- 1' i : .V :the morning btar: Wilmington, Wednesday January io, i9io. PAGEEVJf .V jVlARKET. a Quotations The Latent Reports From trie 1 Important Trading Centers ond From Local Dealers. WILMINGTON MARKETS. - STAIt OFFIOB, Jan. IS. '' fil'lUITS TlTRPKXTlNB-Market.: aotb '"T.In -Market; notMnfc rfolrfS. ' -':" X ,!Vi:-Markc;t, tirro 2.00 per liurrel. ,;VrD o TURPENTilSE-Viria, 52iO per barrel for hard ; 4.QO ?or dtp w 14.00 tor Tom?t;itlons same; day last year Spirits fUSne 87v rosin .&Vtor, 1.70, erode '' V. ..! -.- ' RECEIPTS.,; . -v . . . . . ...itiAn t in .' : . . . . .v-i A . . .' Sllllil ''"" V ' ,W7. V K."i T il' - ....... nnli' tni'prntlno .-i: . ' ,. ii.is. sume day - last year l.' ' ' lll li.. hk.i un.l.. ...ji-jlS I IHK"11 Ltnc- v -X-,... ifniicifl 1 UI.I1I , li-irivi l;:l 1 - " - - - - .... ,.v .... ,:-r je.vipt--4.'! Unit's, same day lust year .( l.'iil's- ' ' , -'' - COTTOX MARKET. . Ar-irkot Nothing: dolnjr. Quotations cor-reip'on-liufr day last year 8 -10o. " liVcfliits ."4 bales, same day last year iil lialt's. . PRODUCE MARKET. lOuoted by W. J. Meredith Jan. 8.) iiebt 8,3TP; stock 822.814. - .T ; .k ' .. !:. net . rweipts Total since September 1st. nr nil" net receipts 5.40.H11 j limit Britain 1,49 Vwuiee..,2.ltt0f Continent 1,683,908; Ju- tfelll "ITi'iai, lavlnA lion, '.. 2!) . . 74 .J 19 casks Ml t'KANUTS Nortb Carolina prime 65Q Pltra prime, u x- inuvjr isMiouc; vix lT7f TO attrn nrimA TrvrQn . . . ,...lma E' ,.. uh S1.00fit.?1.05. COKN Firm 90J95c per bushel for mix '- c. HAMS Good demand; old hams shoulders 14U5; sldefi 146J15C HoustonWeak.; 14 J-i.net receipts 8.fKtG; stock 122,41A,-7 ';!'-: , - ; . Ai gHstii-iiaet, 14 ,1-4; net mlpts XK)S; Memphls-NomfMa!r 15 1-4 ; net receipts : stock 102J25. v n . Nt., Loots Xouilnal, ;15 J-41 net receipts 231 ; stoi-k 4,2n;. .. ' rinctmifttl Net re'elnts 051; stock 13,172. Little ' liOCk-.Noiuin:ll ut rM-lng r,iu. stock. .2ia ... , - . , - ' - I.oulsvi lie Firm. 15 1 -4.j Total today Net receipts fl,501 ; gross receipts i:i,74S ; shipments 1S.478; sales 707; Sjot t 497,055. - ; t - - DRY GOODS MAttKEI, : ,; New" York. Jan. IS. The "ottnnx irnnAi market was very nulet .lurine todav as a consetjoenoe of the continiml drop in cot ton. .Yarns were dull. Export trade Is qniet. Many buyers are In the market but they are moving canstlously. THE STOCK MARKET, ji r. grown 35(3 i id." scarce. v VkKSWAX Firm at 2Cc, : t ALLOW Firm at 4 1-2 ter oonnd. BEKF CATTLE Good, demand at 2 3 i- 'e per ponua on loot. . - s HiiiK lr. flint 14c: xreen 8c per pound SWKET 1'OTATOES Jood demand 55 (tv PPI" Dusuei ior jams., WOOL Hurr 18c.; free of burr 24c. ....'rsiic )i'55 ner bead. loKK Small corn fed 8(&9; large 89 unit, owinsr t quality. SHEEP Old no demand; . Lambs, vdull ll.25l2.5a ' Tl'KKEVS Oood demand 1316o out; dressed 1822c. i i. - THE COTTON MARKET. on IN P.altlmore & oiiios. .1 .: .V Italtlniote & Ohio pfd.lV Vi . ItfilehttUE Stceiv.. .. . ; . u.v Brooklyn-IUpld Transit . . U . Canadian: Pacific .. .. ....... Central leather.-, Central Ihthor pfd .. .. .. , Central of New Jersey .. . . j..- Chesapeake fc- Ohio . . , . Chicao k Alton .. .. .. Chicago Oreat Western,.. ., ('bicuKO &' Northwestern .". Cuicoifo, JUL X- .St. Paul C., C. C. & St. Louis i..: Colorado 1-net & iron .. .. .. Colorado,.' Southern .. .. Colorado & Southern 1st pfd" Colorado' Ac Southern 2ud pfd. Consolidated -Oas t ., Cora Products .. .v . Delaware, & Hudson . . if . . ; ,U . Dearer & ltlo-raude ,i; .:. f. . Denver, & Itlo 5raude pfd . Distillers, Securities . . . . . . Erie -. . . . . -. '. . '. .. . . .'. .... . Ecic-'lst ufd' .-. Erie 2nd pfd -i: m : . . . . .r. ; nenerai iieciri,c ,-. i , .. . - (Ireat. Northers nfd .. .. fSreat Northern ())-e:4'tfs Illinois Ceiitral .. .. .. ,rLu. JnterborouIi ilet '. . ... . J. . . Jnterhorongh Met pfd ; . - .! .. inter Jiarvester ......... m.. . Inter -Marine pfd .. ';...; .. Jtiternatioual Paper .. .. .;. .. International 4'ump .. ., .4,;., tAwa Central . . .1. ;. Kansas. City $5outhfrn . . , .j . . Kansas Clty Southern pfd .i.. .. Louisville & Nashville .. .;. .. Minueapolfa & - St Louis . . . Minn.. St. P. & Sault St. M. Missouri Pacific .. Missouri; Kaunas & Texas , . Missonri, Kansas & Texas, pfd National Biscuit ; i . . . . . . . . National Lead .. . . .. .; .1 . . Nat l Rya.- of Mexico 1st pfd .. Nek York Central . . . .' . . . New York, Ontario & Western Norfolk & Western .. ., ,i . North American ..... . i . . , Northern Pacific , Pacific Mall .. .. .. .. .. PenasylTanhi . . .. .. .. .i ... People's (las .. .. .. a ..I.. , Pittsburg. C. & St. Louts .. Pressed Steel Car . 111 11 man Palace Car . Railway Steel Spring JteaoniiK. li New York. Jan. 18. It la rt rnrlfir In stock market experience to see so violent a price movement as that which was In force yesterday and. last week, arrested K. com pletely and suddenly as was the case-for the greatest part of today, s V- - , -' The departure from precedent In .today's market proved completely- mystifvinu to the professional trading element. Foreign selling of stocks was an Imnortant Influ ence In the earlv nnspttlomtVnt. lnrr hpIHiict oracrs ior Lonoon account being executetn. Aou.roninwfwrer pia Mosn.,rinmei jsreei a: iron Southern Pacific t'enuMic Steel 1. ...... Itepublic Steel pfd .. . Jlock-island ( o. .. ocrk : Island Co. nfd St. Ionis Situ Fran. St. Louts Southwestern '.'v York. Jan. 18. There was a renewal HI last week's bull panic In today's cotton uurkct when prices bfoke into new low ...iniiil fir the movement with March con 7,.,. w spllinir at 1:1.34 and May at 13.50 or 7.t to 70 points below the closing figures of ih.. nrcvinus day. A sharp rally In the list few minutes left the closing tone of iii. m.arkpt fir in and materially reduced tticlos with the general list showing a net i!t'.!iui' of from 20 to 4d points. The mar ket opened weak at a decline of 14 to 20 points mi tne old una 01 u 10 i. points on ti now crop positions and showed sewsa 1int1.1l excitement from the very start Tliere seemed to be a general feeling that larjre lines of long wtton remained to be liquidation, but during the early trading lu-L-e were pretty well sustained by the relative steadiness of Liverpool and Llver- i.inl iiuviiiif here to undo", straddles. As soon ; the EnglUih market closed nud arbt tnisre ofi'ers were withdrawn however, the market became very weak ana at times ap -m.'ire.l to be utterly demoralized. ,'Tentu tive efforts were made to check the decline imt Wall street, western and soutneru bouses fairly poured their selling orders into the ring and offerings of large blocks showed that some very big Interest was si'lllim in the most urgent mauner. Pres sure became a little less aggressive, how ...or :ifrw ' o'clock and a better tone de vilopeil. while around 13 for .May there as 11 tremendous demand from the saute sir.iii'' snrt moiilo. who . had", cliecked the punic' of ist Friday. Coverhtef wati --fe:-4 ior in Hic:i:iit: liiiiiiuk j-u iiii-:n 1 nu.rv. nlmut to .".(). points from'.the lowest with Miirch closing at -13.RI" and May at 13.78. There apjHared to be "bothtng In the gener ;fl new to explain the renewal of panic stricken liquidation, and It seemed. -to be the general Impression around the street after the close that the break into yew law jri'miml hud removed from the liquidation nf people .who had been aide to carry their cotton over the slump of last-week bet wlmse position nnd been weakened by the seiisatioiiiti .decline. Spimiers were said to be large buyers of contracts-during the day. Southern spot markets were unchanged to one cent lower. i:e.ei)its at the ports today were 24,457 hales au-alnst :!s,7:!d last week and fiO.401 last vear. For the week 150.000 - bales against KD.M'l last , week nnd 245,73! last year. To-lav's receipts at New Orleans were 4.;:;i against 12.027 last year aud at Houston s.ir.'i against 15,012 last your. . Spot closed ipilet 35 points lower: mid dlini; uplands 13.85"; ; iniddliug gulf 14.10. Sales 1.000 1.,-iles. Futures opened weak and .;loRed nriner, .uiiliin. v iMieu. .laniiary . . .14.01) I'elinmrv '. ' March .14.00 April May :. ... ..14.05 .iline .....".... July .. .. - .. ...,13.!! August ".. 13.70 seiiteinlior .12.80 Molier .. 12.00 Noveniiicr J'eirnilier ...12.35 h all of the! leading international stocks. This was the experesstou of 11 11 and a 1 Lon don's opinion of the course of -the English elections. The unloading of foreign specu latlve holdings contributed materially to the"ruornirnr din hi prices, which nut some of thetniarket leaders to prices lower than tne lowest or yesterday, 'i ne. selling cr I'nlted States Sieel yas particularly large and persistent. In the northwestern gran er group, on, the other uaud there was some, evidence of support until the Hill stocks slumped late in the day; There was a revival of rumors -of the possibility of dividend redactions 'In the group which hare been prevalent for several days. The large capital expansion of late years by the railroads of that territory -and some falling off lu earnings In the lust month or two for some of them made the ground work of these rumors. . 1 Another tspell of weakness In Rock Island which accompanied the election of Rock Is land representatives to the Lehigh Valley board wa read as disappointment that the new order of things In that direction did not go further. The power of - resistance was sensibly weakened towards the end -of the day and prices ended at the lowest -in sympathy with the break In' the Hill stocks. 'Money continued to work easier and discount rates abroad declines iw well. ' ' Bonds were easy. Total sales, par value, were $2,345.00U United States bond -were unchanged sn call. . - ' Total .sale. far -the day were 1,177,400 shared, v . .,'V . J . Southern Railway .. .'. Southern Railway pfd Teauessee Copper Texas & racltic .. .. Toledo.-St. Lotils & West Toledo, St. Louis & West. pfd nioii racinc . . .... ., t'nlon Paccitle pfd .. . I'nlted States Realty ', Fnited' States Rubber .. Fnited' States Steel . . . . United' Rtates Steel pfd Utah Copper , , Virginia Cnro: Chemical Wabash .. ;. -m. Wabash pfd ...... ..' Western Maryland .. .. n estiugnnuse Electric ., Western Union . . . . . : . Wheeling & Lake Eric . Wisconsin Central .. .. f THE FInAnCIaX, MARKET. New Y'ork; Jan. 18. Money on call steady 3" 1-2 to 4 per cent., mling rate 3 3-4, clos ing bid 3 1-2: ottered at 3 3-4.. Time loans easy but dull; sixty days 4 per cent., and ninety days 4 to-4 1-4; six months 4 1-4 to -41-2. .... V-"- .. - , ' ... " Prim mercantile paper 4 1-2 to o per ceiifT Steillnsr erXclifiniXe ady" with ac tual business in bankers Mils at 4.m.ki to 44'for sixtv day bills aud at 4.8070 for demand. Commercial bills 4.X3 1-4 to 4.- ..'. 3-4 Bar, sliver 52 Mexican nonars 44. ' , ' .. is -. . -. Close. i:t.t 13.5f 13.70 13.78 13.77 130 13.50 12.70 12.4 -12.35 T LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, I.iverri.iol. .Lin. IS. Snot In limited dc- maiid. nrices 10 uoints lower. American Jnhhlling fair 8.01; good middling 7.75; middling 7.01: low middling 7.51; good or- dii'arv 7'Ti: ordinnrv 7.0O. The sales of the day . were fi.000 bales of whieli :MM) were for spccnbttloit aud export ami included .1,20' American, iieceipta is, J"i hales lneliidinif fi.MK Amerlcnn. - 1'utures opened easier aud closed steady, .lannaiy 7..''.t:; January and February 7.:MJ; 1 elu iiai r intd 'Mrh-7.37 .1-2 : Msrcu and April 7.::s: Anril nud.Mav 7.41 : May nnd nne 7.4'J 1-2: June and July 7.42 1-2; July and August 7.41 1-2; August and Septem- oer ,.v.i: September and October .! 1-3 October and Novenilsr O.ftO 1-2; Novemlier and Iieccinber 15.52; December and January ''11: .lannary and February n.w 1-a. LICK BROS. CO, COTTON LETTER. New York. Jan. 18,-The market once io"ie i.iade new low records for the pres en: ' downward uoTcment. There was not so lunch excitement utteiiillnir the decline as was exhibited last Friday.- The feeding pessiiiiism was even more pronounceci. ' otton that had been carried over the xlti- lent break of last week was sacrificed this iii'iriiiajf, and holders appeared to be rellev- v. iien tner saw tne market . inaue new levels after thev tin tl dtmnieit their bold- ni.'if nun n ierie in iiiymki. it I' vei b.i! rallies" following, and the market itiially tsut (Uiwu to the basts of 13.50 for Mi,.v nii'l July. At this level there was li'ong buying by spot. Interests aud mill iiBcnts, and tlie market had a rally . of "ooin j.) p.jiHtM. The extent, of. t lie ltqui oatiou inm astounded the best Informed niei: in the cotton trade, but if indications com 10 anytuiug the market is well clean n nut. After the experience through winch recent buyers have passed, we think iiicie will be less, dlsnosltlou ou the nart "j outsiders to get : lirt the nia(-ket and l'ia.v for udvahcev.v iVuow leoks fcs If the "piiiiur and the Southern holder would '"e price between tbeniselves with no jiwi of specnlatleU. ' ' " DICIv BROS. & CO " -. PORT MOVEMENT. ! Galveston Easy, 15; net receipts 17,054 h,"ck lKf.,C,74. . X, , ,-?.Vw Orleans Steady, .15; rlet receipts 1 MOCK MitW. ....Jiobiie .Nominal,' IP 1-2 f net' receipts jjijvanuah Nominal,,, 14 5; net receipt J-'M : stock 111H ism . - '. T V - '- .. 'j!;'rl,;ston Nominal ; net' receipts '21 Wilmington- "tK 11.531. st 01 Nominal; net receipts, 43 ork'u 7)"4Stesldy' 3 1 : ' net reoeiPts 670 i.:i "more Nominal, 14 3-4; stock 13.550. y w York Quiet, 13.85 ; stock 171,174. ' '"WlUt- " K' net receipts C5. ri,., '''VlPbto trendy, 11.10 r stock 2,81)1. i or., 1 today, at all ports, net receipts i ; Oreat Urltaln 53; France Ijm fb s-24 opt y. bonds. S. ref. 2s, . .registered S."ref. 2s, coupon . .' h. hs, l-egistered .. .. S. 3s, coupon .. .. .. ,. S. 4s, registered .. . j S. 4s. coupon .. . ,. . ..... Allis Chalmers 1st . ' .. ." American Agricultural 5s American. Tel & Tel cv 4s American Tobacco 4s American' Tobacco Cs i. Armour &- Co. 4 l-2s ....,.. .'.". Atchison geu.4s ;, .V.S'i, f- Atcliisan cy. 4s ...' ..... Atchison, cy.. -s ; . i ...... ... Atlantic Cotst Xiae'lst 4s "i. .. Baltimore & Ohio 4s Baltimore &:Ob!o 3 1-2S .. .. ... Baltimore & Ohio H. AV 3 l-2s .. Brooklyn Transit cv. 4s .. ,. ..... Central ot.Georgia 5s '.... . .' .. 'entral leather 5s Central R.-U. of ! N. J. gen. 5s .. Chesapeake & Ohio 4 l-2s ;.-'.. Chesaieafce Ac Ohio ref. 5s . . .. . Chicago & .-Alton :H-2S .1 .. ... .. Chicago,, B.&'Q. Joint 4s ....... Chicago, rl. & Q. gei. 4s Cbirago, Mil. & St; l gen. l-2s., Cbreago, 11. I. P. R. It. col. 4s .. Chicago, It; 1. fc P. It. It. col. 5s . Chicago. R. I. Ik P. Ry, rfg. 4s .. Colorado Industrial 5 .i .. . . '.. Colorado Midland 4s ... . . . Colo. : Southern reL A ext l-2s DeL'iware & . Hudson cv. 4s Henvef RloUrande 4s .. .. ., Denver & Rio tirantie rer. os .. .. Distillers 5s ..' Erie prior Hen 4s . Erie ieir. 4s Erie v.- 4s series A Erie ct. 4s series "B ... Jenernl Klectrlc ct .. Illinois Central 1st ref 4s . . . . loteroorongh Met 4 l-2s .. .. luter.-'Merc. Marine 4 l-2s .. . Japan 4s .... ..... Japan 4 1--8 .. Kansas City Southern 1st 3s ... Lake Shore deb. 4 tr.taij .. . Louisville Nash, tin 4s .. .. Missouri, Kan. & Texas 1st 4 Mo., Kau. & Texas- gen. 4 1 -2s Missouri I'aoinc 4s National Rys. of Mexico 4 l-2s New York t-entrai gen, a New York Central deb. 4s .. . N. Y., N, H. Hartford cy. os Norfolk & Western 1st con. Norfolk & Western cv. 4s . . Northern Pacific 4s.. ..-j,. .. Northern Paclflefls - . Oregon Short Ume rfdg 4s enn. cv. 3 1-29, iiuio .. . Penn. Con. 4s'.'. Rending Oeu7 4s .... .. .. St. Louis fc Sau Fran. fg. 4s .. ... St. Louis San Fran: gen. 5s".. .. St.- Louis S'western con. 4s .. .. . St. Louis S'western "1st gold. 4s .. Seaboard Air Llue 4s u.Vj Southern Paccifle.col. 4s .. Southern Paclrlc cv. 4s .. .. ..'; .. Souther u P. Ut n;ast ref 4s Soutliern Railway T .. .. 0 Southern Railway gen. 4s. . rniou Facinc 4s .... , . .s . , , I'niou Pacific' cv 4s .. .. ......... Union Pacific 1st aud ref, 4s .. . IT. S.'Rubber 6s -.. ., ,. .T UrS. Steel 2nd-6s-.. ".. . .. Vli'ginta Car. Chemical 5s WatMisb- 1st 5s . Wabash 1st aud est 4s ..... . Westem Md...4j'v.. . , Westfinghouse Electric cv 5s Wisconsin Central 4s . .. .. ...,...100 B-8 .. .. ...100 5-S 4s t ' ..101 3-4 ..101 3-4 ..114 1-2 ..HI S-4 . . 83 1-2 ..102 ..103 1-4 .. 77 1-2 i.ioo 7-8 .. 03 3-4 ..100 1-4 ..118 S-8 .118 1-4 . . 14 - .. 00 . .. 02 1:4 !0 1-8 .. K4 7-8 ...108 5-S .. 1)0 3-8 ..124 1-2 ..H 3-4 ..104 1-2 ., 74 1 ... m 5-8 1)0 .. 80 .. 80 3-4 ..liri 1-4 .. ftl 1-4 .. 81 ..80 1-4 07 7-8 ..101 3-4 .. on; ..04 1-4 , . . 73 1-2 ...87 1-2 . . to 7J 1-4 73 ....145, 0l 1-2 82 g-8 . ... 88 1-2 1 1-2 .... 3 .... 94 3-4 .... 09 7-8 .... 00 3-4 . i. 1-2 . . . ; si 3-4 . .. 74 3-4 91 3-8 !U) ..,:134 1 . 90 , ....101 - 102 1-4 ... 73 3-4 04 3 "4 .... 96 1-8 ....104 .5-8 .....90 1-8 .... 84 1-8 88 3-4 .... .7.8 5-8 03 ' 86 .... 93 1 ....103 1-8 ... 94 7-8 ..109 7-8 .. SO 7-8 ..101 3-4 ..111 1-2 . . 07 ..103 S-4 ..104 5-8 .1 111 1-2 .. 73 7-8 .. 85, v 92 94 1-8 New Y'ork, Jan. 18. Floor dull and lower to sell. RyeFlour and Corn Meal Steadv. Buckwheat Flour and Rve Quiet. Buckwheat and Barley Nominal. Wheat Easv No. 2. 1.3ffl snles elevntnr. domestic- l.:k) nominal fob hfloat. Options closed S-4 to 7.-8 net lower. May 1.16 7-8; July 1.08 1-2. . .Corn Spot easy: No. 2. 73 1-2 elevator. domestic; 74 delivered and 72 fob afloat nominal. Options closed 3-e to 1 l-4c lower May. 76 3-4; July 76 1-4; September 76 1-8. wais spot steady; mixed nominaL Op tions closed 1 -4c nelower, May 53 1-2.- . Pork and Beef Steady i v , Lard Easy. ' 1 , Tallow Firm. . "'i . Rice Steady. , ! Melases sFIrm. . ' 1 i SugajSRaw barelv steadv. ' IteHned sn. gar steadyx . , - - . - Coffee Futures closed steadyunchanged. Spot ViuieC Rio No. 7.8 11-10 to 8 3-4: San tos No; 4. 9 to IK 1-8. Mild Mulct. Cordovsi 0 to 11 1-2. . r " . . . . Butter Unsettlet! hnt prices unchanged.' Cheese and Eggs Firm, unchanged.- ; Potatoes I lull : L.eriliml.i rccoiiiI rrnn -ner barrel 3.00 to 5.00; Maine per-bag 1.00 to ,iv. - . . 4 , j, . Cabbages Firm, unchanged. " Freights and Peanuts Unchanged. The Totton. seed oil market was weak closing at a net decline of-20 to 23 points under heavy liquidation of long oil on thp weakness in cotton nud lard.' Sales amount ed t 24.21)0 barrels. January G.!15 to 6.9IU Mni-clu 7- to 7.04; May T.tni'to 7.07: July t.i-i to . 1 . lit. jt-riine crude B.w nominal. prime aummer yellow WW to T.ft3i nrlnie winter yellow "7.00 t'j 70; prfme su miner wane ro (.-.. - THE GRAIN MARKET. ' CXOSING STOCK MST. Allls Chalmers pfd . .. Amalgamated Copper ..--. . . : . . . . American -Agncniturni ...... American Beet Sugar American Can pfd .. ..... American Car & Foundry . .. -. American .Cotton Oil ; ,'. .: . ... American Hide & Leather pfd .V American Tee Securities .. .. American Linseed ; . , . . . . ; ; American Iocomotive ... American Smelting & Itefug . . ... Amer. Smeltler & Hef'ng pfd American Sugar Refining ., '.. .." Americau Tel & (Tel .. . ... ,. AnifvM.i; T bcco, pfd . , . . Atner!car W.Kden. Aii;;'f,aii;: Mining t o. ... .. .... .. Atchison .. .. .. .. ............... Atchison pfd . . ..,,.. f . ' 1 Atlantic Coaat Line . r ..50 .. 83 ..45 43 3-4 .. 78 3-4 i. 65 1-2 .. 'HS.1-2 . . 43 1- ..23.3-4 ..16' ..55 .. 93 7 ..10fr 3- ..123 ..137 1 .. 93 3 3T . . 40 3 ..1181 ..103 3 ..130 1-2 2nd! , pfd 1-. . . ...ni5 1-2 .... 03 .... 31. ' ... 75-5-8 ...170 1-4 '. . , . 43 -4 ....107 1-2 ....300 .... S6 5-8 ...... (W 1-2 .... 32 7-8 . ..157 1-2 . ..140 3-4 .... 70 44 1-4 ...VT7 3-4 ...i 81 f .;. 80 . . .1311-2 . . . ...io 1-2J ....177 ...M 1-2 . ..82 .... 34 , :n ' . .... 48 3-4 8 3-4 ....154 ....131 . .; 73, : ..'. .142 -. . . . 3-8 . . . 00 1-2 ....121 20 3-4 13 1-2 50 . ; . . 25 3-4 . . . 40 1-4 . .. G8 150 1-2 . ..47 1-2 134 3-4 ....67 ....44 7-8 . .. 72 : ....113 .... X5 3-8 61 1-2 ....117 5-8 . . . 44 5-8 .... 97 .... 70 1-2 ....131 3-4 r. . . 33 1-2, ....133 :;..113 1-4 . . . 97 1-2 40 t .A. 190 .... 4(5 ..';.1H1 1-2 40 ....101 ', 43 "1-4 , .. 84.1-2 .... 55 . .... sr . ... 74 1-2 . . . 81 -, ,...".130 1-8 30r,-4 .... 67 1-4 .... 3d 3-4 . ..32 1-2 .. "..48 3-4 . .. tiS 1-4 ., ..191 1-4 ....,100 1-2 . . . . 80 1-2 46 ' 83 7-8 ....123 ..... 52 1-2 . ., 54 , ' 40 7-8 ...51 3-4 ;. .. 72 73 1-4 .. ..' 5 1-4 47 1-2 close from-10 to i 1J day: v - Wheat V May-'. July-.. ."'.". .. Sept Corn May .. .. .. July ..... .. Sept . . . . hits May....... . t July ..... .. Sept ..' Mess Pork, Jan .May July Opening- 1 1-2 . 1 tl"5-8 -.. ''7 " 68 3-S t;7; 5-s (iT 1-2 ,48 ' ,44 1-2 41 1-2 per bbl. : loH--t.han. yester- Highext. 1 W 3-8 J 01 3-8 . .97 ; -x, 7 7-S W6L-V.S - V-; '" . .48 " ? -. 44 i -3 41 1-U 1 09 .1 m 1-2 K 90 3-8 7 5-8 q 1-4 ca 7v- 47 5,8 44 - 41 1-8 ...21 :80 21 SO.. t- ..21 9t ..---V' 21 fir, 2L75 21 80 Lard, pcV iilO lbs. " , "-..a: ' Sort nibs, ner lOtr ins.':.'. Jau. v...... 11 72 1-2 U May'.. . .11 57 1-2 -11 12 1-2 July .. .. ...11 60 ' H 60 : 11 05 11 j ll 50' 11 52 1-2 I CHICAGO CASH GRAIN. . -Chicago. Jan. IS. Cash wheat No.: "2 red 1.23 to 1.25; No. 3 red 1.18 v to 1:23;. No, 2 alu-d 1.12 1-2 to 1.13; No. 3 hard 1.10 to 1. 12; No. 1 northern 1.13 to Liu; No.'-2 njprth-- ern 1.1 2-to 1.13; No. 3 spring i.m to ni2. Com No.. 2, 03, V2; n uiie w: no. 2 vellow 65 1-2 to 66: No. 3 04 l-- to 65; n0. il white 65 1-2 to W,; No. 4, 02 1-2 to 64; No. 4 yellow 63 to 64.. . ' ; '. - V t,atsNo. 2 white 40 1-2: No. 3 white 48 to 49; No. 4 white 48 to 48 3-4; standard 49 to-49 1-4. - V . V-: NAVAL STORES. New York, Jan. "is. Rosin steady, tur pentine easy. . . , - - - . UariestOll. ! Aurpemuie nnlet 50 1-2. Roslu firm, yuote: A. B. C. 1.2; D. 4.22 1 -2 1 E. 4.25; F, 4.25 to 4.- 50; . 4.30 to 4.3.1: ii. io i, 4.w; K, 5.70; M, 6.10; N. u.6-:.mi, B.; WW, i aw. . -Kiivannnh. Oa.. Jan. l. i nrpentlne notli lug doing. 59 1-2 to 60; sales ; receipts :uu; sftlpincnrs i.rs;'-Hi ".'-io. ynoie: a n i n e. i'.-ii i-r: r. -i to 4..i: 4.m to 455: n, 4.."- to ..fi i s; l, 4.fo;i K, 5.70; M, 6.10; N, '6.6-j J - t. Bail; . WVYVr -6. 5. r - .. - . ' NEW YORK fRODrCS MARKET. Clcago. Jari. 18. Grain, nnd nrovisions declined In prices here today, the market neiiig nervous m ait Uie lilts.. W Heat led the downward inarch of the gralus closing rroai 3-4 to l i-4e lower than yesterday. The lbfuidation in provisions left at the ; - MARINE DIRECTORS, List of YcrU Now la Vort at Wiltniartn, n. c. . - ,' ' Steamers. iiiciirauua uir.) i.u: tous- Ballard. WH- nilUStOU Coninrtss X: W.irphiiu in Mariner, (3r.) 1,525 tons, Morrison, Helde Phoeuix,;:'(Gr.) 1,083 tous, Schnltx,1 Helde Secalla (Dan.) 1,683 tous, JeusW Helile & . . ' Schooner. ' '' "" :'" Wln' 'uien, 575 tons, Quillen, C. 1. Calhoun"E. RoSs, 37S tons, Colhouti, C. D. .-.--.- i - ' . : S ' :' -' ,, -" ' - ' 'V ; '- " , '' ' - ';..: 1" .. i- ..i , .: .- 1- t ; shYille, tenn-r Jan. 15v-It waVan: nouncea locay tnat FTofessor Wlclditfe Rose; of Peabody college, Nashrille, vflll direct the work or tne Roc.kfe.ller Hopkworr Commission. Professor. Rose will have as his assistant Profes sor a. Pv Bourland, also of Peabody. r miiiHt ARRIVED. Str. City of Faycffeille, Smith, Fayette yilieT CP. Love. 1 ' ': - Str. C. W. Lyon, Edge, Fayettevllle. C. P. Love. ' , i- ".' -' -. - CLlJAED.' Str;C.-W. Lyon? Edrfe, FayettevHic; P7. Love. - i . . ' '..ii'.i (' Str. Duplin, stokes, snutu s Uildge.,J, a. Mumi. . " " " ' , " Str. Navnhoe-; nale, ticorgetown. s. c, ll G. Smallboues. - v '. : r ! ' . - ' BY RIVER AND RAIL Receipts of .Naval Steres and Cottett Tes . -v. teraay. Wilmington, N. l Jan. 18, 1910.. W. & W. Railroad 22 bales cotton. XV i. C. & A. Itailroad 10 bales cotton. 12 barrels tar, 16 barrels crude, turpentine. VA. & Y. RallronH casks spirits turpen tine, 54 barrels tar, 3 barrels crude turpen tine. -. '"' W. N. Railroad 2 bales cotton. 1 bar. rel tar. S , r '-.'.' ' '" Str. Alice 22 barrels rosin x hariels tar. Total 13 bales cotton. 3-casks-spirits turpentine. 22 harms ;roslnv)74..barrels tar, 1! barrels crude turpentine,',. Boiler Diet ' Boilers should hive Heat Units theirproper . diet. Many owners oyer- look this and force jipon c them quantities of slate, dirt; clinker, etc., devoid of Heat Units. Then they wonder why the boiler eats , sc much and does so, little. Atlantic Guaranteed . Coal is Nature's ideal Boiler Food. H igh in heat units, low in ash. - No metallic clinker. Never "runs" on the grates. The boiler . eats less and does more, r " - Atlantic States Coal & Coke Co. " - V Richmond, Va. . sses Just Received and on -Display at - -' .' ' - .", ' , I.- . - - . - . , It - ; . ' . ' - -' -it -. - '- .-..-. . 5-s - - . - -i f-.CT 17 I ;:i:::;i':;;::-:;:;r1:.1" Mem:S ME HERE! More atAiyeSncl prettier than ever; Silks, Ging i ' ; hams, Percales, White. Goods, traces, ;We.are of f erihp;'50 (V yards' of white, pure Linen Lawn,"; a full yard wide, per yd. . . . 25 e -A- IThis is: a Wonderful " value, considering the ad vance in the prices of linens. r " . - " - .-..'" . o li a o Sole agehtsfor pr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Underwear ; and Warner's and Redfern Corsets. f: , . i ..... .- t - X:'.--i.': ' : -;': '. - ' - ' .-:t;:i. .',' ' -: . v-t:,--' "..:'.' i- i-' ; 'r e ' ' ;:! Ci-ii -They Vara -Dainty and Pretty Lace and . Embroidery iTrimnied- made of fine Sheer Lawn; also Children's and Misses' New-Wash Dresses for Spring in white and colors. Prices range from 75c to $5.00. It is: worth you time to look at them even if you are not ready to purchase, . t ' ? ; ' Som? things that we must turn into CASH. "Six dozen "Ladies' Silk Hats of ?3.00 value, for. , .$1.00 All trimmed Hats will be sold at -an enormous reduction. Nowhere will you find such bargains as we, are offering -in Ladies' Suits and .Furs. We are overloaded and it is near the end of the- season. ... : . v , ---- - - . ' ; ;V 100 dozen Ladies' Hose,. 10c quality, slightly damaged by .... 1 water .., Short iengthsSof 15c Percale. Small lot of 20c and 25c Galatea ............. Beautiful line of new. Dress Ginghams, for Spring; .5C ...... 10c - ..-i. ..15C "They are . wonderful bargains at i f i .106 Wetiave a lot of English-long cloth, high grade goods, of 18c and 20c value that will Sell for 10c. 'Don't miss it. - s.-' - . ,- : .V-" . '':..!. ",: Nce line: of Men's PajaraaB and Night, Shirts,, v.....; ..48c to 93c Special. Sale, of Men's and Boys' Suita. 4 .98c to $6.00 v .Nothing can equal it. ;' ' ' ' ' ' , --We sell for Spot Cash but we glve you gpod bargains.' iiiini. i n i ,mnf, .nrP4&A&tti,li 'd"'ri!:!'i- -T-.-tt . .- -"WC. Tv T-.x&e 'S '.', "- '..--i-'- '-' v. '' -.:.' :;. .:".:.-'; -; '".: . l' : "V , ':: ''-, ... "'-r B I G D E P A RT Rfi E M Tr STO RE r ; 210, 212, 214 11. FROlSir ST. 3E acsss a W tf - . - '-J' T -' t V" " :'-- ' v.- h- - . - . ., f : , - .V ' . -' ; ' ' ' .'- - , 1 "16'; - dfcttf Mesnas: r 1 1 Sfm f U:: Every Sip Isi Delicious Every sip ' 6V" Scuppernbng wine: brings to you the i zes and the exquisite flavor of that wonderful grape--thefaniou Void Carolina Scuppernong ! .V It's the heart and soul of the grope, bottled and saved for the pleasure and enjoyment of those tvho appreciate . the rarr esl, finest and nios fraity prp dudt of the vine. V. ' - Serve Bear's Scuppernong with Sunday's dinner. It will add immensely to the pleasure I i jot the occasion. ;$ ; v We Wish You All a Hap-i V by and Prospero us New Year ! 7 Phone 673. So W. Corn tr Front and Princess Sts. 2 tf .;., .-, . : J - ::'-..-..- " v, ' v V--'.- i : .'.-. '. ' " ' ,' , , SCCPPENONO ronx.' -BELL ,OF CAKOriXA. SIIKRIIY :":'-''. BLACKBERRY. ,-: -.iy- ' '.-...- v? 4 iii cases of 12 bottles, (called " quarts one . kind or t assorted, lf$7.00 permease, express prepaid, ; or $6.00, delivered in Wilming-. torn J i Apply X f or descriptive ' booklet-price l&t. A So ' , '. ' v .1 - ;;-"'-,' : 'X. 'yX '-y-; X-'- . -;' ;:' :liMi;WiiffiQ)i Phonfe "866...:. y- y : :'.''y:::. ::'X: : Wilmington,!. C ; i Our business is pt :affectea by the XortU CaroJina,. Prohibition Law. -; ny t the:;Men -. A;.: who want good looking, dnrahla. and Btylish'-Shoe al ' moderate ' prices. Well Just pat it : tolldvy and say that We're the best $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes thl coun try produces. .. In Pat. Kid, Qunmetal and Vlcl. S3.50andS4.00 109 MARKET ST. C f?W b 1 V-B R V y. C O M P A W V - r' " -: : -108-110-112 N. Second Sti.y--y - Up-to-Date Traps and Buggies -. ' " --: y 't t ' 4 - L ' - ' .r, .. v- . ' :, -. - ' . --'.':- - ' - i Carriages for Germans and f Receptions a Special ty. j 4 T . - - - -. "ii i i . . ii.' .), '-HI1'- ;i('i1 -"- i;-jv . :'.j. i . . ' -l'l . I .'. . ' i ' -:.- - , '. - - -. ': '.-l. . -lot -A - - . i )' '?d .. 5 ,snl;ii ,. -. :..hih ,'.''' : i JU "i .'' .tliip 1 : - :. ' n t - v. s u-iH ir )';- .i- h - ! ' -, '- ' " ,'fi ' 'ivp. e '-. 1 il ZJ v. " . f , 7 i n