xis trv xx suriT. lette aad TTiastoe-Saleav Controls. ii Glldden.-trophy, utoua "n,e leatea New York. City- Saturday Oc tober 14 -win mae Elibory a lunch etoi forjdiaeer en Thursday,, Oete ber 19th. Dr.' W. B. Duttera, presi dent of Ttowan 'Aulomobiie""ABS elation, who has beea la touch with the 3ovementofthe roposedtonr receiver-ommrotke Wednesday morning to thl. eltect. Th notlc Myt: ;I A)s-jl2... iu -The tour will stop at your city for '"-.llWH annnliftS CflQCtflfe. 19tlr. "TharocrtriMU palt at 'abast SO cars with an aggligale ol from 250 viae aa fllyWprepaWtbrJaVip ply oar party wltaUgasallne. of and water when, they ,ato Jp joaritj on that day? ""''' " .i .!,; -The beat way to nanoTe the gaso- l!n supply' to !oavertarisiwagon4 available at tn ponw' av wnica wie cars will be, parked . with, 40 or, 50-nyt gallon, eaua which. ,caja, Jti ,f eWIedjas often as necessary to serve gasoline to each of UHT-ear telhifstour. '- "A" eufficfeat -supply ot'labrleatlng oil In gallon cans should also be pro-' Tided,, 7 i .j r ;, j ri ior-o'i .1 i ' 'Owing to the. large number, or car In the party, if is essential that fa cilities be provided to serve' them with as little-" delay aa possible and we would as yen o Ihiorm " ua t once if yoa1calse prepared to fur nish such facilities. .,,.-r .- 'The. official headquarters in your city for luncheon, will be at the hotel Empire." ."" ' : ; It has already been announced that Winston-Bales and Charlotte would be night controls for the big army or automobillsta and in both of thes cities arrangements 'are being made to entertain the tourists handsomely. They , will .pass through Lexington Thursday morning.. . ,.:r; V;;:.-r' Bridge Between Rowan and Davie.; The story told In the following clip ping from I the. Salisbury jPost of Wednesday, will- be good :newa to many readers of The Dispatch;:, y.-i The question of building a bridge over South Elver "was settled in the Davie county, court . at '..MocR-svtlle yesterday ' in: k mandajius stilt ' to force Rowan and Davie counties' to build the bridge. Rowan has been Teady and waiting to build the bridge for- soma timei bat -thai suit-:- was brought against both. souauea to; get the matter properly) -in court. , Row an" county: submitted Jmt; the netghr bor county resisted. i Attorneys L. H.., Clement and, Hay den, Clement, represented the state In advocating:'' the building of ; the bridge 'in the ' Mpcksvllle court "yes terday,1 returning' 'home - .last-, liight, Haydeh Clement made a strong speech in behalf of the1' enterprise-and was sustained by-Judga F. A,:Danlels. .-. . The bridge?"will nov be:, built at en early day.;, It is to bean iron istrwcr; ture- to oost:1.000 n4 ttt! ba:pald for by the counties foRowaii: and: Dayta each county ut pay.' , its ,pro rata; Acs cording to its poll tax. PromJw-nt- Jpnior .Orte", JIai .Pead. William Fatson; jfrfoniinent hi se cret ordeTr- 'lreleB aoiiot ihighiy esteemed HmH vrtbi kne iBV-w8 fouhd uead iar!boia3i-'.thep 8h8ji herd building in Raleigh Wednesday. afternoon. Hi0 had bean 4n j: Xf Itof heall. for ftjong white tt htrrnde . . felt lor, 8ome,wejaKS, wat -ne as jm- nnvarttir "H Tias sufferea . jfor a. 16ns whU with., obesjty aW' inrubtlofi,, of hear actioad, tT;causall ne. wif-iw. jwh-ivj Vvm,u. ior order unitea. jamjm.mu. . Ira. the htehest Office in the gift' of thiit rreat ordertT for nombersoT year no Has? beenCedStrf ol'the Affler-4' icani the national orgaw ot mo smkiiot Order,'" Also-' Be Wa'par maaterrfwt Raleigh lodge oP SfasonS In. addition to being an honored Odd fellow and Knight of Pythiab and Knight Tern plar in' Masoiw: 'He Up tlv Raleigh and was deputy commission er of labor and printingj under R, JB. Lacy -and later undei:,H. Yarn V. ':; i-i.i .iv: , 1 .juT' '''- ,r ,T' ,ti'. inz Bearing oat the 'contention of quite a number of- people that the ."recall movement, itarted som time: ago-in Wllmlngtonj -ostensibly J becauBOR of dlBsatlsfactlottiover the aanlttry clos et, was not dead, but aleepeth,;wft maetina- Monday night of the steering "committte of thl; movement in. the offtce of the leader. JC , C, Bldburg, Esq, It aa decided to hold another mass meUng .on October , 25 In the court house, at b,lch time it .wilt, be definitely 4stermBed, a, to', whea the : recall netlUon la 'to he . presented to the counc. Arrangement will" also be made at this meeting, tot ffnaniv lng a campaign against the present administration.' ""MW BIdurg"c'ay thai ovm IM0 names' have beaaiJ cured t Wie1 petition and IV is iclahn. d that ehlt aHghtly-more tha 00 are reuniredir atf -tb leaders of th V movement claim they haw 40 more tnon aw neeaeoi i 1 2, i. htl p t'i, "Coin otl e ti t. ) in. i i' v. ' :v - them gfrong,' plamp : h g r.i.'t r - .-v.-vi'r'' -- i ). ":janepeLt2, , J- J t s .t'fhb t ii .:.:-:i i jirj;n. hist W liiE W Scarjr aafiTrswMeTWwerallj C sated by Carelessaesa. . Dandruff la a contagious dlsmse caosad by a microbe which also J ro- ducef baldnew. Never QM a comr or bms belonging to some on else. -6 matter how cleanly the owner jpiay be these artlclM may ba ;3nf 1 fwltfej microbes, which will Infect your scalp. It it far eaaler to catch hair mtcrobet than It is to ret rid of them. comb or brush may well lead to bald ness. Never try on anybody else's hat Many a hat-band is a resting place for microbes. we believe will completely relieve tBeMitpdubfes.; !KVb ar)sDi -SilFi of this thattwriltiJou,w(thi;th(i understanding ,that .it ,wUl,Cet you nothing for the trial H It does not prpdnc ithe: results ww claim.: -.Tnto: remedy: Is tailed ftexai "Ml Hair Tonl&J We hohefrtly believe It to be Uie---nst "scientific remedy scarp and :bal 'troubles; 'ana iwe krw.i ox ndthlngvlse thatadabr it forr;tec tlteness. because ot th -results: ft :ai produced in thaoaabda1 'oti cases.-e -: Rezalt M.,, Hatrv-Totac-i is' devised to banlab dahdrutl.l'restore! natural color when Ks loss"habeen broaght about by disease and make th hair naturally silkyt 40ft nd- gleasyi ' It doss this becausef It stimulates the: hair follicles destroys the term mat ter and brings about !a free, healthy circulation 'of : blood, Which 'nourishes the- hair roots, ansing them to tight-: en and grow new halrj'- We want ev erybody -who ha anyi trouble with hair of scalp to know that think that Rexall "3" Hair i Tonic is the best' tonic and" restorative in exist ence, and no one should scoff at or doubt this statement until they have put our claims1 to a fair 'test, with the utderstanding that :they pay as noth- Ing'fot the remedy if It does not give full and complete satisfaction in ev ery particular. - Two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. 1 Remember, you can ob tain Rexall Remedies ' in Lexington only" ' at out ! tore The '.Lexington Drug Co., Lexington,' . C. : - A campaign to hKve:the District ol Columbia represented in: congress b,v a ' delegate' ha been launched by the citizens! organization in Washington, D. C. :l it li it sift- 45'V"-r.,.- n 'i .tU'i - . i.'.i ; : ','' si' :? :eXS mio T-I'i'jai.J. lis. -ni-os i-ilct.-. 3 ,i a : ISl Hill J OOi 3ii ::-v,' set tjirfor.cu 9i!ex lei : t?"o '.! ;-:-aom - .:p i ...rA-',;,:, rfi ' -f -ti!. . A BW'ROApr: The" republican' national comilttee has been called to meet Id 'Washing'- ton December 12, to fix the' time and place for the. nex .national .convert tion of ;iJiat. party, n'v i V ' j ohMarirtary:;;" - : : roR fletcher'Sh. CASTO 1A : Obedlah Gardner; the . new senator for-' Maine j7 is : a ' practical farmer'. -; idi , m :..:,ri.vi ,f,j. Cnres naby'a roup.': 'WitHe'r 'dally cuts, .and .hrUlBea, maaimk'a sore throat,' . Vgrandma'a. 'lameness Dr. TbomasTr Electric, Wlth'' .Kreat t M'Kii to 'J'";iy '-. a-t ' . ti Beaad -aeb; Feaatula, Belpg Bapldlj ).i-ifi Beaallt. j . H , ! f assengeraffavelmsj oVer the Wsa- tern' North Carolina- raiiroaa are sur prised1 to- iHywrwpMly'h work of -rebuilding th famous Round Knob fountain, which fa te sport water 60 feet nlgb, la going- RrwareV AC a number ot points stonr the toad oar' loade ot piping aT::beea-wnloadd to be need .in, conducting the. .water from: the streams tar up, the sides, oil the: big blue hlUs.to the tountain.- in the valley several hundred yards from the solnt where, -;the ..old ..fountain stood, 'thajnaw. fountain. haa heenv,fo' oatee. and:.tb' wprk pt digging . out theibaa(iJi , eW J(ot.the ipJn has alrea4ypbewvnenfd, ,vAl,.,hthp bottom ,o th' big fill. across,, the , voJ, ler from the fountain a new- nlatform. haajjbeeni buin,nrt,La, lpt,, oflumhfjp placed.. a ; miJ; ri'fl -Near the top of ,tha Biountaio at-te hoaif watera work is also, beiaa. dona. i There la.: every Indication that, ,he-J core toe people snp it toe, lounuun Will be. playing and, glittering la the glorious sunlight , of the mountains, painting beautiful rainbows, .in . the ethereal blue, aa. the gentle., iephyrs roll down from the crests of the ev erlasting bills, ? ,,(., . ,. , , The fountain, will be like a beautiful-diamond enclroled with a cluster f- pearls, and will be a monument to Vr. J.i M. Mgiiiiln, president ot the f.muid Knob Company, now , devel nuing this. One proirty. Salisbury I OBt. 1 v 1 .mi. ... u-ii sr, !' I rlriar freiilnt Tnft'i stny in Ne- 1 i'MiTiooii'.y t;ov. Aliirich en- s for I ye ' - . it I fl THE BISrATOI, IXinSTOS, X. C,.VlDl;j.D.iT, ocr. II, weaVd ' f3 in putting their hands on Mllas Part low, a notorious negro ot this aee Vett, hwantad ls' i iiiiuaahin wh t r httempkrd ' wtc lng of P'V I mger trait No. 'O0 on tarouaa Jorthwter rair.ay star Aera tea daya af J It U bU I jt Key mpi nave a vrinuaai iine worst tj pe and one who naa other or tenses to his credit " Circumstances have come to, light low aa the one who made an ceesful attempt to wreckt a ger train, on which there i- or three of hla own children, his pur pnsa pitsiliiy twlm I if ppIH fnmr their deaths, insurance ,on their Jyes and also get damages trdnl ihe Vail road. That his plans-were tolled was the'.iaetestaccWeittj aaaeotUhf' aK - most .toiai,lracleil,lJhat.ltht,traj with Ita nuQdred or more passengers, was not plunged '50' fWt or tfidre into Crordr"a creek; waaHdnei to amtilyott.?ca obtain: Aexail: Earned tea .in oalcwiatieaf : aa Partlow.'a parti Wbea the traba- struck:.xfaej trestle It :!waa running at v speed, ot about U miles i an hoavr The trestle is a: carve aed the :apeed thai train tad thB reH prmderance- eC tts weight Waatra taet side et the track nppoaits to the :ene on .which ther would-.be wrecker laa enetr a" rail J iOawof thKaailroaeVofB. clala is respenBlble fOT- the statement that, . had the trata been ranntng et a rate 'of 10 'or IS mlies an hour In stead of 25 the train "a. weight . wou Id have been on the . other side of the track and the engtoe 'and cars would undoubtedly have plunged to destntc tion. Gastonia Gaxette. ..-i.-'o n.a;--ni, ;.! t-. : ..-! -, f. vfl ,:.,,i i: :?.: '. '. ' ...'I ior-'- v,.j -i . Inrenttoa. by Xenolr Man. . j, "We see from a Pittsburg ' paper that Mr. James S.'. 8n,alnhouiv a na tive of Lenoir, has invented, or. rath er built, a fly ins machine and recent ly made a daring flight In it himseit, going to. the height of 1.000 feet Mr. Spainhour's machine is a biplane and the feature he has invented and patH ented is a device for 'rendering flying machines steady: and stable In flight. The 'device worked, perfectly in the instance of his -high , flying and. wiilo it was not witnessed by a large nuah' her of persons, -thoet who did see it were cnthasiastio overthe event .Mr. Epslnhour: has: a: nunlber of -men; as taiated with :ftim:fai the manfactur. ct 'his1 'invention." ani fWillo possibly: n!lake -mno'i: money out fof tt.-f-Le;ioir- rr vfliona' aitw-tra toiusjiTiito"i at.-lt. , i 1 iw i jTJoi 9(1j IKiIt jr I C I ,tyf j U -if , WAGON IN MUD DEAD HORSE. ; : Souther a Cnhersltles.i f.-n . With 762 Students enrolled and $70 in prospect before the term ends,: the University of . Virginia-- begins A a promising year,; A troljr national.: In- stltution, rlt i attractt agu.-50 atoJWea,rd f.4':tjn4:'lt''.hma0' gold "nab dents from other- states' and. -a few from foreign fcoun tries in the school of law 14 ' are enrolled, '95 '-in engi neering, in the graduate school and. 72 In the medical tlepantmenti The increase- Id' students shows the: ant-. versity'a constantly: widening-sphere of influence.--' ru.i! 'Uttr.s-.it The Unlveraityof j North Carolina has enrolled over "750. ment. 'the iaray eat number la' IM history.i and 1 the other' coileges our neighbor; states are also prospering, fWltk ' new r build ings, -better equipment andi largely: faeaHlea, aoutaerd"iedncationa4 lna Or tlitlons' are growing 'da unaortanjc taking 'rahW'-wttli: the,' rrcab universi ties, eooompUahtng.ia Una rWorkwtU limltjed" fundr compared! iwkni: the ear: doirmentr of the ' wealthyt colleges nl ttre'iiiorthJ-'.Balttaiore ftoiu. lc notii irt- ;Jsick,.'?)lue7 and discOdraged look to the liver, U topd,-J,0 -51 irLnriG'JWTCi l i$ tut,, vntttir you titzix 1 .'! .4 V:V-.',.-1.;-? i ft la not fcniy aa invigorating tenia, ' ' for torpid liver, but it extends its. -. c tea rising and restorative influence - to the stomach and bowels, liclps, . ditii)n and food awimilationv : puririea the bow.;l8 and brings back 1 the habit of r'-.'Hlur d.uly bnwul . movements. , V, iit-n. the stomach, liver and bow a are active, b ilous i, Impurities co i .nT (. . 'ruct fiinC; ti'mal prfM . s. tiie result of which' . is rnicwl c 1" -v, mental activity 'and chwjml ; ..is. ' '' '"''' ' "' . "l.l -rn; s .." r; Sold by Iiealfrf - .i. -t rr e. Lor:- Yi. - 'i.C9 ',',' ,;. --' -' i t!l IVV0) DoiTtj ' felalc ai cat ef SUeag Gaaraatea, vV guawen t aeuiefa-' to ii4 sufferers t tm tonsil;' lion orvla every esse wbere w jll, f -e srjipiy tae niptrfc i. e rr"..- 1 Rexall C Jer . are a htlei, ef- tfcUve, it -nuul. an4 a ' bbkr-t Treguiator. sirengtheirer,'" XuT ton They aim to re-establish, nature's functloaa la a quiet easy way. They er aaaseaw. Tbey are so pleasant to They thoroughly tone np the whole ajsteui w healihj. atU'lU. RexalL Orderl aa are. unsurpassable and Ideal W tbe'ose1 of chirdrVh; bid folks, and delicate -persona. We can- jnot - amHfilghIy,tofaaendfltenI ata.eohodlsjIbfaUnroadeveBets k:ouL'M all auXerara from aoxtorsn f,,poaa) patlon and iu attendant (evj ia. Three aisea, 10c tte'Jl ,'and 60c. 1 .member. this. eomaiuBltiietaly 'mt cam 'Wtorevu The Aexaib atakretc (Thau.Lealngtoa Orug COhf.Lexknton; M. .CBsqo'J n : ml -r,-;-. .: "i i: :qi - 'Ui'J.i.-i -i --'.' ''... ftvll'i- x Mere bets ef it he .Atoeriaaa eankara ASaooiatioa ar(i ga into. the. asnaeyv onter business lo.thi near future aad iwilt Ud far Una 7a0,00,000uor busi- neaa.aow handJud, by .itaau post offlca depaptmenti js-j isu . ji J liuyj xi 4 '1 r...'i! a ..u: '.1) n I. N After expesnre;ad when ybtt feel cqld coming on, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It' checks and re-) llevearj Use e' nbstltutei' The gen Hine in a yellow "package always. Sold by -J.' B. Smlth' : . i a? - In Newtpn and Hickory tba;nsbli)s, Catawba county MCAnipaIgnsi have been started for bond,. issues of $50,000. for. each townBhip for the, byildingr Of good roads, . There Is also a netiWon before the.' county, commissioners . as it Jug. tor the' estishment pf . a county chain-gang. a , ., a 'ry :j, wy :-' ..'.! . '. " ' 'J You are not experimenting on youraolf when you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for cold .as that preparation bar won its great- reputation and ex tensive sale - byriits remarkable oureS of colds, acd oan always: be 'dependeiij upon. It is equally valuable for adults and children r nd -may be ' given to yoong children;, with' implicit; con. HJence. asiit icontaici mo : harmful drur.i Sold by rail (alersaW-aw. t i l'.1 li :r.-4r. ( i ! j 1 I u or l.i '1 L :7. ;.-;':..;;.;:,' Li IS .THIS: CiyiLJZATlQN CR ; Thirty gold 'noggeii,! some is Jarge as . peas, were taken from the craws ipf six -geese', raised' by"',Mrs. ' Israel Altscbul, 6t Santa Barbara, Cat., says si jiresa '. (lrgpatch. ' ." When . rhelghbora iwai started. ; Ther began' .working In th .vicinity , and" in', washing the sand several small, nuggeta. 'were louna. iuq gum pruuvui, wcuuca uui u ir Fo?Infuntajid(rj,'i' IB' to' Vl?ir3:wIl JBearaj4: eignatarettt ifrt , At the- National Good Jtoada .Conr r.Ss( Bishop Tallows aaidr. ' .i. 1 ''Good rosda are closely allied to reflgiott, Good roads.- tn the enntry. districts would not only increase the (Jhureh attendance, ;,but.r:wocid ? lm prove the tejiexal moraltone of the community. It la a work "that Is forthy 4r- tia laBsMAbWoll.ail the chuvcheatiu the. country, S ok'. .uli ; Thasjie good .gospel-, Aiman t ideas sndi.purpoaea lareeJwayp: bettertd hf ii 1 eurroisadlnga. Ordijrv.-aeatne Ssefuloeas- constitute a, sort, of h)a.i flane of thinking. . Glved, tkfi .hHri actar.?ef ihe mat9rlali-effndJtlns,oJr. cdmmnaltyt and iyo itjau lar npt tal), tew 1 willioiote orlr,whM .nunifeera It itrilt go .tp .clwrch.' A 4lMy gutter, aa obscene (toryl' A deep njudhole ia ceiHttry : load , Is n nest. -oG.prolftn-Ityj . A. tnlBerable .aJd ibroknq rdow hog pent nearby ii a aoandal, in )m Aelghbarhood.c.A men's thoughts are. InrgpVf what hia sorriOnrtin(?s make Ihea If they; arenragMd, nltky, an4 liwwderedi. sorts 'bl thinking. ; :, I So, making good roads, parks, lde nalksv gutters, the tone of pabllc sen timent la elevated, and It caq theq be cotinted Opoa to support Ue: true ,pror, f eoss of a commoiiity..- .A bad out 00k pulls a man down like, ; bad toTipaniooahip xcbaQga wsn .,:T ' --! l:---t f.i'n ;,i. j , a,-,-m tj i- i A''rp't)1ulph''endorr(g''3ov.-''"W6ol-'' row:,'ft llRon, of, Nw .1.-rr.y, - fo- tlf 6' .cfa'id':prildir '!;.r,' oinirot.f.Hr 1 trtiodiiced fn. ; the '' i nirwratlc e 'I ""iTMtloft "at 'i r' f-'n," N."1' J.,' .aay.'aii.l st i f r'.-st. of Ur ' iM'i nor It was h. , on ' the ' tahl. i :, governor stated that the reaolu n was con'mry to t ie-spirit of the 1. r v'.lrh.t'". ronvntlon was IS1L sHooff filch, -hy tht sew drees, dlscoursea quite Interest logly oa the amount of idle land in - ell county. Mwea-t- ttum inr ' i Jera, it aays, are"lan. oor, -.hat li they have more th i y - t. proBubly cultivate- i the " pay taxes oa it, juid f ,uec f le; li ut to thriftless who r- Utratch it, not reku-.u "qim,o Co pay for the labor expended oa it The News properly obeervea that this is ment ef the country and if persisted m, win tV(iTrt emieas. "Many trec-tB-ot land in tifdwea county," aays the News, "could be cut Into J.UU. fuuf. ju.ur tven.Eigflt Afitan, farms mike near -velgb bora, bring genial ,sndlMtclcnilj7,flomiMnlttoa)Tead are better in everj Jft progreat ui: mi tunes ucmanas intensive cultl vaUonTs.lssJkntiOatarearag,: aa'a 'WfeMear tkab'Ja employed the 'soil Memaes. dore prodactlt 'and' val- banleiiManar. UnxT'-ieaHMM -lo-htti ctamty aansflbntto ataoat giva away lr?ela;al "tarhd .tauorda tercet cobd nwi'aeighaoss ai c frteds.o-' Twi gootf live JaTrnera.lltj)ga and propi ylauHimtu tettTar-ias t 400 acres wear, are mnoa better -than das' man trying -tamansgoii and cultivate--a Mirm ot 1,000 aoreaj'-'And th-Hrt- wien mayibe: tarried much fntthw.for (wencyf.iarmers - maaa ' rtchef -and better-comtn&ntty (ban -tea.-5 Small farms and uore people constitute one or the greatest Seeds of the state. There Is rootf ia North-JCarollna' for double its present population and it is probably true' that to some' extent the - 'land poor" act a a ' barrier.--ChariottS Chronica- w ) i U'.ti.i'V 3j: -e; ?.u vn'-'i-i- baa ):ii.i" i.--, ,A''.fonfertnce jot,, progressiva , rer,. pablicana has been called to, meet In Chlcagp, on October , I6V lor. the pnr-r pose-o gauging the'. extent,, iotj the apveraent and the future conduct ot the,;w.prk Qt the organiaation,jni S(!3' ,.;,;. ". , ) J,w,;, The Cemeteries, Commtte, of ,the .Richmond ; flty. -Cpuncil, ;gave parmtaT sion. to the .family to buryiienry. Clay pBeat.tiq, fn, in Maury cemetery If he 'ei .tajectrocted ai.tpt-r.wltA Th(r,imllyi of tha; oondentned wife niwrererr.h,a, relinquished, all hopes oi ajvjng his 4ife and ia expecting the coupitof sppeala. toj coaBrm, tneaen- Um: tut, jfte Jcwer jbob ,dt ,o:t ..i. ll ini, a.i-ii m-1 . 'i ;,... . 1 !!:, ill 1)1 ill , (1 1-i i5 Hi- r. (I i ' v. il 1 1 j li - o it, J1';t.,1 :'-!.. ; 0J Ik i. 1 1. 1 idili'l AS I- I . ifuw rl ? .ato.-! -sai'iv)! 1? how or.cr u: :oti C'kiv. fi-vI-Dtvp .'dt ii ot nn'jls J 'i . .';,' tnt- .two? 9aY lo iX.' Vo ovr :iA si '31 btroi-i'ld. ' t.'dt .r J !! SiW ttli rj a.nl Js4' iM.',7,..tt; --.,9 1 aatai j--. J-'.-, 10 '418 ,B.1 X ",?t j: - .; .. 9ilJ w-n SEMI-BARBARISM M -JS3? B3S -.aoas ,!-" 9 1--. i- .' V 9 IJ le- ja ' ! Lonnle.: Jy-Norris, eft Raleigh, ::wa tried ' and '.convicted m .the - superior. conrt'lif ' Wake county.: last-week on the eharga ,of IclUIng-. J . B. BUsett about two months ago. The- evidence wa largely circumstantial 5 and, it was 'not' bellevea by: many!, that the Jury-'wottld-iconvict. ;. The, verdict was murder in the - second . degree : land Judga .Peebles ' aentenoed iiorris : to 20 years in the state prison.1 Aooord lng to the evidenoe, Nor jbj and Bla se tt had been rivals tof the-favors -o( the" 'same disreputable.; woman, and Norrls picked his chance and shot Bisaett wblta he. was Irf the company of ' the 'womaa. though cahe did not aee WhC did tU'4 BUBQ.m yfri; H2 ri'""'i mm i 'I'll 'I )1 ic: I,j-v-a I rrmer JOTet'hor1io8etW U, 'Brown of torria'' -rR was defeated-tc4J rb eledtlpn 'Hy'-Odverndr SHoke J8mllh,' XaV 'announced hfs'' eandldaeji fori the. governship, to b'm ad e- vacant when Governor ' fitriitfr' resigns' a - few. weeks hehe'e to assutne hrs duties ae United Dtatee-senator. 11 ' -.:;.'..l ,''T .?.fv,-, , rny ,-fvy. 11.' '....VU'J TtTTTT I m i'Siif i5j to i. CARTERS ir-1 r tlm Mf.ii.".:.',' :ji yrs c;i v jaji'.'-s t iiiv 1 m 1 ;ij; "tm-fc ftUrhe nd M .rt ihe troobhw SkS. . BMri to biiimia tat wr riMioyftt'm, mob asJ lwirSli MieiM hi Mmb-MVain owing. Rr-avr-M.1 wi CHrtfr' l.ifild liivT 1HI an Wimi 1 irt vfl Ftiatki 14 t. I n, nr lng pny 'Crrrect i l tt i 'rfi,. anMiiavk. n (mi iaiMM TVWUrtlWUI0foWLrw4 i-v.-i, ,1 OiajOAiij Ml'. 01 t tit )4fcT wott,U lwtiiiur-t mx . lf I'.Ii'iT ll"in It MM .J.-H.-fL.), i,v.n: Hhonncw r y, xhvir, Wlii f"lt it- i f .e 1 hligt hih w influT v.i' t; louo wtuitnii nuMu. ,,,i i, , . . torn t rrc- 4 AM ht-MiAC 1 t CAS AND n'WATV t lilt c; is CN CV'Y T'CYi 2 t fTM t WaStkAjl rtAaarrV Vi'viai tii strut : W net and tuxaroratieu has lid UHscauruLous eMMfMtTMUMii aeltsiDavanoasbaM Badgh to BVucg.ft.Mff raqwr (rMX,.axjps or thus CUSTOMEItl 0 D&tlfl tJl WHICH SCXTOU WBM. , M WHAT MAKS TOO WISH, WHEN TOtf AK FOB traupeprwAferiuuKor'SEieeiiiir'a raawa tt TO PtomtTOa, Traill THATTOU WBM THt eNUBHt1 SUHUrACTUWO' ST ' THf -CALtfOSMM 'ftO ' svtR rn. enixnt tshranr vmr 'Atif: a "tH'B'sjor.'-ONt 'aNpi and Ttixr ita HUNTED STCAIGHT ACROSS. NAA THE BUrrTWt. AMO-B lWBiNt, .otti sun OKtT., foaaAaay mihvmti . ..pin attw u.. :M cc ei:-,-.ii labaqs - '-'A'' j h 'Tnivt-at'iKa iito nirm o.kiMt.! 0 '' tWS ANtr CHttJEN, AJ H B MtLI AND i ABSOLUTELT fHU TTOH oajEcmnABU nfnHBnxi rr smiAttT BUOVIUAL C! f! 1 3 von women ai9 roa mm tcamj and but roa sale nr au. UAsasikMUKisxa .0 )iX'l : .-.:! -..gnimoia '.r.buiis .'4BrAn WV tug ttMsmu gaitna b untaaa .l-i!!.Iil.' fKl1: ('1- 'r- nl .l 1','i " I ji:.'t i.h;' .,ii ( WHERE' CENTERS HOTEL t FOR jriC BIS1KE33 .MATi dab-lik. is us hetpstaliqr.t dj r-)w.;-H noSma o! FOR- THE iTOURIST or ifrt-w&tt: i Jlutury, emtofniCTtiTtinnrrt, ato the eVsasiai(p -Jaa.it !j:u.-j 5o i!t.:i j't :l fORTHE1 FAMILY, lomeJl environ-, 'i ' BMattwiu-taiiluMtaot uWppoftunitrolt. ppWocag tht iKeiMtitaot public gAlhfringfc) THE UOliAnD BOUSST ioth Sink awj SUk i- a -ftoiis oi Van1 no l3' 3. -. ;'li..iw eta ! - .jiiTr--; !f'r f tfti ;ms.t i,tii i f ! ii f li i -Loi- : ni 1 930 f!:i , hrt aiutineV. t3':ui.a Algf. its 5awo0il ' j 'mt": woa "?siJ? .b r:oi.-,.',jo'V io itoaiwl; ' stb at--T .oF. .ij.jjiJi..;-.':itf ( oJrtJt lh.Bi? CI :'Vt:Tfl :m : .v Ji on J'. i: r.Kn IE!" l. A. Jlrfii w :.,.J Ji ,i:,).) j(. nj SJJ .' : .'! ."- i:v I !-.:' " l-;ri .Ji: tii ii l-ii::; oJ, v. iib.Jti.-jif j '-.c,i i.l3?.iinv So una. unit tiUJ H'i-j; lll.,..-.tl'liij OJ K.'?ii jf'M trj1no-v t'o, t'lii.oc! !ri:ta. ZT.lt S 3 OJIIi Bi!i ij:' tl.ij. x.llvriijui k'SV 'Tt H ! I. riotjn.-rlfTx.r it jfo : las jr. it -i(.j!i!i:iT.'!-i1- : LE:a::GToriai J. :. . 9.-.J- -I I'V. i -.-,'.;-.! . .t'LHI flll.l 1'i.ui ?ili. l.M) Jfi ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. liavlng qu'ailfled as adiiilnlstrators of-, II. V. Myerh, .deceased," ' late of Davison County, Korth Carolina, tn'Is is to notify all persons having cl:ii" agnltiHt. the estate of said dweuMVd to exliililt them t0(th uniirBli n-1 on or before tue 20th' day,', of ;..n.i.er, 1912, or this notlf e ' win 'he pi. : J ift bar of their recovery,1, All pern ,,s iiid.-iiti'd to suld fitnta" 1 ; i.i. ,.e mcke lnimed!ne"pT.pnt,' ' '''' This the, lKtli'iJuy-.of, T-r'. 1911,' "' ' '' " ' 1 " " " v-t" 1 1 W) tv"i'i'p-.:, . s.v -oo-) 1. -iiD i'.Ii!- 'iHiri,.', ". 'ri - I ii!!j i. if ,i' r( tH'jaiIc7Tllt j' ;'i"tI'' viH liyii-ar) l-.i.-'iai jirr1'""!' . u'. . j '.imade; td,tiRd'':l -kBo wicii -'easv minr," feasynrunatfl ,,nmrn:iinn' ftssniAndidlv..aXunrrieVi., -aund .-fintshAn,.! a a. coat f t- siiii n . too :--) SOU a:o! .i li sj e - T 5o i) tol !:.' AN0- ! a a JI U in. n- MuyT A.: r .a'diiitb lis biuv aAatte TM MtM ow tdT v lUASANT EMTU"AND ''BTIaXnvt,alalOitlt-r 'vi.tJ ' -: 1 0 -1 i.:r t )r, 1- i.. TUicV. ;i''-it e2i.t?Hfc; :j. Wins CenSM'ONBaMMl AdJvio d:'.f . ' t lawhb Atttacboot Ihst DmttVWeter N vki 'Tresf Eter.'i OatiW et the Clofcn :-';.: lcl"vil s h9.ioot.i bn'-ji iotjjvi aavi-': ioy : LIFS .I;.:. EG 1 , c f Bt(? nn.-l 3KIK", . "Ur'll Il.T'tN I, - NMC - - r :rr ';fM "" 'j1'"' v ,, ., , j ..!i.nr.'. i .;r.Mi..c-.-. 1 t i, .;i0 yaty,. -j "'mumwvaimB'Wm"1 a tot? ;' ' t! diiH :. 0 raWr-A" Tflt'lQ" i nfii ftd -no-.,.; di ji, : p i-jjiaa 9uj in Jl loi nnfTiT A 19h'!1:'v' d'tji;j) aril lo a.ia.i if-ii.'si Ti.; ' o;ij I i.iiior Sfi.'.: ?' y..'j so; -'o ii a'-'-5 fn. f . 3 ..--. l!i!tf; Oil ta nn'tucS b lo s.'.ittilu Jj oou-M'fi jj tcl 5j.!ici? tuorsni 9inttO'i'l-,'io i 'tlrf'? tftrrai' suotfaiini ' jrd aooJ arfi.n ', b,twta ?aftscthat8ucaa i'us tuol ,douu8 iwllafl aiii;Zi If ' f .1 Ski? I r '-dt 1 -)...!) -TT' I m.,.j .. '--"a I . -j, .I...,; -,...! (jiijinr hi.i .:t ta nmnscs r !o g.'.Iiclii jj Ei ld.il :VYX,-t Ki'V-i.X, . ji. sal t il a? , . I.WMt'.'I.J i JK.'i. Wai.-Oit'-HI'.-ti X"! j'thiaHighrt; iijTT' etao il JT . UI -Point JSUg.i-J:. hia3ts jyia.'.lajk, Kfti' t i ano& -qijo iu:s none ;i ,ah:i Za -ishto S8W 10i.lI!oD Z1.J Jfl!" .ami ni .i Ji ARBVAIULV CO. 'i I .tntoila I,.... t ,i.i, r;a -ii i t:: ts.ij i.i . eeeeee-eeeeee.j rT.-::n-i;--T ,-,' ',7,": iT:7r..h j NOTICE TO CREDIT0H3. .. ! 'The'Uhderslrned having duly qual-. ,ff'd''""n4m1nlstrator of 'the 'estate of - lay ,tilt)9a, df??iaet,' hereby notffli-a all'-petsoag having, kJma-R agiilnut , i.ildi astbte 'to present j same. I duly . froonlo'tti nndertt't-fled hilnilnla. . iK'of oi),'pr,' h-'ire t" e' t , $i1tmhe.;l'.iJ2, otherv ::ie,t; Jiu... tr , WW' tie'I'l'-". in liar rf t!; 'r rf o-.' V. ; I s" ; a :ti' ' 1 to t:,-e . ' I w,.t (k at-! t at . -, ':.': .- 1

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