THE STATE IN EPITOME News, Comment and Incidents as Reflected in North Carolina. : , : ' - : cHARLOTTE'SLIGHTS TO STAY. ..hiie Spirited Merchants Subscribe put" Funds for City. , . (Charlotte Observer.) 1 r ; wiu be of interest ; to th0 many lie of tlio city who liave wonder to the outcome of the .street lrnnw flint i thie llgniii'n fln!1ilv. cpttlAd for tha ...hpv was ""l,, voar "before the executive LTd last night. Unless : some un-JSted-for difficulty presents itself liehts will be turned on. tonight i remain for the next yeaf. It was TLh the efforts of the Charlotte ?Sants that the lights we're again pcured A list was circulated and of Vhl Ji:i3 i'01 month necessary to pay " the l.:?::0 lights,. $121 was raised net the board decided that the; city Sonld l'v tbe difference and keep he "Great White Wrf? that f-has ' nlAtX -PrtT 'c-bYVIA lima been a Tlie committee that' presented the mittcr to the board from the mer chants' association was Composed of a eSrs. C. & Stone, R. W. Miliar and r rarker. These gentlemen urged that the board accept the assistance f the merchants' association and lend their aid toward; keeping the ichts burning. Considerable , discus sion followed the proposition of the committee and it was sometime be fore a definite agreement was reach ed The list. of. merchants who had subscribed toward the fund for the maintenance of the ligh'ts was pre sented to the board and the amount to be paid by each and then the mat ter of the manner of collecting the amount each month came up. "CALLED HIS DEUCE." v; Experience of Lexington Mayor Wjth Southern Ry. Conductor.-, (Lexington Dispatch.) . 1" . Enduring the quarantine , against High Point and Thoniasvflle, now hap pily a thing of the vacinated dud fu migated past. Southern railway ticket asents at those towns would not sell tickets to Lexington. People here and fhere rode on casht fare,1 but most; of them had to pay extra, j.o ".else tiny a ticket to Linwood, which,' cost them some more money. Monday " Mayor W. 0. Burgin wanted to come'to 'Lei inston from the chair town and un able to buy a ticket, he passed a quar ter to the conductor and said gruffly, "Lexington." The conductor said, "Twenty-five cents extra," the rule on cash fares. His honor, put . on his fiercest expression and " said he , be jumped up and jim jiggered and ding donged if he paid it. Quick as n' flash the conductor's handwent to the bell cord and zip! he signaled the engine man to stop. "Hold ;on!','Vh04itcd-the mayor, as the train - began' slowing down, "I'll pay!" and pay he did. - "He sure called my dace," said May or Burgin. as he . related the affair afterwards. ' PRIZES FOR FURNITURE ADS. Southern Furniture Journal Makes In teresting Announcement, High Point, Nv C, ; March i.--The Business Boosting Department of the Southern Furniture Journal; a month ly publication for retail furniture deal ers, wishes to know what dealer can publish in his local paper the best fur niture ad during the next six months, and will give SlOfr in four cash prizes to get this information. 1 ne first prize is $50 for the best ad of over 30 square inches, also prizes for .best aas in smauer space. : ,io limn is placed on the number of ads that may be submitted by each contestant The period covered by this prize offer is one in which the sales of Summer fur niture and house furnishings will pre dominate, and this offer will doubtless result in some very effective and sea sonable advertising. The r contestants for these prizes will have the benefit of the expert criticism and advice of the competent advertising and exper ienced furniture man who conducts the Business Boosting Pepartment. The Death of "Hob." Lexington Dispatch: The other day "Hob," a Rod Irish" setter; constant and faithful companion' of Mr. Lutji; T J. Peacock for a dozen years; died and was duly buried in good three feet of earth, and hid chief mourner's heart was habited by sincere regret. "Hob" died of InOrmatives, incident to extreme old age. When bis master fame homo one afternoon he found him dying in the barn, and there the busy upholstery . manufacturer, ' who moves all day in a world of business here if sentiment 'shows. :lts bead it is likely to be swatted with a club, fat and waited with old "He" until tbe end came. Everybody knows-r-or ought to know what i9. behind the light in a dog's eyes when he 'looks at his master; and.: hQ who hasn't felt the feeling that arises at the death f a faithful canine has--something ming to him. '-' ' WELDON-hoTES. Personal and General Items From the Railroad, Center. Special Star "Correspondence.) WeldOH. N. GAWarrh 2 arfl Allen,' of Durham, 'is visiting her son.'Capt : Hugh. Allen. Mr. Clay- ion ieage, or Kicnmond, spent a few days here this week ' with relatives -Mr. and Mrs.' R. R. Rodweli. nave returned home from their "bridal trip. Mr. Iver Watson, of . Enfield here this week, returning botae from vhsu.-io Virginia. -;, . . ; . Drs. A, R. and D.B. Zollicoffer have returned home from' Dallas. Tgts where they attended the great annual meeting or laymen of the whole coun try. ; . .. I .. Mr. P. N. Stainbackf Jr. - attonifoii the State Council Jr.0. U. A. M, in Greensboro as a delegate from Even- nu ' - - . mg Diar.uouncu, at Koanoke Rapids. Mf. W; W. SDears has rTPtiimrifl home from ; Southern Pines much im proved, in health.r-r -Mrs. . T. W. Rose and children, of Warrenton. wr here this week on a visit to Mayor and Mrs."W.-W. Wiggins-: Miss Florence Young, of Charlotte, was here this week working in the interest ot the Florence Crittenton Home of North Carolina. The W. C. T. U. Will hold its annual Frances Willard Memorial the home .of the Misses Gary Monday nignt, jviarcn ,7th.' , The building committee of the new M. E. Church on Mondav onened bids for -the construction of the ' church. None of the bids were accepted or re jected, but the time was extended to March 10th. when other bids mav b received. -.. - Mrs. P. F. 'Howell died at Till Tuesday, ; and Jher v remains were brought here Wednesday and the fu neral' service was conducted by Rev. J. G. Ilalock. The interment was at Cedarwood cemetery. , . " ' , ' DISTINGUISHED TAR HEEL. Anson Cbunty Man of High Place Jn . missoun ta 5peaK in cnanotte.x (Charlotte Observer.) : Rer. N. Rl Pittman. one of the edi tors of Wiorld and Way, a leading Bap tist denominational publication is- suea m Kansas City, Mo., will ar rive in Charlote' this morning to spend a couple of flays with Rev. Dr. Herman H. Hulten. pastor of the First Baptist church on North Tryon street. Rev. Mr. Pittman recently com pleted an ; extended tour of the mis sion fields, making a special study of conditions in China. Hef'is one of the best posted ministers in the Southern Baptist Convention on this vital work. He will deliver a lecture in the Sun day school room; of the ckurch tonight at 8 o'clock -to which -the public gen erally, and the members of the congre gation in : particular are invited. ' Mr. Pittman is a North Carolinian by, birth and . is on his way back to his former home in Anson county to visit friends. He is but one of the great host of NOrthi Carolinians who have achieved distinction in other States. Rev. Mr. Pittman is regarded ,asone of v the, most., brilliant editorial writers and paragraphers in the coun try.. He is quite well known 4n Char lotte by . reputation ' and by acquaint ance, having visited here years ago. MAY BE ABDUCTION White; Man Arrested . at Raeford, . I. ; i '. Wanted at Burgaw.' ; . i f. (Special to Charlotte Observer. j -; ' i4laef6rf3,,Mch.2;--SomeUlme ago a man, who aippeared,to be 50 years old, and a! girl possibly 18, put up as man and" wife at a Mr. Brown's," near Mon trose. Yesterday ' Policeman Sussel brought the man to 'town-under -arrest-on a ' charge "of forgery ' uttered in 'Burgaw;' The girl came with him and stopped over at the Commercial hotel. She eaid that she did not hav.c a penny, but the hotel management Was kind enough to let her stay until the matter was cleared up. The man gave the name of J. B. Holland," Nor folk, Va. ; . ; : ; v ; -.'"' . .. , ' Borne time in the evening the girl's father, Mr. Atkinson, - of Burgaw, came here in search of his daughter, Annie, who was thought to have been thtrman's wife' About five weeks ago Holland , and Miss Atkinson 1 disap peared -and Mr. Atkinson advertised in a South Carolina paper for the arrest of Holland, ' thin-king that his daughter had been abducted. It is believed by some in Burgaw that they were intending to get married, but Mr. Atkinson looked over the" register of ; deeds' book and found that no license-, had been .issued to them Any way the two disappeared and the father' knew -nothing" of his s daugh ter's whereabouts until hewas told by-the; police of Burgaw that Police man Russell had the man that Vas wanted. . 7 " ' Holland made - the " statement that they were .not married, but the gill said they t were. The girl refused,, to see her father when he asked to see hr Tuesday morning. Somehow she managed to get away from the hotel and hide and had not been located at noon. It had been reported that "Some "doped" candy was found by a physi cian in an old valise of Holland's, where he had been boarding, and that he and the girl had been eating can dy and fruit -together,- and 'that she appeared sleepy and in low spirits just before her disappearance. The father of the girl said he cared for his child and would take her back into his home. Mr. Atkinson left on the morning train for Burgaw. Holland is in the lock-up here awaiting developments. BAD -DOLLAR' BILLS OUT. Bankers Warned as to a Dangerous Counterfeit. Wbiteville News Reporter.) Warnings "have been sent to the of ficials of the banks here, as well as to banking Institutions throughout the country, putting them on guard against a counterfeit one-dollar bill, so skill- ullymade that it can hardlyvbe de tected by the most experienced eye at a casual glance. The counterfeit s said to be an unusually dangerous onej . The series is that of 1S99, and the check' letter, it is stated, is "B." The front' plate number is given at 4,810. The description of the spurious bul sent. to the bank cashiers states that One: of the most conspicuous faults about th& bad' bill is the trait that the - Lincoln and Grant portraits are printed in a . much ' darker" ink than hey are on the genuine notes, borne of the letters on it, as, for instance, the' words "United States" near the Lincoln - . portrait. are imperfectly ormed. Local bank cashiers are keep ng their "eyes peeled" for the imita tion bills. . CHILD DEAD FATHER ON TRIAL. Elijah Childers, On Trial For Murder, His Child Expires. '. (News and Observer.) Asheville, Mch. 2. While on trial for niurder In the first degree, before Judge J. S.' Adams, in Jackson corfn- ty iSuperior Court, one of the children of the defendant, Elijah Childers, diI at an early hour this omrning, aged ten years. . . ; All the evidence 'was in and only three of the lawyers had. to speak The trial proceeded and it was ex pected that the case would reach the jury late today. Childers is charged with the mur der of Belle Frizzell. He. claimed that a number of people were trespassing on his property and that after order ingthem off they refused , and Colo Bard drew a gun: That he (Childress) then raised a shot gun, and fired, the load taking effect in ' the woman'4 breast, killing hervinstantiy. 1 ENERGETIC . ELIZABETHTOWN. Southern Railway Inspection. Charlotte Observer; President W. Finloy, of the Southern Railway, accompanied by a number of othef pouthftrn officials spent, a , short time jj Charlotte yesterday . morning in their special train nn the' annual tour of inspection. The party consisted of ''fluent Finley, Vice Presidents T. c- Powell, of Cincinnati: -H-'B. S n!eh- ?r. of Washington, and Fairfax Har mon ; General Passenger Agent H Carey, Mr. Hirtch, of Switzerland, ur. John Barron, of Washington, and number of other gentlemen promt "tnt in the railwav world. Th! is. the regular annual tour and. the party will co over the entire system' arriving in New Orleans this evening. .. -a , ' Saved a Soldier's Life. taemg death from shot and shell.ln me civil war was more agreeable to j. a- btone, of Kemp, Tex.; than facing it rom -Rhat doctors said was consump ."I contracted a stubborn coid' ne writes, "that developed; cough, d?2 ? lck t0 me l spite' of an ieme- ion a year- My weight ran down n.7 Pounds. Then I began to use t,w,i 8R' New Discovery, which com SnSy Cured me: 1 -now' weigh -178 Soontn, Fr cgis. colds, la grippe, Rimrip ng.cough an Jung trouble, it's !rpm:- $1.00. Trial bottle free. ly Hoborl U. Bellamx. L , . I TownTaklng on'New Life Since it Railroad Is Announced, fNfiws and Observer.) In speaking' of the new life that T.HT'ahet'htjown Is takinsr on since it was announced- that a - railroad would be built there, Sheriff J. M. Clark who was, in the city vesteraav. saia "The convicts are now at work at St. Paul's, eighteen miles from Elizabetu town, on the Virginia and Carolina Southern railroad: . This, will . be - the first railroad to enter our town, and Since' It was announced that it would be built business has increased and the whole town" has taken on new life. Elizabethtown is on the move," sheriff . Clark is the youngest she: iff in the State, it-fa said, and is one of the most energetic and progressive valine mpn in his section of the State. Ha, is, a. .son-Jjfclaw. aOl ..Judge ,lyon and" a brother-in-law of ;Mr. D. C. Sin- ciair:. of this city- . " r-..r 1-T i 'iii ii i .1. . Most of, the; successful; styles appear, first- ih v ... -'., . ' ' ... .... 1.5 . J9 V- JM1 15c. each 2 for 25c - CSuett. Peabbdy tc Co Maken . : ARROW CWFS, 25c. ASSAULT IN ROBESON. Megrioes Arrested and Jailed at Lu tri be rt on The spivey case. (Special Star Correspondence.) Lumberton, N. C, Mch. S. Sheriff McNeill was notified this afternoon by 'phone that a negro man had as saulted a negro woman near Barkers Cut, about four miles west of here on the Seaboard. Officer Dixon, of Pembroke, was , at once notified and succeeded in . arresting the fugitive, near Pembroke as he was attempting to get away. The negro was brought to Lumberton tonight in charge of Officers Dixon and . Biggs and placed In iail. The neero is John Roper, aged 18, and the victim was a colored woman named Ballard. . It was learned here tonight that the Governor had respited the negro Spi vey, sentenced to be hanged at Eliz abethtown tomorrow. Father Price, of Raleigh, passed through here today going to : Elizabethtown to be. with the doomed man in his last hours. iStoivey was also carried today in charge of isneriff ClarK and deputies to, Elizabethtown, via Clarkton. It is said that while Spivey was in the pen itentiary for safe keeping, he became very much attached to Father Price, who often visited the prisoners and when he was being taken away from Raleigh yesterday to be. executed to morrow he implored Father Price to cOme and be with him in his last mo ments. Spivey ..seemed to be. in the best of heart when he passed through here today. , i William Bennett, the Seaboard switchman' who was so painfully in jured i yesterday, as reported in this morning's Star, ish doing fairly , wen tonight, though showing no signs of improvement yet. He will be connn ed in the hospital tof several days. - - i - ' 1 FAYETTE VI LLE'S UNION DEPOT - Each of the chief or gans of the body is untt in the Uhain o LifeV A; chauTw" no. trdntf'er: than ttm - : weakest link! the body , , r - nu sironger man its - weaicesi organ. ..7 "j-1"""? isiomacn, aver or-iungs, there is -weak link in the ixholnot whiclr rxitf snap at any time. Often this so-called f weakaesa 'Vis,oaosea by lack; of nutrition, the result o weakness or disease pf the stomach and other organs f diestion and nutation. . Diseases and Weaknesses of the stomach end. its allied organs are cusd by the use of Dr ' Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. r Whenu ths weak o diseased stomifch cured, diseases of. other organs which seem rtt ote from thf stomach but which have their origin in a diseased condition ;or the stomach and -.- lOincr organs 01 aigcowwf, .uuvnuon, are curea also, ( The strong man ha$ & stron& stomach V V ". : 1 Taire the above recommended "Discor - try " and you niay hare-a strong stom .: " ach and a strong bodyi ; ' . GtyEN Away. Dfj Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new revised Edition, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloths-bound vol z A J J T- 1 V Pir-.-. t..Tl -1VT XT 1 i. URIC. ' - y uuaiu, , ("TOURE enough interested in yourclothes, or I ought to be, to want to know what the co'r I recft styles are to be this Spring. , Hail: Schaf fner & Marx I New Spring jStyle Boojk is announced to be ready j about March 1; a Washington number, showing ; scenes at the national capital. : It's samething every well dressed man ought to have, and : we hope every one of you will ap preciate what a useful book it is; an authority r and guide in men's corre A styles. The new Spring Manhattan and Eclipse Shirts and John B. Stetson Hats are here ready for you. Suits made to order from $18 to $45. You'll : get your money's worth every time at THE A. DAVID GOS Ju& Received a Facftory Shipment ft. i of- r I Be pleased to, demonstrate them to anyone who will call at our warerooms. . JusT: Received New No. 2 Model VICTOR TYPEWRITER We want the business men to call and exam ine this machine!: The stenographers,1 do not forget to enroll in our employment department, nor forget the handsome diamond ring and dia mond stud we are going to give awry. Call at the office and get particulars. We : also wish to talk with merchants and bankers regarding the Wales Visible Adding Ma chine atid the Herfing-Hall-Marvin Safe. Ramos Typewriter Co., Office Equippers . . 115 Market St. Phone 1134 , 3B&C.154 ' .... ;; , Wilmihgton, N. C. . ; : , .; Observer Learns That R. & . .and A C. U Will Build, i (Special Star Correspondence.) Fayetteville, N. C., Tdch-3. Th Ob server this afternoon learns from what it regards' as reliable . sources that the. Atlantic Coast Line-and the Raleigh & Southport railroad compa nies, have decided. to erect a hand some Union- station," near the Ramsey and Hillsboro streets' crossing, filling in and using the V-shaped piece of land formed' by the junction of the old C. F.;,.&. Y.- V. and the A.. C.v ItJ main lines. . : - - - ' : The Observer trusts this rumor is so and that ( our people, through, the Chamber of -Commerce, will be spar-4 ed the necessity of going before the Corporation Commission and asking that body to order a -union, station here. The rapid development and im portance of .Fayetteyille certainly jus tifies piuch. action by the railroads the Observer sayg..f . . . , J : . ;.: ; . Stubborn as Mules v ' are liverand Rowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. ' Then there's trdubie dss , of; appetite1 indigestion, nervousness,. despondency, headache: But such troubles fly before Dr. King's New Life Pills,, the world's best stom ach and liver remedy." So " easy. 2fc at Robert R.Bellatnys.' IS-' . .-. jo) .;': -? s : '! t. dfloiioini OS; Is the only Shoe that will give comfort Enlarged Joints Tender Toes A trial " will convince ... -you..., ,... "i In! lace and congress. r ySbld only-by Next to Murchison Banki ' "' i vJ , TO WKIGHTSVIlXlC WKtK DATS Leavft Front and PrlncMi streets at 6:50. 8 KM, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A. M. liOO, 3m, 4:30, 6dL0, 7JL0, 8:30, 100 and 11:00 P. M. . SUNDAYS Leava Front and PriiuMu streets at 8:30, 10:00, 11 :S0 A. M., 1 rt)6, 2:30, 3:00, 4:00, 4:30, 5 KMX 6:30, 6O0, 7:10, 8:30, 10:00 and J1:00 P. M. -. TO WIUOINOTOK. tmCEK DATS Leave JFrlghtBTUle at :20, 7:55, 8:25, 9:25, 10-J5 A. M., 12:25, 5. 3:55. 5:25. ft.35. 8:00. ;2!L inr mnA U:25 P. M. RTTVT AYSI T,-pa WM7,f .mfc at O-KK xu :hi a. m., izo, i :oo, a :), a :oo, :, .ix, 525, 5:55, 6:35, 7:00, 8:00, 9:25, ,10:25 and x .43 jr. m. SUBURDAIJ SCHEDULE la .Effect ThHrday.- September SOth, UOft. j ... c . .' "to BEACH. ' i ; WEEK DATS jLeare Front and Prlneena treets at 6:50, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30' A. M :0Q; 3:00; 4:30. 7O0 and 8:30rP.:M. 7 : SUNDAYS Leave Front, and Princeaa treets at 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A. ML, 1:00, 2:30, 3:00. 3:30,-4:00, 4:30, 6:00, 60, 608. 7O0 and saoJp. m. v ' WKE1C TIATSl TflVA T.nmtna f T'AK 9:15 and 10:45 A. M.t 12 05, 1:45, S:45, 605, 7:50 and 9:15 P. M. V , SUNDAYS Leave Lnmlna nt :45. 10-45 A. XL, 12:15, 1:45, 3:13, 8:45. 4:15, 4:45, 6 OS, 5:45, 6:25, 6:50, 705 and 905 ft ltv CAROLINA PLACE. v FRONT AND PRINCESS TO CAROLINA PLACE. WEEK DAYS Leave Front and Prlnceaa at 6:52 A. M., and every 15 minutes there after nntll 10:37 P. M. . - SUNDAYS Leave Front ana Prlnceaa 8:22 A. M., and every 5 minutes thereafter untu iu:;( r, u. ' TO FRONT AND PRINCESS. WEEK DAYS T-MV- 17th and Mark at 6:45 A. XL, and every 15 minutes thereat- ler nncu iv-ho in. SUNDAYS Leave 17th and Market at 8:30 A. and every 15 mlnntea thereafter FREIGHT. Leave Wllmlneton dallv ezcent Snndav at 4:00 P. M. Freieht Dewot from 3:00 to 4:00 P. M. Atlantic Coast Lino ; CORRECT- TO MARCH; If,- . , notice- . -i . . The kralvala and depMtnra are aivaa aa lafonaaUvn, aa wen aa : eendkectlaaa - wftl eUier eompaalMi bat arrtvala aaa eaaaaa i hwu mxw mc s-uranieeu .. v NORTHBOUND. . Lv. Wilmington U.. . UU1UDUUIV Ar4 wuson .. .. ... Art KocKy - Mount Ar. Norfolk Ar. Petersburg ..... at xuenmona-.. ... Ax, WashlHtrtoa .r . AT. Kaitimore .. .. Ar. W. Philadelphia iicn .vM.m ...... v No. 48. DaDy. pm .IX .OH U1UI 4 :55 pml 5 :50 pm 7:06 pml a -TWl nml 11:50 pm 8 :40 ami A .aa I ou ami r Dairy, I -UU DXT4 11 fO t 4 v aM ' 8 :35 am" 7" o :oa am 4:40 am H -fKl mm L O 1 A .m' U-35pm SOUTHBOUND. Lv. New Yorlt ' Lr. W. Philadelphia Lv. Baltimore .. ........ Lv. Washington Lv. Norfoftt ., . a v&vuu&m .......... T nr.u.- Al t nuuvu .............. Liv. Rocky Mount ........ Lv. Wilson ...l jV. Goldsboro r. . wumington No. 4L nin 3:25 nml 6 :44 pm H -9(1 nm 10:00 pm a :uu pm 1:58 am 3:48 am o :uo am 5:49 am 6:40 am 9 :45 am No. 49. Dally. fi -Hi nm ." 12:19 am 2:40 aaa 4:20 aaa y 8 :10 am 111:80 am 112:40 pm 1 :oz pm 2:59 pm 6JL5 pin WEST AND SOUTH. Lv Wilmington 6 :30 am 8 :15 Ar. Florence ... 9 :25 am 7:25 Ar. Columbia :.. 12:53 pfi 11:05 Ar. Augusta .... 3:00 pm Ar. Atlanta 8:20 pm Ar. Naahvllla ... 6:30 am Ar. Memphis ....( 8:30 pml Ar.. Liomsvuie ... 1:10pm Ar. Cou'tl I 4:35 nm Ar. Charleston .. l:l5pm U:20 Ar Savannah ...I 3:55pm 2:20 Ar. Jacksonville.! 8:15 pml 7:15 at. Tampa 7:00 am 7:00 Pullman service Florence to Atlanta to destination. via WUaaa. 43 pml pml pm 7:00 pm 4:01 am pm T:06anf ami 9 i80 am ami 1 :30 Dm pm10 :25 pm AtUnto ana NORTHBOUND. Qalckeat and Beat XIm West and North -' : : west. - Block System, Rock Ballast 88-lb Ball. ocneaaie in x.neci May 1st, iwv. Liv. xampa .. Lv. JackaonvUla T.v fiav.nn.Ti Lv. Charleston Lv, Augasta Ar. i WUmlngton , iuriuiiw ....... Lv. Petersburg Lv. Durham . . Lv. Lynchburg at. Cincinnati , Ar. Columbus Ar. Chlcaeo Ar. St. Louis 7:30 am 10 :25 a m 7:00 am 2:30 pm 7 :30 a ml 6:45 am 5:00 pm 7 :28 p m 7 :30 d m 10:20p m o:au p m 2:13 am 7 :20 p m 7:45 p m 7 :30 a m 8:30 am Westbonnd. Enstbownd. 53 Dallv. . B2 Dallv.? 8:40AM....Lv. WUmlnarton Ar.... 8K)5PM 11 :45 AM., .Ar. Fayetteville Lv. . . 4 :5d PM 12:10 PM....Lv. Fayetteville Ar.... 4:45 PM iiufM at. saniord Lv SUPM Close connections 'made for Seattle, fian Francisco and all Western points. Pullman sleeDlne and narlor cars N. and W. Cafe, dining cars. Equipment and ser vice standard of excellence. Blue Ridge and ajiegneny mountains crossea at moBt pic turesque parts. Time tables, descriptive literature and nformation free. Correspondence Invited. W. B. BEVILL, Gen. Pass. Agent, Roanoke, Va. C H. BOSLEY, Dist, Pass. Agent, Richmond. Va. Northbound. Southbound. e Dally except t 8 Sunday. - i 5 PM. . . .Lv. Wilmington Ar . . . .12 :R0 PM 07PM4....A. Jacksonville Lv 10:55 AM 6:44PM....Ar. N. & S. Jet Lr.... 9:35 AM A0PM Ar. Newbern Lv...... 90 AM MORTGAGE SALE. Bv virtue of the Dowers of sale contained In certain mortage deeds made by Julius Cowan and wife Julia Cowan to The North Carolina Home Building Association, one Dearmg aate tne eth or February, lsnw, ana duly registered on the records of New Han over County in Book -58, page 62, and the tbe other bearing date the 19th of March 1909, and duly recorded in Book 58, page 221, the undersigned will sell, to the high est bidder, at publicauction, for cash at the Court House door of New Hanover County in the City of Wilmington, N. C, at twelve clock M., on Friday the 11th day of March, 1910, the following described prop erty in said City of Wilmington, N. C., to wit: Beginning at a point in the western line of Rankin 6treet 66 feet west of the western line of Bav street: runs thence westwardly with said northern line of Rankin street 45 feet: thence northwardly parallel with Bay street 66 feet; thence eastwardly parallel with Rankin street 45 reet ; tnence soutnwaraiy. parallel witn nay street 06 feet to the Beginning, being part oi easter hair or L,ot 5, Block 2iz. This Sth of February, 1910. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME BUILD ING ASSOCIATION, By John D. Bellamy 8k Son., fe 9 30d. . Attorneys. Trnfna Kn' 2 an rt 41 riirrv Pnllman Rln lng cars with broiler service, between WU mington and. Washington, connecting with, Pennsylvania R. R., for all points East. Trains 48 and 49 carry Pullman ParlOB cars betwen Wilmington and Norfolk. Trains No. 65 and 60 carry Pnumaa Sleeping can between Wilmington ens Columbia T. C. WHITE, . General Passenger Agent. - W. J. CRAIG, . Passenger Traffic, Manager, j MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain morttrajre deed made by C. L. Dickinson and wife Lilly W. Dickinson to Samuel Blossom, bearing date tbe 15th of June, 190:), and duly registered on the rec ords of New Hanover County in Book 53, page 446, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder, at public apction, for cash, at the Court House door of New Hanover county in Wilmington, N. C, at twelve o'clock M., on Thursday the 10th day of March, 1910, the following described prop erty in said City of Wilmington, N. C., to wit: Beginning at a point in tbe South ern line of Ann street 100 feet east of the eastern line of Fifth, street; runs thence eastwardly with the southern line or Ann street 35 feet and 3 inches: thence south wardly parallel with Fifth Street 66 feet; thence westwardly parallel with Ann street 35 feet and. a inches; thence northwardly parallel with Fifth street 66 feet to the be ginning. -being part of Lot 1, Block 117. . This 7th day of February, 1910. ; . . .. SAMUEL BLOSSOM. By Johd'D.. Bellamy & SM. fe 8 30d. ...... . . Attorneys. -T. .1. J. V SMOKE manfi i CIGARS! WHY ' Because It Is the Ses Cigar for. the Money. v : -j- ; 3 '!?' KIMoiteK T. ' 1 W&bleiale JGrocen --V-ri.'-, w ' -..:V:' V-'' ;C... T v '", . Blu4 irirt ts:pf :alll kihd& drc :imad; by f. Southern Map Co., phone 853r So. Bldg. CHANGE PROGRAMME u NEVER " OUTTv NEVEtt - OVER! Daily. Dally. 9:00 pmllO :30am 7 :30 ami 7 :45 pm 11 :55 am12 :15 am Dally. t .A Z mm 11:55 am 12:15 am i:Aipm duvui i :iu pm 2 :45 pml 11:59 pm! a WLAAM ti :45 am 9:28 am" 1:40 pm WILMINGTON AND SANPORD. .-. WILMINGTON AND NEWBERN. YIA PETERSBURG AND N W. BY. Dally Except Sunday. SEABOARD Air Line Railway SCHEDULE AddIv at TJnlon Deoot Ticket Office or 8. A. L. Railway Freight Office Telephones No. 1294 or No. 6. ataa-M-l Trains Leave Wilmington Effective Feb. t 1919. No. 4C 4:59 A. M. For. Hamltt. an Charlotte, connects at Hamlet with No. M for Raleigh and points North. No. s s :s P. L For liamiet, connect Ins with throush trains for Atlanta. Ckar- lotte, Birmingham, Jacksonville, Norfolk, ew xork ana trams in au directions. Ar rive Hamlet 7:45 P. M. ; leave Hamlet 8:05, P. M., arriving Charlotte 10:45 P. M. xraina Arrive at Wilmington No. 40 1:1S P. M. From Hamlet No. 44 12:26- A. MV-From Charlotte ant Hamlet. . . No. S connects at Hamlet with No. 66 for all points North at Monroe with No. M for Atlanta. No. 39 connects at Hamlet With No. 41 for Atlanta. Birmingham, Memphis and Char lotte, with no. 84 ana No. 92 lot washing, ton and, New York and Portsmouth, Nor- folk and No. 43 for Columbia. Savannah and Jacksonville. Parlor Car Service will be maintained be tween Wilmington and Charlotte on No. 39 leaving Wilmington at 3:45 P, and No. . vj arriving ac .wumington at mo f. m, Union Ticket Aftat Phone No. 1294. F. A. FETTER, Agent, Phono No. a. H. 8. LKARD. ' S 3 Dir. Passenger Arenl, - SAledgh, N. C. C B. BRTAN. Gaaeral Passenger Ageat Portsmouth, yt. 1 r Clyde Steamship Company to o N6W YORK . .. ", " ' and , GEORGETOWN, S." C r NEW 10RK TO WILMINGTON v- ti.. "8:mtlago". . . : . . . .Friday, March 4th. S. S."Sabiue' ; .Friday, March 11th. WILMINGTON TO NEW TORTC - : S. 8. "Sabine"..; Saturday. March fctH. . S. "Santiago';..;. .Saturday, March 12th. WILMINOTON TO OBOROBTOWK. S, S. ''Sabine",.,.,. Monday, February 28th. . o.-Banuago-.j.;.. Monday,- XMtrca in. Through bills of lading and lowest hrodgh rates iruarahteed. to and from, all points in North and South Carolina, ' l For freight passage apply to . '. j . y H. G. SMALLBONESv Snpt v i v Wilmihgtoni,1 N. C A ' H, ' EL MATN1HD, ; -. i .CZ Freight Traffic Manager. ?' Jt a. raxmonD, v.-p. &. g. m. : ; . . HUGHfMacRAE &.C0. fX liiscellaiieotii Sonthefn Security ' t ' nnttnn f lill Ctnnl-e i , .WILallNOTQN. W. ft, - : New York city, Ml Croadwt. 3C 4e Wtt-

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