- THE. mi mm PEont bead THE D I S P ATCH WHY NOT TOCI if rr happexs rrs nr THE DISPATCH OXLT OSE DOLLAR A TEAS. State" LdbTalT ,.s . THE PAPER OF THE PEOPLE. FOR Ti 2 PEOPLE AND WITH THE PEOPLE ESTABLISHED 1882. LEXINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1916.' VOL. XXXV NO. 9. CHAUTAUQUA WIXL RETCRlt. .' -.,- - f .... rifty-Foar Guarantors" Had Signed Monday Night Program This Year One That Pleased. SEND-OFF FOB THE SOLDIERS. YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU. Guarantors For 1917, Who Risk Personal Loss for the Sake . of Their Town. ; W. L. Crawford, O. F. Hanklns, A F. Sprulll, G. W. Mountcastle, E. B. Craven, tt M. Ulmcr, W. A. Daniel, Phillips Bower, J.v M. Qamowell, Walser V Walser, Fred ' ' Thompson, P. V. Critcher, E. E. Witherspoon, Charles 1 D. Hunt, . Green & Rothrock, H. B. Varner, J. R. Terry, R. L. Reynolds, D. K. Cecil, B. H. Finch, P. E. Peacock, A. O. Jonas, E. I. LeFevre, W. Lee Harbin, C. A. Hunt, Sr., Geo. L. Hackney, McCrary tc McCrary, V. 8. Garrett & C. H. Phillips, J. D. Grimes, L. J. Peacock, C. E. God- . win, L. A. Martin, W. F. Welborn, ' E. E, Norman, A. E. Sheets, C M. Thompson's Sons, S. D. McMillan, W. H. Mendenhall, W. L. Klbler, . W. O. Burgin, J. C. Grimes, Dave Leonard, J. T. Hedrlck, J. V. Mof- fltt, A. I Leonard, E. H. Goelz, ' Raper ft Raper, E. F. Long, Mrs. Faille Ward, J. E. Hanklns, (In- dianapolis), J. H. Alexander, T. I. Warfford, Miss Erfhlce Peony, Mrs. P. S. Vann, L. L. Barbee, J. W. McCulloch, V. Y. Boozer, Theodore Andrews, Lexington Chair Com- pany, Lexington Grocery Compa- pany, Lexington Drug Company, Erlanger Y. M. C A. . The original Jlst of 54 grew to 58 before noon yesterday., wlthi promise of other willing to fol- low the fine examjilf of public spirit given. - i - -. . J . . "' . It looked for several days like this would be .the last year for some time, r that Chautauqua was to be heard and seen, in Lexington, but fifty-four men and firms stepped into the breach Monday and saved the day. - It took a hard day's canvass by several energet ' lo ladies to bring the number up to : thirty-live. At the end of the first half of the evening program the busi ness was taken up with the audience. Nearly every man, woman and child - signified they wanted Chautauqua next year, by rising to their feet, but that did not make guarantors readily. Dr. Turner said he had heard that Lex ington did not always pull together. Events Monday night proved this, for a number of the wealthier men of the town who would In other towns " have been counted -as leaders in mun icipal life; eat like Stones and refused to rnnd to any sort of-ppe.l. Tbey Tutil refused the ladies during tlie day. -, and at ,sora places the committee of women had almost been Insulted by ' the manner of refusal they met with. But It all came out right, for enough men were found to be willing to risk a small loss for the sake of their comr xnunity. ' The contract signed was one calling for a guarantee of $1,500. Last year's ' 4 contract called for guaranteeing $1, 400. However, the contract this time will allow for as many Junior tickets as can be sold, which will probably make the ticket selling easier. An other radical change sure to.be agreed upon at the guarantors', meeting yes terday evening was the new method of disposing of tickets. Already about $500 worth of tickets have been signed tor next year. This will leave $1,000 - that the guarantors must dispose of. . They will appoint a ticket selling com mittee whose business It will be to ' ' dispose of season tickets to all who will buy. When their work is ended ' the remainder of the tickets will be turned up, and not a single one will 1 be sold at a reduced price. This year ; numbers of the guarantors had been . active and consequently had their ; tickets engaged when the division ' esme, but others who had not the op .' portunlty to get out and solicit in . time had some of the tickets left on their hands. This year all guarantors Great Throng Expected at Ford Field Friday Evening to Give Banquet, . "' Music and Speeches. Lexington will do honor to her sol dier boys next Friday evening at Ford Park. An ' interesting' program will be gbtteir up.' consisting of band mus ic, songs and speeches. The band plat form 'will1 be removed from In front of the Leazr--1unding to the Ford place, and will be used for the exer cises. It will1 be decorated with bunt ing and flags, and electric lights will be scattered over the grounds. A fine banquet will be given the boys, and this event is intended to be an out pouring of the whole community, men women and children to do honor to those who are leaving to defend our borders and to put an end to the miS' ery of the misgoverned Mexican peo ple, A large fund has already been do nated by the big hearted citizens of the. town, and a great time Is expect ed. The list of contributors will be published ne$t week. , - Committee on arrangements: P. D. Leonard, Dermot Shemwell and J. R. McCrarv. Committee on entertainment; Chil dren of the Confederacy, Mrs. John T. Lowe and Mrs. W. O. Burgin. f Committee on Decorating: Mrs. T. E. McCrary, Mrs. James Adderton, Mrs. J. R. McCrary and Mrs. J. M. Gamewell. ' There will be a grand parade start ing from the court house at 7 o'clock. In which everybody is expected to Join This Is the Call ef Company "A For SUM More Hen This Week En - llstment Passes Ninety. '..: John D. Bain G, F. Murray Vestal Wilson Cliff Pearson E. F. Lomax Geo. Aasband Everett Johnson Grover king . Talmage Robbing : Clarence Phlfer Robert Daniel lari Honbarrier Troy S. Cain , Fletcher L. Hays ; L. G. Borrows E. T. Lawrence Dock Bell John McDonald ' Norman 1. Smith ' Branson Harrelson V Blake D, Cronse DAYIDSON LEADS :iE OTHERS. Editor Santford M. Roads, Corn and W Fine For'Llv 'n Says 0or it the Best-; Stock. From Davidson and even counties as far away as Robeson come these young men,, new recruits for the Lex ington Rifles whos names have been enrolled since our last issue up to Monday at noon. ' At that time the en rollment was eighty-nine, with sever al new ones expected to enlist before night, and It is certain that the list has mounted above ninety before press hour, 13... .Its 1a (. n a and march to the fecund The Jim- Captain Leonard, for the Sr 2rdf W,ch ' tl th. company needs not less than a hun- the fund, will march In J J he dred men ,a wh ,t marcheg tQ grounds and will Jvome exercises d mornlng t0 ,eave of their own in addition to the regu- rMJ MnnHv mnrninB UT piUKI Am. .... The final orders have come for the Third Regiment to inarch Saturday. Company "A" will entrain on No. 44 Saturday morning for Greensboro, there dropped into the armory a stal wart young man of dark skin and high cheek bones, who announced that he wanted to Join the Rifles and go to T 1 U mnlA Ul knmA wa In where a troop specUl wlllji .made "P county and tnat he waB a to proceea wrougn u ' member of the Indian tribe living where toe companies wllL undergo He ghowed physical examlnaUon and be muster- mak that ne wa Indian all rl bu ed nto Federal servica. , Tta i First wa3 agglgned a place ln Regiment went to Morehead last Sat- ft rank8 Two th g men uruj . vu. u . vl who dropped into tbwn with Bell slg tnd&v. The soldiers are to be carried I,., .."v , ia rounsi l w. mw other encouraging thing to the officers 'or. i v ' ' Jin tht. most of the new recruits are Just when they will be sent to then. nhvulpal .neclmens. men who border cannot yet be told, but It will I WOuld make good fighters, and these probably not be long, uenerai runs- come from almost all sections of the ton has requested that Just as fast as county. But there is still room for the regiment can be mustered ln tnat about fifty more. they be sent to him. New xora, renn- The company regained two , men sylvanla, Virginia, Missouri, Kansas. Monday who had been lost to the ser Callfornia and a number of . other I vice for several days, these being states have already sent large quotas, I Jesse Leonard and Sidney Mize, who sent by regiments,.. . mined In hldinrfoWow or Iv dys4iLi i The send-off for the soldier lads of They realized, however, the -trouble Lexington and the county is not ex-1 mat mignt overtake uem, so ine rain nected to be a time for weeping, but er of Leonard cam to town and plead a time to wish them good luck and let with the officers for re-instatement, them know that their community takes declaring that his son and nephew pride ln Its offering to the' nation's would make as good and true soldiers defense and honor. At some places as any ln the entire company. The boys thara have been lots of weeping, but I came back Monday and tneir comrades the officers hope that the parents, have been careful not to try and em wives, sisters and friends of the Rifles barrass them on account of their es control their emotion and not do any- capad. . The marching ana camp exercises have not all been work during the past week, for the element of fun has entered for its share. During the off hours at the armory the hours have been kept lively and the men who thing that would tend to affect the moral of the troops. They are anx toua for a brave showing, Ultimatum Seat Carraasa. The United States has demanded llv. .,r h,ra hn .unwed to sleeo that Carranza release the seventeen at thflr homes. Once they marched out prisoners taken at the Carrlzal battle, t0 gwearing Creek and the entire cora that he disavow the act and make n.n. .iinMd ff their uniforms and proper apologies, but more than this ana went lB tot a iwim. Monday af- even it is oemanaea inai ne aemoo- ternooa they paid a visit to Abbott'! strat that be can protect our border Creelc engaged ln similar exer- and control the bandit situation, win ci , this chance lert tne Mexican cniertain yesterday at dinner the soldier boys as the only hope of averting war, the .... 4nrihti to Mr. William Baleebr American government Is preparing for for a genuine treat, when he served war with all haste. Ten million dol- tbem wllh ica cream as an aftermath lars worth of cavalry horses are be- of the Mm( dinner. Plenty of this do ing purchased at once and great ship- nCoua desert was provided and the menu of munitions destined for the YtoJt flT, Mr saleeby their thanks. Antes nave oeen aivanea w uia nuiu- Throughout th past ween tney nava er. England has notified this country! been the recipient of many favors that she has no kick to make on ourlIrom townspeople. loaluJurned wUl bXallXrni P'nU t0 urlT?1 "ST ln tn t0 Brorld UnwM losses susuined will be equally born. rt u alm0it 00,1 believed ln . " . ana fumigh a "nest egg" from Washington tnat only a lew aays re- which the wives of soldiers might main until an actual declaration of dra needed was furnished at the hostilities taxes place, nans ior an harbecu held 8unday at Ford Field. Invasion of Mexico bad already long Me,irt, Dermot 8bemwell, J. R. Me been made, so as to be ready In case crarr and Dave Leonard was on of emergency. If war breaks out the Ufonday morning appointed to look at- army win 001a oormara t,r securing donations ana tne ar the protection of the border, while an- r..in- 0f the nrot ram. other force will likely be hurled to- Th, barbecue was given th soldiers wards Mexico City tnrouga vera rum. by CapUln jn,, a. Leonard, and the food was elegantly prepares unaer , . rilUUHAM A g iciBi UNO. The program this year has been 'an exceptionally fin one, and some very talented artists and powerful lectur ers were heard. Th opening lecture by Dr. Lincoln Wirt on Wednesday . night commanded almost breathless attention aa he told about his battle with death In th cold regions near the Arctic Circle. Preceding his lac- ture the Boy Choir of Brookltne, Bos- ton, Mass., received much applause. Th training of these boys under Prof. Morse was nothing short of wonderful, and the sweet, girl-voiced lad. soloist was encored again and again. Vic tor's Band was heartily received as ,. was the Schubert string quartet, with Its program of polite classics. Or. Thomas E. Green suffered by reason of th fart that he had to lecture In competition with an approaching storm. Many left but others stayed to hear the magic of bis eloquence and the power of his logic, as he spoke of the "Forces That Failed") to prevent the European War. Although many people said they war going to se tb juggling act of Roeanl just because the children wanted to, every person In the au ditor would bar been glad to hare th llttl Dutchman go on for an hour ' lonfor. He Is Supreme In his field ' and he did many acts that war taw ant thrilling, all th time keeping the .. crowd muring by his good humor. Th Stroller' quartatt cam In fur thlr m4 of prals, but It remained for the Hijnu dingers to get tb beart . lent ovation of all the vocal artlnts. That four singer furnUhed a pro gram that touched th rlcbt spot, and tb smoothneaa with which It waa rendered won thara a solid place. It Is to b hoped they return in next year's prosram. On disappointment , was th failure of Dr. Parkea tad man, throusb nn fault of his own, to b praaenL He Is chaplain of on of th New York regiments and bis country's rail Was th "prenie command. Dr. William T. Ellis was scheduled to take his flare, but be too could not come, so Dr. Paul M. Pearaon, prai ig of the Pure i and the Corn a county here ilon of Editor e Winaton-Sa-;h significance, these are the to this section, scribed in the t pretend to be 1. Usually when n. readers some- itural and Me formation. But 0 take the en just a word on 1 section. t made a swing er- the excellent TWO BALL GAMES ON FOURTH. In view of the tner Bred Dairy Cattle C Club' Boys of Davie next Monday, the 0 Santford Martin, of lem Journal., bears it He Is convinced th two things best suitt after making a trip following editorial: "The Journal does an authority on crop we want to give ou thing authoritative en farming and kindred topicswe eit: er clip from the Progressive Farmer c r draw upon the excellent farm exten on service fur nished by the Agri. chanical College for for once we propose tire responsibility f crop conditions in t The writer has ). -around the circuit o highways in Forsyth. Juilford, pavid son. Rowan and Davi ) counties, which constitute about the best all-round farming seqtion in North Carolina. Ob servations had to be made hurriedly and we are quite -wnll aware of the fact that under an v circumstances they are never sati dory. But we did observe this mv gree of accuracy, v. "Farmers have n much tobacco this 3 they have they 1 keep it well out of f roads. Tobacco flel are few and far t they do appear th- pointing. - It is evld er friends knew: wl, when they told us two months ago that it the drouth ntlnued only a few days longer t ie tobacco crop would lack almost luilf, being up so normal; that farmer couldn't put out tobacco without plants, that the dry weather had killed many of the plants and would finish the Job If it kept on long enough. "But what ls.IacV made up In corn. T everywhere.- Jio'we the spring drouth I also. Most of the planted late, but it and. with good sea (there should be yield of corn ln th The finest field ot seen on the hlghw ton and Salisbury. "And we pause i this is the best rr North Carolina, with a fair de- think planted near as ,r as usual. Or ive- Jnanaged to htiof the public 1 along the road veen and- when r Bize is disap- t that our farm- reof they spoke 5 in tobacco is is corn, corn, r the effect of iBj evidence here rods' small, was qt healthy color t from now on record-breaking rtlon next falL a ia -sight was uetweea Lexing A - to'r- -"tirk that -e ' n in Erlanger Meets West End Club, ofi Greensboro Cooleemee Defeated v .'Here Last Saturday. . Baseball will be the principal Fourth of July attraction for Lexington, with Erlanger playing the West End Club, of Greensboro, twice here on that date. The games will be called at ten o'clock ln the morning and four ln the afternoon. These games had been scheduled with White Oak, but the mills at that place will not be closed on the Fourth. The club coming, how ever, is one of the strongest amateur aggregations in this section, coming through the season so far with nine wins and one loss. They have been playing good clubs, too. Manager Townsend is not able to announce yet who will be secured to do the twirl ing, but is negotiating for a good man. Last Saturday afternoon Erlanger evened up the series with Cooleemee, defeating them on the local diamond by a 6 to 5 score. The first Inning looked like an old-fashioned scoring match. Two or three wild heaves, an error and hit let in three runs for Cooleemee, but the locals came back strong in their half. The first two men walked, another got an infield tap which was not fielded, and, with the bases full, Tom Leonard slammed a long one to center for three bases, scoring three men and being thrown out himself at the plate. Erlanger se cured the lead and kept it all the way. Milholland retired after Leon ard's triple, but his successor, Gray, was pounded for ten hits. Ralph Lew- Is pitched . creditable game for the locals. The whole Erlanger team hit the ball hard, Pharr, who has been been hitting poorly, finding his stride in this affair. The fielding of Watt Burrus was a feature. The nine in nings came to a close Just about minute before rain began , to pour down, and after most ot the crowd had been scared away. The series between Erlanger and Cooleemee now stand two all. Erlan-J ger has also won one and lost one from White Oak and stands in the same ratio to Spencer. First Published lisfrcf Nominees Appear Today Are You in Line for One of The Three Great Cars to Be Given 'Away? You Can Gain a Fine Machine for Nothing. Send in Your Name Today and See What You Get Auto mobiles, Cash, Diamonds, Etc. Distributed. Your Share Awaits Your Own Action. Hurry Now and Come Forward, Nothing Gained by Delay - coming In foraei'uuu ii ...;. me i lsbury highway, at least thai part of It lying In Davidson county,-1 being kept up welL The county oaciala- are using the road drag to good porpos. Constant dragging ia th secret of; road upkeep. It's a remedy whoa ap plication Is needed badly on many of the sand-clay highways In. the coun ties of this section. It is especially needed on High Point's main: ap proach, which in Its present condition is a much poorer nignway man any ox th Improved roads In Davidson coun ty. "There seems to navt been a nurty good yield of wheat, especially ln Da vidson county, the banner wneat coun ty of the State. The grain Is still in th shock and It to storm wmcn swept Winston-Salem yesterday was general It will have to stay ther tor a few days longer. The neavy rains of the last two weeks have Interfered with the farmers ln preparing the wheat for the thresher. At some points the stubble I being broken with shocks of wheat still ln the field. "The effect of the drouth was most marked on oats. It Is no uncommon thing to se oats still standing ln the field, being too thin and low to har vest. This croo was practically n failure. . . - "Summing up. th hop of th far mer ln this section today lie In corn and livestock. He wll get a good nrica for his tobacco, what there Is of it, but h must depend on corn and hogs and cattle tor tne bulk 01 us profit next winter.". ; DEMOCRATIC C0STENTI0IT. T Be Held on Jnly 29th Primary to Choose Delegates a the , Satnrday Preceding. Chairman Walter S. Anderson has Issued the call for the Democratic county convention to be held ln the court house on Saturday, July 29th, at conn. The primaries for the selec- -1 it delegates will be held at the -' w inct polling places on -At at one o'clock. candidate fur-House of Repreaenla- Uvea, sheriff, register t deeds, three county commissioner, surveyor and corooer. The primaries to select del- egaXe AST not legalized, but ar for Democrat, only. . - Chairman Anderson s call follows The Democratic Primaries are here by called tor Saturday, July 22nd, at on o clock p. m. Democratic voters will take notice and meet at the various precincts on that date to name delegates to the Democratic County Convention which will meet on Saturday, July 29th, for th purpose of naming candidates for th various county offices and House of Representatives. W. S. ANDERSON, Chair. Dem. Ex. Com. D. L. BRINKLEY. Secretary. AMERICA TROOPS WIPED OCT. Twe Troops e' Cavalry Massacred by Mexicans, After Being Led Into Trap by General Gomes. Th first serious clash between Car ranza soldiers and American troops T IS EASY IF YOU WANT TO WIN ONE The announcement just made con cerning the fine big automobiles that The Dispatch will distribute seems to have been quite well received and un less all signs fail, a very interesting competition will be the outcome. . The list of nominees, as published today, is a very small one considering the number and worth ot the prem iums offered for the consideration of all who desire to help themselves. Thousands of dollars are tovbe spent ln this campaign and a share ot the magnificent free gifts is there for any and all who participate. WHO EVER HEARD of a weekly newspaper going so deeply Into the future of its exchequer to divide such particularly pleasing premiums among those who are willing to do their share toward deserving them. ; Never before has it been so easy to obtain something of real beauty and worth. There have been plenty of circula tion problems worked out in the premium field throughout this coun try and many folks have been invited to enter, but never before in tne nis tory of the weekly newspaper in the U. S. has It ever been made so easy to acquire a share of the results. WHO EVER HEARD of real Dia mond Lavallieres and Diamond Scarf Pins being given away simply for the acceptance by th nominee of his or, her nomination and Xhe collection 01 only twenty dollars In subscriptions? Of course the Diamonds are not as big as iceburgs nor are they as large as a house and lot, but they ar real Diamonds, and -the Lavallieres are hunc noon fifteen Inch chains. They ar really pretty and the time spent in collecting twenty dollars win not be regretted by those who would lik the little diamonds., Besides th o nauieAtg a T"Y, 1:it"" c- l-t will rave been, obtained 'upon""tiie ttftyborse power ; six cylinder motor car, - this alone Is worth consideration. There ar three cars to be given away, together wun many omer de lightful premiums. The -Studebaker Six. Seven passenger . machine, the beautiful Overland Four ana tne aan- dv Ford five passenger motor car, Then for fourth place has been pro vided 1100 in gold. After tne nrsi lawn swings, than to assist in their own education and board. Of eoifrse ' papa is somewhat to blame perhaps, and he would outwardly resent the) idea that his boy or girl need do any thing or help herself or him, but yon J may better believe that he would be 1 mighty proud of his offspring if he or she brought home a fine big automo- ' bile through the exercise of latent' ability to carry through a- business proposition. The experience gained in meeting people and ln learning to tead human nature, will in the end prove far more valuable than any mere dollar and cent proposition that can be made. If you have a grain of sand in your makeup and even a thimble full of real energy use It now, it will do you more) ; good toward gaining real tangible profit here, than It can If used In any other way for the same length of time. The list as shown elsewhere of the nominees, Is merely the first publish ed y list of names. Not more than a mere half dozen candidates will de- rvelop from these nominations. We ar obliged to publish the names that come to the office as suggested. There) may possibly be a half dozen men tioned thus far who can realize ana understand the wonderful opportuni ty presented and who car enough to try to help themselves to the owner ship of new automobiles. There may be fJerhaps, a half dozen persons men tioned ln the list, who are not too in- dolent to aid themselves, but that ia only supposition as yet Time, alon will tell, however, we wouldn t wager more than th hoi jn a doughnut, that there were more than -about two real honest-to-goodness, earnest am bitious candidates in the whole lot Vn vdu not rf sn unheard of op-portuuuy-ia it,, iuu...ita, 0. Da you not realize that in the indolence' and Inertia of others your own advance ment liesT Send ln your name today and there by do yourself th greatest favor you have ever yet don. Knocks T Of course, haven't they tried to kill or stop, in some manner, every wide awake Individual who ever tried to do something ln (his world? Pay no at tention to them. Get out for yourself and prov that you have the right to four premiums have been given out in A 1 ...Il.,,t.J t v.Id. Mia. I llim U will w uwumwTOi , - - - mond ornaments, then the next twelve take up your share of atmosphere awards will be a percentage of the col-1 You'll get away ahead of your advis- lactions made. Thus it will De seen ; " " "" dent of th Chautauqua assoe'lation. filled the place most acceptably. Prof. Rauscbenbusch In his lectur on re ligious topics yesterday afternoon end- th supervision ot Mr. Dsv Leonard. Mr. Bob Green sent around two Mies ot cigars as the compliments ot Green at Rothrock. Thanks- were returned by Rev. W. H. WUIls. and after dinner ed this part of tne program ana ai .ntnvad by tha men and their vla- nlght the cllmsx was reached In the )for .hort ulkt wer mau by c,pt rendition Ol in comic opera auuuu. . r ijnhhlns and Messrs. J. R. MO TH College Players, in "Happiness, r H varner. Alt the war th stars of Saturday a program, ....v.,. raiixt h inheritance of and their appeal tor th bom town B-roUm handed down to the boys development wm prouamraui am luau by tDelr fgth,,, and grandfathers and ur. beorg n. lurnar, in aim lour iav- j,, ,nem Dom, wltB Bonor un tures, and sermon or uunoay nigni. iUlu(t i tn, fornoon th boys at- was enjorea very mucu ana gsv muco to0UBa , Methodist church In a food for thought YtoAr and heard a sermon on "A Oood Returning again to tne matter 01 soldier. guarantors, the list of which appears Saturday afternoon the field ranch at th head of this article. Thar was VM aet up at Ford Field and a long much enthusiasm created whan Dr. table prepared under the big oaks, Paul M. Pearson, president of th wber th company Is this wk n Chautauqua .announced that h would Joying Its meals In army fashion. Mon Ne on ot th guarantors and was wll- aay a newspaper man was Invited out ling to asauav eourx raapooaiDiiuy. by Major fbllilps an laplaia Mot This was followed by similar an-lard to sample th far that th boys aouncamant from Mr. I. . Hanklns, will bar ragularlr. Ther war no of iBdlanapolle, Ind.. and old Lailng- U(tra "nzlna", as th camp cooks knew ton bora vbo still loves bis bom town, aothlnx ot tb coming ot visitors. The Then followed a number of lad lea of food waa palatable, of excellent qual- tha town, enm alon and otbar in itr and preparation and la abundaac. pairs who amxad their name. Tbel-rjur' and "IUt us." two young a- list above will also show that several troes well known about Iowa, ar as- men and firms ar tvlr signers, som iiating in th cooking and serving or la their personal guarantee ana again meals snd both will accompany torn la the nam of their firms. pany "A" to Morebead City and on to Prealdent Pprulll of tb guarantors tb Mexican border, worked bard for weeks, almoat day and night to make tbe enterprise a A feature of th military parade succeaa and keep down loeaaa, labor- Friday evening will b th Junior Or Ing again! many difficult!. II we dr of Iilnstoa Council No. 21, all ably and .faltbfutlv amlated by tb of whom r raqueated to meat t the etecutlva committee, compoaed or Junior llatl at 1:10 and marrh la a Meeira. O. W. Mnuntraatla, W. U body to fori Field, Wber tb tar- Crawford and E. 11. Craven. elees will b bald. BIG FARMERS' DAT M0XDAT. Meettsg Par Dairy Cattle Clsb and Corn Clab Bys Wll Known ' Speakers Ar Coking. Next Monday Is expected to be a big day for th farmers of Davidson coun ty and a large attendance is expected at the court house to attend the meet ing of th Davidson County Pur Bred Dairy CatU Club and th gathering ot all tb Corn Club Boys ot th county. Tb dairy farmers win meet In the court house at one ociocR to form A permanent organization and will be addreased by Mr. Dan . T. Gray, of West Raleigh, ln charge or th dlrlalon of llv stock of th Department ot Agriculture, and Mr. Alvln J. Reed, Who Is in cnarge of th division ot dairying. Th Corn Club Boys will meet at eleven o'clock at the office ot couatiM Agent J. B. Steel, la th court house, and will b addressed by Mr. T. E. Browne, who baa charge ot the corn club work tor North Carolina. Every member ot tb clubs ot Davidson county la urged to be preeent, as this Is a very important gathering. The meeting of tb road commlaaloa and the county comtnlesloner and otbar boards la expected to bring large numbers ot farmers and all are urged to attend the dairying assembly. In the afternoon It Is expected that a motion picture entitled "Putting Tour I'ncle to Work," will b shown at th Lyric Theatre. This picture Il lustrate how th farmer may eas ily aectire the aid ot the Department of Agriculture and will show how to treat wheat for smut and various Oth er farming operations. Tb farmers and Cora Club boys will te admitted fro. Mlaa Viola Johnnon. of Hl(h Point Is tbe guet this week of Mr. H, W DoreetL cam last Wednesday, when two troops of American cavalry, negro soldiers of the Tenth Cavalry, vsere led Into ambush near Carrlzal, Mexico, and the entire command almost wiped out Several stragglers, who escaped after tbe first fire of the Mexicans, came away to tell the story to General Per shing. Th Americans bad started to Villa Ahumada, on a mission for their commander. They were met by Gen eral Gomez, a Carranza commander, near CarrtzaL The Mexican demand ed that tb troops go no farther, but It appears waa Informed ln a friendly manner of th order given by Persh ing and of th Intent to carry It out uomes men retires to nia imaa ua almost Instantly a machin gun from ambush opened fire on th Americans. At the sam moment Mexican cavalry charged our boys from tbe Banks. The Americans bad dismounted after the machin gun opened fire and the charge ot cavalry, it seems, dispersed their horses. They were then left at the mercy of the attacking force, which outnumbered them several times. Tbe effect of the clash on tbe unit ed States was to hasten mobollzatlon and caus a rush of recruits to tbe colors In all parts of the country. Im mediately with the receipt of the news In Washington ths mllHIa of Kansas. Missouri and California were ordered to entrain for tha border. Orders were also Issued to all tb States to mak ready with all haste, discard red tap and get ready to go at one to th relief of Funston. Congress took quick action by paaaing by a practical unanimous vote a resolution to au thorise th prealdeat to mueter tb National Guard Into Federal service. Another aggravating Incident also occurred last week oa tb west coast ot Mexico whed Carranza men fired on several ot our sailors who were mem ber of a parlaying party. Two offi cers Invited ashor In an apparently friendly manner were seized and when th man In th small boat triad to get back to their ship they were A red upon by Mexicans upon th wharf. More than 150 shots were fir ed at the email boat and on American named Laughter waa aerloualy wound ed. Th Mexlcana at first claimed that k Aral ahWe flr4 vera hr Janan ea. but th American commander de nied this. that twenty-eight persons will be swarded particular consideration by the Judges. To all who try and for some reason fall to become entitled to first places, will be given awards which should please even the most critical, an ornament set with a real Diamond. In the parlance ot the day, "It gets our goat" the way some folks are made. Ther do not seem to be able to grasp the fact that something of real profit Is offered tnem. Tney nave lived off papa so long thst when op oortunity comes, to help themselves snd thereby help papa somewhat they upttH their more or less little noses and disdainfully pass It by. Here ts a real opportunity to make as much as nana does In less than one third the time, it takes him to gather it to gether, and yet so many would so much rather bite tbelr finger nails and wear out th davenports ln tbe parlor or with a little help, tb front than to try to listen to all ot tha folks who know more of other people's business than they should. Everything Is ln your favor. If you will exert yourself, and get away from the idea that you can't do anything. This world will return to you valu for just th amount ot effort you mak to compell It to do so. You hav every opportunity now to help yourself. Nothing ts asked of you that you cannot do. Just send In your name and see what come of It K0MI5ATI05S. Mr. Frank Cameron Mr. R. W. Conrad Miss Laura Mae Helmstetler Mr. J. B. Jones . Miss Thelma Lee . Mr. Ernest Lee Mrs. O. F. Strother Mr. O. E. Stoner - Miss 0111 Wright (Continued on Pag Three.) 10.000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 Information Blank To Th Dispatch, . .... . ' Lexington, N. C Pleas send me particulars of th Offer yon are now making ln which Automobiles, Cash and Diamonds will be given away. My nam I.. I llv in. County. Orphans' Blsglsg lass Clsg. Tb singing class of tho Oxford Or phanag will be heard at th graded school auditorium aext Monday even ing. Tuly Jrd. Th class Is compoaed ot fourteen singers and tb manager and on teacher ar companies them. For a number ot years this Orphan age has sent over th state a band of sweet singers who always furnish a program that delights tbe public. Tbey are usually received by Urge crowd, who come for tbe double pur pna of being entertained and contrib uting to a worthy cans. Wbll th Oxford Orphanar Is aupJ ported by th contribution of laons In North Carolina, it is by no means for tb car of th orphans of Maon only. There are now 275 children there, a very small perrenUxs of who parents war Manona. It waa founded in 1ST2 aad was lb firat or- phanag In th Bouth. Out of Its In ception baa grown tb care ot thous ands of belplees one all over th Bouth. And during atL- tbe year many thonaanda of children bav gon out from th door of this Institution, prepared for th battles ot life, equip ped to bav a rhanc bar una of tb voluntary contributions ot memtiers of th Maaonlc fraternity. . Tb only contributions th Inetltutloa receives from th public ln general Is for ad mlselona to hear th alnger. Then travel at small etpn. a ther ar alwayt cared for la Ih different towns they visit St tbe home ot alaeoiu. A telegram lt Friday to r! br brourht the news that Mr. t ' !vr-a Hill, of this pure, a sfuuVnt of V. I'. I., at fi' ! :)"!' c. Va. lt4 r- w I a -.. n ,,n a 1 i .' i t ln the - X