THE MOIOTNG STAR, .WILMINGTON FRIDAY FEBRUARi 2 51910. ;.- 1 j I MARKET QUOTATIONS trTLMTXGf 01 ftUA fcCTl. STAR OFFICE, ;Feb. W sriniTS TUHPENTINfJ Market, steady KjuViN-Market, stead$35KJ per barrel. iiH-Market, Arm 12.00 per barreL rnrDB TUiPKTIN&i3JtkeL , firm p ti per barrel for Hard; 14.50 for dip and p uotatloDfflMin dYf last yearplrfts r,,?Sne 37. rosin 2.63. tar L70,. erode grpeffi $1.73 and 3.?&. ,. v RECEIPTS. .suit-its turpentine .....:.-j...:, i;.ism ..142 'rmle turpentine same daybytt . year ,12 casks ntlne; - 4 - barrels rosin: - 17 tmri-pls enule lamenting. b:irrci ! COTTOX MARKET. Mnrket Nothing doing. Quotations cor nondlns day last year 8 9-1& : , Kceipis 103 bales, name day last year uni t:iics. . .- . - v '' V. 1 FBODCCS MABSU5T.. lOuoted by W. J. Meredith Feb. 12th.) vpvNUTS- North Carolina. No. 1. $1.12 Mi,1 "f 1.20 per. bushel; Spanish IL40 and ''coES Firm 9093c per bushel for mix- C HAMS Good demand; old hams B shoulders 14ril5; slles 1413c. . iv,i5sDull 1 nn 19c per dozen. THICKENS Spring 204530 grown 33Q Kcarce. REE 9 WAX Firm at 26c. TALLOW Firm at 4 l-2c per pound. BEEF CATTLE Good demand at 22) I i-2e per pound on foot. HIDE Dr. flint He: green 8c per pound. SWEET POTATOES Good demand W4 tv Wit busbel for yams. WOOL Burr 18c. ; free of . burr 84c t.UESE 50"5 per bead. PORK -Small corn fed 89; large 80 rents, owing to quality. tiflKEP Old no demand; Lambs, dou I iCv6!.?2.50. TURKEYS Good demand 13Q1CC on toot? dressed 1822c. PCS White black eyea f2.23 and $2.40; jjriy riugcrs $2.73; clay and cow peas 1.50 I ml $1.73. THE COTTON MA B HEX. ' Sew York. Feb. 24. Reports of an 1m nri'ii Knropeon trade demand and claims ',f rt'lativdv tirm interior spot markets, im inrtftl a decidedly better tone to cotton futures today and after some early irn-g-ularit prli t'S advanced smirply with tho ..i.'.oi uiiititv ut :i net iraln of 18 to 41 uoints. The opening was stotd.v at an advance of- t it points tn response 10 Dciier Liver idoI VaMt-s than '.exisirted and covering. Tlii-rt vvus a good deal of cotton for sale it (( start and after the close of Liver-' Jiiol hail shut on I. arbitrage buying orders .rl.vs eased off to within 3 to rt points of lint nlplit's close under continued liqulda tlnii ami bear pressure. Hut offerings of Inn;; cotton were much smaller than they had been on the break of the previous day uml dnrinix the early afternoon the reports of a better t'pot demand from the South, expivtallons of bullish week-end figures and rumors that leading interests would like up ,'ibv cotton that inlxbt b tendered mi March contracts started a covering movement. Uuylng became general on the iiilviimr and .May eouriael sold "up from' i:t; tbc low foint of the morning to 14.27. at 14.20 bid. while, March advanced lo 1 1.-"', or 41 points over the closing flg tns of last nitfht and Mhowexl-tbe inasl uiiiui j:aiH at the close. It is reported that part of the cotton tendered on March ccn iracis will be shipped to IJverMol for dc liverv on MarcU-Aprll . in that -i; market. ;,rt' of th? early selling- may '!ihvt icin due to n ports that r'all "Itlver mills -will curtail by shutting down on Saturday's fur the next three months but local statis-iti-hn ti.'iire.i that this curtailment would not cause a reduction -of more -than 8.000 hahs in the requirements of spot cotton. Southern spot markets officially, reported early were unchanged to l-4c lower. Pri vate wins reported a better demand from exporters, a enblo from Austria -rlslm-eit iimt spinners were hare of stocks. Leading t'hlcapi interests -were credited with loivlii'i .Varch here. .. Receipts at the ports today Were 20,728 'i.'Wes .in'fisfr.i'1,512 last week and 21,225 last year. Kor tbe week 70.000 , bales aiilnst IM.2K8 last week, and I21.ft44 last vear. Today's receipts at New (Orleans Ct olH bale, itgalnst e.074-last Vear, and at lioiision 2.S07. against 4.S4R last year. Cotton: Spot closed quiet 30 points hlgh ir; middling uplands 14.40; middling gulf 4.d; sales 050 bales. l iitures opened steady and closea steady. .Month. Open. Cliso. Kehrnary . Man-b .; . April .... May .... .lime . . July .. .. August .. .Scptenitier October .. November Pcceiiitier . January .. 14. IS .'.'.'.13.S3 .'.V. 14.00 .V.'.VHis? ....13.46 ...12.IK 12.35 ...12.34 ....12.25 111? 11.17 14.20 It. 12 14.12 13.58 12.2 12.43 12.3:; 32..V4 LIVES FOOL COTTON MABK2ST Liverpool, Teh. 24. Cotton : Spot in limit d demand, nrices 4 Points lower. Amcrl can lnicldling fair 8.34;. good middling 8.04; middling; low middling 7.a; gooa or din fire 7..V'; ovillnnrv 7.27. - The sales of the dayT were 7,000 bales of which ,iiti were ur speculation ana export included American. Receipt 12, fKiO hales including 4,700" American.: Fu tures opened steady and ' closed -. barely Hteudv. l'eitriiarr 7.011 'February and March T.5i; 1-2- March and -iAprif 7.32tr 11 una May 1.4.1 1--. miy nun iiuir i.-u-1-2; June .and July 7.42; July and August .si l-L': An if ust and Kcntciulier'. "1-2 j pteiuber and October t70 1-2; October nd November t..50 1-2; November aud oe 0.4 1 1-2: December and Jaoiuary ".4't 1-2; January ,unT February C30 1-2 ; l i'hriiiiry and March 6.30 1-2. 7 " ' ' POST MOrBMXXT. . 'iibeston Firm, 14 3-4; net receipt's ' 1, stock 111.512. - . New Orleans Firm, 14 5-8; net receipts Cls: stock 200.072. " C Mobile--Nominal, 11 3-8; net receipts 718; stock 27.U3. - ' " Savannah- -Nominal, 14 5-8; net receipts '"-; sic:ic missing. . fharlestoii Nomiual; net receipts 170; st-N-k 23.0-V!. ' ' Wiliningtoii Nominal ; net receipts 103j. tick 20. inn. ... Norroik -Steady, 11 1-2; net receipts 237 stock r.i.ry.;-). Hnltir.iorff--NoniluaL14 1-2; stock :08. New York (jniet. 14.40: stock 157,371.' l!'Ht..n-i)ulf!t. 14.40; net' receipts iK). A I'liiladclidiin Steady, 14.05; net receipts 'p: stock 3,163. , - 4 rennacoln Not receipts 474. . L ' 'XiiS City Net receipts 8,815. - . Total today, at all ports', net receipts -20,-tireat Britain 1.460; France 474; Cou tiueui 135; stock tW?2JVS8. ' onsoiidated. at all - ports, net receipts ;!,s"1: t;reat Britain 3,34); France 5,173; oiiiliieut 21.21)1; Japan 285. lota! since September 1st, at all ports, ii'-t ro.eipts 5.082.007; Great Britain 1.652 l i-an.-e Tsi.i.Vl; l!ontinent 1,038,101; Ja i'!,'i .ii:,i;!ii: jiexiTO 13,810. INTEmOB. yOTELKAT. . .... iloustcn-stoady, 14 5-8; net .receipts 2, ' 1 st.wk 111,585. V . - - " . Aii-tista-Qolet and Steady, 14 r'wlnts HO; stock 5.1.325. ' -' " -Mcuiphis-steady, 13; net receipts 0T4; Mock 17;i.!vi. . . . . st Louis Dull, 13; Tjet receipts , ' 57;. "tuck 43,311. ,'-- I.; - ..- - J'iiK'imiatl Not receipts 2,Ssf; stoclt 17,- ...LitM-j Unek-Steady, hi, l-2.t net receiptsl nines -r.,i;iu. - ' ' " ' '-. .oiiisviii,.--Fii-m. 15. : : :: . 1 ' loial today Net receipts 7,006; gross re ''''' .Nll: shipments 7,030 : j sales , 1,050 ; NEW YORK ritODUCX tf ABXXT. mtw Yf,rUl , l-'eb. 21.-Flour "firmly held i Ii a nuici jobbing trade. " riour-Klrm. . .. '!ekyheat-Dull. f'm Meal -steady. ' ; K;eSteadv. ' - n oeiit- -Sl'iot firm - Va 1 1 -Jft . ,.m. r.n! i .uor, domestic and nominal fob -But. options closed 3-8 to i-4 net aJ. " f. May 121 3-4 ; July j'l3 hi - ' "-ont -spot steady: steamer 09 and No. V Hfiles. Iiotii .ioi-.irnH Knuiu . Vi : . nominal fob afloat.- Options closed - - to net higher. May 73; July 76 3JS; '.-. "-;' i.'''' ' September 76 1-s.r '.'. ': . , Oats Quiet ; mixed nominal.. Options clwrt lrtc-iiet bigher-Msy MH Lard Strong. .. . -Tallow steady. . ' nice Steady.' ' V"- .- s1';" - -:-..' MolassesSteady. '..'' Raw. firm: refined sugar steady. Coffee Fatures. closed net unchanged 10 points lower. Spot qblet; Wo No. T, 8 3-4; No. 4 Santos 9 l-8fto 0 14; mild quiet: Cor dova 1-2 to 12 1-4. , Potatoes., and Cabbages Steady, un changed j,;.,. , :.w Freight and Peanuts Unchanged. Butter Steady ; creamery specials 31 1-2 to 32. . ' s .--r-,- : ; -: . .Cheeso Firm,' unchanged. -'- - Eggs tmsettled; State, ' Pennsylvania and nearby1 hennery white faucy 35 to. 42; do gathered white, j. do hennery brown and mixed fancy 29 Jo 30 ; do gathered brown fair to prime -t 1-2 to' 28 1-2. The cotton seed oil market was firm early on Binall offerings of crude and on the advance In, hog products, but lost part or the advance later under realizing, and closed at 2 points decline to 8 points -ad vance. with, salesof , 5,100 barrels. March 727 - t 78rKay -$.7. t 7. .18; July 7.4.t to 7.46 ; September 7.41 to 7.44. Prime crude 6.40 to 6.33;; prime, summer yellow 7.35. to 7 .S3; prime winter yellow 7.23 to 7.50; prime summer white 7i0 to "S. 30. - - - TKX OltAIX MARKKT. -Chicago, Feb. $4.--f5raitt advanced today all along the ' line, ' the- wheat market he injc the most nervous. Provisions, notwith standing, the, 4wh prices for hog fell; off and closed unchanged to 10c lower than yesterday. . 4 r - Opening. Iligbest. - Closing. wnoat . : May . 1 13 1-2 . . 1 04 7-8 . .. 1 00 1-2 1 14 1 14 1 05 5-8 1 01 .3-8 July . . Sept Corn Way .. July .. 1 03 5-8 1 01 .3-8 C5 1-2 66 8-4 Qft-7-8 . 4C 7-S4 43 7-8 60 lt 67 1-4 67 3-8 47 1-4 -44 1-8 41 06 . 67 1-4 67 3-8 47 1-8 44 3-8 ,41 23 82 1-2 '23 72 1-2 12 87 1-2 12 82 1-2 sept Oats May .. . July Sept 40 3-4 Mess Pork. nerbbl.-r- May 23 i5 23 97 1-2 July .; .. ...23 82 1-2 23 00 J Lard, per 100 lbs. itay ... ...12 87 1-2 12 05 July .. -...12 85 12 00 Snort itlbs. per 100 ids. . May .. ...12 55 12 CO 12 52 1-2 July ..12 02 1-2 12 37 1-2 12 47 1-2 r CHICAGO CASn GBA1N. Chicago. Feb. 24. Wheat-No. 2 red 1.25 no 1.26: Nov 8 red .1.18 to 1.22: No Hard 1.14 to T.l 4: 2-4": No. 3 bard 1.12 to 1.13 3-4; No. 1 northern Lib to 3-4; No. 2 northern 1.15 to 1-2; No. 3 spring 1.12 to Corn No. 2. C4 1-2 to 05: No. 2 white C.l 1-2 to 05; No. 2 yellow 65; No.. 3. 62 to 62 1-2; No; 3 white 2 1-4 to 62 1-2; No, 3 yellow 62 to 2 1-2; No. -4 51 to 58 lr2; No. 4 white 58 to 50 1-2; No. 3 yellow 58 50 1-2. OUts Nv 2. 40 1-2 to 1-2; So. -I wiiite 48 to 48 1-2; No. 3. 40 1.4 to 1-2; N. 3 white 43 1-2 to. 47 1-2; No.-4 wlilte 4tJ to it i-s; uauoaru 4? - 10 i-j. PKANCTS. (Reported by Rodgers, McCabe St Co.) Petersburg. Va. Feb. 10. Sunnlsb. firm at $1.35 per bushel. Receipts light. Virginia, steady, isunch 4 1-2 to ie; luney 1-4 10 4 l-2c: machine 'picked ;3 3-4 to 4 l-4c; shelling stock 3 1-2 to 4c. DBI UOOXMi MJUIRXT. New Tor k. -Feb. 24. Jobbers coati jued doing very steady business-In dry gwids and are active for the moment in cUing staple prints nd other Wash fabrics. -Concessions -of l-8c on -wide print cloths At tracted little business. Clothiers lining are well sold for Fall, but cotto.i linings for the dry goods, trade are quiet. Varrs ure weak and lower. . ' " yi 1. . 1 1 I. -" , imc STOCK MA.RKKT. New x York. Feb. 24. Dealings in Ktoosa today were.'scsrcely larger thau yesterday. The thlnnps of the market was as uir.rkcd. on th Helling side as op the buying side, and It required but a small absorption to lift IWlCPH. Totlav's movement lacked authoritative explanation as. completely as did the-. action or Heading lasi weeK. a-supposition na turally arose tnat some nnaaemi projet-s nfi wnmlrn. nut desiatied to chance' tbe relation between these properties already Iery "Cbse lv reason of the control - rt oufsvllle and Nashville held by Atlantic Coast. 'Line rtnd'a : rnutnal vontroi or oilier nrrtnertles held by L. & N. and southern railway. L'ntll the movement l these stocks stimulated some vitality In the rest nt the market it was nractlcally lifeless. An early attempt to depress prices met with little success and mis as mucu us any definite news of conditions prompted the later upward movement. . 'rhf Mhsfr.'i.-t of the reiiorts to tbe con troller of the currency' of the national banKs of tne country as of January 31st showed the loan Expansion since the No vember 1 test well distributed, the New York banks being -responsible for less than 18.000.000 of the SS0.7l5.8SO aggregate in crease for that pcriodr The stock market 1 in nidation effected in that interval ex- iilHins'this relative showing. In the year iv eomnarlsois. however, there is shown an increase since February 5 of last year of 3SS,73C,SS7 in the loan account of the Na tional banks, ' the cosh reserves having shrunk in the same time over $27,000,000. The' credit condition - is, in consequence till considerably extended? in-spite of the nbstantial deflation . which has occurred la the stock market. Itonds were , steady. Dealers - report an improved demand for bonds; Total sales par value, were $2,602,000. United States 2s, 3s eouponand 4s advanced 1-4 per cent, on call. Total sales for the day were 437, 700 shares. - , : . v -, , . THE FINANCIAL. MARKET ''i'r.t- New York, Feb-24. Money on cail. easy 2.3-4 to 3 per cent; ruling rate 2 T-8. -clos-In bid 2 7-8. offered At 3. Time loans very dull wnd stcady. f Sixty days , 3 1-2 per cent, and ninety days i-z to j mouths 3 3-4 to 4 per ceut.. . -U'tlme mercantile paper 4l-2 to 5: per ceut.; sterling exenange nrni wuu actum business -In bankers bins at .. to w for Bixtv day hills and at 4.8675 for demand- Commercial bills 4.S3 3-4 to 3.84 1-4. Bar silver 52. Mexican Oollara 44. U. S. ref. 2r. registered U. S. ref. 2s coupon .. U. S. 3s. registered .. .. .. U. S. cou pou . . lT. S. 4s. registered IT. H. 4s. C Oil DOU ... .r .... ....101 1-4 ....101 1-4 . ..102 3-4 ....102 3-4 . ..114 3-4 ....114 3-4 . . . . 82 3-4 . . .102 7-8 . ..104 3-4 . : . , 613-1 ....104.1-2 02 1-2 .,..100 1-4 ....116 1-2 ....117 1-2 .... 06 3-8 00 3-4 ... 02 . 00 1-2 .... 837-8 .,..108 3-8 .... W) 1-2 ....124 1-2 ....103 . Allls Chalmers :1st 5s :i. .. American Agrlcnltural 5s . . American Tel. i 'Ati. cv. s Amerlean.Tobaeeo 4s American onacco o ..... ... Armour '&' Co. 4 l-2s: .-. , . i Atchison gen. -4s - Ate ui sou cv, is .t,.i i. Atchison cv. 5s - r ;' Atlantic Coast Line 1st '4s . Haiti more & Ohio 4s 7. .. Baltimore & Ohio '8 l-2s .. ... .. Bnltlmore & Ohio S. ;W. 3 l-2s". Brooklyn Transit cv. 4s .. ... Central of Georgia 0 .v.. .. Central Leather 5s ... . .". . Central R. R. of.N.. J. gen. 5s.. Chesa4eake & luio-.4 i--'s t, i!04. 1- in i'Mnorn Wl. Ar. St. V. iren'. 3 l-2s 87 rhWtfrt.'lt. Xk P. R. R. col. 4s-.... 81 1-4 Chicago, R. P. Riv rfgls. . . . . : 91 1-4 Colorad Industrial 3s- M Colorado Midland .,.... ..r s f'oio. Ar. Southern ref. L ext. 41-2s ... 08 3-4 Delaware & Hudson cv. is Denver : Rio fJrande4s Detover fc. Rio- Grande ref. "5s ... ,i 101 ; Off 1-4 .04 J 73 1-2 Distiller o Eric prior Ilea 4 v . 2? -Krle Oeni. 4. - t - ? r"' '-d? Erie 4s series "A".. .. .- .;. , . 1? 3-4 85 Krle cv 4s series "W Tl Owners! Klectric CV. 5s llliuols Central 1st rer. 4s .. tnterborougb Met. 4 l-2s .; -Inter Merc. Marine 4 l-2s ... ... ...782 l- 68 3-4 . 02 i-4 .... 05 1-2 i 73 1-8 . . . 94 3-8 .... 00, ... W - 80 3-4 ... 81 -. .. 04 1-2 ...90 .... 1)5 1-8 . .,134 1-2 .T...1O0 - ...102 3-4 Japftn 4-. v. .. ,. i. .-r. .... Japan 4 l-2s .. .'. . .. .'. ' ' Kansas cki jsouvnern ii 09 Lake Shore del. 4s (1931) t Louisville & Nash.' Un. 4 v Missouri, Kan.-&. Texas 1st 4s Mo., Kan. & Texas-gen. 4 l-2s . Missouri Pacific 4s .. .. ".. .. National Rys. of Mexlco4 l-2s New York Central gen. 3 l-2s fiiL' York Ton trial deb. 4s .. . IN. Y.; N. II. - .N - it tt -Norfolk & W es iNorthem Paclf sr - . v "ft 4.. Tt' 'a. restern 1st cow. 4s ,'estern cv. 4s. Pacific 4s . ,...i01 3-8 LLesaneaKCvto.UUJo.rei w . .. ... Chicago Si. Alton 3 l-2s , 1-8 Chlcneo. 11.' & O. Joint 4 .. ... ...... i m S'S Chicago. B. it Q. eu. 4a"... ..... ...''. .3-84 INorthern Pacific ,3s -'-- 'Pregon Short. Unfc.rfdg 4s .'- ' - '' . ' V ' '-I' -' .' "" 74 94 3-8 3 l-2s,.(l13) v. 7-8 i-euij. i;on. 48- . . . .104 1-3J Kcadln Oen. 4s .. .. .. ............ 'jw 5-8 St. Louis & Sau,'.Fran. fg. 4':. K M 1-2 t. 1jOmh He San Frun.' gen. 5s .... 80 1-4 Ht. JLiOuts S'western 1st gold' 4s . Seaboard Air Line'4S ..- .. Southern Pacific col 4s .. .. .. .Southern Pacific v 4s . Ji3 . 82 1-2 . 03 14 .102 5-8 .103 . W) .101 3-8 .110 . 01 1-2 .103 1-8 .115 1-4 . 08 1-2 ;1U . 73 1-4 .85 l-t . 92 , . 94 3-4 itvuidciu ihiuin ii; or ... A. a. Southern liailway gen. 4s .. .. Cnion Pacific 4s".. Union Pacific cv. 4s ..' .', Union P. 1st and rcf. 4s .. U, S- Rubber 6s.. .. .. .. .. 11. s. sneer ma b .. Virginia Car. Chemical 5s . Wabash 1st lis .. ... ; Wabash 1st and. ext. 4s .. . Western Md. 4s ....... Westlughouse-Electric ct. 3a Wisconsin Central 4s 4t i-2 Xnisfbairriers pf d ".. Amalgamated Ajopner... ... . .. American Aa-rlculturftl .. .. .. . .... 77 1-8 .. 4 1-2 ... 38 . ... 77 ', , . . . 62 3-4 ... 65 .. 30 1-2 ,i.v 23 1-4 13 . . . . 50 3-4 ' .,84 1-8 ....107 1-2 . ..125 , . ...141 03 - , ... 37 ' -; . . . . 50 1-4 :.".:no 1-2 ....103 5-8 , ..133 ....112 3-8 .... 01 1-2 30 .... 70 1-S ....1S2 1-4 40 1-2 ,...108 ..,.203 American ftoet Sugar-.. .. r; . . Amerlciin Can1 pf d . i , . c i i American car & Foundry .. .. American Cotton OH .. .. American Hide & Leather pfd . American lee Securities i-. ...;(, American Linseed .-.- ... .. .. .. American Locomotive .. .. .. , American smelting & Refng . Amer., Smiting & Refng pfd .. American gigar lienning . American Tfel. .4; TeL. .. .. American Tobacco, pfd American Veolen . . , . ... . ; Anacdrijld Mining Co. .. .. .. Atchison Jt t ..... : . , . . . k. , . Atchison pfd .'.-: .. Atlantic coast lane Baltimore .& Ohio Baltimore & Ohio pfd Bethlchanv Steel .. ;. Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . . . Canadian raclfic Central Leather Central .Leather pfd . . Central of New Jersey Chesapeake, & Ohio Chicago & Alton ','. Chicago Great Westren . .' . . Chicago & Northwestern Chicago, Mil.- & St Paul C, C. C A.St. Louis .. .. .. ... .... 84 1-4 , ... 50 .... 31 1-2 ....157 1-2 . ..146 1-2 ....70 1-2 .. 30 1-4 ... 04 1-4 . .. . . . 7!T ....145 3-4 IS 1-2 ....170 1-2 . ..-41 1-4 1 olorado lie iron, Colorado If JsT)ithero . .. Colorado & Southern 1st pfd . Colorado & Southern 2nd pfd .. Consolidated Gas . . " Corn Products Delaware A- Hudson Deuver fc Rio Grande Denver & Rio Grande pfd .. .. . Distillers' . Securities .. .. .. ; 7! 32 1-8 it! 7-S 4tf 7-8 35 3-4 154 1-2 130 1-2 CO 1-4 142 1-2 22 5-8 5rt 1-2 SS 3-4 21 3-8 .14 1-4 48 V. Erie .. ..w. .. .. r Erie 1st pfd Krle 2nd ufd .. . . .. General Ele-trie . - Great Northern pfd Great .Northern' Ore I tis ininois Central t'lterboroush Met... Intcrborough Met, pfd Inter Harvester . . ....... .. .. .. inter Marine pfd International l'aper International Pump .. .. ...... lowa-Central .. .. '.. .. ....... Karisris City Southern .. Kansas City Southern pfd .. . . .. Louisville & Nashville Minneapolis & St. Louis Miqn.. St. P. & Sault St. M Missouri Pacific Missouri, Kansas & Texas Missouri, Kansas' & Texas, pfd .. .. :w 1-4, . . 00 3-8 ..155 1-4 . . 42 1-2 ! ..142 1-4 ..71 . . 43 5-8 .. 71 1-4 ..107 8-8 . . 81 3-1 ...61 ..122 3-8 . . 45 3-8 ..10t .. 70 1-2 -.130 3-8 IV ".'.m 3-4 ..110 7-S .. Oil 7-8 .. 4.1 ..10c .. 41 1-2 ..160 7-S 30 ..100) . . 40 7-8 .. fV .. 50 1-2" .. 20 1-4 .. 73 1-2 . . 76 ..126 7-S .National Biscuit .. National Lead ..' Nat'l ltys. of Mexico 1st pfd ew J or k. central New York, Ontario & Western .. Norfolk & Western North American Northern Pactlle Pacific Mall .: Pennsylvania' , People's Han Pittsburg, C. !. & St. Louis .. .. . Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spriug Reading .. Republic Steel - .' Republic Stee! pfd Rock Island Co , Rock Island -'o. pfd .. i St. Iouls & San Fran. 2nd pfd .. St.: Louis Southwestern .. ., .. ., St. Louis Southwestern -pfd Sloss Sheffield Steel -and Iron Southern PaclQc .'. .: .. w .. .... Souvpem Railway . . . . .. Swutherii Railway pfd Tennessee-Copper ..... Texas Pacfnc.V.' ....... . . ". . . ..20 3-8. d 1-4 .. 34 1-4 .. 30 C .. 155 1-2 ..188 5-8 ..100 1-2 .. 73 1-2 .. 44 1-2 .. f ..-110 3-4 .. 40 5-8 . . 55 1-4 . . 21 3-4 ...47 3-8 . . 4h 1-4 .. HO 1-2 .. 74 1-2 .. 5 3-8 .. 40 Toledo, Ke Lonla & Wft I n 1011 i';icuit! .. .. .. .. .. ..i, Uniqn.pacifte pfd t'P Red States Realty United States Rubber United States Steel Uhlted States-Steel pfd . : .r Utah Copper Virginia Car. Chemical WabaSh ..' .i .. .. Wabash pfd v. .. .. .. Western Maryland Westingbouse Electrics. Western Uiiion .. .. .. .. Wheeling Iike Erie Wisconsin , Central .. ' "- ' II 111 II ' " I WAYAl. STOBK6 .: New York, Feb. 24. Turpentine and rosin steady.-' .-' - - : Savannah.. Ga.. rer.. '-'4. spirits turpen tine tirm 50.1-2: st Ips G7z receipts 73: ship- men t 32; stocks ,?i.726. Rosin firm; sales 1,368; rei-eipts L047; shipments 80; stocks 123,101. Quote: A. B. C. 4.25; D. 4.40; K. 4.-45;-F. 4.60; G. 4.62 1-2; II. 4-67 1-2: I, 4.80; K; 5.80; M, ' fc.55 ; N, 6.55; WG, 6.85; WW, 7.00. .Charleston: S. C, Feb. 24. Turpentine firm 60. Roslri firm. Quote: A. B. C. 4.25; ri 4.40 K.. 4.45: F. 4J7 1-2 to 4.60: G. 4.60: II. 4.;r '1-2T; I, 4.8f); K. 5.80; M. 6.35; N, 55; AVG, tufef WW, 7JKt.rt , -;.'-:i ARRIVED. Nor. str.;ilermau. W'edelJarlsberff. 1.94Q ton-Olaeuv Bremen. Ilelde & Co. Ktr. Dupiin.' Btoaes, Bmitn s Bridge, j. a. Munu. , MARINE DIRKCTOBY. Ust of Teaaeia Now In Fort at WUmlagtoa. ' -'V ;'-- . C, v ; : - . - - . -. :' . Rtumm'. Herman WedfePJarlsberg (Nor!) l,9-10 tons, oisen, ueiae i co. . Anglo-Ahstrallan, (Br.) 281 to us, Lewis, V. A.. Fetter. Agent. Glcncoe (Br.) 1,042 tons, Cooper, Alexander sprum - nan. . -Str. VtmrUi (Br.) 2JX1 tons, Gardner, Alcx- anaer sftprant & Bon. Jobh U. May, 319 tojis, Stllle, C. D. Maffitt u. 'J?. unnuiett, tons,- Jtoueri8 c. u ; Malfltt. : v rt - " ', BY RIVER AND BAIL Receipt of Naval Store and Cotton Ye- , i .- tentar- - -' . ? 5 - Wilmington. N. C, Feb: 24, 1910. . W.- & AV. Railroad 11 bales cotton. V W.. C. & A. Railroad -148 bales cotton. 10 barrels rosin. 6 barrels tar. 11 barrels crnde ' turpentine. . - j. - A....&. Y. Railroad 17 bales cotton, 47 bur- rels-tar..-. -v.-. r y ' '- - . .. Ktr. City of Fayetteville-4j bales cotton. 337 -barrels yosin. SO barrels, tar.? - . ' ' Total193 hales' cot top, v- casks spirits tii men tine. 347 barrel" rdsln ; ; 143- 'tiar rels tar,i. oarreis craaeriturpeutinf?jcj ' y ' Saved From Awful Peril.' never felt bo near my grave," writes Lewis. Cnamblln, of Manches-, ter, 1 OWoi ' R. R. a. 3t 'as. when. ! a frlgMful pouga and lung trouble , pull ed. me dawn to 115 pounds In spite xf rjnany remedies and the' Tesi doctors. And that I am alive today 'is due boIpv ly to Dr. Klng'a.Kcw- Discovery,, which completely ;cured - me; ;"NoW I weigh 160 pounds and can work hard.' It also cured my four children of croup." Infallible for coughs and colds, Its the raoat- certain remedy r for. " lagrlppe, asthma, desperate. Iting trouble and at." hroiicaiai. affections, 50c and $J..w. a trial bottle, free. Guaranteed by Robt R. Bellamy. . f FreeingWeather and more cold to epme, Durtftg big Mid -Winter aaiC S Gaylord'S all-WOOl "blankets being practically given away to make room for Spring stock.,:": VeOcrYou 10 1 l Fatra fchoice dressed Poultry , tincy fteet; VeaU Mutton, rox. tc - Our all-Porh; Sausages ftrj Jst. tint, '-Hams and Br.on. Egjs, Buttejp, Gel el, bnd Lettuce. JfRONT STREET MARkET ; Stalls tiok. 1; and 2 Smith Side; StfkUn Nos. : 1 and 3 Nbrt: SU. ; Phones 123 ftnd-14l-:i.'r ii'.IS .tf :;;.s' Vv- '-v'''i-'V-;.,-v,. SALEf 0FLAfi0F0H PARTITION By virtue and in pursuance of a decree of tbe Superior Court of New Hanover County- made and entered nt uie December term, A. D. 1009, in a cause therein pending wbereing Wm. H. Crafflin. W m. H. Graffliu, Executor of Richard B. Bu. iind Wm. H. Graffliu, Trustee are. plaintiffs, . and Emma C Grafflin, Frank Dy GraSttln, d4th. Ji. Gramin, J?"rea Jt u uramiuniua wire Mary S. Grafflin Lanta-Elma Buckf: jUa.i Si Woodslde Safe Deposit & ..Trust -Co., of Baltimore Executor, of Thoa, Ml, Lanahan, Wm. R. Crawford. Administrator of John C. Grafflin. Margaret Lanahan, Josephine Reeder, Kate Renshaw and-Mary Matilda Carter are defendants, the undersigned Commissioner duly appointed by said De cree,, will expose for sale by public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door In the City of Wilmington, County of New Hanover, ou Monday the 28th day of February, A. D. 1010. at' 12 1 o'clock-il; on said day, the following de scribed tracts pieces or parcels of iaad. situate, lying and being in the Couutyof New Hanover State of North Carolina, and some within and some without the corpor ate; limits of the City of Wilmington, jfthd bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at u point la the Southern line of Swan a street one hundred and liftv feet westwarillv. frnm the southwestern iatcrsectiou-of Sw inn and SKth streets,-ami fnua tuence southwardly and parallel with Sixth street flftv feet and two inches 50 ft., 2 in.) thence west wardly nnd parallel with Swanu street twenty-five feet (23 ft), more or less, to the HUtou line, thence aong tbe IlUtan line northwestwardly about sixty feet 0" ft) to Swann street; thence enstwardlv -along the southern line of ; Swanu - street about forty-five feet (45ft). more or less,, to the beginning, the same being part of Lot One Block 307, according to the- official plan of the City of Wilmington. N. C. . SECOND TRACT: Rcgiunlng at a point In the southern line, of Swanu -street .one hundred and flftv feet (150 ftl eartwardiv from southeastern iniersecGoiv ' ot ; Swanu ana r.ignth streets, aud runs thCnee south wardly and n.irallel with Eighth street sixty-sis feet (06 ft), thence northeastward ly along the Hilton line to swttnU street, tuence westerwardlr along Swanu street forty-five feet (45 ft), more or less, to tbe beginning, same being part of Lot one in Block 310 of Wilmington; N. C. THIRD. TBACT: Beginning in the enr. em line of Fifth street at a point one hun- area ana nrty reet u.iJ rt) northwardly from the nortbenstern intersection of Swann and Fifth streets, runs theuce east wardly and parallel with. Swann street alnjut forty feet (4(ifr to the Hilton line, thence northwestwardly along the Hilton line to its intersection with the eastern line of Fifth street st a nolnt nlwut aixtv feet (60ft) southvTurdly from the south eastern intersection of Fifth and Nixon streets, and rnns thence southwardly alone .the Eastern line of Fifth street one hun- orea turn twenty reet ( l-'urtj to tne begin ning, v..c name oeing parts or i.ots rwo and three la Block 324, according to the ptllclal plan or tbe City of .Wilmington. FOURTH TBACT: Beginning at a point In the northern line of Swann street seventy-five feet (73ft V westwarUly from 'the nortucastern intersection of Seventh and Swann streets, and rnns thence wentwardly along - the northern' lie e of thirty-seven feet anil , six iuches 37.ft, 6 in), and thence northwardly and parallel with the western line " of Seventb street Sixty feet (ouft). thence eastwahlly; and parauei -wiru --nwanrr srreet tntrtyseon feet and si Jnehes ja74ft. CLlulinadthejice northwardly and parallel with the western line of -Seventh street-slxtv foet (V tti SfiL Ve,-8am Hglsfea" of Lot FIKTlt .TRACT r'BeglnW a polfit In the weatern llnecf suthtreet one bun dred and thlrty-twa feet U32 hi, south wardly from the southwestern Intersection of Sixth and Taylor streets And rous thence Westewardly f - and . pariTlel wlth f Tayror street one -hundred mni flrV feetaoo ft) to Brown street, thence southwardly uiong the line of .Brown street six feet (C ft) And thence .ea&f wardly, and parallel with Tiiylor street one houired and fifty feet (160 ft) to thd "western line of Sixth - street thence northwardly along the western line of Sixth gtreet-sit (C ft) to the beginning, th same being part of Lot three In RlocTc 330, - ,i ; .... . .c I -- 8IXTn TRACT: . , Beginning -at a point U the.eastern line of Fifth street one hun dred fand twenty feet (120 ft) southwardly fronvtbe southeastern Intersection of.Flfti nd Taylor streets, ahd runB thence south wardly along the easterns line of. Fifth atreet thirty-nine feet (39 ft), thence' eaSt wjirn"ly and parallel with Taylor atreet one hundred and fifty feet (130 ft.) to Brown street, thence northwardly along the west ern line of Brown street thirty-nine feet (30 ft), thence westwardly 'and. parallel with Taylor street one hundred mid fifty Teet (150 ft) to the beginning., ;tbe same being part of Lota two and three in Block 350." .- . : ' .. .-"' ' SEVENTH TRACT t Begiunlngiftt a point Inr the eastern, line j)f Love street thirty feet . (30 ft) southwardly from tie Jsonth-c-'istern . Intersection of Xorend Taylor streets, and runaWthnTO-asttvardly aud parallel with - Taylor: 'Street seventy-fiTe feeta . (ij t$.)t and thence -ionthwardly par allel wiOJ the easteVnfilre -6f Iiovb- streei; thirty feet (30 ft), thence westwardly.- par aUeUwith Taylor Bfrcet3evejity-ae75 ft) to-the eastern lint of Love street then cfc northwa rdly a long -tire, eastern HMdoxt street thirty feet (30 ft) to the beginning, the name being: part to! Lot ona tn-Block 3A EIGHTII VTKACtV5 Beglriti'lnff." '. at the southeastern intersection of ..Taylor and Sixth street and runs thcivpe sonthwardly along tha Eastern -lin t H" attfltfc sev enty -feet (70 ft).-thence? eastwariUycJind parallel with Taylor" street one hundred Attd fifty fee (130 ft) ta the i western dne ,bt Love street, thence northwardly along -the western line of Love street seven ty" feet (70 ft) to Taylor street, thence. along the southern line of Taylor street one hundred ftud fifty (150 ft) to-the beginning., the Same being part of Lots one and two In Block S37. ; NINTH TRACT: Beginning at the south western intersection of Mcltee and Taylor atfeets. and runs thence westwai-dlv along tthe. southern line of Taylor street seveuty- nve. reet its rt), thence soutnwaMly ana parallel with Seventh street thirty, feet (30. ft), thence enstwardly audi Jin rallel with' Taylor street sevanty-five feet (75 ft) to tbe western Hue of McRee street, theiice north wardly along the western line ot McRee- street thirty feet (30 ft) to the beginning. ilrty 1 the -same being part of Lot ne in Block o TENTH TRACT: Beginning at a point ln:'tne eastern line of Seventh street thirty feet-(30 ft) southwardly from the south- lessrern intersection .of iSeventhrond Tajior streets, and runs thence' southwardly along ina eastern une r seven tn srreetrsixty feet (60 ft) thence eastwardlv and paralJerwIth Taylor street seventy-five .. feet , (75 v ft, tbence northwardly, and parallel fwltfrtbe eastern line of. Seventh street sixty, feet Jf60 ft); and tbence westwardly. and parallel With Taylor street seventy-five; feet (75 ft) to the beginning, the same being -parts $1 J,6tn one and two .in. Block 338. ; 'f , .ELEVENTH TRACT t UegjnnW;? at .A pplufin'the western 'line of Eighth street ninety feet (00 ft! BonGryaraiy from the touthwe8tern Intersection of Eighth - and ;aylor streets, and runs tbence scuthward. ly alon g the . western line pf Bighth . street Sixty feet-(60 ft), Whence. westwardly and Da rallel with TsVlnr Htrect one hnrtdrod hd 4lfty feet -4450if t) .Ma McRoe, gtyeeti tuence nortnwaraiy along tne eastern ime of. McRee street alxtv feet (0 ftl tnA 1 hence eastwardly and parallel with Taylor tteet one hnndredL and -fifty feet (150 ft) fo lire ocnmuin, tne same lieui y.iris ot LiOlS two and three In Block 338. - : v. '-'TWELFTH': TRACT: Ceginnlng: In the' westtlrn line of McRee 6treet at a point 8iity-8tx feet (66 ft) northwardly from the northwest' intersection -of Nix5p and Mc Re . streets, and runs tbence - westwardly ind parallel with Nixon street eeventy-five fet -475ft), thence nortbwardly and"' paral lel, with McRee street fiftv-eUbt feet (aS ft). JgtJeet seventy-five feet ( f t) . and thence southwardly along the western line of .Mc- Ree street fifty-eight feet 98 ) to th be ginning, -. same "being" nart 101 Lot ' four In i1-;: !-;- - v .- -it service 'IIRTKJBNTH TttticTt Beginning !t lH f hWetern Intersection ' of ' ind- Ninth "streets, and i-una theuce f.nth Taylor urwy uiong ; is western . illMf of . Nlatb ftytet one btuadreiT and fifty feet UOG), theneo-westwardly and parallel with Tay lor street one hundred and fifty feet (130 ft) to tho eaaternviine of Eroaklr a streets tuence aUjng the enatrn -line of'BroofciyS 8 1 rent borthwardl ona hnndrol nn,i 4 1 130 'ft) to Jjsontherh line of Tayiot 8f, ?Dd thence -hloag the-southern line A ttJS1?1 hundred uuu uii, im tioo nf w cne-neginning, the same being part of Lots one, two Hud three In Block 3.'S. . . FOURTEENTH TRACT: Beginning at a point in tne eastern line ot Brooklyn eet serentv-flre feet ITS m . tree iy from the northeastern intersection of Brooklyn and Nixon ; streets, and ' rnbs northwardly along the eastern line 01 tipp5iy,lt 8tJt sUty feet (60 ftj these eastwardly and parayel with Nixon atreet aavedtr-Bve left X73 ftn-thenw aouflrali ly nbd parallel witti . tbe eastern , lin of Breowyn. i trees sixty -rei () ftj, and tbeuc-e Weterwrdiy and parallel Witt erJx.DIl.8tre,i. BeveDty-fire feet (73 ft) to the beginning, the same being part of Lots thre4 and'ftftir in' Block 330. - FIFTEENTH TRACT : Beginning at tne southeastern intersection of Ninth and Tay lor streets, and runs thence southwardly along the eastern line of Ninth street one hundred aud eighty feet (ISO ft), -.thence eastwardly and parallel with Taylor street Fifty-SeTen feet and five inches (57 ft 5 in), more or less, to the Hilton llnv thPiww northeastwardly along tbe Hilton Hue . one nunarea ana eighty-six feet, (ISO ft), more or less, to the southern line of TuTlor street, thence westewardly along the south' ern line of Taylor street one hundred and nve ieet aoo n). more or less, to the be ginning, the same being part-of Lots one, two and three in Block 340. SIXTEENTH TRACT: 'Beaming at a point in the eastern line of James street ninety feet (90 ft) northwardly from the northeastern intersection of James and Taylor streets, nnd runa thence jiarwnrrtlv. parallel with Taylor stret;t, tblrty-one feet hoq iu incnes iJi it. iu in), more or less, to the Hilton line.-thence northwestwardly along the Hilton line ubout . eighty-four feet.(S4 ftT;-more or loss, to where the Hil ton line intersects the Eastern line of tames street, and thence southwardly along the eastern line of James street to the be glunlngv the same being pait of Lots three ana rouw kioi-k .hi. 8EVENTEKNTH TBACT: Bcginnintr st a point 4n the western line of Sixth street thirty reet (30 ft) southwcstwardly from the Soutliwesu?rn intersectlo'j pf Sixth and Howaj-d street, and runs thence westwardly and parallel with Howard street "one hun dred and fifty feet (150 ft) to Brown street. thence southwardly along the eastern, line of Brown street sixty feet (00 ft), thence eastwnrdly and parallel with Howard street one hundred and fifty feet (150 ft) to tbe western line cr Mxtu street, 1 Hence north wardly along tbe eastern line of Sixth street, sixty feet (00 ft to the beginning. the same being pin t of Lots one and two in woes EIGHTEENTH TRACT: Beginning In the western line ct sixth street at n point one nnnuretv ana twenty ieet (urn rt souta wardly from the southwestern intersection or Sixth and Howard streets, and runs thence westerwardly aud parallel with Howard street one hundred and fifty feet (15d-ft) to the eastern line of Brown street, thence southyardly along the eastern line of .Brown street thirty feet (30 ft), thence eastwardly and parallel with Howard street one nunurea ana nny ieet (loO rt) to the western llne of Sixth street, and thence along the western line of Sixth street uorthwarly thirty feet (30 ft) to the be ginning, the same being part of Lots two ana tnree in hiock -hs. NINETEENTH TRACT: Beginning at a point in tbe western line of Sixth street sixty feet (00 ft) northwardly from the northwest intersection of Taylor and Sixth streets, and runs thence northwardly along the western line of Sixth street sixty feet (00 ft), thence westewardly and paral lel with Taylor street seventy-live feet (i5 ft), thence southwardly aud parallel with the western line of Sixth street sixty feet (00 ft), thence eustwardb and parallel with Taylor street seveuty-fiie feet (75 ft) to. tbe beginniug. the same being part of Liois xour ana nve in- kiocb ins. TWENTIETH TBACT: Beginning at a point In tbe western Hue of Brown street sixty' feet (60 ft), southwardly from the southwestern intersection of Brown and Howard streets, and runs thence westward ly and parallel with the southern line of Howard street seventr-dvi feet (75. rftl. hence southwardly and parallel with the western line of Brown street thirty feet (30 ft), thence eastwardly and parallel with the western line of Hownrd'street seventy- five- feet (75 ft), thence northwardly ?ilong tbe western line . pf Rrown . . street thirty I D, eettt80 ft);to therbe-glniiing, the" sanie" be-H fpg part of-Lot8 one and two In Block 348.'" ia, TWKNTy-HBST tbact: Beginning at tbe southeastern intersection of Howard and Sixth streets, and runs thence along the eastern Hue of sixth street southward ly fifty-seven feet (57 ft tbence eastward ly and parallel, with the southern line of tiowaru street one nunarea ana ntty ieet 1150 ft) to tbe western line of Love street, tfceuce along Ihe western line of Love street horthwa.-dly fifty-seven feet (57 ft) to the Soiithern-Hne of . Hownrd street, and thenee Westwardly along the southern -line of How- am street, one nunurea ana-nny ieet lju rt) to tac egirming, the same being pact of Ixt oife in BK-ck 340." ; TVFENTY-8ECOND TRACT: Beginning at. a -point in the Eastern line or wixth street sixty feet northwardly from the northeastern-Intersection of Taylor and and Kixtb--streets, and runs thence north wardly along the eastern line of Sixth street sixty feet (GO ft), thenee eastwardly and parallel .with Taylor street seventy-five feet (73 ftV.tteuee southwardly and paTal lel. with 'the eastern line of Sixth street Sixty feet (60 -fit), and thence westwardly. parallel with ' Taylor street, - seventy-five reet (75 rt) to the beginning, the same be ing part of Lots four and five in Rlock 340. : TWKRTi-TiiiKi) Ttui'i: Beginning. in tbe eafeterfu line of Love street thirty feet (30 ft) northwardly from the northeastern Intersection of Tay lor and Love Btreets, and runs-thence along the eastern line of Love street-northwardly ninety feet (00 ft). tnence eastwaraiy ana riaranei -witn xayior street severity-five feet (75 ft), thence.south wardly arid parallel with the eastera Hnft of Lo-e: street ninety feet (00 ft); and thenee westwardly and parallel with Taylor street seVcntv-tive feet (73 ftl to the be. ginning, the same being part of Lota", four .. ,l nin.i, o.ta . - 'i ,T.WENTt-FOr BT1I TRACT: Beginning at a point" in ifbe eastern -line. of Sevrlth street, elxty feet (60, ft) iiottthwardly , from the southeastern intersection of Howard and SeTenth streets, nnd runs tbence "south., warrilr alanir the eastern line of -Seventh" sXfeet-ninety feet (00 ft), tuebce eastward ly ana ,paraiier witn nowara street one hundred and fifty feet .1130 ft) 'to the Westv eru; llpe of McRee street, . tbence along, the western line of McRee ' street northwardly ninety fcetr (90 ft), thende wcstwardly and parallel witn nownra street one nunarea and fifty feet (130 ft) to the lieglnnlng, the "siime being parts of Lots one, two and three iii Block 350. TWENTY-FIFTH TRACT: Beginning at-6 point in the western line of Eighth strceti thirty feet (30 ft) southwardly from the soutbwestern Intersection f . Eighth and Howard streets, and run thehce south wardly along the western line of Eighth street thirty feet (30 ft), thence westwardly nnd parallel witn Howard street one ihum dred and -fifty feet (130 ft), to the eastern line of Mcllee street,- tbence northwardly; along the eastern line of Meltee street thir ty feet' (30 ft), tbeuce eastwardly and par allel with Howard street one nuudced' and fifty feet (150 ft) to the beginning, the same being part of Lot cue in Block 350. (tirEXTY8I.TH TBACT: Beginning at- a point in the western line of Eighth street one hundred and fifty feet (150 ft) northwardly form the northwest Intersec tion of Taylor and Eighth streets, and runs thence northwardly aloilg tlKV western line of Eighth street thirty feet (30 ft), thence weetWBrdiy and parallel, with Taylor street sevcntVifive feet (75 ft), thence southward lrand parallel with the western line, of Eighth' street, thirty: feet.' (30 ft), thence westwardly and parallel with Taylor street seventv-five ieet (79 rtj:o. tne eastern nne of JklcRee. street, thence southwardly along tba eastern line of McRee street seventy- r ttt i73 ft), thence eastwardly and par allel with Taylor street" sixty feet-(60 ft), thence -southwardly '.and parallel -with.,the western line or tignto Btreet seyentynve ft fts fti to the northern line of Taylor street,, thence eastwardly along the north ern line of Taylor streot thirty feet '(30 ft), thence- northwaraiy ana parauei witn tne western line of Eighth '.treet one hundred and fifty ft (150 ft), and tbence eastward ly and parallel with Taylor ; street sixty feet ((0 ft) to the bfeiiilnning.'the same be-t lug Part of Lots three, four and .five lu Block '350 - ' TWENTY-SEVENTH TRACT: Begiu nlflg at tbe northwestern intersection of McRee and Taylor streets,. and runs tbence northwardly along the western line of Mc Ree street -sixty feet (60 ft) tbence west wardly "and parallel with Taylor street seventysfive teet 75ft),, tbence southwardly and parallel with the weatern line of McRee streei sixty feet (60 ft) to the northern line of Taylor atreet. thence along the northern, line of Taylor street eastwardly seventy fire feet (75 ft) to the beginning, .the same being part of Lot five in block 35(). - . XWEMTY-KiaUTU TBACTt RetlnainS ' ': ',h "'" f- i i-." -;'V: -: V. $ at tbe southwestern Intersection of Howard and .Math . streets, and . runs thence west ward iy along tbe southern line of Howard street -three hundred-aud thirty feet (330 ft)vto th eastern line of Eighth street, thence -along the eastern line of Eighth street southwardly sixty-six feet (oo ft), tbence eastwardly and parallel with llow ftfd atreet aeventy.flve feet (75 ft), tbence aoothwardly and parallel with the eastern Una, of. Eighth, street thirty feet (30 ft), tnence westwaruiy ana. parallel witn tne eonthem line of Howard atreet aeventvfflve ftet ( to the,. eastern line of Eighth street, thence southwardly alone- tin nst. era line of Eighth street one hundred and twenty-nine reet (120 tt), thance eastward ly and barallel with Taylor street seventy- iiy ices up n, tnence soutnwaraiy ana parallel with the eastern line of Eighth street thirty feet (30 ft), thence eastwardly and parallel With the northern line of Tay lor Btreet seventy-five feet (75 ft) to the western line "of Brooklyn . street, tbence northeastwardly, crossing Brooklyn street, td -the, eastern line of Brooklyn street at ft point ninety-feet (90 ft) northwardly fidm tni' cfvrthrrt una nf TavJnw c&f.f o.anAa eastwardly and parallel, with. Taylor, street oevr;u.i-Mve irei us it;, tnence soutnwaiaiy and parallel with the eastern line of Brook lyn." street thirty feet 130 ft), thelice-eust-wardly and parallel with. Taylor street sevenfy-flye feet (75 ft) to the western line of Ninth street, thence northwardly along the western -line of Ninth - street two bun- urea and seventy feet (270 ft) to the be ginning, the same being all of Lots one and three, and part of Lots two. four and five liKBlock 361. . TWENTY-NINTH . TBACT : . Betrinnlnir in the eastern line of - Ninth. sUeC thirty three feet (33 ft) southwardly from the southeastern intersection of Howard and Ninth streets, and runs tbence southwardly along the eastern line cf Ninth street one hundred and sixty-two feet (102 ft), thence eastwardly and parallel with Howard street one nunarea and fifty-seven feet (137 ft) more or less, to tne nuron line, tnence northeastwardly along tLe Hilton line two hundred and one feet and fire inches (201 ft. 5 In), more or less, to the southern line of Howard street, thence westwardly along nowtiru street to -a point one nunarea and fifty feet (150 ft" east of Ninth street, tnence soutnwaraiy ana parallel with Ninth street thirty-three 'eet (33 ft) thence westerwardly and parallel with Howard street one hundred aud fifty feet (150 ft) to the beginning, the same being part of Lots one, two and three in Block 352. THIBTIETII TBACT : Beginning at tbe northwestern Intersection of Fifth and Howard streets, and runs 'tbence north wardly along Fifth street about thirty-two I reet i3z rt), more or less, to the line or the right of way of tbe Carolina Central Railroad Company, thenee Southwardly along the" line of the said right of way abont sixty-five (65 ft).- more or lepr., to where the line of the said right of way In tersects with the northern line of Howard street, thence eastwardly along the north Cm line of Howard street fifty-nine feet ft) more or. less, to the beginning, the same bvfng parf'of Lot five in Block 358. THIRTY-FIRST TRACT: Beginning at the southeastern intersection of Smith nnd Fifth Btreets. and runs thence southwardly along tne eastern line of Fifth street one hundred nnd one feet (101. -ft), more or loss, to the right of way of the Carolina Central Railroad, thence northeastwardly along thi line of the said right nf wiit one Imudred itid seventy-one feet (171 ft), more -or less, to where the line of the said right of way Intersects with tbe southern line of Smith street, thence westwardly along the sontb- eru Hue of ismlth street one hundred and eignty reet (ISO it), more or jess, to the beginning, tbe same being part' of Lots one and two in Block 359. ' THIRTY-SECOND TRACT: Berinning at the northwestern Intersection of How ard and Sixth streets, and runs thence northwardly along the western Hue of Sixth street two hundred and forty-five Teet (245 ft), taore or less, to the line of the rlbt of way of the Carolina Central Uallrond, thenee sonthweatwardly along the line of the said right of way to tbe eastern line of Fifth street, thence southwardly along the eastern line 'of J-Mfth street fifty two feet (52 ft), more or less, to a point' which is thirty feet (30 ft) north of the northeastern Intersection of Howard nnd Fifth streets, tbeuce eastwardly and paral lel with Howard street one hundred and fifty feet (150 ft) to" the western line of Brown street, thence northwardly along the -western line of Brown street thirty feet (SO ft), thence westwardly and paral lel with Howard street seventy-five feet (75 ft), thence northwardly and parallel with the western line of Brown street thirty- feet (30 ft), thence eastwardly and par allel with Howard street seventj-nve feet (75 ft), .thence northeastwardly to the east ern line of Brown street at a point one hundred -nnd fifty feet tloO ft) north of the northeastern intersection of Itrown and Howard-streets, tbenee-eactwardly and par aUel with Howard street jsixty feet (60 ft), thence Southwardly and na rallel with v the eastern line of Brown street one hundred and fifty feet (150 ft) 'to tbe southern line of Hownrd street, thence eastwardly along the southern line of Howard street ninety feet 0O ftl to the beginning, the same be ing part of Lots, three, four and five In Block 350. THIRTY-THIRD TRACT: Beginning at the northeastern Intersection of Howard aud Sixth. streets, nnd runs thence north wardly along tbe eastern line ct Sixth street two hundred and- fifty-eight feet (258 ft) and five inches (5 In), more or less, to the line of the right of way of. the Railroad Company, tbeuce northeastwardly along ' the line of the said right of way three hundred and thirty feet (330 ft), more or less, to tbe western line of Seventh street, thence southwardly along the west ern line of Seventh street two hundred nnd sixty-one feet and five inches (261 ft, 5 in), more or less, to a point thirty feet (SO ft) north of tbe northwestern intersection of Seventh and Howard streets, thence west wardly and parallel With the northern line of Howard street seventy-five feet (73 ft), thence southwardly-aud parallel with the westerp line of Seventh street thirty feet (30 ft) to. the northern line of Howard street thence westwardly along the north ern Hue of Howard street two hundred nnd fifty-five 'feet . (255 ft) to the beginning, same being part of Lots one, two, three, four and five in Block 360. THIRTY-FOCRTH TRACT v . Beginning at the. northwest intersection of, Howard iind Eighth) streets,' and runs thence north wardly along the western line of Eighth street two hundred and forty feet (240 ft), fnore ,r -less-, to the line of the right of way of the Railroad Company, - thence northwestwardly along the Hue of the right of way of the. Railroad Company three hun dred And forty feet (340 ft), more or less, to the eastern line of Seventh street at a point about thirty-nine feet (39 ft) south from the southeastern intersection ot Smith ahd Seventh streets, thence, southwardly along' the eastern line 'of Seventh strevt about two hundred and tblrty-one feet (231 ft) lo a point sixty feet (00 ft) north of tbe northeastern-intersection of Howard 4nd fSeventh streets, thence eastwardly and parallel with the northern Hbe of Howard street one hundred and fifty, feet (150 ft), ffience southwardly and parallel with the eastern line of Seventh street sixty feet (6(1 ft) to the northern line of Howard street, thence eastwardly . along the northern line Of Howard street one hundred and eighty feet (180 ft) to tbe beginning, the same be In g parts of Lots one, two and five aud all of three and four in Block 361. THIRTY-FIFTH TBACT: Beginning at the: northwestern Intersection of Howard and' Ninth streets; and runs tbeuce north wardly along the" western line of Ninth Street -one hundred and ninety-two feet nhd five Inches (192 ft, 5 In), more or less, to the'llne ofjjheTlght of way cf the Rail read , Company, : tbeuce . northwestwardly along1. the Hne of the said right of way three hundred and forty feet (340 ft), more rf, less, to the enstern line of Eighth street at S point where the Hue of the right of wr.? of the Railroad Company crosses , the Eastern- line of Eighth street, which is about ninety-three feet and five Inches (93 ft, 5 in), -more, or less, southwardly from the -southeastern Interseetlon of Eighth and Smith streets., thence southwardly along the eastern Hue of Eighth street two hun dred and thirty-six feet and five' Inches (238 ft 5 In), more or less, to tbe. northern line of Howard Street, tbenca. Eastwardly along 'the 'northern line of Howard street three hundred and thirty (330 ft) to tbe be ginning, the same being part of Lots two and three and aU of four .and five In Block 362.;-- - v --- . ' -.... THIRTY-SIXTH TBACTi Beginning at tke! northeastern Intersection of Howard and Nintn Streets'and runs thence nortb wacdly aldng the eastern line of Ninth strest one hundred and Eighty -one feet and ftre Inches (181 ft 5 in), more or less; to the line of the right of way of tbe Railroad Company, thence along the Uue of the right of way of the Railroad Company iu a southeasterly direction with the various courses of said right of way to tbe Hilton llnei tbent-e southwardly with the .Hilton line about one - hundred and twenty - feet (12d ft), more or less, to tbe northern line of Howard street, thence westwardly along tneTnorthern line of " Howard' street, two hundred and thirty-six feet (236 ft), more or. less, to the' Intersection of Ninth street. tne Deainmng, tne same Dcmg part ox ldu three, lour and tve fn Block 863.'."' : sTHlBTY-SEVKNTH TBACT: Beglnnlafir at the southeastern intersection of Fifth aud! Ashe, streets, and runs thence east wardly along the. southern ite of Asb street three hundred end thirty feet (!B0 ft) t9 -tbe wetttrv tif of llxth street, t hence southwardly alottg tbe western line .of jix 111-street two hundred and seventy-sit . feet (276 ft), more or leK to th ii,.A the right of way of tbe Raltroilil Company, thence south westwardly along the Hne of the with tho nottberiv Hue of 'Smith atreet, which Is at a point about seventy test tfi) ft) west of the western line of Sixth street, Vi Sc,.!re8twordly - along the northern line finnH1.11 Btreet two bundred and sixty feet i2J& to tbe Eastern line or Fifth street, thence northwardly along rf,iSt5fclltoe 2f F,fth 8treet three hun dred and thirty feet (330 ft) to tbe. begin. Block 3oa- v oi'i.01: nve.-m THIBTY-KIfiHTlr TDAr. ti-.. !Jn.itH?,,"a!aJ!,tein Intersection of Ashe lLf!111? 'tiela' and rnni thence sotth4 i eastern line 1 of Sixth bVwfl hd twelve feet thi &ku.nJnlla the right ot way f wnVitet m?fln' thenee northeast-. of the Railroad Company to tbe southern Hue of Ashe street at a point about one hundred and e xty feet tieu ft 1 Sixth street. thenc4 wwt warily" along the sonthern line of Ashe street one hundred and sixty feet (100 ft), more or less to the eastern Hoe of Wh street T the beginning THIBTY-NINTII TBACT: Beginning at low water mark on the eastern Wnch of which is two hundred nnd ten feet (210 ft) La..llr,lln5 southwardly from where the line of the right of way of tbe Railroad Company Intersects said river, !hcb be- Jl0iuf ls A' ihD An,rd eI,pnep ' the K&r 1 rV 0ram,n i Edward Kidder by deed duly recorded In Book SSQ' ?' vs 570' and rnns thenc south wardly along low water mark of the Can Fear river to a point where the tsorthern line of Cape Fear street, were the same HviiT? to the rlver woulu ibtefseit saVd river nt iowvater murk, theiwo eastwardly and along the line of Cnpe7ear street were the same continueil to the river, to the southwest corner of a tract of land sold by GratBIn to Chas. A. Lleb and Bernard VConn,c tbnee northwardlx alang the western line of the said tract to the line of the tract of land sold by Grafflin to Kid der, now known as the Water Works line, ine.DC!!WM,tw,l,r,, y al0,,ff tbe wl Works " kT? Vie bejrinulng. . part ' snid land with, ? corPrnte ""its and part belnS oVtwnmingeton?iporftte limits of the Clt 1 OBT1ETII TBACT : Beglnnln g at low ?,te? mark .0n th CP Fear river at a sonthwardJy along low water mark of the l?.er l1vep,.!ne .Hue of a tract of ...... r.uunu ns 1 ue i-arsiey tract, same le- hig a pact of the Hilton tract, and being the uorthern line of the said Parsley tract as excepted from the deed from Jas. F Mc It cc to Geo. W. Grafflin im.i eastwardly and u . Utile southwardly to the j.v,. -"'-. wiutr 01 nuiu tract, tnence south M.Wirrilv a,,on tb "ne the said tract , j t .""''"" TOui-ws -10 tne southern line Of Ashe Street, theneif ulnn.r tho tiLe ?,L Ase street eastwardly to the tj.Vi. aV, Vl . e I,BUt or wy of the Railroad Companies, as describe! fn a deed rrom Grafflin to the Railroads, whlcli point 1,.-l','mt "e bundred aud slxtv-flve feet It) westwardly frn 111 t 111 wnetash 14. of Seventh street, thence northeastwardly, and tbence northwestwardly along the said right of way to what would be the south i?.! fLIllli0?..8treft' wer the same i coiuuiiBueu accoraing to the oificial plan of the City of Wilmington, and which said point is the beginning corner of a tract of bind sold by Graffliu to Chas. A. Lieb and Bernard F. O'Connor, thence westwardly along the line of the said tract 5 c!.nLt0 what would be the western line of Sixth street, were the same continued ??rrdlus to the official plan of the City of yilmiugton, to the southern line of Hilton street, thence along what would .be the southern line of Sixth street Southwardly three hundred and thirty feet (330 ft ) to what would be the northern -Hue of Capr I-ear street, were the nm im -JT ,s?i1a?,r,.n5. i'ffl pi"- 01 J . " 1'uiiuniuu, huu inence west wardly along what would be the southern line of Cape Fear street, were tbe same lllJd.,ut and established according to tbe official plan of the City of Wilmington, to low water mark of the Cape Fear river, tha ,eioVln,Si piirin,of wbat would be Block of. 414, 424, and part of 415 nnd 425 accord, lug to the ofildal plan of the City of Wil mingt-n. .. . FOBTY-FIBST TBACT: Beginning at a PObU !n.. tl,e'Hn-f the right of way of the r.aU1-,V!,1L10!,rt8' described itr a deed from Grafflin to the, -Railroad' Companies, where the southeastern Hne of the oil mill prop erty Iniersects said line of right of wav said land being descri1ed In a deed from i;r,,ffllUr,to ,Moses Frank recorded In Book B. P..- B. B. at pg. (KB,-nnd-run thence northwardly, thirteen degrees, twenty-five minutes (13d 24') east to tbe northeastern corner of said tract of hind, tbence north westwardly along the northern line of the said tract to tbe edge of Smith's Creek, thence south westwardly along the edge of said Creek, and thence northwestwardly along the edge of said creek, and thence northeastwardly -along the edge of said creekto a point on tbe western bank of said Smith's creek opposite what is known as .the center of the Cut-off in Smith' creek, tbence northeastwardly through the center of the said Cut-off to the eastern bank of said creek opposite the Cut-off thence uortheustwardly along low water mark to tbe eastern bank of Smith's creel to a point where the said creek turps ana begins to run southenstwardly, and thence southeastwardly along what (s the west ern bank of Smith's creek at said point with its various courses to the bridge crossing Smith's creek on the Castle Hayues road to tbe Hue of n tract of laud sold by Grafiijn to Tbos. P. Sykes. thence southwardly along the various courses, of said road to the line of a tract of land con veyed by Grailiu to John F. Garrell, as de scribed in a deed recorded In Book X. X at pg. ,82, thence southwardly along th. line of the si.ld 'tract with its various courses , to the northwestern corner of said tract, thence along the. western line of said t ract southweatwardly to , the northwest corner oMBlock 372, thence northwardly along what would be the enstern line of Ninth street, were , tbe same continued nc f5Insr t0 the official plan of the City , of Wilmington, to what would be tbe southern line of Graffin street, were the same laid out and established according to tbe official plaa-of the City of Wilmington, and where, the said Grnflliu street would intersect the eastern line of Ninth street, hence north westwardly along the Hne of a tract t'' land conveyed by Grafflin to GnrrelL the same being the northern line of the said tract, as described In a deed recorded in Book V. V, V., at pg. 401. to the north western corner of said tract, thenee south wardly along the western line, of the said tract-to what would be tbe sonthttn line of, Grafflin street, were the same Uld ant ana established nccordlug to the official planNof the City of Wilmington, nnd th?uc westwardly along what would be the south ern Hue of Grafflin street about fifty teet (50 ft), more or less, to what would -b the southeastern Intersection of Eighth and irntJHn- streets, were the same laid out and established according to the official plan of the City of Wilmington, and tbeuce sontb wardly along what would be the eastern Hue of Eighth street to- a point where th line of the right of way of the Railroad Company would Intersect the eastern 1ms of Eighth street, and ' tbeuce northwest wardly along the line of the said tight ot way to the beginning, the same being tbe southeastern corner of the oil mill trari. The above description Including an is)nd in Smith's creek, made by tbe Cut-off, job tabling about five acres (3 acres,) and slso'' all tbe land remaining lu tbe Grafflin tract which Ues north of the City of Wilming ton, east of the Sykes tract nnd south of . smith's creek, and also part of what la known as Blocks 400, 410, 418, 417, 420, 41. 100. nnd all of Blocks 407 nnd 408, and part of 428, according t the official plan of tbe City of Wilmington. , -,. .. FORTY-SECOND-TRACT: Beginning at tbe southeastern Intersection of what wouM be Tenth and Ashe streets, were tbe same laid out and established according to the official plan of the City of Wilmington. th same being the' southeastern corner of a. tract 01 conveyea oy uramin to Ur rell, as recorded in Book. XX at-pg. 872, and runs tbence northeastwardly along the line" of tbe said Garrell tract to the inter section of the said tract with the road lend, lug to. Smith's creek bridge, the same tot ing the western line of .the tract of landi sold to Thos. P. Sykes, thence southward ly along the western line of the snid !. to tbe line of tbe Hilton tracttheuce souttr-. waraiy aioug tne nne or me Hilton tract to the line of tbe right of way of tbe Ri road Companies, thence along the eastern line of s tract of land sold by Grafflin ta Garrell, by deed, recorded in Book n.'.H, EL at per. 640, to tbe beginning point, tbe saM being part of Blocks 420 and 473. according to the official plan of the City of WllmK. ton. ' ' , . The above mentioned lines and Marks h In g, wherever mentioned, according to the official plan of the City of Wilmington. 111c Batu aic wilt vonuBUQ ICOOl OUT tO day nntu aU Is told. . . ; . K. BRYAN. . , ja Ti Sit .mgr' . ' v Commissioner. , nuui: iuc iioiinern line ot t:ape Fear street would intersect the said river, were the same laid out according to the plnn of the C ty of WH ml. .v?.1"" v. - - - ' t '"l ft IT 1 to I 1 't ' t , 1 ) ' - '.i'"- ' ! Vc . 1 . :.(' 'V IS 1 'Mi .Vff l'- ,V i ''1. I'm') V . i J Or V, 1 ft . 1 . 1 - - , 'tti ';. tJ-J Hi,:-, . "a, 1. , i j'7 i -.t I..-, t Ik' 1 . ' '( :i -X ' i '. I it p ."J 4 .i it ."."if ; ,,,.'.,; 1 j tr .i ' ' -1 1 v, ' ' -i V i i-V'- - ' M '"' "1 J 'til' -I. L' I'M 1' .14 ' r 1 1 t '-' ' t - i :'i ' 1-4 v - - . '; 1' . .f '" I ' i " i X.; ?' i v .".H i -! S J, 1.1.,, J 1 'i I - - ft -4 ' T-7 ' -.r . "' .-v -' ' V- . : '. " - ' '." ' . ,.

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