PAGE EIGHT THE WEATHER U. 8. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 22, 1910. Meteorogicar data for the 24 hours ending 8 P. M. Wednesday, Sept. 21st:, Temperature at 8 A. M. 73 degrees; 8 P. M. 76 degrees; maximum 86 de grees; minimum 71 degrees; mean 78 degrees. Kainfall for the day, .00; for the month 1.46 inch. Stage of watervln Cape Fear river r t Fayette ville at 8 A. M. Wednesday, 3.4 feet Weather Forecast. For North Carolina Generally fair Thursday and Friday, except probably showers on the coast; moderate va riable winds mostly northeast. Port Calendar September 22. Sun Rises., 6:00 A. M. Bun Sets. ... 6:09 P. M. Day's Length..' 12 hrs. 9 min. High water at Southport 10:05 A. M. High water at Wilmington 1:05 A. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ciwhen RroH Oysters. .1. M. Solky & Co. Second Call. Iiivla Sales Co. Bankrupt Stock. Ulr. Wilmington Special Schedule. v BnlneHg Locals. Wanton" Collector. Lout Child's Hintf. For Sale Piano, Etc. i For Kent Furnished Kootis. Married Couple Board Wanted. Wiinted Position as Stenographer. Wanted Position as Tr .vellnn Salesman. BIB. " TAFT SPEAKS TO HOME FYLKS harbors committee of the Lower House, or into the committee of com merce in the Senate, and you find the same old methods pursued, the same distribution of money among the Con gressional districts, the same slow, almost imperceptible steps toward the completion of many enterprises in many years, and you begin to realize that it is one thing to pass resolu tions, one thing to generalize and de velop possibilities into fancied facts, and it is quite another thing to get rid of a system that strikes its roots down deep into the fallibility of hu man nature. . As a country, we are all m favor of the most effective and economical expenditure for the development of our waterways, but as members of a district, and as representatives of dis tricts, we are selfishly insistent upon our share of public appropriations each year, however much that divis ion of the spoil impedes the adoption of the effective and economical im provement of our water transportation "The days of the pork barrel should be numbered. The country is roused against the corporate or corrupt con trol of legislative agencies, but it is doubtful whether the constituencies as yet are able to perceive the higher obligation on the part of themselves and their representatives, not to use their votes in combination to appro priate to a part that which belongs io the whole." .. i PROGRESSIVES WIN. JTHE JdOUNLNG STAB, WILMINGTON, K. C "THUKSJXA 1 SEPTEMBER 22, 1910. DWIGHT AT SAGAMORE. Another Victory in Colorado Republi can Convention Yestertfay. Colorado Springs, Col., Sept. 21. Progressive Republicans won a vic tory in the Republican State Conven tion, which concluded its sessions to night after naming a State ticket. In one of the sharpest fights in the his tory of the party in this State, they prevented the adoption of a resolu tion condemning the initiative and referendum, procured instead a plank favoring its submission to the people and thus paved the way for the nomi nation for Governor of State Senator John B. Stephens. The National administration was en dorsed; Senator Guggenheim was commended for his work in Congress relating to the upbuilding of the State and the Payne tariff bill was accepted as a fulfillment of the pledge of the National Republican platform, but it was declared that other tariff changes will be necessary and that these "should be made as speedily as pos sible." Merle Vincients, independent cand: date for the gubernatorial nomination also lost, the vote being: Stephens 931; Vincent 36; John W. Springer F.. Isaac N. Stephens, editor of the Pueblo Chieftain lined up with thos opposed to condemnation of the ini tiative and referendum. He was unan imously nominated for, Congressman at large. Republican Whip Tells Roosevelt He's With Him in Fight. Oyster Bay, N. Y., Sept. 21. The Republican whip of the House, Rep- i..! -tu wt T"nMt-ht rf Pinr. resell uitivt juim - o-"- . homtnn N. Y. made his first visit to Sagamore Hill today to tell ex President Roosevelt that he was with him in his fight for the t control of the Republican 3tate Convention at Saratoga next week. Representative W W. Coofte, of Nassau county, alsq visited Mr. Roosevelt. The two Con gressmen, both identified with the House organization, or wmcn vice President Sherman was formerly a leader, and both old trends or the Vice President, joined m prophesying the route of his forces. Postmaster E. W. Voorhees, of Brooklyn, and Michael J. Dady, of Brooklyn, Republican leader of the first assembly district of Kings coun-J ty, also visiteo uoi. itooseveic. Col. Roosevelt, Mr. jCooks and Dr. Dwight did some close figuring on the chances for victory at Saratoga, in the light of returns from yester day's primaries. The colonel had not a word to say as to what he thought of his prospects, now that the prima ries were over, but from what Mr. Dwight and Mr. Cooks said, it was gathered that they .were all hopeful. STAR BUSINESS LOCALS ANNOUNCEMENT Messrs. Folt & Ken drick: -wish to announce that they have taken possession of the U. C Ellis Sthdlo. They have placed It in a perfects sanitary condition, and are prepared to make the finest class of portrait work ever shown in Wilmington ap 24 tf FOR 8 ALE The vnlnahl nroDerty on Princess street formerly occupied by The Mornlnir Star newananer. Size of lot 58 1-4x66. Four floors, including basement. Opposite site of the new $500,000 Custom uouse. For details up ply to Wm. H. Ber nard. r au-23-tf. HOW TO OWN YOUR HOME Six par ties started in the first series.of the Rural Uuildmg and Loan Association in l'.KIo and now they have nearly finished paying for their nomes. Why don't yon start now. The Ifural will show you how. Fifteenth series opens Saturday. October 1st 1910. James Owen Reilly, Secretary and Treas urer. se is TEXTILE MANUFACTURERS. Continued From Page One.) commercially in the Ohio Valley, but it is important to vindicate or to dis courage further investments of this kind in other directions. . "1 earnestly hope that the time may come in the not distant future when the plan for completing this Ohio river improvement shall be; changed so as to make the time six years for completion instead of 12. One of the great hindrances ' to the success oi the improvement to our waterways has been the delay incident to the completion of each project. That has grown oux of the method pursued in traming the river and harbor appro priation bills. Under the present law it is necessary for Congress to order the survey of a projected improve ment before the Army engineers arc authorized to make such survey. When the survey is completed a board of engineer officers reports upon the cost, feasibility and usefulness of the im provement, and after this report has been made, a board of review of other Army engineers passes upon the re port, and approves or disapproves its recommendation. The report is then transmitted to Congress. Neither board of the Army engineers, nor the chief of engineers, nor the Secretary of War, is authorized to pass upon the comparative merits of all the projects under survey and report. Each project comes before Congress either rejected or approved, and it is left to the com mittee .to determine which of these approved shall be taken and which shall be passed by or delayed. It is a rule fairly well observed by tho 'committee on rivers and harbors that no project which has not received the approval of both of the boards shall be appropriated for and adopted. "As these waterway improvements are to be carried on in upwards of two-thirds of the Congressional dis tricts, it can be readily understood what the pressure i3 from their rep resentatives in Congress to havs every project that is approved appro priated for. The total cost of the pro jects surveyed and estimated for is far in excess of anything that Con gress could appropriate for the gen eral purpose from the revenues of the government for one year or a dozen years. The consequence is that in the desire to satisfy the claims of all, the amount which is available from the current revenues is divided up and apportioned between all the various enterprises that have thus re ceived the approval of the engineers. This is done with very little regard to the comparative merits of the dif ferent improvements, and it has a ten dency to delay every Improvement a numDer, of years beyond the timo HH A I Tl?l flfl I I I when it might be made profitable by I VI Ml. I ELD I VI I tmW cany completion. This is what has been called the 'piece-meal' policy, and is very unsatisfactory. A supervising board of engineers should recommend to Congress the improvements in the order of their importance and should have the power to advise that body that the beginning of certain imj-.rove-ments should be postponed until other improvements are completely finished. Of course, I understand that the dif ficulty is inherent in our system of government Every district that has m projected improvement feels that it ought to secure some, share in the benefit that Is to be derived fr the annual expenditure of money for all improvements, in the labor em ployed, in the materials purchased, and in the business created, as Veil as in some progress, however small, made in its improvement toward com pletion. It by no means follows that a departure from the present system would postpone the comnletion of many of these improvements any more ! than thy are likely to be delayed under the present system. On the con trary, if the new plan to be adopted involves the prompt completion of those projects which are entered up on, the others which are postponed when they are begun may count upon a much shortar period ffor the whole work. "We have reached a new epoch In the matter of the improvement of our waterways. The public is greatly aroused Jy the confident and just be lief thatT by a : more systematic, rea sonable and prompt expenditure of money upon approved projects, rates of transportation may be lowered, and the business of the country greatly benefitted. "You could collect, if you desired, libraries of record of meetings of wil terways conventions, full of statistics, : ruii or generalizations, run Df ei0. quence and ' full of prophesies . as to the marvelous improvement of water. ways near lit hand. Then you chan. v the scene and go into the rivers and Those of the noddle States Are Per fecting Their Organization. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 21. Organi zation of the Middle States Textile Manufacturers' Association will be perfected at a meeting here today of representatives of mills in Ohio, Indi ana. Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Michigan, Missouri and Wisconsin. The association was formed tentative ly in Evansville, Ind. last July. At the meeting today a report will be heard from a member who had been looking into the matter of freight rates. If this report warrants, the as sociation may file a protest with the Interstate Commerce Commission, ac cording to Secretary Lee Rodman, of Cannelton, Ind. COAL DEALERS AT EXPOSITION. Fuel Retailers Carry Out Programme at the Knoxville Show. Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 21. This is being observed as "retail men's coal' day" at the Appalachian exposition. This afternoon at 3 o'clock a meeting of coal dealers was convened in the coal pala e, a structure erected of coal and containing an exhibit 6f that in dustry. The pyrotechnic display, "The Bat tle of the Clouds," was presented last nignt for the first time, and. will con tinue xme week. It rivals any fire works ever s?en in the South. A committee of Atlanta business ; men is here arranging for Atlanta day v he bench show, presenting dogs from all parts of the Nation, and thb Wright aeroplane tournament will be inaugurated tomorrow. Asheville day also will be observed tomorrow, when many North Carolinians will be here. Congressman Austin left last night for Washington to confer with Presi dent Taft relative to final arrange ments for, the President's visit to the expositicm. "JuofSay"' HORLICK'S It Means Original and Genuine The Food-drink for All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. k quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. AskforHORUCK'S. Othe are imitations. 111 The World's Greatest Clairvoyant Palmist $20,000 for anyone that can equal her. She tells you your name and also the one you will marry. In readings of your hand she ac quaints you thoroughly with your, character, tells you what position ' in life you are most fitted for, and what are your future prospects. She can help you find the best course to pursue in any circum stances, and how to make the most of your opportunities. Her advice, is invaluable in either business or personal affairs. The marking or lines in the hand to Madam Eldon are like reading an open book. Will remain in Wilmington a few days at corner Princess and Sec ond streets, upstairs. . '. i MISTAKES MAN FOR DEER. Huntsman Slays His Brother-in-Law, Shock Prostrating Him. Syracuse. N. Y., Sept. 21. Clifford Judd. well known in St. Lawrence county, yesterday shot and killed his brother-in-law. Theron Plumb, mistak ing him for a deer. Upon discovering his mistake, Judd was overcome and today is in a ser ious condition as a result of the shock. YOU . CAN Bl'Y A HOME on Elzhtta street near Market for lens than 12,700.00. The house-, is two. story, and has seven rooms in - ood order. This is one of the best chances on the market. For further particulars, apply to James Owen Rellly, Insurance and Real Estate.- se 18 tf THE FOLLOWING NICE HOMES FOB RENT. No. 407 .South Front, eiirlit rooms Just repaired and nnnered $35.00. No. 216 Nontn linra street rooms fii. io. zis South Second street 8 rooms ?iJ."0. Jio. South 5th street 8 rooms s:.00. No. li North 8th street 8 rooms $.10.00. No. 411 Chesnut 8 rooms $ '5.00. No. 417 South 5th street 6 rooms $1S.00. No. 120 Dock street 8 rooms $20.00, nnd others anply to James Owen Reilly. Fire Insurance and Real Estate. ae 18 tf FOR RENT An up-to-date house Jit Car olina Heights. See M. C. Darby Co., 114 1-2 Princess street. se 21 3t CALL, PHONE NO. 72 We keep it all. Fresh meats, fruits and produce, t resn ground bone mesil for your chickens. Pal ace .Market Co. Phone No. Ti. se tr THE t.UESTION" IS. .Have you saved any money for hard times T If you have not October 1st, is the day to start. The Rural Building ami Loan Association will show you how. Fifteenth Series opens on Saturday. October 1st. The safest and best wav to ever own vour own home. For par ticulars see the 'Secretary and Treasurer James Owen Reilly, US Princess street. Runs too fast or slow, make up your mind there's a reason for it, and leave the watch at our Repair Department! No matter how intricate the works may be whether of for eign or American make, our watch repairer can get at the difficulty at once. is How time? your watch keeping t WANTED Men to take a 30 day practi cal course In our machine shops and learn the automobile business. We receive calls from all parts of the country wanting men as demonstrators at high salaried positions. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, N. C. sc-10-0t. MAN AND WOMAN To travel and ap point agents for established house. 315 a week and expenses. Stale age and pre vious employment Zelgler Co., 2l5 Fourth street, Philadelphia, sc 20 22 27' 2l oc 4 11 t The cost of a Busmen Local la small fee to pay for awec-ins- tan ant. "GO TO SEA" Meares Harriss, public stenographer, notary public. Multlgrnpu circulars: exoert typewriting. Notary work Reasonable rates. 'Phone 70S. 114 Princess street. Satisfaction guaranteed. hu 12 tn tbu su tf FOR SALE Entire business, composed of htore. ice cream machinery, cone machine, ice cream wagons. hoe and harness. This is a retail business, and an be wholesale also. Must le sold by Thursday 22nd. J. D. Stcpliano, Oil Castle street. se-lb-t)t FOR SALE Farm in East Wilmington in high state of cultivation, nice house and barn. Address "X. L." care Star office, se IS 6t ' f MISS MARGARET W. NASH desires to announce that she has taken the florist business formerly conducted by Mrs. Geo. W. Brooks, at 510 South Third street and requests the patronage of the public, se 18 7t FOR SALE Eight room house including bath with all- modern imprifvemeiits on S 5th street, near csr line. Lt 33x105. Ad dress "II. J." care Star. se IS II II A. 0. SCHUSTER JEWELER 104 North Front Street. . m, , NIK, Why the American National Bank Is Safe Uncle Sam keeps a watch ful but friendly eye on all National banks under his control. He requires each Na tional bank to make aUworn statement of its condition four times a year, and to pub lish auch reports in full in one of the local newspapers. He requires the board of directors to perform its duties and to have a knowledge of the manner in which the business is being conducted. A Lerican- National Bank Wilmington, N. C. se-21-tf. I se-21-tf. NOTICE. The firm of Murchison & Co., Naval Store Dealers, has been dissolved by mutual consent. If there are any cred itors, they are requested to present their accounts which will be pai'dat once. All persons owing the firm are asked to make immediate payment. MURCHISON & CO. se 21-2t. TRIP TO SEA. ASTMDOE? A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR mm SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS OX THE MONEY-BACK PLAN -Dr. R. JSchlffmann's "ASTHMADOR" never feUs to fcive INSTANT RE LIB? in the worst cases of ASTHMA. No WAITING for RE SULTS. Its action is immediate, direct and CERTAIN, and a CURE is tho result tn all curable cases. WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE "ASTH MADOR" to ffive IMMEDIATE RELIEF io Dosftivelv certain are we that it wfll do exactly land. .all day Friday and Saturday, gentle a claims for It. that we have authorized all 'family Dorse, and either runner tirea miK- DR. CHARLES HARPER I'ractlce lmlted to kidney, genlto-iirinnry and rectal i. Offices B07-S08 Southern Rntldtng. diseases pbone 1.106. ma 25 tf LOGS WANTED Poplar, hickory, wal nut and cedar logs wanted. Inspection ut your point, und cash payments. Write Surnnnah Valley Lumber Co., Augusta, On. se-17-Ut FOR HIRK Every afternoon In week Drosxists in the U. S. to Refund Your Money without question if it fails to benefit you. (1) R. Schlflmann Co., Proprietors, SL Paul, Minn. gy or phaeton. Address 'Horse." Box 3S(i STAR BUSINESS LOCALS FOR 8ALK Cheap s,-cond-hiii:d liv le. good orfler. A U.irir.iin if s ld at om-e. Apply :tt 107 South Fifth street .liter i; P. M. se 22 It' WAXTED--l.y man nf experience posi tiop us traveling; snles.nau. Am now trav eling, but lesire to Hi mjre positions. Kef erence given up'tn application to ISox S01, City. I se -22-lt. FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms (bed riX'in and sitting roomi within hhirk anil a half of pi'stoflice. Address "l'ostoflice"' Box H3. City. se 22-11 LOKT-T-Iiahy xijrnet liiiK with letter "F." on North Third or Walnut streets.. Reward if returned to 11., this office. se 22 It WANTED OCT. 1ST Competent yotniK lady desires position as steuojjriipher and assistant lx.okeeper. References furnished. Address "Stenographer." care of Star. se 22 2t BOARD WANTED Young married cou ple desires lard am! room Ui fashionable hoarding house: nermanent F. C." Star ottice. Address "A. se 2t FOR SALE At once one pinno $.VUK), gas range, chairs, heater rnd other house hold goods at a very low price. Applv :!12 North Fourth street. se 21 "it POSITION OI'EN now for first-class col lector and manager of delivery; will easily average $75 per month with attention to business; permanent and all the year round to competent man. Address with 'rpfrmw stating last employment. C. X. Y.. care t ftt-ur . .... . WANTED .TO.(MH) san cross-Hp CvS Tf T. Windley. postoftice box VAC, nftw'iii Prince s street. so L'l tf FOR RENT That desirable store No IS South Front, now occupied bv Sloan & Sweeney, having a depth of U" feet, three floors, and elevator at door on allev. Build ing In perfect order, possession given Oi to ner 1st. J. M. Stevenson. Agent. se 21 tf THE FLKTCIIER Ml SIC METHOD (Simplex and Kindergarten) gives a tho--ough fundamental knowledge of note read ing, ear training, scales, key-board, technic, musical history, and time and rhythm These are taught by means of stories, giimes, musical kindergarten material, etc. Material may be seen at residences of Mrs &.B- lK??r' 207 w"'"l- street, (phone 738). and Mrs. . .1. McMillan, 5(rj South Front street, (phone !)54). se 4t 41HT RECEIVED A large shipment of Ben Hnr metal polish.. Rest on the market 4(1 cents a iuart. Wilmington Carriage Works. 11(13 Castle street. "Phone 1(110. se-lii-tr. i By request the steamer Wilmington will make one of those delightful trips to sea, as far as the wnistling buoy Sunday September 25, 1910. Boat leaves at 10 A. M.; returns to city at 5:30 P. M., giving time for dinner at Southport on return from sea. Fare 50. cents round trip. se 22 thu-sa-2t. Are You One of our pleased customers. If not be come one by callong on us for one of our Extra Choice Roasts, or one of those Nice Juicy Steaks that melt in your mouth. Always a full supply of Extra Choice Meats of all kinds. Fresh Eggsk Chickens, Hams and Bacon. HOPKINS & MIS FFNT STREET MARKET. se-17-tf. RENT MONEY can be saved. Take stock In the 41st series and soon buy a home. North Carolina Home Building Association opens series October 1st. 11HO. Apply to C. W. Yates, president, or J. H. Taylor, Jr., secretary. se 18 20 22 24 : 5t THE GILBERT flOL'SE Combines home comforts with hotel conveniences, Front and x rlneess streets, Jnnction of all car lines. Electric lights and hot water. Table equals the best and rates reasonable. Transient 1.25 to 1.50 per day. Special rates to regular and table boarders. raa 20 tf. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Wanted In Wilmington. Examinations Novemler 12, sxon to fl.000. Preparation free. Frank lin Institute, Depat. 2G8-T. au-27-lmo. WANTED TO BUY, residence well locat ed, on or near car line. Seven rooms ex clusive of kitchen, pantry and bath. One story cottage preferred, with lot 60x163. Address "Home Comfort," care Star office. DISCOUNTS AS FOLLOWS 20 Pe Cent, on all Solid Gold and Sterling Silver Ooods. 25 Per Cent, on Gold Filled and Plated Goods, Cut (Jlass and other articles. 30 Per cent, on hand pain ted and Imported China goods. 40 Per Cent, on Vases and other odds and ends. Above discounts will positively close September 1st. J. T. Burke, the Jeweler, 27 South Front street, au 14 tf "CAROLINA PLACE LOTS Two el- egantly located lots for sale in this growing suburb. Only part cash re quired. Communicate with me at once, if interested. W. M. Cumming, Real Estate and Notary. se.22-lt Rust Proof Seed Oafs 381 Bags N. C. R. P. Oats. 277 Bags Western R. P. Oats. 118 Kegs Large Mullet. 169 Kegs Medium Mullet. 114 Bushels Seed Rye. t 29 Cases Fancy Sficed Pineapple. 108 Cases New Georgia Peaches. 2,400 Cotton Sheets. 9,400 Yards 2lb. Bagging. 864 Bundles 45lb. New Ties. 77 Bags Boss Cfiop Feed. 1.1 COOPER Importer and Jobber. Wilmington, N. C. FOR SALE rndedeemed shot guns, con sisting of Remington. L. C. Smith and Itblca. Our prices are the lowest in the iZJr CU. ac Uncle Charles' pawn shop, 108 Market street. Se 20 tf WANTED Wood near Carolina Eeach. City. choppers, for work Apply to H. A. Kure, se 20 tf WANTED Pharmacist registered or un registered to relieve man forVjO days. Ad dress box 66, Fair Bluff, N. C. se 20 3t WANTED Oct. 1st., by young man, table board In private family, within four or five blocks of postoffice. Address glv- " uuii races. i. l. ' e:ire Star. se 0 St, tF.?? R5Nw7-5 Marlet street, corner of rhird and Market streets, -IS rooimvtwo baths, well established, select boarding house. Apply to M. C. Darby & Co., Real Estate and Renting Agency, 114 1-2 Prin cess street. se 18 t - se 22-tf; We are now receiving regularly those fine New River Oysters, and they provide a lunch for the epicure that "touches the spot." Served on the half shell, stewed or fried. AtlanficCafe Opposite Union Depot. Gieschen Bros., Props. I 1L 11 WHY'. -DON'T n. Words Are Only Good When Backed By Deeds In promising our patrons the dis play of a thoroughly representative metropolitan stock of SILVERWARE, we felt we were saying quite a good deal. In buying for the coming season wc have selected an assortment of Table Silver Pieces, inexpensive, moderate and costly. As the wedding time approaches, shoppers will find at this store a stock worthy of attention: Quality Is Essential and Should be Backed by price 0 HONNET Conservative Progress. se-21-tf. I BBC I Second Call! At the request of many of ou r customers who failed to have thrir measure taken for Fall and Winter Suits when Strouse & Bros.' ex pert cutter and fitter was here, we have again secured his services and will be in our store Thursday, September 22nd. 'Friday, September 23rd. Saturday, September 24th. with his full line of foreign and domestic woolens. Several new de signs and patterns have been added to his line. Those desiring well tailored clothing will do well to see this mio of high art suitings before going elsewhere. J. M. Solky & Co. Phone 617. Masonic Temple. se 22-tf. A Money Saver HILL'S "HUSTLER" ASH SIFTER is the very sifter you've always wished for an en closed cylinder sieve that sifts with the turn of the handle, so that ash-dust drops into barrel while the unbumed coal rolls out into scuttle. Saves Time, Work and Valuable Fuel Fits snugly over top of ordinary barrel or galvan ized iron ash-can, so that all ashes and dust are con fined to barrel underneath. No Dust Can Escape Sifts a week's ashes in a few minutes so easy a child can run it. "Care fully and substantially made of eal- vanued iron-t-all joints riveted. Num- ti-;-tT5?.S" Der l size is tor ordinary nousenoia use. Shall we deliver one for you ? iuSMM ml m m N. Jacobi Hardware Co. se 20 tf If ItTs a HAT We Have It! ' The only exclusive Millinery house in the city. Watch for announcement of open ing at T A VLOR'S Ladies' Hatters 114 Market Street. se-21-tf. se-21-lm

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