THE MORNING STAR, WILMIN dTON SATURDAY, "FEBRUARY 19191(5., V;J PAGE EIGHT. r. THE WEATHER U. 8. Department -of ' Agriculture . Weather Bureau. Wilmington, N. a Feb. 19.' 19X0. . Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending 8 P. M. Friday, Feb .18th: -. Temperature at 8 A. M. 60 degrees: 8 P. M. 42 degrees; maximum 60 de grees; minimum 42 degrees; mean 51' decrees.' ' I '' Rainfall for, the v day, .57; fop the month, 3.80 inches. Statre of water lp Cap Fr r1v at Fayetteville at 8 ,A. M. Thursday 9.2 feet. t , . .'. Weather Forecast. "For North Carolina general fair Saturday and Sunday; moderate .north and northeast winds, ." V . , Port Calendar Feb. 19. Run Rises'.: ff:52 A. M. Sun Sets...... ...... ..6:00 P. M. Day's Length. T. . .... .11 hrs. 7 min. High water at Southport,.4:12 A. M. High Water at Wilmington 7; 12 A. M. NEW ADVEKTISKMENTS. Crystnl IJalaoe-Irfist Cu.v. , .Hopkins & Davls-MVe Offer Yon. Ae.'clemy "The Time. The Place. .Tbe Gfrl." , ' - .. S Peterson & Kultt Heytfdod Bunion Shoes. ' . ' Claudius l)ookery,; -Marsh Notice of Selx- BuhlneK Locals. . ' . Rolibins Cnrrierj-For Kale., , Wanted t'lothlnK Sjilesman. Palace Market Dressed Poultry. Wanted Intelligent Colored Boy. . I'ahK-e Market Call H.-Mr Bremer. Chadhourn Sash, Door & Lumber Co. Berlln PJaner. -4-. . , WANT CONGER TO TELL MORE. About Final Disposition of $4,000 Giv en to Jean Burnett. ' r - . Albany, N. Y., Feb. 18. The Senate , investigation vof the ' Conger bribery charges was adjourned today 'with a question unsettled which may vitally affect the production of further evi dence when its sessions are resumea next TuesdayN-This question was whether or not Senator Benn Conger can be forced, to tell what he knows ' about the final disposition of the $4, 000 which he, says was. given .to As semblyman Jean ,L. Burnett in 1901 as part of the alleged price of immun ity for the bridge companies from strike legislation. , Early in the day' Conger had said that -he had ; no knowledge .' of what Burnett did with the $4,000. That he, did not keep it all for himself provid ed Conger's charge is true seems to - be taken for granted. Several Sev t ators seemed to believe Hhat Conger must know what 'became of this sum and they insisted that he should be 2nade to tell. Chairman Davis with-' held his ruling on this point until Tuesday. Although they directed their client to answer when he was told to reveal the names on the other two envelopes yesterday and the day before, Con ger's counsel today objected to this eftort to drag from him any more names. They contended that such course woulT only inject into proceed ings "unnecessary bitterness which they seem to -feel would prejudice against him the jury of his colleagues which Conger has asked to pass -on his charges against Senator Allds, Some Senators, however.' took the ground that Conger should, beyTmatfe tQ tell whether or not he knew Vfceth er others shared in the $4,000 said to have been given' to Burnett so that even if he could not be compelled to reveal more names at this time he would be available as a witnes when the inquiry is extended beyond the ' charges against Allds. At this time he would be available as a witness when the inquiry, is ex tended beyond the'ycharges against Allds. . The argument made it clear that the Legislature confidently expects such further investigation. SALESMAN FOUND DEAD W. C. Truex, of Allentown, Pa:, Passed ' Awav in Norfolk Hotel. Norfolk, Va., Feb. 18.-" Clac only in his pajamas and with the lights in the apartment burning brightly, W. C. Truex about 45 years of age, whose home is in Allentown, Pa., a traveling . salesman for the Hardware Manufac turing Company, of Buffalo, N. Y., was found dead in his room in the Fairfax Hotel this afternoon about 3 o'clock. Death resulted from natural causes, according to the city coroner, who made an examination of the body shortly after its discovery, and who will hold an inquest tomorrow. The coroner has In hisv possession the last will and testament of Truex which was found in his clothing. The contents of the will, which was executed in Decem ber last, the coroner -refused to dis close. . . . ; , . : The widow and other relatives at Allentown were notified by telegraph of Mr. Truex's death. CAPT. BROWN RETURNS. Spends Day in Fayetteville on Upper Cape Fear Project. - - Fayetteville, N. C, Feb. 18. The Observer this afternoon says: "Capt. . Earl 'I. Brown, U. S.' A., Engineer in charge of this District, arrived in Fay- ' etteville yesterday from Jacksonville, where he has , been . inspecting the route for jt proposed canal across Flo rida, using part of the.SL John's river from the Jacksonville side.. . 4 "The total, distance of the route wJH rbo about. 125 miles. This is a great project and is 1 linked , with our . Own Cape Fear canalization scheme, as it ' .'. will be part of the proposed great In- land waterways route, by "which ves- I M it fit i -T-.1 I 9 . . avia iioui .vae.iNQrn xo. rionaa can travel without going to -sea.' Capt. ' Brown-is, a member of the Board of ' -Engineers, to .whom , the project has been submitted, Capt- Brown's visit here was in connection with the upper , Cape Fear project." v i 1 1 8aved From Awful Peril. "I never felt so near my grave." . writes Lewis Chamblin, of Manches ter, Ohio, R. R. No. 3, "as when 1 a ' frightful cough and .lung trouble pull r ed me down tOsl!5 pounds In spite, of many remedies-' and he, best doctors , And that I am (alive today due sole 'ly to Drl; Kind's New'Dtscovery, which completely' cared me. . Now I weigh ' 160 pounds , and. can work hard. It ' also cured pay. four children of croup." . Infallible for coughs'and colds, its ttie most certain remedy . " for lagrlppe, ,' asthma, desperate lung1 trouble and alv bronchial affections. ,. 50c and $1,00". .trial bottle free. Guaranteed by 'Robt R. BellAmy.s .. v .-.v NATIONAL LEAGUE SCHEDULE. Newspaper Criticism Prompted Mag nates to Act 154 Games. , , New York,' Feb. 18.-The National League tonight adopted a playing schedule calling . for 154 games for ihecoming season, but it was only accomplished ' after a majority of the magnates had expressed their opinion that newspaper 'criticism over, the de-J lay was causing uniavoraDie puBiiiciy, Though the wishes of the American League for a 154 game schedule were met that league's interests were dis regarded ' when "it was resolved ; to stretch the schedule out to October 15th: Tire American League schedule terminates on Octaber .9th although all league contracts' with players call for services until October 15th. Eh betts, . of Brooklyn, and " Murphy, of Chicago, insisted on using1 their play ers up to the 'contract time. v". . ." Barney Dseyfuss, of Pittsburg, was the onlycjub owner, willing to . make concessions and he saved the league from what seemed to be a hopeless deadlock. J. ' - . . ' . Pittsburg was scheduled for six Sun day, games in Cincinnati,- where there is no opposition and where such dates have beqa'J exceptionally remunera tive. GL Louis was 'scheduled for sis Sunday games in Chicago and four of these were 'when tb,e Vhampion De troltslof -the American League were to play the White Sox. St, Louis and Chicago objected, holding that Detroit would draw the big crowds. Then Barney Dreyfuss, - with his world's champions stepped in and offered to take three of. the 'St. Louis conflict ing dates-- -r ; "' v The matter was settled' today by changing St. Louis to Cincinnati and Pittsburg to Chicago jso that in Chca go It will he "seen whetherlthe Pirates or the Tigers are the,. more popular. Following the adoption of the sched ule tonight the board of directors met to consider the claim of former . Man ager William H. Murray, of the Phila delphia Club, for two years' salary on his contract. Until the"? newspaper criticisms became so severe, the board refused to consider the , case, but to night they took it up.' No decision was reached - and the board adjourn ed to meet tomorrow. FIGHT STILL IN PROGRESS. Between Insurgents and Government Troops in Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua, Feb. 18.- Fighting at St. VIncente between the government forces and the insurgents under Generals Estrada, Mejna and Matuty, which began on Tuesday and continued through Wednesday, was re sumed this morning. Generals Vas qnez and Godoy took the offensive against the insurgents in today's en gagement and sent ; their ' infantry I against the enemy's position. The result of the fighting has not been made known here nor has the number of casulaties been given out. . The fighting began on Wednesday at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, both sides using artillery. It was resumed at daylight and continued until dark, Estrada shelling the heights occupied by the government forces at long range. ... A party - of Genera Chamorro's mounted scouts came-, in contact with the government outposts at Tipitapa and were forced to retire after an ex change of shots. v Dr. Campari, the "Italian consul at Managua, and president of the Red Cross, resigned today in the latter ca pacity upon hearing that the govern ment had ordered its surgeon not to eugage as hospital attendants anyone suspected of being a conservative. . The government is pushing the work of recruiting here. Three Max im guns have been mounted aboard the steamer Managua and another on the steamer brought from Corln to by rail and launched on the lake at Momotombo. ' . . f President Madriz is satd to be unwil ling to give General AurelHo Estrada brother of the revolutionary leader, full powers to treat with the insur gents, but probably will send ; him Jointly with Rudolf o Espinosa and Frederico Sacassa as representatives of 'the Liberal party to discuss terms only. VISIBLE SUPPLY OF COTTON Secretary - Hester's Statement Shows . 4,60603 Bales. . . ; -. Now Orleans, Feb. 18. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visi ble supply of cotton issued today shows the total visible to be 4,666,203 against 4,693,368 last week and 5,594, 075 last year. Of this the 'total of. American ' cotton xis 3,370,203 against 3,421,368 last week and 4, 419,075 last year; and of all other kinds, including Egypt, Brazil,- India, - etc, 1,296,000 against 1,272,000 last week and 1,175, 000 last year. . : ' Of the world's visible supply of cot ton there is now afloat and held In Grteat Britain and Continental Europe 2,536,000 against 3,"262,000 last year;' in Egypt 156,000 against ,310,000 last year; in India 632.000 against 466,000 last year and in the United States 1,- 302,000 against 1,557,000 lastly ear. Memphis, Tfcnn., Feb. 18. William Terry, a mechinic, is dead and Henry Spencer, clerk, is held on a charge of murder as a result of a pistol duel last nightv Spencer, who is an employe of the grocery where the shooting occurr ed, declared that Terry fired the first shot when he refused him a drink and that ne shot in .self defense. ; ' CHALLENGE FROM 'J. HICKS ' BUNTING DRUG CO. " J. Hicks Bunting Drue Co. are seek. Ing the W6r8t cases ' of 'fivsnonnln hr constipati6n.lh Wilmington or vicinity to test Dr. Howard's new specific for the cure of those diReasps . ' So confident are' they that this ret BiarKaDie medicine will effect ' a past ing cure in a short time' that thovvif. fer to refund the money should it not be' successful. J :, ' :r ,- . .; In order to secure the nnirirAat nAal sible introduction J." Hicks . . Bunting uS v.u., win sen a regular fifty cent liacKUBe oi mis meaictne at half price 2o cents. '.; . . ,. 7i. t A: i ws specific of Dr. Howard's will cure sick neaaache,- . dizy , feelings, constipation, dyspepsiaand all forms mnidiia ana liver tronhio it na not. simplys give relief for a" time; it mn iSe!ma,;e?t and complete cures. It will regulate thor hnTi. . Lthe whole intestinal TTrV ,11 'V 7 aju lasie good and digest welt, and inorooo, and happiness win 7ak thep ace" ion 1 care "whether I live-jr die" - V S E Y L E R S AT AT L A NT 1 C. CITY.) ' '--.'-'r-Wil) Answer Charge I of ; Mu refer of -'.' Jane-Adams. '".v ' ' "Atlantic City'. "N.' J., Febv 18, Mana cled to i hfs brothe,, Orvis.V who i wanted as -a' withess, William Seyler, who is charged by the local police-authorities. ' with being . responsible for the death ' of Jane Adams on the mil-, lion dollar liler oh the nigjit, of Febru ary 4th, arrived in this city tonight In charge of the, two detectives, who had captured the men at Petersburg, Va. Orvls had a smile qnhis face-but the elder, tean"; appear eoT ' thbroughly cowed as they were ihu'rried from ., the train to the Dolice" station.' :. "'" ' . A squadvof police :' held" back" the i great" crowd "which; had gathered "at the station' awaiting the "arrival of the wo men. - ..-.' . ,. '- ' l, ... v;' u Thel men were placed in separate cells, the entire length, of the jail fly ing between, the prisoners. Both ar being closely guarded not even -.Sevier's wife beteg pernltted. tcr see :hgr husband.' .It is hinted tha.hcib.')ftjeh will be under the third .degree beforu morning. -The detectives. Vaid both prisoners became a trifle-,nervous as the" train approached this city and they appeared relieved when both had been safely landed back, of the prison bars. . V, :v ' -' r :-. : .".v George Edward iSeyler, a younger brother of the prisoners, made a flying eap from the rapidly moving express when he saw the great croWd. congre gated about the railroad station:- but vroQ Tint eoHnuolT' ln1nc1 ' "v Th6 ncan cri r I a fotnai, tit o ts- o -f fha Se- er. The big crowd remained in the vicinity of the city hall until long af ter midnight,: ' , ' POWER PLANT DOWN. S Storm In Rocky Moun t--Death of M rs. ... i c. w nowcn mere.; ;' r v ( Special " Star Correspondence.) Rocky Mount, N. C, Feb. 18. Fo an hour last night between 9:30 and 11 o'clock the city' power plant wjlh out of commission caused by' the -fall ng of wire within the business dis trict, and it-was necessary to crtf oft the current from the city in order that the wires might be replaced and the current turned on again. After having been in feeble health for several months Mrs. ' E. A. How' ell died 3'esterday afternoon at 0:30 o'clock at the home of her daughte- Mrs. w. P. Aiarshall. on Hammond street Mrs. Howeil had only recent ly suffered a stroke of paralysis, and having reached the ripe old ..age o 77, the attack proved beyond her abiir ity to withstand. ALLEGED ARMY- SCANDALS.. nvestigation Will be Made In Japan , , Newspaper Charges. Victoria, B. C Feb. 18 InVestiga'- tions are , to : be . made Into alleged army scandals In Japan according to news; received 'today by the -steamer Empress of China. ' . . i,The Hochi, Shimbun charges ro rregularltiea) . and two other ' Tokio papers predict scandals. . - The Nichi Nichi says army estimates contain many irregularities, '"that'eor ruption Is deep rooted " and wide- 8pread,M and that collusion, between army officers? and contractors is au open secret , ; ; : ' V ' The, Hochi Shimbun says tne army of secretly expandmg and that where as only .19 divisions were authorized there are 20. The Hichl says that no more than a third of the amount pro vided for clothing is expended for that purpose. ' BASEBALL LEAGUE Neither President Nor Vice President at Goldtboro Meeting Yesterday ; . (Special Star Telegram.) ; Goldsboro, N. C, Feb. 18. The direc tors tf the Eastern North Carolina baseball associatioa gathered in this city this afternoon for 'the purpose of arranging the schedule for the coming season but were unable to adopt the schedule as neither the president, nor vice president were able to be in at tendance. The directors are very much disappointed as they hoped to settle what now seems to be a hopeless dead- ock-in the league; Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 18. Announce ment was made last night that Wil- iam J. Bryaa is coming home about the first of May and will, for a month following his arrival, devote himself to Nebraska politics, speaking in the in terest of county option. ; . $3.$3&4SK0ES D0Y5 $2JQS 1HE : LARGEST M1KFR UNtl KTll'l Ft OF, HEN'S m SHOES IN THE WORLD, : l surtKlUR TO OTHER MAKES." - . ... wi ti . w. ubu(iu inwi Tor i nf fast six year, and always find they are fai uosrorioall otho4iich ffrade shoes In style? omfortnd durability." W.Q.JONES. 're ' V t'wowara Ave., utica N. Y. li couM takV you 'into nay large fee- v uiw-non, mass ana snow yoi tow carefqlly W. L, Douglas shoes art nade. tou would realize why they hold Iheir shape fit tetter, wear longer, an3 ire of greater valu flun n iili i.rfe that W. L. Donglas name and priw l, J!???lLn, th bot,om- Take N Hultitilr. ' itll f.'fJIIP? flt y with W.UPou(tlMhOPS 1 uV"" wuer ysiatog. w.uuooglss, itrocktoa. ( IALK BT i F MERCER CiHVANS CO. IIS Princess St. f tint CAPSULES am mrurinr. -RUEVSin24KQDRsl ,tbB same dissasBs with- e"0 "." en, uiv uc,su luuurv nuu it. r ur pariu- Station When the train pulled inbut'i"!a!f,s irtdreas ltobbiiis Currier, ..Southport, effort -to harm WilHaTn.S.1x- . ferja t- SHDES. Tbese . cut ,lnccnT8nfence. - lv nil rlrytrm tft.- STAR BUSINESS LOOALS AilvertlMQieota Inserted inrtr thl bead one Bt prrworl tor ' ftb insertion- but n lvrtlnient - taken, for le tbnn 25c. AddltTonal words, more tban 25. one cent per word. Vnleits tbe advertiser ban a ' reaalar nceoant. all advertisement under this head re STRICTLY CASH IJf ADVANCE, tbe amount : - beln- to smalt to warrant ebarye. . The Star will send without charge, A.' D. T. '(Wentern- I'nion) 3Ieen- -ker 'to .any addre to 4-- 'or ' . advet-tliemeiits in. thin department . upon req Best- by ."I'bone H No. 31. Wftena-er wH aljp call for : Tetptrmpfe kp 'ur f otvnotef 4 xmalt j x paeha:Me th, delfvered '-anywher In tbe city.. Ka cbargre for tbe tele- , .. srams but a mall charge for trlct- . ly A.p.".T. callt. For tbl service 'call Western T'nion. Tbone Ko. .2; , ' Bn' for . advertlKenwDt always nil ; th .Star offiee No. 51. - opy for ..Baslnesa Lx-nla ranaot be . taken : pvefytljo telephone but dpon request' f iHnare& will berdispaUcd, io any T 4 WANTED Intelligent colored ; Uoy to make, himself generally useful about hhild lng. Itefereuees rinired: AddIt . between ! and 10 s'elock this his fboruliiff nt Star office. fell) It . FOR SALE-P.ei-Tiii nlnner . and "m.-itMier Nov 0s. Prat-tlcaur new,,,.vhadbonra SaaX Ioor and Lumber Co. fe 19 St FOR SALE First-class stereoptieon, large tcollection of views. Hustling man ..n m. .1 t . i. t r or partlc X'Al.I. Hi Al . air ! Pdl., nn VANcrtf ' ft ke88Ei iH&r v & BdV pis North tirolina pure lrd. anrt vhoioest froitg aa4rfes:eta&lesX)UE...plioiie Au ,72. Wellvery-prompt. Talat-e Market.-.; fe 1 tt WANTEDS Hrst-claRs iclaUilng sales man. ouewIiv Is capnliJe I nuiuae store in Vilwlngtou;urool salurju!,' enquiry today. J. ii. Farley wrtou HoteLi- f 10 It SLLTAlAOtivE OIlr-Mr VaHadi, the Saltans agent: here. Ms arranged to bae tills oil distributed la tlie future toy nail's lrog store;-T.'1'ftb - and 'Catle. - Tints ic. Quarts $1,00 Phone order filled promptly, 4tfW-T. ; ?. - -.' . FAR RAI.R Tlia Imct tninl'. anil leather rockIs in tbe city. Our pi-lees can't lift Oflll ti t T ' ' t"n i1au Ti.. ... Shop, 108 Market street. . Just a wblsber rom Front street. . , fe 8 tf . HORSES AND MCLES for tbe. farm. Ilornos for the road, boraes that your wife can drive wim safety. Ponies for children. Frank tireeu & Co., 15- KoutU Second street. Ja 30 lm. , . .V. KEEP TOUR EYE on oar ahow case. The display will be cbaojred frequently.. Every time we change It will be better. .Tbe Gets Studio. Polta & Jveudrlck, - 114 Market itneU . -L. - . , : , . . no 27 tf. . TRY Oi:B REGULAR H JiCH from 12 M. to 3. P. ML, dan"i5o : urouiot .service. every thin g-Jn..se48ou,; .best drip cpffec ,ln the .city. .The Juaftlo Uestauiant, coruer front and l'rlncesd. Open night and day. fe 5 tf. ,;,;,.. v.: ,. - ;v.' ENLARGEMENTS, old lim pictures of any kind worked over. l-"Jn phototrrapba a specialty. The U. q. Ellis Studio. , fe.10 tf RECEIVED ,TOpAYT--Car load ; Matfie grown seed potato ;. raised exclusively for seed stock Uuest.tole had. Irish cobbler. Unrlv- Rose, White and Red Bliss, Early SunliRht, 50, bnshela-.Onion sets, white, red and xellow- . Full ine eed to select from. V uen rn need of eedk call on tne seed store. W: J. Kirkhaja. ,.'-4 ; South front street. - - . j . fe 4 lin CHARLES T- HARPER. M. Practice limited to ,enlto-,t rlnary and Rectal dis eases. ' Office-507 -508 Southern Building, Wilmington, -N. C. Phone U0G.. ; Ja 11 3m FOR , SAXE, - the v valuable property ' . on Pstncess street untjl recently known ' as Urn "Htar Building." Fonr tfoers including basement. -Size of lot,. 58 1-4x60 feet,, and includes half -of,. the , wide alley adjoining bmldlng ou : Westv Only. W feet from the site of tbe new - Customs House. Address Wm. H. lierbard. iFovettevUle. N. C Ja ft tfVZL-. ' . . ' medium size, long established Hosiery Mill. pltndid opportunity for man of small cap ital. Address Hosiery Mill, care Wilming ton Star.. . .". , . , ja 30 lmo WANTED Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by couple without children. Address stating particulars, "W. L." care Star. , , . -v fe 17 3t SHIP ME your eggs, poultry, hams, hides,, beeswax .and any kind of produce Will pay highest market prices and make prompt returns, N. C .Hams a specialty. C. B. Bellois. 16 North Second street. 'Phone 1578. , de 12 tf LOST MONEY LOUISE In days gone by but. now t'ratwise. I've' found where and how to mike-money bjhipping my raw furs,' hides, tallow, wool, beeswax, worm seed, prpdutje etc., to C. D;-Gilbert Bro., 12 Market Afreet '- r ' ; de 7 tf TO - FAB.MEBS-Cse'- Keith Phosphte Llinti. save half yonr fertiliser bill as well as improve your soil. Increasing your crops rom W to 10O per cent. For; prices write B. . f. Efttta Company,.. Wilmington. Nurth Carolina. . . . Ja 20 lur 5CHLOSS THEATRE ORCUlT - .- WEDNESDAY NIGHT, FEB. 23RD. 1 The" Famous Musical Novelty ' ; "THE TIME, THE PLACE AND THE GIRL." 465 Performances in Chicago. 60 Pennant Winning Beauty Models Prices: 11.50 to 25c. Seats on sale Monday at the Crystal Palace. fe 19 3t - . V ,: "::, : - - ' We.QflenJoiriliaJest In ; Extra !erif(P,?riressed Poultry, fancy Beefrt VeaUi Mu'ttbn, Pork, etc. . :) 4 oux all-Pork ' Sausages arc just fine, Halm's 'aha'Bkconr Eggsl'' Butter Cel ery hndiL'ettucei' ; .r. R' -: V;-; H 0 PK I N S :fif 0 A V i S i , Stalis-'Nos. ii and 2 South kidel li ; Stalls Nos'l and ?' f7orth "Sile. i-J s t S Phones 128 and -lfl. te I9;tf . .. , ..if - ASS I G NE ES' SALE J ' JEVEIiRY STOCK At 12 ' o'clock "M" on Monday 28th February Wl(r at No. 2T .Sdutli Frout street, In the City of WU mlngton, N. C, I will sell at public ouc tionjfor cash to the highest bidder, all the Tt0! of Jewelry . etc aligned to me by f-T' Burke. Inventory filed with J.olHv 1. Tai-lor, Clerk $Superioi Court.- and if.wk ca be inspected from 10 to 12 o'clock sA.' Ml on Tuesday 15th, Saturday JOth, Tiies a2ny .w.dtirdtty;;JWh,4sUi;.U - -This 12th r'ebriiarv 1010. , . . ' ' V I ' ;7": -"PATiv CAASEr Assignee.-- 11 , SCHUOSS THEATRC CIRCUIT : v MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 ST. Presenting Himself " ! 1 CHAS. A. SEttON V , -i A ' .Offers ,: "' . :'.;.';..s , THE CAT .AND THE FIDDLE. ' v ' Same v Big' Production. v v V 40 PEOPLE-0 19 SCENES--19 , ; - C ir - ; 20 SONG HITS 20 j Prices v 25c to 1.50 Seats ready Saturday. 1 " . feilT 3t- " . - i .- -,.-t t PRESENT SWELI, BIUL ; Watch . fQr, Detailed ' Announcement tomorrow of next weekls"1 big and high priced offering. . : --v fe 19 tf - - - .-;'-v-'---; ANNOUNCEMENT. . ? 1 - ; Fayetteville, N.KV, FebAW 1010. : To the Democrats of the Sixth District; -; It Is" generally- understood that' Ilpn. fl L. Cook, of .Cumberland, whose .services W the Democratic party in his County, district and State, navel, been ' so"1 helpful .and "Hrttlua ble, Is a candidate for. the nomination for Congcess from our (sixth) ' district thi year. ' . : . - ' 1 As h. Democrats who believes In fair play, I feel much interested in the .success of bis candidacy, and writei to ask.your help in nominating him.'' Senator Vance naed" to say that ?The horse that pull the plow should eat the fodder."- Our candidate has "pulled the plow" and "pulled" it well and long, nujd- we confidently appeal to. the Democrau-y- of the district to reward him, for his good work. . In 1908, the party called bn hlm to'can vnsa the district us I'residutlal Elector, and he responded by a thorough canvass of the district, paying his own expenses and giving practically two months time to the work.' His speeches' were illuminating aud convincing, and tbe result was an Increased vote for the party. He served as Elector once- before., also in the Geiferal Assembly and ou the State Executive Committee. Is not sncn, laitniui service entitled to rewaUT In the prime of life." ripe in experience, level headed and in thorough sympathy with the masses of the people, because lie has fought bis own way in life, and knows and feels . their wants : a ' consistent advo- vate of all measures and movements to ad vance tne Interests of the farmers, as he realises that successful agriculture Is the basi of all permanent prosperity; With a general knowledge of politics .plenty of horse, sense, genial In manners, popnlar with the people at home: with views broad enough to enable him to represent all the' people raitnruiiy. actively and lntelllsrentlv. and with tact and experience, he Is well qualified to .make a moat xcelleiit represen tative. - i. .. -. . f . : , ; , ; . With plenty of energy, . he : lelleves in moving forward, as in private life he has made a siicees, ' and iu public life Jwlth great credit and fidelity measured up to every duty, and if yon will' help Jiis friends lift him to this higher posltiou, he will make good and accompliab much' for all the-people.- . .. You can count on-Henry Lilly Cook stan ding true to his pled"e, and to-the princi ples of Democracy at .all hours of the day, night.-week, .month and year.; If you want a real good, strtld jind substantial man and Democrat In -Con incests. Cook is one of them. and, a good one to tie to. ' " 1 . . Yours truly. .'" ' - fe 194t; J. IV.rXDERWOQD. IN TUE DISTRICT COURT ' OP THE United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina.- . '' ' Furness Withy & Co., vs. 1,000 bags Basic Slag, , part of cargo lately laden .on. board the steamship Richmond. ; .. - In oltelieuce of a Varrant 'of seizure to me dire-ted under tbe above entitled cause. I have seized and taken Into my possession the following described property, to-wit: 1.000 Rags Slag, part of the cargo of the steamer Richmond, now discharged at the Wilmiugton Compress & Warehouse Co.. for the causes set forth in the libel how pending In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, at Wilmington. I hereby give no tice 'to. all persons claiming the said de scribed 1.000 bags slag, or knowing o hav ing' anything to -say why the same should not be condemned and forfeited ;ind the proceeds thereof distributed, according to the prayer of the lllel, that they be and appear before said court to He held in and for the Eastern District of Noth Carolina, of the I'nited States coui-t room in' the city of Wilmington on the 23rd day of February 1910 at- 11 o'clock in tlie forenoon of that date, if the same shall be a day of jurisdic tion; otherwise on the next day of jurisdic tion thereafter, then and there to lnternose a claim for tbe same and to make their al legations in that behalf. . ' - CLAUDIUS DOCKEDY, Marshal. By C. O. KNOX, Deputy Marshal. ; fe 1!) 4t PILES! PILESl PILES! ; Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumorsallays itching at once acts as a poultice, gives in stant relief. Williams' , Iniiau ' Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching 'of the private parts. Sold by druggists, mall 50c and $1.00.. Sold by R., R. Bellamy, ' ; . r , 0 NEW MODEL No. 10 REMINGTON - TYPEWRITE $84.50 ;J;i;;r:, RAMOS TYPEWRITER CO. r : WILMINGTON. N. C 1 1 119 Bags Irish Cobteat Potatoes. x 110 Bags White Bliss Potatoes. ffsStoti Red-'jlet; P!ataoe.! f 1 3lBaasjEariy Rose Potatoes f f -j I - - . . -87 Bags Corno Hen Feed. 413 Bags1 Wheat . BraW, 279 Bags 1 Shorts.;- ; 1' 253 Bags Cotton Seed; Hulls, 21 Bags Cotton "Seed Meal. 291 Bags White Spring Oats. 118 Bags RusV RrooT Oats. . I fryso rter a n d J obbe r. LAST DAY TODAY Maine Grown Seedlotatces 'A " '- . & . - ' .... ..T - t.:;..-f' r-;-, - .-.Jft, v ., fiyilmington NcCV mtlB$r Cent Interest-Paid Time THE11 AMERICAN t IS tf : yv? r:v,. K'l v; ; ' HEVWOOD PET ESSOIN '2s' KULFS Next to Murchison Bank. fe 1ft tf . v We take pleasure in announcing that Mr. Charles R. Davis, heretofore : asso ciated with us as salesman has been ad mitted as a member o the firm and will take pleasure in serving his friends and the general public in the future as in the past J. tleet Co. Phone 673. So. W. jsssBwswwawwwaawfci iHiiiiEU m mm 1,700 tons jut in by Schooner "Mary AV; Randall.' ; 300 tons arrived by Schooner "Bayard Hopkins. " i; 2,000 tons total February 8th, 1910. li'Z Rocahbritas Steam Coal r : : , All of tho Hlqhest Grades. Plenty, of firt-class Oak, and Pine Wood, cuttb order. II - r TIT' -t li 11 rv li 4nli ii vv c s Yv iaii t II , ' " that we are ' now ' located in bur new office and warerooms, 115 V;" ''"Market JStre,et:--';.i'v- . meMsits. NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C. Is the only Shoe that ' vtfll give comfort Tender Toes A trial will convince r. you. In lace and congress. Sold only by Corner Front and Princess Sts. Enlarged: Joints - and. to Announce fe 18 tf U 13 U ..Cv-