. KWS FKOM ItTKBTWHEEK. Curat Evens la Om Pelted SUtoi aad tt Wsrld at Large Briefly ; :. et Forth. Grcawitte county, 8. C, la arrang lag to stoat bond Issue of $1,000,000 . for goo ToadB.:;.- ,., ..--i A Mil to pension widowed mothers has passed botflt branches of the New York legislature. ;;-l.7 Vice President Thomas R. Marshall, renresewttag the President ot the Uni ted States, formally dedicated the Panama-Pacific International Exposi tion at 8n Francisco ArVlednesday. The legislature of Tennessee has massed a bill abolishing the death pen aKyln that state. Two exceptions are madeIn criminal assault cases and In case of life-term convicts who commit murder. The price of bread in Chicago has been reduced to 5 cents a loaf, the ormal figures, by practically every baking concern. The price was ad vanced to cents last month as a re sult of the foigh price of flour. inibaraador Morgenthau, at Con stantinople, has been directed by the State Department to ask protection from tie Turkish government for American missionaries and refugees reported m peril at Urumiah, Persia. At Stroud, Okla., robbers got about ,5,000 from two banks. Two of the men were captured, one toeing wound ed. The others escaped. One of the men captured has a record as a noted bank and train Tobber. He ia known as Henry Starr. Mies Hannah Moore, 91 years old, an original Daughter of the American Revolution, died at her home at Get tysburg, Pa., a few days ago as the result of a fall down a stairway. Her father, George Moore, was a teamster In the Continental array. The Vermont legislature has pass ed an act providing for eugenic mar riages. A fine of 500 is flxed for any persons who wed without fulfilling the requirements of the law, which is aimed to prevent the marriage of those pronounced physically or mentally un tt. The expense so far incurred by the government in lighting the foot aud moath cattle disease throughout the countrv amounts to $3,273,077, of which $2,338,306 went to compensate owners of the cattle whili were kill ed by the agents of the Bureau of Ani Hial Industry. Driven insane by British artillery lire, wlhich mowed down their com- p.iiii (Jrmiin infantrymen were removed to an asylhm near Aix-La- Ohapelle after the battle ot ;euve Ohappelle, acording to information that reaches London. The war is am ple cause for insanity. Howard Boocock. treasurer of the Astor Trust Company of New York, and prominent in New York society, shot and killed hia wife Monday night k aha ru rl.iv in e the piano for his vtrtin.mrvt in their home. The banker then committed suicide. Be lieved to ihave been insane. Varna a. twis has confessed to the police at Terre illaute. Ind., that he killed Mrs. Mary Balding, ana inree .f rhaf MiHrTi ami alternated to kill the two other children on the night of March 14 because he "loved them so." They were going to leave the city and Lewis said he could not bear lo see them go. Chief of Police John .1. Finnell of Miuira, N. Y., and Detective Sergeant Charles Gradwell of Klmira, N. Y., were shot and killed in a room in an Bhnira boarding house, where they wont to arrest two men wanted for burglary. The alleged burglars fled after the shooting, but one of them fell and broke his leg and was cap tured. The panaenger steamer lleredia, of the United Fruit Company Line, was in two collisions off the mouth of the Mississippi river, in the vicinity of New Orleans, Saturday night. In one of the mishaps the coastwise steamer Theodore Weenie was sunk and in tie other the British steamer Parisian was badly damaged. No passengers or crews were injuried. Each box of amtches furnished a Ore patrol in one section of Idaho bean this warnig: "A match doesn't Chink with its head when you use it, your head has to do all the thin kin. Doa't trust the match not to fall where it may start a lire and make you re sponsible. Cigarette or cigar stubs aod camp fires have no heads at all. Try 'Gets-It" It's Magic For Corns. New, Simple, CosMnes-Sesne Way. You win never know how really esry K Is to get rid of a corn, nnttl you mve tried 'VETS-IT." Nothing like It KjsVrtl Ctw-al ET Herral "Ga7T-ITi" k "G" E"T Crs Sarsv.QsasUrt . lM lT.r been produced. It takes (ess :ni it vin tt does to Teed ska. It will durofound you. specially kf you bats tried veryuung eisw iut tar, , two drops rouo. ut m sow ecoods-bat nlL The corn snnv--i. ,w. mm rlrht off. painlessly, without fussing or trouble. If yon . - . mxta) . at bundle out of roar to with oanCages; used thick, con pressing cotton-rings; oorn-pul-Hnc salves; corn-testing planters W,U, you'll appreciate the difference when too ass "WKTSWT." Your corn- will vanish. Cutting and loug Ing with knives, rasors, dies and scls. sors snd the danger of blood-poison re dons away with. Try "GBTS-1T" ttmicht for any corn, callus, wart or biiM'in. Nover falls. :i'A IT" is sold by druggists ev ...,,ur a tint tie. or sent dlr Us r- t ty ri Lawrence ft Co., Chicago. Bright's Disease and Diabetes Under the Aesplee ef the Cincinnati Evening rest, ive xew usses Were Selected and Treated Pnb Bely by Or. Irvlae K. Mott, Free of Charge. 1 . Irvine K. Mott. M. D of Cincinnati. Ohio, well and favorably known In that city as a learned physician a grad uates of the Cincinnati rniite Meoicai College, and after ward received Clin ical Instructions abroad, believes that he has discovered a remedy to success . fully treat Bright's Disease, Diabetes and other kidney troubles, either in their first, "intermediate or last stages. Dr. Mott says: "My metnoa aims to arrest the disease, even though It has destroyed most of the kidneys, and thereby preserves intact that portion not yet destroyed. The medicines I use are intended to neu tralise the poisons that form a toxin that destroy the cells in t'ae tubes in the kidneys." The Evening Post, one of the lead ing daily papers of Cincinnati, Ohio, hearing of Or. Mott's success, asked if he would be willing to give a pub lic test to demonstrate his faith in his treatment, and prove Its merits by treating five persons suffering from Bright's IDlsease and Diabetes, free of charge, the Post to select the cases. Dr. Mott accepted the conditions, and twelve persons were selected. Af ter a most critical chemical analysis and microscopic examination had been made five out of the twelve were de cided upon. These cases were placed under Dr. Mott s care and reports published each week in the Post In three months aH were discharged by Dr. Mott as cured. The persons trea ted gained their normal weight. strength and appetite and were able to resume their usual work. Anyone desiring to read the details of this public test can obtain copies by send ing to Dr. Mott for them. This public demonstration gave Dr. Mott an international reputation that has brought him into correspondence with people all over the world, and several noted Europeans are number ed among those who have taken his treatment and been cured, as treat ment can be administered effectively by mail. The Doctor will correspond with 'hose who are suffering wit hBright's Disease, 'Diabetes or any kidney trou ble whatever, and will be pleased to give his opinion free to those who will send him a description of their symp toms. An essay which the Doctor has prepared about kidney trouble and de scribing his new method of treatment, will also be mailed by him. Corres- pondence for this purpose should be addressed to IRVINE K. MOTT. M. D., 51 Mitchell Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Do the thinking. Put them out.'' The size of the garrison at Prze mysl and the number ot men who sur rendered to the Russians greatly ex ceed all estimates. According to Pet- rograd dispatches, the defenders oris iually nunvbered liO.Ow) men. of whom 40,000 were killed. .Nearly 120,000 laid down their arms when the for tress capitulated. The sio-'e had been in progress since September Hi last The German Embassy's second chargp that dumdum bllets are being shipped from the United States to the alies has not been substantiated by an investigation by army ordinance experts, and the State Department has so informed Count von Bernstoff, the German ambassador. The ordinance experts held that the wounds shown in photographs could have not ben inflicted by bullets of which specimens were submitted. A dispatch from l.aven worth. Klaus., says when W. J. Nichols, form er member of the NorCa Carolina leg Islature, stepped from the United States penitontlary at Leavenworth, after having completed a sentence for using the mails to defraud while a resident of Oklahoma, he was arrest ed on charges of using the mails to defraud while in South Carolina. He was held under $1,000 bond for 'bear- lug at Topeka April 12. The international money order busi ness of the postal service fell off 33 1-3 per cent during the first quarter of the fiscal year 1915. Money order business with several European coun tries was discontinued at the out break of the war Total postofflce ex penditure for the same period were $2,576,654 and revenues J65.877.03), in increase of $5,421,795 In expend! tares and $1,456,271 in revenues over 1914 figures for the same period. The Alabama law recently passed by the Legislature, prohibiting ths publication ot liquor advertisements in newspapers printed or sold in the State, bas been upheld in a decision by Chancellor Chapman, at Do than, Ala. The decision was given in the case of the State vs the Montgomery Advertiser, In which case the news paper sought to nave dissolved an hi' junction restraining it from publish' ing liquor advertisements. Suit has been filed at Pittsburg, Pa. by Emll Beyer, an attorney, against Red Key Loveless, a full-blooded Cherokee Indian "Medicine Man. Beyer seeks to recover 15.000 heart balm for the alleged alienation by the Indian of the love and respect which Mrs. Beyer is supposed to havs en tertalned for Mr. Beyer before the cop per-oolored "Medicine Man," who ap pears to be lovable and not loveless to Mrs, Beyer, won her away from her husband. The Poster Advertising Company ot irria IlnttMt Staias atvd Canada has placed a ban on the advertisement oh whiskey and other gplrttooaa liquors, Beer sad wines are not Included. The UasoelaUon has member in 4,000 cit ies w tns united mates as a tjanaaa. No nsw contracts will to entered Into with th Tbiskey eoncsrn after May $1 and no whiskey advertisement will too posted after this year, according to the resolutions adopted by ths board ot directors. Nathan Cohen, ths young man wbo has been shipped beck aad forth bs twen this country and Brasil because neither country would receive him, has at last Win admitted to, this coun try. It was shown to ths satisfaction of ths emigration officials that Cohen was a resident of this country when he became insane, which was . ths cause of Khe stempt to onload him on HraalL from which country It was Freckles! Now Is the Time to Get Kid of These -Cgly Spots. - There's no longer the slightest need il feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription . dthine double strength is guaranteed . to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne dou ble strength front any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. supposed he came. The frequent sea eyases, it is said, has about restor ed Cohen. flow To Give Quinine To Children. WBBRILXNR Is the trademark unc ftwi to aa improved Quinine. It ia a Tasteless Syrup, pleas, ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know at ia Quinine. Also especially adapted to adutta who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not aanseal nor eanse nciwjusucsa nor ringing In the bead. Try it the next time you nerd Quinine tor any pur pose. Ask lor 2-ounce original package. The name FKBRiUN H is blown in bottle. cents, What Happened to Holiday Soldiers Who nent Back. When the war broke out the call for olunteers in Canada for service In Europe was so amazingly complete that there was sufficient to make about three divisions in the first con tingent and leave a considerable nu- leus for a second contingent Be fore the lapse of many weeks some 33,000 Canadian troops found them selves in England undergoing the hardships of rigorous training in sur roundings that might be the usual part and parcel of the soldier's lot, but not the ideal of the notion warrior. Reports from Canada and England tells us that numbers of officers were found to bo incompetent, while pri- ates were too superior to do their Ht of trench digging; both found the food not quite as good as "mother used to serve." Some of the rank and die fused to serve under English om ens. The reply was prompt and to he point. Those objecting were at flwriy to return with the thanks of he mother country for their valor. Some 000 arc reported to have re turned home. Were they received with open arms ? lne mayor of one large town pro posed that its returnig '"heroes" be put in jail. Clubs soon found their names cumbered the registers and their resignations were accepted in advance. Black balls flew thick and fast. Go to Canada now and you will hud many a returned officer of the first contingent enlisted as a private in succeeding contingents, longing for the atmosphere of the front as more comfortable than -at home. Noble six hundred! Wall Street Journal. Makes 61 Feel Like 16. "I suffered from kidney ailment for two years," writes Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robinson, Miss.. 'I commenced taking Foley Kidney Pills about ten months a2 I am hi years of age and feel like a l-year-old girl." Foley Kidney Pills invigorate weak and deranged kidneys, relieve headache rheumatism and bladder trouble. Sold everywhere. School Ta.v Opposition. It is a little surprising that there should be opposition to the special school tax in the Cedar Hill district. where a vote is to 'be taken on April :i, to decide whether or not the tax shall be retained. The Ansonian is informed that residents of the dls- rict pay $125.7 of the taxes, that non residents pay 11181.22 and that pa trons of the school pay only $36.80. One opponent of the tax Is said to have eight children of school age, while bis tax is only nine cents. Wadesboro Ansonian. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general stmstbenlnc sssnc, GROVE'S TaSTHUtSS chill TONIC, drives out Mslarlaarichaa th blood .a ad bailda spllx srs. srav Atruetssua. for saatt aad children. SO Spraying Dost's. ' 1. Don't use Paris green without adding at least an equal amount of lime; twice as much lime is even better. 2. Don't spray carelessly; every part of the plant should be covered by the spraying fluid. 3. Don t waste the spraying, mix ture by allowing it to coma out of the nozzle in a stream. . A fine mist Is much better. 4. Don't spray until you know Just what you ars doing. Following di rections carefully. last a lifetime. Progressive Farmer. or while It looks like rain. 6. Dont neglect to keep the spray ing mixture well mixed all ths Urns. 7. Don't forget to wash oat all parts of the pump, boss and noxxla. when you are through s prying. $. Don t leave the spray pump out ot doors. If taken oars of it will last a lifetime. Preparing for Tax Listing. Ons million and two hundred thous and copies of a special -blank for tax abstracts, must be printed and gotten Into the bands ot the tsx-lrster in ev ery townslbip of each of the counties in the stats by May 1 by the Stats Tax Commission; and Secretary A. 1. Maxwell is (Ivtng special attention just now to ths perfection ot the form for these blanks before turning tbem into ths state printers for their enor mous task of printing tbis Immense order. There will be a number of new features to thai new abstract blank t form to conform to the provisions of the new machinery act passed by the recent legislature. For one thing there will be a feature that, will show the number each of horses, mules. cows, hogs and the like instead of, as in. the past, merely the' number and value of alt classes grouped. This a'aanre is especially for the purpose ot furnishing something of- oensus return as to the livestock Industry ot ths state. ::. The tax-listing Is to be gotten under way May 1 and will continue through the greater part of June. As son as the commission (gets out the 1,200,000 abstract blanks there will be prepared and issued the township and county tax-book forms (for 4lbe permanent book records of the valuations and taxes. The commission is preparing to make good Its pledge to the Finance Committees of the legislature that it would; make special effort to get all the properties in the state subject to taxation on the books and to get them on the most equalised and full vahie basis possible. Jsdge Carter Is All Bight A reading of the testimony in the Carter-Abernethy case, so far. as de veloped, indicates that nothing will come of it judge Carter appears to be fond of the society of ladies, snd he came near inviting trouble in the "Dutch dare" incident, but there is no evidence to show that he is guilty of Immorality. On the other hand his home people, who know Iblm best, tes tify to bis high character. That the judge has an Infirmity ot temper and doeent always control himself in court as well as he should, will prob ably be admitted but that is not an impeachable offence. It will be no ted that about all the lawyers who complained of Carter had lost cases in his court, while many other lawyers give him high praise. The truth is, the investigation never would have occurred but for the fact that Solici tor Abernethy ohjected to submitting to a fine for contempt. There should be some .way of reaching the folks, whoever they are, who have given un enviable notoriety to the women whose names have been brought into the case on charges that seem to be based on nothing except suspicion. Statesvllle Landmark. Where It Helped. The fact that the Amendment didn't carry taking out of the hands of the legislature the rUht to monkey with local laws, gave Davidson county her road bonds. This shows the wisdom of the people in voting down the amendment. . It is pointed out that the legislature was busy witlfo local laws. Certainly It was. and that is what it was there for. The average legislator, and this not said to offend him, but to state a fact, is nol competent to legislate on great subjects. The local laws are about his size. But suppose there were no local bills. What would we want of a legislature to sit sixty days to look wise and ponder on state wide measures. We already have too many state whle measures. If the legisla ture had no local bills to wlhich in dividual members were pledged, no telling what havoc would be wrought With sixty days and nothing to do but introduce state wide measures this state would become bankrupt. It was a lucky day, a happy day when the people rose in their sovere ign might and crushed the slate put up by the politicians. The amend ments sleep In their grave forever and it is well. Davidson county and all counties receiving the aid of the legislature can see how hands would be tied were H not for the legislature. Barnacles and tight wads aqd has beens would hold down communities until tfhey decayed. With the legislature giving live men a chance to put things over, we pro gress. This Davidson county bonds Is sue is a full vindication of those who voted against all the Amendments. Everything. A Credit to the Towa. Last week's Lexington Dispatch in a special edition ot 24 pages, illustra ted in an excellent manner that Lex ington and Davidson county contains some pretty live citizens. The paper was a credit to the town and to the county and pays silent tribute to The Dispatch staff. Asbeboro Bulletin. Nearly 2500 Alnrtrln Iran a anM In one day at St Louis this summer. MOTHER! IS CHILD'S STOMACH SOUR, SICE! If Tssarse Is Coaseg or if Cross, Fev- erish, Constipated Give "Califor. la Syrsp of Figs." Don't scold your fretful, peevish child.- See If tongue la coated; this Is a sore sign Its little stomach, liver and bowels ars clogged with soar waste. When listless, pale, feverish. fuM of cold, breath bad. throat sore, doesn't eat. sleep or act naturally, has stom achache, Indigestion, diarrhoea, give a teaipoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hour all the foul waste, the sour 'bile and fermenting food passes out of fbe bowels and you have a well and playful child again. Children love this harmless "trait laxative," and mothers can rest easy after givtng It, because It never falls to maks their tittle "Inside," clean and awset. Keep It bandy. Mother! A little giv en today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your drug' gist for a 60-cerit bottle of "Califor nia By tup of Figs," which baa dlrec ttons for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bot tle. Remember there are counterfeits sold hers, so surely look aad see, that yours is mad by ths "California Fit Syrup Company." Hand back with contempt any other fig syrup. Tbs ) In I Lasting, in THt r. r. HARRY LAUDER World-famoat Scotch Comedian, tayt: "Tuxedo, for mildness, purity and fra- grance, THE tobacco for me. .With my pipe filled with good old TUXEDO, an : my troubles go up in smoke. In all my worldwide travels I've yet to find its equal at a - slow-burning, cool-taiting, sweet flavored tobacco. TUXEDO satisfies me com- . . - v . ' pletely." t SMyuO Tuxedo Keeps the World in Good Humor Here is the man - irtake millions ot people nappy, in pur- - suing his call, he travels the wide world over. He is a great lover of his pipe, vaA in all sorts of corners of the earth he has tried all sorts of tobaccos. What is his unqualified statement in regard to Tuxedo? Read it again: "I've yet to find its equal. " This is the frank and candid opinion of thou sands and thousands of experienced, judicious smokers.' Tuxedo is absolutely the bestall-around tobacco that modern tobacco science can make. Jl a. at aT aw H IV Among the exhibits of the Oeneral Electric Company at the Panama Pa cific Exposition will be complete Home Electrical where much ot the manual labor of housekeeping Is ac complished by electricity. A MEDICINE OF MERIT. A property medicine, like every thing else that comes before the pub lic, has to prove Its merits. The law of the survival of tbs fittest ap plies in this field as in others. The reason for the tremendous success of Lydia E. pinkham's Vegetable Com pound Is because it has been fulfilling a real human need for forty years, so that today thousands ot American wo men owe their health and happiness to the marvelous power of this fam ous medicine, made from roots and 'herbs nature's remedy for. woman's ills. NOTICE TONON-RESI DENTS. North Carolina Davidson County. In the Superior Court Before the Clerk. Frances Menlngall, widow, and X. C. Sharpe, administrator of Albert Menlngall alias Albert .MendenhalL . ; .'" Etta Menlngall and others. . The defendants In- said action. Prances Elizabeth- Menlngall, Rosa Lee Menlngall and Albert Chester Menlngall, minor children of John Menlngall, deceased, will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced In ths . Superior Court of Davidson county for ths pur pose of allotlng dower In ths lands oi the late Albert 'Menlngall to hia wid ow, Frances Menlngall. aad for ths ale of lands for assets by D. c Sharpe. hia administrator, to pay ths debts ot said deceased, said lands being situate In tbs county and stats aforesaid, and In Cotton Orovs Town ship, and will further take notice that they art required to appear at the office or ths Clerk of the Super ior Court of said county at Lexing ton, N. C. on ths 10th day ot May. 1915 and answer or demur to ths com plaint now Sled In the said action tor the relief demanded In ald complaint. C B. OODWJN. Clerk Superior Court. Dated this Slat day of MarOb. 115. McCrary A McCrarjr, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 4 4t : , s SALE Or ORIST MILL AND MACHINERT. By virtus of a Judgment ot ths m- perlor court of Davidson county, la the civil action entitled O. X. Crowsll and MUlls J. Crowsll vs. Ctas. D fthln Brins-a the "mils of Satisfaction! Quick, Brilliant, ths "Rasy-Op.nint" Bnh DsllfT CO.,l,B, r""io, H.Y.. MUMUTOH, Can. 'iw . whose life work is to Th PtfUet Tohmceo fat Pip and Uncorking a tin of Tuxedo is like lifting the lid on concentrated sunshine. And then, when you fire upl Well! The first puff's a revelation, the second's a revolution, the third just gets you happy-like I Then you're off 'ust as sure as you'll see the green grass and tear the birds sing next Spring. ' The exclusive "Tuxedo Process" brings out ' the unsurpassed mildness, delicate fragrance and mellow flavor of the Burley leaf in a way that has never been successfully imitated. At the same time it refines the tobacco until every trace, of harshness and ." bite" disappears. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, glassine ssi Famous Green Tin 1 A ' wrapped, moisture- rlP with gold lettering, I M proof pouch . . . ' curved to fit pocket Tin Humldon 40c mi 80c In Clou Hwmion 50c mnJ 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Jones and wife, the undersigned, com missioners, will sell at public auction, on ths premise ia Thomas villa town ship, Davidson county, N. C, on txtt 12TH DAY Of APRIL 1815, at 8 o'clock p. in, fh following real estate, situate In Thomas nils town ship, said county, described as fol lows: Beginning at a stake at a point in the center of ths public road at the crossing of ths Piedmont Railway (now Carolina A Yadkin River Railway Co.) and running thence .in an eastern di rection with said right of way 27S feet to a stake; thence in a southern di rection 600 feet to tbs center of ths creek; tbenca with said creek west ward 27S feet to the center of ths said public road; thence along said public road 600 feet to the beginning contain ing X and one third acres mora or less, together with the mill aad ma chinery thereon, Vbers being a flour mill located oa said lot Only thirteen fifteenths of ths said lot and mill and machlnsry will bo sold. , , Terms ot sale: Cash on confirma tion to be secured at sals by bond aad approved security. March 11, 1916. WADS H. PHILLIPS, vumov m D. s.mnD 46-4t'. Commission era Paaanra-Paelfle ExpesltJoa 8aa Fraa else aad 8m Dies, CaL gaatk- , era Railway PresHer Car v tier at the 6mUu , ' aassaasMSSMs ! Ten Lew Kesad Ttp Fares. . saVSasSsaaasBSB - .V Dates of sal March 1st to Novem ber 80th, 115. Final return limit t months front data of sale, except that those tickets will not be good to re turn later than December Slat, 4116. . Low round trip fares from principal points as follows: Lexington '. ..$4J5 Charlotte . ., .. ., ,. .. .. M-15 Salisbury , .. .. .. .. M-15 High Point .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.15 Oreensboro .. .. 84U6 Wlnston-salam .. M.is rare from other points on asms fcasla. Paras to Seattle or via Portland and Seattls at bigher rata. These tickets ill s.mf it 4lra rnntlna? and will allow atop-ovr1 both going and return trip witnia ntm ioi xioaeu Bouthera Kali way oners cnoics oi amraraJ mmiiim of tils to lie interest from which to select; going ons way ana reiurnsg anoiaer. mrvusu a nectlons and good service tta Mem phis. 81. Louis, Chicago or Nsw Or- laana Tlirnnrh ears dally Tta New Orleans and Sunset Routs. Special car parties now bemg arranged, ar- fording opportunity to maks trip with- ' ' V 'V-'S itsaMsSatatasafas ' I V I ' 1 I'M-' .i'''-,-.-.; 1 jT "A smt : sr as . ; , tSff f,, iyjf' Ggarrtt out change and with select conpsav on outgoing trip; "returnig at hrfaore via any routs you may ohoosy stop, ping off at your own pleasure, there by avoiding all the discomforts at go ing and returning with large tour par ties, being-, compelled to follow the crowd. In going Individually or with special Pullman car parties you spend your own money, stop where rou. please and go and come to suit yoar own convenience and save money said tourist agents for escorting you around. for further Information apply to Southern Railway Agents, or R. H. DeButtaV Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Worn Giii? No doubt jrott are, M you tufter from any oi the numerous ailments to. which ail women are sub- Ject, Headache, back ache, aid cache, nervous- , net, weak, tired feel ing, are gome ot the symp- : toms, and you mast rid Toursett of them ia order to fed wen. Thousands of women, wbo have been benefited or thai remedy, nrgs roa to ?4 TAKX llursrsVl ffim U r V.1U V- Ti.3 Lawn's TO Mrs. SyWinta Woods. ofOiftoMins,Kyna.yi 'BeforateklngCardttl, I was, it time, so wet I could hardly walk, tad thspalaiaary back sad bead nearly killed me. , After taking three bottles of Card id, the pains dis appeared. Now lleel as well U I ever did. Every suffering woman should tryCarduL" Oet a bottle today. E-3 in 1 A