WEEK'S IIEl'iS AT IpEfiTO; Congressional Convention Excursion Over Clinchfleld Tobacco Sales. Violating Fih CawLong v Distance .Telephone, j. (Special Star. Correspondence.) Lumberton, N. C., July 23. -Those of our people 'who Went to". Wright's- ville to attend the. Congressional con vcntion and expecting a warm time regardless of the ocean breezes, "do not srcm to have been .disappointed' In that respect. -Many returned: wearing"! smiles and countenances of satlsfac tion, while others carried iisris of dfs gust. . ' t V '., -A- Those who we have heard express themselves say It was' a record-hreak- er and declare they never want to at tend another convention if-it has to be' anything like the Wfightsville storm. The convention seems to-have been a1 rapid worker, as after all the disorder it produced twin candidates in about 24 hours, and by the time 'the Repub licans pet through with It there may be triplets. Everybody seems to be at sea, nobody being .able to .forecast the result. Everyone is agreed on one thing Mr. Clark is a good clean. man, and one that the district "may be proud to vote for. The Republicans are wear ing smiles of satisfaction. . During, the convention Lunrberton peofle werte kept well posted on what was being done, The Robesonian and t Star ' both furnishing bulletins. Manager- Ham ilton, of the Western Union, was "at his best and gave possibly" the best service ever given nere.' "He stayed on the job Thursday night until every, body" was worn out and her -was left alone. The Western Union has thous ands of good ;raehxlh ;ltsv service. -but patrons of the Lumberton office would not exchange Mr, Hamilton for any of them. ' ' -. -::- -j -' The indications are that a godd many people from this section will take advantage of the excursion to Johnson City, Tenn.rnex week.' : All who have ever been on an O. (R. C. ex-, cursion know that everything is flrstV class, and no pains are spared to make everyone have a good time. This will 1 be no exception,' and people in this section who have never seen the moun- tain scenery in western North Caro lina will never have a better oppor tunity. While the advertising matter does not say anything about the col ored people, we are told that cars will be provided for all the colored people who may desire to goi 'Messrs. John Morris and John Gilmore, who will have charge of the refreshment car, are making arrangements to take care of the crowd, so that.there will be no need to worry about something -to: eat. Meals will be served right on the train at home prices. Train will leave .Lum berton 7:25 A. M., arriving at Johnson City at 6:30 P. M. i It is told on one of ; the delegates to the Wrightsville convention this week, that he was so anxious for the time to arrive and so ' greatly ." feared that the supply of 'railf6ad tickets ' would be short that he actually went I down to the station last Sunday and purchased his ticket, though he did, not need it until Wednesday morning.. He told a friend who accompanied him to the station Sunday that he did not proppsejo. takeajiychanqfiptjnot.. getting a ticket, that he had to have it then. ' ; r; " - r -' " v Lumberton will. have its opening to bacco sales Tuesday,- the 26th, 1 which time it is expected a good deal of the weed will be disposed-of.' Sev eral of the gentlemen' Who conduct the tobacco sales at this place every season, have been' here: some" time making prparations for the season. We have heard several farmers express themselves as being much pleased with their tobacco crops this season, while others say it is not as good as they have had. , Contractor A. A. Ivey began work this week on a machine shop and auto mobile warehouse building fbr Mr. Sandy McLeod on- the Vacant lot Just east of the residence of Mr.;E. D. Mc Neill. The building Is -to he , built of trick, 56x75 feet, single story. v Deputy Sheriff .A. E, Spivey carried a colored woman to the asylum - at Goldsboro Wednesday, leaving here at 9:35 A. M. and returning at 6:i5 P.'M. The round trip. Lumberton t6 Golds "boro via Fayetteville and Selma, in eight hours and 50 minutes is not bad travelings A'' The town is now making war on' the grass and weeds which-in some , sec tions have almost blocked-? the; sld? walks. The rainy weather tot the past month has given the grass a chance to show itself and the advantage has not been neglected., ' With '. fair wea ther and the present force of men at woi k, in a few .days there Will be a . great change in the appearance of the different streets in town. , ; Several of the fishermen in the low" er end of the county seem to be in all kinds of trouble on account of violat ing the fish law. It is against the Mate laws to fish with nets or traps in certain waters in Robeson county nd if people will run the risk they niay expect to catch trouble as well as if the law is respected as it should be, in a very short time fishing 'n Lumber river with hook and line would be fine sport. ' ; At last Lumberton is connected witi the outside world by the long distance Phone, and can talk with any point reached by the long -distance system, inisjs one of the things we have been behind on and now that the Tservice is nere it is to be hoped that it will be iiserally patronized, thereby insuring Rood service. The rate to Wilmington ,s ') cents, and how often would a per son be glad to pay many times that amount for the use of the imone just a minute. . .:.v . The motion picture, show jwhich has jwn operated by Mr. G.i Badger -JMc-'"n at the opera house for the past HlOntQS. rlnsfA loaf nlo-Kf Tf la i, tea that another-picture show, to Uf operated everv nto-h . .ui nla'd !l tae same place, beginning "n Monday night, August 1st, . Thes ..w are a source of much pleasure, pecia ly to the youhg people. : . , county Superintendent J. n, Ponta wlnot.ic? that the.Robeson-ounty Jeachers' -InnHtnta ,! tl umberton, beginning .August! ISthi aa last he 1. r , a.-x or the colored people wUl be. held at be Za 4ume' -These institutes wil! J conducted by,Prof. W. H. Swiftef t.rconsboro Graded Schools, Pror. Sentelle,. of tho Lumberton uraaea 'bchool,, and Miss M. L. Mill- man, an expert-in nrimary work ", A telegram reecived yesterday from Mr..A. t w. -McLean- who is in a h&spl lai at , Kocnester, .Minn., states that tne operation which had been perform ed on him for appendicitis was entirely successful ,and - the many friends of Mr. MCL-eanr will he delighted to know that he Is now on the road to ranid iTecovery. ' .'..- . ,- While travelings throueh the coun try a few days ago with aTgentleman friend, he pointed out an elegant home on the way and asked if we knew who lived Merer We did not -and sn. in. luimeu mm., well, sir " said f nni friend, "the man : who owns -.tnd lives in that house has a sister intthe coun ty home, f i He is absolutely too stincrr tar eat enough, and let his sister go to the county, home rather than help, her, because shells afflicted and not able to do much Work." ; If is possible thai sucn: a man as mat lives in Robeson county? Sad, but seems, to be true, v - The Seaboard is advertising an ex cursion, to be run to Norfolk. Va , Aug. 2nd, the fare for. the round trip 'from Lumberton , tielng M.5Q.,' f Two colored boys were before Mav- prt .Rowland i yesterday : charged wltn snagging trains. They were .discharged-upon payment of costs and a eood reprimand. . airs, uiuyo. u. ; j. o wnsend and little sob will leave early iext week for Morganton; where they r will SDena some time visiting relatives: Mrs. Mollie R. Notment and children win leave tomorrow morning for Rowland, where they; expect to spend seeVral days; With relatives.-; Mr and Mrs; WW. Dougherty and children and Mrs. W. IM: Baggetrand child,-left yester day morninei for IBlowincr Rnrlr M r! . pit. Dougherty will return in ten "days on iwo weeKs, oat otner members -of the iparty wrill . remain until Septem ber. -Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Durham and . children left" Thursday for Gas- tonia and Hendersonville. They will be away ftr several , weeks. -Mr. Jno. Ai Robinson and .little, daughter. miss Jennie, Tamer and sister of Mrs. Fred Singletary. after stendine nart of the week here, leftyesterday mornt ing for home atarty'S. C..-accom panied by Mrs. Singletary , and little Bon, who wilt Bpend sjome time in that town.-rr-Mi"V and Mrs.; RIchasd "Nor- inent are eipected .home tonight. from .sneDorc wnere they.have heen visit ing raative3-Mr and -Mrsr. P. Townsend and children are among the Liuiauerwn.. peopie wnoare visiting Wrjghtsvilfe Beach. -."- vJU , -The- condition of Mr. C. P.-MdAllIs- ter, who has been sick of fjpver fr the past three weeks, - is now Improved, ana-u is nopea lie will soon be en tirely recovered. , ;:- . There has' been no new '.cases'tot smallpof than the" one distpveredfia few days ago, which Is the only calle 'that has been here. The patient is Mi proving and ho'other cases are expejist ed; As a - matter of precaution, 4 guard is still maintained at the rejil dence where the disease is located. S ; The Republicans . of LmbertSi township held their, townshffi convfhi tion this afternoon to tpp63Qt delei gates i to-the county convention Jafj -K1.' ' IV T.t n ni x v.S! iu. viiaii uiau Ei. snuoier oeuyj absent, Dr. R. M. -Nomafnti presided and V. M. Taylor acted s Jecretaiiy. After everal ; enthusiastic- addresses me roiiowmg gentlemen were appomt edVrH. Taylor, TV J. Davis. W. H. KinlaW, R. M.fNorment, J. Bullard, Wi H. names and R. O. Edmund. -There-was a large Croitan picnic Tield at i Old Union , Chapel : in this , county today at which CoL N. A. Mo Lean"anrMrr Kr rW.rEIverni5reTnadei speeches, both of , which are said , to have been unusually, fine efforts - and were received with close- attention,' It is said the Croatans had been advis ed 'by some politicians to keep away from the picnic, telling them it was to try. to deceive them in some things. Everybody knows Jt is useless to ad vise them to stay away when Col. -McLean is to 'be there, "v Just as well say . 6 as that is what they will do. ' V - Ar dwelling In East Lumberton own ed by Mr. Sandy McNeill and occupied by Mr. W. W. Wilson, of the Dresden Mills, was destroyed by fire this after noon at 2:30 o'clock. The fire is sup posed to have originated from a defec tive - flue in the ' kitchen. . sMr. Wilson carried i $750 insurance on furniture, about" half, "ok -which . was saved. ;it was not "learned as to ' Insurance on the building. - Z . , ,, ' A. prominent Republican stated here tonight that he hoped his party, would endorse Clark foe Congress as he con sidered, him the best man . in the div trict, regardless of party. . . Sheriff McNeill received- a telegram tonight 'from John's Station, in the upper end of the county,' saying a col ored :boy , had. been killed on John Will McQueen's ? place . near Maxton, skid. asking that the cbroner; be rsent ? No particulars were given. ' T ? BISGUSSIIIG . CQIiVEIITIOti Congressional;,. Situation . Enters' Into r Columbus County Affalrs-Grjen ' ' Swamp Cases-Personal , and "; General Items. ? (Special Star Correspondence.) ' Whlteville, July 23. The action 'of tne Congressional ' Convention is all the sensation now in "Whiteville, and! otif people are divided, into two fac tions." The followers of Congressman Godwin seem determined to stick to their candidate, whether he was nori-1 mated by a rump ' cOnvejation or not. : i Ereryf conservative; citizen depre-! cates - that : dual ; ticket, and . the : split' It; will bring , about- in the Democratic party in diif county and district The Republicans are jubilant, and say they will put out candidates for every coun ty Office-, sv :--f i - '' ' - Editor Gantti of the Newa-Reporter, who was a delegate -from; the county at' large to the convention .urges the both , Messrs, -Clarife arid Godwin refer; their claims tQi.'the state. Democratic Executive ;Jommlttee lorV arbitrttion and adjustment, and If. ho" other set tlement of. the matter can be had," that; a second prlmary-be called; :in "which every white Democratic voter be per-, mitted, to participate and then the .can didate i receiving rthev- largest vote; be declared, the nominee. But it is hopeJd : that the State .Committee will: be able; to - settle . the matter .Without ; holding; another.- -election, 4ut -f or... which '-w-have plenty, of time. '.'A number of the Godwin men; declare that they will accept as final any decision made by the State:.CommitteeKbut will not vot3 and support the nominees of. -the Wrightsville Q3each Convention, At tempts '.are made to' harmonize., mat; ters l and? unit our party. Manyt be lieve mar ir ootft jaessrs. uiara anu Godwin remain in the field there -is greaTManger of thls'-ditfiol sending a Republican to Congress, and it will also endanger the 'success' 'of every county officer in the district. It is time for clear-headed Democrats to get -together and untangle this mess, .i - , r Court convenes here next Monday, ahdv several.- important civil cases will be tried . including some big damage suits. ;". ; --.; - : . Theje . is Considerable interest tak en in the trial of the Green Swamp men,;. charged with destroying ;proper ty belopging 'to the' Waccamaw . Lum ber Co:, and , Which; will be heard ; in Bladen next week. Since 4he prosecu tions were started depredations have ceased and the company is proceed ing nicely. It Is not thought they will have any more trouble, it. matters not what be the result of the trial. " . Mr. Rufus Meares, of Williams town ship, sent the .News-ReDorter here to day a mammoth squash that weighed twenty-tour.rana a. half .pounds, iti is Just ope of, the wonderful things that can "be produced in Columbusx county. , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McDaniel have returned from': Wilmington,1 ; where they Jiad the misfortune to, lose n. valuable suit -case. Some one took their'.s. by -mistake and thy got one comparatively empty in exchange. Wrk todaystarted on Madisonjstreet ana the .entire driveway from Vineland to Whlteville jwill be . greatly Improv ed. - I I ?, . f: jj; ' - Misses Edna and Laura Prevttt, of Lumberton, -are -visiting here -Mrs. T," C. Johnson, of Lumberton, is Visit ing :fcer parents,'' Mr.; and Mrs. A." H. Powell-?t-rMr. , Bruce Smith has re turned" to his home in Atlanta after a" short visit to his son. Rev. Fred B. Smith. - . .. . i-. Misses Reta . . Croom and. Gladys Greer were the etfests of "relatives in dlarkton this week- Mj. J. Z.iMims, who . has been Sick for a number of months," left yesterday fbr a short visTC to relatives at Sumter, S. C. He "will go from there to Saluda, N. C, to Spend the remainder of the Summer. Mr. - and Mrs. Robt. - J. Gantt, of Spartanburg, Sv''C., are . expected in Whlteville next week , to visit Mr. Gantt's phrents. They will 'also -visit Wlnghtsville ' Beach before returning home. M. Gantt 13 xa, member of the House and an attorney of. Spartan burg, while Mrs. Gantt isne of the most prominent specialist in the Pied mont section, he is secretary of the Spartanburg ..Medical Association and also president of?the anti-tuberculosis movement in that County; . - Miss Iola .Baldwin was a 'charming hostess to a few friends on Friday evening. Music and progressive con versation were the features of the evening which proved a very delight ful one to those present. MAKES GOOD, HEALTHY FLESH. j,, Hicks Bunttng Offers to Pay for Sa- , mose if It Fails. Begin the use of-Samore today, and you .will soon" notice a- gain in good, healthy 'flesh. To all who are thin. Weak, and run down, this remarkable flesh-forming food promises plump, ro sy, perfect health, vigor and vitality. Samos mingles with the food that s eaten,-so that it is assimilated by the blood, and builds up pleasing plumpness and good healthy . flesh. Those who use Samose for a-week'or ten days will soon notice' s gain in weight . and an improvement in gen eral strength and health. Samose is in tablet form, pleasant to take, and is old by one of the most reputable drug stores in Wilmington. J. Hicks Bunting Drug Co., under their personal guarantee to refund the mon ey if it does not give satisfaction. Sent postpaid on receipt of price, 50 cents. ' . , ' - Call in and examine our line." Fall Opening; Monday,:: .Tuesday and Wed nesday.. Red Cross. j White fountain REFRIGERATORS are strong, ' durable and sanlta , ry. . Having . a removable Ice chamber with duplex, grate land removable waste, pipe makes it easier to' keep clean than any refrigerator, made. ' . . .. . . . . ' x 1: Several ; styTes to -select from. J. 17. MUCHISOH -& CO. :,.. Hard ware. !- :; - g ii 1 J 1 -1 iu 11 j nm l . .''" iM li I ft i j " Is. - , : -. , I . v f , ' ; 1 t r J- : ' kept constantly irritated and infected Cn..i. cIWiom which V. umwiuns ""T1.: . ""v" xLwmov ui me system, tne retention of 'refuse matters of the body because of a sluggish condition of the eliminativl ...Vxm vtntlimed malftrlol Vmoivvi .-i.. i. V7 . ' ukiuwb) - - . -"-."i uuicxbu uiva Qiooa, ec are us ually responsible. -But whatever the. cause of the infected circulation, the soris or ulcer CANNOT heal until the blood ;is purified. & S. S. heals soresand ulceS in the.very eimplst?way. ft just goes Into the circulation and removes the im-' purities and polluted matter Which are the means of keeping the sore open- then the sore is bound to heaL' S. S. S. is the finest of aU blood purifiers, and not only does it cleanse the circulation but it adds the necessary healing qualities to fee blood, and inthis way assists nature to quickly cure sores and ulcers ' Salves washes, lotions, etc., can do no permanent good "toward healing antrtd sore because such treatment does not reach the blood. These external; applications may be soothing and cleansing; bnt the healing must begin at the bottom, and this is Just what S. S. S. does by first purifying the blood, and then furnishing nourishment and health to all the flesh tissues. : Book on Sores and tQcers free to all who write and reauest it. - THE BWIPT HOTEL TARMO GoThere toJSpend Your Vacation. as oofe Wrightsville BAVID1S You are probably willing to Sfjend yourlmon ey when you seev an opportunity to get a good deal of extra value for it. This is yourchance. We shall clean up quite a few (about fifty Hart Schaffner S? Marx summer-weight suits at the following prices: ,:. , . Suits that were fcld at. $25.00 Now . r, ' .$18.00 Suits tkat were, sold at $22.50 Now .... .... ....$16.50 'Sufts that were-sold at $20.00 Now .... .'...$15.00 These suits' are on display inour show windows now. 4 If you get "one of these Harschaff ner & Marx suits, you'll get ' more Teal clothes value for the money than you ever had before in your life. If you never had these superior clothes this will be a good tihSB to find out how much-better th'ey are. The t A. David Company ' The Superior Men's Store! Holeproof Hosiery 6 pr. for. : . . $1.50, $2 and $3 1 8G7-ESTABL1SHED-1 8B7 , During this time jt has been and ever will be our policy to give an honest dollar's worth of goods for 100-ccnts t.TiernfiV Ti tit in rr tVir ifrtflft&rtfn rf fh'o' trarlinfr'nuWin "" Seaside Requirements Ladies Bathing Suits and Caps, Children's Bathing Suits, ' . . V .Ladies'. Eeady-to-Wear ; - VVasli suitp,v; Separate.' Skirts, Muslm Underwear, Dressing Sacques and Kimonas, Tailpred and Lingerie Shirt Waists. Matting. and Rug Department We have a complete line voI China and: Jap Mattings. Matting Rugs, 9x12 feet." Crex Rugs, all sizes. Trunks, Bags and Suit cases. We h.ye just received a new line of Straw Grips, just the thing for the Beach. v Agents for Black Cat Hosiery," American Lady Corsets and But terick Patterns. ' ; . ' , -.( . Out-of-town orders will receive " ... . - . i , : ; ; cultivate the AJSavings Account w(n i Interesl: on rr i A rn 91 or; Certificates hi .'Deposit : Atlantic trm&arid "; Banking Co. . ftAj,,. KIX.TONXAI.DER Southern Bnlldlar. , . SODES ULCFI15 by impuritiea in the blood. ; This lm- j .u- . . . -.?D V1 UBm SPECITIO COATXANTA, OA. - ORE ENLARGED to fates, apply to ' IKIoftel Co. Beach, N. C. S:"rr- Department Tailored Suits, 1 prompt attention. , , . -. to J Mould Your Life 'Good Ones: Cultivate a ' Habit That Savings Accounts : ...........Cashier - - ' . . .... - . , Opposite FeniotnVe. ATLANTIC r . Petersburg.- nu 8:40amj70pmj8:4OamLF. . 11 37am10 05pm 11 S7am Ar. ... tX 18pm " .puijii ;mpmiii; :opmiAr, 11 45pm 1 l8pmAr. Bockj .... 2:15ttn 4 :!V)Dm Ar. 4 :0()r m 7 :05DmlAr a8 :00am ....... lArj ... 4 40am 8 OOam 9:02am Xi Norfolk ..,.... Lt. OOttmlAr. Btrhmnnil T 11 WpmjAr. WaBhingtou ....M Lt' 1:15am Ar.. . . . . .Baltimore J.i . i . , Lv. Ar. ..-.Weit PhlladelDhia T.w llttSam! 8:40am 2:15pm 6:30am Ar. KEW .42-88 nd 83-41 carries PmUman boffet sleeping- ear between WUminrtoo an WublagtoD eonnectlnir with New York trains with Pullman serr Ice. , 48 and 49 carries Pullman Buffet parlor cars between Wllmlnrton ana Morfolk connecting at Bocky Mount wltb New Xork train. wtSviSaum er??ee. ' 71, I 55-89 61-83 T" : TT S:15p 5 :85am)LT. WrLAlNGTON . . . . . 9:20amAr...x. Florence. ........ 1 4 QC A I B as ST1, -a i t:d 111 :20Dm l:35nmlAr. fTi .. 2:40am :45pmAr.'-. .- Savannah HI 55am 2 20amAr. ...... .. Albany . ft:40nml 1 :4Rnm Ar......... Taomasvilla ...... Lt. 5 50Dmi 8 50am Ar. ....... MontcromerT T, 7:15amf J Ar JACKSON z:u5pm 7 :00pm. ....... Ar. Sanford, F1&. .....'. Ar. ........ TAMPA Xjt. 8 :55pm t- 8T. PCTCKSBCRO EtJ 10:20pm ..Ar.. PORT -r rino850Ci? 55 f 51 3:15pmj5 7:25nm( ft :35amj Lt.... :20am( . .. ..... 9:20Tmlll ll:10pm!12 :20am Ar... :55pm Ar... Ar... mm :10pm Lv... i . . . . o :;iuam 6 :00am 7 :00am :4i)pm :15pm :15pm Ar... Ar... . . . . duuub ...... .. HendrrsonTlIle. A8HKVILLE .. Knoxvtlle ...... Ar... ....... . i . . . 4 . . . . 9 :OT)pm Ar... H:4(him 8 :00am Ar... Ar.... ...... 4 . LfOiiiRville ...... CINCINNATI .... W SLEEPING CAR Wilmington to Columbia and Buffet Parlor Car Columbia to AsbeTflle. . . . - - . J?L?E?INP ?,ABS wi,1.mIngtn. t0 Columbia, Columbia to AsheTllle nl AsheylUe to LoulsTllle and Cincinnati. u . 60--LEEPINO 4ARS Cincinnati and LoulsTllle to AabeTllle. Parlor buffefcar AabeTille to Columbia and Bleeping car Columbia to Wilmington. u""ic" M SLEEPING CARS AsheTllle to Columbia and Columbia to Wilmlneton Sleeping car leaTinc Wilminjrton 6:35 10:00 P. P. M. . ' , 57 51-07 j 55 'Dally- IDaUy 7 JOpml 9:15pm 11 :10pm 12:45am 5 :35am 3 :15pm 7:30am AJ. ..... Ar Lt T . d :uypm 111:50am 1:30pm Ar ' " "" v " x6:30pm !5:25pm8:45am!LT..;.... WILMINGTON Ar. 10:35am 8:05pm 9:45pm 8 :35pm 11 :45am Ar FayetteTllle .Lt. 7:25am 4:50pm -.?1npm1S:pml?:pmv ivlLetteTiUe Ar- 7:25am 4:45pm 11 :10pm 10 :0Opm l:40pmAr. ....SANFORD, y. c Lv. 6 :00am 3 :30pm 68 62 ' 64 IDally except Sun. xSnn. only 1 60 63 1 65 :4pm I3:25pm !5 :50am Lt....... WTLBNGTON .... Ar.llOSamlW-bOpml 6:50pm 8:30pm 6:17pm 7:48am Ar. ....JacksonTllle, N. C. Lt. 8:22am 10 :55im 4:51pm :1m S:pm :10am A.r. -.....Nor & Son. Jet . 7:05am 9:35am 3:35pmr 10:00pm 6:50pm 9:15am Ar.... NEWRERN, N. C. ... LT.x7:00am!9:30am!3:;6pm For folders. Beserratlons, rates ot kW. J. CBAIQ, f t ( Pawenger Traffic Manager. , TO THE SUBURBAN SCHEDULE " In Effect May 28, IBIS. WEEK DAYS. LeaTe Leare. Front and Princess Sts. The Beach. Kast Bound. .West Bound. :30 a. m. 6:15 a.m. 7:15 a. m. and-every hall and every bait hour thereafter. hour thereafter untiL until 11:00 p. m. - 11:45 p. m. 12:00 p. m. Frelaht ' ' LeaTe Ninth and Orange streets 6:00 a, m., iu:uu a. m., :uu p. m., ana :w p. m. Freight depot open from 6:30 to 6.00 a. m and from 8:00 a. m. until 7:00 d. m. Freight receired at Ninth and Orange streets only. t UNSAYS. Leare Front and Princess Bts., East Bound. 7:00 a. m. 8:30 a. m. Leare The Beach. West Bound. 7:15 a. m: 7:45 a. m. 9:15 a. m. and every half hovr thereafter until 11:45 p. m. and every half hour thereafter until. . ' ' - 11:00 p. m. 13:00 p. m. Freight. Leave Ninth and Orange streets at 11:0Q Freight depbt open from 10:00 to 11:00 a. m. . . : ;- , '. UMRY. Ualckest ui But Lias Wast aad Xsrth- west. BUek IfiUm, Rock Mm! M-Ife KalL Schedule U Effect May 1, 10lt. Lt. Norfolk . 8 :15 a ml' 8 :00 p m Lt. Petersburg ......... 10:50am 10:40 pm Lt. Durham 7:00 a ml 6:30 p ml Lt. Lyncubnrg 2:35pm 2 :30 a Sml r. Cincinnati ........ ..i 7:30 a ml o:2apa r. Columbus .. ...... .1 6:45 a mJ 7.-05oa Ar. cucago ............ 6:00 pm 7:30 am Ar. St. Louis 4 C:33pm 8:30am Qoh connections made for Seattle; Baa Francisco and all Western points. Vflllm.n alMnlnv and nrll. tmrm W . i W. Cafe dining cars. Equipment ana ser vice standard of excellence Bias Blaga ana Allegheny mountains crossed at-moal le- turesqua pans. , , Tlxa tables, csscnptiva uteratnra ana nformatlon free. Correspondence larltad., W. B. BEYILTj, Gta. Pass. Agent, Boanoke, ya, O. M. BOSLHY. . - 1 Dlat Pass. Agent, Blchmoaf. Tsu Steamer Wilmington , SUMMER SCHEDULE. ' Fn Effect From Juno 1st, 191i. : Leave Wilmington Daily Except Sat urday and Sunday tor Carolina Beach and Southport at 9 A. M. and for Car olina Beach at 2:30 P. M.. Last Boat leaves Beach at 6 P. M. SATURDAY. ' Leave Wilmington at 9 A. M. and 2:30 P. M., for Carolina Beach and Southport. - " ' . "; SUNDAY. u Leave Wilmington for " Carolina Beach and Bouthport at 9:15 'A. M. and 2:30 P. M., and for . .Carolina Beach at 7:30. Last Boat leaves Beach at 8:45 P. M. ? -v . , ' , . . FREIGHT. Will be received fdr the 9 o'clock Boat Only. No dogs allowed at Caro lina Beach. v Ma ?l-tf. Never TJjiiV Never Out OlJOU Over ChaBge of Program Dally 5 C&nt3 ; PILESl PILES1 PILES! Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs tie tumors, allays Itching at once, .acts as a poultice, gives in; stant relief. : "Williams'. Indian Pile Ointment Is ' prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts. - Sold by druggists, mail EOc and $1.00. Sold j BEACH fllhr&llroAlocfQrn It. R. Bflllamj. ' - COAST LINE uiu compKoy uaiii connections. 49 83-41 -49 WnLMlNQTON..... Ar. 6 15pm 45am 0 40am 6 49am 5:0fiam 8:25am 1 :40am 6 16pm a ROpm 1 K2nm uaiaaooro ....... lt. fCUpm R2nm wusoa s..i..,L, Monnt.IIIwLv! 12A8Dm 12A8o5 Petertbnrr ....... Lt! 11 :30am 00.3am t 8:00pm SOBam, 8:15am k 44 lMWam 9:40pm 8 20pm 5 44om 4 :20am !2 4(iam (12 ldam YORK., . Ly.9 23pm 13 25pm nii T-; I 82-50 8054" Ar liV 112 :55am :40pm rlaaf rn .flJnm ... . LiJ, Lt, :20am :15am 1 25am 2 05am 6 50pm 1 55pm 2 05pm 6 05am 7:55pm 2 RT.nfB VII.XJB ... Lt 9 :15am 2 10am 9 OOpmllO SOaro 6 :45a ml MYERS Ly.3 :00pm 6 :45a ml Daily. 132-60 54 :4opm ( :30am :40am :00am. :00a in :25pm :5()pm :50pm :30am :00am :10pm 1: :uDpmi w: 6rf9npml 6: l:20pmJ12: ifiuuunuivfl ....... ..Ar. 12 :55am ..Lt. ..Lt. . . Lt. 9 :05pm 5 :55pm 4:10pm 2:30pm .. Sumter ................ XJL.liBlIJtA. . AU(5U8TA j.....;. Colombia. ......Son. Br... oi i.. .. ..Lt. ..Ar. . .Lt. . i Lv.: e . t a 8:45am 8:05ara .L 7:00amj Lt. . Lt. ..Lt. A. M. will be omn tn rov n...AnrA i except Sndy. I 54 08-50 68 WILMINGTON .. ..Al CHADBOCRN ....Lt. CHADBOCRN ....Ar. , CONWAY Lt, Ar 1 :40pm 12 :55am 8 :30am :45am :40am :15am :40amll :02pm D:uupmi !3 :30pm fares, etc bddIt to the nnderslf ned. - , T. C. WHITH. General Fassengat Agsat. - WILMINGTON. K. O. . . FHONB IS. V SEABOARD Air Lino Railway SCHEDULE Apply at Union Depot Ticket Office Plione 121H or Office of Commercial Agent,v Ortou Uotel, Piioue 178. Trains LeaTe Wilmington Effeetrre Mar UL 1810. NO. 45 8:00 A. M. For Hamlet and In. termedlate points to Charlotte, connects at Hamlet with No. 66 for Baleigh and points North. . , NO. 898:45 p. M. For Charlotte, con neetlng. at Hamlet with through trains foe Atlanta, Birmingham, JacksonTllle, Nor folk, New York and trains in all directions. ArrlTe Hamlet 7:45 P. M.: leaTe Hamlet 8:05 P. M.arriTlng Charlotte 10:50 P. M. Trains ArrlTe at Wilmington NO. 40 1?:2 P. M. From Charlotte. NO. 44i:20 A. M. From Charlotte aaf Intermediate points. . No. 45 connects at Hamlet with No. M for all points North at Monroe with No. M for Atlanta. No. 39 connects at Hamlet with No. 41 for Atlanta, Birmingham and Memphis. No. 84 for Washington and New York and No. u for Portsmouth, Norfolk and No. 43 foe Colombia,. Savannah and JacksonTllle. Parlor Car tserTice will be maintained be tween Wilmington and Charlotte on No. St leUTing Wilmington at 3:45 P. M., and No. 40 arriving at Wilmington at 12:20 P. M. B. W. ARRINGTON, Union Ticket Agent ' Phone No. 12J4. F. A. FETTER, Commercial Agent, Orton Hotel. --' Phone No. 178. H. S. LBARD,' DIt. Passenger Agent, . Baleigh, N. C. , ' C. B. BRYANT. General Passenger Axent, ma 19 tf Portsmouth,. Va. Clyde Steamship '. ' ; - to ' ' . ' NEW YORK GEORGETOWN. S. C TO WILMINQTOir. 2' if "Navahoe".. Friday, July 22nd. b. b. "Carib"... ......... Friday, July 2Uth. WILMINGTON TO NKW VOKsC S. S. "Carib" Saturday, July 21rU S. S. "NaTahoe" Saturday, July 30th. WLMINQTON TO UEORuITOWV. ' R. S. "Carib" "1 ....Monday. July Jftth. ....Monday, July 2Tth. S. S. "NaTahoe" Both steamers have eood raLSHenirer commodations. Through bills of lilng aa lower hrough rates guaranteed to and frost. sJU olnts ie North and Boatk Caroline, -For. Freight apply to i ' JL G. BMALLBONHS. feael N Wllmtavto. U v M. . MAYMABD, Freight TraOe Manager - : L V. RAYMOND. T. F, 4Q.IL ' s Blue prints of all, -kinds are made by -Southern Map Co.. pnone oid. so. tiiaa. w a aavejr ea esse 4 .., i HUGH filacRAE & CO. BANKERS. Miscellaneous Southern i x Securities v Cotton Hill Stocks .. i . WLMINQTON, H. O. New Yerk City, 1t rMiwijr. ii I -.. .- . -1 i . ? V r- A "V.S!T'(I AAlS -'TiV.S 1 . A A?' ' . .A 'L' a m 1 riir. ay Ti: ' t " n . in. i i'A. '1 v IV 41 '-4 ''.i?M ' I 'A1 .:; i :-w . A ' '- .. V. . ;. --i - 1 1 .;, " '-- . -'if. XAi : t ':; 'i' U . 'A V Ai-i - - A, '- ''51 Ai iUA it- i ! A.yt'J ,. il'A ArU .-I Ml " f I " -' V .' , v V.-': . . . . . f XA A 'o

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