days ooiiiGSMibluieii Mutual Insurance Company for Mount Olive Special Termof Court. v Barn Burninfl8-WateKNot V Good State NevI.V "..;r Special Star Coirespfidefccfc;-; Raleigh, N. C.,. Jtily L -the Corpo- I I i 3 i. 1 ' . . ' ration uomnussiuu isaueu igunya can for reports of the condition of Stat?, private and savings-banks dojng busi ness in this State, at the cldse of busi ness June 30. . . , ;,: The American Mutual Life Insur Co., Mt. unve, received a char ge wii anee nVtVl T TW T.Or4o XT TIT To- man and others as the principal incor porators for a general niutuftUife itf. snrance business.. - , Tax listers in Wake county say that there has been a markd falling off to the- listing of personal property. They aceoont for this on the. groond that Increase in taxes and the Bteady ad vance in the assessed value of real' es tate are causing many people to with hold personal prpperty values; r Judge Cook is to convene ' a two weeks' term of Superior j . : Court ; for AVaUe county July 11th, with indica tions that the docket will be well up to the average in the number of cases nithnnirh there will toera decided fall ing oft' in the usual record of murder. trials. .J' v. Col. J. E. Robinson, of Goldsboro, who is in the race for Congress in the Third distrjct, spent the day in Ra leigh and says that he considers his chances very good for, the nomination.. He is standing by pending the . fight between Hood, Grady and Thomas and hopes to -win In a deadlock be tween the others. Congressman Thorn as is aisu luonmg u uui, iui nom ination and his nomination will be the outcome of the-close fight between the others' in the . race. Col. t-Bjobinson was here on business with the State. Department of Education, he being the cliairman of the Wayne county board of education. He says that Wayne is hnikliner more new and urto-date nnh- lie school houses than any.otner.coun-. ty in the State and that the education al interests in Wayne were' never more alive and promising of real permanent Drogres3. . c The. June number. of the. Bulletin of the North Carolina Board of Health just issued announces that three sepa rate analyses of Veronica Water on sale in many parts of the State hate shown it to be impure; to a degree that makes it dangerous to the public health. The announcement is in coin' pliance with a State law requiring the examination of all mineral waters of fered for sale in the State and the pub lication of those found to be Impure. A reward Is offered by" Governor Kitchin for the arrest of the. unknown parties, who set fire to the farm barn of Mrs. D. E. Wilkerson,v in . Caswell county. The amount is $100. Dr. G. M. Bell, at . Wakefield, this county, lost his fine barn . yesterday, the fire being of unknown origin. The damage was $3,000, and the, flames were kept . from the Bell residence with the greatest -difficulty. .Indeed the flames threatened one : while to destroy a large- part of the town of Wakefield. . J J ? TRACK--WAS-- BLACKED. Thomas Lead for r.n.'..' r.i.t::' Men's Aociatiorr--Ball. (ByLong Distance "Telephone i Burgaw, N. C. Juiv' i Z ' County;; convention W Pender Hnw a wwJuk- in -the. Court tiouseand. Moved a mnot tr.,n SHvf6?118168"0 Bering of the stal Zb2 Democracy of the ..county. ;. The" wxuuoii was caned, to order by E. L. Larkins, Esq., chairman of tbe 4x- $ommit .after which Hon. J as.-. F. Moore, of fnrrt . &a u preside as infcrntnrKm ; .,v, wk Ie ade a rlging address in wSihln6?efer,rea nthusiasticaUy to w,ht he, Conceived to be the . mission of pemrjcracy and admonished the par- Ja TT. C1 "Vcling to those cherish ed traditions of, the. past, which have made Demdcracy militant for all tim& io vote was taken as to therela uve strength of ..the cannirintoa for Congress, and asnear as can be ascertained, the 3otes of the county " ui wuyenuon at uoidSboro onvJuly 7th, will be divided as follows: Thoni as 13, Duffy 3, Faisott Hood 1. There was . no j instruction' as to. the . state ticket, but. the delegation will stand approximately six. for :Allen and one for Manning. . There -Was also no in. structions for the solicitorship, but WHliams,, of. Duplin, will . lead with half or a little more of the delegation the remainder being divided between uraqy and Shaw., , - . An enthusiastic ihess , Men's -Association,- Mr. A. B. ioom, jr., tbe president, presiding, was held, tonight for the purpose, ot discussing better fire nrotfirtinn fnr Burgaw. ;-After ' discussion by the 20 or more leading citizens present, it was decided to. recommend to the town authorities the purchase of a chemical engine, the putting on of night watch man and that citizens as far. as dos- sible provide themselves with means of - protecting their . own imm1intf premises. : It was also .decided to ap point a committee to further a move ment for a, bond' issue, of $35,000 or more for the installation of a flrat- class waterworks and sewerage sys tem for. the town, v In an interesting ten-inning game of baseball .here this , afternhnn Rnre-aw defeated Rose Hill and Magnolia by tnev score or to 8. The batteries were Riyenbark, Bannerman and Ban nerman for Burgaw, and Bradshaw and Hatcher" for -the visitors. Umpire, Mr. Ross McNeal. TH13?MOJimSTAB,;yiIj T . S AT UllBAY, J IJLY 2, 1910. PAGE THRE v DEATH IN NASH. Mrs. -Picnic Slight Wreck at Rocky Mount in Nash. V : (Special 'Star Correspondence.) ' Rocky Mount, M. G July I. Short ly before 7 o'clock last night a shift ing engine and, three cars were pass ing over the "eight point", switch Just above the passjenger. tlfepot, ' when the switch worked t wrong -and three .box cars were turned over,', blocking the main line of the Atlantic Coast Line during the major part of last night. The wrecking crew was put to replac ing the cars and for fotir .hours the three cars made trouble before, they could be returned to the tfrack. Tne night shoofly trains and. the. through trains were inconvenienced Jn getting into and out of the passenger -station and it was necessary to use the pass tracks. No one was injured in the de railment... --. ' V.: ; Among the independence day eves in Nash as planned by the young peo ple will be a large picnic andDarDe cue at the Vance bottom's Springs Jn CooDer's townshiD In Nash county: A W.-..A. Sanders Near Bailey's Republicans : Are Active. -, (Special Star Correspondence.) . Spring Hope, N.. C; July 1. News reached here this morning of the death , of Mrs; .W. A'iSanders, which tooki 'place at her home-near Bailey last night. Her death . was caused by typhoid fever. ' She . was the mother of Messrs. Walter and Oscar Sanders, of Spring Hope. Being well known throughout Nash county she had many friends. The funeral services will take place today, . the ; interment being in the family burying grounds. Besides the.; two. constat Spring Hope, she is survived by one other son and sev eral daughters. All live! Hi Nash coun- t.The Republican precinct meetings for Nash will be held (Saturday, and the county convention will be. pulled off at ' NashviHe the coming . Monday, July. 4th. The . Hon. J. M.. Mfiekins,.oI Kllzabetn City, and tne HOn. Marion BuHer, , have been secured by the Hon. - John C. Matthews, -Republican leader of thev cpunty and would-be Spring Hope postmaster, to exhort the faithful at the convention the com ing Monday. It is not known, of course, what the ; eminent speakers will t alk about whether it Spill be a matter of clearing up their records Meekihs his Elizabeth ",City postmaster fight rec ord and Bulter his record in helping outsiders recover from North Caroli na n old reconstruction bonds or whe.ther they will make an effort to show how . the . National .Republican party" has brought prosperity. :ROOSEVELT. VISITS MOODY. Spent the Day In Massachusetts-Ex- rresioent Muni on pontics. ' Boston, July 1. A visit to his ojdj friend; and former cabinet officer, As sociated 1 Justiec .Wdlllam R Moody, of the. tjnited iStates Supreme Court, TTrVlrt r, T I x.J.s.XAJ t, tism in a, private hospital- in 'Brook4 line, ended ex-President Roosevelt 3 visit to 'Massachusetts. : He returned to New York this afternoon. On "matters political Col. Roosevelt was silent. Frequent efforts were made to have him express hjs opinions on the defeat "at Albany ' of the direct nominations legislation favored by him and Gov. Hughes, but he declin ed to discuss the matter. The statement that Col. Roosevelt would -return "to Massachusetts in the Fall and take part in the Republican State campaign, was made by Sena tor: Lodge today. y. - . The Senator said: "Col. Roosevelt is a 'remarkable man in many ways. He has a -wonderful an astonishing hold--oh the American people. Colonel Roosevelt will not talk politics. There is no doubt, however, that he will talk later and. may have something ing)4.nt . to; say. I. expect he will spklaihere in the campaign. Colonel Roosevelt is a wonderful vote-getter jhaeo..wfU be helpful in the As to the' visit to President Taft, all I can say.Ms that it was most en joyable. As to the political side, ilmay Dear iruit later. ' - MIDSHIPMAN THOMAS BURIED. Last Honors to Hero Who Sacrificed His- Life For Another. - ' Annapolis," Md., July 1. The last honors .were paid this afternoon to Midshipman. Grisby A. Thomas, of Un ion Point, Ga., who according to the finding ofa Board of Inquiry, sacri ficed his life in an effort to save an other in the triple drowning in the Seyern river Tuesday afternoon. The funeral was held from the academy chapel, Chaplain Henry H. Clark, of ficiating, and interment was made in the jiaval cemetery here, in accord ance with the Wishes of the relatives of jthe dead midshipman. Military honors-were accorded and the pall bear ers were members of the academy ri fle squad to which Thomas belonged. The . mother wan unable to attend' the funeral, but a ,n timber of relatives and friends from Union "Point and else where were present. 36-inch . white lawn 10 cent quality today 7 1-2 cents at Rehder's mill-end sale, . The ads will show you whether or not there's a chance today to buy that olfcp of frirniture at your price. ALL UNSTRUNG WAKE PRIMARIES. Final Vote Announced Manning Leads Allen Other' Notes.. ; Raleigh, N.- C.July 1. The final umming up of the Wake Democratic rimary ; with air -returns, shows that h totai vote was 5;100. Manning re- b: r eu majority over Alien lor uf May Wilmington "People Suffer From Nervous Troubles and Don't ; Know Why.. Thousands of cases of kidney trou ble show few outward symptoms ex cept nervousness, depression, languor, irritability and an inclination to worry over trifles. It i-generally due to the poisonous action, of uric acid, on bipod and nerves, and cant's be cured except by-curing" the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure these ills by curing the kid neys. Wilmington women are learn ing it. Here's a local case: Mrs. J. E. Marshburn, 516 Castle St., Wilmington, N. C, stays: "I suf fered a great deal from backache and pains through my loins. Headaches were common and the kidney secre tions were unnatural. I . always felt tired and languid and little like doing my housework. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Robert R. Bellamy's, drug store, cured me and Improved my health. T am willing to publjcly en dorse this reliable remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and tak no other. Upreme Court Justiceship. For the large crowd is expected to be in at 'Superior Court judgeship, sixth dis 3 . fi, c .ni I riot ItVanlr Dantels mAioritv wan 39F lenaance and mere win., u iuuires from all oyet the county present that day with baskets. . , '. Long Distance 'PJione Service. . ( Lumberton Robesonian, July -1.) ' Two forces of hands are coming this way from Wilmington with long-distance telephone ; lines. They; about 15 miles below Lumberton .and will reach this place in about two weeks; and then Lumberton wjll have long-distance service, ; a .convenience not heretofore enjoyed here and the lack of which has been greatly nilss- d. Good progress is also-being made in installing the Bell system in town. . . i I' Farmers' Union ' Picnic. (Lumberton Robesonian.) Four local unions Centenary,' Stn dents' Hope, Alfordsville -and? Brancn-j villewill , give a -picnic at , Alfords ville Friday, July 8th.' Mr. -Clarence I'oe, editor of the , Progressive Farm er, will deliver ah address oh agrlcuf turcal educatIon.Members ot the,Un ion will furnish -dinner.- Everybody,! invited. ' . ' - ' ' J'- '. ' : . rict, Frank Daniels majority was 395 v er Clifford ; H. C. Brown, .2,984 ma ority'over L. C. Bagwell fort Corpora tion Commissipner. Graham, for West ern -Commissionership, received 2,659; T.. Lee 1,478 and Pearson 251 for the long term; ; ' MANNING STATEMENT. Napoleori's (SrlL --rr ; ' was of the unconquerable, , never-say-lie kind, .the kind that you heed most when you have a bad cold.-cough or lung disease. Suppose- troches,- cough syrups, cod liver oil. or, doctors have all railed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. .Sat isfaction Is guaranteed when, used for any throat or lung trouble. It has. saved thousands of hopeless sufferers.; It masters stubborn colds, ".; obstinate roughs, hemorrhages, lagrippe,- crdup, as. lima, hay fever and Whooplhg cougn and is the most safe arid certain rem edy for all bronchial affections: 50c, 100. Trial bottle free at Robert ,: R. Bellamy's. - " . ..;' . Foushee Says Tf'iat His Candidate y Will Win. (Special Star Telegram.) Durham, N.. C.;i July 1. Upon the eve of the conventions over the State tomorrow- Senator. Foushee, campaign are entfrely i satisfied ..with, the situa tlon. Our friends are actively and sys ftematically at .work everywhere and no man ever had a more loyai or oe voted following than Judge: Manning They can and will deliver the votes. I atahd .by my prediction; Judge Man nlng.wlll be nominated in Charlotte.' . . . Remember.'. - That deposits made oh Friday, and Saturday, at The People's Savings' Bank will receiye a full quarter's Inter- rest on October 1st l . "... Jul 1 2L NEVER GOES UP Friday and Saturday." v All denosita rrtflrlA -at the PeODle's Savings Bank will draW interesl from July 1st. This is our, regular Interest , quarter.-' v, juri 2L Fireworks, all Mnds, ldwest price, at Rehder'a ht tnr - Fourth street mm Vmnce . Everything that i goes into Ice Cream - costs mut h more than it used to, un , less it is made from JEUL-O ICE CREAM Poivdeiv Vhen it .is made from "Jetl-0 Ice Cream Powder, Ice Creain; does not Cost as much as it did ten years ago, --Therice of Jell-0 Ice Creani Pow der never goes up. ' ' ;:'r .' 7 :. - Ice .'Cream, made from Jell-O Jce Cream Powder, is the lowest-priced luxury on earth.' ,J vi;;"','?1 v Flavors: Vanilla,- StM-wbeny,; teuton. Chocolate, Std Uhflavored. -- i -. l At Crocmrm; 2 pmckagem 25. .. Beautiful Recipe Book Free. Address,' The Genesee Pore Food Co Le Roy, N. Y. i-- ENLARGED CAPACITY NOW. 500 PER DAY Be Most Pleasant and De- I the. Hew World. . For Informal ion as to' Rates; ' apply to f ARRYMOORE HOTEL' CO., ; WRIGHISVILIE BEACH, fi. C. : VV. J. MOOR E, Mgr. Ju 14 t These tiny CAPSULES are sup&rior r- w tJ3isam or xiopaica, , 1.UB8D5 ot in ioonons,ana RELIEVES in 24 HOURS : the same diseases with i ' Out tnccirTtmienofc.' viaVeJl the kitcheti altabst unbearahV orl u:-J dfeacted task, t)it , 6Ut; ihe range fife and try 5ie newest method : of - cooking in hot weather use v a ; 1 1 It I tUAi Ar -l ... ' - IT What C contrast ! The Wfrhpri hn ; stifling hot; the ork is Mtibw done wftn coniitort, and the housewife is ; not worn - out : with the vheat She; savesi rir- StT-iir44 tkrs J . 1 M III wyujr auc 5umnicri p : The flew Perfection does everything ww any omer stove can do all the fam y ily cooking, baking, washing and iron ing. No smoke, no dust, no odor. Heat is applied directly and not wasted. As turn; and the flame is out. The 1 New Perfection stove has 9 Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot, drop shelves fot the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks. It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish, with the ! bright blue of the chimneys, makes the Btove very attractive and invites clean- h liness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; . the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. ' iwt2'T.!le,' rrwhere ; If not'at yonr, wtite fot PescripUva Circular to the nearest aaency of tba 'Standard Oil Company ' Iiieoi6TiKtea) M Cautionary ltotts Be sure ? ' M you get this atove aee B fV that the name-plate IV . reads New Perfection." M IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE TRADE June 28th, 1910. Please -take notice that on and after above date, and until further notice, we will sell the Spencer Kel logg & Sons boiled Linseed Oil at the same price as raw linseed oil. (Signed) N. JACOBI HARDWARE CO. Sales Agents. Paint Department. JH 'Jft tf FACTS and FIGURES Not Lie 45 per ojnt increase in the number of prescriptions filled In the past year over trie previous year does not mean necessarily that the amount ot sickness has increased in Wilmington, but it does mean that THE PRESCRIPTION BUSI NESS IS COMING OUR WAY. tor recognize the fact that each prescription brought to our store is accurately prepared and packages are promptly, delivered, except in rare instances when delay is unavoidable. N. B. Bring your prescriptions to us or get your doctor to phone -them In and they will be promptly attended to. " Get a new straw hat ($2.50 to $5.00) for 10c. Hawke's and R. N. It means that only the best material is used in our prescription work and we use only wnat the doctor orders, and. you and your doc U. Straw Hat Cleaner, 10c. kHICk&BUkTlNG-tiKUG-CO.. - FBONT ACT) O&ACK BT&XKT8. ( ATLANTIC COAST LINE .', ,'Tjb'ese tifceitabiVs are corrected tfinUy -3, '3910, but .thelrv correctness p or the myala an4 departures are not snsan teed., the Btures belnc given aa the beat available information it to ackeaaKa. of ,thl company and ltt connections. ETHDKIC SUITS Spauldirig's Bathing Suits are the bel. We have them all sizes, colors and prices. Water Wings' and Seaside Buckets for the children. Kodaks and Kodak supplies. Brownie Cam eras and Films. . ' liase Ball Goods, Lawn Tennis and Croquet Sets. Porch Screens and Hammocks. - Qm . UATES & i CO. . a:4amin:00tm 11 87am 110 fifinm 12 :36pmjll rtSpm 1 18pmll 45pm z.iDpm; i 4:0Ccml 5 0pmla8 :00am ...;.... 4 40atn ..I 8 00am ...;.... 9:52am ...11:33am I 2:15pm1 :4damLt. , 37am Ar. :8?DmlAr. 18pmAr. , 48-80 1 a Via retersbnrg 'Dally ..... . WILMINGTON.. ........ Ooldsboro TTU9VU .....M .......Bocitr MoonU... ......... Weldon iiiti Petergburr ..... -Norfolk ........ Richmond...... ..(... Washington- Baltimore 3:40amL4r....;.Wet ptalladelphU.. NBW TORK Llf 12 1 .4: 7: 8 11 1 :55pm uopm 00pm 60pm roam At. Ar.: Lar. At. Ar. Ar.. 6:30am Ar. .. Ar. . . ...Lt. Lt. .. Lt. .. Lv. .. Lt. .. Lt. .. Lt. JiV. LT. 88-49 6 15pm 2 69pm 152 Dm 12 :68om ll :soam 0:13am; 8 :15am 4:20am 2 4Caml 12 19am 9 25pm S3-41 4i ft 45am 6 40am S 4Sam 6:05am 8 :25am 1 :40am a :00pm 2. :uuam 9 :40pm 8 20om 6 44bml s 2opm 8 15pm I 69pm 1 52Dm 12:68pm f806tm 42-88 sod 83-41 carries V oilman bntfet Sleeping car between Wilmington sad Washington-cotrnectinji with New York" trains with Pullman aervlce. , .48 and 49 carries Pullman Buffet parlor cars between Wilmington Mi Nortoll connecting at Rocky Mount With New lork trains with Pullman service. - . 55-89 51tS3 Dally '. 82-50 80-64 j . - ....... .13 :15pm 5 :35amlLv. ..i- WtLMlNGTON Ar. 12:55am 1:40pm 7:25pm9:20amAr,. ........ Florence Lt. 9:05pm 9:30am .. 1i:2Pm 1 :?5pm Ar.. Charleaton Lt. 6:55pm 6:20am . 2:40am 6:45pm Ar. ........ SaTannah Lt. 1:20pm 12:15am .Ill 55am 2.20am Ar. ... ....,' Albany Lt.( 1 2rjam 1 65pm ........ ' 9:40aml l:45amLAr.M. ThomasTUle Lt.I 2 06ami 2 05pm 6 50pm 8 60am Ar. ....... Montgomery Lt. 6 50pm 6 05am 1 :15am JAr JACKSONVILLE ....Lt. 9:15am 7:55pm 2:05pm Ar. wfcanforaV Fla Lt. 2 10am 2 65pm 7:00pm. Ar. .....Ta TAMPA ,; Lt. 9 00pm 10 SOam ;18:55pm. Ar. HT. PETBKBBUBO Lt.. 6:45am, 10:20pm Ar.. FORT MYERS Lt.3 :00pm )6 :45am I... M. ffllnirtnn on N Kfl nl- 19! 'KK A (leaving Wilmington on No. 51 at at 10:00 P.-M. the previous night. ma be occupied until 7:00 A. M. and sleeper 5:35 A.. M. n;iil be open! to receive passengers 55 51 3 :15pm 7:25pm 9:20niiii:20am 11:10pm 11 :30pm 3:3uam 6:00am 7 :00am 9:05om 8:40am 8:00am 5:35amJLT V :20ami Daily. 132-50 64 12 :55pm I 1 :10pm 7 :40pm 8:15Dm 9 :15pm Ar lAr Ar.... Lv.... Ar... . Ar.... Ar.... Ar.... . .Ar ......... WILMINGTON Florence , Snmter COLUMBIA , AUGUSTA. Colombia Sou. Ry.. Salnda ", .. Hrnderftonvllle. . " " ASHEV1LLE .. " Knoxvllle " Lonisville CINCINNATI ,. ... Ar . ..Lv. ...Lt. . . . I. v. . . Lt. . ..Ar. . . . IiV. . . . Lv 12 :55am 9 :05 pm 5:55pm 4:10pm 2:30nm 2 :30pm :4.ram 8:05am Lv 7 :00am Lv. Lv. j ...... Lv. 1:40pm 9:30am 7:40am C :00am 5:00nm 10 :2Tpm :oupm 8:50pm 0:30um 8:00am 8 :10pm 61 SLEEPING CAR WllmlngVn to Columbia and Buffet Tarlor Car Columbia to Asheville. 55 SLEEPING CARS Wilmington to Asheville to Louisville and Cincinnati. Columbia, Columbia to Asheville and 66 SLEEPING CARS Cincinnati and Louisville to Asheville, Parlor buffet car Asheville to Columbia and sleeping car Columbia to Wilmington. 54 SLEEPING CARS Asheville to Columbia and Columbia to Wilmington. Sleeping cars arriving Wilmington 12:55 A. m. and Columbia 11U.0 P. M. may be occupied until 7:00 A. L Sleeping car leaving Wilmington 5:35 A. M. will be open to receive passengers at 57 51-97 55 Daily iDally except S.ndy. . 54 98-50 68 7:30pm 5 :35am3 :15pm Lv WILMINGTON .. ..ArP l:40pml 12:55am 8:30am 9:15pm 7 :30am 5 :09pm Ar CHADBOURN ....Lt. 11 :40am 11 :02pm 6:45am 11:10pm 111:50am Lt CHADBOURN ....Ar i 5:00pm "Bl40am 12:45am l:30pm Ar CONWAY Lt 13:30pm 5 :15am til I 59 r3 I Daily. !Daily ex. Son. xSunday only. 60. G2T x6 :.10pm !5 :25pm8 :45a mLv WILMINGTON . .Ar. 10:35am 8:05pm :45pmt 8:3.jpmll:45am Ar FayetteTille Lt. 7:25am 4:50ptn !) :4opmt8 :3apm 12 :10pm Lv Fayetteville Ar. 7 :25am '4 :45pm 11 :10pm10 :00pm l:40pmlAr BANFORH. N. O..-. Lv. 0 :00am 3 :30pm 68 ,62 ' 64 j !Dally except Sun. xSun. only 60 63 C5 x6:45pm !3:25pm !5:50am Lv...... WILMINGTON ... Ar.10:15ani12;G0pni C:50Dm 8:30pm 5:17pm 7:48am Ar Jacksonville; N. C... Lv.) 8:22amW5am 4:51pm 9:55pm 6:44pm 9:10am Ar.- Nor A Sou. Jet jv.l 7:05aml 9:35ami 3:35nmr 10:00pm 6:50pm 9:15am Ar.... NEWBERN, N. C. ... LT.x7:0()am!9:30am!3 :30pm J. CKAIQ. T. C. WHITU. Passenger Traffic Manager. ' General Passenger AgtaL WILMINGTON, N. C. PHONE 160. to The beach SUBURBAN SCHEDULE In Effect May 28, 191. WEEK DATS. Leave Front and Princess Sts. East Bound. 0:30 a. m. . Leave. The Beach. West Bound. 6:15 a. m. 7:15 a. m. and every half hour thereafter until 11:45 p. m. MEREDITH COLLEGE Among the Foremost Colleges for Women In. the South. , Course in Liberal Arts covering' nine departments, and including elec ; tive. courses in Education "and Bible, which count for the A. B. de--gree School of Music,' including Piano, Pipe Organ, Violin'nd Voice Culture School of Art, including : Decoration, Designing anf Oil i Painting School of Education Academy which prepared, students for ., college coui-ses Physical -Culture utider a trained director. Cost of ; literary course .per-year ittcludihg physician, nurse and ordinary med jicines , (every item: save books and laundry) $210.50; in the ;Club, $50 to" $55 less." Next session begins Sept 14th, 190. Address - t President R. T; Vann, Raleigh, N. C. find every half nour thereafter until. 11:00 p. m. 12 :00 p. m. Frelcrht Leave Ninth and Orange streets 6:00 a. m., 10,:00 a. m., 4 :0t) p. m., and 7 :oo p.. m. . Freight depot open from 5:30 to 6.00 a, m.. and from 8:00 a. m. until 7:00 D. m. Freight recelvei at Ninth and Orange streets only. f SUNDAYS. Front and Princess Sts. East Bound. 7 :00 a. m. 8:30 a. m. . Leave The Beach West Bound. 7:id a. m 7:45 a. m and every naif hour thereafter until 11:45 p. m and every half hour thereafter . until. 11:00 p. m. 12:00 p. m. Frfrht Leave Ninth and Orange streets at 11:00 a. m. Freight depot open from iu:ou to u:uu a. m. QalekM u4 BmI Use Weal ma Verti . Meek tystem. JBall SS-1 KaO. Scbednle la JEffeet May id, ....... 8:15 am 10 :50amll0:40 pm 7 tOO a m 2 :35 p m 7 :bo a m 6:45 am 5:00 p m (:33 pm 8 :00 p m 6 :30 p m 2:30 am 6:25 p m 7:30 am 8:30 a xa Baa Lt. Norfolk Lt. Petersburg Lt. Durham . Lt. Lynouburg r. Cincinnati rw Columbus Ar. Chlcasro . Ar. St. Lonla Close connections, made for Seattle. Francisco ana all western points. Pullman aleeDlnc ana oarlor cars N. all W. Cafe dining cars. Equipment ana fcer vice standard of excellence. Bine Bldge anl Allegheny, mountains crosses at most pic turesque parts. Time table, atscnpnve literature ane nformatlon free." Correspondence InTltea. W. B. BKVILL, Gta. Pass. Agent Eoanoke, Ta. G. M. BOSLBT, Dlat Pais. Agent, Bichmoa. Ta, SEABOAL30 Air Line Railway v- SCHEDULE Apply at Union Depot Ticket Office os 5; A. Lv Kail way Freight Office Telepmonee No. 12U4. or No. 3. Trails Leave Wilmington Effective Hat 11, 1910. NO. 45 8:00 A. M. For Hamlet amWsn. termedlate points to Charlotte, connects al iiamlet with No. 06 for Raleigh and points North. NO. 893:45 p. M. For Charlotte, con necting at Hamlet with through trains foe Atrauta,. Birmingham, Jacksonville, Nor folk, New York and trains in 11 directions. Arriv5 ainletf J:45 P M.: eave Hamlet 8:05 P. M., arriving Charlotte 10:50 P. M, Trains Arrive at Wilmington NO. 40 l:2e P. M. From Charlotte. NO. 44--12:80 A. J. From Charlotte ant Intermediate points, f No. 45 connects at Hamlet with No. 68 for all points North at Monroe with No. 69 for Atlanta. . No. 39 connects at Hamlet with No. 41 for Atlanta, Birmingham and Memphis. No. 84 for Washington and New York and No. S3 for Portsmouth, Norfolk and No. 43 too Columbia, Savannah and Jacksonville. Parlor Cir (service will be maintained be tween Wilmington and Charlotte on No S8 leaving Wilmington at 3:45 P. M., and No. 40 arriving at Wilmington at 12:20 P. M. B. W. ARRINGTON, , Union Ticket Agent. I Phone No. 1294. 1 F. A. FETTER, Commercial Agent, Orton Hotel I Phone No. 178. I H. S. LEARD, ,1 Div. Passenger Agent,, . j Raleigh, N. C. . I C. B. BRYAN, 1 General Passenger Agent, ma 19 tf Portsmouth. VM. Steamer Wilmington SUMMER SCHEDULE. - In Effect From June 1st, 1910. . Leave "Wilmington. Daily Except Sat urday and Sunday tor Carolina Beach and Southprt at 9 A. M..and for Car olina BeacTi at 2:30 P. M. Last Boat leaves Beach at 6 P. M. SATURDAY.-, Leave Wilmington at 9 A. M. and 2:30 P. M., for Carolina Beach and South port, SUNDAY. Leave' Wilmington for Carolina Beach and Southport at 9:15 A. M. and 2:30 P. M., and for Carolina Beach at 7:30. Last Boat leaves Beach at 8:45 P. M. FREIGHT. Will be received for the 9 o'clock Boat Only. N6 dogs allowed at Caro lina Beach.7- Ma 81-tf.- Bijou Never Out Change of 5 Cents Never Over Daily WHY NOT TRY , POPHAM'S -ASTHMA REMEDYf . , (lives prompt and positive relief 1 , every case. Sold by aruggtiti, " frice X1.00. Trial package toy mail lOents. ,.: WILLIAMS MFG. CO, Props. : CLEVELAND, O. " r . : fceid iz . R. BeHami. iiM" Clyde Steamship Company to NEW YOrtK and GEORGETOWN. S. C Mtw tnit TO wn.unmrn "..i1.06"-.Friday, June 24th. 8. S. "Carib" Friday, July 1st WILMINGTON TO ; NEW XOBK. S. S. "Carib".. SflturdnT. June 25th - "Navahoe" Saturday, July 2nd WILMINGTON TO OEOROJCTOWM. S. S. "Navahoe"........ Monday, June 27th' S. S. "Carib" Monday, June 20th, Both steamers have good .passenger ac commodations. ; Through bills of lading aai . lowest hrough rates guaranteed to and froaa all olnts la North and Boath CaroUaa. For Freight apply to : - M. Q. 81ALLBONRSr .Wilmlertoa. It. i. K. M. MAYNABD. . . . Freight Traffle Manager. K RAYMOND. T. P. t Q. kinds arc made, by Southern Map Cou phono 013, Go. BIdg. HUGH MacRAE &C0. . 7 ;l ANKErtS. - . Miscellaneous Southern Securities - 6ottoii Mill Stocks - WILMINSTONt N. Nm Ywfe cm. 141 Bratfvy. , , II , JllMJljlw I III, Villi' i mmiwJ ; j ,,V" ' '4 f i v 4 bridge. I Jo jl tu th sa lm.; 4i 3 1: ?7 ft- , ' s. '