TBEMOBN PAGE THBEE I H E STATE 'News, Comment and in Nortn caroling. : UNUSUAL LASWUITS. , . Xirninian fftP SWtes:T.;nn San Out of State. e Man 1 1 iu i w . ,.a.... .. - - Entl IVM'3 fStatesville LanamarK.) . . r3 her unusual and interesting i- to be given a preliminary hear-fa?e- i Justice Turner's court - Satur i5g -rternoon at 1 o'clock, when, Mr. d3u Thompson, of Virginia, and7 Mr. 1 ,r McLain, of Statesville, the lat Dal , vouth and the son of .Mr. W. P. i -h will be arraigned on charges Kir enticed young Henry Moore, nf Mr W. C. Moore, away from soD p and into another State. Messrs. Spson and McLain were arrestee! 2K afternoon, and the preliminary firing of the case was set Cor Sat- iiv In the warrant it is charged r t the defendants "did unlawfully. h wilfully entice and induce Henry 'five a minor under 21 years of age, )I0oltV a v, HmltQ nf the Stnt to " ,.. itr Virginia, for the Durnose :,invinc said minor, without tne OILr in writing, duly duly authenticat- Tnf W. C. Moore, the father of said "'Jivii action against Mr. Thompson ? recover ?2,000 damages for alleged Intal anguish and the denial of the services alleged enticement away out cu the fvnill UOIH aiavA v,. I'Uil u-r Hit TVirtT-jorn Tho nn1 Tna (Jill 1 1 If 1 V 1 1 1 f-1 1 I. Ill voung nnrH UV ITll. A liwuiivauiii ' .a, uv brought in arrest and bail ,Lo arrested on this warrant Friday Swine. Ho gave bond. in the sum f joiioo promptly for his appearance a, the next term of Iredell Superior rouit Mr. Moore's complaint is sign ed by Mr. L. C. Caldwell, attorney, rhn presents him in the suit. Mr. Thompson has employed Messrs. Arm dPld &' Turner and Mr. McLain has ployed Mr. II. P. Grier to defend him. ,THE WHITNEY POWER PLANT. Special Master Price Goes to New York for Perhaps Final Hearing. (Salisbury Post) A II. Trice, Esq., leaves tomorrow niglit for Now York City, where a special master, he. will on Friday preside over an important hearing that is to be one of the last chapters in the litigation that has tied up the Whitney yower plant for nearly two years, and incidentally, to ' mark the early resumption of work at "the Nar rows. . ' The action is that instituted ,by the Bankers' Trust' Cdmpan'y(k" ''of?" New York, and others, against the Whit ney Company and Mr.' -Price, is ap pointed cot only to find the various facts in the case, but his conclusions of law ns well and report with all ex wdition to Judge Pritchard. .Among iganization in the future and to do bet other things ne is to taKe prooi con crrning all the allegations in the plaintiff's bill, the answer of the re ceivers, to take an account of all tne properties subject to the lien of the mortgage dated November 1, 1904; of j all improvements or additions to tne property; to determine whether any and if so, how much of the property is subject to the lien' claimed by the T. A. Gilit spie . Company, and to pass unnn fhp rpnnrta of the receivers. This is one of the most important j Col of the numerous judicial hearings held in connection with , the affairs or tLe Whitney Company and upon the special master's report, it is believed, will depend to a very great extent, the next move of the rival interests after the property. - . WELDON NEWS NOTES. Personal and General- Items Two Deaths Are Noted. (Special Star Correspondence.) ' Weldon. N. C, Feb. -24. Mrs. C. TJ. Cole, of Norfolk. i3 here on a visit to relatives Mr. Guy Hudson, of Dnr- ten, was here Wednesday to visit relatives. Ho was on his way to Porta fronth, whore he goes to accept a po Ht'oa with the Seaboard Air Line. , . Hiss Georgia Lee, of Emporia, ishrre on a visit to her sister, Mrs. C P. Hounds. W. .-TV Shaw .left ist Tuesday for Boston, Mass. &rs. A. II. pnrt D. B. Zollicoffer are visiting relatives 'in Texas and-Missis-. Nlipl. Thy Wcldon basketball team j'-kaud the Enfield team last week a score of 9 to 8. . v. - - - - ' ,JD. the passing away of Mr. J. L. Williams, death removes one of Wel z's highly esteemed, citizens, and thus another of the old Confederate Ndiers answers the last roll caJL Mr. "Mams was born in Nottingway cjnr.ty. Va , and was in the 73rd year or his ago. . ' JIl's. J. J. Rodwell d fed at her home warren county Monday, aged 70 wars. She was the mother of Mr. C. Hod well and grandmother of Mr. b- u Koriwell. of this place, v : ,,aml Mrs. S. P. Johnston and' Jl'.s- E. L. Green were called to Fan? wr county, Va., last week on ac iint of the death of their father, Mr. ,J- V' Turner. LEXINGTON BARS CLUBS. Puts Tax of $5.C00 on All Social Or ganizations Handling Liquors. . (Charlotte Observer.) Uxington, Feb. 23. A. number of from Salisbury having had in-rporat-d the Pocahontas Club which . to lie social nnrt pnnvlvial in ria. llr, having lockers for the members. "i laymen neaaea ny an Ministers of the town: anneared r,;0. tho bard of aldermen at the sj'di monthly meeting and request measures be enacted that wh - put th!a particular club and all hr 'L possible organizatfona?- of - siml men vT was spokesman. .-The alder Dlarin tupon- adopted ah "ordinance loei-L. ,a? annual tax of ' ?5,000 on rl rl"ba or any other sort of clubs sharr. nuiy was handled: In any to L" , m or manner, violations in I'wnlshed by a term of 30 days :..." (;0'inty iail. samo hoinir nnorn. Wvant! . managers, members and or on",;! of sucn c,ubs- All of which, to se' lnf!ans that there ; will be uai ciuds m Lexington, t- - V': "('':nS Wtathftr nrA mnvA nrAA ttavi,:,;ii?lrin?. bI Mid-Winter sale at M-acti ;7,i,'w blankets , being Jvi ftven awy to make room :.ifif : IN EPITOME Incidents as Refledled ... NEW HANOVER BANQUET. Club at the University in Annual Ses . sion on Tuesday Nights (Special Star. Correspondence.) Chapel Hill, Nv C, Feb. 23. Last night in the newly erected dining par lors of the Jesse Jones, the "Chapel Hill caterer", , the members of New Hanover -county held their second banquet in commemoration of the ar rival of Hinton James at the Universi ty in February, 115 years ago. The first '.banquet was I inaugurated -twe years ago by Prof. M. C. S. Noble, who gave a spread to the entire New Han over Club. Last year interest died out in the club, but this year the members With renewed vigor have, organized and expect to accomplish some good work in studying of "Old New Hano ver." The banquet last night was a great success, there being 23 in attendance, and each and every one enjoying him self to the utmost. An eight course banquet' was served and between each course a speech was heard. Jjr. J. G. DeR. Hamilton and Prof. M. C. S. Noble made the princi pal talks. Dr. Hamilton spoke of the prospects of the University for a larg er enrollment next year. The Legis lature judges its appropriations ac cording to the number of students at the University and on this account Dr. Hamilton considers it of pfime Im portance that the 1,000 mark should be passed next year. To do this he exhortecTthe members present to form themselves as a nucleus to the move ment for the larger. University and work for all that they are worth dur ing the Summer to increase the enroll ment. "Let each one of us here to night take the University for our creed and religion and bring back with us next year from New Hanover at least one convert for ' each member present tonight" .. . Prof. Noble--, then arose amid th& cheers of all present and in his char octeristic Noble-istic style reviewed some of the historic, topics of the low er Cape Fear. He asked the boys to look into the history of "our" county nuau 1 0 lltU 1IA UUlll J V UiUHUUUi and civil war history. He reviewed many interesting topics such as th& battle of Moore's Creek, the arrival of Sir John Yeamans and the battle of Fort Fisher, and he asked all present to only gaze back on- the deeds of their forefathers in New Hanover and he felt sure that they would receive enough inspiration "there to "fill thb bill" if the State were in 'need of a Moore, "a Caswell, a Waddell, an Ashe or a Lillingtoo today. ; Several members of the Club were then heard from, the sentiment of all of whom was to have a firmer or- ter work in the club. . Mr. L. DeK. Belden acted as toast master, and took care of his position with much . grace 'and dignity.- Th& banquet was adjourned in the wee hours of the ighx and everyone pres- ent Ven awaydeterinlied to learn more &nd do more for old New Han over. . HAD HIM STAR GAZING. "Jake" Newell's Dangerous Elo quence Puts Stranger in Jeopardy. (Charlotte Chronicle.) It was after Mr. Jake F. Newell had finished his speech this morning in defense of John Alexander, being tried for his life for the murder of Frank Maxwell, colored, that one man in the court room gave vent to his feelings and in loud applause, for a moment, startled the court and those sitting in the spacious hall. "What is that making that fuss?" yelled Judge E. B. Jones from the. bench. ' A man with long hair and of un usual appearance, stood up. "Did you applaud?", asked tht judge. "Yes, your, honor, I applauded," an swered the stranger. ' "This is.no vaudeville "performance and besides do you belong in . Char- otte?" came frofli Judge Jones, I meant nothing , disrespectful No sir, I do not live in Charlotte." The incident wa.3 over in a second. The man who applauded seemed to be an actor and in every movement and word showed that he was unfamiliar with court etiquette. The applause, though unusual, was warranted and Mr. Newell appreciat ed its expression to .the-fullest. WILSON WILL' PLAY. Tobacco Town Say3 It is. Ready for the iDamond. . (Special Star Telegram.) Wilson. N: C..v Feb. 24. The dead lock in the Easterh Carolina Baseball League has been broken, and ball, for the coming season is now an assured fact.- The opening game to. De piayeu on May 26th. The number of jf&mes to be played, 90, the forfeit to ne $ouu. Took All, His Money. Often all a man earns goes to doc tors or for medicines, to cure a stom ach, liver or kidney trouble that Dr. King's New Life Pills would quickly euro at slight cost. Best for dyspep sia, indigestion, biliousness, constipa- tldn, jatindlco; maiana ana aeouuy . 2fc at Robt. R. Rellaray. A most comfortable - and si COLLAR 15 : cents ' each 2 for, 25. cent Chiett. Peabody & Co., Makers ARROW CUFFS, 25 cents Pair MBJCW No ManisStrotigef 1 ' Than His Stomach Avtron man- is strong c!l over. No man can be strong who is suffering from -weak stomach with its consequent indigestion, or from some other . disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which im pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right,". when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable , 4 , feeling -in the stomach after eatia, is languid, nervous, irritable ana despond ent, he.is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. . Such a man should use Dr. Pierce's Golden Med?al Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach ana organs of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the wow, invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, noarnes ... the nerves, and so GIVES HEZLTH 21XD STREKGTU TO THE WHOLE BODY. ' 'Yod can't afford to accept a 'secret nostrum as a substitute for this non- alpoholjc medicine ov known composition, not even though the urgent dealer : . may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. . t 'XTOTT'RR pnoncrh intere.ffeH in voiir clothes, or JL ouglit to be, to want red: styles are to be this Hart Schaf fner &: Marx New Spring Style Book is announced to be readys about Malrch 1; a Washington number, showing :' scenes at the national capital. It's samething every well dressed man ought to have, and we hope every one. of you will ap-T predate what a useful book it is; an authority and guide in men's correcft styles. . The new Spring Manhattan and Eclipse Shirts and John B. Stetson Hats are here ready for you. Suits "made to order from $18 to . $45. You'll get your money's worth every time at ! THE A. DAVID GOS u u jj saa kA fit' : - - New style Caps, 25c to $1.50. New slyrte. Clothing for men and boys. New style Hats for young and old. : ' New style Shoes for the whole family ' - Holeproof Socks and Stqckings in alj colors, all kinds. Tailor-Made Suits Special attention is given to our-tailoring de partment. The line is new, upto date and of the very best makes. Suits from $10.00 up to $45.00. Just received some of the - new handsome brown shades. Come in and look them over.- j' w H Head-to-Foot Outfitter. C 1$ M 'M. - "1 rf:.i" ; " - .TnnMlTww jM - . oval Wire "FenclnlOv:! Maaufactured by the American Steel & Wire Co. This, istljeb'est and strongest Field Fence they make. We are now receivitfg a car loa which will be ready for distribution tomorrow. Let us have ydtx'r, orders at once while we-have a. full assortment of sizes. This makes nlnejcapv loads of this fehcing'we have sold since last March, we have the misl-r ness in field fencing. - ; 1 Wenow have another car load of Bucks stoves on the way. i WM. E. SPRINGER & CO. ParceU Building, :.--t : v Tli Southern ISTational Bank Opposite Posl:of f ice. t Organized 1905 . Capital..:,... . ....... .:......;$ 206,?066.OO Surplus and Profits;.:. . . .... . ... . . , 145,000.00 Total Assets. .......... .... . :. V.: 1-2,225.000.00 - -; President,- 5 - Cashier. J:u,z id1 L!! '"r " --- IIIIIM : . - ' " to know wnat tne cor- J Spring. v J- s ' ii FUG - If' ' " - 1 ' 1 -n ; ""; rX HS i .... gvirm r-. : r ,ia - - lMiaJ!: .-..m -.7 ftyj Itaiiiiaig"' KYI T . - f : t ' Wilmington, N. c - "k Stihh in Time Saves Nine 99 Taek advantage of the com mon sense contained in the above old adage, by giving us your orders for Stoves and Heaters before the cold weather arrives. We carry one of the largest stocks and best assortment of Hardware in the State at prices which defy competition. Come in, call up 106 or 1020 or write and let us figure with you. ' J.W.MURCHISON 6 COMPANY. - 109-111 North Front Street. NEW MODEL No. 10 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER $84.50 KAMQS TYPEWRITER CO. WILMINGTON,', N. C. ASSIGNEES' SALE JEWELRY STOCK At 12 o'clock "M" on Monday 2Stb February 1910 at No. 27 souiii ront street, in the City of Wil ui in X ton. N. C. I will sell at nublio nup tion fo cash to tbe highest bidder, all the stocK or .jeweiry etc., assigned to me by .7. T. Burke. Inventory filed with John D. Taylor, Clerk Superior Court, and Stock can oe inspected from 10 to 12 o clock A. M. on Tuesday 15th, Saturday 19th, Tues- uay zzua, ana ssaturaay L'utn, mst. This 12th tebrnary l'JJO. PAUL CAASE, Assignee. A. J. MARSHALL. Attorney. -fe 13 til fe 28. Oliver Typewriters Tu oach purchaser of a New Oliver Typewriter within the next ten days we will give an up to date Toledo Roll Toi Typewriter Desk. Rebuilt typewriters of all kinds, Underwoods, Remingtons, 01' vcrs ;ind other standard makes at half original price. Typewrit er Ribbons and Carbon of all lintltv Every one of our rib bons are. guaranteed or money I refunded. M MES S CO. Market Street. irTWdiWIrfriTfiiiiTIf mm-Tiit tulm m y.i tf STATEMENT' OF CONDITION the mu8chis0n National bank OF AV1LMINGTON. N. C. At the Close, of Hueln-HN, January 31st. 1919. MKSOl RCKS. Loaim ;iinl Discounts U. S. Bonds (at par) , Bank Building X. i'. State and other bonds. Cdst. aii'l due by Batiks ..... . .$3,483,083 75 .. 551,(MI(I 0(t 25,(KH 00 . . 143.783 00 . . 1.131.5S15 02 ; f5.:W4.4til 77 1.1 1H IIT ICS. Capital Stork Surplus and Net Prolit Circulation P. S. Bond Account .. .. .. . Deposits .$ .550,0)10 00 373.579 a . 550.00ft (K) , 1(M),000 00 . 3.75S.KS2 a $5,334.461 77 DEPOSITS: January 31st. 1003... Jantinry 31st. 1!0... January 31st. 1910... P. 921.988 64 .443.393 48 .758.8S2 m H. C. McQUEEN, President. J. V. ORAlNiER. Vice President. J. W. YATES. Vice President... C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. - fe 4 tf i WHY NOT TRY POPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY? Gives prompt and positive relief in every case. Sold by. aruggisis, ' price $1.00. ' Trial package by mail 1Q cents. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props. CLEVELAND, O. Sold by R. R. Bellamy. . 200 Bushels Bradly's Celebrated Cotton Seed. : ,r 800 Sacks Genuine Aroostook Co., Maine Seed Potatoes. 1,000 Bushels Texas Rust Proof. Oats , 1 - fr A 3000 iKegs' Stee.and Cut Wire Nails. LOOO Sacks Rice, (all grades). 250 Barrels Nice Mullets. ; ' 8,000 Sacks Common Fine Salt. 200 Sacks Rock Salt; 150 Sacks ice Cream Salt 300 Barrels Package Salt t Get our prices. We are ra. to do :bu8ine8s. " D t. GORE GO, i Wholesale Grocers and Impor . ters. r ? Wilmington, N. C. -V Cotton Seed! SUBURBAN SCHEDULE li Ilwt TborKdaj, September 30th, 1909. TO BEACH. WEEK DATS Leave Front and Princes treets nt 6:50, 8:30. 10:00 and 11:30 A. M., :00, 3KX), 4X0, 7:10 and 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS Leave Front and Prtneew" treets at 830, 10:00. 11 A. M.. 1:00. 2:30. 3:00, 3:30, 4:00. 4:3,'50, R-Q, 6:10. 7:1C and 8:30 P. M. ... TO WILMrNGTON. WEEK DAYS Leave Luratna at 7:43, 8 -45, 5:15, ft:I5 and 10:45 A. M., 32:15, 1:45, i :rn ana :i r. m. SI'MAS-Leave Lumlna at 9:45. 10:4B A. M.. 12:15. 1:45, 3:15. 33V4:15. 4:45, 5:1R, 5:45, 6:25, 6:50, 7:15 and 9:15 P.'JVL TO WRIGHTS VI1.US. WEEK DAYS Leave Front and Princess streets at 6:50, 8:00; 8:30. 10:00, 11:30 A. M. 1:00. 3:oo, 4:30. 6:10. 7:10. 8:30. iokw and 11 :Q0, P. M. SUNDAYS Leave Front and Princess streets at 8:30, 10:00. 11:30 A. M 1:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00. 5:30, 6:10, 7:10, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:00 P. M. . ' ' TO WILMINGTON. WIEK DAYS Leave Wrlghtsvllle at C:20, 7:55, 8:25, 9:25, 105 A. .T., 12:25. 1:55, i 3:55, 5:25, 6.35, 8:00, 9:25, 10:25 and J 1:25(1. Af. SUNDAYS- Leave Wrlghtsvllle at 9:55. 10:55 A. M., 12:25, 1:55, 3:25, 3:55, 4:25, 4:55. 5:25, 5:55, 6:35, 7:00, 8:00. 9:25, 10:25 and 1:25 P. M. 1 CAROLINA PLACE. FRONT AND PRINCESS TO CAROLINA PLACE. WEEK DAYS Leave Front and Princess at 6:52 A. M., and every 15 mlnutea there after until 10:37 P. M. Sl'NDATS Leave Front and Princess 8:22 A. Al, and every 5 minutes thereafter until 10:37 P. M. TO FRONT AND PRINCESS. WEEK DAYS Leave 17th and Market at tr.45 A. AI., and every 15 minutes thereaf ter until 10:45 P. AI. six DAYS Leave 17th and Market at 8:30 A. M., and every 15 minute thereafter until 10:45 P. AL FREIGHT. Leave Wilmington daily except Sunday at 4:00 P. M. - Freight Depot from 3 :00 tc 4:00 P. M. Quickest and Best Line West and North west. " Block Syfltem, Rock Bnllast 85-lb Rail. Schedule In Effect May 1st, 1909. Lv Norfolk ............ 7:30am 7:30 p m Lv. Petersburg 10 :25 a m 10 -.20 p m Lv. Durham 7:00 am 5:30 pm Lv. Lynchburg 2:30 pm 2:13nm Ar. Cincinnati 7:30am 7:20pm Ar. Columbus 6:45 am 7:45 pm Ar. CUicaeo 5 :00 p m 7 :30 a m Ar. St. Louis 7:28 p m 8:30am Close connections made for Seattle, San Francisco and all Western points. 1'iillmun sleeping and parlor cars N. and W. Cafe dinine cars. Eauinment and ser vice Htandnrd of excellence. Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains crossed at most pic turesque parts. Time tables, descriptive literature and formation free. Correspondence invited. W. B. BEV1LL, Ren. Pass? Agent, Roanoke, Va. C. H. BOSLEY, Dist. Pass. Agent, Richmond. Va. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the powers of sale contained in certain mortage deeds made by Julius Cowun and wife Julia Cowan to Tbe North Carolina Home Building Association, one I .earing date the 6th of February, 1909, and duly registered on tbe records of New Han over County in Book 58, page C2, and the the other bearing date the 19th of March 1909, and duly recorded in Book 58, page 221, tlte undersigned will sell, to tbe high est bidder, at public auction, for cash at the Court House door of New Hanover County in the City of Wilmington,- N. C, at twelve Klock M.. on Friday the lltU day of March. 1910. the followinsr described DroD- erty in said City of Wilmington, N. C., to wit: Beginning at a point in the western line or Raukm street (Jo ieet west or tne western line of Bay street: runs thence westwardly with said northern line of JCiiufctii street 4o ieet; tneiice nortnwaraiy luirullel with Bav street 66 feet: thence eastw.-irdly parallel with Rankin street 45 reet; thence sontnwaruiy parallel witn uay street 00 feet to tbe Beginning, being part of easter half of Lot 5. Block 242. This Sth of February, 1910. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME BUILD ING ASSOCIATION, By John D. Bellamy & Son., fe 9 30d. Attorneys. MORTGAGE SALE. Rv virtue of the oower of Siile contained in a certain mortgage deed made by C. L. Dickinson and wife Lilly W. Dickinson to Samuel Blossom, bearing date the 15th of June, 1909. and duly registered on tbe rec ords of New Hanover County in Book 58. page 440, the undersigned will sell to the uignest mcmer, at puDiic auction, tor ciisu. at the Court House door of New Hanover county in Wilmington, N. C, at twelve o'clock si., on xnursaay tne lutn aay oi M:irh. into, tbe followinsr described DroD- erty in said City of Wilmington, N. C., to wit: Beginning at a point in tbe South ern line of Ann street 100 feet east of . the eastern line of Fifth street; runs thence enstwardlv with tbe southern line of Ann street 35 feet and 3 inches; tnence soutn wardiy parallel with Fifth street 66 feet; thence westwardly parallel with Ann street S3 feet and 3 inches; thence northwardly parallel with Fifth street 66 teet to the be ginning, being part of Lot 1, Block 117. inis 7tn aay oi i eoruary, aaiu. - SAMUEL BLOSSOM, By John D. Bellamy & Son. fe 8 30d. . ' . , , 'Attorney. SMOKE' i CIGARS! 'WHY . P ': Because It Is the Bes Cigar for the Money. Wholesale Grocer. Blue prints of all kinds drc made by Southern Map Co., phone 813, So. CHANGE OI PROGRAMME ' r s - DAILY. " ' NEVER . OUTI - NEVER -' OVER! 1 ... Atlantic Coast Line CORRECT TO JANUARY 80th. " NOTICE. The nrlTate Md dprtmr ara'fflTaa m ifenutiaB. u antll n.a.uiu. vltk i other eonpanlea. bat a.irlrai Md tmn- ' lies, arc hi araaranteea. NORTHBOUND. No. 48. nail No. 42. Dally 7 -HO nm Lv. Wllminirton Ar. Uoktsboro . ... D .lA.ml 10:05 pu 11 :Ol pn 11:45 pm Ar. Wilson .. 119 .QA Ar. Rock 7 Mount It uu. Ar. Weldon Ar. Norfolk '. . . , 1 4 :55 pm A-10 nm ; im i I it :uo m 8:33 am Ar. Petersburg ... Ar. Richmond .. . 7 :05 pm am 4:40 am 8:00 am O .1 A im Ar. Washlnirton ll:50 pm Ar. Baltimore .. Ar. W. Philadelphia . o :w am 11:35 pm Ar. new iora o;w am SOUTHBOUND. No. 41. Dally. 3:25 Dm No. 49. Dally. 9:25 pm Lv. New York .. .. Lv. W. Philadelphia Lv. Baltimore Lv.' Washington .. . Lv. Norfolk Lv. Petersburg 5 :44 pm S-"ft nm 12:19 am 2:46 am 4 20 am 8:10 am 9:18 am 10:00 nm1 o:uv pm 1:58 am 8 :4S am Lv Weldon 11 :30 am Lv. Rocky Mount .. Lv. Wilson .v. Ooldsboro r. Wilmington ... onjo am 5:49 am 6:40 am 9:45 am 12:40 pm i :m pm 2 :59 pm 0:15 pm WEST AND SOUTH. la Wllaan. 51. 55 42 Lv Wilmlnsrton t 5 :30 ami 3 :15 nml 7 KM) nin Ar. Florence ....) 9 :25am 7:25pm) 4:01am Ar. Columbia ..I 1 :00 pmlll -.10 pml Ar. Augusta a:uuun j Ar. Atlanta .... Ar. Nashville .. h vm pm 6 :30 am 8 :S0 pm Ar. Memphis ... Ar. Louisville .. Ar. Cou'ti i:iupm 4 :35 nm Ar. Charleston . 1 :15 pmlll :20 pm 7 :05 am Ar Savannah .. Ar. Jacksonville 3 :oo pm 2:20 am 0:30 am :io pm 7 :00 ami 7:15 ami 1:30 pm 7:00 pm 10 :23 pm Ar. Tampa Pullman service Florence to Atlanta ana Atlanta to destination. NORTHBOUND. 50 54 Dally. Dally. 9:00 pmllO :30 am 7 3A ami 7 M nm Lv. Tampa , Lv. Jacksonville .... Lv. Savannah .. ... Lv. Charleston .. .. Lv. Columbia Lv. Augusta , Lv. Florence ., .... Ar. . Wilmin gton . . . 11 :53 am 12 :15 am :xj pm o :mi am 4:10 pm 6:00 am 2:43 pm 12 nm Q .4 Km U:5pm 1:40 pm WILMINGTON AND SANFORD. Westbourd. F.aetbound. 53 Daily. 02 Daily. 8:40 AM.... Lv. Wilmington Ar.... 8:05PM 11:45 AM... Ar. FaycttevUle Lv... 4:50PM 12:10 PAI....LT. Fayetteville Ar.... :43 PM 1:40 PM Ar. San ford Lv 80 PM WILMINGTON AND NEWBERN. Northbound. 62 Sontkbonnd. 63 Daily except ssunaay. 3:25 PM....LV. Wilmington Ar. .. .12:50 PM 5:17 PM A. Jacksonville Lv 10 55 AM 6:44PM....Ar. N. & S. Jet Lv.... 9:33 AM 6:60PM Ar. Newbern Lv 9:30AM VIA FJCTERSBrRO AND N. W. BY. Dally Except Sunday. Trains No. 42 and 41 carry Pullman Bleep- lng cars with broiler service, between Wil mington and Washington, connecting wun Pennsylvania It. It., for all points Bast. Trains 48 snd 49 carry Pullman Parlor cars betwen Wilmington and Norfolk. Trains No. 53 and ou carry i'tuimin Sleeping can between WUmlnfton ana Columbia. T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent. W- J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager.. Air Line Railway ) SCHEDULE Apply at Union Depot Ticket Office or S. a. U IldUwnr Freight Office Telephones No. 1294 or No. K. j Train iwave Wllminirton Effective res. v ! lain No. 4ft 4:M A. M - For. Hamlet, and Charlotte, connects at Hamlet with No. M for Raleigh and points North. No. 893:45 P. M. For Hamlet, connect ing with through trains for Atlanta, Char lotte, Birmingham. Jacksonville, Norfolk, New York and trains in nil directions. Ar rive Hnmlet 7:45 P. M.: lenve Hamlet 8:05 P. M., arriving Charlotte 10:45 P. M. Trains Arrive at Wilmington Xo. 401:18 P. M. From Hamlet. No. 44 it :2ft A. M. From Chatlott an Hamlet. No. 45 connects at Hamlet with No. M for all points North at Monroe with No. 63 for Atlanta. So. SB connects at Hamlet with No. 41 tor Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis and Char lotte, with No. 84 and No. 2 for Washing ton and New York .and Portsmouth, Nor folk and No. 44 for Colombia. Savannah, and Jacksonville. Psrlor Qtr Service will be malntatnea be tvreen Wilmington and-Charlotte on No. "JO leaving Wilmington at 3:45 P. tf.. and No 40 arriving at W.iinlngton at 1:16 P. M, u. w. AUttinuiun, Union Ticket Agent. Phone No. 1294. F. A. FETTER, AgtaL Pfeon No. K. H. S. LBARD. " ; Dlv. Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C C. B. BRYAN, ucaerai puseiigergenxi . Portsmd ion to, va. Clyde Steamship Company to NEW YORK ( and GEORGETOWN. S. C Kitw i iibk m trrrArrvATnM. S. S. "Carib". Friday, Feb. 181010 s. d. -stDine" Friday, ifei. -.wio WILMINGTON TO 4TKW TOSBU r. r 8. 6. "Sabine" Saturday, .tel).-19, S. S. "Carib". : .Satorday, I'cb. 20, 1910 W1LM1NOTON TO aEORORTOWir.- 5?. g. "Sabine" ....... Monday. Feb.. 14. 1910 a. S. "Carib"... Monday Feb2L l&io Through bnis of ladlnff anfl-UwMit brongh rates guaranteed to and, from, all points in North and South Carolina. . For freight passage apply to. H. CS." SMALLB0NE3k 8oot ' ; : . Wilmington, N. CK v tf - w vtvNii'n: i. MAT NAltD, ' Freisht Traffic Manager. : RAYMOND, V.' P.' & O. IL , J, AH. H, HUGH MacRAE & CO. 'MiscellaneoiSQutliem Securities - M 5 4 P. 1 if.