THE MORNLNO STAR WILMlizGTON; SATURDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1910. fAQE TI1RE3 THE STATE TfNews, Comment and l) in North Carolina. ; THE MAYOR AND "THE GIRL.", Mayor and Company on Same Train to Greensboro. , (Grensboro News.) ;' ' - , ' "The Girl from Rector' headed by Mayor J. Stanhope Wynne, of Raleigh, spent an hour In Qreensborp -yester-dav and for the gathering of ; curios ity seekers around the passenger sta tion it was a tossup between' the may or who had stood firm in his order that decency and morality .should be enforced, and the "Girls'; ..who- have suddenly had fame -ihrust' upon them bv what some critics ' have termed Extreme Cleverness,'1 J' and- 1 others?, Extremely Racy." Anyway the. crowd enjoyed the fleeting glimpses-xf . the cii-is a3 they skipped from ,tha steps of their private cat to the numerous dining rooms around the! depot The entire company appeared ; indifferent to tho icy stares, though one ' young woman, who had no suggestive appear ance, boldly declared "Raleigh is rot en " in response to a taunt" from oftg of the would be "mashers" .lined? up along the platform. , V .,, ' , When the westbound train pulled in a gooil sprinkling of "fellers", had lin ed themselves along the platform, while the regular passing throng, drawn by the common instinct of cu riosity, p"t themselves in a - position to see what was doing. . When the train rolled in, with two private . cars, containing the "naughty troup," the younger boys gathered as close to the cars as possible, but the "girls" wer not i" such a hurry to get onVsemer thing of a game in which, cards were used occupying ' the attention of a goodly number, from outside appear ance for several minutes after the stop. "There's Mayor Wynne," somebody remarked and immediately the crowfl was all attention. Sure enough, claij in immaculate white shirt, heat black suit overcoat, and without the least appearance of nervousness, the ' man who had defied even the manager of the "Girl From Rector's" was among us, and withoutyany appearance of rough handling by the "naughty girls" during the four hours' ride. . . .. WELDON NEWS NOTES. ; Personal and General Note From try Railroad Town, . . ' " Weldon, X. C, Feb. Miss Hel en Perkins, of Littleton, visited friends here this week- Miss Elizabeth Hill has returned home 'from a visit to Brooklyn. N. Y. Mrs. Jt lZ Shep herd is visiting relatives in Richmond Mrs. W. R. Smith' went to see her son, Ensign W. R. Smith, -Jr., .who was in port at Norfolk with the era ser North Carolina. IShe has" returned, tame. .-, Dr. S. B. Pierce, who "has decided to leave Roanoke' Rapids,, spent Mon day here with relatives. Ha, left for New York where he; wilt engage in special work .for a Jew, months r Mrs. V.,E. Daniel has returned . from Wake Forest, where she attended the anniversary celebration. ; ."'-y. i The tenement house of Joe- Dowty, colored, near Weldonwas destroyed by fire Sunday night. In the fire one of Dowty's children .-was- burned, to death, and a dog also lost Its life Ir. the flames. : , Mrs. Lillie Boone Summerell, wiff of E. L 'Summerell, died at her home near here. (Saturday, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Summerell was one of the most honored residents of North ampton county. The funeral services were held in the . Episcopal . church at Jackson Monday afternoon. - Work on grading and tra&k laying be;;an at Garysburg last Saturday and is being pushed toward Roanoke river. Just as soon as the Coast Line gets its double track to. the river, work will begin on the long steel bridge. "Watch Weldon's Way., . NEGRO HOSIERY MILL. , v Enterprising Colored Men to Engage In Manufacture, - . (News and Observer.) :, . " Durham, Feb. 17. The PurhafiT Tev. tile Mills Company (incorporated) is the name of a new, corporation Oper ating a hosiery mill In Hayti, the iol ored settlement of the city. The company managing , It ' iconv posed of Dr. A. M. , Moore, Ed.ward and John T. Merrick, C- C.' Spaulding, t. C. Amey and others. The MerriOk brothers are students of .the colored agricultural and - mechanical college and understand the work of the' mills. The company isn4dentfied with the hig colored insurance company of -this city, though the directors and 'owners are of that company. The building in which it is to operate is .the prop erty of the association and Is an !e: ceucnt lrick 'structure in Hayti. The mill is to mattu?acttfre'hosd solely and ten machines : will 'be' pu: to work in the structure recently omit there. There will - not be'i a dollar in the company that" isn't the accumulation of colored men ,and that ym is to be (un' by' them, only. It ' ine only mill . owned and run ex clusively by the colored people. WILL DOUBLE THACK. vl p'an nf Atlantic Coast ! Line ' From FayetteVille to Parkton. (News and Observer.) r , royetteville, Feb. 17. It ls. conft:- oently renortert here' thai the Atlar. ic Coast Line will In the near future egiu double tracking Its line between ayetteville and Parkton: The actual 0rk. it is saiH tu-HI hocrr Anrtl 1st. This is in line with the genera: "v-urme or improvement .'recently. ' in ausurated by the system to provide 'or which a $200.000.000.-loan , i'was neso- ia tod. Double- trackfeg ; Is How eiiis done in South "Carolina, and as won as the work is finished in .that M'tdiu'r the same force will, be trans erred to this district In order, to re eve hv double trackinfi the' conKes- xZ ldtnc between this city an "vl0ii, all examDle of wh ch 'ound m the fact that each night four 111 1,ai4S8nKer traina pass over these tairteen mils of track , within forty 4-1 minutes ' ' ;,--j."-'-i Th5n!y ?ne "BROMO QUiMlNEw " W rRnV,??k ,for the signaturd of E ,,Pc Com in Ono Dajr.:;25c.. r '. . IN PI TOME Incidents as -Reflected NEW HANOVER CLUB. Students Organize and Will Have Ban , quet University Notes, v (Special " Star . Correspondence.) Chapel Hill, N.'.C., Feb. 1SL In the early part . of the week the students from .jjew -Hanover County met and re-organized for the -year. There are 24 students, from, the City by the Sea, pursuing their studies In every branch of the University, both professional and academic. In the class room, on the ,? grid-iron, , in debate, on the dia mond and cinder path and in the .Glee Club and orchestra, N:w Hanover has had- a full ftuota- of. men an3t being thus active in every phase of college life. It is fit that they should organize a; social club. ' . , ' f . ' v T 'At the recent; meeting officers were elected for the ensuing years as fol lows: F. JV Duls, president; D. R. Murchlson, vice president; S. VanB. Nichols, secretary and treasurer, and "Sleepy" Strange, potf:.- It was unani mously decided . to hav6 a banquet some time in the near future and Hr M, Solomon and D. R. Murchlson were appointed as a banquet commit tee' :to make arrangements - for the spread". .The occasion for the ban quet is the. so-called "Hinton James" day. Hinton James ,was thQ. first stu dent to enter the University, and com- ng from New Hanover county, he matriculated in February, 1795. Ev ery year on this date a banquet is held n commemoration of ; the event and the one this year will come fullv un to the standard , set as there will , be on hand such speakers us Dr. -K. P. BatUe, Dr. J. G. DeR. Hamilton and Prof M. C. S Noble. : " . , The Y. M; C. A. has" organized its annual mission classes and fruitful work iis being; done along these, lines. mere are live Classes of the studies which will -meet regularly, from now until Easter. The classes are under Khe capable direction of Dr. A. H. Pat terson, Rev. R. W. Hogue,' Messrs. E. E. Barrett. G. Minakuckie. D. . B. Bryan, A. R. Morgan and W. H. Ram- seur. . - . . ' .. v , Further- action has "been going on or , the celebration of Junior week. The fraternities have elected-Mr. W. Joyner leadel of the Frnt Hod and Messrs. vp. R. Murchison and Grover Beard ref assistants: The Seniors have decided to eliminate the Senior reception, this. year as it cannot -be put n at the. proper time ahd if held when made necessary by . the present sche dule, it would be a farce. - The Gym team is working hard to get in trim-for an exhibition to be held shortly before Easter. Mr. Cle vis Kerr was elected captain of the team and daring his illness Mr. W. M. l arsley has been acting as field car tain. ' - . Resolutions of regret were recently passed by . the .University Law Class uion the death of Judge Shepherd. MORE FOOD, " ESS COTTON. Charlotte News Gets Encouraqinn J? Opinion of Crop I Prospects. t, . (Charlotte News.) . A prominent North Carolina spin ner who Is at present in New York remarked; "There is less cotton held back in iny ftate right now than then1 usually is in July.", The same man said: "There is a great mistake-being made by the cotton world, in my opln on, as to the acreageUhat is going to be planted this spring.. The acreage n my State, will not be increased, but on. the other hand it will bte reduces. It was the bad weather and not the small-acreage that made this crc) a Small one. . In the-eastern state of the belt more land is going to be. put in food crops his -year than ever before. The high price of food is forcing it, the govern ment is working for it, "the farmers Union is insisting on it, the merchants are encouraging it and the farmer is being educated to it. rrl ' il. M 1 ' t , l- Ai v many .. small farmers are worse on than.usuaj in spite Of -the high price of cotton.- Corn is going to be planted this spring as, never before. The tele phone and the rural free delivery are educating - the farmer . .more rapidly than ever before and he is not going to be a one crop man. any longer.' You notice that you -do not hear any talk ing by the farmers' union "about re 4 ducing acreage ;this spring. This sur prised me, and. Tasked a veryntelli- powerful organizationrabout it. - He saia tiiae tnere.wouia lay about .reducing acreage-by the Farm ers' Uionihi; spring because it would encourage farmers not members or the union , to plant more cotton; ; but that at their secret meetings every member jxt the -Farmers Union was binding himself to reduce- his cotton acreage 25 per cent .ana tnat wnen the - government compiled the acreage figures - they would be a great sur prise to the colon -world." .,r- . v . ,- ; r TO BE FINISH&D IN FALL. President Fries :: of - the Southbound Gives Out interesting imormauon., (Charlotte Observer.) L Winston Salem. Feb. -17.-The "Win ston-Salem ISOuthbound Railroad wil be comDleted by next -August' or . -Sen- tember,-according tof President Henry E.'. Fries in a" statement today. some of the contractors along, the line are working double, shifts . day: and nignt, and most satisfactory progress is re- DOrted. -iSIxteen. Immense steam bdov- els are being used in grading at va rious points. The contractors are, working the ; largestand jnost . effic ient forces obtainable. ; ! . V Rails1 will probably be .begun , to- be laid next- month,- the contracts for this work to-be let soon.,-M There will -be foiir' large br?dge?. on the ' road. The iSalem creek viaauct will. be 690 feet long'r and 93; feet above the water at the highest point. This viaduct will- be 'double tracked : the others will be single: One over the" Yadkin river will be '1.400" fee, long;; the others at Soflthfork and at Soakass will be, : -respectively, 70'1 and 870 Jeet long: ; " i The progress of construction . is an indication of the untiring energy ahd well defined plans of the men.. behind the road.- k The ads win show y 01 whether or oot there's a chance today to buy that oieoe it Juraiture At tour price. - THE human stomach f cart stand : the wrong ., diet foKa long time. The grate bars in boiler's stomach can:be ruined-bythe wrong ft . . New jftyle Caps, 25c to :$1.50. , ; ;New &yle Clot Wng for men and boys. 'New syle Hats for young .and old. New tyle Shoes for the .whole family. Holeproof Socks and Stockings in all colors, all kinds. ,r ; ;.vC ' ' ' . special attention is given to our tailoring de partment. , Theline is new, up to date and of the very bes makes. V. ' .-, ; Suits from $10.00 up to $45.00. ; - -1 1 r ' Jusl received some of the new handsome brown shades. Come in J . H Head-to-FootOutf itter. , -OMSK fe 11 tf - - . - - . r f x v j- .r- f v I mm t nr. si 1 t Manufactured by the American Steel & Wire Co. This is th best iand strongest Field. Fence they make. ; "We. are now receiving" a CarJoadV. which will be ready for distribution tomorrow. Let us have your orders at'onyd while' we have a full assortment. of slzes. This makes nine car loads of -this fencing- we have sold ness in neia renemg. . . i . . ,We now iave? another ear load E. SPRINGER & c6. Purceil Building, GA OUR GASOLINE 13 MORE VOLATILE THAN ANY GASOLINE ON THE MARKET. CONTAINING THE MAXIMUNll PER CENT OF f ' POWER PER GALLON; MADE FROM ONE GRADE OF CRUDE. EN SURING. UNIFORMITY IN QUALITY.' I t v ...... ' A 12c per Gallon in Galvanized Iron Barrels V ' - 'F. O. B. Wilmington. For Perfect LubricBtbn THONB I! OS3 ip 9) MARK ETi ST itliernOS - Opposite Poloff ice.- Ornized 1905;- Capital; ;;V:;..:V .....;; 200,000.00 Surplus and Profits ; J . . . . :. .V; .w . 145,000:00 MATT . HEYER, diet in a single -day. It's truethey can be reolaced; but replace- mentsv are c o s 1 1 y ; 1 vnere Atlantic uuar:. anteedvCoal is used they are ; very seldom : necessary. ' r ATLANTIC STATES COAL SCOKE-CO., luuimuna, to - . . mm ami look them over. : nn: fi : - since, last March. We have the busi of Bucks s stoves on the way,r ,-.. I- Wilmington, H. ti SOEINE Use THE8EST Auto Oil. &'i 873 Wen rbp want good" lookma 'duraftj and stylish Shoes at moderate prices We'll Jtistput it mildij . ana ea i- that-Wve th bew , $3.50 and $4.00 8hoei this conn try produces i . v ,: .-.-' ..i?..; ? In rat.eKld; Qahmctar and Vla ' JiCsEi C CHAS, EVANS, HOW; TO CURE1 RHEUMATISM. , " - t . 'b ;-.'': - -r It Is an internal Disease and Requires an Internal Remedy. : The cause of . rheumatism "and r kin dred diseases la ah excess of uric acid In the blood. To, eiire this terrible di sease "this acid must be expelled and the system so regulated that no moTe acid will be Termed in excessive quan tities. . Rheumatism is an internal di sease and requires an Internal remedy Rubbing, with; oils and Jiniments will not cure, affords only temporary relief at best, and allows the. malady to "get a firmer hold on you Liniments may ease the pain, but they will no more eure.. rheumatism than paint will change the fibre of rotten wood. Science has at last discovered a per fect and complete eure, which Is call ed "Rheumacide." Tested In hundreds of cases it has effected the most man velous cures; we believe It will cure you, Rheumacide-"gets at the joints from the inside, sweeps the poisons out . of the system, tones up the system,--regulates the liver and kidneys and .makes you feel well all over, Rheumaclde "strikes 'the root of the disease and removes its cause." ; This splendid -remedy ; Is sold by 'druggists and ; dealers generally at 60c and ?1 a' bottle. In Tablet form at 25c and 506 a package. . fr a . bottle today. Poofctef free If you write to Bobbltt Chemleal -.Od Baltimore. Md. - Oliver Typewriters To each purchaser of a New Oliver Typewriter within the nexteri days we will give an up to date Toledo ' Roll Top Typewriter Desk. , Jtebuilt typewriters of all kinds, Tjoderwopds, : Remingtons, .Oli vers and other standards-makes at half ..original price. Typewrit 'er Ribbons and Carbon" of ajl - kinds. ! Every one of our rib bons are .guaranteed-r money refunded. S- - " ' G. W. YATES 8 GO. Market Street - fe 13 tr STATEMENT OF CONDITION : THE MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK of wxianKGTox. n. c. ; . At tb Clooe of BtiilneiTa, January Slat, 1910. RESOURCES. . Loans and Discounts . i..... ..$3,4S.OS3 75 U. 8. Bonds. at par) ........... 551.000 00 Bank Building ..... 25)00 00 N. C. State and othee bonds.... 143.7S3 00 Canh and due by Banks ....... L13LKJ3 02 $5,334,481 r LIABILITIES. ' Capital Stock .'. 550.006 6a Surplas and Nat Profit ........ 873,579 OS Circulation t 550.000 00 0. 8. Bond Account 100.000 00 Deposits ,. .. i.... ....... 3,758,882 69 .55,334.481 77 DEPOSITS J January 31st. 1908........ ......$2,921,988 W January 31st,; 1910.. i3.758.SS2 69 : H. C. McQUEEN, Pk-esldent. - J. V ORAINCER, Vice President. ' - J. W; YATES. Vice President; & S. GRAINGER, Cashier. - fe4 tf v' - ,fA Stitch .in Time Saves iVne 99 . - v Taek advantage of . the com mon sense - contained" In the' above old adage, by giving as your orders for Stoves ; . and Heaters before the cold weather arrives ! . . . -,We carry one of the largest stocks and : beat assortment . of -Hardware in the State at prices wbieb. defy competition. ' y Come in, can up 106 or 1020 or write and let us figure with yea. '. ';' r . " ; ' - :; '- - 6 COMPANY. ; 109-111 North Front Street. ; 200 Bushels Bradly8 .Celehrated i Cotten 8eed. -:, . I $00 Saeks Genuine Aroostook -Co, Maine Seed. Pstatoea.'.:; I-1,040 ,Bushls -Texas Rat Proof, v Gate. " 8,000 fKegs Steel ; and .Ctit Wlre -. Nails. ... ::"y :S:'- n -' . ;,fl00 Sacks '.Rice; (all. grades): -25Q Barrels Nice, Mullets. ?, : 8,000. Sacks 'uommon, fine, oaii. t 200 Sacks Rock Salt. . - , ; - v ! l50KSaeks;ice Qream'.Salt i 8006arrela 'Package Salt . V'.' Get bur Briees.; We. areana to do ttaslnass. 1j" :' :""'-';'. ''v 0;UGi)RE;CI3. Wholesale", Grocers and Impor- V Wilmrngton,' N. O.- ' iliii! SUBURBAN SCHEDULE In SffeVt Thorsday, Sapfemtwr' 80th; 1 60S. --."I 1 r to beach: ' v. v '" ' '-r'.-' ' WEEK OATS-Leave ront ad Princes treets at 6:50, 8:30,-10:00 and 11:30 A. IL. 0)0, 30, 4:3ft 1:10 and 8:30 P. SUNDATS Lve . Front and PrlBeea treeta at 80. 10 X).-110 A. , M.. 1:00. 2:30 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4 0, 5m 6:30, 6:10. 1HD and 8:30 P. M. --. .-: . V .- - - i TO TPflLMINOTON. . ... 9 :15 and 10:45 A. MM 12:15, 1:45. 3-45. 5:15. 7:50 and 9:15 P. M. ; - ' 5:45, ff:23, 6:50, 7:15 and 9:15 P, M. f : ". TO'wRIGHTsVlIXE. K :'' WEEK DATS Leave Front and Princes streets at6:50, 8:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A. M i:w,T3:uu, o:io, iao, 8 ju, io :uo and 11:00 P.M., -- SUNDAYS Leave - Front and Princesi streets at 8:30. . 10:00. 11:30 A. M 1 :0a, 2:30 8:30, 4 :00, 4 50, 5rt, 5:30, T:10 :30. 10:00 and 11:00 P.-M." , i - - " " p TO WILMINGTON. , WEEK' DATS Leave WriKbtsTiUe a U :20. 7:55. 8:25, 9:25, 10:55 A. M".. 12:25 I JS5, SJ55, 5:25, 6.36. 80fc 95, 10:25 and 8CNDAY8 Leave Wria-htsville at 9:55 3:25, 5:55, 65. 7:00, 8:00, 9:25, 105 and i:zd. r. ai. . - CAROLINA PLAGE. FRONT AND PRINCESS TO CAROLINA PLACE. . WEEK,DAYS -Leave Front and Princes at 6:52 A. M., and every ,15 minutes there after until 10:37 P. M. . SUNDAYS Leave Front and Princes 8:22 A. M, and every 5 minutes thereaftei CDUl lUtOI t. AL. ? TO FRONT AND PRINCESS. ' WEEK DAYS Leave 17th and Market at :45 A-'M., and every 15 . minutes tbereaf rer nntii iu:4S. v. M. SCN DAYS Leave 17th and Market at h ::iO A. M., and .every 15 minutes thereaftei ... v FREIGHT. ' Leave Wilmington dallv excent 8nndai at 4:00 P. M." Freight Depot from 3:00 t 4 P.;M.. vv v-r.-'y.,V-:' .- . Uulekegt and Beat Line West and North v went. ;V- ' . i BUk System. Rk'SaQaat SMb Rait. .. ScJiedale in Effect Alay-lst; 1909. : Lv Norfolk . I. ...... 7:30 a ml 7 :30 d n Lv. Petersbn rg ..... 10:25 am 10:20 p di itv. liurtmm . Lv. Lvncbbure 7 :00 a ml o:su p m 2:lSa m ?:20 p m :45 pm 8:30 am 20 p ml Ar. Cl&cianatl Ar. Columbus t 4 a- i :6k) ami 6:45 aim Ar. Chicago .. Ar. St Louis . fi:00pm! 78 p ml ' Close connections made for Seattle. San Francisco and all Western points. . Pullman sleeping and parlor xars N. and W. Cafe dining cars. Equipment and ser vice standard of excellence. Blue Rldae and AUeRhenj- mountains crossed at most pic- curesquenans. r . - nme -tames, oesenpave uieraiure ano n formation free, Correspondence invited, .v W. B. BEV1LL, - Gen. Pass! Agent, Roanoke, va. . C. H. BOSLEY, : Diet. Pass. Agent, Richmond. Va. MORTGAGE SALE. Bv virtue of the powers of sale contained In certain mortage deeds made' by. Julius 8owan- and wife Julia Oman to The North arolina Home Building Association,- one bearing date the 6th of February, 1909cand duly registered on the records of New Han ever County in Book 58, page 62, and the uie otner oearing aate tne lain or aiarcn 1900. and dulv recorded in Book 58. Dace 22V the undersigned will sell, to the high est matter, at public auction, for casn at the Court House door of New Hanover twelve ocloek M., oa Friday the 11th day of Marcb.' 1910. the following described prop erty in said City of Wilmington, N. C, to- wit:-r Beginning at a point m tne western nne oi Kan am street w reel west oz tne western line. of, Bay street: runs thence westwardly with said northern line of Rankin street 45 feet; thence northwardly Darallel with Bav street 66 feet: thence eastwardly parallel with Rankin street 45 teet; tneuce soutnwaraiy parallel witn.eay street 66 feet to the Beginning, being part of enster half of Lot 5, Block 243. This sth of February, 1910. THE NORTH CAROLINA 'HOME BtTTLD- , UNO ASSOCIATION. By John D. Bellamy &. Son., fe 9 30d. .. - 4 -. ... ; Attorneys.. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtne of the power of sale- contained in a certain mortgage deed made by C L. Dickinson and wife Lilly W. Dickinson to Samuel, Blossom, bearing date the 15th of June, 1909, and -duly registered on the rec ords of New Hanover County in Book 53 page 446, the undersigned will sell ton the highest bidder, at public; auction, for sash at the Court House door of New. Hanover county in Wilmington, N. C, at twelve o'clock M"., on Thursday the lOta day of March, 1910, the following described prop erty in said City of. Wilmington, N. C.,- o wltf Beginning . at a" point in the South ern line of Ann street 100. feet- east of the eastern; line of -Fifth street;' runs thence eastwardly- with . the: southern line of Ann street 35 -feet and 3 Inches; tbence south wardly parallel with Fifth street 66 feet; thence westwardly parallel with Ann street 35 feet ' and 3 inches; .thence - northwardly parallel with Fifth street 66 feet to tbs be ginning, being part of Lot 1, Block UT. .' This 7th day of February. 1910- t r , - - SAMUEL -BLOSSOM,. By John D. Bellamy & Son. . fe 8 SOd. - : . Attorneys. CIGARS! ;'::: :'WHy; ' ;. Beqiuse It 7.eBel . Cigar forthe ;Melsk WholcsaliGrbdcr; V: tlBlua prints oKdlt M Southern Mao Co;; li phohe Ess CHANQr.Ort PROCrTAMMB . . , ,. - i . . - .; - - i.: 4- x: r. ZHmUZSmm-: .: , ' .-t:' ' 'i t-'-4. -.'--'. a Coast tine correct to -JAXtrAjaTsfttW ; u . ; '. - - -notice. ' . . .'. ' . .." lBfrma,tlm, well m ooanctloa trttk ttvsis arc Mt guaranteed. . , , . - NOBTHBOUKD. NO.-4& - Dairy.,' ' NeJi-41v DaOy ;A LvJ Wliminirton ... Ar. Goldaboro ..... Ar. Wilson .. v. .., Ar. Rockv Mount . .. H.OVHUl ....111 :37J pm ....I12 :30 pm 19:09 pm 11:01 pnv 11 :45 pm Ar. weld on ; 4 :55 pm 6:10 pm 7:05 pm 8 -(V nrr a.i ii ui 1 If VI 1UI ....... 885aai Ar. Petorsburs ... Ar. Richmond 4:40 aza 8:00 am. O 1A km Ar. Washington 111 -0 pm Ar. Baltimore . .. Ar. W. Philadelphia s:4uam U :33 pm Ar. New York ...... u:sv 4 iW ifUX SOUTHBOUND. 1 i '. . v- mm,. aw mt Dally. .- Daily.. .nar r .n L . Ka At .. i AQ L".. New York .. '.. Lv. W. Philadelphia ..... Lv. Baltimore i Lv. Washington ... ...... o:i4 pm uuu am 10:00 pm I 4:20 am.! Lv. Norfolk 3 :00 pmt Lv Weld on 8s48am!ll0atn. Liv. ttocay Mount ....... Lv. Wilson ..' 5:05 am 12:40 Dili 0 ie9 am 1:62 pm 6:40am E :53pm 9:43 am 6 d.5 pay jv. Goldsboro .......,. r. Wilmington , WEST AND SOUTH.' via wUsea, 6L 6S 42 Lv Wilmington . I 5:30 ami 3 .15 pmf 7 :00 pm &r. siorence ....i v: ami 7:zopm :uii am. Ar. Columbia ,. 1:00 pmill a0 pm ax. Aua-usia ... 8:00 pm 8:20 pm Ar. Ar Atlanta .... Nashville .. Memphla ... LoulsviU .. Cou'tl o :wi am Ar. tOpm Ar, i:iu pm 4015 pm 1 U5 pm 3:55 pm 8:15 pm 7:00 am Ar, Ar. Charleston . 11220 pm iaa am 9f&0 am 1:30 nm Ar Savannah . . Ar. Jacksonville iVM am 7:15 Ar: Tampa 7:00 pm 1025 pm Pnllman service Florence to Atlanta and Atlanta to destination. "t. NORTHBOUND. RO 84 - ' Dally. I1 Dany; Lv. Tamna 9 :00 pm 110:30 am f lt. jacksonvuie Lv. Savannah Lv; Charleston Lv. Columbia Lv. Anarnsta 7 :;) am 111 :55 am :o pm 12:15 am. 4 :25 nm ouu ana 9 25 am 1:40 pm 4 :10 pm 2:45 pm 8:03 nm I.T. ITlnrMM Ar.' Wilmington 111 :09 pm WILMINGTON AND BANRD. Westbourd. - ' . - Eastbonn4. 53 Dally. ' . 52 DaUy. ' 8:40 AM. ...Lv. Wilmington Af.... 8i)5M 11:45 AM... Ar. Favettevtlle Lv..- 4:50PM 12:10 PM....LV. Fayetteville Ar.... 4:43 PM ,t:40PM......4x. Sanford Lv...,..8O0 P3 - WILMINGTON AND NEWBEBN. North bonnd. Soutabe-nnd. 1 62 Dally except Rundav. 3:25 PM,..'.Lv. Wilmington Ar . .12 :R3 PM 5:17 PM A.. JackaonviUe Lv. ....10:55 AM 6:44 PM...Ar: N. & 8. Jet Lv.... 9:35 AM t50PM...rAr. NewUern Lv...... 9:30AM "VIA PETERSBURG AND N. W. BY..-- . - Daily Except Sunday. . ,VV; Trains No. 42 and 41 carry Pnllman Sleep lng cars with broiler service, between WB- mington ana wasmngton, connsenng viu Pennsylvania R. R., for all points. East -Trains 48 -and 49 carry Pullman Parlof ' cars betwen Wilmington and Norfolk. Trains No. 55 and - 60 carry Pullman Sleeping cars between Wilmington and coiumoia. .. t- - j " T. C WHITE, ' .". General Passenger i Agent, t:;- W. J. CRAIG,' v; 1 Passenger Traffic Manager.' . SEAlSOA'tSP Air Lino Railway SCHEDUl-E Apply at Union Depot Ticket Office or S. A. L. Railway Freight Office Telephones No. 1294 or No. 6. . , Trains Leave Wilmington Effective Feb. (t . . ' . .-. : 1810. .--J: xJr- r. : Na. as 1 1 bo A. . M. For. Hamlet, end Charlotte, connects at Hamlet with No. 6 for Raieign and points wortn.- - No. 89 3:45 P. M. For llamlet, conneoe lng with through trains for Atlanta, Char lotte, Birmingham,- Jacksonville,. Norfolk, New York and trains in all directions. Ar rive Hamlet 7:45 P. M.; leave Hamlet 8:09 P. M.. arriving Charlotte 10:48 P. M. Trains Arrive at Wilmington Ne. 40 itl5 P. M. From Hamlet No. 44 12:20 A.. M. From Charlotte. and Hamlet.." " No. 45" connects at Hamlet ' with No. 66 tor all points North at Monroe wltk No. 63 for Atlantt. - - .-- , . -r- No. 8 connects at Hamlet witi No. 41 for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis and Chat lotte, with No. 64 and No. 92 for Washing ron and New York and Portsmouth, tiot folk and No. 43 for Columbia, Savanna and Jacksonville. . Parlor Car Service will be maintained be tween .Wilmington and , Hamlet en No. 88 leaving Wilmington at 4 P. M.", and Itov W arriving at W mington at toft P. M. B. W. , ARRINQTOS, 1 -5 Dnlon Ticket Agent t . Pkone No. O. -1 . P A. FETTER, Agent " Phone Mo. E. ' - ; , DIv. Passenger AetnL. . . Raleigh, N. C. - ' ! ' , C B. BRYAN. . General Passenger Agent , v v. ' ' - Portsmontn. va, ., I ' "." i up Clyde Steamship to NEW YORK ':. and At GEORGETOWN, S. C 1 new. yokk to xmMTKarov.-,. t . Atlantic BkS. VCarib". ; . .' .Friday, Feb. M, X?iO - . .vauiuu.i(,,,ciiud;, adv.,hi .4.- tii .-. BblnnH . .S?tnrdflV. Fab. WJtfW S. 8 "Carib'V.. . .'.Satarday-reb; 2a, Ul fi . WILMINGTON vTO GEORGETOWN, S. S. "Sabine". ..Monday. Feb. 14. l$i& S. S. 'Carib',. . i.. ... L .Monday J'eb. SL 1019 Throughbills - of lading - Md . 4wct trough rates guaranteed J to and. from all lnU in North, and ;SontH.CareilBa.v' ;s, For neigiu passage appiy io . -HL E., MAYN AR17, " .Freight Traffic JWanafeer.. 1t -A ;baymond. v, p. & o, .m,j4 C 'H. EL HUGH. filacRAE :-V:-v, r BANKERS --' ' rrittnn riltl Qtftlf WWUWII lillll UUMHil .. t ,. : WILMINGTON, n. a 8&&.n New York Cityi m Drodtfwy. J 3