A: PAGE ElGnT fHjfr AI(ItNICj STAR, GTOy y-. -Qty TUESDA Y,. sferaEMBEB gT ipO. THE WEATHER U. S. Department of Agriculture Wec.ther Bureau. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 27, 1910. Meterogical data for the 24 hours ending 8 P. M., Monday, Sept. 26, 1910: Temperature at 8 A. M. 71 degrees; 8 P. lvi. 74 degrees; maximum 80 de grees; minimum 65 degr esj.mean 72 degrees. v. Kainfail for the day, .00; for the month, 1.70 inches. Stage of water in, cape Fear river at Fayetteville at 8 A. M., Monday, 2.7 feet. Weather Forecast. . North Carolina: Generally fair Tues day and Wednesday; light variable winds ADVISORY MESSAGE. Washington, D. C, Sept. 26. Advi sory message 3 P. M. Disturbance near and west o!L Dominica moving west. Vessels bound for Carribean Sea should exercise caution. ' Port Calendar1 September. Sun Rises 6:04 A. M. Sun Sets 6:02 P. M. Day's Length 11 hrs. 56 min. High water at Southport. . .3:15 P. M. High water at Wilmington. .6:15 P. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .7. II. liehiler & Co. Millinery OponliiK. l'eople's Savings Bank Interest Quar ter. St. John's Lodjje, A. F. & A. M. Einei gent Communication. ButtinrHH, LochIh. II. I... Leonard Rent Karate. For l!ent Larjre Front Itvom. For Keut Store and Iwellin. Wilmington Carria.ee Works Wanted. I. Newman & Sou Younir Aran Wanted. Franklin Institute-.-Railway Mail Clerks. Wilmington Carriage Works Horse. Shoeing. PREFERS TO REMAIN MAYOR Continued From Page Oce.y decent, and to lift it up and make it an object lesson to the whole nation. If to do this he nas to be more or less meddlesomet we will all forgive such meddlesomeness, if kept fairly within the law." Mayor's Strength Exaggerated. Rochester, N. Sept. 26. The op ponents of Mayor Gaynor devoted to day and tonight co preparation for, the struggle against his selection for the head of the Democratic State ticket, which now seems likely to be the dis tinguishing feature of the two days re maining before the State Democratic Convention. The extent of this oppo sition is difficult to define. Friends of James S. Havens declare that it covers the Western half of the State and some of the more enthusias tic assert that there is no real demand for the Mayor's nomination outside of New York. At present the Havens men head the anti-Gaynor forces; but when the supporters of the other can didates arrive they hope to enlist their aid on he common ground that the elimination of Gaynor is the first re quisite towards ensuring the success of anybody else, no matter, from what section of the State he hails. The opponents of Gaynor, it is said, will urge upon Charles F. Murphy, the Tammany Hall leader, and others that it will be dangerous to depend too much upon the popular sentiment in Gaynor's favor engendered by his at tempted assassination; that but 'for this sympathy Judge Gaynor would not have his present lead for the nom ination, and that it is not strong enough to weather the strain of a hard campaign. The manner with wi.ch the Mayor's candidacy is assaned by some of the up-State leaders here has surprised those who came to Rochester with the belief that Gaynor sentiment up State was so "strong that his nomination depended only upon the announcement o. his willingness to run. These mn declare that Chairman Dix has in formed them privately that the infer ence drawn from the statement he made in New York last week regard ing the strength of Gaynor sentiment he found throughout the State was ex aggerated. Tney have investigated the Mayor's political history, and they as sert that they will show the New York leaders that Mr. Gaynor's ; attributes do not qualify him to lead the party in , the State this fall. Recalling Mayor Gaynor's reluctance to commit himself on previous occa-' Bions when he asked to bo a cand'date, they say that the lack of any definite statement regarding his candidacy ha3 put the party in an embarrassing situ ation. At the. same, time some believe that Leader Murphy will come here with an assurance from Gaynor re garding his intentions which mav answer this argument. Others think that the Mayor is so desirous of be ing sure that he is the unanimous choice of the party that e may with hold any such statement in the expect a.ion toat if the convention, is suffi ciently enthusiastic it will name him anyway, resting assured that he will accept if the nomination comes to him with the unanimity that such an event would indicate. The Havens men . admit that they have no assurance of the support of William R. Hearst if their candidate receives the nomination, but they call attention to the fact that the New York editor supported Mr. Havens when he ran for congress,, and hope iiiai mis course indicates that Mr.1 .nearsi nas iorgotten the fact that Ha vens opposed him when Hearst ran for Governor in 1906. NEW YORK STATE CLANS GATHERED 'Continued From T ae 0n0 koosevelt had asked me to vote for him I would certainly have said 'yes.' " "We all would," said Chairman Woodruff. Speaker Wadsworth said: "I must correct the statement of Mr. Griscom that he told me before the meeting of his intention of presenting Col. Roosevelt's name. I was taken by surprise when he did so." Mr Griscom reiterated his statement that he believed there was trickery, and Samuel Krulewitch, of Manhattan, said he was present and heard Griscom tell Speaker Wadsworth that Col. Roosevelt's name would be presented. The episode concluded with this re mark by Chairman Woodruff: "I think this charge by Mr Gris com and others, a charge by Republi cans against Republicans, is the most unwarranted piece of business I have ever known." The motion was then carried that Mr. Sherman's selection as temporary chairman was made without misrepre sentation. Sratoga, N. Y., Sept. 26. Saratoga seethes in a political turmoil tonight, the eve of one of the most important Republican State conventions ever held. The "old guard" are making ELECTION FRAUD INQUIRY. In xwu DOOEg EAST of the northeast corner cf Third and Cnurcn, No. 213, Is a . . il.,e in i,c i ""uoc on a lot du ieet iront Dy Progress at Norfolk interest in 6 feet deep. Splendid location, macadam the Outcome. . . suou neijjnbors. near downtown Norfolk Va. Sept. 26. On the eve "c"r -r. ",,e- 1,ie P''ie interest you. ofheas'sembling Sf the committee of J&Zf SS&V" Keal nine named by the Democratic State se 25-it. Central Committee to Investigate the : 7 rt ..oinnal nrimnrv In the -OK- KENT Rooms with privilege of recent Congressional primary in tne .piirlor and 8uUable f()r ,1rht holsekeplnK. second district, there is intense inter- f inferences required. Address "A-L." care est and much' speculation on the out- "f st;tr- e -4t. candidate who w?s nominated on the face of the returns by a majority of 4o will file his charges tomorrow In answer to those filed by Harry L. May nard, the defeated Congressman, who has represented this district for ten years. Young will, charge that Maynard re ceived votes in Portsmouth that were fraudulently cast; that persons out of the city on primary day were recorded as voting, and that more people were voted than actually came up to the polls. It is alleged that dead men were "voted" in Portsmouth. The most important thing fac'ng the committee now is the question of whe ther the Investigation can be complet ed by October 4th, when the State committee is called to receive the re port and determine what is to be done in the matter. The general opinion prevails that a new primary or conven tion will be ordered, or that the pre cincts showing fraud will be thrown out and the nomination given the can didate who has a majority when this Is - n 1.x. nMnnnn nut nnv iv 1 1. their battle on the issue, "Shall -Theo- one-A rm lue h Yhl wirC dore Roosevelt rule the Republicans "am A Young would still be the win- come. ' I WANTED Table noarders. Excellent William A. Young, me ,suwesiui rare. iarge newly furnished rooms with or wuncut Donrd : southwest exposure. fientlenian or couple preferred. One and a in the State of New .York? Col. Roosevelt reached here late to day and within five minutes had plung ed into the situation, taking full com mand of the progressive forces and rounding up the wavering unpledged delegates. The ebb and flow of the ner in that event. LONDON BANKERS COMING. Will Disucss Bill of Lading Dispute With American Financiers. Washington, Sept. 26. It was said poliacal tides finally set in for the pro- at the treasury today .that a commit- gressives tonight and the colonel, af ter a conference with his lieutenants, tee of London bankers will come to New York soon for a conference with repeated his declaration made at Troy American financiers in the hope of coming to some agreement on tne question of guarantees on cotton bill of lading. The English banks have asked the American National banks to guaran- today: "We nave beaten tnem to a frazzle and the trophies are ours." When Col. Roosevelt came into Sara toga he was met at the railroad ; sta tion by the New xork county delega tion headed by Lloyd C- Griscom, Rep-" tee bills of lading on export cotton, resentative Parsons and Otto Ban: Under the National bank act that nard, of New York, and hundreds of would be illegal. Bankers have asked delegates and townspeople. A prqees- Comptroller of the Currency Murray sion was formed and headed by a to give a liberal interpretation of the Troy band, marched to the United national bank act to permit them to States Hotel, where the colonel was d0 so DUjt me Comptroller has refused rushed to the second story piazza to it It is understood that the Ameri make a brief speech in response to can Dankers are.- now looking for the crowd. t some legal way to guarantee the bills "Good luck," he shouted, waving his and have invited the British bankers black sombrero hat to the crowd. "I jnt a oonfprenre shall not try to make any speech now. Thft Rnrn9h hanks are standine firm Fli make my Speech tomorrow." nn fhoir .ultimatum not tn accent any Then before the crowd could rush cotton Wllg without guarantees after m on uim, tu lu"c'8W WBiu October 31st. Cotton growers and ';TrutM ,"7 brokers are much concerned over the t, nin fi,n situation as much, of the American Vice President Sherman came to the croI goec to En,and v'liripo thia 'mnrnirnr fmm TTtifa and ,..wf i0tiv t Ma rm Wow u.o Roanoke, Va., Sspt. 24. Four mask- nf M arrival Mr Sherman ha noth. VOODerS, ail DPIieveU IO Ue UIIC ing to say an,d spent the day talking mten- last. Bignt enierea tne nome or with friends on the veranda of the ho- oi .uiuws, tel. Mr. Sherman, it was learned, en- beat his wife, tied her to a bed stole trtoina arv oifH hnnoa rsf hio 9uu tnat was niaaon in a manress election to the temporary chairman- and scaped Southers was absent ship, but he says he is in the fight. The Vice President, however, came in for a-spirited demonstration tonight when a marching club of some 200 members with a band arrived from UtUa. Mr. Sherman met tne "boys from Oneida" as he called them, and marched with them once around the great court of the United States Ho tel. The marchers carried small Amer ican flags and the Vice President and his friends were rapturously cheered by the old guard delegates and their cohorts. The parade then led the way to the band stand and the Vice Presl-J riant tuoa n I wckt r onaatr "Gentlemen," he said, "surface con ditions point to the fact that about 5,000 of you prefer to hear your own voice than to hear mine. I shall not from home mm n INSTANTLY RELIEVED or YOUR MONEY BACK 1-1 DR. R. SCHlFFMANN'S rp?V Is Sold by All Druggists on a Positive Guarantee assure you that . I will speak in the to ,ve instaQt j case f ccnvontion. but rather; I will say that . .? . . , . t 1 will speak in the convention tomor- ' . ,ma.lw.r row if a majority so will. I always " Vt?l2L !uu,f bow to the will of the majority, which I munt 61 kmuhulu py ine is my only boss. 1 desire to express Druggist of whom you bought the pack- my thanks to the stalwart body of age, without any question. 6) OneMa county business men. 'regard- R c,Lm. Dr.5i o ol..t u.. less of party, who have come here to B. Schittmann Co., Proprietors, SL Paul, Minn. answer the clap-trap of the opposition. uenuemen, i am nere ana you are i OT Jl n rtllOllirnrt I nrtai e here because we are Republicans, anx- OlMIl DUOIil UOd LUlMLd 10 us to ao wnat we can to proauce par ty harmony and party success." With the arrival of Col. Roosevelt ' fob sale itoai estate in French's half Mocks from postofflce. i'osioince. Address Box se 25-3t. FOR SALE Oats and Vetch liny. Hollnnd Nurseries. Castle Hayne, N. C. se 23-3t CALL. PURE FOOD Murket for new sour kraut and celery and nil kinds of ments. fruits and vegetables. 'Phone 14!K. north east corner of Second and Market streets. 1). M. Davis. DroDrietor se 24 tf NICE DRESSED CHICKENS, fancy cel ery, best of beef, veal, mutton and nil kind or veuetaoies nna fruits. I'alace Market Co. Phone No. 72, se 24 tf. WANTED 50,000 sap cross-ties Cx8. It. VVindley, Dostoflice box ti9o. office 114 Princess street. se 21 tf MAN AND WOMAN To travel and ap point agents -for established house. 315 a week and expenses. State aire and tpre- vious employment. Zelgler Co., 265 1 Fourth street, Philadelphia, se 20 22 27 29 oc 4 11 6t the VV ST. JOHN'S LODGE, NO. 1, A. F. & A. M. Emergent Commnni- cation this Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. for the purpose of con ferring the Sublime de fhree of Master Mason. All members are ex acted. Affiliated Ma sons (re cordially in vited. By order of . M. se 27-lt. A. 8. HOLD EN. Secretary. rrlncess street formerly occiinled bv The MorninfT Star newspaper. Size of lot 58 l-4x0. Four floors, including basement. ?lrtn..ato alto f V m rncfm House. For details apply to Wm. II. Ber nard. au-23-tf. THE QUESTION is. .Have you saved any money for hard times? If you have not October 1st, Is the day to start. The llural Building and Loan Association will show you how. Fifteeuth Series opens on Saturday, October 1st. The safest and best way to ever own your own home. For par ticulars see the Secretary and Treasurer James Owen Reilly, US Princess street. irrfcn fi 1 I K1 VMot .-.wim linnaa Inol ml n rw ...II . . . 1. u.. ...V'.IV 1 11 1 U w T.l.V II ll' VI II , I . 5th street, near car line. Lot 33x165. Ad- .1 HIT T t r- a ' . Ci uicita ii. o. tare ijiar. se DR. CHARLES T. HARPER Practice Imited to kidney, srenltourinary and rectal diseases. Offices 507-508 Southern Building. phone 1.16R. .. . ma 25 tf WANTED-Wood chopper, for work near Carolina Beach. Apply te H. A. Kure, City. se 20 tf WANTED Oct. 1st., by young man, table board in private family, witjnu four or five blocks of postofflce. Address giv ing location and rates, "C: Y. X." care Star. k Be 0 3t & : " . FOR RENT 225 Market street, corner of Third and Market streets, '18 rooms, two baths, well established, select boarding house. Apply to M. C Darby & Co., Keal Estate and Kenting Agency, 114 1-2 Prin cess street. se 18 tf rOK SALE One 42 - erkins Michigan Favorite shingle machine. Best machine made for juniper and cypress. Would ac cept shingles in payment. Beaver Dam Lumber Co., Clinton, N. C. sc-l"-sat-suii-tues-(it. FOR SALE Undedeemed shot guns, con sisting of Remington. L. C. Smith and Itliica. Our prices are the lowest in the city. Call at Uncle Charles' pawn shop, l(is Market street. se 20 tf WANTED TO BUY. residence well locat ed, on or near car line. Seven rooms ex clusive of kitchen, pantry and lxith. One story cottage preferred, with lot 00xlG5. Address "Home Corufort," care Star office. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of Bon Iinr metal polish. Best on the market 4(1 cents a quart. Wilmington Carriage Works. 1103 Castle street. 'Phone 1019. se-15-tf. THE GILBERT HOC8E Combines home comforts with hotel conveniences. Front and i rlncess streets, junction of all cur lines. Electric lights and hot water. Table equals the best and rates reasonable. Transient $1.25 to'1.50 per day. Special rates to regular and table boarder. ma 20 tf. l the old guard doubled their efforts to reek township Bladen county, cotton gi capture the palm of victory. Lieuten- gJSSnuni! Kei'i" frf! 55 gin. ess MAN OR WOMAN-To travel and appoint agents for established house. $15 a week and exienseR. State age and previous em ployment. Universal House, 1014 Arch street, Philadelphia.-1 se-l-18-21-2:5-25-27-0t SALESMEN for this territory. Splendid opportunity. Experl-n-e iiiiiiec-vssary. $1H monthly and expenses. Write Union Cigar Co., Cinclnnatl,Ohlo. se 28 tu su 2t "CO TO SEA" Meares Harriss, public stenographer, notary public. Multigraph circulars; expert typewriting. Notary work. Reasonable rates. 'Phone 70S. 114 Princess street. Satisfaction guaranteed. an 12 tu thu su tf , RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Wanted fh Wilmington. Examinations Novemler 12, S00 to ljpOO. Preparation free. Frank lin Institute? Depat. 2G8-T. au-27-lmo. DISCOUNTS AS FOLLOWS 20 Per Cent, on all Solid Gold and Sterling Silver Hoods. 25 Per Cent, on Gold Filled and Plated Goods, Cut Glass and other articles. 30 Per cent, on handpainted and Imported China goods. 40 Per Cent, on Vases and other odds and ends. Above discounts will positively close September 1st J. T. Burke, the Jeweler, 27 South Frout street. mi 14 tf IFDOS was Your Watch Runs too fast or slow, make up your mind there's a reason for it, anl leave the watch at our Repair Department! -No matter how intricate the works may be whether of for eign or American make, our watch repairer can get at the difficulty at once. How is your watch keeping time? A. 0. SCHUSTER JEWELER 104 North Front Street. -''' ' ' '''THE steady growth and large deposits gain ed by this BANK iShows that our efforts to please ar appreciated. We always work FOR Our patrons, making their interest our interest. This accounts for THE Large patronage accorded us In every portion of the city by the MASSES. American National Bank Wilmington, N. C. se 24tf September Mullets. 216 Bbls Medium Mullets. 114 Bbls. Large Mullets. 117 Bags New Crop Head Rice. 116 Bags Medium Head Rice. 89 Bags Broken Rice. 180 Bags Rice Flour. 1C1 Bags Wheat Bran. . 89 Bags North Carolina R. P. Oats. 1 4 nags oeeu nye. 89 Cases Big "R" Tomatoes. 67 Cases Dog Head Tomatoes. 25 Cases Fancy Pineapples. 1. 1 COOPER Importer and Jobber. Wilmington, N. C. A1 ants of William Barnes, Jr., who is leading the old guard forces, say te WANTED To buy, one five to seven motor, Wilmington .'1 Castle street. 'Phone - se 27-ltf. night that they have made a few gains, horsepower electric but are not ready to claim a majority 1ariage N"1'kR' U'K of the convention. The wavering del egates are Deing eageny sougnt Dy horse shoeing If your. horse strikes hfith sidps lor Stumbles brinir him to us ' We re i. Mr. Griscom announced tonight that P.?,ruVL Jll,It.' 5 a,!e norH.l,1,: ; vn ni ji I ' "i.ci. ii. .nr- iuu. w -i-iii. uu-i. ul luc i,uu in iu. wuveuuuu, FOR RENT One large front room In wnicn would give tnem a good working private family, three block fro mpostof rrrainriTV. hp sain tnat sinoo rno nr. i "v. u.nii. uui nun -oii rboiVf -Kit,. Dnno0n v nm..ntM. i none. r.im;iiie ror one or rwo iui. nuuciui, iiufiicoanco gentlemen. Address box ."wrr w -J7.it naa gainea iour voi,s. ivir. uarnes witn nis associates nas . railway mail clerks wanted. iro in written out a. comnlete and full nlar.- 5 ilmington. Examinations November 12th. . . I PianinutiAii f i.in n 1. li t....iu..i. a. form which will be presented to the SoT K""YZ . "VP1- cuimuiiiee uu nesoiuiious, ana mr. names saia lonient tnat mey wouia iiere'H yoi:r choice to buy dnontn.r not submit to a Single amendment tO ln'flDe; locality near Market street. Will be that nlatfnrro i In the pvpti nf their "1 "."!'v- ' own. jsmith lt. , I , , " i"Ora, it princess street. se ucitai, we ituupLcu piULlunu Will uc enwrely made up by the progressives and they will be responsible for it. uoi. Koosevelt put in spme time to night going over the primaries plank V voa. tio I IT X rjlS- I (Ml Til Mil JllOllt l. Vf ru leaueis are not an oi uub mum m' vw n nwua uunuiess- one with s.)me the precise make-up of this particuiari"""'- irwreu. Appiy to v. Newman nlanlr I Bc -i-ii that ne Chicago, Sept. 24. When th Sena. torial investigating committee begins me inquiry mxo me election of Senator WiiiiP-m Lorlmer Monday mornine it is exported that Representatives Charles A. White, one of the Democratic letris- latofs who voted for Senator Lorimer, wm db me nrst witness. The New Bonds If yoq have North Carolina' - Four Per Cent Bonds, due July 1st, 1910, send them to us for payment or exchange for the new Issue. .We pur , closed $150,000.00 of the new . Bonds, which are free of all taxes, and being a State de - pository are prepared to take up the maturing Bonds. J7-lt. FOR RENT Store jind dn-pllhir , i.,i1f,,c.i In good locution inn suitable fr nny busi ness. For particulars aunlv at .T4 Si.ntii Fifth street., or -hone KK12. se 27-11 Mr. liriscom said tonignt xnat ue CLASSES in the FletH.-r LUUUgUL Ul a man from the motion the colonel Sherman fnr tpmnnrarv chairman. 54.) Regarding a report that Mr. Koose velt had run for governor . nuuaevBii viuum ( ocivu moiiuiuc iuu KiiHit-rgarren ) will commence his home COUnty tO make pn . monaay. victoner :i l'.lio, at :; P. M. For substituting .the name of wSMt r7" S f 1UI LUaL Ul five i i iuiuv-. mi'lUIIUlU, OU-i noilLIl Kl'nut urniut ' phone se 27-1 w. been asked by his friends to t?8,?" "omv eriLmxa on rwerrmr Mr. Griscom Said: L'J mZw ?lu f!? mod- "No such proposition has been made and Appartments for rent "in thisebui?,HnffS i . r . li V... ' rtlF nv HT1V nr iwDocoaiuu KIVCU llllOTir V i- 1 ,. r.1 . io ivir. riooseveit uj mo - HM, Tnmba iw.,, t?h" v. rur ih my friends, The matter was suggest- E8tater ' ,,l"uw" ""f! ed to Mr Ttnosevelt by me some weeks r-2 se --" ago and that ended it' . t2rt??TE-D in?tri ction i win The platform, he -said, would contain ot0r ??nftgWtoi -4. - oralriRt eraft and om !'ral:'m-Pitmaiiic svs- a Buuug cipi coowii "o - . i- wu,..,,,,,!, uHtMi (y reporters i..,,;,,,. a vigorous labor 'plank- , . I JaaJlt me"en Tm FrpdoHrk O. Stevens. Superintendent S??:!0 f- Instruction is given lndi- of public works, who comes from Wy- printed one in T,,, mpCt"e?0 tfi?!!?u oming county, loomed large , today no "MppW ad.P 'tt'XS!: an available canaiaaie iui j. - r-' v wnreiy u is po Efforts were made during the day to erabV2pd "n?w y norp0PT,tative Bennett, of New1 per mohth. iiH?"ie,? -'-09 to?7.5( Tork withdVaw his candidacy for the Add r r. h. w P CheStnnt n,hPrT,otnrial nomination in Order tOBtrfel- or telephone So. 1.370. se 25-6t. make way for an up-State man Money Saver HILL'S "HUSTLEK" ; - fflSH SIFTER is the very sifter you've always wished for an en closed cylinder sieve that sifts with the turn qf the lianrll u- that ash-Husf H mm " into barrel while the unburned coal rolls out into scuttle. Saves Time, Work and Valuable Fuel Fits snugly over top of ordinary barrel or galvan ized iron ash-can, so that all ashes and dust are con fined to barrel underneath. No Dust Can Escape Sifts a week's ashes in a few minutes so easy a child can run it. Care : fully and substantially made of gal vanized iron all joints riveted. Num ber 1 size is for ordinary -household use. Shall we deliver one for you f N. Jacobi Hardware Co. se 2f tf Mr. WE ARK vnw oi ... 7. ' nneu. however, was not inclined to .tyjj and fluids f'. be persuaded. .. ; : ' lsoyutL?n,Bn0lld?,1,,y' Folt2 & Kendrlck. se 24 tt It Is Almost Here Again (The Fir& of the Months HAVE YOU OPENED THAT SAVINGS ACCOUNT YET? v DEPOSITS MADE OCTOBER 1ST BEGIN TO DRAW 4 CENT. INTEREST IMMEDIATELY PAYABLE MARCH 1ST. PER WE WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE A DEPOSIT FROM YOU. Atlantic Trust and Banking ( o. CHAS. N. KVANS President. MltTON CALDEB Cashier. Southern Building. Opposite Postofflee. rOWiladlaruD Eldpn The World's Greatest Clairvoyant Palmist. 1 2 1:1. Others are loved, why not you? Others are lucky, why not you? Others are Happy, why not you? Why are you unfortunate? If there are matters of importance you need advice upon, be thoy buisness, travels, evil influences, love, marriage, divorce or failure to gain" your greatest desires. Madam Eldon is the one to see. She will not only tell you of them, but will give you the proper advice and how to overcome the obstacles that stand between your success and hanni ness. All consultation sacredly confidential. Parlors Located at Cor. Princess 6 2nd Sts. UP STAIRS. Words Are Only Good When Backed By Deeds In promising our patrons the dis play of a thoroughly representative metropolitan stock of SILVERWARE, we felt we were saying quite a good deal. In buying: for the toming season we have selected an assortment of Table Silver Pieces, inexpensive, moderate and costly. As the wedding time approaches, shoppers will find at this store a stock worthy of attention. Quality Is Essential and Should be Backed by price HONNET Conservative Progress. W. B. THORPE & CO. - i COAL and WOOD BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Shingles, Roofing Pa per, Slate, Cement, Lime, Plaster, etc. Phone 789 Fall 1910 Announcement It will give me great pleasure to show you the latest MILINERY MODELS. Wednesday, Sept. 28th. Thursday, Sept. 29th. J14 Market Street, Yours truly, HATTIE TAYLOR, Ladies' Hatter. W 2".tf. .QSfS'tioir We are now receiving rcs!v those fine New River Oysters, ani they provide a lunch for the epic that "touches the spot." Served on the half shell, stewed (,r fried. AflanticCafe Opposite Union Depot. . Gieschen Bros., Props. se 25tf. se 22-tf. X

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