,..f .:. PAGE SIX. BIOilNINQ SfrAR, Y7nj,nNGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19,1910. ft ' ' 0 i' (OOCIAL and 0 PERSONAL Brief Mention, News of Societies,7 Meetings, etc Mrs. W. N. Smithson is "seriously ill at'fier home on Chestnut street, many friends will regret to, learn. - 1 - - I : M Irs " TEllpn TL Raker, nf Phn.ifJeV . phia, is . visiting Mrs. Thomas Philip Hammer, 1703 jrincess street Caro lina Helgnts. 1 MisS TJllian Cuilen. of "tVilliamsnor Md., is the attractive guest of Miss Madeline Corbett, at her home, No 119 South Fourth street. Mrs. W. M. Glover and Master Ar chie Glover have -! returned to their home -in Fayetteville after a visit to the .family of Mr. Nash iJT Bunting, in tnis city. : ; ' . : .' Mrs. R. .C. Woodcock left Monday morning for Moore's. Greek to attend the funeral of her' brother-in-law, Mr. Clinton C. Wjoodcoclr, whose death oc curred .Sunday afternoon. - ; , ,Miss Ruth Farmer will leave this morning ror waison, wnere sne will be the attractive guest of friends and relatives .- for a few days. iShe will visit Richmond, ra., before returnin home. . .. : 1 s v .. ' "General W. L. London and wife, ot PIttsboro, N. C, arrived last evening and will spend some time as the eiiests ot Onlonel and Mrs. Thnmas C James at their pretty hew home in Carolina Heights.- . , Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kiner. of Phil adelnhia. arrived veftterdav mnmi-rt!? and will spend several weeks in the city, the guests of relatives. They are now guests of Mr. and Mrs." J. A. Springer, Fifth and Princess streets. - Capt. and Mrs. Hancock, of Fort Caswell, spent yesterday in the city and Mrs. Hancock 16ft last night for New York, where she will spend some time on a visit. Capt Hancock was in command of Fort Caswell during Col. Ludlow's leave of absence, . It will be of much interest to many friends to know that Mr. Henry C. Bear and family have reserved through Mr. A. D. 'Wessell, Sr., agent for the North German Lloyd Steam ship Co., choice berths in the first class cabin of the new and commo dious steamer "Berlin," which sail3 from New York March 12th. for Gi braltar, Algiers, Naples and Genoa; Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Man'gum Tur ner and little son, W. P. Mahguin Turner Jr., who have been spending the past ten days as the guest of Mr. Turner's parents In. 'Greensboro, re turned to the city last evening.. -White away Mr. Turner attended to several legal matters at Lexington, N. C, where he was formerly located and also visited other points In Piedmont North Carolina. ' : . w . - s On next Saturday, on the arrival of the 2:30 special golf car, a match play will bejrfn-for a. handsome trnnhv fn which all members of the' club "are In vited to play. The men will.be han dicapped on a basis of 46, rind the1 wo men on a basis of CO. It is expected that the gentlemen .will play with la dies, in order' to - assist in keeping score, etc. ; The match is for nine holes, and promises to be one of un usual Interest. Tea will be served, and a special car will leave the linfcs for the city at 5:30 o'clock.. t PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Herbert .McClammv. Esn. V retnrn, ed last night from Burgaw. where he was in attendance upon Pender Super ior uourt -. IV v. Mr. ; W. P. Drew, aeent. for the Southern Railway at Mooresville. N: fi.. retnrnpd vpotordov ottaf ' I jIa.. J. a i ... green and white and the number of iC UJ? ine cuy on a visit to friends who called during the after- relatives.. . w - - ; i M - noon was quite large. , , Tne friends of Capt; A. D. Cazaux The dining room was pretty and wai wI11 learn with regret that he is con- trcauui uny ngiucu iruui III yna.il a OI -w. - uuuui ouiu wax tapers from handsome silver can- street, suffering with a severe attack delabra. the table eentre-Tiere brine of la grippe. . a large collection of white carnations r Among tnose registered at The ana iuies or tne vaiiey. Mrs. Baren- nou yeieraay were: a. JA. Clark, tliie and Mi rd ttpro oentcK I ROSlndale: ,'Mra. E.. P Rnnd , J .urn w m ws A fT V V HWMiM w . " - 'WMU. MULU MJ I ed in receiving by Mrs. it. tW. Hicks ton;, W. H. Pedew. Chester, S. C.; and Mrs. J. M. Wells; while presid- Geo. R. Nicholson, Bolton; R. B. Mc rv R. Bates and Mrs. Ira Smith. The I Rockingham. . . : - c dining rodm was in charge of a com- r Aihong yesterdiy's arivals at The Jnlift Pill UTirl flffcfl PnrrlA Moo Vnti. Ijlnrl R 'inrllrcrtw Trur u...i. n Glahn, J assisted" by. Misses Caroline I R. Watkins, Southport: P. C. Prince "wujco, Tiuaiguici -.iuijr -uiauys I uuiia, o.; i. xl. xlaies, Uiar&ton; W Herring and Emma' Woodward. ' The 1 A. Thaxton,v Hamlet; J. A. Barnes! and most .elaborate of the' after-holi- quepln; C. L. Bradley, Westbrook; G. day season and Mrs. Barentihe proved R. Warren, Dunn; J. W. Dowd Char- x.cvi. ujwsi ucii6uuui uuDiciio. . iuiieviuiu k . wuinn. ivenansviiig RECEPTION ftlVPN IN Mhisihi) ' - - r - OF REY. AND MRS. KEGLEY. WITH HEAVIER J? AIL. Cbmollmentarv td Rev. and Mrs. frlti-rM . , -r - -m .j.. R. W. Kegley a reception was given t - proved Near Ivanhoe. n r. lit the S.undav .School . room of vRtJ A enntinn f i a l -r VA'- . y - ' uv-vtiwM ui buc A. CC X. LTiiClW OX lliC Matthew's Lutheran Church last night Atlantic : Coast Line; between. Ivanhoe 11 li i ii a i (j i u : .-u n cionffl ana it. nrnvpn i ann tcn -v f , v: i ... a most delfcrhtful affair for thn tftrm 7Aih ran i- -. v i number who attended. An enjoyable Iron now in. use on that division. The pruBiaumn? was camea pui, mciua- material has . been on the ground "for in it a niano soln bv Miss Lena. Knrftrlt piano duet by Miss, Kure and Mrs. to ba the purpose, of the Coast Line AuUrc icautug uy vir. w . nt. i io complete tne work as - soon as pos- Dlehm; recitation by . Mr. Wm. OteV-isIble. - While the heavier rail is not with piano accompaniment by Miss now - being distributed on the entire zvure. Aiier tne renaiuon or tne nrv miviRinn hntvan . tmi?. - . - 1 - . - itiiuiiujivu BI1U grararae reiresnmems were servea Dy sanford; it is understood t& be -the wui w me uuurtu nuu au uouripurpose oi tne a. c. L. to improve the was spent in delightful social inter-: property for the entire division . wt COUrSe. I o ennn no rmccjihla ' Orilv 4ho .Anr. vi. rr i m i A I - . r i o'vi'uus iui. jycici. luiiueii v irasLur ni sr. nf traMr nuui a t .,.. , , ' , . . uvvun.j OIVCU11UU uisi a. I 'J iUOllUCB 9 UUL UMTT 111 t;llal CO Ul A I TlAw .fOll O rfl laM nrift, V.nnn It w v . I. nr ul k. II rr urn. irr T21I1 vuui.u m uiucuciu, . a..- ill LCiiueu i - : to leave yesterday morning, but was ciot. 'T D. Meares Return persuaded by the church council to Capt. T. D". Meares, Supreme Master remain here for another week. He I At r-- ri.i. 4 itiA TfM.x. a . and Mrs. Kegley will leave next Mon- has, returned yesterday morning from - iiM a.u --.iici Dy-uums Minneapolis, uMinn. where last week a' few days there-:will to to Salem. I ho utton-it- .. i Va.. where Mr. Keslev will nttnrt "". 7" "v r? ut' "CI - meeting of a commltteeo f five of which the . Supreme Lodge. The books of uc u,uu, ,riee program- capt Mares were audited 'and ap m tr , uU1lda , o11?01 iinsti,tute- Proved by the two members of the which will be held In Salem at a later pommitW who -ttcnrit. mAatin. date- .From there Mr. and Mrs. Kes- Air will n-y. r iii.i. v A n- nrAAi ri I. . 8J J j -mi ku in iucii uuiuo ill ivcai vii gmia. . .... - v ...... . - - JANUARY GERMAN BY tem ; of " - bookkeeDine. eotten n -hv Capt Meares, and .a great improve ment over the . old system r?ant k nuib- WIS I IULU- ULUO. nrssfr nn --iK v A I M Not the largest of the season bv - v-m - v. any means, but decidedlvone of thelh. --i i pretties! and most attractive dance, delayed several times on account of V " 1, 7, , 1 ,"uar' .Bsriuan Daaiy : disarranged schedules, due to " . - r.. wvr..A-wi uiuu luu i. 1111.111 i li I OQva.a nrAornAw . ... 1 w i r v. u lii. 1 wie iuasonic empie oau room. Tne decorations were nrettv and ffivtlv ana ine music, Dy Kneiseis Academy Orchestra was all that could be desir ed. - In the usual admirable manner.l the german was led by Mr. W. P. First Churchy of Christ, Scientist, Market and 17th streets. Services to- uigut a. :i5 a'ciock. All are invited. ---The ; Star onntAirS' with thanks the- calendar with the I compliments of iesrs. jvi. w. Divine & Co., on Mar ket street" ... . Deputy; Sheriff a. T. iVer left last night for " Goldsboro, wTiere he goes to tike Lizzie Robinson, colored, to the -State-Hosnitni for the Insane. From Goldsboro Mr. Piver goes to ewern on some important business; Arthur Davis, colored, . who was, clubbed Saturdav MoiintM Officer J. S. Lanei was remosfed froth the hospital to the city prison y ester day bv-: Patrolman Annlehnrv. 'The negro will probably be given a hear ing today on two ? charges assault with deadly weanftTi vnii larfenv of a trunk and other things from John An- :v Before Geo.' H Hnwrfl. Esq.. ref- ered 'in bankruotcv. at 2 o'clock-yes terday afternoon there was a resump-. tfOn of the hearin into thA offal r a lot the Stephens Construction' , Compa ny,. Mr. a. a. Stephens, who was pres ident Of the. concern hAincr examined. Mr. Meares Harriss, expert court ste- nograpner, tooK a report oi the pro ceedings. ; -' PALMETTO -LAWMAKERS. - A marriage of much interest to many friends in this city and elsewhere will be celebrated at 6 o'clock this after noon at .the home of the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Cum ming, 315 South Second street, when Miss Carolina Sale Hardwlck and Mr. Richard Adams Nelson, of Vivian, West Virginia, will plight their troth. The ceremony, will be 1 performed by Rev. A. W. Seabrease," rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. It . will be a quiet affair, witnessed only by a com pany of friends. ' i The following item! of interest to the young people of the city was pre- parea ior ine star oy one or tnoee participating in the hunt: "Yesterday some of the young people of Wilminp ton indulged in a squirrel hunt at Beauchoix and Glastonburv. the Brunswick plantation of Mrs. A. W. Rieger, who chaperoned the party. The hunters, Miss Florence Riege and Mr.." Brown, between them, shut five squirrels and a duck; Miss Eliz abeth Rieger and .Mr.- Eoohe, four squirrels and two rabbits; Mr. Nor man Toole and Dr. Moody B. Mintz got 6n6: chicken. one house-cat. and a neighbor's pig." . A largely attended joint meeting "of the Greensboro Female College and the State Normal College Alumnae As " soclatlons" waslield n.the High Schoel building, at 4 o'clock., yesterday after noon.. .The meeting.' was .called for the purpose of. making arrangements for, a. concert to be given in the Acad emy of -Music on the evening of Jan uary 28th by the musical faculty of the Greensboro' Female ' College, ; in eluding seme of . the - best musicians of the" South. ..There are two or. three fine -sOloiEts, besides masters of sev eral Instruments. A-larsre chorus com posed of ' well known and talented: Io- rf-ol TMitallTiii will t1rft'nnrt annoav. , ing last'.on the programme of the ev ening.: The, ' entertainment , will bo given for. the" benefit -of the two asso ciations, and one.Kalf pf the proceeds r wilt icLy ll iu7 iiivi tv xva.il fund of the Normal Alumnae and the other half goes towara tne enaowment G. F.C' Mrs. Herbert. McClammy is president of the G. F. C. Alumnae Association, .and v Mrs. J. O.. Carr Js president -of the Normal Alumnae Aa soclation and - they have ip hand the general arrangements : ; ; '- ".' f r M RS. BA RE NTINE.ENTE RTAlNED - . .. im urtuno nr urp ftliPRT. Mrs. "James G. Barentlne, delightful iv ontArfained larre comnany of Wif Several ' Bills in ' Senate . Relative to - i Banking In .the House. rltiwkltA 3 Vi " T t a. t . Emerson and among the couples par- Senate this morning Senator Mont TifiifiQ f it. t9 warn " ' ; - I Ma i - '' -t' , m gomery introduced several bills affect Miss Olive Quince. Mr. Louis T. Ir-.-, v- c... , Mcore; Miss Christine Stevenson, Mr. es that no bank shall make, any loans i'i v' ,nvM snres of -tock. of its own capi Burbank. Mr. Ernest F.-Pasp.hanr MiRli .m ..... i . -TT- Z lal uiiLUj Bain 1U31UUUUU 013 Occll Jt tl nfQ i?e "Wi l?me,rSf ganlzed two years and then such 4oanS Si 8rSS? BTt L V1' shalLnot exceed one fourth of the paid- Mr. Prank : Nine. Jn; Miss Rosa W1I- jn capital and surplus.-; Another re- Iingrnam. of aMrietta. Ga Mr. Txe i i .-i .. rt- -i . ,' - C yunco uauno i- nave citpiuii iu pro-, Pender; Miss Ella Jacobs, Mr. Thorn- portion I to the territory they serve, as J. Moore r Miss Lauriston Hardin. &ct less than $10,000 capital in towns Mr. Bernard O'Neill; Miss Nellie -Sav 0f $1,000 or less; not less than $25, aee. Mr; Milton Goore: Miss TCttn. Ann j nnn i 7 ' S- A 5r' 0hn rs; HI8,3 ,nie 2-50( leBS than $30,000 in places Wortl., Mr. Pierre Holmes; Miss Ellse of 2,500 or more.no bank to open un- .--ioui. mi. x uOi 1' . UUOU lUlSSItll Rfl rve- -onf f -tinitol efn- Jo nM Lillian :Kenly. Mr. Clayton 'Smith: h-. ah .t.i . . - . Xr in -.- '111-.- AU ; U-U9 C ICUUUCU; IU UC UU' M ss Janet ONeill,, Mr, ;LL H. Siau; der the supervision of the State bank Mica Tn rtt ?v va - 1 C T . XT .. - I . o ;r X. .1 -,-tV ,tt5l,u,s' examiner. Another bill requires every MissSatterthwaite; of aWynesville. bankvto set aside 10 per cent, of gross ivir. J. N. Huske. Jr.: Miss -Vlarearot I .fii 1 or ... , - mvuuiD uuui iw ouijjius.cuuaia x uci Walker. Mr Markley Croswfell; Mis. cent.. of its capital and said surplus imnnt T .n H Tlf filnr T Dnttn- I .... ... . " .aii.j. cannot be distributed or annortloned Mag Mr. Clarence D. Maffltt. except by authority of the stockhold cnaperones :Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nash, Miss Belle Anderson. ; ner.' . Still other bills relate to loans nn.-P-pJ . .... . " to directors or officers and the banks PRETTY ANTE-NUPTIAL AFFAIR to borrow monev. Tn - the Honse n r- .A,T KENA,NSV'LLE, N. C. bill was- introduced making it a mis Kenansville. .-. N. C. Jan. 17.-Thri n -!.. vA most brilliant social happening in our legal rate1 of Interest. i town for quite a while was the wed- An: important bill in the Senate' by dmg receDtion sriven at the: lnvelv nr. .- home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Williams actions for damages contributory neg . i . , lu 1V uur ngence on tne part or an employe of the marriage the followlne mnnr. Uh.n ing of their daughter, Miss Lucile, but the negligence phall be appor ""' iJ-'u,-L' i iMiiuiuBiwi, tionea n taere is. negligence. on tno N. C. The guests were received and part of both employer and employe their cards taken at the door by Mas- and the amount of damages diminish ter Harper Best, of Greensboro. They An proportion :to the . negligence Of then passed to the parlor and were the injured employe. It is also pro Introduced bv Miss Estelle Hinson and vided that neither the doctrine- of con Mr. C. S. Car to the receiving party, tributory negligence nor of assump composed of ..Miss Annie Ross Wil- tion of risk sHaH' apply "when Injury Hams, of Warsaw, daintily gownedMn is 'brought about by the. violation of white sHk, with -Mr. Albert Best, ot any railroad of any statute enacted Greensboro; Miss Alice Tull. of Kins- for the safety of employes. " v. ton. becomingly dressed in lavendar The-House met at 10 A. M. and bills crene de chene. with Mr. Oscar Elliott, passed third reading were trt reduce . wrIenice'--:?--P-:'MWs Annie Kelly, railroad far?s-to 2 12 cents j .requir of Wilmington, wearing white silk, ing insurance coniDanies to na'v 10 witb Mr. Jack Williams, of Warsaw; percent, attorneys', fees in case of and. the bride elect .elegantly gowned delay.' in paying' claims and suit and In .white patin. with. the croom trv-hp. va . ' . ".uivij , niviuu, ciiijju n i ing. iiif The bride to be presented a lovely ptc- railroad - commission , to take cogriiz- ...tc -imu 6Uiu ui ucr nun rnncu- ance ni lniej-state rreignt rates, ana ed by the roses cf happiness on her requiring the r Use of electric head cheelcs. and the handsome feature? lights" orf locomotives of the fortunate groom were enhanced a tax oL one per cent, fan ; fofel wiin a glow ot pride.. .. .. tt t insnrance" premliiqis Tor the relief 'of Here -the attention, of .the ,-feuests firemen orovoked. a lively discussion was called to the widespread popular- hiif it iBhallv nasAewi third rein V.o ity of: the contracting' parties , by tha ine vfery-similar tcttie Nnrth rirriiinA many, varied and handsome, gifts diS- law 'A i -' w v -. -. played. - V: ,-'.-r ; g"y- ' ' '.: ' .' ; Leaving the parlor the guests-were v ''RVl F"rC' "ER -v; ushered to the dinlng.'room by: Messrs. :C'Tt" ;"Tr . - K Trinp and W'inianns.and there recelv- Wadbo.ro Anonian Pays hight Trlh ea DT -Airs. jj..w. Best;,! ureensnoro, -'i. T7; tIm . i - and Mrs: W. R. Rrvanl of Wllstm.VThB -rWadesbpro, N. C Jan. 18, The An-, dining room was lighted with candles snIl?y, ' ? ay " following ; and ribbon carried out the . colof BpJenfi M?10 nv- A. better, Scheme of lavendar. The service; nf O? today '. . i - k -L ? thedelightful refreshments by 'Misses SSS Jf rtl.etif 016 m08ti Susie Paison . and , Mildred ReaRlev c.ultud .ana. 5.0.ns.ecr.ated : ministers ! was as dainty and charmin? as those ?"aitf l"- 8 "Ie s Joy and pleas-: JJttle cirls themselves . v Fe7UB i" acn n lfie gospel and jiwe fcwis, Loejnseiv. ,...-v.. .IhA rfM .t wait :-nnHi hi v-iri- j v From the d!ning room to the punch hoiise Ttn h Tt eut7wu B room. Here during , the entire even- S ?Sr tt7S.?el tiWfi8!! ! ing . music was being tastefully . ren- tlffiih irfh?? la falmof 1 dererl bv Mio. T?rtnr find fiAttv fVf r?7?-10? .m the Street Or in The punch bowl s c-fuily; and graciously presided over by Miss Foy ed nod that he boon T0Mj " pr ML Johnson. Here also Miss. Kate New- gepS f a econectKn and actfTdirobtained thrreclstratlbn lXJ3ttM rf alV'the manv attendants. -.. ?emairi-as a swt " 10iS? The (lecci-atiohs ; .throughout : were thousands whose good forttfn it mlngton society people yesterday af ternoon '' from 4 ' to. --o'clock at herf cf her aunt, Miss Woodward," of 'Bos elegant in their simplicity. The entire know him. He was 70 1 ton, Jtass. who has been her guest for evening was spent in passing to-an-l the remains were carried 1 S Birta-Mt-oniA tim in this city. The home from and enioyine the manyand va- today, -where thv -rm v .-r.. ... ,. ., .... 1 . . .... - . -i .. ' " u; inierrea tv ... n n --.!,.- nitKfint ivora nncnmiB 1 111 i nnn i i.rrnr nns rr 1 na r irrrrnr .mnms. i mnrrmr - nna 111 v tibviHVMwv, - i ---' '-' v v ... v w .. w . ww. -. . t . J ' ,' . . .... -. : . . 1 : THE. MINERS' CONVENTION. - Says There Will be ; No Disgraceful scenes at Next .Convention. Indianapolis. In." .Tan. -18. "There will be do repetition of the disgraceful seenes of the minpra' ponvention of last year if I can get the co-opetatlon 01 mis convenuon,. declared PresN dent-Thomas- L. Lewis, of the United Mine" Workers of Amprlca. todav at the close of the opening session of -the organization's convention. Hfe- ruled out of order P.'J. Haves, of Illinois, and William Green, of Ohio. leaders of the faction opposed to the Lewis Administration, wh6 - were ob jecting to the seatinc of national or. ganiiers as delegates, with - salaries during the convention. - . President Lewis ruled that the con vention waS not yet orpanized TTaves and Greetl Insisted that if this rennrtx or tne credentials committee Just read were- adopted Insofar as It seated del egates against whom "no Protest wa entered, the action would , be final. But Lewis drowned their voices with his gavel and put down a storm of ob jections from all over the hall. The controversy will come up again tomor row..., ..; ' .. . Green was a candidate ae-ainst T Is for the presidency. He was defeat ed, according to Lewis, though the re port of the tellers of the balloting has not yet been completed. Green claims election and . charges fraud. Hayes probably won the vice presidency against the incumbent, E. .S. McCul lougtK Haves r obiecte.d that T awIs held him up as an obstructfonist, but a motion to adjOurm brought the clash to is close; ----- LIQUOR LEAGUE jPRAISE TAFT. Declares That "His Decision Gives Pro . : hibitionists a Vital Bbw. washingtom Jan4 18. Praise fdr President Taffs. recent deHsinn "what is whiskey" was Rim nAw by. Timothy L. Mcnrinmi?h nrocMent oNthe ) National Liqtfor League, in his report to the organization new in an nual session here. 1 X--.' r Mr. McDonouch 'declared the P ident "had given the prohibitionists a vital blow" by his decision. He as serted that "the storm of: nrohihitinn that has swept the t country , for : the past twd years' has Snent1 its Torpe." and that "the trade will come out of the conflict, nureed of all the riisrenn. tawe saloons that have brought so mucn ? disgrace. uponali of us . and iu the future we will have a better stand ing with the public." . , JL J. Halle, of Chicago, secretary of the Leakue. in hit annual. recort re f erred to. the "direful results of the abolition of the army canteeni" and quoted from various commanding of ficers of the army and superintendents or soldiers. homes who have held that the anti-canteen law is a detriment to the enlisted men of the army. He scored General Fred D. Grant for. baw ing.compiatnecL because of the remov al of the canteen and -then having headed a Parade instigated and com posed of these very same peoplo whose Intimidation has wrought such havoc on the defenders of, this coun try." ' ' . '. - . ; - .7 ' Barlow and Wilson Minstrels was the attraction at the Aeadeniv of Mn. sic last night and the show was greet ed by one of the largest houses of the season. If applause counts for any thing the audience was Well pleased. oeverai or tnose who attended stated that the show was certainly worth the Drica. of admission thnncW It nnM not take rank with the higher priced ones wnicn preceded it. .There are same splendid voices in the fl.ir-refr&. - 00- . tion. . . , , . At the Falace; " The GaiiliiOht talkina- mnvlno- ii.X tures are without doubt nrovins- a hie drawing card for the Crystal -Palace and are also proving one of the most attractive novelties .Wilmington- has ever known. v; Yesterday new nietures were presented and were decidedly .1 Wl il l-. 1 . . -icve-y., ; ana aasning, and the new- pictures were accorded nearty applause by the -audiences. The talking pictures are marvels , of the age and besides entertaining In .a gen eral and unique way give people ah opportunity of seeine and hearim? . hv meansof the Gaumont invention, well i. 1 ... . . . . 1 -uwu vauueriiie ana musical, comeay ioiks. The scene, from the "Mikado-' "With full ; chorus, presented BAvprnl days ago, ; was splendid and caused much comment. The new pictures are equally "as rood and must h sppn . trt be appreciated. In addition to the talking. pictures the Palace Is giving vauaevme tnis -week, headed by - the clever and Dreity soubrette. - MIbh Ethel TalbotL : . : , - Black Patti Coming.- ; 'A Trio to, Africa" which the orliri- rnal "Black Patti" chow la amarinir will come to the "Academy next-Mon- aay rugnt, with the entire production in three acts written bv. the only Jolly" John Larkins with all its ori ginal musiCi scenic and other effects, carrying a superior company of forty three people, including Madame Sissie retta Jones and "Jolly" John Larkins, and the Supporting company-, which includes "Jerry .Mills", Will Cook;- An thony Byrd, Chas. Bougia,- Geo. Tay lor, Rose Hawkins, Fannie Allen, Ella Dunn. and. a dashing, dandy singing chorus of dusky belles. Thev will n- pear for one night only. .-. At the Bijou Today. . . Daughters of Poverty" a thrilliner story of the Door neonle. and "Th Thanksgivings" ate: the nictures that will be shown at the Bijou theatre to- aay. m the second picture : comedy, pathos and the atmosnheres of rural city and Western life are beautifully oienaea in the , picture, while the theme of Thanksgiving - prevails tnrougnout. .. s . , 7 GERMANY SENDS A REPLY. . -- ii'. i . 1 li - i. . .i i. Vr ! f 1 I' ..r . 1 L 'i KrTITTrTH W A- LINIMENT FOREXTERNAL USE. : ; ' No. woman who bears childrea need suffer during the period of waitin,:, nor' at the time of bab7'a coming, it Mother's' Friend la nsed as a massage for the mnscl'e3, tendons and glands ' of the bbdy. Mother's Friend; la' a penetrating, healthful lini- jnent yrhlch strengthens " the ligaments, lubricates - and renders pliant those ronscies on which the strain; la "greatest, -prevents caking of the breasts by keep, ing the ducts open, and relieves nausea, backache, numbness, nervousness, etc Its regular use will prepare every portion of the system for the' safety of'both mother and child andNgreatly reduce the pain, and danger when the little one comes. Toother's Friend is sold at drag stores. Write fpr our free book, which contains valuable information; for expectant niothers.. - THE RRADHELD CO.; ATLANTA, IF - m li , . .1. y..-. 1.,--v : - -. ;-, "y Beginning Saturday, Januaiy 1 5 In order to reduce my sftbek before moving:, will off er special prices in ill departments. Housekeepers need ing Dishes or Glasses can Supply their wants to advairitage at this sale; These goods musil be sold at some price in the hextfew weeks. , ' mn .BIS'S . 119 Market Street. jn 13 tt : ROBBER AT ROCKINGHAM. Four Discovered In Act of Eriterlrig a - -,..-. ' Store. , ' ". f' ,- :Warleshoro. K. C .Tan. 1S.--.ThiP! An. soman today carriesithe foVowing stot- ry; rrour strange negroes-were .ois covered while robbing the store, of a M,r. Barrett at RocVinghamf.yesterdav morning at about 4 o'clock Mr.', Bar rett sleeps over his store and heard the negroes.. He rushed, down.-. and fired, at them. Three of the negroes aw-ay. 'v-It was ihen found ;that seven". st'nrps .- hflrf i hipn orierpA' rik thfiir cash drawers opened. Very little-cash wa secured Dy tne ro&pers ana tnis seems to 'have been the mirbose' 6f the robberies." -;; ' ''' . CREW WAS DlSCrl ARGib Dec(ard That British Earner.. Was f overieadeasuryev rieiff. "Vnrfrklt- VA Tan 1-"ni.hljjrin- thfl British steamer Kyleakltt lo-be ; over loaded atuf top-heavy, the .crew of, the vessel : at Newport .Ne'ws; Wat todav refused to pot to sea in berTh'e Briti Ish -consul , ordered ,a survey invh-ich nroriaiinced the. sftft-brthv. and r - . ------ - --f tne - crew.' tnereupon ; wasaiecnargea. A new crew . was Rfmert; "and -.th Steamer sailed late today; for Tamnico. Mexico. ; ". 4---J-...-. :.;..L-,v; Does Not Accept Wishes of - United . States in Regard to Tariff. Berlin. Jan. 18. The German ernment today , cabled to Washinon a reply to a memorandum recentlv re: ceived from the United States relate ing to the tariff on shipments hptwAPn the two countries, while it does not accent: the American winhp- in T-rlnu. .... Z ... - M . V respects, and especially concerning the importation of wheat, the German response is sent in the hope that .it will be satisfactory . and ..as all that the German government can do. ' The reply was despatched with cer tain feeling of gravity because of the feeling that Germany can do no more and must be prepared for trade hostili ties should the United States unhappi ly . insist on . more ? than German v ars cords to other countries. Herr , Goldberger, privy councillor and member of the Imperial German Consulative . Board of : Comtnerpiat Measures, took a rather gloomy view or. f the situation in. a speech at the annual dinner at the A mri-fin Aeon. ciation of Commerce and -Trade to night... He pointed out the advantages to be derived : from . a .reciprocal ex change of commodities betwpn ' th two countries and affirmed that it was the duty of the United States to make a DrODOSition which wonlrl hp. rm-cthli- Of -acceptance' by Germany so that the immense trade interests involved should not be shattered. BANK OFFICIAL INDICTED. President of Tiftoiv Ga.A Bank . Will S Appear, and Give Bond.' - .Tifton. Ga.. -Jan.' 18. The nrsMnt of the Bank xf . Tifton has not been ar rested .as stated in a dispatch last night from Albany; -Ja. . The. official indicted is J, L. Brooks, of the Na tional Bank of Tifton... The Bank of Hfton is a seDarate institution of Which. H. H. Tift - is nresident.. Kp). ther has President! Brooks been ar rested ias stated By agreement he will appear, before . Judge Emory- Speer tomorrow and offer-bond. i , The .indictment grows out of . alleg ed , technical , errors ' in the report of tie bank Wfiile MrBrooks was cash, ier. and which . were -called to the at tention, of , the Federal - officials. . Mr Brooks Is. still -president of the bank and his 1 Promotion was malA hv th directors, who had -full -knowledge of tne alleged discrepancies. - - : R. BOYC t'l-.L-VU . VrV President of .Due Wait College . Reibort. v.v - eo,jn, txtremis. Boyce; president of. the "fWoruan's cal lege:,.was;j5nddeniv. raken ' . ktie'. iM night Cabdut ,11 ;oVlQck?hPr6yc;re uaat;a.conscaounes mis . morniDg, at 9 rf ir 1nrV an rt ix cntno hottci h- ff - t w..n uu. .-r www v. i. h. . i '--i-T ni i. J, Aoon.' The: doctors ; .have .nptV sajed wnemer or - noi ur ; tioyce simerea a stroke of paralysis., y ; .- V- '";-"' ' bsb-s rr-;- - ja 11 tf Go down deep with (AVERY'S Subsoil or Ground PLOWS and get better results from your Work. AH kinds of new ground and grub plows. , ;.:A::r :: ' -; Syracuse one and two-horse plows and repairs. N; Jacooi vHaird -1.. i .. Sfc COAL AW D WOOD Oak, Blackjack, Short and Long Leaf : Pine and Soft Coal. , ; BUILDING lYiATERIAU High grade Lime, Portland Cement,; Wall Placer, ; etc. Cypress Shingles all grades.? W. B. THORPE & CO y Inc. vwwv .;:!!niSr;vy AAli.A 99 THE : ic Snra ; Opposite Union Depot. ; -riv;- European Plan. Mosl: convenient to traveling . intm r Eiegaht rooms, good servicer - personal attention. ' Orir re5ftaiiirarit Rpifvir Ratis- - f ies. : a lirgci V iliimber v daily. CIESCHErJ BROS., Props. 'v. .COM?ARf-50- 1LUZiANNifeS& -coff:e- ' A1n-jr -"lliESn in itx iir-iTjriit' fb; lwjt.rtKj Aliyi STROROl Alway PBOPBRtY, Bl-KXpEDj , Always of UNIFORM Ql'AUTY; . Vlway MtUfactory. . ' , Pok-d-eost littl Msber. j cup-cost try much lower. - - pu jjv or ioose .kj r- pttftC aUle frop xpowri Of(m ttim dust; "JSeldm stronc: Kevr uu form f Uapba-ardly blended t Xerer " Isfactory tr any dne .who KjfOTVI what's best,- . J. Poand-cost IlU li-rr. but . cup-cout very naueb hlgber. -, Make. swisernan's choice between the twd. THE REItY-TAYLOR 'NEW ORLEANS U. 8. A. la iz&11iiu3 SnsdeB tWksMine Always ferriember thd fall-name. Look for this . slgnatniB ' on : svery : box ; :-: -7 Gartell Building. . ; aSJidSL Fhbno im

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