v.- v THE MORNING STAg, WIIJmgTOgTBIDAY, FqBKXTABY 2fr 1910. PAGE SEC. OCAL and PERSONAL Brief Mention, News of Societies, Meetings, Etc. LOCAL DOTS. ' A meeting of the Art Department ot Sorosls will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the club rooms at the Li brary. V ' '-." ;.' : - Many friends will regret . to learn of the serious illnesa of Mrs. C. r . Norwood at her home, 311 South Sec ond street. She underwent an opera tion , Tuesday and her condition was somewhat improved yesterday; ?' Fayetteville Observer: . "Mr. W. F. Alexander and family have moved into the house on Cool Spring street re cently vacated by Mr. T. B. Carr, dis trict agent of the Standard Oil Com pany, who moved to Greenville, N. C." r f Miss M. J. Berte has returned from , New York, where she has been spend ing several weeks studying and buy ing a select and beautiful line of mil linery for the , Spring opening at The French? Millinery Parlors. The young people of the First Pres byterian Church are' cordially Invited to attend a business and social meet ing of tlie Christian Endeavor iSociety this evening at S:15 o'clock in the Memorial Hall. A large attendance is sincerely hoped for. - ' - , A special from Palm Beach says "Mrs. Henry M. Flagler gave an oys ter roast at Palm Beach Friday af ternoon. The oysters were roasted on the lawn near the White-Hall dock by Southern negro cooks. The company included the Duke and Duchess of Manchester, Mrs. Frederick Vander bilt, Mrs. Don Cameron, Mrs. "Grey Griswold, Miss Marguerite MacVeagh, Miss Helen Hare, E. C. Jones and Frederick Townsend 'Martin. Mr. Mar tin, Mr. Jones and William Roelker acted as judges at a cake walk in the new dining hall of the Poinciana at night, where one of the largest throngs of the season attended. Mr. Martin presented the cake, after a short speech, in which a tribute wa3 paid to Mr. Flagler." Says the Charlotte News: "It Is a matter of general regret, socially, that Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McAden Rose are to leave Charlotte. Mr. Rose, who has been chief clerk to District Superinten dent Morgan B. Spier, of the Southern Bell Telephone Company, has been promoted. He Is to be manager of the Wilmington exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Rose came to Charlotte six years ago, and have in, that time become promi nent factors in the social life of the city. Genuine regret is expressed on all sides over the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Rose. Charlotte is almost sorry that Mr. Rose has gotten a promotion that' 8 mean but human. Mr. and Mrs. Rose will, leave for Wilmington about the 6th of March. Mr Alex. Craig has rented the Rose cottage. J Mr. ana Mrs. m. v. Martin, wno were living with Mr. and Mrs. Rose will re main with Mr. and Mrs. Craig." The police wereVnotifled yester day of the larceny or a set or narness from the Shiloh Baptist parsonage at corner cf Eighth and MacRae streets . At the reeular meeting of Wil mington Lodge of Elks last night Mes srs. Marx S. Nathan ana J., w. xi Fuchs were Initiated into the myste ries of the order. There was, a large attendance of members and following the initiation of the candidates a social session was held. Owing to the heavy rains of yes terdav and last night and the result ant bad condition of the grounds the Spring inter scholastic , athletic meet, schedulea to oe neia at league rant this afternoon, has been postponed until a later date. The meet will prob ably be held within the next two weeks. The boys of the graded schools have been preparing for the meet for some weeks and nope to oe in fine form on the postponed date. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Among the guests at The, Orton yesterday were: John C. Lamb, Wil son; C. E. Clark. Bolton; K. h. uary, Raleigh; C. B. Huiet, Charleston, 8. C; W. Stackhouse, Marion, s. u. BAILEY FIGHTS POSTAL BILL. WORLD'S. MISSIONARY RALLY. Several Wilmingtoniang Will Attend Meeting in Edinburg, Scotland. Gives Three Objections to Taft Meas ureProgress Being -Made. . Washington. Feb.' 24. -Decided pro gress was. made in the . Senate today towards the disposition of the postal savings bank bill. In addition to a striking speech by Senator -Bailey and an amendment onerea oy oenaiur Burton, which is offered, as a compro mise of the various differences onithe question of the disposal of the funds arising from the postal deposits, Sen ator Carter succeeded after many previous futile efforts In getting next Thursday. March 3rd, fixed tor a, vote on the bill. ' There was no objection to naming a day and Senators appeared, pleased that a time had been fixed for the final disposition of the measure, Mr. Bai ley's speech was received with general favor. " - Senator Bailey took a position strongly antagonistic to the bill and "his opposition was based on both pop ular and constitutional grounds. "The bill", he declared in his very first sentence, "is subject to every ob jection which can be urged against any measure." - He then declared: "It is objection able, in the first place, because Con gress has no constitutional authority to pass it. It is objectionable in the second place, because it violated a fundamental principle of all good gov ernment by ' requiring the United States to engage in a business which belongs distinctly to Individuals and corporations and it is objectionable in the third place because It will produce more harm than good in its practical operation." He asserted that if sustained, either of these objections would be enough to condemn the bill. He said that-the measure was so full of objectionable points that it should be abandoned and he urged such a course upon its advocates. Of course, the chill and rainy weath er of yesterday kept the Crystal Pal ace from doing, its usual big business, but It did not keep the new bill from scoring an artistic triumph with those who were present at the popular vau deville playhouse In spite of the stor my elements. It was a new bill, be cause yesterday rolled around the,reg ular semi weekly change, and the pew programme was the most complete for a change that has ever been offered at the Palace. .. There is no" half-way change, but an entire change. -As be fore; Mr: Hal Mordaunt and Miss Eli nor Foster are the topliners. They are now presenting a dressy, society play et called -'"iGoing Some," and ' from a standpoint' of laughs it is certainly going some" for the audience. , Mile, Nenelleia also muchly and splendidly on the bill with a new act and she is provng a big favorite with Palace -goers. The clever comedian Midge Fox, served something new yesterday and 'was the recipient of much applause. Miss Emma Austin also cam in for her usual big share of favor, making a big hit with a new and beautiful illustrated gong. War Picture at Bijou Today. "United States Army Maneuvers at ort Leavenworth, Kas., is the.fea ture picture of the. bill at the Bijou today. In making the film the produc ers and camera men had absolute com mand of the entire garrison, besides the - hearty co-operation - of the - com manding officers. The results obtain ed are eminently satisfactory to tne film makers and it is believed that the picture will prove interesting and in structiva to the Bijou patrons who will see it today. It is said to be the only-really ereat military picture ever made. In addition there will beother attractive pictures. , 12 MONTHS ON ROADS. Sentence Given Negro bv Recorder , for Larceny of Clothing. The lone defendant in a brief ses on of the Recorder's court yester day was William Brown, a one armed negro, who was sent over from Jus tice Harrlss court on the charge of stealing clothing from Messrs. J. T. Holmes and P. A. Lucas, of the A. C. "floating gang," Monday night. Tirare were two separate cases against the negro. He did not make any de ense. He was found guilty and sen fenced to the roads for six months n each case. - Robt. Johnson, the white man, .tried Wednesday and fined $100 and costs for selling whiskey, in violation of the prohibition la,w, had not . been able to raise the amount up o yesterday afternoon. ' In case he fails ne will be sent to the roads for six months. MAY INDICT PACKERS. Weeks of Investigation of Cold Stor. age About to Culminate. New York, Feb. 24. After weeks of- investigation of a grand jury in Hud son county, indications are that 15 in dictments will be handed up before Justice Swaysee in the Supreme Court in Jersey City tomorrow against th lrrogt no nlrintr ntorocta rt thft . orifin. It is now certain that at least three maintaining coid storage plants in . W.-Imingtonians will attend the world's jersey city Laymen's Missionary Movement con-j Just who 'will be named as individu vention m Edinburg, Scotland, in June directors or officerg it is of courge of this year. Those who have made impOSSible to ascertain, but it-is aefinite announcements of their plans knJwn definitely tnat indictments to go are Rev. Dr John M. Wells, pas- have been prepared which charge tor of the First Presbyterian church; c i n estraint of trade under Mr. James Sprunt who is an accredit- the ew gtate laws ; 'it d g4 1? cvention- d I This inquiry at Jersey City has been n?;oW Malloy chairman of th!the most important oie in the East Vw CommI"ee tfor tnis dls" since the wave of public opintm de- JtJnm;y b others B!Dg manded legal steps to lighted the bur ST li fiJ2 v THf convten)ion den of the ever increasing higher cost Jim ,tC?Srtdefi? ativr ' of living. The great storehouses there - hh Si nSiSt m the food supplies upon which the SJStaJlSW'i'tons of Greater New York and SnJ? t ng vfrlherJ Cr hed' n suburbs drew, and Ne York and New ir?r t Jhinlyw?ft made t0 Jersey have been co-operating in. the nave Dr. J. Campbell White, secreta- i ni r o,. luvecugauuu. a giauu juiy m ixew is to begin a similar line rv nf iha I ''cnr.. t'rrxn 17nll 1 J U J ' l XUU UH J rvuu iijkt. x' cut auu ucuvci au au- dross. It is also , probable that Mr. John R. Mott, who occupies the same posJiion in the European Laymen's work that Mr. White does in the United Stafes, will be asked to come ..to Wilmington shortly after the con tention in Scotland. . PAINFULLY BURNED. Mr. Dally E. Pridgen Victim of Rather Peculiar Accident. struck in the face by the full force of steam from ft can of boiling water. Mr. Dally E. Pridgen was painfully turned about the face and forehead at his home In this city about 5:30 , o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. Prid gen was making preparations to go to 1 his- dairy farm on the Castle Haynes road and had a can of water on the stove to heat. Just as he went to lift the vessel from the stove the too was blown ofT by the steam, which caught him full force in the face, with results stated above. He applied home remedies ami went on to his dairy, coming to the city a short time .later and securing other preparations at ,Mr. 'Wklter R. Kingsbury's phar- macy, in the Garrell building. While the burns were very painful Mr. Prid gen as able to attend to his duties yesterday as usual.. His many friends hope . that the burns' will not Incon venience hlmUonger than a few .days at the most, v within a few days . ; The plants which were under inves tigation are operated fey the National Packing Company, Nelson, Morris & Company, Swift & Company, and : Ar mour & Company. . . Pierre. Garven, thepblic prosecut or of Hudson ' county, fias conducted the investigation, but .recently has been balked in his atteiiipts to obtain the books of, the National Packing Company. The prosecutor threatens te- obtain a court writ in order to get possession and, failing in this, to take steps to revoke the packing compa ' charter. There was circulated today a story that men from Chicago had attempt ed to bribo Mr. Garven to call & halt In the Investigation. While the prose cutor declined either to confirm or deny the report, it was said, that he intimated that some sort of advances had been made to him. the details of which he declined to discuss Organization Meeting Tonight." r The Junior Department of the Y. 1I. C, A. win hold an important meeting lii the rooms of the association to- nlRht for t the purpose of perfecting the boys', organization. Officers will be elected and fmportant business will considered. All boys in the as- soclntlon are invited to attend the niccijng. . ' .. . FACT ABOUT BLUE RIBBON; - Blsie Ribbon Vanilla and Lemon Ex tracts are the- bo3tthat can be male -Put Fnilr Flavors go twice as far Mr. E. A. Kelley, Belvidere, 111.; writeB us: "I am an ex-engineer with 22 years active service to my credit About three years ago. my kidney were affected so that I had -to give up my engine. First I was troubled with severe aching pain iver the. hips Then followed inflammation of ' the bladder, and specks . appeared - bf pre my eyes. A sample of Foley's Kidney Pills that I tried, , so benefitted; me that I . bought more. I continued to take them until now J can safely. t tify they have made me a sound and well man" Robert R.' Bellamy. YOUNG ; HOUSEKEEPERS should systematize the ex-. pense account All pay- menta .should . be made - with your own check's. We havd special check books for this business and. will N give you one and help you maintain Uie-r . account. . : Small deposits gladly '-re- - . ceived. " ... - ; GUADALOUPE jSTRIKERS. Situation Continues Serious Marines ; - and Soldiers Dispatched. Pans, Feb. 24. Following a con ference between Premier Briand and M. Trouillot, naJnister of the colonies, today, the government decided imme diately to dispatch the armored. cruis er Victor Hugo, with marines to Gua daloupe to restore order disturbed uy the rioting .sugar cane cutters ou strike there.1 A cable message was also , sent to the governor of Martt nique Instructing him to send 100 sol diers to the scene of the trouble.- Ac cording to the government advices three foreign strikers were killed and a score of persons, including sufoaV tern and a ' gendarme were wouhded during the rioting at Guadaloupe. A special dispatch, from Point-A-Pitrc says: - ' . , . "The strike situation continues ' se rious." . . : , v1.;; . -; Rioting and incendiarism are ram pant, plantation Jiave : been burned, telephone -wires ,(cut. and factories de stroyed: Bloody conflicts have-taken place 'between -the ' strikers -and : the gendarmes in various parts of the in land The rioters cannot be repress ed and the entire constabulary force numbers only 140. A factory inspec tor who . was stropped and bound to stake, was driven .mad by the tortures he endured.,, ' j ' i 'AX SjLrFran,cois.the manager of the factory and two gendarmes were pur sued by rioters: and -took refuge in the building. In a desperate battle that followed the gendarmes were wounded,', three- rioters were killed and many were wounded. Several of the latter dragged themselves into the sugar pane and were burned to death, the fire- 'having ibeen started by tne strikers.. ' - ' v . The consulates at Point-A-Pitre aro guarded ' by soldiers. ' ?The governor admits that he is un $lble to suppress the movement which is now revolutionaryr The consuls have asked the English 1 diplomatic representative to request that an Eng-, lih warship We sent and many : peo pie 7 are, anxious that the United States also despatch aid to Point A Pitre. v - . n ' The outbreaks are attributed, largev ly - to factional ana political feeling. . .. . j . Sore Lungs and Raw Lungs. Most people know the feeling fend the miserable state of ill health it in dicates. All people should know that Foleys Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, will quickly cure the soreness and cough and re store a normal condition. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar. Robert R. Bellamy, j -k n ... "A Regular Interest Quarter ' " heginjsMach 1st at The Wilmington Savings and jTrust Company. 3t ' 4, Which is better; Tobuy on a GUESS pro n a 'GUARANTEE? v To buy on d HOPS or on. a CERTAINTY? fcUZIANNE COFFEE -- GUARANTEES -jyhat you can only WOPE FOR in other coffees perfect .satisfaction. ' The i quality of reputationless brands have to be ' GUESSED'at.. YOU are SURE at LUZIANNE. : . .. ask , your grocer; : THE REILYtTAYLOR; C0.? "ftfi Ml REMARKABLE RECORD MADE BY COOPER IN MINNEAPOLIS The remarkable success that has at tended L. T- Copper' during the past year has- not been confined to any one locality, but is so widespread that, the young man Is now a well known' fig ure in most of the leading cities of: the country. ' ' Mr. Cooper believes that the Stom- health, and claims, that hi$ -prepara tion, by regulating the stomach, is a true specific, for . mbst diseases:4, : .The following- extract from the Tribune of Minneapolis gives an idea of the sur- a truly remarkable retord. "During the past week so many hun dreds of Minneapolis people have been calling to thank Cooper for the good he has accomplished with his medi cine, that it is safe to say that his visit will long be remembered by the sick of the city ach is the foundation for most- JU j.- In this connection a statement from O., C Stark; of Owatonna, Minn., will be of Interest. He says: "Several years ago I was taken ill with- stomach trouble, suffering the most - terrible pain. Doctors helped prising number of people who are ac- J me temporarily,' but the " attacks re- cepting Cooper's theory. The article was one of manyvthat appeared during Cooper's stay-in Minneapolis, and la as follows: The sale of Cooper's preparation is now phenomenal in this city, and an turned In a little while with increased severity. I got so bad that I had to quit work. "On the advice of a friend I began taking Cooper's New Discovery, and a treatment of this remarkable medi- ATTELL AND NEILL. Featherweight Champions Gave Sorry Exhibition In New. York.' New York, Feb. 24. Abe Attell. the featherweight champion, put it all over Franikie Neil in a ten round bout before the Long-Acre Athletic Club tonight. It was all Attell's'ight from start to finish. Neil was exnausterl after the second round and so far out classed that it appeared as if Attell could have put him out at any time had he so desired. So one sided and uninteresting was the bout that the spectators spent a good part of tne evening whistling a dreamy waltz m unison. v Lakeland,-Fla., Feb. 24. Four train men were injured, one perhaps fatal ly, when the train and a work traiit on the Winston and Bone v alley collided headon. near Medulla this af ternoon. The trains met on a sharp curve andN both engines and several cars vvere demolished. L. B. Jones., express messenger, -was . crushed un der the wreckage of his car and may drte. None of the passengers was njured.. , , v . estimate tnade today seems to indicate j cine restored' me to my former good beyond all doubt that it will equal the health. I now eat wellsleep well, and large figures reported from Pittsburg i feel well, and have lost no time on ac- during the thirty days -Mr. Cooper j count of illness since taking the Coop spent in that city. r er medicine. - "During the past, twenty-two days "Several months have gone by since Mr. Cooper has been!. in Minneapolis, ! I stopped using the New Discovery, the sale of his -preparation has aver-1 and there has been no return of my aged about two thousand bottles, a. 'former trouble. Anyone who has stom day. When the amount ! of L medicine .ach trouble will make no mistake ia disposed of - throughout the i State, 4a 'giving Cooper's New Discovery a. triat added, to. this, the amount will be ddub-. t It does alp that is claimed for it' led. Therefore, the young man has sold in twenty-two days, eighty-eight thousand- bottles pf ; his ' medicine In the State of Minnesota alone, which is We sell "the famous Cooper prepara tion, which has made a similar record to the above wherever introduced. J. H: Hardin. PIE Hot Chocolate h!pp" in the Citv i Hot Beef Bouillon. Hot Clam Bouillon. ' Leinorfade. Hot Oyster Bouillon. Hot If you nave a bad cold come to us before closing hour, get a hot Lemonade and go right to bed and the following morning you will feel a heap better. Fresh flower seeds of every kind just received today. Now is the time to begin to plant' ; ' ? -; I. hlCKSBUmmDRUGCO. r CRQNT' W WACE STREETS. "The Drug Sfote Tbit Hss Everything Anybody Else Has T&ncf Some yjhfngi. Nobody Else Has." u :i tt To Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Bloorodale, Ohio. "I suffered from terrible headaches, pains in my back aud right side, and wa3 tired all the time and nervQiis. l could not sleep, and every month I could hardly stand tho paiu. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound re stored me to health again, and made me feel like a new wc man. I hopa this III l lUUUVO othef wometi to ayail, .themselves of this . Yaluablemcdiciao.'' Uts.. E. 1L Fbedxeice, Blpomdale, phio. .-, . ; Backache . is a syraptom of female weaJcness or derangement.: s If you have .backache. don't noglectit. To get permaneht reUef you must reach the root of the trouble. Nothing we xnwp l0,3 EO eafetyand sufely as Lydi3E. Pinkham's Vefretablo Com-pound.- : Cure the cause of these dig. tresaing aches and pain3 and you trill become welt and stronjr. ' .The1 gTeat volume of unsolicited tes. timony .constantly pourinfj in proves donclusiyely that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comrjounrt mnA. f mm and herbs, has restored health to thou, sands of - women. - i&tat doubt Few lore o Grace From now until January lsft, at which date we take lock, we will sell goods cheaper than ever' While our holiday trade was heavier than ever before, we sill have plenty of bright, new, fresh' goods with which to? supply the require-; ments of our customers. Our I6w prices will greatly help out those who have had considerable expense during the holidays. f 1 Call and .examine our goods and get our prices X if interes1ted.r ; H l -. .;' Remember thatthese jpfices are u 1st, 1910,' only.' ' Dollars saved by buying now. :'r :Y. The WiImrietbH'?Fti i-WiXtoingtonv N. C, We Wish Announce j : V 5 i l -T. that we are now located ;in our new , office and-warerooms, 115 ''fVvf'.' 'arJcetjStreet.: ; : fit v- We want all of the - Stenographers both ladies and gentlemen . to visit our new warerooms, 115 Market St. ; We are going to GIVE AWAY a handsome Diambnd Ring to the young lady who brings us the greatesl: . . number of customers for the VICTOiBL TYPEWRITER To the young man We will give away a handsome . r Diamond Stud Call at the office and get full information. .; ; We want jto enroll your name in our Employ ment Department. We want the merchants to ;, get-into the habit of calling on us when in need ; of a stenographer. No charge is mad e ' for this .service. ' :;..:..' ''; ; ? ; ,: Ramos Typewriter Co., Office Equippers 115 Market St. Phone 1134 Wilmington, N. G. 1 1 o3 airr iUA lzzs u u zz uu uy .Easter Sniits. Our. women's ready-to-wear Suits and Skirts will be on display this week. We are. especially noted for having the best material and. high-class tailoring and finish in all gar ments." ' - - Dress Goods ancl Trimmings, White Gtoods, Laces and Embroideries...,'" ' , . .,. .V : Do not wait untU the last moment to make your selec tion, then become" worried because you can't get what you wish 'A : word to the wise ist sufficient." Agent for American Lay Corsets, Butterick Patterns and Black Cat Hosiery. v Out-of-town orders will .receive prompt attention. - ; A. 3D); Broyn t- M - ,-Tl 2333351 t - Boarding jHtoreespuf Specialty ! We ilso ruh a complete line of Hacks "' and Baggage Wagons to and. . ' f'-:v s rfrom all trains. CITY L IVERV COIU1 PANY - Phone 15. - . Jiu .$- 1 kml MM 'ff: lil.inl..;J -y ill I 1 1 I . . .; PRODFWSIIEL? :tfffS WHISKEY 18: tOO in proof. IOO per cent purm, 1DO per cent bene, lOO per cent eirpighU If aot compound, nor an imitation nor a Diond.U'i ivtt stnuia. pare, honatt, trieht 100 proof Corr Whitksr. Ifi th bettin tho United SUtei nd there'i no use ir telling long ftotTftbout it goodness. If alter testing the same you, are not satisfied with the quality. vr will buy itbaekanc ch&fffe lint hi n nr fh T A. mm ti .1. .... J need money and trade which explain our gire-away prices: spmnon Keg IOO proof Pur Corn...,. $5.00 kf9 IOO pmot0mro Corn;..... ....70 12 tuHttuarim tOO proof fur Corn 5.00 2f tmll pint IOO promt Pur Cos?. 5.25 At abqte "irfce .we guarantee safe delirenr to any exores office. C'. - " eturn thu ad. and addef " i ...ATLANTIC COAST DISTILUNG CQMfANY. Jacksonville, Fla . . . ' ' I -- . ' ' ' . '"' ' ' ybii Can Se on Your SittPur chases CommenGlog Monday 1 . . T.- 11 Morning, Feb. 21 WlU put ori ?$ale the fplloWins lotsr not pld ; stock but npw piiappy . :, ; "' V"; tyles. . . ;AU $4.00 Men's Pat. Kids and Gunmetals ; : ; .... ... All $4.00 Ladies Pat Kids and Gunmetala :l. .. All $3.50 Ladies' Pat Leather Shoes J I . .... .... Air-$3.00 Ladies' Pat. Leathers and Gunmetals .; aii ?3.w MiBBeB Kat. xeatnerA. and Gunmetals . . $2.9." .. $2.93 . $2.n" $2.35 r - -r - am. aauvi- uumncialS j..ir .One, lot $3.00- Ladies' Pat.and Yici Kid shoes in narrow widths anJ Coihe early aid be fled. Kp "jptds charged at these prfces. and tho flavor I.perfect' A Reaular.lnterest Quarter - table Comnounri tut THE SOUTH En r Ra: 55fi 3VLf0r,. arios- Yonr letter OS fgln March 1st at The Wilmington NATIONAL DAWK IOO MARKET ST. V i7aviTif 3 an-1 Trust Company. 2t fa ?0 tt r 13 tt U 2 t Typewr Go