THE WEAgR. Generally fair and nt.. Scolder Tuesday; Wednesday, falr;rate THE LITTLE AD. A few lines of type will tell It, eell. It, let it, op get it. Twenty-five words or less one time, 25c. Discount f6K week or longer. to brisk soutnwest to west w VOL. LXXXVIII NO. 5; WILMIGrTOK, C, TtTlfiSDAY MORNINGr, MARCH 28, 1911. WHOLE NUMBER 13,567. "V - . . a - a v . m rafni m agvg.a - J w . 1 1. . . . m. m r. ' - a- . i yi. --vc-awi - . aw m - a m m .Baar l : -- 1 . 1 ; ; - . "-v ' - . rfdr . . . . ... CRUSADE AGAINST Postoffice Inspectors Raided Offices of Two Fifth Av enue Brokers ST0I.I1 STBUCK PHILADELPHIA Wrought Havoc Throughout the City Yesterday Police Station De - molished Unknown Man Was Killed. Ill STOCK SOLD Philadelphia, March 27. A severe electrical storm accompanied by a high wind, which at times blew with cyclonic force, swept oVer the North ern section of this city, shortly after X' o'clock tonight leaving destruction and death in its wake. The New York division 'of the Penn sylvania railroad was placed out of OF BLAME " FOR FIRE HORROR Probers Discover Some of the Causes Responsible For the Disaster 0ECI0E 0III10RSEMLSH PROSECUTION IS BEING URGED Company Alleged to be "Fleecing" commission temporarily by the demol- Grim Scene Around Shirt Waist Fac- Public With - Worthless Oil Scheme Raid is Follow ed by Arrests. ition of its tower at Holmesburg, and station at Tacony, cutting off all tel egraphic communication.' New York trains !are being routed via the Tren ton cut-off, which branch of the "Penn sylvania company was not in the path tory Yesterday Funeral Trains IVrbve Throughout the Day. Number of Dead. No Executive Clemency for the Pres ent President Follows Recom mendation of the Attorney Genera r ; Details. Washington, March 27. Executive clemency will not be extended at pres ent to Charles W. Morse, the New York banker and John R. Walsh, the Chicago banker, who are serving fif teen years sentences, respectively, in Federal prison, the former at Atlanta and' the latter at Leavenworth. The President has had before him for several weeks applications in both cases and it wTAs learned today that he will follow the recommendations of Attorney General Wickersham. It is understood that Mr WIekersham rec ommended that Inasmuch that Walsh Wilt- be parolled under the new Fed cw lorti, Maren a. m a ram to- ui tu wiau. New York, March 27. Fixing the eral law next September justice would day on e stock brokerage offices In "ce Tacony was the loss of 142 lives in the be better served If exacutive clemency sins rrcrt l:itFrP m st: n of saM,rda sMirsrK Company, ana me stanaara &ecurmes their beats when the roof of the drew to a focus today the energies of Generai was aTer8e to any relief but vomyaujr, ijuswmwc iuouuib tuaiS-1 uuumuS was uiuwn qu sua every wm- the district attorney s stan, . tn3 nre recommended that if there was to be ed that irregularities amounting to uuw oroiten oy a suaaen Durst oi marshal, the coroner, the State Labor a commutatioa it should be such. as credited to the two concerns in the t UT 7CT y" .a V ""w and eight months, which includes the At the same time the resignation of last few years. houses in this section were unroofed additional grand jury in a formal res- usual allowance for good behavior. Miguel Macedo, the sub-secretary of Official, Announcement in Mexico Brought no Sur prises Yesterday MJDEROS NOT AFTER OFFICE Clinan Made Ambassador to United States to Succeed LaBarra Stit uation in the Republic Re . forms Next Move. . Mexico City," March 27. Co-incident with the official announcement of a new Diaz cabinet today came that of the appointment of Manuel DeZaca macona Clinan, as ambassador to the United States, succeeding Minister LeBarra named secretary of foreign Archie and Emmett S. Wisner, Con or completely demo..shed. SHELDON IS FI1IIUY CHI UNABLE 10 BREAK Charges of Embezzlement Against Him in Canada Involve Nearly Two Millions Captured I After Exciting Chase. Democratic Caucus Held Last .rittsDurg, Marcn. 28. cnaries u. Sneddon, alia Charles D. Washburn, of Montreal, Canada, who is wanted in that city on charges of embezzle ment said to involve nearly $2,000,000 was arrested in the local financial district today by a' private detective from the East. Sheldon, who was also known here as C. W. Ross, admitted that he was a fugitive from Canada. Information by the local authorities charges him with embezzlement and receiving money by false pretenses in the sum of $500,000. When the detective approached Sheldon he made a sensational at tempt to escape and was captured on ly after an exciting chase.- When brought to the central notice station. . ' I 1.11 . 4 X i A . i . - Sheldon asked permission to use the iaea lonigni 10 select a canaiaaie telephone. He called up a local stock for United States senator and was broker and gave orders to close out called to re-Convene tomorrow night: his deals on the local stock exchange. ... . Sheldon, according to the police to Twenty-five candidates were voted x night, disappeared from Montreal last for, William F. Sheehan leading with October. His get-rich-quick opera- a vote of 28 less than a third of tions here are said to have excited the tottn , t.,j suspicion of the authorities. Sheldon tnose takIng part Those ceived maintained that he was doine a leiriti- the nxt highest votes were Augustus . mate business and offered to submit VanWyck 7; Isadore Straus 5; John his books 'o the crown attorney for N- Fitzgerald 6, and Daniel Coha Night Failed to Select a Candidate TANGLE - OVER SEIIATOHSHIP Ninety of 116 Members of Legislature Answered Roll-Call Second, Failure to Reach Conclus-1 Ion In Long Contest. ' Albany, N. Y., March 27. Th'e sec ond Democratic legislative caucus In the cabinet as announced today complete investigation. On October Ian 4. nlntlnn iM-scantaH tr fha Pnnrt nf flan. Mnrsft hpean ServinC his Sentence in tVio nonartmont nf thA TntPrinr hl. T m , , . i i vuvii w .m-m. v v v- -u luv a-r vfSM 'v. a . v. auwwp mHnr. ttia ftwnorcMn hnth rn. I uwuuiatiunug uwu ui I , -J .r..:. SJ v, JaniiarV. 1910. and WalSh tWO months ranio Irnnwn cerns. and Grover S. Trumbull, chief "-engington .several lactones we later. In the cabi clerk, were arrested. A L United States ""T AZS: office of Secretary of the Inter- h hT .uddVa dlBappeVred befow Governor Dix received one ballot commissioner held Archie Wisner in r'..rT" ",.."." ""to " ' 4,1 ine ueparxmeni. or justice toaay ae-ior was left vacant. the nfficiaJa had fln nnnnrtnnitv in in. Ninetv of the lift Democratlr. mm: j 1U. n.j j j rmirrn insr us rnnRio an n mnrn nam.inisasipr i . i -1 j.i.n4. j s i , . ,. , , i,n i --j v i- - ,,uuu oau ior ine r eaerai grana ju- "V " ,Vk" tZZZ wW; w,ho fnvirt, U4, u? ,:ua,' r1 10 iwib m specuiauon as 10 us incumuent sun vestigate further. bers of the Legislature answered the ry; Emmett S. Wisner in $o,UUU, ana -s" 4"""u - . ; "IV. Vu-T a critical conaition are witnout iouna- favored Teodoro Dehesa, governor or Sheldon came direct to this Htv roll-call. Several mmhers who ha Trumbull In $1,500. They were com- nonoi rmantown. leiegrapn ana inavuoo , Vera Cruz and candidate for vice Aonarently he soent all his time about fured as strone advocatea of Mr- president of the last election. General the local market, but maintained no Sheehan's candidacv ark 1 r n r r- 1 a In , 1 1 . t-n I . . 1 ' 0 '"u oi octu. uosio retains tne ponioiio 01 me ue- omce nor has It been learned where in declaring their votes that ,his elec ter tank on the roof, and the practice ...rr:., v tv "l U1UCL " ai m4tue .mB ?e .wm e . mere- ine T10n ns ceasea to be a possibility ,i on,nnor r., f nrhtinD- Uacnooner Tacnx Lgyai .cn - in present consutuiea ioijows: prisoner is or aisunniisnea appear- and that the re-conveoine of the cau onarge dv nevenue unreers.. Foreign Keiations, urancisco .eon ance. tie is as. years 01a. nve reet. r.iis relpaRrt thpm from whatever New Yorlv, Mar ?h 27. The . seventy- DeLaBarra; Interior Pending; Jus- nine inches tall and weighs 200 nipdzes mie-ht have been incurreH hv ' . " . . I a1 n,o ninfi 1 kpiimniDn fire octane in the a i r shaft? niitteri fn rha Tftm 11 a Ine iiniriu 11 icicuuuuc vvunuuuikaiiuu naa uigu vi uuiuivu " - using the mails to defraud by selling destroyed, hut up to a late hour no the one fire escape blocked by iron worthless stocks. lives had been reported lost in this shutters when, opened; an empty wa- The specific charge is that the Wis- section. ners, through mail correspondence Result of Storm. prevalent among cutters of lighting cigarettes a few minutes before quit-1 foot Jschooner-yacht Loyal, as- trim tice Demetrio '3jdi ; Public Instruc- pounds. represented to stock purchasers that Pittsburg, "March 27. A wind storm r"7,:r" tQ the California Diamond Oil Company throughout Northeastern Ohio, a Por- SUlettT4" twlif hi nfaredntU?- Fire Marshal Beers summoned the the destroyer Seneca, off the Tonip- munications and Public Works Nor- oprietors of the Triangle Waist Mnsville warships station. 5he was beto Dominguez; Finance Jose Yves No Harm in the Caffeine It Contains, was actively at work, when, as a mat- tion of West Virginia and Western iy before the 'erand jury for action Vboat as is to be seen in New York tion Jorge Vera Estabol; Fomento ter of fact, .according to the charge, Pennsylvania late today caused at district Attorney Whitman announced harbor, lies a prisoner today long side Manuel Marroquin Y. Rivera; Com- COCA-COLA HEARING. ha nnmrvonn nrac Inrmont mil haHl. . " . , ... , U1SU1LI AUUIUCJ wm,,u, a " " .east one rataiity, injurea a numoer vre Mar Inol f lU n 10AS r nrnnerv ! I ...... ..I Tire ttiai ,uafc "vo.w iu0 yw.w, .v or uer8ons and resuitea in heavy n- nrnnrinrn f the Triangle u'9ii rtial-meri n .ho nnprQtln tr J ... . . . . . . . i o- I . , i S r : v. . . . , . . -r.r . I e tr a.- "'v- i nanriai ioss. Ar liirara. unio. an Tin-1 nnm,nv or, a uvom omnnvi: tn tee. seweu uy vayuim aimme tji mc icv- I .mi an rour incumDeni: war ana jia-i r bici Cost Them Over a Million. known man, was Wiled hv fallfner ,tu heorino- fQr aa t I enue cutter service on orders from Hne. fieneral Manuel Gonzales Cosio. Chattanooga, Tenn., March 27. New York, March 27. United wlrn I v,.. c.m' ",e er the Treasury Department in Washinsr- inr.mhent - The hearins: of evidence for the de- States Attorney Wise late today an- .... k9I Keen fi drill in this fitnrv Hon as she was stealing past Sandy Salvado A lxerez. ub-treasurv of the fense in the coca-cola case was resum- nounced that upon the deposit of $1,- "f7" V, '"? JiemS !l"ln in mv oninion it wonld take 700 eirls Hook just before daylight. All night nenartment of Foreim Relations and ed fh the Federal court today and ftr1, tYtl fn.t, rZ, inftftnn-tn onlr'hv rtuveen Ttrnthers a-cw xvm, rawvu " ' rcuujjuou- -- " - .r . . . .. 1. c- tZ.j i i, ITT. .. . . T H'U.k - i. I " "uvuv v-"" i -nii-o,! flR-j.i- w, rr i threia hours to reacn tne street uy tne i me oeueca nau crwseu auuui uib or the time eine ine ranKine caDi- v. immnua, ui, ne juii, iw- tn tteni the ranxno ti, o-q attendance upon the first caucus. This was the general impression among the Sheehan advocates, who express ed the opinion that the re-convening ol the- caucus tomorrow night . would mark the. beginning of the end of the most protracted senatorial contest which this State has ever known. Several, of the members tonight 200,000 in casn Dy uuveen jsromers . 11 rwlA rhre hours to reach the street by the the Seneca 1 he WOuJd . recommend that thV gov- Nine- Hook with her searching playing on net officer, will administer the oath tjfled' that he had never heard of a erai opinion in both the 'Democratic ernment drop the. civil action iovo,- p. ...... . . j-mithei w ,tQl tenths of the employes cannot speak all sailing craft. Her search was of office to the new ministers tomor- death resulting from the use of caf-Lmn9 waa hot n nDm,0i0n. AAA AAA 1. J I "uiraviuMi- uuu. uviiivwuuvu v I - - - . . . ..... - n A . .. .. . I " o Bill, OGUO.- ugaiuai me mm iiu . T t p ft. n,iiea frTn Enellsh. yet I could not find a sign in nnally rewarded whexane spot light vow in the hall of ambassadors in ieie. inecis oi caneme,. jwnicn is unr wnui eiet i i, 000,000 tthe . el.edtt ..goods rw a J.HNeW York. The extent of the damage Yiddish or would also release from civil liability ftn d be learned, but it wis e!fs." ItaHan pointing out the fire revealed the whlttf tanvass of Palace. - ta&nd t&-. coca-eoht when administer- hla aMf arho .,tn1l1, fvaT drifting out with all sail set: r 7onomanna tnoan ia the rnv. I ed to animals would not furnish aL;. r- . i oil Ttr.rAhftflarB nf ort aatTq frnm tne I ..... I mi j, i 1 i I rri r , . .... I . . . . 1 nnr.1...!T.r. : . I 0 --'" M i"- " o"r"" reportea tnat a man had been killed iue m-e maisuai, am ue waa tu- ne ioyai was lanen in iow wnn a ernment s nnanciai agent in LK)naon, -"- 1 its eueuis uu from tomorrow innrt tnof fraiirht friori neeti liften i viHcisa luul r ciKaieLie. iiL uv a cuiLtjr revenue omrer on nnarn u-iAr-o ho ao iven otat nno rnr the man. lie earn, uaueine . was nm. ne MUM VUMk AAAUW WA O lillU All. Vt I --w ' - I - -. I C 11 UUQ U V-11 O UVUVU W VAAW. - - ' I As V n AM moita trie nmnAoltl rtn tn I . . . .. .. I i n yL 1 . i : .. I I A t Lii a i j I o piwwwuvu vv i t i-ATn y t n a trarirsi 'i'hi raiironri norun. i aiiii uiiuwu iu a ueau oi ciiuuiurb uau Arcornins' rn utiomm lniormanonioct t-a-n -aara uetiaieu, a uauit-iurminE uruK. dauvcdb n nm. . . . . nettle for 11,200J)00: the government 1 0a tn 0Aerv nginmrs fnr Thtiaiei. I started the fire. the Tovai was -seized hecause of the I c t -Min rrr.h 97 TOranAi n I He admitted authorshin of a book! officers expect they will in a few days ph.ia on the express leaving here at A tellet fund for the sufferers Is presentations of the Haytien minis- L?on De LaBarra, newly chosen min- n toxicology containing a table re- Currency Committee Held Meetina In ueposu tne casn as requirea oy .ur. g:04 tonight. Through trains for the neaaea oy a o.uuu aonation irom An- ter to tne united States, who said lister of foreign affairs of Mexico, on Porting is cases of caffeine poison in , Washlnoton Yesterday. Nvise. West, officials said, were beini? onerat- arew Carnegie, ine united tieDrew that he understood arms and ammunl- his arrival here at 5:25 todav. decided nine years, .but explained that this Wanhinn vramv. 97 ti,. r.,. This settlement of the civil suit ed over cut-offs. . - Charitfes, the Austrian Hebrew Free tion were beine put on - board the to pause in his journey to Mexico City was a quotation from Cobert, a Ger- rencv Pommitteo nf the American now agreed upon will not In any way The tail end of tba storm whisked Burial Association and other organiza- toat which was to clear for Hayti.. until 8:30 o'clock tomorrow night. man scientist Bankers' Association, an organization affect the criminal prosecution of upper Manhattan with spectacular tions came to the fore with aid. Tne boarding crew from the Seneca Of the plans for effecting peace in Dr. H. C. Wood, Jr., of Philadelphia, representing 12.000 of tb 2000 ininy-inree Domes, most found live men on board, Captain Car- Mexico, which he has intimated he made a series of experiments on frogs banks of this country, unanimously Henry J. Duveen and Benjamin J. electrical effects, and a downpour of Duveen, who are yet under indict- hall. riients charging customs frauds and Blizzard Over Washington. n-hnoo aoqqq urn inpnrtlnp MPnrv -WooVtinAn id v. 07 a ki - - Mooum6iuii, iTiaiyu uu.- ,l0 i voS .te o m I iul1 'u'"6' Duveen was released on Dan. zard swept Washington county today ' "V,-- r ..? ' I T 'Xi: . wUhin the next 24 hours Mr. Wise -aid he would proceed with and tonight and the thermometer "TTA f ''1, :za,ZaZnZA , r' v their prosecution in the usual course, dropped 30 degrees in eight hours. Sfand he ita ittrfrS Louis J..DUveen and Joseph Du- Sixty oil derricks at McDonald were gS)" "SJSS shorn of all semblance to human form, mine wouid not say whether He found will have ready for submission to to ascertain the effects of caffeine on approved the Aldrich plan' of mone ne uniaentineo tonignt at tne cnan- v nT,fr-.-H y,nt ha Heiare that President Diaz and the new cabinet, the muscles. He came to the concln- tarv ernn 11 WU fc- lAkMilVI hUV UVVlHil flAbUUiVI I -w - -w v v W tUV (vAaI U l,U4 ties pier morgue. Twelve perSOnS, I - .1 j. ai V, Sonnr Tie TaARb rra would RaV nothinir. sion he cold thot l affair, a aoiioaJ on AMnVh had nirA1 'Via n.,.n.,r A 1 a iuii iiivcsugauuu iruuiu uc uiauc i a- i -. - vuuvim, iuuuuu uu 1 aau juTireu kuucuv;; Diaz to Resign riumoreo. increase or the action without increas- committee to confer with the National San Antonio, Texas, March 27. A ing the amount of energy consumed. Monetary Commission tomorrow, but rumor was received tonight to the The cross-examination developed the bankers held a preliminary meet- elTect that Pornrio Diaz had resigned nothing new. ing today to determine their course. as President of Mexico. The rumor Dr. Harry O. Hollingsworth. nrofes- They will offer some Blight modifica- was traced to very doubtful sources sor of psychoogy in the University of tions m tne technical detail of the Ald- PINEHURST GOLF EVENTS. Remarkable Fast Card Won the Cham inp- firm of Tlirveen Rrothers. nleaderl onerators announce that the wrecked mu'c y"uucu V" wuiunu. x uC - ninnhin Gold MHaL ..1... 1 j a- i .i....i...,Lim.,',.... ,iii k ,1 ,aw ai I Unidentined dead Will De Duried in a r:i . kt n if...v n-r a LnH then r,ct "V- nno nnvorant I rWom ni,f;n tv i, , j I rich nlan tomorrow, hut thev annrnvo riucuitrai, 11. luai vii av l . a, ic- ioua iaaaa .vw. -. w waa .w... . vuivai tcouucu LiicLL 11c uau luauci j - 1 - " " ni1tv tnHav tr rhnrires of conRnira v structures will he renlaned with steel . . . " I Pinehust N C. March 2 fn rtefMud the Federal oovermnent hv ones. At Wavnesboro tombstones 81ngle g,a.Te' ?ut WUI e r.,a 38 0 ? markablv fast card of 141. won the I with 'conditions in Mexico, and in par- experiments to determine the effects of the Principal features and will sug- n.akinor undervaluations of Imports of were picked up by the wind and car- Lvf..r2: 8L. I:T.2tL :f .;;s championship eold medal -for Gilbert ticuJar with the characteristic of of caffeine and coca-cola syruD on tne .8t the. adoption of the Aldrich art objects. riedfrom a cemetery into a road a .VlSriSei i ace the death lirt et a. Professional, in today'a S6 the ''Iron Man of Mexico" placed the mind. Ten men and six women were eme by the N at! onal Monetary Judge Martin, of the United States nunureo reec away. 142 aa -annou;nced last night 0f ?oie, rouna or tne open event 01 ine ramtest credence inne rumor. USeo, one squad being given caffeine I m,:;"T7v"r- r.rt a" ' ""J theBA 1 hodiea were taken from the "ut" iiunu nuu ouum wuu mcauuuic mc iciuauaui vi mc uau iu vaiiuua lurms, Willie lue otuer , . .,.. , , , solnt of the dislstei Ind eht Sled iS championship. Donald Ross, profes- Antonio war cloud remains. It con- squad was given sugar in milk. He gab 8e"jd was the method by which . . . . . s .. . sional. was second in 14S. and his data nf the foot that the mi Iron Ha are I caw nn A onraoc.n rr .ffAntcr fyrrv Vi a I rvo tUUlU XS Lilt? UU V all" n ADTiif o 1 a ' 1 n a not uriii ra cwo on 1 1 v -.m., .umv -iwmw xw utiigoms cuovio uvui luc 1 A M -v . in hourly readiness to take troops caffeine. There was no reaction I T, UUM1 u8 uuuer Circuit Court, fined them $10,000 tach, the maximum fine, which was paid. THE COX CASE AGAIN. A PLEA FOR ARBITRATION. Arguments Feature Yesterday Deci- cision is Reserved. Cincinnati, March 27. 'Chief Jus- UUD'"M"0' . "" D."'r".' hrother Ale-rander third in 1K1 snrzeona sav hv others wno still liv-I , -1 - 1 m uuuuj iauAuoo i v huvi' iucmc. ucic m leauuuu ue- v, a i-iv. barBeons say, uy omers who tuu nv waiter J Travis former Rrittoh and I ai. invi. .,j jk 1 1 1 a, . j. the Aldrich plan I 1 rnr nova rn nngnu tn rnvcr ' i ouuiu. a ma auuo ca uuu va .AtA,r vv iuv auh uuiiuai, luuitauuK avuuiulUE IUI t i.n r . . m, .,Ba,wvuuu.vvU.w. Amorlogn rKomnlnn W1H!om n ..aai i i a l nj Uv. ,a . . . . , I XV tr U It; ari LI Ld.L 1 V 6 V TeeianO. OI INffW i 4aiu v a iv;uu m . v i rifiiin ini- uriiiv i u x i hkix urn i uu u 1 i n w muni no t n a y rairAra a i Sermons on This Subject From All tice Thomas A. Jones, of the Circuit Pulpits Next Sunday. Court, after listeningxo arguments on SPEED CARNIVAL IN FLORIDA. champion, William C. doud. but the army is almost resigned the witness' oninion. that no reverse , "?p?eia"v.e' V.wew Fownes. Jr.. National amateur rham-1 ,v,; r or,eWrea I ' j v av IorK- vice cnairman or tne National ' i lu luc laic vi. uici t uiauvu v pion, and Charles Evans,. Jr., of Chi- Hold Americans Responsible. 'Philadelphia, March 27.-Dr. Wm. the charges of "bias' and prejudice" Will , Open at Atlantic Beach Today. vfir 77 7hP Heril!10Sluo' efc' MT .27. enp was consumed by the caffeine Monetary Commission, Js in favor of f l "u6ut including State banks in the plans for forth nothing material. Lnnotorv rnrm a,i u H. Roberts. stated clerk of the Pres- against Judge Peter Swing and Sam- Events. "Jf ' " ' Tof 153 ; 149 and 162 N?8 ns r6a3c,d there i,, Ji Wesener, of Chicago, was from districts which State banks are. byterian church, and chairman of the uel W. Smith, reserved a decision un- Jacksonville, Fla., March 27. Eve- aiFurs wun scores 01 lao, 143 ana xoz. of American filibusters, not affiliated recalled and his cross-examination fin- conspicuous are expected, to urge the executive committee of the Federal til tomorrow. Judges returned a man- rythlng - is in readiness tor the open- Tai?n v r 97 Th Hi with Federals of revolutionists, enter- ished. As to the 213 cases of tea passage of a bill broad enough to in- r'..-!i -m 11- - 1 ni..(i j :a t..,i Tr. t. m lnr Aif tha o,itrnrvVile oAoeH carnival xvaieigu, IN. IViaiCU aa . 1UB Ulg 0j northern Sonora at Siraca P.antur- noisonintr ronnrtoH hir PnllarH -i..j au- o.-a. i V-UUIIUU OI IUG .L.UU1CUC3 Ul vllllDl. IU UitUIUS KKitluai, JUUKB rriiUl UUIU14U '"6 w -aao ouiwmui.i uv--a "a. a.a . . . ahrtwino- he V W n vu . 7 ... I 0 "J " ""c uuue IUB Oiaie UtlUKB. ica, today sent out a request that of the common pleas court last week on the Atlantic Beach, which was buildin? fund in connection with ed a yunS Mexican and shot him. ah witness gave it as his opinion that chedJn all churches preventing him from trying 'George B. scheduled to start this morning, dm. .. whirlwind camoaien for $65 000 Amican residents 01 mis cuy are tnose cases were in the mam poisoned Amer sermons be preached Jn all churches preventing him from trying ''George B. scheduled to start this morning, 6ut hi,nA rr fr tfisnnn American residents or this city are those cases were in the main poisoned RULES COMMITTEE MEETS. in the Federation next Sunday upon Cox for perjury. postponed until tomorrow onaccount . n - m. Zn hf ' signed in petition, address to uovern- rrom tannin other than caffeine ' ' I r 'In.rnn fannrnitl Ti or Tne BPT U TI f 1 I I at. A 'hnrlrto aj f 'hnnH An - I ill : 1 1 L. . ! r. T I I it i ttiii ue in ocssion unm wongress. were niea luiicutsiaoi ui&m. ouu mio iumum6 tions as-eree-ate ift ns. i uiiciiug tueir ftciviuca iu auwi ui uueuiisLry , vhjiuuiui4 universuy, convenes in April. In his renueat Tlr Roberts savs the bv Judee Gorman, were enliviened bv but the sky cleared this afternoon and band. " ' New York, stated positively that caf- Washincton. March 27. Democrat churches of all England have forward- tilte between the attorneys for George reports from the beach tonight were Atlanta Ga. March 27. The New When the revolutionary force which feine was not poison. He had analy- ic members of the new committee on (1 a cablegram asking the churches B.feox and prosecuting Attorney Hen- that the course is now in excellent York Americans won In a hard fought teld LaCdloradol 40 miles from here, zed coca-cola and found it to contain rules of the House of Representatives fiTTie the nrrrCAS. Condition Or racing. I .. .. .6 V.Aoi.H nf the o luirnarh rtf the rTederal I nne on1 ntiofnnrf li ariaino Att rnfi I hearipH hv - PonmaotitatfvA tTenrv nf game, witn tne Atlanta soutnern "CE" " "l - . v .. aa vuvavu. 'uc leaoguers here today 10 to 8. troops they marched ut to meet them, to each ounce of syrup. He declared I Texas, the chairman, met today and. leaving a guara oi ou men iu i n was not narmiui and would not in-1" 111 wc lu BeBBluu uau uaut cuugiesb I HV. I innVAnia lnr.1l -T Vi n m 14 . Of Amprirn to unite with them in the rv T. Hunt. At one time the orose- condition for racing. IMiesentation next Rnndnv. from all the entor called the court's attention to There are 28 scheduled events with pulpits, of the subject of the arbitra- what he alleges was a "filibuster" on ffour extra events for the four days tion trentv hetweon Tnirland and the the nart of Attorney Lawrence Max- for a total cash prize of $3,000 and United States now pending. well to gain time for Cox. The alle- $7,000 in trophies and medals. The ' The ties between Great Britain gation was promptly denied -and the feature event of tomorrow s pro .'ind Ireland and th,a United States of argument was allowed to continue. gramme will be the world s - record America are such as peal both impressive OUTLINES. town. to make this ap- Judges Festus Walters and E. D. trials for one mile open to all cars weT l?Jr and urgent," he Sayre, both members of the circuit with aylng start for a, cash pn-e of the toaoer 1 court, sat with Judge Jones, but only $1,000 for the fastest mile and a speed jJJ .. . M. i- j-j ii.. Un? prn5f lirovldinfir . the nresent in rneir lnspec The Federals approached the town The investigation of the fire horror from another way and were met oy In New York Saturday to fix the blame the guard about half of whom were jure health. COMPLAINT AT CHADBOURN. convenes, April 4th. The. committee will endeavor to formulate its report. in time for consideration at the Dem ocratic caucus next Saturday and In. beeun vesterdav The Pima Indians. At the first fire from Shippers Want Change in Location of ,rder t0 accomplish this night ses-, adds. The Federal Council of the Church- in an advisory capacity. es of Christ represents ' 33 denomina- UOns. ROBBED MESSENUtK BUYS. l.. . . .-I . i a.iij.j m u . I a ... I sinno ma v ha neea-nrv --1TA.T.-1 T.-c-.r, I rne euaro i a euei a: ? ien ueaa. me ; a. ii. i. i-reiant uenot. r.- m-, uvw, urowicicu ocviai i caauuo I ... I - 5 building, guard finally retreated, leaving seven (.special tar Telegram.) I rules, thoueh it will be sruiaVd larire 1 T . fu.u .1- r.,r.A tinir out The OttiCeS Of tWO H'ltth ,x-ll.ccii wuuuu.u ouiuac.c. vbauo aaa- , aa.iv,u uuiluikhuuc! xi. v,. AJ1UW11 ttUU I , . -., . .. ,.T uy aiim .uiuueiu, is junci cu. i o It is probable that the committee will recommend an entire new set of hiaUs cruwu yi"viuiiiS ,-c" r-Vi; , T dead and havine killed 22 Federals. Raleitrh. N. C. March 27.-(.ornor- worid's record or 27.33 seconds, neio CYC"fu "T" um'r irmee onMi. ,m. in.l .(fnn y'' n v V' hv BarneV nidfield is lowered. ting out Tne omces 01 two 'lltn """""" . V X tT. , vwuu.,u xx. v.. xjiyrix .uu . . . f . . riarnn.ratin Avenue brokers were raided yester- to the hospital here irom, btenograpner urltntn have gone to ' :r RirarMU lkrU - . . . 1 rh tyt Ttrr rii art VAQrArn a v rv o nn P I 1 nan nnti rn 1 miitv ri . o .Anntr t-rt hnirf 1 r 0- w . .v v RECALLS FERRER EXECUTION. Masked Men Took Week's Pay Away MANN ISSUES WARNING. Debate in Chamber of Deputies is At tractino Attention. Madrid, March 27. The debate on the trial of Prof Ferrer, the founder of the modern school at Barcelona, who was executed , la October, 1909, oixned in the chamber of deputies to day and attracted unusual attention. The proposal to discuss this trial was made by the republicans and accepted by. the government many months ago. The republican press declares that thr.- revival of tb3 Ferrer case means ho end politically of Senor Maura, who was premier at the time, and his colleagues. deputy Soriano opened the debate "rid asserted that none of the facts charged against Ferrer constituted h crime of rebellion, according to hf military law. The government advised to that effect, he said, by 'ho local military authorities. . .Where is Wilmington?. Why not ''.'ve the city a business administra-. ty the young men? Watch the (oining campaign! ":: rV . . . hA.n -nm )!) vootorHo tr Mrt nne I PhorDinnm fnliinr, Tsttcj ArmmfTr I "Viuac ill 111C iav hv nostomre msnecTors. it if; I "u"c i"u jamj. Uv UUouuiu, w"uuuo t-uiaucj, l z .i,. . tj. n a L,; a A,o ,nnc nt rtv,ieDO is allowed to leave this . city, other a hearing and an investieation of the a jv M v , 1 'From Twelve. . .. V"-" than hv railroad without a Pass. BUS- contest that is on there between f.h "a.w?0e.I"n.r":in B?eai.01 jameswwn JocKey oiuo must 1101 v.o- ptoj. uctve uceu sum ujr tuC lu wu- -- -- . ,.1. , - i .v, a ";; t ,Z line 'ast uemocrauc nouse, is sitting X:??:? t :r, r ? liS A. Caw: " c. 8 wre made- iness is almost at a standstill, masKeu, arnica " P . Richmond. Va . March 27 Govern- The Democratic carcus at Albany nanclal district this arternoon uneo - - , VIr- haat. nieht defeated a motion to lav Not Office But Principles. eleven muBy WJ "'I ginlk anti-tettmg law must not be vio- on the tat citizens and the Atlantic Coast Line with the committee In it delibera- icsaiuiag a uemanu,uy ciuzens mai tions. tne location or tne rreignt depot be The matter of minority renreoenta. T V Dt 1-T.X. A I 1 J A . - . . I AAAAA.WAA1.J I tll MCUIO" I irinl a TI r i.rilf 1 1T1 Or I Q w TTI 11 GT lint ne Vin. ati trin toh .1 roon lltjnn trt TnrIMICilt. "CTI uiroauo, Aiiuivu a... v vimusw. . UIU1C vuuicmcuv ailU at tlnn it WOI Kah SM' tHaw ninnll K 11 . Al, mlr, i-nnni in ; the , &"" ."""-"'"S " , "rv . tuc e, .voU.u.ivU "wu" i ,v. J 4.n. t,,U I iui. i a, , j j.j " ""a a-wv.o.a ua,, iuiu Wttll 111 tiic uicpmuf, 1ftAJ nt tha Jnmesto'wn JOCkeV llh Ui. the vnto nf ffheehan when he was UieiUlKl UI me Mauciu ibuui, nu.u tesMme JUUailOU 1. UeiDJinueU. ine for the Ttemnnrattst a ll mi a feter. 1 Lilt VWL UI AJ 1AV V-Al 1A1A IT UV1A Uv 1 , , , ,, . I . m M I . fVl ' .U, WUiVVlUtIV VdUVUB IU It I amed as Democratic caucua candi- Pvartic P as foJ 5 L?S case has been PendinS for some time. mine. The opinion prevails, however,. -President Diaz's cabinet was the election which they expect will among Democratic leaders, that con-, trol of minority selections on commit-. vvaii in; tne aressing r m - lated .at the JamesWwn Jockey Club er western umun "s1. " Spring kneeting, which is scheduled to r.a Wal street and took from vhem their I An L, week's wages. A clerk who rusitea fM ni,'v.Va nTarnh 97 T?ep-ardinp- n ,.aj , follow the termination or tne revoiu- Prince Fredirick. Md.. March 27. intd learn the cause of the commot on the Btatement from Governor Mann !casted. The inaugural ceremonies Hn in Mfxico; wa 8 S? MbeL Word reached here today of the tees should be. held by the minority waa marched to' the head of the lneuv.x w,.ia nn rurmu onv vinia.T a aj t.t- n statement made by ivrancisco Maoero, drownin? of four flsherrnen in r.hea. Inortv the maWitv iiaterminina- aaa- - . . . , . , luov.uc nuuiu Aiui Ay-AAAAAv uuj ' Will OCCUl lOUdV IN U CifLU 11VC . . , . T- 1 Vlnfln! ktTia Taao . J uiiuius viiij and' searched .too. The trio backed tlon of the State anti-batting law dur- cemency will be Riven Morse and faSr of 1am , I i 8: apeake Bay of Plum Point, Saturday the numerical allotment on the var- ouf after -'warning -the boy? that an ing gprl meeting of the James- SigJJ nCJhe two impried tankers d thrAOUAh -tnls iSJS? J Sa afternoon, by1 the overturning, of a ious committees, outcry woud mean death. This was town Jockey Club, which opens April EKftJ? e nS XI S Antoni wIth his son' Gustavo launch. Two of the drowned men . w - . I -M- AY caiUOA .1. aj.b J WWV lr lMx A w avaw I N n l-l n I I . were Captain John Thompson and Richmond, Va., . March 27. As the a. i" a HlkM hold-lins tO-lrAV. 'r. T, T eirv f the lrtr-.-BV I ioiiacail lau w .aa a- MaderO lUe IttBk VUi vA.Aj.Ao -- . - 1 Utll, jnauasci xjuu av. t j , ta .uv wv, Inatlnna nf the attOmeV Seneral I ,.iir. v. an1 I "v- ""t""" uvtaaa Auuuitiwu auu .wvumuuu, t u., miai aa a. . luo day., A widow was beaten and rob- Club; tonJght said: nation s of neJn of Oxford. The result of meeting thl. evening of wie bed on the street and a man rouaea . TJ1e spring meeting or tne james- . , M 2 1.4. clos- L' V" :a v.a1 "it n-t Bn ptner two men were negroes ule from April 5th to 26th - inclusive, 1' !L1J:8:, vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church,. of his watch in a hallway. town Jockey Club will run its ached- 7H . offered at 2 3-8: eoot """ oo U' VJh 2 this city., it. is understood that a call : ule from April 5th to . sjbtn .inclusive, dosed quiet 15 points lower, hey we Twill flKht foVto the end We Mexican Federals at Alamo pass, 75 l tQe vacant rectorship of the histor- ti, vno- men of Wilmington . are as announced without violating any I co" , j h JL.j,, , ,cy ?Tui i.r ! j 1 L L,ii..a ai.,th nt m.tih oini n ic church will nrobablv be extended. x no ;o - . . Ait iti - I miaaung uuiauuB n.iu, miiuiiii6 gun are ngnting ior principles anu not iur 1 a.aax,., i"o 1 x A. -, - at last awake. Watch the campaign laws orVirglnia. 14 65 flour was aulet and about nolitical rewards.'- U courier from Berthold to Gen. Xyva o the Rev. W. RUssell Bowie, now for. Councilman. Let everybody w"e .;- . l-teadv:- wheat snot irregular. -No. 2, Gen. Berthold Was Shot. . here,. Barthold claims he killed four serving as rector 0? a church at a-" . 1 1 up and stand: for the progress of hr,ytd . elevator and 94 5-8 fob afloat; Mexican, Mexico, March 27-Gen. J Federals. mlngton. a I...-. ttA ' ' avxa t ZZfn.ZZ XT thl -ntire nin"e corn spot firm export No. 2, 51 1-2 Simon Berthold, the American social- I innings fof . Donovan's squaa ano was Greenwood, Va. Always on Too. "Greatest Picture Ever Presented.' .the advertisements of . the I "The. Irl6h Honeymoon." A trip 's Sa.vinis, BapH-rPage 5. ZU ; l though. Jrelaparan(J; Ttr, 1'" r