WILMINGTON MARKETS. STAR; OFFICE Feb. -5. ;r,KlTS TI KI'ENTINB-Murket, noth- -Market, steady $3.90 her. barrel. JniirMarket. flrni 52.00 per .m tier barrel for bard; $4.50 nrni w.wu per Darrcl. - - -Market. flrm lor alp and ..1 IV' '.! same day last Jjar Spirits Quotations rosin Hr.LU. crude WIE." Hi S1.75 and furi't" RECEIPTS. ,,lriw turpentine .. ):'":'" '.,".." '"'!!!,! '6' .................. . ,k. . ... ......567 . "... 23 . ...... 1 I I " J II 1 - ,- same nay inst rear 4 casks v-m turpentine: 208 liarrels roHln ; 284 lillTl Aurkft-Nothlnft dolnjr. Qnotatlons cor ".irts--'' Vales, sum iLiy. la-year PRODCCB MARKET. : ! 1 ,iiu.te) by W. J.-Merelith Jan. 2S.) ' Vi.'M"rs North Carolina, No. 1,. $1.12 iunl bnUc)-; Spanish ,$i.4Q ana flijuKN Firm SK)05c per bushel for mit c riAMS Good tfemandt i oid hams jo: pi;cs- lull 'Mc per dozen. CHICKENS Spring 203Q; grown 35 4 'nKKSNVAX-Firm at 26c. ,'"' . t vi.L OAV Firm nt 4 l-2c per ponnd. ' EEKl-' CATXLB Good demand . at : 2 . ,'. 'e per pound on 'foot, i - . III IT-'""1"'1 ulul r. v M w ct puuuu. SWEET I'OTATOES Good demand M tin.- ier busuei ior yams. WOOL I'.nrr lSc: free of burr 2e, - ...!ksk ."Uira.j5 Der bead. . l'OKK Small corn fed S9; large SH ,nts. owina to quauiy. - SHEEP Old no demand; Lambs, dull TL'KKEYS tiooa aemana . loafliec on w dressed lSr22c. - - I.KAS White iiluck eyes i25 and S2.40: lady tin jrem $2.73; chty-and Tiy peas $1.51) itnil flf. - . ' " . ,.- " 1 THE COTTON MAKKKT. . V, u- York. Feb. 5. There -was a fnrther V i.iu:iil.'ninK of business iu the cotton mar ket toiltiy an,l a continued advance . in n!i,s wliich reflected a renewal of the bull Hui).Mt noted yesterday, eoverlnc trade ln:yi!MT and an increasins outside interest. Th. iiose was slichtly off from the best iindt r rt';tlizin lut steady at a net advance ,,f r. tn -- points, near- months beine -tela lively tirm. The. market opened flrm at an advance of 4 t 1- point and May contracts sold at ll. si riclit utter the call on over-trtKbt'bny-ini: iinlcr, f lie stronp showing of the Liver pool market, millisli soutliern spot-adVKM'a mil the bullish visible supply stfttement It looked as though some of the leading i.nyers ot yesterday were takintr profits on iti' initial .nlvimc-e ana tnls selling tOKCth i-r with local bear pressure based on ex noftittlons of a reaction from week-end re jillziiitf, fent prices off 3 Tir4 points from the Wsi duriiiK the 11 rut few minutes. Hut cicii on so slicht a recession there was, an tni-rcasfil demand, owinjr to -a. reuewal of imll support, and very . soon varly sellers fur both loiitf and short acconnt started, to reidiiee their cotton.- ine nianest noin reached in the late trading when .May contrr.cts sold at 14.03. or 2?V polnt.4 above the 1-lusiiijr tltrures f Friday. CS .-. ooints :,liove the low level of the week, and li:t poliiH above the low level reached .last month. .M.iv closed at 14.88 bid- - March was rela tfvelv firm on support from the snot hous os st lliiis at H.ss or 21 points net higher. . The lnrj:e spot sales reported in Liverpool :!i(l the increased spot business reported in some or the lending Koutnern marKets law; vi-stenlay seemetl to confirm tne reeen i laims of an improved trade demand and me advance- nau tne. innner enconragemen f 'oriiiinied reports from' the Southwest indicating insufficient moisture, and an un Invoijitde condition of the sun-soil Private Liverpool cables attributed the I'lutlmied strength there to gool -trad? tiiiiiaiid anil bullish statistics. Ke-'fipts at. the ports today -were 11. 000 hiiies against .i.'.n.t naies last wees ana Ti last vear. For t..e week 7T,00l bales iiiiist 74.521 bales last week and 201,892 hales last year. Today's receipts at New ttihaiis were 4.130 bales against 7,52S last year and at Houston o,VC4 balew-atgalust,--. U".T last year. Spot cotton elosedqulet 20 points higher; middling uplands 15.10; middling gulf sales WW hales. Tutnres opened flrnaurd closed steady !,,,,,t,, - Pu- - ? el.niary .. .. .. ........-. 4.i .Man 14.Sd . . . . it. April .. . -May .... Illlie . . July .. .. Anunst .. Septeiuber iH'tolier . Xt' ember lH'ivinber January . ...14.75- ; ... 14.7ft. ...14.75 ...1UT. , ..'.14.1 ...13.28 ...12.Jsi .,.12.70 ..,12.05: 14.84 14.SS 14.77 14.70 14.02 1:'..30 12 12.70 12.08 HCK BROS. CO.. COTTON "LETTER. Xfw York. Feb. 5. The cotton market was sreadv and strong notwithstanding the I fact thai there was considerable scattered I'.'ti 1 i zi 1 1 - Mini v1Muir l.v. the nrnfessifMiill liniiiit en the.tlteorv that the week cud- proiit taking would' become, a. factor after ilf carlv f!emaud became satisfied. This i sflliii-- had little, if "Sin.r.' effect on the inar kft. The steady demand that has leen no- tii-eiildc for the past few day was again' in 'Min nie toiiav. Soutuern spot niaraets re- 1'i'itcd an advance of 1-1(1 to :M. with iiiinh better business doing. Foreign nd- viifs were also very favorable. The action "I the English spinners during the past i' (hiyn would seem to verify the repovt "f a revival of trade in Manchester as they li'ivc cjiiK'd large quantities of cotton on 1 1"' present basis. This has not only been '"tiei-ablc in the large Liverpool Bales-Mint in un- Niutheni markers as.weii, , DICK BROS., &. CO.. LIVERPOOL COTTON MAEHET. ' Liverpool. Feb. 12 :.TO P. M. Cotton: Slot m idi-ijite biisiness doue; prime-13 points "lu-iier; American middling fair 8.48; goon iiiiuiiiitiir n.20: middllusr 8.02: lw mid- Jlint' 7.H1; good ordinary 7.tw: ordinary I'.. " ... ti The s.,ieS of the diiy were 22.000 bales of "iii'-ii i.ii mi vele for spei-niation anci ex port ;uid included 20.900 American, ;No ie- ''lpts. . f-i .-, --.. . Futures oiiened flrm. and dosed steady 1 fhiuaiy 7.M: Fel)runry and r March 7.83- I -: March and Anril 7.84: April and May ' I 1-2: Mav and .Time 7.S1 : Juue and July 1-2: July and August 7.73: August nnd "i.teini,er 7.44; September and October ''" 1-2: October and - November 6.80 1-2 NovemlKT nnd Tleemher fl.Jl 1-2: :Iecem '"r and January' 0.00 1-2 ;- January and I ' l.niMiy ;.0 1-2: February and Marck l'-'' 1-2. . .. i- !U port m6vbment4 , .fx ' I'veston-Steady. 14 13-1C; net receipts ': woek 121,308. ( '-w Orleans Firm, 14 7-8; net receipts stock 210,010, Mobile- steady; i 15;' - net' ' receipt's lfelj K 27.018. r. . . ..... , ivaimah Firm, il4;-7-8j'net "receipts 1, : stock 70,104. ' M V . ' ' 1 narieston Nominal; net- .receipts " k 27.534. , i ., - .' Wilinliii:ton -Nominal; net "receipts si'M-k i::.imi4. ,r: ' ' i wnuK-Firm, 14 3-4; net receipts 1 k .;;..':;s. v - : llaliiinore -Nomlnat.' 14 5-8, stock 12.415, ev Vork -guiet, 15.10: st0ck-ltt7,lttVv-toston (jniet, 13.10;, net receipts 50. I'ldladelidila Steady. 15.35; stock 1,557. I'onsacola Xet receipts 500. r- '"'ii loiliiv. nt nil ports, net Ofceipts 11 ': i i rent ISrltaln 4,250; Continent 5 ' 1.078. - '''iisfdidaied. at all1 ports, net receipts ureat Britain 4,250; continent ow, ""al since September 1st, at all ports, receipts 5.728J577: Great- Britain, ljais. '-1: rraiwe 748,404; (Continent 1,810.444; '''.'Wi : Mexico 12,819., w.; j. ' - ' INTERIOR MOVEMENT. ' loustoii Steady, 14 7-8; net- receipts 3, Sl'i: stock 117.848, - f .'-- AiiKustn steady, 15;, net' receipts K 1.17 t , , - - .! . Memphis Steady, 15 3-8; net receipts -': stock 179.721. ' - -t - . M. Louia Steady 13-1-4; net receipts I 131; 43.217; i K - 95 1 stoek-..vi iro , "r1,u" 34 'V-4J- net reeeiots ; Louisville-- FiPI , .-..'rv:r..;v, oelVtsT stowk 469,817.; VT Wlt '.908; .sales 4.451: . '"'.. " 1 . 1 ' - '. DRX GOODS UAi. :.- . torcottoIoSdHurin7'1 market cottons have bee rtth? -yf ' NnPP1 joyed a Kod fi 8 Tr1 audbave en moderatelv SteaSr-tri i"avf ,l,JluB a better tUia last venr i .Lthe lesult8 are New. York.' Feh. f. stock market action of, the felt or. Tnt -SSI? ;,Hre. .lPrehenslon Utlcal outMnV - tU - 5 'V7 "usniess. rrd pn- w, , ;vnicn bought atocka lMw..n JiTli?? Of further pressure r,V T.i! UltLLUII. i A MIA nas.i.w. w " - " "M"' ket :thAt' "tinn IZ&ZFfS? I . vlni"ra!lD TUP mill- that ."thiugjUooked: betted at Waahin-- ton. ;The bear bear .party--in. tire speculation wa, 'h"t Intiinhlatert by the evlrte ee of intiiil, fflen!anO:romvSen somewliat Oil . n . . 1 .i w "I.1"7 '"r1 l wuu-li prices wei-e OnlV KTK t seTel'e rk decline. - hn,i "T10 on "he rtvau'p- o the -other hand. lu)d xiimp rmnintn i 'Iv tlon .nd cantta ph2 ."L "iT. 8fnteSt.'Ua th0 thVnk finTt,ie&,.U,ed pansfon of ioi,s, . 1, ?P Vn fie hf2,jy,,tock. mrket liquidation "?fLwltb the sowin for several pitTK The large, decrease-in cash reserve was another surprise in the bank statement, as tne .known movements of money indicat ed a gain of over $5,000. The decrease "loowowv uct"r1 flgureR re,Khed ovr uunnwere arm. Total sales, nar value." were-$2,057,000. T'nited States 2s have ,ie caned -1-8 and the 4s 1-4 peV-rcnt. in the bid price on call, since last week. Total I sales for the day were 442.SOO shares .i '.TUB 1TNANC1AX. JIARKET. New York. Feb. 5. MmiOV on cnll nnml. naL Time loans dull. iSlxtx . Av njnety days 31-2 'to 3 3-4 pft cent. Six months 4 percent, v ,-'. .' i-rune mercautue . paper. 4 1-2 to .. ner cent.- Hterlrng-exclmiigi- steady -with actual n uanxers. puis at 4.K1MO to 4.is.K0 for sixty day bills -and at 4.8013 for de mand. (Commercial hills 4.K3 1-4 to 4..s.'5 H-4. Bar silver 51.1-2. Mexican dollars-44. - CLOSINQ STOCK -LIST, , Allis Chalmers pM .'. . Amalgamated. Copper . American Agricultural ... . ;w 1-2 . 71 3-S .42 .-35 1-4 . 71 1-2 1-4 . 5: . :s5 . 20 1-2 .14 1-S . 4X 1-2 . S2 .101 J .1-2 ,.120 1-4 ,.i:t 1-4 ,:.'. I .. :S2 1-2 J' I American J'.eet Sugar .. .. American Can pfd .. ... .. American Cark Foundry American Cotton. Oil .. .. American Hide & Leather pfd Anierleun Ie Securities American Linseed .. .. .. American Locomotive. .. .. American Smelting & Ref ng Amer. ..Smelting &. Refng pfd American Migar Kenning .. ., American Tel..& Tel. . ... .. American Iv-baeeo, pfd American Woolen ..... .. .. Anaconda. Mining' Co. .. . . Atchison ...... Atchison pfd- . . .... ........ 40 1-4 Atlantic. Const Line ........ Baltimore & Ohio .. .. .. Baltimore & Ohio pfd Bethlehnm Steel Brooklyn Rapid. Transit .. Canadian Pacific4 . . . . . . Central Leather, '.j .. .. . . . . . .207 71 1-4 ....17! 5-8 :w ....1ft5 1-2 . i..290 81 5-8 .v ; l -i Central Leather pfd" . Central of New Jersey i aeaapeaKe .v; Ohio .. . . Chicago & Alton :. '.. .. .. Chicago (rent Western'.. Chicago & "Northwestern .. .. Chicago, Mil & St. Paul .." C. C. C. St. Louis . Colorado Fuel & Imn'..' .. . Colorado & Southern .. .. . Colorado & Southern 1st pfd Colorado &. Southern 2nd pfd (Consolidated litis ..- .. ... .. Corn "Products .'.. .. I ... 1 .. ... If .,.!... .... no. i ......153 : . ..147 l-2j 70 ' 35 1-2 ! ,..',..57 . I .. .. M SO J?o 1 if., ' " jo I '-T.il .111 fx. AlllllTfUII . .. Henver : Rio 5rande .. .. Oenver & Rio Grande pfd v. Idstlllers' SecuritlcK .. .. .. F.rle 1st pfd .-.: . .'. Kne L'nd prd . . .. General Elecrtric' Great Northern, pfd , ... . , . . iiuiCeatraT . . .V. .1 '. lnterborough Met . . inter!.orougli -Met pfd .L40 l - 'J . 18 7-8 .40 1-2 -. y ,. 10 3-8 ,. 12 ::-4 . 47. ,. 20 f-2 . . 30 3-8 .. (Ss ' , .144 . ,r 45 . ..134 .. 08 3-4 Inter. I ".arrester. . .... Inter Mariuc pfd ., ... n tenia tionar Taner ':.-'.. . Internntioual If. unijf . Iowa 'Central.'' L" i,3.- - Kansas- City Southern .... Kansas City Southeru pfd . ij-iuisiilie . Nasnviiio .. . Minneapolis .&,st. Louis . . , Minn.-. St. P. &tSalt -St. M. Missouri Pacific- ; 200; ww, IW; Ja - ..a -.261 J Phone 866; .4 : 1. Our business i- '. J1' rP4 i .ii-w- Tr ' 'A-.,, :'t.'j J'i ' '". ' iC . -' V ' " -.:':-' ' ..' '...'-'.,--' -.":-. , JUL -'.V - ' :-- .'.Phone 866;l W':i m, ''-'I' 1 Missouri. Kansas & T'xai . . . Aiissourr, Kansas &"Tesas pfd 1 VilHi.niil 1fl...,(, 1ft.' 1. .atinal'Laa-i-;...,.rv .. ...... Nat?l Itys. of Mexico 1st pfd ... New York- Central . . -: . -.y New .York, Outarlo & " Western "i. . ..- r.z-s .. 61 . .118 3-4 .. 44 3-4 . . 7-S . . 77 135 1-4 .. SO. 14 AorroiK at western .. .. .. ...... North Americau ' .. . J Northern Inci fie .. .. ..... Pacific Mall, Pennsylvania .. .. .. People's Gas . . . . . . ... ., : Pittsburg, ;t V. & St. Louis . . . . . Pretsed Steel Car ...t- .,:K Pullman Palace Car". .. .. .-. .. Railway Steel Spring . .... Heading .. x. ... Kepublie Steel . .. Republic Steel pfd . : ; Rock Island Co. ... . Rock Island Co.- pfd . N. .'..'. . ... . St. Louis &' San Fran: 2nd pfd St. ,Louis. Southwestern ., ', . St. Xouis South western pfd Sloss Sheffield Steel and.lrbn V. ., Soutliern Paclflc : , . Soutliern I! tlway j.-: ;, d . X ': .'. . Southern ltailway ifd ..131 1-2 ..10S -.. 00 1-2 . . ' 30 1-2 ..lf7.1-4 . . :k : .. 00 1-4 . . 34 3-4 ..100 -. . 44 7-8 ... 83 1-2 ... 48-1-4-,, 20 t-2 v. 73 I- r:.124 34 - OA ... i. ' Tennessee Copper'jk: & . . , . . : , 31 1-5 Texas & FargSe. it..-.i-.1 i : . 2 3-4 Toledo. St.Lriuts X Vest . . .. .. .: 44 1-J Vnlpiln fit iT.rilita jfT Waat - ' " ' XX 1.2" I Toledo, St. Louis j&VfRt nfd . ..: 64 1-2 1't.. Tl..lA..' ... ' ' ion raeinc-, .k.v v .41M 3-4 OS .-r 7.V ' - as 1.4 sir 120 1-4 4S 1-4 40 1-4 'J 1-8 4:1 S-4 40 1-2 07 ; 71 3 4(5 . "viv-j-Mt ... .. . y . ......... T'nWl States; -Realty: :-TJ; :. . H-nlted. States Steel .... . , Jl'nlted States Seel pfa ,. Ftaft Copper M:. - .. ... Virginia CsvrfiiirtTA.CheniIil Wa bash . . J.wf W i . wabash pfd; v . . i . r.'i ;i . . Western- Maryland ;. ; . . . Weatlnghouse . Electric . . ... Western TInion. :-. i -. . .. Wheeling & Luke Erie'.. . Wisconsin Central v. r- ii. y. BONDS. U. S. ref; 2s, registered ... V. S. .ref.v 2s, conpon . U. 3s, registered . . .. . U. 3s, coupon i.: .. V. S. 4s registered".. , IT. S. 4s coupon .. .. ... . Allis Chalmers 1st 5s .. . . American Agricultural 5s .. American.' Tel Teb cv. 4s ....100 1-2 ....100 1-4 ....101 3-4 ....101 3-4 101 3-4 ....114 1-4 ....114 f-4 so ii-4 ...101 American Tolaeco-4s .. .. -102 1-2 - i Au31"iean Tobacco ;ft S". . . .' , .'.".100 3 Ar?up Co-7 1 ' Atchison gen 4s .... .. Atchison cv.-4a. ... .. . . . ... 92 '1 ...100. 1-4 ...115 S-S ...117 . .-. 00 1-2 .. 90 1-4 ... 92 1-2 ... 90 a-S Atlantic Coast Line 1st 4s f Baltimore Ohio 4s . naitinrore A; unio 3 i-rs HaltinWre & Ohio S. W. 3 l-2s . Brooklyn Transit cv. 4s .. .. Central -of Georgia 5s-.. .. (Central leather 5s .. .. Central. R. '.It.: of N. J. gen 5s Chesapeake k Ohio 4 1-2s (hesapeake & Ohio ref. 5s . J . Chicago & Alton 3 l-2s Chicago, B. fc Q. joint 4s .. . (Chicago, B.'& Q. gen:'4s...' .. 83 5-8 108 3-8 . .. !KI ...124 1-2 ....102 1-2 ,,...103 1-4 .... 73 1-4 ,. 91 ; . . .88 1 -2 . . 79 3-4 ... oi ; . Chicago. MI1.-& it. P. ireh. 3 lr2s i Chicago. R. r. & If. - R. R. col 4s ; Chicago, R. I. -Jit. V. It. R. col. 5m fcoioraao industrial os .. .. t'Olbrndo Midhmd 4s ..- .. .. .. Colo. & Southern ref J: ext 4 l-2s" Delaware, & IIiulsou cv 4s .. .... Ic-hver &' Rio Grande 4s I.cn ver Rio iranrte ref 5s . . .. . . . Dirt tiler Ss ..'.....-. v. '.. .'. Erie prior Hen 4s . . ....... . . Krle Geu. 4s .. ' Erie cv.. 4s series "A . Erie cv4s series "B" ..". General Electric cv 5s Illinois Central 1st ref 4s lnterborough Met 4 l-2s Inter Merc Marine 4 1-2 Japan 4s .. . .. Japan 4 1 -2s . . .. 70 I . 79 3 ..100 9 1 .. tn .-. 73 s .. 84 1 .. 74 1 ..78 .. 08 " ..140 . . 90 1 .. 80 1 .. 07 7 ..'90 1 . . !5 3 .'. 73 3 .. 04 1 . , m 3 .. ) .. 8S 1 .. 81 1 .. 04 . . 90 .. 95 1 -.134 .. 99 ..101 ..101 . . 73 ! Iike Shore deb 4s 1 1931 )"..'.. . New. York tVntp.il mn f! 1.s New York (Central tleb. 4s N. Y., X. II. & Hartford cv. 6s Norfolk & Western lst.coii. 4s .. Norfolk & Western cv. 4s ...... Northern Pacific 4s" .. Northern Pacific 3s Oregon short Line rfdg 4s .. .. Penn. cv. 3 l-2s (10J4), Penn. Con. 4s ., . . Rending Hen. 4s .. .. .. .. .. St. Louis &- Sau Fran, f g 4s ; . . St.ijouis Ai Saw Fran.' gen 5s . St. 'Louis S'western cou. 4s .; . .. 04 .. 00 ..104 .. ! ..1S3 . . SS .. 7 . . 72 .-. 83 .. 12 ..102 . . 94 ..1U8, . . SO 1st. Louis S'western 1st' gold 4s iSeitnoarllAir Mne 4s x Southern Pacific col. 4s .. .. Southern Pacific cv 4s ,. .. ' Southern P. R. R. 1st ref 4s Southern liallway 5h . . ... ...101. ,..UH ,.. 07 ..104 ...101 .. !W ...111 ..71 ... 81 ... IK) ..; 91 Wabash Istlind ext 4s Western Md., 4s .. ... Westinghouse Electric cv yisconsin Centrales,;. . ,)S NEW TORS. JPRODUCK :ff&BKT. l i Louisville V:..Nasb. l u. 4s .. . in-' Vj Missouri. Kan. e Texas 1st 4s . Mo, Ivail. & Texas gen. 4 l-2s i o Missouri Pacific 4s .. ..... .. in " Nationality, of Mexico 4 l-2s " " to Southern RaiLway .gen 4s ,. .'; i.oIT nlon Pacific 4tt-.. .. i. .. 5'-,.,7,rn ion Wiclfic cv. 4s J'--X4i i.iJi'nion Pacific 1st. aud ref 4s 2 i ..ll-. S. Rnhber Cs .. .: .. .. .. "v'lio 7-8 ir- s- stwl 2nd 5s .. .. .. . i '., i Virginia Car. -.Chemical 5s-... 70 i.JhVabash 1st 5s .. ... .. .. .. !New York, Feb. 3. Flour dull and bare ly steady. Spring pateuts 5.50 to 5.73; win ter patents 5.40 id 5.90. . 'Rye Flour Steady. . IiucKwheat ! lour ijuiet. v; ; Buckwheat Nomiual.. ; is not affected -by tlie North Carolina Prohibition Law.'. . . ITT- , 4 1', - f'Cor Ideal Steady. . W'hcot Spot iJrm;- Noi4Uti-10. eleva. tor , douiestic-and too ax -nonnaaK-up-tions closed 1 -c net Wgher. May-1.17 1-8; a ail net dats Snot steady; mixed nominal, Vios ed 1-Sc net devline. way .-M-s. - ; Tallow Quiet. ' ' Lard Firm. v . , ,; '.. ,.v . : petroleum Steady. . . . -. - . . . : Molasses Steady. - : : ' SugarRaw ttuiet- Jlefi?ed SV,AV l?-1 . l'otatoes Dull, iiUThanged, ; . v 4. , Cabbages-Qnlet, red. per ton lootd d.50, i.ir.Uo nni .'Peanuts rnehtthirefl. i Coffee Futures closed stendy at g .net advance of iJ.twlO poMn- W?'fM Santos -:Xhff 0- to. W ""d. 4t.. C oova-y to i i i Cheese-Fire; WM'MP tv v ?tv; t slate; -PenosylVauiftv ana nearby, gatiiered.: brtwn; fair to . pIme, 20 -Cottoiii fedoili wf8 ;nr(ilr';ateaty'. lor u'ear niotUhs i&dcr rohtrniied poor demand for -actual- oil. ' Late' positions however; were steady on speculative!; iruyluginduced' br the firmness-orToi-i"" uii..iHra-MM'Kins briCCR. Were ' V f ctj tfj'l''" liiglier" Sales 4J0 barrel.' Mareh.iC.97, to. "w; May 7.14 to 7.1;; Jali- 7.21 to 7.23: September. IM to 7.23. ' - Prtme crude T..00 asKeu ; prime """ rfir. . - ,.." prime whiter yellow j.Oo to 7.50;;- prime mmer white 7.00 to i.5. su ! THE GRAIN MARKET. Chicago, Feb. 5. Wheat ahd-'jebrn fell off tmioi- frmHiic heins of a nervous charac ter. ' Oats after exhibiting Weakness cloned a trifle hig!er than yesterday and pro visions were higher an around, pork snow in tY,a "mut cit ndvnnee. - .- - c , . . . . . Opening.- uignest. closing. Wfieat May .. .. July .. .. Sept-. (Corn -May . . i . July Sept ! OitS May 09 00 96 1-2 1-8 1 09 1-2 1 00 3-S 90 1-4 1 1 09 1-S 1.00 00 -l-s-.. 06 1-4 03 1-4 00 1-8 ' 00 3-S 60 1-4 05 3-4 (15 3-4 C5 7-8 40 3-S 40 3-S 43 1-S 43 1-4 40 3-8 40 5-8 40 1-4 July .. . . 43 1-4 " - 40 5-S - 41 Mess Porky perbbl. - 2! May .. 21 S t. . .Tnlv .22 00 , . 10 0J 22 02 1 1-2 21 97 1 I.ara, per vt n. . ifnv -.:,12 .fi :' 12 10 12 07 t,.i- it or 1-5 . ! 07 t.f -12 05 t Shorty Ribs, per HK lbs i. . ; v- May ...U 2 1-2 31 77 1-2 11 75 Julv .. .. ..ai7ai-2 11 :7t 1-2, It 75 - 3' : - - rniCAfiO CASH GRAEV. - rhlc.iiro. Feb. 5. Cash wUent-No. 2 1.21 to 1.24: No. 3 red 1.18 to 1.1 2 r5' No. Corn Spot easy ; u eierator omestic: 72 1-4, delivered and 70 1-4 foil oat nominal. yP""? ,r?w'ilAM.!-4 lower. May My o j-b; tsep- hard 1.12 to 1:14: No. 3 hard; 3.10 to -1.13; -n i nnrtherii 1.13 to 1.14: No. 2riiorthern 1.12 to 1.13; No. 3 spring Lll to 1,13... . Cnrn-i-No. 2, 0:1 -2'to'Cft: No. 2 white to i0; No. 2 yellow 64 to- or: T-2 : No. 01 1-2;-.No. 3 white to ; -4 .i yetiow 62 to 62 1-2; .o. . 458 1-2; .No. 4 ycliow - 4 - 4 - i - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 8 - 4 - S - 8 - 2 - 4 - 2 - 5 7-8 3-4 - 2 1-8 1-4 1-4 3-4 R8 1.2 to - v nin. " 47: No. 2 white 47 3-4 to No. 3 white 30 1-4 to 37 1-; .No. 2, White 40 to 40 1-2; standard 4 1-4 to 4 3-4. ' NAVAL STORES New Y'ork. Feb. 5. Rosin fiteady, tur nontlno niiieti - ' - -. Charleston. S. C. Feb. 5.-Tnr pen tine firm no 1-2. Rosin firm. Onote: A. B. C. 4,- f25; I, 4.W: E, 4.37 1-2: F. 4.42 1-2; G. 43; ll. 4.rr: l, 4.to; r. o.o; .u,.t,.ju,j i. u. wis ?. or WW. 7.30. Savannah, on., reo. .i. i urpentine nnn 59 1-2; sales 34; receipts 167; shipments 728. Rosin firm; sales. 1.193; receipts 583; shipments 2.540; stock 140.400. (Jtiote: A. B. C 4.25; 1, 4..i0; E. 4.37 1-2: F. 4.42 1-2; G. 4.45; H. 4.55: 1. 4.70; K. 5.75 ; -M, 6.30 ; N, MAHlNt AltRIVEI). Str. Sabine. Hale, Georgetown, S. . Smalll)ope8. c. 0 3 - 8 1-2 1-2 7-8 1-2 3-4 1 - 2 3-4 1-2 1-2 5 - 8 ' CLKAREO. -'-.-,-Str. Sabine. Hale, Cew .Jor. Smallbonea -.t .. f -. '.V I1ABINK DIRjV.CTOBCf. - H. , . 'i A 2? . iMUnerS. ? V ' Str. Foreric (Br.f2.591 tobs, Gardner, Alex ander Sprunt & Bbn. " ' , . . Schooners. ' "! Helvetia. 424 tens, llernet, Philadelphia,. D. Maffitt. --(-;' BY RIVER AND RAIL. . i 1-4 ! 1-1 3-4 3-S 8-4 1-2 1-2 Receipts of Natali Stores and Cotton Tes ferdar. Wilmington. N. C. Feb. 3. 1910. W. & W. Railroad 45 bales cotton. W' C. &-A, P.nilroad 101 bales 'Cotton. 6 barrels rosin, 2S barrels tar, 10 barrels crude turpentine, v A. & Y. Railroad 15 hales cotton. 1 cask spirits turpentine. 42 barrels tar. . Str. Citv of Fayettevllle 4 bales cotton, 25 barrels rosin. 402 barrels tar. Str. Sabine 35 bales cotton. Senr. JIary Tee 33 barrels tar, 13 barrels crude turientliie.- . Total 200 bales cotton, 1 cask spirits turnentine. 31 'barrels rosin, 5C7 barrels tar, 23 barrels crude turpentine. Fragrant, Fruity Scuppernong Wine Bear's Scuppernong Wine, has in Jts--"wayvi?mide6rtE Carolina ' famous. Nol: other - - ; - - r.Ki - ' '- ' - - ' ;. . .-. 4 ; ..: native or foreign wine com pares with this home product in its rich, fruity, delicious flavor, : in its lightness in alcohol, in its great medicinal prop erties, -' '- ' -. . in its, purity, or in the care used in it manuf adture. It is indeed the virgin jmce of the luscious North Carolina Grape! "v SCUPPERNONG. ' BELL OF C;VHptlNA. ' ' PORT. SHERBT - r , ' BLACKBERRY. i-: m '- - ---".' ' ' - - -' -'-' -..-'"-" "'-.:'.. i -'. i In cases of 12 bottles; (cajjed quarts) j one kind or assorted, $7.00 per case, express ( prepaid, or $6.00, delivered in Wilmingr ton. . Apply . for , descriptive booklet-price lisi. , iWilmington,-1. C. .l-.f-Jj Salter; 6fjl4anxl; 1 '.. rfoR TAXES TKPAlDi FOB 1 6'43Trf ' I bave-If vied .upon and will Hell BrpubHc uetlon'at tbe Court IIubm door of ' New Hanover eoanty on Monday, the "th day ofl .iiirrri mm nt o ciocani. tM TOUowiajt described: real cit--to satisfy- the. anpald taxes . due tk State of North Carolina and County -of Jnew Hanover-for the year" 1909. iieiner ttiib m com tod expense da thereon. unless the amounts so due and t paid are settled before sale. --v, " ' -' ' S. 1. COWAN, v v Sheriff New ;llanover County;" wilmington township. ; white. . . ; Tax' 111 and' i4 Costs Names. Description. I ttngg, H; A. a w 2:..v...;;.. ;i 3 $19 si inuaie, nrs. Julia A.-w 1 2 l Brldgers, Mrs. Bet tie 18 8 12 t v . ' e 1-2 nt. 3 1401226.7 Best; R. W. e 4 I20t 15 32 ICarollna Rice Mills w m 5. Carter. Z. JI pt 2. . ... ICastein, -Sfiinnele C. ,. . 116 17 "SI 11 Chadwick; y. NVJr-r- 1-2 3 pt i -4uit o t...w 12 r-wiim, .UKJT-.W, a-i o,. 140 153! 160 w 4 Clowe.' Mrs. Lillle w m 1 2 n w 4. s t f 17 30 87 Corbett, W. IL e 6 Carter, C II. w fl 1-2 71 140 1 la vis, E. HJ o 5. 70 14". UeOover, II. A. w 4 5. Dickinson, C. L. w end 2.2...... 23 47 172 11 3 wv end ; e & w m 1 w m 1 2 3 4.. i 1117 I4S4 101 Firestone,-E. N. aud Mary - j e 5-3 Flitch, -Mrs. Mary Ee 1-2. . , . . . ior 11 30C!- 17 3 ?9 e 5 . 338 Gaskell, J. W. u W 1-4 3.. 33; liayuen, Mrs. M. A. e 1-2 2.. v. Hall, Mrs. Mary F e 1 Ihttch. J. E. e C,.-. Hewlett, J. H. ne 1-4 5... 160 197 102 8 22 .mH 13 Hewlett. Mrs. M. S w 1 Home, Mel vin m & wm 1 Jackson, Mrs. Ida M. wm. 1.. 11 14 6.' 581 10 104 549 173 487 62 Jackson. M. J. a e 1 .4 1 1 52 10 05 17 50 Jarinun, R H. n,w 1 .lonnson, j. o pt i ' Jones, M. A; a w 1-4 2 Kmgw K. A. w m66 1-2 Lawton, Miss. F. V. w m 1.2.. Maultsby, Henry s e 5....... Moore.'Mrs. Nettie e end 6..i ,.14J ..114 ..64 - 2 ..I 3 .Morris,-J, E. w l. . . 234 1 - 2 Morrison, hrs. Mrs lleurietta I w i- 2 1204 1125 i234 Morrison,' W. R. 1-2 int. 3. . B 4 5..... Murray, R. M. w 5 wm 4 Meeks. G. W w 5 Manning, Mrs. Katie s e 1-4 Mlniz. F. L.-s w 1-4 4........ . !3fK'J 278 50! red 6; 2 Nixon, Lina pt 1-2 12 Nelms, Mrs. Kate D. m 1...., Page, W. O.-e 1 2 3... 292 1395! , C5 3, penny; . (ieo. it. w , m 4 5. . . , 188 i w m . lfili rrTee, TIrs. Iiw J. wm 4 .". .. Price, Mrs. W. A. w 1-2 5.J. : . 200 ..tl!7 e 1- Renves, rrs. M. E.-s e 1-4 2. Rives, W. J. ..! 87 48: e l- 4, ne 1-4 3. ne 5 87 3 Building and machinery 138 w a. 88; Rogers, Miss Bessie pt 5 e end 2 RevillA R. II. pt 1 2 61 Rowe, p. A. all 3 4. wharf ,.1" Russ. Maria s 0 1-4 3 7 1- Russell, Mrs. Lucretia ?.- 1-4 int. w l 164 Saunders,. JI. G w 4 Sellers. S..H n w 1-4 3... 94 32: .N.mnions. G. C. n e 1-4 4 50 Sloan. Mrs. II. L. atrent for Geo sioau-5e m i iiiMi Smith. Rev. J. A., et al e m 5.. 1219; Smith.. Mrs. A. C e m 2 Z ....... 337 Sneeden, Mrs. 8. E, e end 1 2. e 1-2 3 4., ei .taudard Turpentine Co.-r, s e 4 all 5 0, pt 3 4 Steljes, Alhert e 1 2 3 j . w in 1 2, pt 3 , Swahn.'Vrans n e 1-4 2 , Sidberry. V. e m 6 Taylor, E. J. w m C Van. Amrlnge, C. S. w m 1 2 v n e . end 1. v w 1 2 29 30 100 314 78 161 761 I Wl 76 ii.ii- J103 n. 1131 w in 6 6 1-21147 Warren, Mrs. M. D W'arran ll.. A w 1 '1 , 001 Warren, E. ll. e 1... .'104 wiisou, rjuwani b e it... Weill, Mrs. Ella e 1 2.8 .498 . 480! .265 West, C. H. e m 4 -r .... .!."v; ,pt .;-..-.!.-. .213 DELINQrENT. 1 I -' C. Names. Description. Blk and I I Costs 39 551 38 78 18'J4 173 11 12 32 71 102 10 20 118 11 09 210 5 31 290 3 35 Barnell, T. J. e end & m c. Uddle, hrs. Mrs. A. B. e 1 2 3 4 a ( w; m 1 2 3. Chad wick, D. N w m 3 4 5.. e 1-2 3 t.. all 5 R, Pt 3 4 Daniel. C. r. n e 1-4 3. En net t. hrs. W. w 1-4 lilligan, Annie n e 4.. Merritt, L. W.-c m 1 2...... r : WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP. , COLORED. v 1 it Names. J. Description. IBlk Alexander, Enoch s c 1-4 2 1 361 Alston. J. H.-n w 1-4 3 223i ndrews. A. J. s w 0 JHJ 7 n e 1-S 1...:,, ...541 Austin. Julia e m 2. .-.1134 Italian!. Gabe n w 1-4 4 ..531 Barfleld. Rose e m 1... 134 Baskervllle, Richard w 1 . . . 1350 Bell. Swain n,w ni 1-8 0... 541 502 J518, 541 Biggs, Amos e pt 1 t..'. . s w l-z- i Blocker, A. ' A. & wifo 11 e 1-4 4, a e 1-4 o. . Blocker; James U. w m 1 2. tllnpli.r Mnr E S 4 1 e 1-4 34 Blount. Fannie e 12 3 wm 2. 1229k w m i 4...w 1175! Bowen, J. 1'. e w .1339 Boweu, Martin e 4 o Koweu.vitepbeu m pt 1.. .. Bryant, David pt e m 1 2. .1281 .1224 .1 93 Pt e m i - 0: 4 P.yrd. Acrel e pt 6 Campbell. Henry e 1 ..1349 rarron, i.nas. r m i.- 34 Cobb, Willie 8 w .... 294! 1240! 1239 Collins, aran a. w m i . w m CunningbamvJno, guardian. 46 u v o .................... Davis. Enoch e 1-2 2 ; Davis. Harriett w 2 3 Devane W M. e 3 4 5 t... 41 I3.-S1 228 Dixon,-Chas. & wne w o o...... 97 Dixon, Sophie m 4...... 08 65) Dudley, Geo.-lu pt x..;r. Dunham. Tluion w end 3 , Dry. Annie w end 1 331 263 340 Ennett.- ieo. . w m ., w o ... rai-tnc " TTnrrv. frd n e m C. . . . , C4 40 Evans,' Alfred & wifen w 1-4 3 Everltt, Jcsepnine e m i x.... Flllyaw,-Joseph c 6 309 ins; ialley, James m. e i- a 204 Garrison, iex. D. 1 130 n e l-s 3, e w t Green, Hector n w 1-4 5- 0 Green,., Josnua e m x 281 K582 s e i- pt w .1-2 5.......' e 1-2 3 23 37 Green, hrs. Jas. W. w 4 ... 103! psoj Halt Albert w ra x. Hanklns, hrs, Thos. -in 1...... 12691 6l w t ....i s w' 1-4 4. ...i.i.......; 255 Hannlngton. L-lzxle n w j. . . . . 45 Hicks. Tiiisa .i e m i in 1507! Highsmith, Annie-w j..... 187 &2S' Hill, Caroline w pvi - .. Ttnl rtm. H. w Pt 2 186 Hill, Jno. E. & Julia e pt 1.. Hill, Jno. F. e ra 4......... Hill, I-iewis s w 1-4 6. .. Hill, brs. Mingo Cn w 3..... :jo8 23 48! Hill, M. ll- s w x- - e m 1 213 US TTolHnssworth. hrs. Louis m 1.. 234 .TOO 263 j 265 1-2 2...... .i.4i.. Hollings worth, Sarah L. l-2 o Hooper, BenJ.vJ s w. 1-4 J..,-. Hooper, Johnson w ni 1-4 4....i Howard, Andrew . - 23 118! nw 1-4 f. sw j-- o. ..... 19 noward, Daniel w l-.z a..: , nt .4 5 '. . . . . . . . . - 200! ..!305 Howard, hrs. Henry-e 4 5; . . . .. 161 35 Hughes, isaoeuaw u . ...... . 23i Herbst, Losey pt w m 6. ... . . 0 331 JacBOUnrs. r iu. w . . ... Tampa, w. II. e ena l.....-.... 31 inhnana- Dandy w 1. ...... ...... ;30!! Jones, Albert- m 1 2 Jonesf,DaTid,B. e in.. 22 34i Jones, jno. e x,-..j - 4518 Lee- Julius se ,- i- -n w l-44.,.i r-t- -inriiifl 1-2 int e m 1 13 280 Uvington. Sam I s. e n 1-2 4, .... 1-4 4. 951 98! I ! Costs - Names. Descrrptlon I Acs and . Tax Lloyd. "Ilke s w T.. ..... ..... 294 ! -w-',. n w-1-4 3.. t. 261! Lotltt, Dave pt 3...... 1 :.-;.'. 491 Lyons,-Chasn w 1-4 21.. 69 Lntterloh. Geo. & Elisa e 1 105 3 fl 2 19 i2 Lawrence. Pi.W.-Hi e 1-4 6..;... 318 2 19 S 31 4 86 1 5" 3 35 Ma rable, . C. J . n e end o....... 26t 4 - - e m 5. ............... .'. 270i Meai-eB, Betsy n 1-2 2..",..; 261 Merrick. Daisy m l. v 3"8 Merrick. Sarah A- fciwtnt 1.... 2fi Merrick, 'inos.-s e nt 6. .. .. .. ..14 4 53 Mitcneiit:. nrs. Jos. w 1-2 3... JU."io VUIC. O . A.. U C ...... ......1 -'-' 1 ' Murray, Emeline & Mary . Ellft r i flioore-w 1 enti . a w . McFsrland, Alf red e - end .-1 . . . . . '33o 5 22 0 80 3 44 3 81 887 5 07 MiKnr rmn'i Ar irir a nt- ... "iwv Mclaughlin, Zeph n w 1-4 3 4,.f 70t McNeil, ar9. Zephery--e m l 2... 147: iNiron,, uertnapt i...;.i.....aio Nixon, Harry, Uattiee fa 1 2.Jl19i Patterson, Carrle-n e, end 6. . . . .1338 r, n w 1-8 5..:...... Ml' Patterson. Mary te Chas-.' t 3 CO r li, -ii e 1-4 r nt 4 .' 4 55 7 33 4 7 10 42 2 10 17 77 C 33 56 Parne. hrs. Thos. w 1-2 1 ...... 281 4 86Hcterson, Ed-m e 1-4 3, i. .i50 3 SSiPittman. Fletcher & "Addle - e m 3 4 r...,,... is Price. W. E.m 3 4 5 47 Price. Ethel.' D.-A. B. w 5..... 280 Quick, E. D; s -pt 3. i. 211 Richardson, John N. e. 1-S . w 4, w m 4........... . ; .' w i 2 Robinson, J. J. s w 1-4 o... .. Ituas, hrs, Harriett w 5 C. .. Sampson, -Alex. w m 1 2..... Sessions, Henderson it w 1-4 2 Shepard, Hattie-n w 1-4 5.... 300 -J3491 17 88 40( 581 5 3 75 81 ' 3 97 4? 5 07 2 03 40 'Shen&rd. hrs ' Pennv e ii..... S5P?2i 49 1 Sheridan. Fannr n e 1-8 4... 5." 1 r Smith. Hannah h w 1-4 5..... 5071 1 52 2 19 2 19 10 78 2 86 5 75 3 '"2 y 45 Smith, , Jack w m 2 . . . . ; -. ..... 5371 smitn.rs. aiaria m o........ 97 Smith, P. J. m .6. f..... 53 Spicer J Isaac e 1 13 Spicer, Martha pt w 1-2 1 2 3. 27S 32 347. 30 6t Starkey, Francenia pt w 6,'... 13 Stroud Anderson e 1-2 2.....: 105 Ni 45 '' n e 3-4 1... 543 all n e pt ; 1.. St.T Stephens Churchr-e jkr$.... Suggs, hrs. Jno. w m 1 Thomas, hrs. Jno. -e l 3. ..... . 681 55 '.30 20 22 77 2 90 250 325 13 Turner, Jno. 11. e O. 40 fTurner, hrs. Pompey w m ; 350 9 80 Cnderwood, Lazarus a e 1-8 3. 21 77 Vanderhost, Edw.-f-s e end 5... 3 08 Wade, hrs. Delia-e m of se 3.. 5 97 ade, hrs. Marle e m 12..... 32 45 em 4 5..... 7 80 (till 58 Walker, hrs. Ellen 51 301 e end &, Dt w m 1 lOf v aiaer. i-nocn n e i- it xt r.l n.1 WslVai. 1Taftloli, I Ml 5 44 1 Wallace. Wm. M.-e 5....... 1300 w i u 4. t ........ f v -' 5 311 Washington, tars. Silvia w m 1 2ist 3 31 w 3 148 7 67 J Waiters, llia e m 2. 326 2 42 - pt e 1 2 -.... 22 7.98 Weston, Ruben-w pt 3...... 1336 19 64 , w pt 2 1252 s e nt 3....;.' ii:...:. .1335 11 05 5 06 Wilkinsbrs- Malinda s w 1-4 3 40 . 2 19 o i t imams. in-W;Di i : -...i . Williams, Geo. w m 1 ior, 29 98 Williams R.' ; McN.-w 5 .' .-. ; 254 22 13 W'illis, Louis-r-pt w m 6 60 Williston. Henrietta sw .1-4 2.. 23 w 1-2 3 .. 50 Wood. John e m 5.... 242 50 65 Wortham. Ben w 1-2 4 96 2 19 Writht. Thos. II.. agent for 9 45 ' - McNeill, Martha ne 1.8 3.. 541 87 42 - x'J I PEi.ivorEVTR rnr.onirn '' .L I Bradley. David m 5 e m 5 1271 J2 ;jBrown4 Fannie-e m 6.... 48 7 6 Holmes, Francis u. e m l 204 Henderson. Rebecca' & Lowen- I 11 89 0 89 v" 21 33 30 94 6.80 stein D.6 m 6 48 Jahnson, James S. s e 4. 240 Jordan. W. A. n e 1-4 6 149 Johnson. Robt. & E. K. Brvan. e 3 326 Lee, Jno. M. e m 1 240 ' 3 97 Mask- St Taylor e 1... 242 Macon. Mary J. s ,w 6.. (59 Nikon, hrs. Bruce-w 1-2 3..... 5C Thomnson, hrs. Isham e m 1 2 02 , e m 5 6 bt 1 2 3........ 82 5743 White. Sylvester w end C 1-2 114 8 (V4 Williams. W. B. e 1 2 s e 3 34 4 42 6 86 Wood, Cornelius W. e m l 2....1 41 HARNETT ..TOWNSHIP. . WHITE. 37 66 7 09 I I C 86 19 24 Names v Description lAcsl I I 4 11 17 54! Blake. A. E. East Wilmington-15 1-21 9 44 uorneniunnv airs. -sn.-r.. new--" -i - r " , : lett s ureeK ..i..-.i..i aif BryanG. L. on Turnpike.... 1121-2 Clark, hrs. J. E. 2 lots Caroll Tax naPlace Childs, Edgar blk 28. it 7 , Dempsey. J. B. Smiths Creek.. 50 Hnvden. Mrs. M. A.-Honse nnd lot-W'inter Park Garden:. Jarrell. R. "A. Winter Park Gar - den . . ; ., ..." . Ketchom.-Mrs. E. J. ttd'i. West- brook ..i... 261 Landin. L. T.blk -22, lot 22 Car nuna 1'iace Blk 18, lot 5, Carolina Place LCGwlUi Jno. IL- -blk 4 25, lot 20. 1 m 7,'ioti'Mer- Lewis, E. blk cer - lace ; . Marsden. hrs. -Grant blk S lots . 16 17 Carolina Place Mlllican, J. R. House-and lot Delgado ' Murrell;-Jo W. House lind lot Carolina- Place : Tax and Costs McDou gall. J. A. M.. adj. Carney 23 50 .'0 McKoy W. ll. ('reenvtiie 5 00 1 -Adj. .Williamson t 10 11 Norwood, Vance W oodsland 401 House and -lot, wngnts- ' ViltA 5 06 3 08 4 35 2 86 3 97 4 31 Pate, A. . " pt Moffltt Land S 3-41 ,:i 4i t rt: sneeaen . ...... . Pritchard, Mrs. F. V h & 1 Sum- mer Rest fteviUe.-Di S. Hines Laud ....2 Rogers, J-. ' L. " reenvllle . . . . P . . Sasser. albert blk 3 ..let 4...... 4 71 5 44 Shenard, H. B. pt'. Nichols laudi 231 i plner Heirs ,s 23 5 44 Sneeden. "Mrs: Jennie Moore's 2 63 Iuletf Creek j 11 Hammocks': 11 6 62 Beach 'Land 75 2 19 11 98 8.56 Sneeden, hra-J. S. h& 1 Caro . -I, Una , -lace. ...,. . -t . 3 lots Carolina Place....... Stanley. D. N. pt fiercer. ..1 1-2 Tylers T. F. h &.1 2nd Toll I I -. . . -House .'... -. i ......... .1 'xl 21 3 53jtripp, J. F. 4)lk 8, lot 14 13 Car- 4 421 olina ; Place i vann. a. i. 1 ni- dukki'u warren ti. J. a-, wire-ot uraa- i 13 96 ham Land ..r.. 17 Weill Mrs. Ella lot Carolina -Heights - ..i.ii- -'2- 42" " 5 53 3 97 4 64 HARNETT . TOWNSHIP, COLORED. 4 41 2 1ST Names Description Acsl 4 90 2 19 : 8 87 7 44 7 22 i 3 08 . 1 75 3 53 5 97 i- I I Allen,. J. D. Wrightsville DeBernier, Wm. Pt .Allen Golden. Geo.-Midj. C IL Alexan der .V Good Samaritan ' Order pt Gil- 1-2 3 Green, Wm pt 'Anthony .JSfxon Hall, Blossom E, Wilmlnrton... Jones. Hvmnn. Sr. Dt Allen land 4 1-2 34 34 3 31 - Loftin, Edw. M.-nd.J. II. IiOftln 1-2 1-4 i McCollough, Judy Amercer mice. Nichols, James adj- Toni Gallo way ...... Nixon, Ed pt Ennett Land.:... WJiite, Ivpry .Sr. adj. Carney.. 6 3 14 IO 36 ll 31 , 7 22 DELINQUENT, . m a i Brldgers,' Mrs.' Bettle U h & I on Keacn 3 08 4 86 Hawkina.Mrs.G.W adj. Bagley 1-2 Hawkins.-J. Tr ot Mamtti..,uo 1-4 4 20 2 19 A 33 Moore. Robt. adi. Fov".'. i Nichols, Jno. lot 77x100.-Pauline . . -ave tV: old Newbern road . , . Pierce. L. B. 1 lot Wlnter .Park Garden ...... 5 21 - 7 09 2 63 :2 42 Wells, Percy 1 lot Carolina - - PJace ..T.-.. Snyder, Mrs. M, G. h & 1 Beach Moore, Mrs. E: &' A. Goodman II 52 V' 36 86 4 42 4 11 ' 7 22 . tIK ft, 10t7.iv... King.' A.'W. blk 25, lot 4 ,5, Car . -olina Place ..,............. Reelster. R. 8. blk 18. lot 4.... Moylau, Jas. M blk 26, lot 4 5 Morriss, Mrs; W. J. blk 22 lot8 2.19 20 19 397 3 51 .2 42 7 67 7 13 4 99 1 7 r 5 22 McGirt. W. A. blk 25. lots 6 7 8 Prldgen, H. M. blk 18, lot. 1 Lucas, E. W.-' VanC.- & .i- t. - ... V , Buie. J. L. lot 31, Pate . Place. . Hardison, J. T. lot 9, .Seagate FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP. r-- r . , Ti'lUtE, , . - I I vt v -' Names Description fAcs -- -' I 3 53 Batson. W. H adj Ileury- I. -. 6 09 Davis r PAGE SEVEN. -v--. "- r,-, TJ V'15. . V: ."'c ' J' f costs ,H -' Description lAcsl uml.'- Names. Boyd. T. F. adj. hrs. J.'L.' Win ner;:;:..., :..;...,.;.'..... . . Hanover Seaside Club....".. ' Dt E. C. Lewis.. J 33I i 10 It .-. 1 1 1 ' ;3 1 5 "3 m Jones. J. Lot Carolina Beach... uinaer, . w. Lot Car,-Beach.; Newbury, hrs.; II. E. Lot. Caro--lina Beach . . Newbury, Mrs. M. E. Lot Caro- 'liua , Reach ............... Price, hts. Vw P Lot Carolina Beach ... ii..;. Wines. Mrs.i Kate C Lot Caroll ?v ha Beach ........ 3 OS FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP'.' COLORED. ' Names; liescrlption . lAcsj and I tiOwe, Jos. A.pt fnited Son & .. Daughters : .v.. J4 3-4 Moore, hrs, Elijsh adj Q. . W. J - Rogers i. ............. 30 4 4: DKLIXOrEX'TS. Clark, hrs. James J. adj McQulllIan W. A. 84 Craig. Mary R.-adj. E. Grissoii 10(1 aicKoy; w; I). lot Carolina., Beach -..h.v. Sedgeley Hall Club,. Lot Caro- llnaBeaclr Taylor & l!orl)ett-Lot Carolina , . Bearrh. . ; I- 1 ' ' 1 .... MASOXBORO TOWNSHIP. Names Description. Acs aid 'Mi Call A. G. Spooner Track Craig hrs. D. B.-.adJ. Fergus... Carter & Brice. adj. Green Held.. 37! 9 rergus, ii. t. adj ll.' J. Fergus. Ilollls, Wm. & Holt. J. P. Beach T an1 LIvington, hrs, James Masotibori uoau Meares. Iredell Near Winter 20 33 Park Gardens .... 31 Sneed. hrs, Hector adj Davis 10. 3 97 Wagner, hrs. Nnhey ndl Powers .9 3 97 ' " w CS-i'5j mi S.!!:r!f.212 :M 5 5.1 MASOXBORO TOWN8IUl , ' . 3 COLORED. 4 '!4J H3 3 53 1 52 'Names ' Description J- Tax 93 j Leonard, his Halifax on Cape 8 87 o ii, I ... .. ...... I 10 , o l rear f . a'er, Aitimore artj u. Craig122 1-2 7 07 . .Jl !' ' 1 !-'.'' 20 MASONBORO DELINQCKNT. 5 31 I I Cosis v. . Names Description 3 28 Borneman, hrs. J. IV nd J E. ; ltorneman. . , '. , BIddle. hrs. airs. A'. B. adj. Au- 30 247 4 00 7 S$ pleton Banks and Mnrsh... 8 91 100 Bulkley, Mary li-adi Redd..-.,. 5; 44 110 Bryun, Lou Alice L. V. Brvan ! land j.. Crnig. hrs. S. (. adj Fergus.... 3 73 220 6 78 0 Dlckerson, Ben adj Davis Empie.' B, G-Cooley IMaee, I'er yine'8 Creek . '. . 5 31 1 97 CO 5 30. McKenrie. Sophie ndj Bornenwui Mask & Tyler & J. II. Whitfield Clnv Roftnm 5 98 1 Turlington, hrs.-W. H Green-' " i ui nejd Mm 20 10 W 10 n M Wilson. Alex ndl .1. Smith... . Bnhlessnrre. (I- I'on-lno'a i.nolr 2 86 U'umber, (i. F.-pt Smith. ..... '. 6 .3 Turner, A. pt Davis Tract 3 53 2 64 CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP I 1 Tax ' Act iukI , I I Costs ,, 1 .i Names Description 1 7.' 1 97 Chadwlekv.R. A. pt M. G. Chad-I 1M Til 4 20 3 53 wick 'Tract Herbst. Emil A. adj, Ut R 1 pt 2 19 LiiucKer . Langcnlterg, ChrlstiaS-farni 10 Castle - Haynes Col on 1 . . . , Kyknczewskl, Jno Annie Cho- 20' 10! - wamnc Szabo, -Antop farm 00, Castle Hay ues Colon y ........... Watson, D. J. adj Cromwell 10 Tax 10 and 2 3-4 Costs i CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP. .-. . COLORED. - 29 74 .1 u t Names 7 38 Description Actj and 4 20 2 10 Clark, nenry Bine X'lar. . 4 80 Davis. Edward Ben. Despair pic. Ennett. Larry Rock Hill.' 16 61 iraa.v. ueo. X'amnkln Ivt n... n Mlrudy, Wrigbrt pt Bear Tract u 01 Ilnwes. Joe adj Htytor Smith 1-aIII, Amy-idj Isaac Wilson 4 86 Holllngsworth, hrs, Louis Rock 1 111! Black Swamp 109 51 3"58 Halloway. Catherine Thos Grndv 13 3 91 rwey, .iaTs. m. j. . pt uererl 1-0 MNKiiey. Aiex nai nunn urvnut Merrick, Jns. II. ndl Hester. 1 84 Smith ...,..... 71-2 3 08. S CO Montgomery, jno aaj tnunie I Tate . (l l Montgomery, John ndj Fauftic 1 Tnt - 1." Moore, hrs. Matilda l'umpkln I 12 34 - 3 57 19 30 KUu i . .'. r4i:2 Murphy. Joe adj Bellamy I . 5 Newson. Richard adj Nat Foy.. Nixon, hrs. Sarul. C. Nixouville. 143 33 54 CAPE FEAR DELINQUENT. j WHITE. 13 88 7 .53 4 90 8 69 Names Description Act! nnd rs ii Kerr. J. W. nt fott Place... 3 ioo Peterson, Laviula Nixon vllle. 14 19 Simps ou,- J. t H.-ffdl Moore.. nestorook, A. ndj Suilt!-8 - - Creek ... ....... .v.... . 3 03 STATEMENT OF CONDITION . ' I -,- " .':' '...- . ' - '. THE MURGHBON 13 21 2 l'J 7 98 - , OF WILMINGTON, N. C. ' 23 33 SATiMAi: BANK At the Close of BanineHN, January 31t, l,pl0. - ' RESOURCES. ' Tax- Loans and Discounts . .i. .(... C S. Rouds (tU par), ....i..... Bank Kuilding .. .. .3,4S3.0R3 73 . -, 631.O00 00' 2i.lX0 of . 1 43,783 00 : . 1.121.595 02 " and Costs N. C State aud other bonds... 1 52 5 44 Cash and due by Banks ...... 3 88 1 'C LIABILITIES. 2 63 5 71 2 19 7 89 Capital Stock .. .. i. Surplus nnd Net Profit...... Circulation .. .. .S... . F. S. Bond Account 1 57 Deposits .. .T . 1 57 . o, itta,Wm Oil $3,331,401,77 3 08 7 83 3 57 VDEP08ITS: January 31st, 1008.. , January 31st, 1909.......... January. 31st, 1910. . . .:. . . .", ; . 89 0l.flK5S i .v.$3,7M,882 e v 20 44 11 98 , Hi C. McQFEEN. President. -.' ' J ., ,j . J. V. GRAINGER, Vi?e ITesldent. , , J.W. YATES, Vice President, t , ' - C. S.iRAINGElt. Caahler.-'-5 J - ' '. 7 00 2 64 4 86 1 75 :2 39 fe.-4-tf v '.... -;r -.-' ' .".:'.';. , ' '4JI-J, It Is a Satisfaction 3 97 'i8 To j-iiow thai you can get the best fC you give- us your orders."- We handle only the very -best " grades of Fane ; 3.08 39 Host Beef, Veal, "Mutton- V Pork, -rgausage. 2 19 Hams and Bacon, Fresh. 'Eggs, Butter; 2 19 V, 97 Celery and Lettuce. 2 19 HOPKINS-& DAVIS 5 57 2 03 FBONJ STREET MARKET i ' iStalls Nos. l'and2 North' Side, "i Stalls' Nos;jl and 3 South Slde -" . . 'Phones 128 and 141.- 1 97 Tar and - Costs 1- The cost of a Business , Local a email . fee to . pay for, securing a good 3 3 83 tenant x T.r. 33 - ' 4 - Irv JCostSit. 'it 4 42 ijtf 7.1 ,u- 00 inf rCdoj 3 73 k ;U'H :) '-;'-.h( 7 H At : jij n( I ; . .. 45 so i - I'ir. 3.19 J Jrt -, .. . -v.f- . -:. . 2,19'."' ' -:.1H"I.',,.; . i ;jt(i '- 2 19 ' - -it: 5 73 HI n I Costs -i totf Aes and . -i- it I Ul i:'rtl.t Aes aid I I Tax vi: i.!3 i) 3 53 v io an ; 3 07 10 20 2 19; 2 1S, 2 10 1 73 , 2 19 19 10 1 75 2 19 2 04 4 11 1 - - i, , Jt, i, H , l.i! C 64 IS 44 2 03 i'--t- 0 00 , . . 2 01 '.' 1 73 j, . 'I t ft i i.l4d I Tax I ( OKtS 1.99 4 53 - 4 02 2 49 - 2 70 r A 4 82 3 'ON R 62 ; " 1 88.- .,i';!l 5 97 ... . i 1 44 ; '; i;::jiiT .- '5 03 '',; ' " rrt'.iT- 7 12 2.19' 5 40 4 J3 4 SO i .i.r i V).e ,1 Tax I Costs 1 44 X ,11 ll 1 07 ,1 'Mir 4 8C r v .y ! W ll. M.'l Jlil' . ' ,.i'Jl .. . xii-l'T' ' I-'I'JSJ iil'ii L-t.ilA ' ..i.7 ; :V:- 5.334,461 77 v :J)fr. yi'i.i;; .$ avi.doo w. . 375,579.08 ' - . 550.000 00 ; ',71' ( . 100,0(M) 00 . ., , n v. oca 4t. - . AA-l KW Jit ' : u )J' V -- ,v, .-'--. ... V - '-

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