TiS IfATCH, LEXIXGTOX, N. C, liujAY, NOV. FAVORS MEMORIAL HOSPITAU Mr. C. B. Wall Endorses Hospital as Memorial Instead of Marble Shaft Ills Iietter. Mr. C. B. Wall, a well known citl sen of High Kock and editor of South ern Sunshine, a periodical published In the interest of suffering humanity, in a letter addressed to the citizens of Davidson county comes out strongly in favor of erecting in Lexington a hospital as a memorial to those who took part in the World War. The letter follows: v For some time we have felt con strained to address a few remarks to each and every person in Davidson county, on the subject of (a hospital Lexington. And not being able to reach all other than through The Dis patch, I am herewith taking the lib erty, by the editor's permission, of bringing before the people a subject of vital importance to all, both of Da vidson and adjoining counties. It has been suggested that David son county erect a memorial of some sort to the memory, of those who gave their lives for their country. Some suggested a hospital, and others fa vored a marble shaft. We wish to say here that we not only favor a hospital but ask for one. We ask each citizen of Davidson county to come together, and all that are In fa vor of erecting a first class hospital in Lexington to let It be known by saying "Aye." When the cold stars glitter and the earth is clad In a winding sheet of snow, and the telephone rings in the dead hour of night announcing the se rious illness of a loved one, how anx ious our hearts will grow while we wait for the doctor's decision, which we are praying may be favorable! But, alas, as he shakes his head and turns toward us a very grave face, he says, "We will have to take him to the hospital." The automobile is hastened to the door, and the patient gently placed therein. And then begins the long journey to the hospital, which takes you across vast stretches of timbered land, through fields and villages, and across counties to some far-off city, whose lights are sighted Just as the dawn begins to turn gray. Oh, the anxiety of those weary hours spent on the road, with the loved one by your side hovering between life and death! How those anxious hours might have been shortened and prob ably a life saved, if instead of some towering marble shaft, a hospital had been erected. On your Journey to the hospital, as your car glided swiftly along, while your heart was centered on the wel fare of the loved one. you passed di rectly through the shadow of that towering marble shaft, as the moon beans streamed down from the starry sky. But not one thought of your heart ever turned toward those who gave their lives for their country. Why? Are they so soon forgotten? No. How different it all would have been, if instead of this marble shaft, there had been a hospital. On your journey to some distant county you would not have passed through its shadow unmindful of its presence, but would have hailed with Joy its open doors, and anxiously you would have waited for the surgeon's decision in regard to your loved one's condition. When, afler some hours of anxious waiting, the doctor approaches and informs you that all is well, your lov ed one will recover, your eyes lill with 1 grateful tears, and your thoughts fly back to the memory of those who gave their lives for their country, to whose memory you owe it for the quick and wonderful service rendered your loved one. through the hospital country schools are of the highest im erected to their memory. i portance. Farmers have not hereto- Let us not only build a hospital. I fore nad a ll,are deal from the Gov but let us build a charitable hospital, i 'rnment' and the ""' wy ,hey c" There are hundreds and thousands of prt,perl' remedy this condition is by people who have suffered and died for lack of the attention which a hos pital could glvf Financially they were not able to attend such an In stitution. The Roman Catholic Church has erected throughout the North such institutions and far ex ceed the Protestants in charity Must we say it is a Protestants, with all shame on the 1 thelr boasted millions, to let those whom thev can. , not agree with, far exceed them along PREVENT PNEUMONIAE . - - - winptv cuia si onen the direct came of pom mania. Chil dren do not like to take nauseating medicine but do h'kt the soothing effect of the external remedy. 1Va w. iv, ui im asms Rr-me'i.Vipnmeritrti Salve tt to plied by ruShing thit delightful stive pi'c the c!iet and under the trma, tW MM . Um IM.M KM Im, mmm9 nmm nan la m Nmte Htm k ataHv StM. iwJ Vr rnmon) rf I rcar-t m mil Me m4 U N of 11 aft m4 fMtnJ tnm taaaai BRAME DRUG COMPANY . WaUafcere. R. J. a. V u Breaking Loose From Tablet Habit Many Sufferers In : Colls of Habit Forming Physics A'ow Finding Freedom. Constipation the cause of so many other maladies, is also responsible, for "tablet habit.' The sufferers In an endeavor to find relief from constipa tion start using habit-forming physics. Soon they find themselves unable to stop. ' ' Sloan's Relief Tablets bring quick relief. They put an end to constipa tion. Clear the body gently and form no habit. One man (name on request) who for six years used enimas con stantly, found immediate relief . in Sloan's Relief Tablets. Sold by all druggists in boxes of SO. Demand Sloan's Relief Tablets. They're safe. Distributed by The Sloan Products Co., 18 Factory Street, Derby, Conn. these lines? We do not propose to set forth herein a plan whereby to erect a hos pital, but we do wish to advocate the doctrine till It becomes contagious and far beyond the control of all the chronic kickers and the "let-good-enough-alone" and the "satisfied-wlth-nothing" class. We notice that the Masons are go ing to erect a temple In Lexington. When we read the article announcing their intentions, our vision of a hos pital was renewed and enlarged. If the Masons of Lexington can erect a temple, why can't Davidson county erect a hospital? We can! Let ev erybody concentrate their minds and thoughts on the enterprise and .all work together, and It will not be long till Lexington will have a first cltiss, up-to-date hospital, which will be able to care for those who are at the pres ent time compelled to go outside the county when in need of such services. We will be glad to hear from others on this subject. Let us advocate 1U a good cause, till It becomes conta gious. C. B. WALL, R. Xo. 1, High Rock, X. C. Better Country Schools a Fundamen tal Xerd. If one has children, it goes without saying that there is nothing more im portant for them than nearness to a thoroughly efficient school. Your child has only one life to, live. What a tragedy ir he should go through life with only his physical nature devel oped but not his more Godlike mind and soul! Equally important is a good school to the community as a whole. Other people Judge a neighborhood by the character of school it supports. More over, the presence of a good school gives the citizens greater pride In themselves and greater confidence in themselves. Taxes spent for the maintenance of a good school consti tute not an expenditure but an invest ment. How often does one find ln special tax districts some farm whose I owner violently opposed the extra school tax, but whose land almost I doubled in value because of the better school the tax brought! There is hardly a community in the South I where the school is poor that has not I loHt some good citizen for this reason. similarly, mere is hardly a commun ity with a good school in which that school has not attracted one or more good citizens to the neighborhood. To farmers mi a H 11 ua u I u, . (.....H education. Aa ignorant people may rise up in anger and bring about a revolution: but while an ignorant pen pie may destroy, they cannot rebuild. Russia today seems to be a living wit ness of this fact. An Ignorant people has destroyed an old government, but is not able to set up a new system " w'" ,nsure Peace and prosper- ' seeing samson could destroy mies and save himself, but a 'lnd 8am,Kn ""''I only pull down the temple on himself and his ene-jly j mi in una Kcnrrsi ruin, no it is when a people are blind through Ig- nontme. ' For all these reasons every reader: ,snouia minx seriously about the )Uoru.m mings neenea to make his ! I neighborhood school serve the great I purpose it ought to serve In enriching the Uvea of our children, building up the community, and promoting the In terests of farmers as a class. The Progressive Farmer. Judge Long on. Law Knforrvment. Judge Long, one of the finest Su perior Court Judges In the state In charging the grand Jury in Cataw ba county, recently, made a most re markable dellverenre. After an In structive review of the conditions of the country, referlng to the unrest and the consequences of the world war, he gave an outline of the police strike In Boston and his opinion of what ought to be done to officers who go on strike. He said that officers are either true or they are false, and he Included him self In speaking of the officers; If he as not doing his duty he should be Indicted and tried by the tribunal pro- vlnded for that purpose. The sher iff, the justice of the piece, the coun ty commissioners, the county Judge the recorders and the policemen were included In the rhargt. He said conditions were such that something must be fne In Catawba county, and the sheriff was shown his duties In no uncertain tones. He was told that If he would organ ise every deputy sheriff In the coun ty Into a working organisation against this liquor business with himself aa the head of the organisation and would go forth In the county, forget politics, friends and enemies and fear ing no one or nothing except to go In the fear of Ood and In the remem brance of the solemn oatha that they each and every one had taken to up hold the law, then these' liquor forces would be put out of business. Ashe boro Courier. NATIONAL DIGEST. Brief Items of General 'Interest Gath ' . ered Here and There from All . - , ,.. Parts of the Country. ;" New York recently witnessed Its greatest parade ef any one people-r-more than 100,000 Jewish men and women marching o an age-old- He brew dirge, in protest against alleged massacres of their people In the Uk raine. . Winding for hours from the lowest East Side to Carnegie hall In the heart of the metropolis, the cor tege continued uninterrupted from 1 o'clock In the afternoon until long af ter dark. A dispatch from Washington states that the earnings of the Federal Farm loan banks during the six months end ed November 1st were 858.033, ac cording to figures made public by the farm loan board. This was a gain of more than $350,000 over the previous half-year earnings and an increase of approximately (650,000 over profits of the banks for .he 'corresponding si? months a year ago. The high cost of smoking Is going higher. One of the largest retailing concerns with branches in all parts of the country announced a few days ago that the retail price of various popu lar American "blends" . of cigarettes, now retailing at 18 cents a package of twenty, would be advanced to 20 cents, or something over 11 per cent about December 1. The raise, it Is declared, is necessary to make up an Increase of 80 cents a thousand in the wholesale price. Higher cost of cig arette tobacco Is blamed for the ad vance. An embargo against the shipment of cottonseed was ordered Mon day by United States' railroad admin istration, effective at once, according to recent advices. Cottonseed now in transit will be delivered, It was sta ted, but no further shipments will be received. This action was declared necessary owing to the shortage of coal. From Washington comes the news that despite the government's cam paign against the high cost of living the average family expenditure for food in 50 cities was approximately the same in October as in September. This information was taken from the labor bureau statistics. A permanent enlisted strength of 27, -167 men for the Marine corps, ap proximately double the pre-war force, is recommended by Major General Barnett, commandant, in his annual report. The Huns Within. We fought the Huns at the (sate, Fight now the Huns within the gate. What profits a man if he makes sacrifice of life, of means, of com fort to blast the distant enemy, only to be blindly passive to enemy nm chinatins at his very door? In the war Huns were Germans. At present the Huns are men of alien race and thought, distubers who are not in tune with the orderly freedom of American life. If the country was worth saving, it is worth preserving. Neither Prusslanlsm nor any other form of alien domination must be per mitted to seize and strangle Ameri- ran rights, governmental prlpciples nd institutions. The anarchist, the revolutionist, the Hun within cloaks his game . behind divers disguises. Being an enemy to all government, whether it be republic r monarchy, the household or the tribe, he is an enemy to the Ameri can government whatever might be its form. He would be as hostile to any substituted form, for he rages against authority. He la an alien, be cause anti-American. He is a breed er of human wrongs, while pretend ing to be a champion of "human rights." Sometimes, like an exam ple we have in Louisville, the incen diary politician masquerades as a minister of a church. Sometimes, finding labor organized and ready-to-hand, he worms his way into its ranks and attempts to play his sin ister game by and through that in strument. Where disorder shows Its hideous head the firm, stern hand must meet it. The malignant radical should nev er be a subject for temporizing or compromise. He Is more venomous than was the German soldier on the battlefield because the one was frank. the country's enemy whilst he Is nypocritlcal and sinuous. True Americans. In whatever walk of life. will keep, their eyes open and tread on the radical serpent. Labor will im-least him from its fold. It will purge Itself of all who do not measure up the highest standard of Americanism. If employer and employe have con troversies, they will settle them as Americans. Patriotism recognizes no class. , On guard for the Huns within!--The Courier-Journal. USE "DANDERINE" IF , t v mmm mm- w ww w asp Bars mm m aj mmm mm IS COMING OUT For lew Cents Yon Can Bare Your Ilalr and Rouble it Beauty. To stop falling tuur at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dan derine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little In your hand and rub it Into the -scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming eut and you can't And any dandruff. . Help your hair grow strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice aa beautiful and abundant. UNCUS SAM WARNS MEXICO. Note Says Farther Molestation Will '"Seriously Affect Relations Be- tween V. 8. and Mexico. " Mexico has been warned by the American government that any fur ther molestation of William O. Jenk ins, the American consular agent at Peubla. who recently was kidnapped by bandits, would "seriously affect the relations between the United States and Mexico, for which the govern ment of Mexico must assume sole re sponsibility."' ' .. Coupled with the warning was a demand for the immediate release of the consular agent, who was rear rested Tuesday on charges in connec tion with his abduction and ransom in the sum of $150,000 in gold. Offi cial reports that Jenkins had again been imprisoned at Peubla have reached the State Department from the American Embassy at Mexico City, which was Instructed to trans mit a note demanding his release. The department's action was made known in the following announce ment: "The Department of State today sent a note to the Mexican Foreign ofnlce through the American Em bassy at Mexico City, calling for the immediate release of William O. Jenkins, - the American Consular Agent at Puebla. "The note which. Is based on the rearrest of Consular Agent Jenkins at Puebla, points out that the Unit ed States government is 'surprised and incensed' to learn of the re-imprisonment of Mr. Jenkins, particu larly in view of the suffering and losses already sustained by him , In connection with his kidnapping through lack of protection by the Mexican authorities and in connec tion with his first arrest by Mexican officials. The note expresses the view, bas ed on the information in the posseas sion of the State Department that his arrest is absolutely arbitrary and unwarranted and warns the Mexican government that further molestation of the Consular Agent will seriously affect the relations between the United States and Mexico, for which the government of Mexico must as sume sole responsibility." Growing Sugar Cane t'ndcr PaM-r. A new and very odd method of growing Bugar cane Is proving highly successful In the Hawaiian islands. When the cane is beginning to sprout, yard-wide strips are laid lengthwise over the rows of little plants and held in place with cane-fleld trash. The pa per is strong enough to keep down and smother the starting weeds, but not to kill the stout and hardy young cane. In Ave or six weeks the weed seeds beneath the paper have all ger minated and been smothered to death, but the cane shoots have either forced their way through or erected them selves sufficiently to make little tent like elevations. Laborers then past along the rows and with long knives, make slits in the sheets, permitting the shoots to come through. The lib erated shoots at first are blanched white, but quickly turn green and lusty. Weeding thereafter is almost wholly needless, because thtre are very few weeds. There is an Increase of. ten tons (about 28 per cent) in the yield of cane per acre. Half the labor is saved and the production of actual sugar per acre is augmented by more than a ton. The paper used is made out of "bagasse," which Is the residue of the cane after the sugary sap has been squeezed out of it. J i 1 'Sir ; J T .'," . " ll BiahaMaa.Va. C ;mru rn p, HIT It ZSZZHHtf J ' k PER Price Reports on Cotton to B bsned. Arrangement is being contemplated by the Department of Agriculture, says an Associated Press dispatch, .by which cotton planters and others in terested In the price of cotton, soon will be able to obtain the actual cot ton prices of actual grades of cotton in the various primary markets, and especially of the ten lower grades of cotton now deliverable on future con tracts. These price reports will be Issued from Atlanta. Memphis, New Orleans and Charlotte and Dallas for the districts surrounding these cities, and will be telegraphed or telephoned at the expense of the ' receiver, or mailed free to any one asking for them. The quotas also will include the actual price at which cotton seed are bought and sold In each district The cotton price quoting service will begin first at Memphis and At lanta, and later In New Orleans. The service in the two other cities will be organized afterwards. Women may sit as delegates In the Republican and Democratic national conventions and vote for the nomina tion of a candidate for president of the United States, according to an opinion given recently by Attorney General Brundage. . Eighteen persons comprising the crew of the steamer Myron, are be lieved : to . have been added to the victims of Lake Superior's fury of the past two weeks. Caught In a ter rifle northwester the Myron foundered a mile and a half off White Fish Point several days ago and sank In tour fathoms of water. .Ever Get Bilious? Try This yNR Tonight Tomorrow Feel Right When your liver goes on strike and you feel a sick headache and bilious spell coming on, instead of prodding our liver with dangerous calomel and ashing your bowels with strong, ir ritating purgatives, get out your box of mild, gentle-acting NR Tablets and take one right off. Relief will come Just as quickly and wim jb genuine, lasting Denent, mere win oe no griping, gnaw ing pains or doubling stomach Tablets) work promptly and thoroughly, but the action la gentle. mild and soothing. Relief comes through tha ao. tlon of Nature's Ramadv on not only the liver, but on the whole dlres- tlve and ellmlnatlve system, the stom ach, the bowels and even on the kid neya Stored up accumulations of waste and body poisons that have been clogging the system are complete ly cleared out, the over-worked stom ach is strengthened and the Interrupted work of digestion and assimilation is resumed. The Inactive liver goes to work with new vigor, the bowels are unburdened, the headache leaves, that dull, "dopey," want-to-crawl-down-a-bole feeling disappears, energy. LEXINGTON aTWN. n nl VI IWS1 II Kl W - TABLETS - iCy ( h J . CLEAN Because of its cleanliness the Perfection Oil Heater is used for heating with kerosene in, over 3,000,000 homes today. This heater burns without soot or ashes, with glowing heat for ten hours on a gallon of oil. It is easily filled, cleaned and re wicked odorless and portable. Indispensable in emergencies. Aladdin Security Oil gives best re sults. At your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) aahlagtoa.D.C. sXaLTMOM, MO. Cheriena.N.C. arfelaTVa. Cliarlwtoa. W. Va. Casrlaaam, S. c Use Aladdin. Security Oil Bsraisi Oil Beaters IZIEGTG TI!.T . CCLD Ga CGU3!li Why, when Dr. King's New DUcorer-f to promptly checks it rlS natural yon don't want, to t careless and let that old cold oi cough dreg on or that new attack develop seriously. Not when 70a can get sucn a proved successful remedjl as Dr. King's Mew Discovery. Cold, cough, grippe, croup does noil resist this standard reliever very long Its quality is as high today as It al ways has beenand It's been growlns steadily In popularity for more than fifty years. 60c. and 1.20 a bottlt at all druggists. Give It a trial Tardy Bowels, Inert" Livei They just won't let yon put "pep" Into your work or play. Sick bead ache conies from retaining waste mat ter and Impurities In the body. ' Feel right for anything make the liver lively, the bowels function regu larly, with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Smoothly yet positively they produce results that cleanse the system and make the liver and bowels respond to the der&ands of a strong, healthy body. Still fee at all druggists. Try them tonight ". , Take NR at once. Get digectivo end climinci'ivc ' orgzno working fa har mony and relief is imme diate. Never causes griping. 'nun" ..J .mIiu. a - . "I'l'. ' i" reuirn ana totj SeveZUr entlrely' completely re There is no better proof of the great value of Nature's Remedy for biliousness and constipation than the fact that more than one million NR Tablets are used every day, more u, uuuivu poxes sola every cor. u you've not already done so. soo oox-or nature's Rem- mar na -laDieisj ana lake the first tablet tonight If your ftwn.tlnolnt la , 1 1 1 . t " . . . ..uuuwni ur per sistant, continue to take one ncli flight fn -A K...L --o-.- -v. .. v ur DU. Ala Will mm - - .1 i. . m ' " i wuMr m viuva, worn, and you'll find yourself In better shape physically, mentally, every way than you've been in many a day. After that you need not take medicine every day. An occasional NU Tablet to keep your system In good condi tion will be sufficient, and you can always feel your best. Remember it Is easier and cheaper to keep well than to get well. Juat try It. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) la) sold, guaranteed and recommended by DRUG COMPANY U,,.-j. 'lit anw sev mm TTmniTHT?njIUti!S

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