; " THE MORNING STAB, WILMINGTON, FBIDAY, FEfiRUARY 51910! PAGE FIVE. BIG STEAMER COMPLETE LOSS WILL FORM LOCAL PEACE BOOK LONGFELLOW'S BIRTHDAY MOST SEVERE OF WIIITEB BIG ODD FELLOWS' RALLY TV 7T fnlhrU! II IHTF&J mm No Chance For Arroyo, Foundered on Impartant. Meeting- Tonight Under Exercise in Grammar Schools This Pcrtsmouth Island Tug Jones Brings News of Disaster Re fused Assistance. Auspices of Chamber of Com- merceVThe General Public ; , Invited to Attend. Morning in Celebration of Natal , Day of the Great Poet Presentation of Picture. Northeast Storm Accompanied by Driving Rain All Day Turned to Sleet at NightAnother Warning is Issued. t w Meeting Tonight Preliminary to Mem bership Campaign in , March Several Addresses Followed by Social Session. Tidings of the complete loss of the Under the auspices of the Wilmlng- The birthday anniversary of Henry A northeast storm, accompanied by big British steamer Arroyo, which. I ton Chamber of Commerce there will Wadsworth Longfellow, one of Amerl- a driving ram an day yesterday, last foundered on the beach at Portsmouth be held tonight, in the rooms of ths caV greatest poets, will be observed night began to develop into sleet with Island, near Ocracoke, last Sunday Chamber, on Xonh. Front street, a In Union and Hemenway schools with a falling temperature, rounding . out night, while tiound from Santiago, Cu- meeting of great, significance and far appropriate eterclses at 9 o'clock this one of the most disagreeable days of ba to Philadelphia, laden witn au.uuu reacnmg importance, having as its morning. Sunday, February 27th, Is the entire vvinier. rrom ail sections tons iron ore, were brought yesterday! primary, object-' the formation of a the anniversary of the birth of-Long of Eastern Carolina came reports . of morning at 10 o'clpak by the tug Al Wilmington branch of the American fellow, but as this is the last school' sleet during the day and ! Wilmington exander Jones, Capt. W. A. Sanders. Society for the , Judicial Settlement day of the week the exercises will be was exceedingly" fortunate that it es which returned to port from thescene of International Deputes" an organiza held . today. Very attractive pro-' capcd until night and even then with of the disaster, after all hope of sav Jticn that has tlie endorsement of grammes have been arranged at both only a slight fall and freeze... ing the steamer had been abandoned, some of the most Komlnent men in I schools. ' . v. The cold wave predicted by the Undoubtedly this is the most do- America 'The most interesting feature in con- weatner Bureau uegan to maKe itseit structive of the many marine casual- The meeting will be held at 8 o'clock nection with the observance at Hem- ty S o'clock? following ties along the North Carolina , coast I and the general public, including la- enway will be the presentation by tho Cnny aay- the thermometer register- during the severe Winter months. The dies, is most cordiaJly Invited to at- children of the school a handsome pic- ed 40 degrees. The rain Btorm devel- Arroyo was lying Droadside on the tend and' hear the .important matter ture, "The Village Blacksmith". The Ped a little later and continued in beach, burdened with her heavy cargo, disrussed by piomincnt speakers, in- Dicture has already been hune on the H1? I ?5' WS1 Lof i4 JJlSff and rapidly filling with water wnen ciuamg Mr. Theodore Marburg, of . ,,. , . -T, v "av"s ueCu ..uCu uy w o uciuc. innps started back to Dort Wed- Baltimore, secretary of the BHetv wa? ?f -the auditorium and will be un- last mght when the mercury was only luv - . I . . J 1 VL lion thiO mrfY1Tr fmTviarilQtalV flftO J nhATTA T-. .,Ucav aftomnnn Aronrr1iner to tne cent v fnrmrl In tho MnnnmoTitn '"' lul0 uiU(i..uS imu.m., one Ufgiee ouu.c iiceiiue. xjciui o licoucj - -- . " TVlea TTWro rWT.v,oi.'a imctnn tha I 1 , . i- ik. in V J j a j. i.oiiof nf rant. Sanders, the last hone UltV. Mr. Marhiirc nne f the " - "'V5""" - xu ohuck iuc lam. uuu mrueu lu sieet . fl(i .ho voei wna p-nne vm- hr. the movement 4a o r.mi0f fcrth grade children recite the poem, anj it was exceedingly unpleasant TO i A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. One of the most valnanle qualities of Mother's Friend is Preparatory to the membership campaign which will be inaugurated by all the lodges of the State March 19th, Hanover Lodge, No. 145, I. O. O. F., has arranged for a big celebration tonight in the Odd Fellows building, corner Third and Princess streets. ine mam object of the rally is to arouse greater interest in the ap proaching membership campaign. The arrangements for , the" meeting nave Deen completed by the commit tee, composed of Messrs. E. N. Penny, K. bDOOner and A. F. Walton.. Mas. srs. M. W. Jacobi. W. L. Smith. J. T. King and H. O. Craig, members of oth er local lodges, have been invited to be present and address the gather- in a-. Following- the nAAraeaaa Ho-V. i-n -J " ' - mv.a. UOXO . UAUb i w freshments will be served and cigars passed around, after which the Odd Fellows will go to the Delmonico Cafe, A.. A. 4 A. . ' ma , Baie-gnaras tne rature health of the mother. It is a Hniment to he appUed externally to the hody, the use of which, lubricates the muscles and tendons, softens the Elands and ducts, prevents lumps forming in the hreasts, and relieves the pain, nervous- ness, nausea, and other troubles from which so many expectant mothers suffer. When Mother's Friend is used regularly it fits and prepares the system for an easyand natural consummation of the term. Women who massage' with this ; great liniment are always saved much suffering when baby comes, and recover more quickly, and -without ill effects. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. ' Write for our free ook for expectant mothers. ."!. , THE BRADFIELD CO,, ATLANTA, GA, iness man of Baltimore and a mos. of floating the vessel was gone yes terdav when a northeast storm pre vailed throughout .the day. pleasing speaker, The steamer on her way up the on almost every subject one could coast, ran out of her course, and the mention and his remarks in explana "The Village Blacksmith." This makes "under foot". Reports of sleet began captain being unable to take observa lion of the object of the society will on account of dense log ror tnree prove or great interest to tl days, miscalculated tne distance ano compose his audience tonight. He has Hp is-well Trotted tne sixth Picture given to the school to come in early during the day, this entire school, and they are all works tions extending as far down this way of art. A special effort is being made La Magnolia, down the A. & Y. for uc'"6 uua"'" w .V 'M "w" V1 VUJC.V-1 w"1 at. Hemenwav to decorate th hall and l 00.0 this Tnm tions on account or dense iog ror tnree prove 01 great interest to those who , " tta 'y,, I i -nr A o keen Interest. The several classes tonne this side of Florence. S. C. At fpeed he had made with the vessel been in Wilmington several days and f," 01 Florence, b. u. ai 1a ?,a this aa the reason for the. recentiv n.-.ii! f, nfev.re with a ? respond to the roll call this morn-1 pnygttgyjiie the sleet began early yes -o t wv0 vuv uvuo,v.-v 1 4av ixiui Liixt, "uu tv xj. iuo uaiu poems or verses. Similar exercises passed there yesterday afternoon at 5 wifbe held at Union school. Longfel- nvinr.k there was a fall of two inches steamer going ashore. . . number of representative citizens The tug Alexander Jones respond- with reference to the important move inc to her assistance reached the ment. The meeting tonight is the scene at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning,! outgrowth of that conference. where they will have supper. This meeting will be one of great interest to the Odd Fellows of Wilmington, all of whom are cordially invited to at tend. Hanover Lodge has a member ship of 170 at present and it is hoped to increase the list to at least 200 dur ing the campaign in March. March 19th is the birthday anniver sary of the late Chas. M. Busbee, Esq., of Raleigh, who was Past Grand Sire of the order in the United States, hav-, Ins .occupied at one time the highest office in the order. The various lodges of the' State decided to ODserve hiS' birthday by inaugurating a special membership campaign, which will ex tend over several days. During the period the lodges of Wilmington ex pect to greatly increase their numbers.. Read Star Business Locals. low, who was born Feb. 27, 1807, in with the storm still in progress. Wire ir,r a rtiotnnne of ahont 1S0 miles . The ohiert f the aoietv hrWW .ruil,"Ul 'AC" ao a uo UOUDie was reponea irem several sec none ear:har nant iSftnneri staved i" to estahHsh a neVrnnent learned to love, "This beauty and mys- Uions in this part of the State IKJiirUCU LUC rtlJUJV at, U I IIS'"- OUU VUUll JUSUVC 1UI LUW BCIUCU1CUL Ul I 41 )l Al A I . , su-a u. inttt,r wiuie luauy pucm tuai up- warning at a o ciock or anotner nortn iouim iudi uci V1CW..-OUU w.u uo,. .ui6.u.Uuu upui. iuo uiuvc-, especialiy to children aild.lt is east storm from Wilmineton to Nor abandoned her. Preparations wer.-j ment has been endorsed bv President i..r v i- t?T' f81 storm iromwumington to in or I v f IIIIIIIH M llllllllll IM I M I 1 1 X f IIIK IIIII HUM V Mil I nl N ' tnn 1ifl nvi n being made to attempt to float her, Taft, Senators and Congressmen and niversary shouM when the captain and his crew which many other prominent men of tte SiT had been transferred to the Ocracoke country. Mr. Marburg has retired Tiinw - wMfnf a famiVv -of hZv . t I Life Saving Citation during the night I many, strong; letters of endorsement vMnmpfl to fhe vessel and aaln took and the followlne- are evtraotB . from K" . ' .." wasnmgion last nignt, is iair today vv". 7... :v a7.".: ' ramer was an eminent lawyer, a graa- 9nd tomorrow with ris ne temnera. itA0DnoDinn or w n u v itiu i iniH. i 11 i iiiim i inu miru T-urvun y riTi nt? . xr rrr Zrw tl,; n I. ,o,n uate or. Harvard. The poet graduated Uures. moderate brisk winds Saturday. -"-"" - ., .1 - i trom tne nisti roiieere. or Kowaoin. Cant Lawrence had communicated "In my opinion no more important vk vt ;mfoonmMn . . - . , , I . . .. . . , nuivu uuciuu uixu ytuicooui ouiy iu W illi U12 uwucis ill uiaount uj vauic- uiUTcuicu, uao ltctcu fiiai icu ill iuc gram mrougn ueauiou, ww u umie cuttes, uu i wisa it every nean t p, . ffl f ul 1 1 V. V. I I " " - " awaiung repiy ueioie uc wuum uc oucoa. Rplf fn th ork tt. th in ; . a l. H a fl.t HiTuvivmnn fin itti if nrT t i i wining iu luttc auy wreuipi w uuat AiAAiYurvii unAiiftfli D&isU. vears abroad, masterine, several lan . Ut. 11. Tirv I Tl 1 hi.V I - ner wnn tne asBisiaiice. vviieii au-s reuruary i.:tn, Urnac-en and In 1R34 he wan offered went asnore sne was drawing ieei mere can De no good reason wny the rhalr of mndern ianeuaeea in Har. 01. water. ? 1 must at ieaai ui tuts lniernittioutii u''lvnrd hnt 1 lie crtw rciiiaiucu wuu tiic vcooci i puico auuuiu uut ut: passcu upon ui- WILL BE TRIED TODAY. literature, with the privilege of Euro- Three Cases Against Robert Graham, Col., Who Assaulted Officer. Robert Graham, colored, who made an attack on Deptuty Sheriff W. H Howe in the Finkelstein nawn shon went abroad for another Wednesday at noon, will he eiven a i . . I ' - ior ine stuay 01 scanainavian vcar for the Hturtv of Sranriinnvifln I i . t . tt i a to throughout Tuesday ad Wednesday nclally, Instead of vi et armte: and an 'aeea. returnine to America In -1 T irith hlo-h aaaa rnnn tic on fhe -onr aectnnlntton ehnnl1 V,e the moorj ' T 7 . TT . " I u wui-n. mia "'"u m.cc i.ixxiS - " " ' I .A. "-"u: isae and settled at uamonage, wnere latter uay sue sprang lean. , iiiciui mucu goou. u remained until hia death come KO ).lho tV.Q maantlma ho c -.-. (1 I "WTI.TTM tJ CMTirTrV rTTrT7T T " I . . IUS UU. .Uf, "V- AA 1 I.. A& I ""VA WV - ."AM.., . iVParS 1. . A O I 1 O T H O ht H Y J T. O 1 O 0 V V,. t nfPcw one otonio Vinf he nnrli-1 s " TuoMsa tlia Tflnto Dannt, rJwJl' ...... i auu oium6 ah.aaa& aa mv ."i v--aaj u. i via M.i.muvi., iv i " ma..v. Wa .AA iuufc . uvu x.tao", "i no nrn pt a Tin tti p a ar tne ernooia m- i jai ii..h. ti v. -u lr. of ho veaael Werf.neodav after. Ion of the Mio-h fonrt rtf T0tie fn. , 77 7 T " at a piMUl irum namce cuuiillttu, uo HUH "1 HAV. UA.WUVAAA A . - . w .UW A A . g, AA WUUI.AV.V., W A. I fl 3 V Wl I 1 TITO. flR HIV 1 Tl f 111 H B RfllTlff SKeiinn- I J - T7- Unn.AAn i ,1 ai ia - i j i . I . : -- - - - i-uuuutis a siuic uu x' iuui, ucmrou es assault on the officer, larceny of two guns from Mr.: Louis Skinner, noon indicated a complete loss andltario when the Jones left her there was Many leading newspapers of some six feet of water in her hold. country have gifen endorsement, I works a - A I . I K . M I capt. isanoers related an interest- among tnem Deing tne Baltimore sun ing story of the plight of the big which said editorially in a recent is steamer and stated that on account sue: of her cargo Of iron ore and her p- "The settlement of tntennitlonat disputes sitinn on the hear.h. there was little by judicial udjudieatlou timteud of war 'Wniie for her from the time she went would mrk odvuuce in civilization of nope ior ner rrom tne time sne went inea.CUjable bAfIietlt to maukilld. Thl!4 wm asnore. He had a ngnt to Claim tne n. the aim of the Auierlcaii Society for the vessel when he found her abandoned J ndtolnl Settlement of International Dls- eavlv Toaodow nmrninir hilt the ran-N"11'. hivii n uikuiiumtu in uiu luime MW A MViJ AAAV.A AAAAAM. " " - I' W. .1 1 (V K f IntAlli. llA 11.01 .1 Ilill'J tT , 1. A tain protested that he had only ahan- cletr are 'men dlstliiKulshed In the nrofes Inned her for a time fe.arine- a storm slon of the law. iu diplomacy uud in the Hnrino- the nip-ht and Pant ?ander I fleld 01 edncutioiu It In the purpose of the during tne nignt, and apt. aanaersi , t t ..,.,,.. vi.p ,.mi.iir.i of made no effort , to take possession, fed ueation and to xnure no effort to i-on- The steamer is owned by Harrison vinw the people of the United states that &fVk r.f nlaatrow and IS valued luc murrimiiouat uuuuict vi LO.. 01 Glasgow, ana is vaiuea at a Jadlt.i tribunal I desirable and not im- several hundred thousand dollars, practicable. 'If' said Mr. Theodore Mar- The oflnraln had onlv recently took burjr, the United. States can succeed iu i . tt i a j i !' i i i ii ,r iiiip an iimt i ii i i i command and it was nis nrst in the Arroyo. It is understood that doubt that the other nations, will come to he had onlv held a master's license realize its usefulness.' -1 . . h I Af fit iti tl it ! n hull . lilti fortoti n n litinti w pr of the life of Tnne-fellow as well as the rvroaontflt.nn nf cnmA nf Til a ftoaf FAYETTEVILLE STREET R'Y. Northern Capitalists Looking Over the Field Mr. Skelding Yesterday afternoon's Fayetteville ero in atealine.a nistol from Boufa Observer has the following: rah it is stated that Graham and an Mr. William A. Law, president Of lather neo-jw enteradtha store of Bon the Merchants' National Bank, of Phil- farah and asked to-see a pistol. After adelphia, and Mr. Robt. Haines, of the inspecting the weapon Grahyn's com uouiuu6 ""'" """i 1 panion darted out or tne store wun n, ixew iorK, uotn 01 wnuin are largely while Graham is said to have urevenL for about five months The Arroyo are staggering under the burdens of mill- came to this port some two seasons tarlsni. taxing the ueoule oppressively for ago and received cargo Of COtton from the maintenance of enormous standing Messrs. .Alexander Sprunt & Son. She -"-1 was 2.307 tons net register and was timer can make an impressive appeal to 20 years old. having been built atlthe world for the abolition of war and the f.i.., (3or,fiot,ri n icon whe had a aoinaoumeut 01 preparations ior war. Glasgow Scotland. In 1890. b he had a There are juternatlSnul disputes which can crew or zz men, tne majority 01 wnora be. settled by a judicial tribunal without "were Chinamen. : Jsacrllice of uatioual honor or loss of Uljrui- Iijr uuu prestige iy ine uuiiuiis mioiveu iu iwinfAi.a.Dlna 7a . k 11 t-i t irannlnalff 111.. LARKIN CO'S. UNIQUE EXHIBIT. mane spirit and high Intelligence doubts f ' this. It the great mass of men can be per- H AA-i j ,,, -i.-ri- Wilmlnn. suaded to accept this view there will be an as Attracted Hundreds of wnming- . . . rmnt wrinii Ammur tho ton Ladies Closes Saturday. difficulties which peace advocates eucoun- The unique . exhibition of the pro- ter and have not yet been able to overcome ducts and premiums of the. Larkin VB ..S.S" Co., of Buffalo, N. Y.t at 112 1-2 Front er motlves more or less sordid, and the in Rtreet over Stmth era rlcar store, has nate DU&ruacitT of the average man. Man attracted hundreds of the ladies df has leen a "gbtlng animal from the earliest attracted nundreds 01 tne lauies oi perlod Hence governments have had no Wilmington and has proven Intensely great difficulty iu niiiug the ranks of their interesting to all. The Visitors have armies and thus obtaining abuudaut food i. t, a VQ (.niov fa tor powder. Hut our ctvllizuiion lias now JCCU CuiuU,..Mv, "" mvF 1m reached the stage when the general aver remarkable in many ways. The exhl- aiie ot Jntelllgence. is greater than ver be liition is in Charge of five represents-1 fore, when the spirit of philanthropy is t;,rQQ nr rx. nn,nnir -who taVe PT-eat mora in evidence than at any other period. , , , , a . j and when war on a great scale is more pleasure in showing the products and C08tiy an(i destructive than ever before. A premiums to all visitors. Nothing -is campaign of education conducted on these old in the showrooms the disnlav be- lines may have practical results. At any sold !n tne snowrooms. tne aispiay De- fa the 'American Society for the Judicial ing brought here for the express pur- settlement of International Disputes has a pose of giving Larkin customers and noble and helpful aim in view and it frienda in thi vlHnitv an onnortunitv ought to have the cordial support of. all mends in tnis vicinity an opportunity me who hellere ln timg futeruationai to see a complete line of Larkin pro- troubie8 by reason instead of . by brute aucts ana neany a inousana L.arKin force. Souvenir samples are giv premiums. en adult visitors. This' company sells its products direct from its factories and include laundry and toilet soaps; perfumes, toilet and pharmacal prep arations, pure food specialties, paints, STEAMER FROM GERMANY. Herman Wedel Jarlsberg Arrived Yes terdayOthers on the Way. Requiring some 30 days in her trip varnishes, notions and a variety of I across from Germany to this port, the other home needs over 325 in all. Norwegian steamer Herman Wedel Naturally the moving of this remarka- Jarlsberg, Capt Olsen, arrived yes- ble display from city to city is a huge terday and is one of the number of undertaking as the premiums consist the fleet of steamers from that coun- not only of hundreds of small articles, try bound here with kainit but of large pieces of furniture. All The steamer . left Germany on the ladies of the city are cordially invited 21st of January and on the 28th stop- to visit the showrooms today and to- ped nt Sunderland, where sne remain morrow. ed a few days. She encountered some I r ouch weather in her trip which caus FINALLY ACCEPTS A TOW.""" 'led hefttf be "a. few' days overdue, , ' I- " Amone'' the other steamers comine Tug Sea King Brings Anglo-Australlari jfrom foreign countries are the Molina, Over Bar to Southport. Eretria, Glenmay ano urott. rne The Britlah steamer Anelo-Austra- Jarlsberg's cargo' is Consigned to the nan, Capt. Lewis, which remained a Acme , Manufacturing uompany, jana tew miles off the Cape Fear bar since the vessel comes to Heme & company last Sunday, awaiting favorable wea ther to make nort. was towed in yes- The Bladen Extension. terday by the tug. Sea King. Cant. Wil- . Yesterday afternoon's Fayetteville liams, and ' brought to Southport, Observer says: "President John A where she will be lightered today Mills, of the Raleigh-& Southport Rail and will nrobablv ' come ud the river way. says that much of the route of ihis afternoon. the extension of his line through Bla- Por several days Cant. Lewis re- den county has been fixed and as soon fused to allow the tug to bring the as the remainder is completed by the snip across the bar. but the prevail- engineers, worlc wiii begin on tne con fog at high tide every day caused structlon of-the line from uiarKton to im to finally accept assistance. It is Fayetteville.' via Ellzabetntown. Understood that a nnrtinn of her arco I ' ' t WAAMW m SNSA b.WAA V. A A W A VMI. 1 was lightered Wednesday nicht. and Freezine Weather and moreicold to he was Drobablv drawinar a few feet r.ome. Durine bie Mid-Winter sale at less water yesterday. ' v Gaylord's. all-wool blankets being ine steamer, it, will be recalled, practically, given away to maice room V'ent ashore last Kat'nrdav when tVialr. Ifor-finrinc stolflr. ', ' . .'' . AWWW AU . UVU AAA Wl. I A V. A . A A. Q W V- v-.. port, and for this reason Capt Lewis thoueht it unsafe to mate an- A Reauiar Interest Quarter otner attempt until a portion of her begins ; March 1st at The .Wilmington Market md Dock streets. Officer Howe has retained Wm. J. Bellamy, Esq., to prosecute the assault case. Graham is accused of breaking Into tile boat , house of Mr. Skinner ana stealing two guns, one double barrel and one single barrel, and is also charged with having aided another ne interested in the Fayetteville Consoli dated Railway & Power Company, are in the city today, looking over the property of this company in Fayette ville and .the suburbs and at Man chester, where the hydro-electric pow er plant of the company is located Mr. A. B. Skelding, general manager ed Boufarah from following or giving an alarm. AT GRACE CHURCH TONldHT. Mr. H. W. Malloy Will Address Ep- worth League on Missions. Tn the Sundav l5Shool room of of the Consolidated Railway & Power Grace Methodist Chnrch tonight Mr. omyiuiy, 01, Wilmington, was nere H w Malloy will deliver an address yesterday, for the purpose of giving on the Important subject of missions. Messrs. Law, and Harris expert ad- at the lnvitation of the Epworth vice as w.uw Tiuueoi me property, League of the church under whos and plans for its future development This Company is at present in the hands of a receiver. Mr. W. D. Mc Neill, and it is surmised that Messrs. auspices the meeting will be held. "Mr. Malloy is deeply Interested in the sub ject and he will speak with great earnestness, telling of the Impres Law and haines are now investigating Lj hQ o-athored at the several mis the property with a view to purchas- sio meetings he has recently at ing it when sold, or paying off the in- tended in different parts of the coun debtedness and reorganizing the com pany. Thees two prominent finan ciers are greatly impressed with Fay ettevile, and the great future that looms up for her. HUSBAND SLASHER TRIED. try. He Is chairman of the Co-opera tive Committee for this district. The meeting will be held at 8 o'clock and all members of the chnrch and of other churches of the city are invited to attend Magistrate Binds Eugenia Hunter Over to the Recorder's Court. Probable cause being found Justice Harriss yesterday at noon bound Eu genia Hunter, colored, over to the Re- SPECIAL MEETING TODAY. Chamber of Commerce Called to Con sider Several Important Matters. President J. A. Taylor has called meeting of the Chamber of Commerce corder's court to answer the charge of for 4 s0.clock this afternoon , in the assault with deadly weapon upon her husband, Robert Hunter, at a "nickel party" Tuesday night Hunter was severely cut in the struggle with his "better hair'. A case against him for assault with deadly weapon on his rooms of the organization on North Front street for the consideration of several important matters, one of which is with reference to the rate bill now being considered by the ad ministration at Washington. President wife was dismissed it appearing that Taft it ia fitated desJres cnang. the woman received the small cut1 in her hand when her husband attempted to wrench the knife from her. In de fault of bond the negress went to jail to await Recorders court today es made in the bill and some of these will affect rates on water transporta tion. There will also be a discussion relative to the proposition to move the offices of the Chamber and a com mi. . ... , a. . I IUC UlAiUTZD Ul CAA WUaiAlUl "AAVA A waa: J? -?5r!SJ!! "- Uttee will probably be appointed other case from Justice Harriss' court Henry McLaurin, colored, was tried yesterday on the charge of abandon ment and non-support of his wife and one child. In default of $100 bond he went to jail to await investigation be fore the Recorder CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION report at a later meeting. AH, mem bers are expected to be present Freezine weather and more cold to come During Dig Mid-winter saie ax Gaylord's; all-wool blankets being practically given away to make room for Spring stock Schloss, Bear & Davis Company to do a General Livery Business. A' certificate of Incorporation, of the Schloss, Bear & Davis Company, granted a charter, Wednesday by the Secretary of State, . was- received at the office of the Clerk of he Superior Court yesterday morning. As stated in The Star's Raleigh letter yesterday morning, the company is chartered to do a general. ' livery business v and to deal in machinery, tools," implements, etc. The principal place of "business will be at 20S and 210 Market street, and the livery business, conducted at this address by Mr. S. J. Davis and the rales stables business of Nathan Schloss & Co., on Dock street will-be taken over by the new compa,ny. The capital stock of the company is $7,500 divided into 75 shares of $100 : each and subscribed for as follows: Nathan Schloss,' 25 shares , James R. Bear, 26, and Samuel J, Davis, 25. -; .-. A Regular Interest Quarter begins March 1st at The WilmingtOL Savings and Trust Company. . 3t 'argo had been discharged 'Savings and Trust Company. 3t ( Freezing veather and more cold to come. During big Mid-Winter; sale at Gaylord's, all-wool . : blankets ' being practically, given away to -make room i for Spring stock. . flbdel B67 is very popular. Don't 4 111 the ess Gold The New aVulcan,, Gas Heater ill warm the bed room in a few moments. f i m "The Heater With the Red Cone" The Gas Co. Sells Them fe 20 3t su tu tbu FOR $3.98 You on buy n heavy TafTota Under Skirt in Rlnck and Colors, value $3.00 and $0.00. See win dow display. THE C. IV. POLVOGT COMPANY "The Store That's Always Busy" To Those who Contemplate Buying Their EASTER GOODS FOR 50c Yd. Yon rnn buy tlie Fnslilonalilo - Tunnnli Silk ln 15 different polorn. Tlie new silk tills season. Before the rush is on, we will offer this week some "Extra Specials" of NEW GOODS received the past week read each article carefully, then cbmjb and make your selections. Fashion says, "Foulard Silks. for Spring of 1910.'' V For 69c a yard you can buy a regular $1.00 Foulard Silk, in all the new colors and de signs. Trimmings to match. For 85c a yard you can buy our regular $1.00 and $1.25 Foulard Silk, good heavy quality in all the latest colors. Trinmiings to match. For $1.09 a yard, you- can buy our 36-inch Foulard Silk, worth $1.50 a yard, in six, differ ent colors and designs. Trimmings to match, tjaponika-Silks in all the new shades for f -'-.'.." Spring are now on display, 27 inches. t wide, the price, per yard. ............. 35c New Coat Suits for Spring are now ready for your inspection. T Prices range from $15.00 to $37.50.' All new and the best to be had for the money. Come early and make your selection. The celebrated Star Skirts, for which we are sale agents, are all on display. Every . skirt is guaranteed to fit and the best the money can buy. Full assortment to select from. Prices from. . .$5.00 to $15.00 New Lingeree Shirt Waists are .in and-. prettier than ever, from. ....... . .98c to $5.00 On display in Suit Department. t New Embrodeirs, New Laces, New Trimings, ' New Trunks, Suit Gases and Bags, New Walsh Goods, New Linens, New Neckwear. ; ; Sole agents W. B., Kabo and Gussard CorsetsPriestley's black : Dress Goods. ; .;''- V i f I- i .. - '-

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