THE HORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, -WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1910. page Timra -I THE STATE IN EPITOME News, Comment and Incidents as Refterri in North Carolina. : ; : r . . BIG DAY AT LUMBERTON. Eduea- Extensive Arrangements for tional Rally on January (Special Star Correspondence.). Lumberton, N. ;C, Ja.. 18. A (.meet ing lasting for several hours wis held here yesterday by the joint commit tees from the , Farmers:: ; trjaion, ' the Commercial and Industrial Club and the town of Lumberton, arranging it or the great educational rally to be held here on the 26th. Everything was gone oVer in detail?, and if the1 weather, Is favorable It will undoubtedly be the greatest day .ever ', seen' hefe. V'The railroads have caught the spirit and will do all they can in the way of spe cial trains and special rates to bring everyone wanting, to, pome., .Quite a number of cash prizes, will be offered and everything done to make the oc casion interesting.' Prom-all bver the country comes . the report that . the schools are getting themselves In, good shape for the great parade. Besides the school children and their teachers, will be several hundred farmers on "'horseback, .the Confederate veterans, Lumberton Lodge of Red Men ,and perhaps other societies. - - ; .. f- Chief Marshal Stubs has appointed Mr. E. J- Britt, pf Lumberton, as his assistant, and they are selecting mar shals from each of the 48 local unions in the county. Nothing" will be left undone on the part of Lumberton to make the thousands of Visitors feel at home. ' .. '-v - . '. s Mr. and Mrs. R. Caldwell return ed from Charlotte last night, where jlr. Caldwell had been- on business connected with the furniture for the new Baptist church.- -Miss Daisy Courtney, who has been sick for some time, has -sufficiently "recovered ' to" leave thisVmorning for Greenwood, S. C., where she will spend some time recuperating at the home of her sister. Mr. M. G. McKenzie wept to Wit mington this morning to consult A. C. L. officials, in regard to; special trains for the 26th. ',' r- REV. J. W. HAM TO ATLANTA. . PREACHER LOSES MIND. Superannuated Minister "Taken t . i . ' Morgahton; ; (Charlotte Observer.) ; Newton, Jan, 17.-There hag been a very sad case of.- mental .deransemnnt in Newton within the past week. Rev t.- C. 'Brothers. a suneranniiaf.l Methodist minister,' came to Newton ast Wednesday from Fairview. Bun combe 'couhty, with the. purpose he saia or malting his home here. He had been pastor , of the Catawba cir cuit in 1897 and 1898 and had a goci many ; acquaintances in Newton.; He was In very fine spirits when he ar rived and very talkative with every- noay ne met. Tnose to whom he talk ed many minutes . could see ; tha there 'was something wrong with his mind. During Thursday and Friday this became much more evident and Saturday he was taken to the Mor ganton hospital for treatments Mr. Brothers hay been - in ' the Methodist ministry almost twenty two years, and is. a man of talent, and a successful minister. Two years ago, while connected with' the management of the Odd Fellows orphange at Goldsboro, his health ,failed and : he went to Atlanta - for- , treatment. I a a - - -T ADout a year ago, on advice of the doctors that he go to the mountains and live an outdoor life, he went to Fairview, where he remained until last week. It seems his . mental tron ble was .not noticed till he came to Newtek.'. . " -. .1 - While at Catawba his wife died aiid was burled there. He has a mar ried daughter and a single daughter, &ged , 1 4years as well as a son of 16 His son came -here Saturday and went with him to Morganton. -His fathe had written him that he had movetf torNewtqn , and to join him here.: Mr. Brothers is a- member of the Masons and Odd Fellows and frequently at tended meetings here while living in Catawba. ' Newbern Pastor Goes to Begin Great Work in Atlanta, l , ; (Special Star .Correspondence.) . ." Newbern, N. C, .. Jan. ;i 17.-Rev. - J. W'. Ham, pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist church in this , city, recently , had a call to become assistant pastor of the great Tabernacle church in At lanta. Ga. Mr. Ham announced to his congregation Sunday: that he (had de cided to go to Atlanta and offered his resignation to take effect on Febru ary 1st. Rev. Mr. Ham has been in Newbern two years and he has a great many friends who are sorry that he is to leave the cif y. During his pastorate of the Tabernacle Church the member ship has increased 100 per cent, and in 1909 the average contributions of the congregation for all purposes was, 21 each. He is a hard and continu ous worker for; the . church ; -in the cause of civic righteousness in the community he has done much and in the enforcement of the prohibition law he has been one of the leaders. The call which he has had comes to him unsought and is one of the high est which could come to a Southern young man. The Atlanta church to which he has been called Is an Institu tional church with hospitals, dormito ries, trained nurses, etc. The "church employs 12 paid workers, cost $350, 000 to build, and requires $70,000 per year for Its expenses. Mr. Ham will be assistant pastor, a' new position, and will have general charge of the work during the absence, of the pas tor. Rev. Len G. . Broughten,, who is away much of the time. - SERIOUSLY INJURED. Charlotte Basketball Player at Death; Door. (Charlotte Observer.) Mr. Will Bradfield, the young- man who was hurt in the basketball gamo at the onng Men's Christian Asaocia lion Saturday night, lies at the point ot death at St. Peter's hospital whith f r he was carried yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock from his home, on North Tryon street. Mr. Bradfield was a member of the "C" basketball team of the Y. M C. A. league. In running after the ball Saturday night, in the contest with the M's he collided with another player, one of his own. team, sustain ins severe injuries, which were, how ever, not believed to be serious at th? time. This unfortunate occurrence happened during the last moment of Pay just as the contest was being concluded. The young man was car ried home and then the extent of hi? injuries became manifest He:i suffer ed threat agony Sunday, -Sunday night ana .Monday moraine.- so much 'so that he was carried' to the-Jiospita or a further examination. There was disclosed that he was Injured in temally and that, an operation . was imperative." This operation was per formed immediately,- but -it . afforded little relief. - ' ' .'. ' -Mr. Bradfield is' 19 -years of age, a son of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bradfield and a young man of fine character and splendid promise. -t MISSED HER FIVE TIMES. A delightful tri can be made tb Rye (EfladaorGalifo on the electric-lighted 5 , St. LduK-GoIoradp Limited ' Running ovei the dustless, y perfect tratk of the , 2,000 Bushels Seed Oats. 50 Bushels Seed Rye.- "' 1,000 Sacks ; Rice, , (all grades) ii00 Bbls. Flour. ' . '. 300 Bbls. Nice Mullets, (100 . rHJB). . - 120,000. Lbs'. No. 1 Timothy Hay 4,000 Kegs Steel Cut and Wire v- Nails. . - . "8,000 Sacks Fine Salt " -200 Sacks Rock Salt v. : 200 Sacks Ice Cream Salt 300 Bbls. Pkt. Salt 5,000 Cases Canned Goods and - Vegetables. . ; . We are . In a position to ac commodate any customer, large or small. If you are not already a customer, get on the band wagon. -. ... . D L. GORE CO. Wholesale Grocer and Importer ' . . ' v Wilmington, H. C. J. The Shortest and Safest Route y ' - y-- '.'J- Electric block signals. Equipment and service the best that money can -buy. " " For literature. Information, V rates, etc., call on 6r kddress Crystal Palace Geo. L. Word, Gen. So. Agt Wabash R. R. Co. 4 No. Pryor St, Atlanta, Ga. , J. F. VanRensselaer, G. A.- Union Pacific R. R. Co. T? - -121 Peachtree St, Atlanta, Ga. New talking Pictures y And Clever, Up-io-date, VAUDEVILLE AtiamipGgast'LihB COBBECT TO DKCEMBEB 22nd. UOf., t . .. . - - -; : . NOTICE. , , The rrlTl and departure are si Tea a Information, , M wen aa connections wltb other companies, bat arrival and connec tions are not trna ran teed. n6bthbotjio. Lt. Wilmington Ar. GoldBboro . Ar. WIIbod., ... Ar. Rocky Mount Ar. weiaon .. ... Ar. Norfolk .. ... Ar. Petersburg;'.. Ar. Richmond .. Ar. Washington Ar. Baltimore Ar. W. Philadelphia at. new i or a .. .... ... ...... No. 48. am 12:00 pm i :w pm 1:33 pm 4 :55 pm 8:65 pm 7 :05 Dm 8:00 pm 11 :50 pm 3:40 am 60 am No. 42. Dally 7:00 pm 9j55 pm 10:52 pm li :u pm i . ' .... " . . .ii-t Td beAch WUSK DATS ravs - Frot mi Prtnce . itreeti t C:50. s:80- 10:00: and 11:20 A. IL, 1:00. 1:01. 4:10. 1:1 and 8; 80 P. IL , t v. 8UNDATS Lear rront h Prt ce6ix BtreeU ' tA 8:IO,'10;OfrU:M A. m .i-.ou. 2:30. 8:00. I: SO. 4:or 4:10. 15:00, 1:30. 1:10. 7:10 and t:lt P. IC TO WILMINGTON. '. ;,V N WEEK DATS Leave LumlaA 1 at 2:00 am 1 7? AK 01K and 1fta a M 1MI S .x am li.jir i.K f.tA n r -n w . 4:08 am I w.&w. win . xe jr. uo -r o u in ha. x o ueave lAunua at :. 10:45 A. M 12:15, 1:45. 1:15. 8:45. 4:15, 4:45, 5:15. 1:41. 6:25, f:K0, 7:50, and 9:15 P. 11 . ' - 4 -AO am 8:00 am 9:16 am U-Spm z:uu pm SOUTHBOUND. - : Lt. New'Tork Lt. W. Philadelphia lt. Baltimore Lt. Washington .. .... Lt. Norfolk Lt. Richmond...' ...... Lt. Petersburg .. ..... lit. weiaon .. ... Lt. Rocky Mount L.T. wuson .. Lt. Goldsboro Ar. Wilmington Nov 41. Dally. 3:25 pm G:44 pm 8:20 cm 10:00 pm! 3 20 pm! 1:20 ami 1 :55 am 3:40 am 5 :05 am 0 :49 am 6:35 am 9 :30 am! TO WRIGHT8VILLE. ? . VfEEK DATS Leave Front audi Princess streets at 6:50, 8:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM, 1:00. 1:00, 4:30, No. 49. Dally. 9:25 pm 10.10 . v. Siidam 6:10. 7:10, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:00 P. 11 4:20 am 8UNDATS Leave Front and Prln? R.'iS ce88 streets at 8:80, 10:00, 11:80 Ai 9:13 am I M., 1:00, 2:30, 5:00, S:80, 4:00, 4:30. 11:85am S: 00. K:S0. fiilQ7:10. 2:20. 10:00 and sr n:oo p. m. M fu rm - - - - a w uaaa 3:05 Dm 6:10 pm 7 WEST AND SOUTH. LtI Wilmington I Ar. Florence .... Ar. Colombia ... Ar. Angnsta .... Ar. Atlantai Drayman's Jealous Intentions : Fy-us- trated by Lack of Markesmanship. (Salisbury Post.) Major -Cralge, a colored drayman intent, oh murder, fired five times at Minnie Brown,, a colored resident of the West Point settlement, Saturday night, missed his. mark, took to the woods and despite the combined ef forts of sheriff McKenzie and deputies arid the, local police force, has made good his escape up '.to this afternoon. Craige, who has several aliases, be came jealous of the Brown woman Saturday and early Saturday nigra attempted to shoot her In an East Council street restaurant He was. re strained, however, and later when the woman went to her home he followed and emptied his-pistol, just as she was preparing to enter her home, fil ing at her. . . . Craige is a Salisbury negro but nas not always lived here. The police were notified today tnaJ Craige was In Esquire D..M. Miller s store tms morning but ' wnen tney went for hint he had disappeared. Craige, a negro advised tne officer?. is now carrying two pistols anu threatens to do harm to whoever un dertakes to arrert him. Vouna Man's Eye Put Out. Cnncnrd JTimes:. While at the'r work at the Cannon mill last Friday evening, Mr. Roy Propst and Mr, Roy Suther engaged in a friendly scuffle with, each other arid after they had stormed wrestling With each other. Mr Propst threw a small nan at tne sum- er bov,! The nail strucfc . mm iainy in the eye, cutting, a gash the entire leneth of the eve ball. ; A doctor was quickly summoned, ana. dressed .- nis wound and he was- later taken t-i Charlotte to Dr. Whisnant, an ey specialist, but the wound was so deep that there was no hope of saving the sieht of his eye. These young men were the best Of menus, ana. tne un- fnrtnnntr! aident' was caused, by n friendly tussle with each other. . Colored Man's KeYvy Losa. . villo Reflector; About-''', O'clock Sunday morning a barn rind ntahies at the home of Frank Moye, n colored tenant on the farm of Mr. J. G. Moye two miles from town, werel, ; destroyed by nre. a vaiuaDie noreo xra hnrned in'the stable,-and about 25 barrels of corn. 2,000 pounds of fodder, a carriage and fanning imple ments. 'The total 1063 was aoout ouy Mr.' Moye has only $100 insurance on the building, but the colored man hart no insurance at all in his corn and f.ine' imniomerits. The 1033 is a iaiuiiu. . , , . heavy:. one on hitri, . - v OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS , ; These are the only genuine Chilled Plows on the - market today. There are several imitations being, offered to the public and, of course just as good and cheaper than the bid original Oliver Chilled Plows, but every farmer knows better, while the imitations may be some little cheaper, but there they stop. We have the sole agency for the follow ing counties: New Hanover, Pender, Onslow, Duplin, Sampson, Bladen, Jones, Carteret, Columbus and Brunswick. i s -- We will have a car load or these celebrated plows , arid repairs here" ready for distribution the latter part of this month.- , r.; - . IVM. E. SPRfNGER & CO H Purcell Building, - : ' r : Z Wilmington, 1 C. Chesaneake and Ohio Ry oCBnic nouTB to me wesi tsro Fast Vestibule Trains With Dining Car Service. Through Pullmaa Sleepers to Louisville Cincinnati, Chicago and St Louis. ' 00 p ml 6:45 pm; Lt Rich Ar. Louis I 2: i ....ll:00am I 8 :00 a m 110:00 a m 0:25 n ml 6:00 p m 11 :00 p m 7 :su p m 5:00 pm 7 :io a m o:oi p mi o:iu p ml 7 :17 p m Ar. Cin Ar. Chicago Ar. St. Louis Direct connections for all Dolnta West and Northwest. ?ulcke8t and Best Route. . be line to the celebrated mountain re sorts of Virgin!... x 'or aescripuve - matter, schedules and Pullman resermatlons address W. O. WAKTHEN, D. P. A., C. & O. Ry. Co., Richmond. Ya. NOTICE. - Ar. Nashril! Ar. Memphis Ar. Louisville ... Ar. Cou'tl Ar. Charleston . . Ar Savannah . .. Ar. Jacksonville. Ar. Tampa ..... Pullman service Florence Atlanta to destination. 5L 6:00 am 0:23 am IKK) pm 3:00 pm 8:20 pm 6:30 am S :30 pm x :iu pm 4:85 pm 1 :15 nm 3 :5C pm 8:15 pm ( :oo am 65 3:30 Dm 7:23 Dm 10:45 pm via Wilson 42 7:00 pm 4:01am TO WILMINGTON. WEEK DATS Leave WrightsvtHd at 6:20. 7:65, 8:25, 9:25, 10:65 i' 12:25, i:55. S:55. 5:25. 6:85, I: 00. 8:2F 10:25 and 11:25 P. M. SUNDAYS Leave Wrlghtavflle at 9:55,. 10:65-A. AL, 12:25, 1:55, 8:25, 3:55, 4:25, 4:55, 5:25, 6:65, 6:85, 7:00, 8:00, 9:25, 10:26 and 11:25 P. V. 11 :20 pm & :zu am 7 :15 am 7:00 pm to At 5:05 am :30 am 1 :30 pm 10:25 pm tlanta and and NORTHBOUND. Lt. Tampa Lt. Jacksonville UV. OOIMUUIIU ...... Lt. Charleston Lt. Columbia Lv. Augusta .. Lt. Florence Ar. Wilmington ... 50 DallT. 9:0b pm 7 :au am 11 :55 am 4:25 pm 4 :25 pm -2:45 pm 8 :03 nm n :su pm 54 . Dally. 10:30 am 7:45 pm 12:15 am 5 :10 am 6:00 am 9 :25 an 1:25 pm CAROLINA PLACE, FRONT AND PRINCESS TO CAROLINA PLACE. WEEK DAYS Leave Front Princess 6:62 A. M., and every 15 min- I ute8 thereafter until 10:37 P. M. 1 4 SUNDAYS Leave Front and Prin ces 8:22 A..M., and every .5 minutes thereafter until 10:87 P. M. . - TO FRGMT AND PRINCESS. , . ! WEEK DAYS Leave 17th and Mar-' ket 6:45 A. M., and every 15 minutes' thereafter until 10:45 P.-M.: . : SUN DAYS Leave 17tti and Marks 8:30 A. M., and. every 15 minutes thereafter until 10:45 P. M. . WILMINGTON AND SANFOKD. Westbound. . ,. Eastbound 53 Dally. 52 Dally. 8:40 AM.... Lt. Wilmlntrton Ar.... 8t05PM 11 :45 AM. . .Ar. FayetteTllle Lt. . . 4 :50 PM 12:10 PM....LV. Fayettevllle Ar.... 4:45PM FREIGHT. ., :... r-, Leave Wilmington daily except Bum-. day at 4:00 p. M. Freight Depot from 3:00 to 4:00 P. M. l:40PM......Ar. Sanford Lt.. 1 ,30PM WIUtflNGTON AND NEWBERN. Northbound. 62 Southbound - 63 Dally except Sunday. - 25 PM....LT. WllmiDsrton Ar.... 12:50 PM m m r . t . ... v . r -wm ... United States of America Eastern Dig-1 out a. m a a t- t. m SSI.,0' Jlrth.Un CI.r.cuit Court at 5 PmII 1 Nrn Lr.V..: '. 0 iso AM TMiuiiUKiuu r uurm 1 1 I'll 1 1. . V"iteJ """ OI America, i'lamnnr, ts. .via PETERSBURG AND N. A W. BY. wlr . , "Jijo ot v-iiy oi i Dally Except Sunday. Wilmington, W. L. West, C. P. W. Reh- p J' uer, JOSepn Ji. tllntOn, IT. W. BOnitZ. S. I Train Nn 19. nA 11 nm Pnllmnn filHn Yopp. 8T. B EWllhirdBand- If cars with broUer service, between Wll Wt MM quickest nd - best Lino - , Northwest.'- f . . ,., 'ock System. Rock Ballast 15-lb. Kail Schdle tm Effect May 1st, 1SSSJ. composing the Board of Aldermen of the mington and Washington, connecting with I?.1 wiiming-ton,- North Carolina; pennsylranla B. R.. for all points Bast ana Hll Otner ClUZenS OI Wllmlneton or I , Tnln. li anl nam Pnllmnn Trln elsewhere, who have or claim any right or car8 betwen WUmlngton and Norfolk. Trains No., oo and ' ou carry . Fuuman Slppninir cars between Wilminarton and uk company, cv J., aiitcneii, 1 Columbia. llfr C 8. Ellis Executor of 1 t r wttttw Lt L Lv 4.r Norfolk 1:80 a.m Petersburf Durham . . Lynchbur Cincinnati Columbus Chicago . . . St Louis.. 10:25 a.m. I :0 a.m. S:S0 p.m. 7:0 a.m. 4:45 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:28 p.m.1 T:l p.xbw 10:20 p.m. t:iD p.m. T:i0 p.m. 7:41 p.nx 7:10 a.m. :io a.m. and C. 8. Elllf C 8. Ellis Exeentor of Mrs. Lucretla RusselU Charles F. Mc- MlUen. Charles D. Russell. Miss Annie D. Kuseeu, Mrs. Maggie li. Vaughan and S. itusseii. neirs at law ana devisees of Mrs. - Lucretla Russell, deceased: Defendants: au or tne aoove except the Aldermen of i gent W. J. CRAIG. Passenger Traffic Manager. owiienGaWeAly? ffifmous? 11 Few lore His nf ".'Gfar h0 M H U VI UIWVU i - - I 4 Wilmington: in I 4 And to aU kE U I claimants to an ill I 4 title la Gable's, J From now until January at which date we take Idck, we will sell goods cheaper than ever. While our holiday trade was heavier- than .ever before, we siU have plenty of bright, new, fresh goods with which to supply the require ments of our customers., Our low prices Will greatly help otit those who have had considerable, expense during tne holidays. ; Call arid examine our goods and get our prices i .a . J. J , . ;" .. V li mieresieu. Remember that these prices are until Jan. 1st, 19i0, bnlyV Dollars, saved by buying now. - The ; WilmihiBftdn Furniture Go. r::y : Wilmington N. C. : , . Alley and , Ewlng's Alley in the City of known and unknown heirs or any interest in the foe simple i's. E wine's and Custom House Aueys:. . : And to all other citizens of Wilmincton. North Carolina, or elsewhere.- who have or I claim any right, title, interest easement or privilege m uabies, Ewings ana custom House Alleys, lying between Front and Water Streets and Princess and Market streets, in the City, of Wilmington, North, l Carolina, uerenuauts: . . - The Defendants, above named will take notice that n action entitled as above has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the United States In the Wilmington Division i of the Eastern District of -North Carolina. for the purpose of condemning ror public use as part of a site upon which to con struct a United States Custom House, other Clyde Steamship Company to ' . NEW YORK . and ' GEORGETOWN, S. C Close connections made for Seattle, -an Francisco and-all WeBtero points. Pullman sleeping and parlor cars n. ad W Cafe dining cars. Eqaipment tns serrlce standard of xoellsne. Blue Ridge and Allegheny . mountains rossed at most picturesqu parts. Time- tables, descriptive . literature a information tree. Correspondence nvited. Vr. B. BaVTJJU Oen. Pass Agent, KoanoKe, VB. . H. BOSLKT. , . , mnm .rent KMnnssa va "THE FIB8T STEP TO BEAUTY" llers. in which the other defendants have! or claim some interest, right or torivilege. I A full and particnlar description of the same is contained in the Petition filed In -. The Said Defendants war Further Taite Notice that they are required to appear before the Circuit Court of the f Lnited A valuable horse 44fr44M&4 XMX5-:. K 2,' -7 r ' ru,V L'h?r7 iio then and there to Answer or uemur to tne PoHHnn fliod in ' this cause, or the said United States will then apply itoVthe Court for the relief aemanaea in saia feucic bow on file. - This the 6th day or January. iiu. SAM. P. COLLIER. Clerk. (Real.) . United States Circuit Court. U 11 to IP h r . . . uuveraujeut auu h . uuveiuiucuvr lewrxtr vnvir ff WTT MTVI1TOV areuouse or au uraisers oiore ouuuing, a c pnHI'- prMaT Tn "l 19101 Infho rSfw ttMlmtna.fnn fha ! lnnrln r I ? ? ..Van". . i fiaay,. J an. -I, XAW Ki;fTnmrJ""7r S. ".NaTahoe" Friday, Jan. as, mo Thnw orrnin nipfn nr innn rPTprrwi ro l . tTTTHTVfiTnv otsi wittit vnnir in the. fllfd in thia ranse with the la K -...h." .nnl.v .Tan 1010 lennalata In nerfectlT made and finished Clerk of the U. S.'Court at Wilmington, as g g'. "Carib" .".Saturday, Jan. 29, 1910 set of artificial teeth. No woman can be. Gable's Alley, Custom House Alley find - really attractive whose mouth is disfigured uwing s Alley, lying wesi oi ine Diuemei mumnuiyn "",'"",". :. I by aecayea ana ugiy ieeiu. indicated on said plat leading into S. 8. "Navahoe" .Monday, Jan. 17, 1910 1 Ann trtth ark ehsgntIAL i Wright's Alley and Water Street in the S. s. cariD-........Aipnaay, Jan. xbiw digestion and their care should City of Wilmington, N. C Thrmirh hllla of ladlne and lowest in childhood. Come and let us h That the said land sought to be con-l.,,. moP,n,oa fn or,A rvm ItnVp. vonr imDressiou for a new set of oemnea in. this nroceeain are now occu- i e o . pied by the aty of Wilmington as public all points In North and Santa Carolina Alleys, .in which tne other aereno For freight and passage apply to H. O. SMALLBONiiio, Eupt. . Wilmington. N, C. H. E. MAYNARD, F. T. M. -H. EL RAYMOND, V. P. & G. M. General Offices. Pi r 26 N. R.. N. Y take your impression teetk. ; DR. JAS.W. POWELL ' " DatUt. ' , -" Ui. 18 tf : . - " ,;j : ' - Fire Qua at Work. L vpwhM-n sun: Last Saturday nigri r t. i5bme fire-bug came very near navms a conflagration started m vne .Bamt tioihhnrhood In whfch the.disastroi'B fire rmirred Friday morning. : About 11 o'clock that night some boys ;were delivering groceries in .Tat vjcinux s and discovered auro at, tne nome oi Dennis Barnes,- who lives .onNCypress ctrpftt The boys eave tne aiarm-anu notified the people 1n the house,: who extinguished the flames that had been Sft Fire tb'His Bed. " Concord Times: Bingham Dees, a white man who lives on the outskirts of the citv. was arrested last Satur day night for heing xtrvink; ' and put m one of the cells of the Cfty look-tfp. during the nieht Dees told .some of the occupants of the other cells that Jie was going to set:fire to the build ing and immediately , proceeded to do o by setting fire to his. bed clothing. fhe other prisonfiTs' itave the alarm wild when the oflicers arrived all of theni were .nearly . suffocated. Dees was fined ten dollars "for being drunk, and $50 for causing the fire, in the ponce justice's court ; this ; morning. Makihd llfs Sifer. "'i Everywhere life is belna .nd mor-J safe through the work "of Dr.' King's jev Life Pilla in Constipation. Bil iousness. Dyspepsia.-. Indigestion, -Liv er troubles, Kidney Diseases and Bow e Disorders . They're easy, but sure find porfoctly build up the health. 25c iu uohort 11. Bollamy'B, . 0. THE MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK - : --..-. ; .... ...... ... 1 ' .,''' ' ' ' Capital and Surplus: $925,000.00 , ,LargesT: and StrorigesT: Bank in This Sedtibii. - ' x . t.l-V -C. Jif12 t f aaasi prints of all kinds are made by Southern Map Co., phone 815, So; Barnes ; . . -1. i i . 1 " ", Most bf the ; successful v styles appear first ;in Hip No. 8120. , -: - STATE OK KIKTH tAKUljIWA, - NEW HANOVER CADNTT, We., the nndersignea, B. E. Hollia and wJ TlolHs. of the Corintr' of New Han finta Knrth r.nrolina. Ao hereliY en tar nrt lav Claim IO IDB xoiiowms vm.aui and unappropriated, land, subject to entry, located In Masonboro township, New Han oTer county. State aforesaid, t!s:. Bounded on tne nortb by swimming bole slue, on the east and South by Bock hole, slue, on the west by the cnannei oi layrno varove ouuuu and known as Skip Jack Shoals, eoutaln- tn- two acres, moreor less, jauuaiy uui. 1910. . , . -i ; nx T Td .. . . . x ' - J. W. HOLL1S, , Dressed Chickens Dressed Chickens Extra fancy fowls. Also a nice sup ply of fancy meats of, all kinds. Our country pig pork and all porK sausage I are ' fine. . Special attention given to all orders.- 'Prompt; delivery and mod erate prices to ; alL -1 " r V this is ti notify our cUsibniers i itfaat; they , can ;secure tnis popular bfan6bsendw2-their?o -.14 fciozs dottles Pi 'Mm Q. Peter sb'g, 03.00; 'fiWtihliL Cottlcb F. 0;S, Petersb'ai G7;50rk GOLIIMS . ;i5cv-each 2 for 25c. .J. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Makers ARROW, CUFFS 29c s ru DAItLEY PARK BREIV - ;0..H0RGAH KNIGHTi Manager. Iwb UOufAuY I mmMMM& HOPKINS & DAVIS ornrvMnl DKBS ' MftlSTIJIG. rnL - annnsi mpftiuc of the Stockholders of the Wilmington Homestead & Loan As hA held on Thursday, eren- room 5 Odd Fellows Bulldlnc. . otAnifhrviripi-s Are reauested to in person or send their proxies to the Sec Attest.- G- BARENTINE. r-r. 's'SSecretary.r' ? ?-C ; ja 18 St fiHlCHESTEfi 3 PfLLS FRONT STREET; MARKET. . Stalls Nos. i; and 2 South ; Side, Stalls Nos.' 1 and . 3 North Side. Phones 141 and 128. ' v v- attend U 15 U ' ' ' :' :J PILE81 PILES! PILES! J. W. H. FUCHS Busier Brown Shoes v for Boys and Girls. Clothing for Men and - Boys.: Suits Made to (Order. ' J. U. H FUCHS i28 ;to 134 S. Front St. Phone 800. T v " Holeproof Hose and Stockings. s . .. , . PETERSBURG. W.. tdlecl Ak jmir Vmnrfat (at i Chl-betr'l Diamond II rand Advertising . Cures Business Stagnation) lll in ltpl uta rld B.rtaillc boxes, semied . with - Blue , Ribboa. -JmAo tta athfr. Bar f Jraw , ' ikraBt- As.ttrort ni.tiirn.ij . mjvVoSD KR.AKD PjIIXS. for man known ac Best, Safest Alway Reliable ;S0tD BYDRlGfilSTS EVERYWHERE ; uTCBf Wllllama Indian Pile dlntment vrtU e 2 tt cure Blind. Bleeding and Itching Piles tt absorbs the tumors, allays itching a mce, acta as a poultice, gives lntaa reuex. wuuams . xnaian nia jwiwvw s prepared tor Piles and Itching of th private parts. Sold D druggists, tnaj 0c nA SI AA fetid tor P R , TUlUm CHANGI OP PROQRAMilt ; , oaJly. '.. (TMijov-y'i P OUT- if VP V i :: v 1 5 Conta. - PARLOR OAR SERVICE OX SEABOARD BETWEEN HAMLET AKD tTIlr- :y ;"; . - i . BfferGtOJfV ',;";: ) : y x The Seaboard has re-eefablished Parlor Car Serrlce da their trams Hob. dd and 40 between Hamlet and WllmlBjrton., effectrrt feeniber 20th. Leave Bomlet 5.05 . A. IL, arrive Wilmington 1.15 P. M.; - returning lenve Wilmington 30 P. M. arrtre .Hamlet TO P.M. , NEW MODEL No. 10 rem'ington typewriter r v 584.50; v ; . RAMOS TYPEWRITER CO. WILMINGTON, ,N. C.. I . , - -ni.trlct PuttDMr Airent CC&ES RnEOtATISM - V . f 0-8TAY-CCRED. . , I Bheamaclde (liquid . or tableti) remotes tlie cause and stobs the pain quickly. An . returnlD Internal bloody remedj vrhle'h haaeureil tDousana'.oi:D!ia cbscj.;ai. au uruKrisB&, Trial bottle tablets by mall 25c Send cola or lc stamps. Booklet free. Address, Bobbltt Ch.mleai Company, gj8 W. Lou gk ft. Clbirdi. stu.Bftitliaorft . 4 4 I . v. 1 1 X vs. .'- .

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