DISPATC ujm norti Ellt ; THE dispatch; 7 V c it simis its or THE DISPATCH OXLT OSE DO L LAB A XtlM. THE' PAPER; OF THE x PEOPLE. FOR THE PEOPLE AND WITH THE PEOPLE ESTABLISHED 1882 LEXINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1913. VOL. XXXU-NO. 21 CIR(T8 TAKGC1RD ARRITX8. WILL GET THE X05ET. IX THE KATE FIGHT. 8CXZEB OX TRIAL. HARRIED. IX AXD ABOUT LEXIXGTOX. J Jl o ' - DISASTROUS FIRE. Craw for. XcG riff Grocery Csmpsay Ssstalat Very Heavy Less Their ; Damage Tke stock of the Crawford-McGrtff Grosery Company, wholesale grocers. and tls"wUdIng occupied by them. vN destroyed by lire yesterday inosainc. The fire was discovered short ly after ten o'clock ta the oil roan tn the basement and tit alarm was tuned in Immediately. Tb flamee spread ao rapidly that it was Impos sible to save anything tn that part o- the fcuQdlnc. : . . Hundreds ' of eager rolunteera swarmed into the building and work ed aianfuUy to save the stock and a lar amount of atuff In bags, chick en feed, rice, salt etc., was eared. A great deal of barrelled stuff, such as wisegax and 'molasses, was rolled out ' of the path of the flames and a big a tack of oase goods was hauled out An adding machine, type-writer, desks, and other office equipment, were earned out undamaged. The stock of 'goods, according to a recent inventory, was worth more than $1M00. It la understood What the company carried insurance tor 111,' 000 or $12,000. The building was the property of Messrs. Dermot Shemwell and J. E. Foy and is almost totally destroyed. . v.. The loss falls heavily on the Craw ford-MoGriff Company and they have the sympathy of the community. Mr. "W. U Crawford, senior member of tilt. firm, and Mr. M. T. McOriff, both of whom came to Lexington a tew months ago from Alabama, stand very high hero. .They have made Mends very rapidly both in a business and In a : social way. Their trade has been growing rapidly from the beginning. It Jb to be hoped that they will bo able to resume business In a few weeks. . Business News Notes. Tke Bank of Lexington ad Is worth reading, every word of It. Note the moving sale ad of the D. A. Co. of Denton. The Elk Furniture Co. wants to buy lumber. See their ad. Rexall toilet preparations are stand ard, None better. Read the Lexing ton Drug Company's ad. The J. B. Smith Company devote their space this week to Nyal's fam ous eod liver compound. Read 4t --. Mr. E. H. C. Field, of High Point, often 56 arses, mares and mules at auction Sent 27. Read his ad. 'The Fred Thompson Co. talks of women's clothes. Read their Mg ad in this issue. ' " 1 . 1 Mouse for sale. 8se J. O. Walser W. F. Lopp advertises this week his fine line of shoes for men, women and children, his coats and coat surtS"for women and mien s and boy's clothing. The prices are worth noting. The 'Mannlna Hardware Co. makes a special offer . this .week. ; Riad It right now. The Wizard Mop is" a la bor-saver. -The .W. O. Penry Co. drawa a dis- unction between clothes that are "Ready for Wear" and clothes that are "Ready Made." Of course, they are talking about High Art clothes. Read the ad. - ,. . Battallea t the Dswale Wheeler Show Decorate Tews With Pletsreeqse Fosters. . One of the pleasant things for a newspaper is the announcement of a ft rat class circus coming and this we have the pleasure of doing, tor the Number one Advance Car of the Downle A Wheeler Shows was tn the city Monday and themnall army of men in white overalls and jumpers pasted every billboard, deadwall and avail able barn ra and about Lexington wit flaring posters of wild animals, petite ladies, fcighaplrked horses, won derful trained ponies, athletic men and goodness knows what as. The kiddies" are thrilled with toy and the "grownups" gaze at the pctures and remember the happiest moments of their happy childhood days. Base ball is a national sport hut the circus is the national amusement and It will never grow wearisome as long as managers and special ' agents scour every corner of the globe for new and strange beasts and snappy death defy bis acts. ; . . ( The Downle ft 'Wheeler Shows have grown large through sheer merit and the everlasting diligence of the man agement Every act must stand the most critical test and each performer, musician, official or attache must be lady or gentlemen-under all circum stances or seek employment elsewhere. This h an iron clad rule with the Downle and Wheeler Shows and to this feature they attribute the greater part of their-wonderful success. We will publish further details and all we care to say now Is for the ' Jdd dies" to eave their pennies and for thy "grownups" to arrange to go to ths show and make Che management prove that the statement "there is nothing new under the sun," is untrue. The date for the exhibition here is Friday, Oct. 3rd. Be a child again and enjoy the day from the arrival of the first gaudy train to the loading of tine last baggage horse at night for circuses do not come every day and ia good one like this is not to be missed. . Prepese High Homor ier Lexlnrtos Citizen. litt Davldsonlan proposes a high honor tor Mr W. O. Burgln, formerly a ciilzen of TTTTT, now s prominent attorney of this city. The Davidson Un say: .- Everybody's Day" is to be the big gest thing ever attempted in Thomas vUle, and this statement is made with a full realisation that many big things have" been- attempted and done in ThomasvUle. But 'this time we are to ecttnse all paat efforts. When "Er ery body's Day" was planned by Mr. W. O. Burgln Ave years ago s great move was made. Mr. Burgln toullded better then he knew, and to him a large pan of the credit Is due for the celebra tions we bare had each year since he started the "Blr Day." It would be a ' very appropriate thing to have Mr. Burgln, now a' citizen of Lexington, to come to Thomas ville Oct. 4nh, and head the parade with Mayor Hoover Devln Appointed Judge. W. A. Devin of Oxford was commie atoned Saturday by Governor Oralg as superior court judge tn the tenth judicial district to succeed Judge H. Foushee of 'Durham, whd resigned on account ' of poor health. ! Judge Devin convened his first court In Dur ham county, Monday. A number of the friends of Hon. 8. M. Oattls ot Orange county , went to Raleigh Saturday morning to make a special plea, for his appointment, but the telegram notifying Mi. Devin ot lMs-appotomenuwas being sent from the Governor's office "when they; ar rived.-, jt-. ,-. Judge Devin le 35 years old, a mem' ber of the tow firm firm ot Graham ft Devin, Oxford,: has served two terms in the legislature and is now chairman of. important committees and s mem ber of the connnlselon on constitution al amendments. His acceptance ot the judgeship necessitates his reslg nation from the legislature and there Is not time for the election of a suc cessor for the impending special ses sion. He has been prominently men tioned . as a possible successor George W. Connor as speaker of the nouse. , liars Water Not Detrimental to Health Harking back to Lexington's wa ter supply, which, as The Dispatch has' stated frequently, the best in the land, Superintendent L. R. Hunt ot the water and light-departments, would have the people of Lexington know that the "hardness" complain ed of in the water, is not detrimental to' health. . The Water and Gas Re view, the -leading publication of Its Hind in the country, asserts quite pos itively that "there are no statistical data to prove that in general the hardness of a water has any clearly defined effect one way or the other on the public , health." The journal states that a traveller may suffer some discomfort from a sudden change from soft to very hard water but "the effect of bard waters M real ly restricted to simple gastric and In testinal disturbances, which are tern porary only tn their effect. ' . , Abet SOW WUskef PrMertptiont Fil ed la Concord. T Concord Tribune says: Splrltug t ranenU came onto its' own as s med ietas in Concord last month, the local physicians depended upon Ma curative powers in the largest number of cases on record here In any month. The task of separating all of the pr esc rip ttoss has not been completed but Chtef ot Police Boger states that the number will reach 1,800 to 2,000. They will range in quantity from a half pint to a quart One drug store flllel 1.210. the largest number ever filled . by a single drug store. In speaking of the prescriptions. Mayor Hartsell recently stated that hereafter he was going to have the prescriptions sep arated and each physicians numbered an save the llt published monthly. CKy Attorney Panose has also given the ajatiter attention, sending a letter tr every pbyBtoian m ui oouwy con Ulaing a section of the law gnvhrnUf the riving Of presort ii ions, 'i lis is fcoi.. that It is unlawful lor a r clas to give a prnBoriii'ilon for v or s It liquors to any pnrm oJier hs regular psrtlen's.'.' Jim MeClure Taken to the Pealtea Jim MeClure, the negro who shot and killed Deputy Sheriff Robt- Baln at Pomona last August, was tak en to the state penitentiary Thursday -afternoon by 'Deputy . Sheriff - W. Weatherly. He will remain there un til the 'December term of criminal court when lie will be brought back to- Greensboro to be tried for his life. MeClure was taken away by order of Judge Thoe. J. Shaw, the order be ing given about an hour before time for the Raleigh train to leave, the de cision to take the negro away coming after the trial .bad been continued from tost week to the next term of court, and after the negro s attorney Clay Williams, had suggested the judge the advisability of the pre caution of removing (he negro. far as Is known-there were no re ports or indications that dire results would follow or that anything un lawful would be attempted toward the prisoner, but as a precaution It was beMeved besjt to keep the negro In the penitentiary. .... . . y The Elks at Heme. .High Point Lodge No. 1156. B. P. 0. Elks will have the formal opening of its splendid new home Oct 3rd, which will be great event for this progres sive order in High Point, which . be lieves in doing things. . The building Is one of the best in the state, an Im posing instruoture, conveniently ar ranged and handsomely furnished and equipped. The following committees have been named for the occasion: Reception Committee Geo. A. Matton, chairman; A. Lyon, O. E. Wilson, W. G. Bradshaw, L. C. Sinclair, R. A. Wheeler, C. F. Tomllneon, C. M. Haus- er, Abram Cook, J. W. Harris, B. II. Bradner, T. J. Gold, J. B. Rector and O. V Klrkman; Refreshment Commit tee -F. P. Ingram, ' chairman ; P. L. Payne, W. G. Burnett, J. Lewis Wood' son and E. W. Freeze; Music Com mittee C. D. Smith, chairman; D. H. Hall and R. a White, Jr.; Invitation Commlttjee Or. F. E. Perkins, chair man; J. E. Klrkman, and V. A. J. Idol High Point Review. tlOfiOt Federal Appropriation . Will ' Be Spent la Dsvldsea Towi- ; . ships WU1 Pat Up 10,000. There was a very interesting and enthusiastic meeting In the court house Monday night for the purpose of deciding whether Davidson county would take the 910,000 federal appro priation for road-building or let it go to some other county. ThomasvUle and Lexington townships were well represented. Dr. J. H. Mock and Mr. F. H. Lambeth coming over to represent ThomasvUle. . There was a long and earnest dis cussion of ways and means of raising the money and a plan was worked out that will result in the expendttur: of Jjncle Sams money on the Central highway, running through ' Thomas vUle, Lexington, Tyro and Boone townships, from the Guilford to the Rowan county tine. Uncle 6am re quires that the townships receiving aid contribute just twice as much as he gives and that means that $30,000 will be spent on the 28 miles of Cen tral Highway In Davidson county. It ia estimated that 11,000 per mile will build the road all the way. Thom asvUle already has several miles in first-class condition. Lexington town ship has the larger part of Its road graded and some of it surfaced and about half ot Boone township's road is already built - - s ; Among those present at the meet ing were: Dr. J. H. Mock, F. H. Lam beth, Dr. E. J. Buchanan, G. W. Mount- castle, Charles Young, W. H. Phil lips, J. C. Bower, G. F. HanKins, J. F. Hargrave, W. O. Burgln, R. A Har grave. C. C. Shaw, Dr. W. L. Klbler, F. Sprulll, Z. I. Waleer, J. H. Greer, A. Tlmberlake, H. B. Varner, D. F. Conrad, Lee V. Phillips, T. S. Banes, ana otners. PAVIDSON AND DAVIE WIN. Yesterday the News & Observer brought the ' glad news that Davidson wins a part of the appropriatUon and that Davie, who had asked for it, also wins. The News ft Observer says: iDfcvie county and Davidson county are the lucky oner." They get a part ot the United States government mon ey for building good roads. 10,000 or perhaps J20.000 to Davie, and $10,- 000 to Davidson. And there is a good reason assign ed by Governor Craig for apportion ing 120,000 or t30,000 of the 40,000 to these two counties, though each Is a different reason. To one the money goes because of What a county has done, to the other because of what men have dene to have a county out money in good roads. With regard to these 'things Gov ernor Craig, who yesterday announc ed the apportkjnmentt.saUi "I have ap portioned tl,tw-ef-tbe Halted States government good, -roads funds to Da vie county and may make It $20,000. I do this because ot the progressive spirit the people of that county have shown lit voting ,$175,000 In bonds for building roads.- It is a small coun ty and has shown a splendid report Ham also led to do this because of the inbsrestithat Mr. P. H. Haynes and others have shown in road work, being pioneers tn that line. . The money which goes to Davie is to be used on the road between Winston and States- vtlle and Mocksrille. I'm apportioning $10,000 to Davidson county because of the enthusiasm which Henry B. . Varner and others have shown In .good roads work, and In,- recognition ot the splendid work which they nave done m North Caro lina and in other states, for good roads.', They have been enthusiastic in the work and fought for a bond is sue for roads In Davidson county. hope that this money will be so used m Davidson, that the people of that county who voted down a bond Jssue for their own roads will -be led to see the value of good voad bunding. Of the $40,000 apportioned by the federal government to North Caroli na there has already been 410,000 giv en for -road building from Swannan- oa Gap east to Old Fort ' For each dollar given there m to be two dollars additional raised for the work, so that there will be expended between Swan nanoa Gap and Old Fort $30,000; In Davidson county 130,000, and in Da vie county either $30,000 or $60,000 In making these model roads, In appor tioning this money to the west Gov ernor Craig says he does so because road building costs more 1m that sec tion than 4n other parts of North Car olina, and that it goes to sections without large means or where there Is needed work to build up enthusiasm In good roads building. Davldsoa Cesaty Will Ds Her Part In Cesrt f Impeachment Began Its Work Mr. C. F. Tranthara, of Reeds, ana I Personal Heattoa lavements ( th w nanare rer jsm r reign t i janrsflaj sslier Loses rirst 0"""wr m m- "': People Small Items sf a. .. asm wrouna. Class la Court. .ieblemW ibft at toe resident of Interest r-OHOwinz tne road meeting: in the I The hi ah court of imneachmftnt. Dr. J. C. Leonard, the offlciatlnr.1 Mr t p pon.. n . . - wsv 'v uvh o watts i vvuivavu Mi tuc iO vr a VI as wun M vTOtftj'iumu, a. ucw vuu iraufiv us I ,Uf3 VII.J MOlKlftV 1 county branch of the North Carolina ate, took up the case against Govern- k. '. , L,,Mr' ' Ard1bM Johnson, of Thotass- -?uon. Mr. or Sulser st Albany Thursday. .Thti fcorTH h kTZ. "V A"'"'- w" onaar- ita-TtrnSm . --rIageMr. r. flesHedrlck. of Greensboro. acUon and suseested thai n TTJ fi. i.v.i; .waae .? na muuw' m CKy- , ... " ... i ' - ' - nnth nr trim cminrv I M , snare oi me lunos. needed for the skirmishing between the Attorneys ou I .r- "s-na Tesn, of Arcadia tsws- ngni oe raisea- at once. The county I both sides. Counsel for Sulzer lost' At the home of the bride's parent, I"?' "as in me CKy Saturday. mm ueou sseeoaea oy tne state out tn their efforts to prevent four ar. ana Mrs. k. a. Kotnrocx, Monaavi Mr Ed L. r,Pn m v.vi- n-n association. Lexington assumed half senators who hv hen iv , 'evenin. Mr. Walter Shirley and Miss ... ' .Jr rl . uouege. of the burden and $2$ was raised in the governor from sitting on the case Inna Rothrock were united in mar- day "treeis ot tne city Messrs. J. D. and J. M iNn. r TM. i. . - luvuiMuiie. were in Tho tv day. - " - Mrs. S. E. Williams and daughter.'' Has T Ala M I . . less than five minates. Mr. W. O.l Friday for the first time Governor I rlage, 'Squire J. F. Hedrick officiating tmrgin was appotncea a committee Ol Sulzer formally conceded that he had one to raise the remainder yesterday 1 no right to exercise -the functions of morning, wmon -ne urn without any Chief Executive pending the determi trouble. Mr. F. H.--Lambeth pledged nation of the Impeachment This he $50 for ThomasvUle. ' did in a letter to Lieutenant Governor The following were named as dele- Glynn, tnrnin over to the latter a ra- gates to represent Davidson county I quest tor the extradition of a prison - i uw uig convention wmcn meets in er and explaining he had taken such Brergn loaay: w. v. wurgin, u. r. action because of recent decislone ot Hanklne, J. T. Hedrick, G. W. Mount- the supreme couTt that the "executlva castle, J. D. Grimes, J.' H. Greer, of 1 functions should be performed by uexmgton; j. w. Lambeth, John R. I yourself as Acting Governor." Ross, C. M. Hoover, C F. Finch and I The charges aigalnot Governor Su!- C. G. Hill,, of ,Thomssvllle., xet, to which a plea of not guilty has ' 1 '" - lbeen Interposed, are as follows: egro Refused ts Tll 0b Charlotte That William Sulzer filed with th. Lynchers. - I Secretary of State a false statement Have nn M Mi mmw. f hjOi is campaign receipts, expenditures, men who lvtuShed a. aesnv in p.hHt diebUTsements and liablllities. a few weeks ago will ever be revealed V ? "eJ wa " ?, feTa w to the public," declared a citizen of r"""8 uum,r WBUU ulut " Bl1 that town who was a visitor to Win- 01 1018 oamPagn receipts, expenai- Tnn-Halp.m tin Hie HentlnAl lures, iuuure menus na MamHUK. This gentleman explained that 8 wrrecu hellnveH the nffluM f Ph.rlnri-o IhoA l-nat 'he Was gUUty Ot Or 1 Ding W1C used every effort to get a clue to the ne8,8eB f "hold testimony from the miilt.y ivarHee "hut h tmivhk u legislative committee which Investt- those who are in position to elve out a6? thie MPaiBn expendHures and Information refuse to talk," said the reie'p8' . ' viator. He stated that a detective lual u aH S""1' " suppresses went tn a Krn who W0I jmnnm t- evidence in using threats to keep wit- know several members ot the lynch-hf Ir testifying before the leg- That foe was guilty of preventing and dissuading a witness Frederick U Ooldwell from attending under DIED, Flossie Odessa Myers, youngest I J u i m .1 - m -x f . I unugmer oi air. ana mis. uavaa my- MiM r, -. .j..,' ers. died Monday mornlne after an o.r ' " oiVUi Illness lasting several months. The! cause of her death was oellaftra. She I Mrs. H. D. Everhunt or a.ik-. was a member of the First Methodist I ' here vtsitirur her danrhrfer Mm rr cnurcn oi tnis city, a aevonea meaoer u narica. of the Phllathea class of the Method ist Sunday school, and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn her untimely death, father and mother, four sisters and six brothers. A Card From Mr. Xewton. To the Editor of The Dispatch: "Antony Takes a Fall Out With Ger ald Johnson For Bis Editorial Corn- Miss Nannie Pitzer. of Ren Hhi. N. C, is here vtsitln her w u A. L. Fletcher. , ' - Miss Maude Grimes J In T r ii i 1 1 1m, attending the opening of Randotpaw jiw-uu vviiege. Mr. H. F. AitcWimn of l.h T 1 CUv Daily Sentinel, was in the cttr Saturday afternoon. ., Mrs. John W. Peeler, of Rockwell. ilng band, but when asked to talk Sam bo -replied' with emphasis ; "No, sir, boss don't catch dis here nigger te!- lin' anything on dat bunch of lynch ers. If dey found out dat I toad been subpoena the sessions of the legisla tellln' on 'em here's another nigger tlve committee. dt woniri he elnhor ht tn nienea.orl That he used money and checks Btretrihert to one of rieae here ele. I COntri DUtsa to nis pre-election Cam- phone or telegraph poles In dis here ""'sn to speculate in stocks, and that town.- You Jes' have to 'sense me disl'"' w u'"-j l uuvzmj. t me. Mr. White man. kase while 1 1 ". suvwuw, mo mrawiif don't know much, I knows it would I10 office and Influence for the be dangerous to be around here if It I purpose or aneoimg tae vote or poin- got out dat I had been tellln' on de toal action or certain public omcers. bunch dat killed dat other nigger, I That, while Governor, he corruptly serious trouble would sure come mvued his authority or influence to at- way, I knows dat much. , : ,. lieoi tne current prices oi securities ntea ana setting on tne rsew torn Qtn V -1Tvtf.han.va 1 t-i iaihb af nrhlh u. "" uren nsm xibh swurasj curities he was at the time Interested. The largest .camel that this world Show is reouted to be.-and there hash Governor ;ralg Friday ' aSterlns h. -ttarnle fi. Brown. toriasrlv ' been no other camel knee the claim rnted an unconditional pardon JS J wouW lUg- m,Tr ? The ptch wofl .mo Has Kf hoo Mrn AMWOM I Rev R. L. Davis. sunGrinbendent of I cuount everyone eiee wouia im&&-1 wi crensih(Yr vAtrfl o. a.. '. uno wuiar avt'VTCMU Wl ' . . . ' . . ' .n thAn mw nltn oafAn, akmon nthA l ' assroaiH, wau- dispute. It This most merRorious I me anti-sa oon league, wno was con --- - - V rvr nay in tne city with his parents, Mr show will be In Lexington on Satur- vtc!lea ln. "'K.s.ul,"or courl .J"'! " i7r.h htZ,7y. , rwT. M. Brown, lrll fjUCIU. WLUOI. 11 VUlfQIO wUVIV All I Xother Killed by Insane Daaghter. A StatesvUls dispatch ot the 19th, says: News of a distressing death in Alexander county this week reached Statesvllle. Some time ago a daugh ter ot Mrs. Cornelia Holder of Gwalt- ney township, Alexander county, be came deranged and unmanageable. In a struggle with her mother the girl attempted to strike her mother with a table fork, sticking tbs fork In her mother's knee. The wound made tor ths fork became Infected and gradual ly grew worse until Mrs. Holder died Mils week as a result of the injury. The young woman who unknowingly abused and Injured her mother bus been -nt to tbs state hospital for the lnnn at Morganton. . The Status of the Thaw Case. An exchange summarizes the Thaw case at follows: The American people like to make great ado about nothing. , In the case of Thaw a New York court failed to punish him properly, because It al lowed Thaw's claim of "a brain storm" when hs killed ths suitor of his wife. Since then New York jus ttce has gone out of its way to punish Thaw Improperly by immuring him In an insane asylum. When h escaped and got to Canada, H would have sav ed a great deal of trouble had the Ca nadians been left to deal with him as they ohose. - But the authorities or New York used every expedient to se cure his extradition. Finally, the Ca nadian courts getting urea ot me wrangling found Thaw a very, unde sirable cltlsen and ruahed him across the border luto New Hampshire1. Hers after a few hours of liberty he was arrested again. But at last Thaw has got a federal court to take up hu case, on a writ ot habeas corpus. Here At-L . . i n n . l , n tne oiinsr uaugs. ua oejnwiuuer u, Judge Aid rich indefinitely postponed the hearing. This means that Thaw will he free loom kidnapping by the New York officers, and secure from being carried to New York State on possible extradition papers until the matter Is heard again tn ths federal court But it is said that his case Is not extraditable: Hs has commit' ted no offense, except ths alleged of fense of conspiracy while Insane to escape from Matte wan. unless th authority's of New Hampshire decide to arrest him on the score of insanity, and keep him in an asylum of their own, Thaw will probably remain free no long at he keeps out if I orw York State. ment" Is the way the Davldsonlan tr is here on a visit to 'her daughter last week heads an article on the Mrs. J. C. Leonard s ' front page, commenting on my brier article entitled "Antony Protests" la Mr- Victor Humphreys left Moods The Dispatch of last week. The Da- for Winston-Salem in the interests of vidsonlan prints .the article In full the Dixle Tailoring Co. j - and comments as follows: "Taking Mr. Herman Boozer fell from his his stand 'behind a uomplume, and whert Saturday afternoon and sufter taking steady aim, Antony opened fire a very p,, ,racture of fl -unon Gerald Johnson this week, or uusoi. rather thie "hawk-eved Cumins of thai Mrs. Margaret L. Neese has return. Greensboro News", who placed Thorn-j ea to her home In Alamance county j asvllle In a class with New Orleans. Bter a vislt to ber son, Mr. A. M. Antony's righteous indignation was weese. , stirred as a result of an editorial ap- Cant. Wade H. Phlllin left 'yJLj gearing In the Greensboro News last day morning for Raleigh to be roadr Sunday morning which contained a for the opening of the North Carolina lengthy comment upon an article An- tegtelafcure, which meets in special tony sent in to The Lexington Dis- session today. paLuu mst wn vuuceruiUK cverjr- - body's Day to be held in ThomasvUle Mr. W. L. Scarboro returned last Saturday October 4th." we: from Alleghany county where hi What do you think of that? Read- baa been engaged ia boring wells r ers of the Davldsonlan will have no ing the summer. difficulty in recognizing the source ot M, j. 0ren .., those comments.- There was never a the Farmers' Union was diTitv question in my mind as to who the UCTJr, T!?,..? commentator was, but I went through an address '"Kru m y tire iifiuraibuj w tM&'ius luiu ivuuu ui coarse that it was the man whose Young Charles Hackney, who was name appears first of the two pub- operated : n , ta.. appendicitis ' at lisherausf the Davldeonlan:" Of course Greensboro a -few days ago continues I was only keeping up a Uttls Jun l improve rapwiy. (Mr. George Caggin is back at Us ail f'""U. '-' , ju.me' IT will Old Ifth Vtth Ve- Oh. " j uT .there that you have seen just a. the naavtt. from respons b .feraan. "s-TJfltf iil- TrJS nnea I,f the. iuirm4 muflnpamAnra I OttyS BIOT He KOI 000 11CK On Tile . . : . . I . . ' were aiven thev would not be hn ev- head that he had no Mea wino hit nim, ed, a for that reason the manage- La'er Straughan testified that Mr. ment has wisely decided to wltiihobi I ivw struca uim wi-to nocue. them, preferring that. the people seel oenators csimmons ana overman ana this monster of the desert and see for I Secretary of the Navy Daniels wem themselves. I among the hundreds of prominent in direct nnNuMMnn tn hu jrt. I North Carolinians writing to oovern- gantic ship of the desert and as a or Crals to grant the pardon. Othe:1 constant companion Is the smallest inunureus oi leters came irom person brtenTtowBrerWmrsmar afew , hU rather free use rftte formerly with TaTe. !1 , r61- day. after he ot had lick on the byphen to connect three distinct Pharmacy, hasaccepted a poaitJoa words.) .If he is In doubt as to the with the Fred Thompson Co 'fairness of my methods or the open- T t n.., ' ... ' ness of my tactics he may be ion- .7!1CJ1? vlnced by giving me occasion to "tak. SSafKaSf -- PfS a tall out with him." He may best er mLf ?I?r me, but he will not toe able trutWlly ,r.nen hr Z1!. I did not give him a ;tee7y " r" to say that pony ever barn to ''v ; U h so ..1 oulde "SSmV. vWtteT tmtwS chance to draw (on -hie natural re-1 sources.) - MlM Maude Hurley, of New Bent. Of course If I had been serious II who has been here 'tor several weeks home work as a tnan an .cvunary nouse aog, LV Tlre wee' nonoeltlo:; 1 to Gerald as the "hawk-eyed Cas- member of the faculty of New Bsra .i.i..i.a a 1 i jj I camel has formed an attachment for 20 and cosU Imposed ithe police 'u 'cJM Mr. James A. Slceloff, of SaUskurf, ua never nappy excepting wnen - JZX'Zl--. VC.-TH reads much: he is a great ob .2. ""t"" tne mue Hellow is tied near him. """I0 server, and he looks quite through the tws reeling, strange to say. la red- i i ""'" w w- Ahm,. ,. However ,wt me ma - alDe'on. Mr. aiceiotr s taaar -j l. .l r , ' , . I ornnp r.nW with th. run 1 Hhat a UBSUS Ot men. tlOWSVer, .let me fru-j. ju..j , . , IfiuunLcu oy uie voaj, anu wnen me " - - - that with reference to bis nlaansrl w uuo u as . ' . ' , j. , I rxrvinn araa vranted Itnmedilatel v after l-n1- wrui reierran Vl 'Ula pimu I . i two are o suuiuius iue oy siue one f--"- T T . C " ' i "ThomasvUle in a class with New Or- ' K'- can not neip 10 wonaer at tne strange .-..., Jleans" I do not believe that there Is creaKs tnat nature m responssMe tor. any one man anywhere that could re- The menagerie with this show Is Liquor Piped Into JafJt Rainstorm duce ThomasvlHe to such a level. Reveals Method. i J. M. NEWTON Prisoners in the jail at Salem, O..I ThomasvUle, N. C, Sept 22, 1913., ceiving a regular supply of liquor. Yadkin Building Good Road to Iredell prescription department. made up of wonders, and students of natural history have pronounced It .... 1 .1 A- tar as can be ascertained every known h?7 fI?m! m,! ' Mr. John P. Andrews, of Albemarle. has accepted a position with the Lex ington Drug Company. He la a li censed pharmacist and may be de- penaea on to Help increase the well known efficiency of the Rexall Store' WITH OUR SUBSCRIBERS. ' ; all mil uui. aEJta.iiiu-L w ui ue Hninu 111 The collection will . he all the "lu,.luB rr!: nwMn t ii bioe. J. and Mrs. W. C. Roee left Von. 1 r, , j "uo "7".1- "u7 I The first mile of good roads that day for Galveston, Texas, where they not only are the fully matured anl- uo' " Yadkin county has ever possessed has I will make their home. Dr. Rose will m.1. tn v. tih. i w connection wun a water urain pipe, been comnleted near Jonesvllle. I take on hla work a n.mk as well. Many of the unconquerable ?1?da" JJ!!0,,?, ' TJL" " road J" "cheduled to run from faculty of the University of Texas oa beasts of the forest, plains, mountains, If 11 iull,nS;,,,T5e & tne Yadkln Wvr Blkln tbrough his arrival. The best wishes of many Jungles and deserts are to be seen r"" r r .rv " onesvuie ana tnrougo tne lownsiwp ioya irienas go with them. with their still unweaned young, li rrr.' 7, "r"" - . ? onoais ana ivnoos-xo j. r. Is an opportunity that neither the I j f" TtVYrr r. Z... f store, near jenmngs, ire-i grown up. nor the kiddle, can afford C."!,- ?f. " I fvua wia ft.uuv uvnia ' " hfOWJLrfl B fltfirfl I.RA BUI Kin IDU Willi iu,p. I .1 ti i i A 1 AM ......... . I n m i . .. ' : uiuo uiv unwire wuuiu uioct a.u mi- connivt witn tne lredAH eountv Sana. -"ir. a. r. neitman wru.es i-,ne nit. Drovtsed damoer In the Pine and iv.in raiiin iTnneaviiu I oatc-h from San Joae. rj,i in whia Stepped Oa a Big Snake. catch the liquors in their tin eups. .0a a,.t part of Yadkin a splendid Point he was transferred a short time It was declared many years ago A heavy ram last week exposed the road direct to Charlotte by way of ago by Uncle Sam. He still holds ths that an Irishman has no use for I leak in the pipe. i staieaville and (Mooresvllle. I same old job with the xovernmant snakes tame ones or otherwise. It - I The road is being built by private I He tells The Dispatch that his oldest was fully demonstrated last week, Iled at lza lean. ! subscription. - I daughter, Miss Kate Lee, was mart says a railroad man, that at least one - Aunt Una Crawford, who ' was. Iried on August 26 to Arthur Lewis, a IrisHrnan is "agin" the reptiles. It I doubtless the oldest woman m this Coroner's Jury Verdict Falls ts Solve promw'ns youn&" rancher of the Saa was just alter a few cars of the San- section of the state, tf not In the ... c... , , Jouaquln valley. orrMrt,ronrntnwwk1: .t pint w w niimui ha aw.hie ud " "wv i T h. nek Tvl V.i Thursday arternoon returned a ver- mr. ueo. . unt, oi ux- Capt W. w. uugan, tne airanis ana some time back In the dark ages, to , . ' . , tiurton. snemt aevarai iih a, m,. popular train master, was on his Job us. not to her. she nursed the ml."-,"",:j'''r:iA.u. v7. .7." VT . . T ' endeavoring to get thing. In running snd hi. brother, and they are. wo "' 1" -ZT'!": pe. It was dark and in passing suspect the only people in town who V7t in m ,X Via A . m hi,.nHw1 veam H """"""- """"" 1 . . , along the track with his lantern he had a nurse over a hundred years oil met with the misfortune of stepping Aunt Lina was at one time the prop- on one of ths big pet snakes which erty of the hvte Mr. tHomer LeGrand. belonged with, one of the sideshows. I Rockingham Post, The box n wnicn some oi ins reptues were housed had broken when the carl' Slniring at New Pilgrim. turned over. Ths snake was about I - For reasons known , to every one the the slss of a man's arm, and they tell singing class at New Pilgrim did no it that wnen uapt uugans toot sup-1 render its erasing exercises last Sun ped off the ugly looking monster, and! day. The same program will be re- he caught a glimpse of these snappy I hearsed this week and rendered next eyes ot bis snakeshlp, the train mas-1 sundav afternoon at 1 30 o'clock. Ev- ter'a feet 'and body went np in thelery one is Invited. Come. Your pres alr. Hla next appearance was oa top lence will be an Inspiration to the of a box car. Winston Sentinel. class. Ths class will do their best for your entertainment There are quite a variety of songs. Solos, quar tets, octets and the like will be ren dered. Mr. B. F, Sink will he the con Hons Aachored Hosse. Mr. George Dees, of Pamlico coun ty, tells the New Bern Sun a story of Iduotor and, Miss Zula Gochenour ac the recent flood, which ne affirms l I oomoanlst. true, although It sounds like a fish I - 1 story. He say. that while ths water I Preaching at Welcome. raged in Pamlico a dwelling situated I There will be preaching service, at as the result ot a bullet wound from Ports a good meeting with six acoes- tbs pistol of a person unknown to the I alone to the church. jury. Thus the coroner and his men I The Dispatch Is sorry to leara that TBgraier tas nnaing mat vt jacner si Mr. 1. u ritzgerald, of Linwood, will aeama is uneoivea ana am sisjner myi-1 soon move to Wnltsett, where hs tertous and unknown. I goes In order to place hla sons in Whitsett .Institute. Mr. Fitzgerald re- Tew. Taatraa ami ir... centiy purdhased a home In Whitsett Discussing the Mecklenburg lynoh and be will move as soon as he caa ing, the Raleigh Times says: "If the op" oi ms interests in uaviason. lynchers were from the country ? one of our best citizens and hi. though, and Charlotte people bellev- oepartura Is very much regretted, ed -they were." From the country In- Mr. Chas. F. Conrad, of Lake, call- deed! The Landmark is surprised to lea at our omcs one day last wee see ths Times give utterance to such land ordered The Dispatch sent to his nonsense. Of course the lynchers eon, f. Leslie Conrad, who is a eta- were not from ths country, the Char-1 dent at Lnoir College, Hickory. lotte people do not believe they wertl and the statement la an injustice to I , Hs Race Suicide Hers. the rural residents ot Mecklenburg. I A citizen of Asbury, Stokes owia The lynchers were town toughs and ty, N. C, writing the Mt Airy Lw ws have no doubt many of them are I has this Interesting pwrnersyh: known. Statesvllle landmark. I ,Wa ham more rim.imm t., i, onXJooss Creek Island, occupied by an I Welcome Baptist church next Bunda'l ' -Illy within four nillos ot fa j old Udy and a child, wss submerged, 1st t o'clock. Rev. J. M. Ham rick act- la a public road in Pitt county Sun -I than any I know nf. is J , moved from Its foundations and wasting pastor will preach at that hour, 'day morning Chas. Foreman hotldnrson hs 13. J a j I j nosttng away. Ju then 'a norse.lthe services taking place of the reg- Henry Nobles flad with a shot gun. I rirs 14. T' i wlmniins; by, forced hlma,u fato th I niar third Sunday meeting which was Both colored. Ths two had qnwrrou'd. . j'nC ' s 1 hou. The weight of Oie bcr bald prerented by the rain. Sunday school hoa -a f nt and prevej i' d lis fioat- wt:i aieut at 1:30 P. m. All are cor ing away. statesvllle. lsi"i--rk. . llally Invited to come. Foreman went horns and g"t 1 r 1 Meeting Nohhs to the nwd J i him doad Foreman is tn Ju.l. . J'nC a . J. t 1 2. r 1 1, . i

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