft,' tivencse., Rhea " f Mrt end Tiiea or tins notice will I" ii of their recovery. AH i ed to th estate vi.l 1 I It) 1 I N0TIC3 TO CREDITOIia Tlia nn.l.irs'f-ne.1. A. J. Itarrmerr, fcavlna bona SHi.mit.-4 snd fl-m!.. d aa -. 'ni .aH'-r ll." n t ff I'. I. f n !. 1 - T ' t t BROADWAY, Corner 23rd Street, NEW YORK Special Atteatlea Glvea t Ladies ., Unescorted. . GBZAT FAMILY atOTIL Exeelleat WItht Extravagaaee. KATES t America Flaa LM Per Day Zarsaeaa Flaa LM Far Day Thla hotel enjoys ' reputation of highest respectability and freedom from all objectionable features, and recommends Itself to ladies and fam ilies for it quiet, orderly manage ment, clean, well-kept rooms, great public parlors, grand balls and liber al stairways. Telephones In all rooms. . Convenient to the shopping dls , trlct, .theatres; and all - other place of amusement and Interest. Cad be : reached, for one tare by electric car from ferries, steamer piers and rail road station. Send for large, colored map of New York, free. PAX. C WEBB, Froarfoter, t Charlestea, 8. C.' Osly Kedlani Fricel Htel Lett : Breadway. a'l pet a I 1 f In: a ( I r ! 1. h I; LVoaJway, 3Clh and 37th St., Herald Square, New York Only two t lodes from th New Pennsylvania Railroad Station and th McAdoo, 1 loboken and Long Island SubwaV Station, connect ing all railroads. , tihzzl f:r F::-s 1 Caawrlae Jsmuarr . 1910 SO Room, m!!.. of Wli tt.00 ' 80 Feoms, r. h pnvele bl 7S Reoma. vi S i ie lil SO Rooene, vi.h ' ' ' "43 Suii, l'r!,jr, t ed La,' - ..room l.BO 2 00 2-bJ - J- v r t " . 3.00 SCO B.llia "rr-,.'vN!t'.4 . ' .'. It I I a ; V 'jve. once. . This 2nd day f F ! W. R. ' I.:. -a,. ri. "J

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