i..r.wl?l...'.'. THB MOBNINfe STAEj V? niMlKGTOK. O.. STJNDAY MAY 2l lDl i. PAGE 6 ' Mrs. S. T. Ashe, of Raleigh, is visit- ing .at the home of her daugnier, wrs. Albert Stockard. Miss Alice W. Dargan, of Darling ton, S. C, is the gueBt of .Mrs. N. N. Martin, at Carolina Apartments. Mrs. F. A. Marshall and Mrs. J. O. Barth, of New York City, are the quests of Mrs. 0. H. Shoemaker, No. 212 Church . street. . ' A meeting of the High School Alum ni Association will be held Tuesday af ternoon at 6 O'clock at the High School, and a full attendance is re quested. . Mr. J. Franklin Smith, son of Mayor Joseph D. Smith, and Mr. Henry K. Nash, Jr., both students of the A. & M. Colleps, Raleigh, arrived yester day, to spend their Summer vacation. All members VG race Church are requested to bring in the money made from the penny given them from the Talent Fund Tuesday evening, May 24th, at 8:15 o'clock. An; interesting programme has been arranged. Re freshments will be served and -a de lightful evening is promised to all. , . ' " TUlf- Tnhnenn will pva his 21st and W 1 vWUWJVr " . -" 0v . Inst rprfital of the season. Monday i r-vonin? Mnv ?2n(L 8:30 o'clock, when ho will nlav thi fnllowins nroeramnle: . Occasional oratoria .. ......Handel, -AnAant Arohftr. ' Offertorio. No. 5 vCaprlce .Guilroant. St. Cecilia. No; 4 . . .Batise. From the West .. . . ....LeMare. Coronation March . . . .Svensden. The ladies interested in civic im provement have noticed with much pleasure the t decided improvement in the appearance of the City Hall plat during the past few days. They were much gratified to see that the yard is .being kept in better condition now than formerly.- They point put that the only thing now reeded to be done in the City Hall yard is the removal of the public drinking cup from the pump. It was recently pointed out by Dr. BJ'J-; Wood, in an address, the dan ger; from , public drinking cups and those Interested in the improvement oj, health conditions in Wilmington hope that the public drinking cup will be prohibited at all the pumps and fountains In the city. ' REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF CAPE FEAR CHAPTER The regular monthly meeting of j Cape Fear Chapter. United Daughters . cf the Confederacy, was held Friday -Lieut. James Dunkel, a popular acHvIty cottages are " beinK bull : ho r.fternoon at the W. I. I. armory with officer at Fort Caswell, was in the ?eis IOWA Qifflnilinin !M o u I . 1-1 If tT ' w ir lrtnf rfYhr An i r n nrevfnInl a large attendance. Mrs. F. I Hug- city last night on his way to Charles ' gins'' vice-president, presided, and ton, S- C, where he has been trans- Mrs. Richard Price, the secretary, 1 kept a record of the proceedings. A number of matters of interest to the Chapter were discussed and acted upon. It was a matter of much re gret to members of the Chapter to i?arn that during the last month one Oi the. veterans, Mr. Jesse urray, died n'nd they did not know of his death in I'me to send the usual tribute, the Inurel wreath. The Chapter would es teem' it a gr-it favor if notified of 1 he passing of any veterans, as it -Would aid greatly the Daughters in this part of their work. The Daugh ters .always esteem it a privilege to rend, this token and regret when through. failure to know Of the death U is not possible for them to do so. The wreath committee for the en ruing month is composed of Mrs. Mitt Moore,' Mrs. S. P. Adams and Mrs. Louis Skinner. OFFICERS OF MISSIONARY SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR. ; The Wilmington delegates to the atlnual meeting of the Woman's For eign Missionary Society, of the North Carolina Conferesce of the M. E. Church, . South, which was held at Newbern some days ago, have return t d and report a most interesting and enthusiastic gathering. The following pre the .officers for the ensuing year: rresident, , Mrs. H. A. Willis, Eliza lieth.City; corresponding secretary. Mrs. v. D. Swindell, Wilson; recordin secretary. Miss Blanche Fentress,! Wilmington; treasurer. Mrs. B. B. Ad oms, Four Oaks; superintendent of luvenile work, Mrs. N. H. D. Wilson, Wilmington;, superintendent of ' juve-j r ile wdrk, emeritus, Mrs. L. M. Hen-1 dren, Newbern. -The following were named as the district secretaries: Raleigh district, Mrs. F. B. McKinnie. Louisburg; Dur ham. Mrs. L. H. Street, Roxboro; Newbern, Mrs. H. J. Faison, Fayette TjHe; Mrs. M. J. Simpson, Fayette ville; Wilmington, Mrs. D. W. Bul luck, Wilmington; Elizabeth City,, Mrs. E. L. Reed, Elizabeth City;. Washington, Mrs. J. L. Home. RocUy Mount; Warrenton.V Mrs. t. P. Black, Littleton; Rjockingham, Mrs. J. F. Ray, Laurjnburg. ' The next meeting of the society will .be held at Littleton. The custo mary resolutions of thanks were Adopted. Mrs, C. . C. Covington, of tlhls city, was a member of the com mittee on resolutions. . MERRY MAY FESTIVAL "'. - ' AT IMMANUEL CHURCH. JA delightful buccess both artistical ly -and financially was scored in the nierry May Festival on FrM log at the Marlon Sprunt Memorial Waygrounds, for. the benefit of the Bowing school of Immartuel Presby tcrlan' church. The attendance wasruct tw0 services there today, at 3:30 targe hd the enthusiasm was fine. ltt the afternoon and 7:30 at night A iNo prettior affair of its kind has ever ceen given m the citv -first came the parade nf rt.Mrnt,i ' vehicles led 'by-the Queen of May, Miss Annie Griffith, accompanied by ler maid of honor, Miss Annie Wolfe; our pretty, flower girls, Misses Caro y ri Price, CLoHta Cox, Annie Ray Mc- uowan ttna Bessie Daniels; the Her- , i ntu Biii iUti,. ..ViC Ln t?dnhe PJ8' Masters; John. Won and Geo. Hard- Mick. .Thosa Who participated in the rand ttarch were. Misses Katherihe r au1 ii- "wua uuei,, Aoaioreyancu, r.ioreiicB jacoDs. uutn Matthewa.' Kenneth, Ethelbert auu Ai- beru Jibtighlln, IrVin ; Prease, James McICoy.Jtarwood. Stanford, Spurgeon,a;month built here since December, i.owrimore, : Edwa Wakefield barker. I.owrimbre, Ed wanlt Register and The first prize for f,irls, a pretty ring, was wpn by Miss Florence Jacobs, while the prize for toys, a two-pound box of candy, went to Harwood Stanford. I Th map drill bv nine little girls was especially pleasing and was car- rled out by Misses Alma Kermon, Kannie Bradshaw, Sadie Lindquist, Annie Wolfe, Geneva Mints, Vina Wolfe, Myrtle deOrange, Leola Urir- fitfi' nhrintna fSrehbrir and Lester! r 'h . - ,, nQT, i The crowning of the May Queen I , , ,r . . ...i.i.liu v.as an interesting and most inspiring!,. spectacle, this f" Stlth J."Jv iiaieu in uy iubuw v,.-, , Sharp, Elmer Costin, Edna Holden, Elsie Burke, Beatrice Conkleton, Ad- ne urancu, S'ingletary, Mary Stubbs, Helen I icaoc. aim Ai iiciuio v I An Interesting nttie piay, oDuiui,es appreciated it to such an extent suatto," was spienaicuy renaereu "J I Wakefield Parker as "Bobbie"; Kath- trine Staniora as Mane, ana jane Griffith as "Marie's Mother." Another most interesting and pleas- i lie feature, was the Japanese Drill by Misses Katherine Price, Eugenia .Vason. Marie Meares, Annie Walton, I Janie Griffith, Margaret Brittain, Lu la Branch, Catherine Stanford; and - ,ler,e rrease The music by the mandolin club lf:d by Mr. H MrC. Stanford, was a I 'teasing fcatu-e. while Mrs. C. P i .olles Dlayed the piano accompani- WAlv'iuent for the drills, etc., ana Mr. H.i'r i" auuiuncc. McD. Reynolds Dlayed the cornet I i nns in r.haree of the deliuhtful af- fair and to whom much credit is duel vere Mrs. Jack Thomas, Mrs.' T. E. j (;ox, Mrs. Jas. A. Price, Miss Anna Savage, Miss Florence Bonitz, M.ss "l lu newest auu west mms, em rrnnie Branch and Miss Annie jofacing comedy and pathos. Most not- Wnrth PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J. P. Mlntz, of Malmo, N. C, was here yesterday on a business vis it. Mr. A. .L. Jones, of Fairmont, N C.. was among the visitors in the city L'euts. R. O. Edwards and Sto- vall, of Fort Caswell, were in the city yesterday Capt. Land is will return to Fort Caswell Monday from a visit to Wash ington, D. C. Dr. Mclntire was here yesterday on his way to Fort Caswell from Washington, D. C, where he has been I for a few days. ferred for duty temporarily Mr. W. H. Lane, of Cherokee Tribe, No. 9, Improved Order of Red Men, Mr. Martin VanOesen, of Eyota, No. 5, and Great Keeper of Wampum E. P. H. Strunok', of the same tribe, will attend the 13th Great Sun Ses- s:on-of the Great Council of North j moderate means, and they . have ar Carolina. which will be held in Eliza-1 ranged to let the lots go on the popu- heth City this week, beginning Tues- day and continuing through Thurs-1 day. I -Arrivals at the Southern Hotel yesterday were as follows: Messrs. 1 H. Sloan. Marlon: Henry Thomas. I Richmond; T. J. Edwards, Bolton; E. S. Ryan, Jacksonville, ia.: W. A. Arbuckle, Orlando; W. II. Howell. r-- nu v p. p c.. Greenville, N. C; S. Stroud, Muliins; J. R. Hoyle, Clinton; W. R. Riggins Baltimore;. W T. Fiynn and wiie: uui6, . iu. omij, uiecusuwu, and Miss burg. Lula Thompson, Abbots LOCAL DOTS. A communication from Council's with reference to the stock law is not published for the reason that the pany It, the name not tor publication but as a guarantee of good faith. Wrightsboro baseball team de feated tho Delgado team in a splen did contest on the diamond of the lat ter yesteraay arternoon, the score being G to 4. Batteries: Wtightsboro, Janicker and Janicker; Delgado, Rig gins and Mumford. The Y. M. C. A. Jr., team defeat-1 rd the A. C. L. Jr., team in a very I interesting exhibition of the national t,:ime yesterday afternoon, the score I teing 4 to 3. The feature of the game I was the pitching and batting of BucV I for the Y. M. C. A. Batteries: Y. M.jof Wilmington ha3 been enegaged'to C. A.. Buck and Davis; A. C. L., Yopp I and Wilson The registration books for the bond issue election to be held in the county Wednesday, May 31st, closed last night at 7 o'clock. It is not thought that a great many persons reg istered. but it is believed that most of those who did get their names on the books are favorable to the Dron- osition to issue S50.000 bonds for roads and bridges. AT THE BIJOU TODAY. Israelite nf th Mni... nu win w T. . , ' - V opeaK mere. . Through the courtesy of Messrs. Howard & Wells, the popular manag- ers of the Bijou Theatre, the place has been tendered to the Israelites of the nouse oi uavicu wno nave ueen in ue city for several days on the corner of Front and Marketand they will-con- reac Qcai oi interest is oemg mam- icoieu m inese visuors io iue , in the messages they are delivering and the indoor meetings at the Bijou today were arranged with a. view to giving the ladles of the city-an op- norttlnltv nf hrflrlnc tlvsm-sneak. i . There are four of these missionaries in the city, and as they are all fluent ispeaKers, ana seem; to oe inorousn master of the Bib!o khd the doctrines whIch they preach, quite a crdwd. is expected to avail, themselves of this .opportunity, to hear, them , indoors, which is made possible througn tne liberality of the Bijou propxtetors. , . ,' ; Castle lights Mote than a house , 1910 see ' Wright's - Agency Read Special Column. . ..Theatrical.. Wilmington theatre-goers will have to forego the pleasure of seeing popu lar price musical comedy "at the Aca- emy this week.: It was announced yesterday that' the manager of Ihe wills Musical Comedy Company, the attraction booked for next week, had deemed it best, on account of the.;ex- treme hot weatherrto close, as It was not felt that people would go to the theatre during such .warm eights. So ine engagement rer mis cuy was ujiii- ea on. At the BIJou. Yesterday's hot weather didn't even I I . . If . 1 n I I t .1 luane a aeni in me bijou s aiiienaance. . t. , w lavi, lucre- la cvei r icaovu ui ire- ' . . . , , Bijou is always a delightfully cool and naturally it was much n de- ,atwi vaatar.Aa Monv oioot..tr tans -eVt atontl wMrTlni"; gj tKreX full sweep of fresh air. Yesterdays pn1nv!)hi. over nsont, onH tho crianf anriion. that often they ' applauded; while )allf,vtpr-ran t,m- anri Hm ne-ain In ,he theatre. The musical numbers were especially pretty, and Mr. Frank Elanks added to his fame by the ren- eiuon or one of tne latest song nits hn charming manner. One of the big hits for tomorrow is "When a Man Marries." The title itself- suggests the big fun to come and it does come, too. in large chunks. "The Manicure Lady" is another funny one. A, barDer rets stuck on tue manicure artist and becomes frlghtiuny jealous at all customers. It is also a mighty howl . urana. i neaire. Tomorrow the Grand starts off an- other grand, glorious week of pic-, tires, songs and music by Its sugerb orcnestra. un tneDiu win oe round ou' uuiuug iuu luiieciiua is me iiiasa- nejr prouueuon. oi noiaing ttis uwn, th lpnriinp- pnmoiiv f nllnwftH hv "Thn Laundry Lady's Luck," another great comedy. Tho big dramatic offering will be "The Secret of the Still." This picture was made by Selig and is one of his masterpieces. Mr. Baldwin will have a new song, and the orchestra will play a new programme of songs. Tne doors Qpen p M. WRIGHSVILLE BEACH. Getting Ready for Opening Real Es- ' tate Development. With the reports of the terrible heat in Now York, Washington and many other cities, comes the an nouncement of the opening of the two ur J ' " u 1 UUIC1S ou vll' cl1- . . walks rebuilt and renewed. People are moving down and actlvi- i ty is in the very air. Real estate com panies are offering properties and In this Issuo the firm of J. G. Wright & Son are telling of the lots, on tho northern end of the beach, alongside lor tho new Oceanic Hotel. This property is for the man of lar "Easy Payment Plan." The Tidewater Power Company, W1th its usual progressiveness, has f"angea t0,e"en? tbeIr car Vne''to 1"?,' lu COD; "CTlZ J' tt. .eettV uiuu; ivwo . ui nuitu nctu OUIU Idol year. Mr. L- W. Temple, of Page's Mill, is pr;:V, i? rTYf ot-no, V. erecting a 12-room cottage next to At lantlc Yicht Club, and Mr. H. Wal ters, of New York, is building a tho- roughly modern and beautiful cottage flpar tne Carolina Yarht Clnh Wrightsville Beach is as well known probably as Wilmington, for both the Atlantic Coast Line and the'Scaboard Air Line are expending large sums each year in calling attention to this. the finest resort on the South Atlantic coast. The hotels expect even more than the 200,000 people who visited the 5rCBLSiroPli8,imat- DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY. To Run. Excursion to Carolina Beach i-r "Thursday, June 1st Arrangements are 'beine raDldiy perfected! fori the excursion of the DaughtersAof' Liberty to Carolinft Leach, Thursday. June 1st, and a most chjoyabld. 'o.ttlng is promised ail who fco down on either of the three trips of the steamer Wilmington. The out- ing this year will be or more than us- ual interest and the Independent Band furnish music during the evening. Ihe band will go on the 7:30 P. M trip and will furnish music on the boat, both "going and returning and r.lso at the beach. The band is corn- I posed of 18 pieces, all local talent, 1 Dl8 w111 be the band s first public I engagement. Mr. D. B. Hamilton is President of the band first excursion, or season. j . The first excursion of the season to oaronna tieacn win do run luesaay, May 30th, tindter the auspices of the Marine Engnleers' Association, and th Indications are that the crowd will be large. The association Operates ah excursion to the beach ; every , season and it is always largely patronized; The steamer Wilmington will make three trips to the pier and return; the last boat leaving for the city at 10 i o clock. -Castle Helchls More than a hdtiHn a month built here siilce' Decetribgr 1910 seb ., Wright's AgehcyRead special Columti. Quick and polite .attention, in telligent force In all dep:artniettts, and every facility known io- mod ern banking.,. - Sratttb Exchange with individu al tctephbhes direct to oach depart-mehi.- - ' - . . . t The rri v J. I to Bifik toy21-tf STRAWBERRY SITUATION, Lei Records Speak for Themselves y A They Tell Whole Truth. Wilmington, N. C "May 20, 1911. Editor Morning Star: Replying to Ihe criticisms in last Sunday, morn ing's Star by your Roalvy Point corres pondent, Mr. W. W. Pearsall, relative to the estimate made by the Carolina Fruit & Truckers' Jorunal, regarding the movement and prospective move ments of the strawberry crop along the W. & W. rairioad some days ago, would say that edme wise philosopher has well said "fools names like their faces are often seen in public places," and Mr. Pearsall has our permission to make an ass or a fool of himself whenever he may elect. K As for writing articles in our office 1 believe the average man would say that our office would be the most nat ural place in the world in which edi torials appearing in this paper should be written, but the information upon vhich our editorials regarding berry nd' vegetable crops conditions, are written are made directly upon the information from the , growers them selves, augumented oftentimes by tne writer's personal observations and in dividual knowledge. As a matter of fact, there is not a ween, during tne berry and vegetable season from the time the Journal takes a census or the berry acreaee in January of each year, until the -close of the ship ping season but what we are in direct touch with every- strawberry and veg etable shipping point of any impor tance in all the trucking district. .Now so much for this. Let us see now what the facts bear out. It was two weeks ago last Monday morning that we wrote the editorial of hich Mr. Pearsall complains, in1 which we stat ed that hardly more than one-fourth of the berry crop along the W. & W. lailroad had been moved out. Up to that time 4he figures of the railroad lefrigerator and Express companies showed that the W. & W. section had shipped only 143 cars py refrigerator and 19,446 crates by Express. Since; that time 469 carloads have been ship ped from the W. & W. section anci 13.554 -crates by Express. At the rate cf 23 crates to the car the Express shipments would total Something over fifty-seven carloads,, which, added to the 4C9 carloads, would' make a grand total of 52G carloads up to and includ ing today. Now these figures are from the rail cad, refrigerator and Express com panies and are open to any one's In cpection. It wjll thus be seen . whether we were correct In the statement two weeks ago that hardly more than one ourth of the crop had been moved along the W. & W. railroad when only 143 carloads had been shipped, or Mr. i-'earsall, who .contended that the crop had been moved out fully a week ago. Despite ' his declarations, however, that Uie crop had .been shipped, be tween one and two hundred carloads have gone out the past week since he made that statement. That, how ever, is about as near the truth as Mr. earsall got in his article. Now mul tiply 143 by 4 attl you have 572 xsv- loads and the records shew that al ready 526 carloads have been shipped this season from)points along the W. & W. railroad and from present ad t Ices it is safe 40 predict that any where from twcnty-fVve to thirty, forty and possibly fifty cars more may yet go out from the same section. Much, however, depends upon whether we have any rain within the next few lays as stated In our previous ar ticle. As shown in our issue of last Jan uary ,10th, the acreage this year in strawberries was practically the same as the acreage last, year, when some thing like 1,500 to 1,600 carloads were shipped from this territory. The crops this season have been uniformly cultivated on a higher plane than during any previous year and any reasonable man would have been just ified in the prediction that under such conditions the total yield this year should have been anywhere from 1,600 to 1,800 carloads. Had the season been favorable we hazard nothing in the assertion that fully 1,600 carloads of berries would have been moved out of this territory. In this forecast made earlier in the season Mr. H T. Bauman, of the East Carolina Truck & Fruit Growers' Association, and Mr. Floyd, of the Fruit Growers' Express, both concurred. If the crop this season should fall short 25 per cent, of last year that would conform exactly to -the predic tion in our previous article, that ucn would be the case unless it rained T;ithin a week. Now ,the difference between Mr. Pearsall and the Caro lina Fruit & Truckers' Journal is that two weeks ago we stated that hardly more than one-fourth ot the crop hau toe shipped out of the W. & W. sec tion and since that time practically four times as many carloads have moved from the W. & W. section as had been shipped up to that time, while Mr. Pearsall contends that i a week ago the crop along the W. & W 1 ailroad had been moved out. The record shows, however, that between 100 and 200 carloads have been inov ed out since Mr, Pearsall said the crop had all been shipped. We are con tent to rest our case with the jury and let that jury be the public : ; In conclusion I would like to say that in all of my writings in the Car olina Fruit & Truckers Journal, have never yet sougnt'to mislead any one and vhave only contempt for the man who would. It is otsr business nd duty.tp give specific, information regarding the - strawberry and, vege 'able industry and we glve.lt l-egiilar- iv-in eason rand out,, and this in formation. , is ? from honorable and trustworthy gentlemen at each of the liibre -important BhiODin pblhts whbse tandlng in their communities for in tegrity, morality, character -and .man hood would hov suffer 1 hi . cowpii riaon with thatrof .'MrPeafsall bf.any tme else. - The-iiamefl 6t 'iae&e gentlemen are frequently pHnted, lit: the Cat bllna Fruit & Truckers' Journal and: speak for themselves. The information we give, .therefore Is official. and author itatlve, : while, the records bear out the truthlclnesi of otif Statements re tarding the movement along the W. W. railroad. - -11 1 ; , . 2. W. -WHITEHEAD, Editor CaMiha FrUlt - & Truckers Journal. Castle Heights More than a house a; month built here since December. mo ee .Wright's Agency -MadJ Hoeciai riohilnn . BBonncement by Wllmlmrton PMtorifor rnlplto Today. . . r vimt r'knpoh r 'Kriat Scientist. Market anfl I7th streets. Serrlces at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. Subject of lesson sermon, - "Soul and Body." All Tire mviten. Trinity M. lu. ennren, xeT. rj. , ocii, pnstor. Preaching at 11 a, m. ana :o J. M. A cordial invitation is extended to all. . Dock. Sti-fiet Christian church. Lock street between. Third and Fourth. Rev. C. Maulv Morton, pastor. nebular services Lord's Day morning and evening. Bible School t W A. M.; moruing sermon at 11 A. M. ; evening sermon at 8 P. M. : Chris thin Endeavor at 7:15 P. M. : mid-week prayer service, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Public cordially invited to every service of the church. You will be made to feel at home. (race M. E. church, corner of Fourth and Grace streets. Her. C. J. Wooten, pastor. At 11 A. M., sermon to the chil dren; at 4 r. M., Sunday school; at 8 P. M., sermon to the Baracas and installa tion of officers. You are invited to attend these services. ., Services at St. John s bplscoiuil church, nt 11 A. M. There will be no early morn ing service nor afternoon service, owing to the absence or tne pastor. St. Matthew's English Lutheran church, North Fourth street, Jtev. H. E. Beatty, pastor. Service at 11 A. M. nud S P. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 8 O'clock. Ton are welcome. Trinity Methodist church, corner of Ninth and Market streets, Uev. E. C. Sell, phstor. Preaching at 11 A. M, and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school at 7:30 P. M. The public is cordially invited to ull the serv ices. St. Paul's Lutheran church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, Uev. W. A. Sny der, pastor. Fifth Sunday after Easter. English service, 11 A. M. English ves pers. 8 P. 11. Suuday school. 3:30 P. M. A cordial invitation to all. Seats free. GRAND CHANCELLOR COMING. Lodges in Pythian District to Honor Their x Chief Executive. District Deputy Thos. D. Meares, Jr., of the Knights of Pythias, was ad vise last night definitely that on Monday night in this city Grand Chan cellor A. E. McCausIand, of Charlote, would pay an official visit to the Knights of this District, the visit . to be made the occasion . of, something like a District Meeting with Stone wall Lodge No. 1, which meets regu larly on this evening. The . four fodgesin Wilmington and the lodge at Delgado are expected to be well reprc fv;nted and District Deputy Meares La3 requested all lodges n the dis trict to send representatives for the r.eeting, whicn it Is hoped, to make of very great interest to Pythians generally. A programme of interest ing addresses and events is npw be - . 1 1 a 1 !ng prepared and an evening of real pleasure is assured all who attend "Billy" Goat Arrested. Shortly after 5 o'clock yesterday af ternoon police headquarters received a call for the patrol wagon to be sent to Sixth and Nixon streets. Capt. Robt Green, the clever Hall officer, was in the wagon in a jiffy and off after the supposed drunk. Arriving at the designated spot the officer fail ed to find any one. Looking a little further up the street he saw Patrol man A. D. Smith and not far away was a "Billy" goat tied to a telephone pole. It was evident to Capt Green that the goat had been arrested and it would have to be taken backvln the wagon. Sure enough, the goat had been arrested for running at large. It was placed in the patrol and given a ride to the City Hall, whene it was claimed a short time later by the own er. Capt. Green likely thinks the lim it has been reached. Cronly Defeated the Gentlemen. In a fast and exciting game of base ball at Cronly yesterday afternoon the Cronly team won from the "gen tlemanly nine" of Wilmington ama teurs by the close score -of 11 to 10. The score was tied In the latter part of the ninth inning, .being 10 to 10. with Cronly at the bat, McAuley, first up, wielded the club with the result that he secured a three-base hit. King followed with a sacrifice and made it easy for Cronly to break the tie and capture Ihe game. Batteries: Wil mington, Hines, Moore and Bell; Cron ly, Bond, King and Trust. Umpire, Wooten. , Castle Heights More than a house a- month built here since December. 1910 see Wright's Agency Read Special Column. Save,. Your Money! Read the advertisement of the Peo ple's Savings Bank, top of page 5 Read Star Business Ixcals. We demonstrate every day the MIGHTY POWER of CASH. We Guarantee Our Prices. See our New Goods in Drapery Department, Tnink Department, Rug Department, Suit Department, Silk Depart meht, Ladies' Neckwear Etc x When you come to this store, Look for the Green Price Cards, and SAVE the DIFFERENCE We Mave In our" window. A line of Cakts and Bread made bv .... v 1 . .. ?-, -:. n ' .vj - Globe Baking Co. which we sell and recommend. Call and Bee and be convinced that it is best line in the city. , RIBBON CAKE, ANGEL FOOD, SUNSHINE, DEVIL FOOD, MARBLE JELLY ROLL, LADY CAKES, GOLD CAKE ViENNAi BREAD, 'Phone 108 -:- my20--Jt SOUTHERNER SHOOTS SELF. Col. Seixas, Despondent Over Market Losses, Takes Own Life, New York, May 19. 111 health and despondency because of stock market losses, are believed to have led Col. Henry (X Seixas, Southerner, finan cier and director in several widely known corporations, to fire a bullet into his brain In Central Park today. A balance sheet showing steady los ses in the stock market was found in the coat pocket of Col. Seixas. Ac cording to his broker, the colonial had been on the wrong side of the market for some time, although his recent losses had not been heavy. He had lately complained of continued illness, however,, his broker added, and was apparently on the verge of a nervous break down. He was a director of the Columbus & Hocking Coal & Iron Co-; Davis Creek Coal & Coke Co.; Lanston Mon otype Machine Co., and Sloss Sheffield Steel & Iron Co. Seixas was about K70 years of age. He came of an ex V 11 a. it, t f t n 11 cellenfe New Orleans family. Iff Your Head Aches You should Take the Sure Remedy Hicks' CAPUDINE There's a cause for every headache Capudine reaches that cause quickly, whether it be heat, eold, gripp, or stomach troubles and cures, even though it be sick or nervous headache. Capudine is the surest remedy for Colds and Gripp. Feveriehness, Aches and Nervousness disappear and normal conditions ere restored. - Capudine is liquid easy and pleasant to take acts immediately. ' JOc, 2Se and SO at dru storet. Hew Train to Goldsboro Leave Wilmington 3:40 A. M., daily, except Sunday; ar rive .Goldsboro 6:38 A. M. Leave Goldsboro 10:05 " P. M.; arrive Yilmington 1:00 A. M. This train affords connec tions at Goldsboro with trains via Atlantic Coast- Line destin ed to Norfolk and Richmond, also with the Southern f Rail way and Norfolk' Southern Railroad. See schedules. 'Phone 160. ATLANTIC COAST LINE mv2l-1w Demonstration This Week Wetft ElecTxic Hair Curlers Stop in today and let a competent demonstrator show you this new hair waver. It produces an exquisite wave in a few minutes, without the aid of heat. Made of a single piece of electrified steel, with rounded edges, so it cannot possibly injure the hair. Easy to use, and will last a lifetime. Card of 5 Curlers, 25c Card of 2 Curlers, 10c The Busiecft Store in Town on Display SILVER CAKE, MARBLE CAKE, FRUIT SHEET, SPONGE CAKE, PENNY CAKE, RYE BREAD, MOTHERS' BREAD, FRENCH STICK. 219 Market St. GRADUATION COMMENCEMENT PRESENTS A Dainty Collection of Jewelry and Novelties aj propnate tor the events ot the season. HIKT CONSERVATIVE PROGRESS. DiylM-tf Your Teeth Are Above reglc'ct.Do not trifle with them or Mm Vily suffer them to decay. They arc of jrreat practical service as well ;is con tributors to beauty. Should there lie anything the matter with yours h;tvc them seen to at once. We are expori f.nced dentists and do all kinds of Den tal operations with skill aud care. We employ a competent staff of faistants and charge only reasonable prices. DR. CULBRETH'S Dental Parlors niy21-tf 1 1 1 r(0 1 1: .';V.VV-