"I THE MOKNTNGK STAB, WHiMm.GKTON, yjrjO.v SUNDAY, MAY;: 2 1 1911. y Financial ' ,m' and Commercial A SMALL DECLINE III COTTON Weather Conditions Make Favorable Impression on Sentiment Re ports of General Shower. Decline of 11 Points. . NeW York, May 20,-rWhlle the offlr :'i tnrprast for frost in the Texaa Panhandle caused an advance . i.oniar opening In the in iiow . , tnlS niorilius, nwmci i-uuur whole seemed ta make a after cotton market firms as n favorable impression on semi ring to reports of rain in the and the market closed moie nient ow rastern belt. steady at a net aecune 01 a to under realizing and local barfly 11 points tell!"?- ' The opening was steady at an ad ,-ance of 5 points to a points decline of 4 npar months 'being higher, on thn bullish week-end figures and scat-. lilt - ...til a i . nn;m... toifd COVeriUg, wuue mic puaiuuiia responded toi the reports of more or lfSs general showers in .-the Eastern belt and prospects for further show ers over the wcok-end. - Right after the opening prices showed a tendency" to ease ofr owing to the rain news, but the offerings were well absorbed, in,nurli.itelv following the nub- lication of the Western belt, forecast. calli'11' for the' expected showers, but aio for frost in the Pan Handle, the. market stiffened up:ori covering by early sellers and some fresh buying for long account which sent prices to a net advance of about 3 to 6 pointsJ Few local traders, however, .seemed; to be seriously impressed by the frost prediction evidently considering it too late in the season for any material damage from low temperatures; lead ing spot interest seemed to be selling August, numerous private wires came in reporting benefipial' showers in tho belt and tho market in the later trad ing reached the lowest .point of f he day under more aggressive local 'of ferings, a feeling that leading bulls were reducing their old . crop ;lin3S, and" week end realizing1. The . close was a shade up from the lowest on July and October but 'at practically the low point on other months. iLlvr erpool reported a quiet, featureless market there, and while weekly re views of the dry goods situation indi cated rather a better demand, cur tailment on the part-of domestic mills' was said to be increasing If anything. Receipts of cotton at the ports today 6,060 bales against 7,127 last week and 8,513 last year. -Today's receipts at New Orleans 2,433 bales against 7$2 last year, and at Houston 442 against 1,183 last year. ' Spot cloned quiet, 5 points lower; middling uplands 16.10; middling gulf 16.3i; no sales.. ' - ' . Jt .X 1 . , .1 1 1 ! mil I r m uiifiitru n;iu nun uuwii imiri.v stonily. .Month: M.i.v .. .. June .. .. July .. ..' AuiriiHt . . Spptrinlter iVtolier , . NuT in Iter , Pet-em I ih . .lillllNIIV . M.iitb. .. . .. .. 15. OS .. . . 15. : . . . 13.H0 . . . M.18 . . . i:t.(0 . . n.7 . . 13. .r . 13.13 Htjrli.' Low. Close. 15.83 lO :.1..SMI l.l.'.H 15.:w 15.23 15.25 13.70 13. 2 .13.61 13.23 . 13.11 13.11 13.00 13.( 13.02 13.15 13. M V.iH 13.14 13.03 13. L3 13.18 13.11 13.10 THE POST MOVEMENT.' fiulvestoii Ktendy, 15; net receipts, IiTH; rnn receipt, 078; sales. 227: Block, ST.fHil: iSrent Hritiiin. 8.843: continent. 13.- coiistwise. 54f. New ir)eiin Stendy, 1511-16: net re ceipts, :',4.'!3: jrroHH receipts, 2,433; wiles, 3Ni: stock. imi,82M; FraiK-e, 1,100; coust- Tist-. :ms. Mobile Firm. irV : net receipts. 514; pri.Hs receipts. 514; stock. .7,000; t-ontineut, 4Ti',; const wise,' 6. Savniiii.ili Ktenrt.v, 15; net receipts. .1. Wi: uros4 receipts. 1,406;. sules, 26; stock, Si.uCi; ctiiistwlKe, 254. rimrieston Steady. 15 f net receipts, 4W: :r(.s receipts, 406; stock, 111,825; Coiistnise. 184. Wllinlii(.'toii Quiet. 15 5-16; net . receipts. 50: moss receipt. 50; stock. 4,1!K1. Ni'ifo Ik- Steady. 15 i net receipts. 4ft; W, receipts, 40; sales. 20; stock, 7,852; roHNhvNe. l.'Ml. Baltimore Nominal. 16: stock. 3.040. New York Quiet. 16 10: pross receipts, 1.4HI: stork. 128.W14: Jreat Britain, 864; continent. 2.084; coastwise. 030. Boston Quiet. 10.10; net receipts. 164; kiush receipts. 746; stock, 10,437; continent, Plilliiclelpliia-Qniet. 16.35: stock, 2.043. Tntid today at all ports Net. 0..060; Oient Britain. 0.706; France, 1,1;0; contl Ufiit, 22.72U ; stock, 340.038. 'imoliilated t all ports Net; 6.IKK); 'Vfiit Britain. 0.70!i; France, 1,100; contl-'if-nt. 22,220. Total since Sept. 1. nt. 'all ports Net. 8. .Jiviii!!; (ireat ltritain, 3.175,786: France, !;;W74; continent, 2,5,818; Japan, 143,281; Mexico, :,n2." marine: Str. Navahoe, Packer, .e York, H. Suiallboues. ' M AltlNft DIRECTORY. LUl f TllMli "Now la lQrt nf Wllmli Un.'N. C. ? Steamers. Klldale (Br.), 2,430 .tons, Milbum, Sea bonrd Air Line. - Brbonners. i Estelle Krleger. 1.047 tons, Heamle. C. Dl Mnflltt: . i Joba H. May, 319 tons, Stille, C. D. Mat! fltt. ... ST BITSB- AND - MAIU. Bcipt of Cotton and Kaval gtorM a fori or wuminaton Yesterday. Wllniiuifton. N. t'.. Miiv mi. ion .Atlantic Coast. Line 50 bale's cotton. : - Nnir. ,eo. Slover 6 caskn spirits tur peirtine; 36 barrels roslu ; 4 barrels Mr. ! Total: 50 bales cotton:. a uusku n(i-lta turpentine; 36 barrels roslu; 4 barrels tarj . THE PRODUCE MARKET. j New1 -Tor k. May 20. Flour, quiet and; barely. 'steady ,,Xprinir patents. 4.00rf5.15; winter patents, 4. 1004. 50. Itye Flour Unsettled. Buckwheat Flour Steady . Buckwheat Steady. Corn Meal Steady. Fine white and vel low. 1.13gl.2a; coarse. 1. 1001.15; kiln dried. 3.00. Barley .Quiet. Wheat Shot. easv. No. 2. red. OS naked; elevator, and 00. nominal, f.o.b. afloat.! Futures close! to c. net lower; Alay,; 1)8; July. 05; September. 03. - Corn Snot, easy: exnort. . new. No. 2.' 60.. nominal, nttost. Futures cloHeil V.c. net. lower; May. 50--J4 ; July. 5!Vj. ; Oats Spot, steady. Standard white. 40; No. 2, white. 40,; No. 3, 30V. : No. 4J 30V4. Futures, uominid. Mav. 30 M, : .IhIt. cut Meats Steady. Pickled bellies. 10 to 14 pounds, 1012; pickled hams,; L.-ird Steady.. Middle AVest. prime. 8.15: 08,25; reflned, quiet; coutflient. 8.55; South America. JUiO; Compound, 7,s7. - Cotton seed Oil Generally a shade eas ier. , under scattered local selling and nb-i sence of speculative support. Tradlntr was quiet. Futures closed lc. hisrher on Mav '! ana .1 to 4 points lower oh later positions.: May, . 0.5300.55: Juue. 6.52fn6.;7: July,' 6 .5.1(96 .50; August, ,50fiiO.4r2 : September,! 0.5800.50; prime crude. 5.4705.60; prime: summer yellow-. 0.-486f6.00; prime winter yellow, 0.6007.50; prime suiumer white, Uosln Easy. Strained, common to good. 6.05. Turpentine Easv. Machine barrels, 63. Riee-OSteady . Domestic, 2 05; patna, 506. :,r,i - ? - Molasses Quiet. New Orleans, open kettle, 30050, Sugar Raw,, dull. Itefined. steady. CoRee-rJ-'utaresi-4st'eftHly,, lower. : Spot, steady: IUo. No. 7.' 12c. Santos. No. 4, 12- mild, quiet; Cordova, 13015, nomi nal. '. Butter Steady, unchanged. Cheese Easy, iinchuuged. " Eggs Firmer, unchanged. Potatoes Easy ; southern, barrel . Cabbages-Easy. Southern, crate, 2.25; .barrel, .1,50. ,. Freights-" Unchanged . Peanuts Unchanged. 3.W0 1.00 WILHlNGTOI MARKET. STAR OFFICE, Mav 20. SPIRITS TUUPENT1NE Market stea dy at 58 cents. ROSIN Steady ; $0.20 per barrel.. TAR Firm.. 2. 20 per barrel. CRUDR TURPENTINE t- Market. Brmj $4.25 per barrel, or hard; $6.00 for-dip; virgin. $6.25. Quotations same day Isst year Spirits turpentine, nothing doing; rosin, nothing doing; tar, $2.10: crude turpentine, nrui at $..00, $4.50 and $5.50. Spirits Turpentine .. .. .. 6 Rosin ... ... ... 36 Tar 4 Crude Turpentine ) Receipts same day hist year, 28 casks spirits turpentine; 46 barrels rosin ; 89 barrels tar; 8! barrels crude turpentine. COTTON MA1KIT. Market Quiet, nt 15V4 cents for middling. same day Inst year, nominal. Receipts 50 bales; same day last year. 03 bales.. - ITERIOB MOVEMENT. Houston-Steady, 15; net receipts. .442; r.WN receipts. 442; shipments, 1,371 ; sales, Ml:. stock. 20.470. Anuiista -steady. 15; net' receipts. 00; jtriMs 'receipts, 00; shipments, 1.176; sales, -'4 : stock. 15.201 . Memphis Liinn. ir, ; net receipts, 234 ; gross receipts. 771; shipments, 2,010; sales, 'XJ: stock. i;i,721. - I.onls Firm. 15;- gross receipts, 'j sliipnients. 1.155; stock. 12,150. JiiHinjinti Net receipts, 502; gross re Ktock sl,il""e"ts- 318 !.. sales, 400; Little Ito. k steady, 15; net receiptSj 9; 'fipts. 0; shipments, 087; stock, 13,- I.onisville Firm. J7,; , MMiayiwt receipts, 2.786; gross ' . ,-',M: shipments, 7,320; sales, 1, stock. l.V!,5Sl. . . , PRODUCE MARKETS. (Quoted by W. J. Meredith, May 20th.) PEANUTS Vlrgialaa. . 0 to ll.OO per bo.: North Carollnas. tl.BOSl.60: Bpanfaa. $l.l0y$1.2S. i. i - : t'OHM-nrm; .08 to .70 per bn. PEAS White black-efe. $2.50; white lady finger, $2.75; clay peas, $1.75 per bushel, dull. POTATOES Yams. 90 to $1.00 per bn.: Irish -potatoea, 8090 per bu. BKKK-UD I0t, .U3M.04 per ID. PORK Net. .OfiQ.10 per lb. WOOI Bnrry. .12(3.15 per lb.: free of burr. .1801.20 per lb. BIDES-ireen. .07 per lb.: dry. .12 per lb. NORTH CAROLINA BACON Hams. old. 16c.iper lb. ; aides and shoulders, 12 to 13 per id. DitsswiA Kirm j .27 per id. TALJ.OW Firm ; .04.0B per lb. POULTRY Turkeys. - on foot. 18c per lb.: ' dressed. .203.22 per lb. Chickens. grown, .400.50 per head; Chickens, last spring, .2tK$.: per bead, ueese, .au per grown 8heep $l. 00 to $2.50. , K(i(h uuu. ic. per ios. SHEEP Lambs. $2.50 to $3.00 per bead: grown sheep, $2.00 to $2.oo. Petersburg Peanut Market. (Reported by Rodtrers. McCabe & Co.) Facmers' , Hnonisb Firm at $1.25 per bushel; holders nsking more. Shelled Spnn- ISbNo. -1. ' Spanish, shelled, 6c. to 7c, ner lb: , No, 2., spanisn, .Bueueu. nc. 10 atc. per lb. Virginias Firm; Bunch, 44c a iua nap in it !i n' v Hflnn.riPHPn. .i.r to 4c. per lb. ; Extra Prime, 3V4c.: to 3c.; Prime. 3c. to 3Hc. per Ur. ; Machine Pick ed, 3V4C to 3c. per lb.; Shelling Stock, 2c. to 3c. per lb. THE GRAIN MARKET. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. sPot Dull, Prices UnchangedSales and Futures. Liverpool, May 20. Spot cotton J!, ,,. Pncs unchanged. American . uuung fair 8.95: good middllne 8.62: laaiing 8.40; low middling 8.20; good ordinary 7.J4; ordinary 7.69. The sales y m day were 4,000 bales, of which " , .wfre 'or speculation and export 2 o7,om, lded 3r0,) American. Receipts -u bales, including 1,200 American, ana. T1'"3, I)end quiet and steady June si 1 10 y; May 8-13;:.May and '"e 8.U 1-2: June onl I 8 09- CbJr - p-8" 7,96: ASst and &3P-72ft- n ! , SePtember and October w 1' ' u.p,ober and November 7,00 1-2: ce h;r :rJn,d December 6.94 1-2; 'De- and vl," u Sjy -92 1-2; January Marr ' 12 : February and o, xviarcn and April 6.93 Catlu II.-.:.. i. ii'Menro Mni.n - i a month u . ""ic man a. uuuesu llKl, bu .h nce December, Special Coin " vurio-h'n a imn. Read t. YT0Ur M0"ey' ags Bank. top of page 6 rhtcnfrn, Mnv. 20. With a tone to show erv niul cooler weather conditions forored the bear side today, lu wneat. i uere was a irood deal of caution, though nbont un- dulv pressing sales. When the pit was clea'red prices were left lowers to c. u p. Corn snowen a net iecnne oi yt vswra and oats to . Provisions in the end Varied from . kist t bigbf s flgureB to I.k?. falling off in cost. I ,IHll tTllhl . ..... VVI.nnf.Vn " 9 red !l.VTX (fj)!fl ! No. 3. .ted. 2or; No. 2, hard. WiVseew! o. 3, luwi, 0203: No.. 1. northern. 1.0101.04; No 2 nnrthorn. i .iU)ftii i Ai.i: !sa. 3, norinern. -i .uu fiiil A-: fin. 2 snrinir. 90(1.00; No. 3, spring, S)000; velvet ihaff, W!8; durum, Corn No. 2. 52052 : No- wnite, fflllU: No. ?. rellowl r3(fe53 : No. 2. yel low, 52 53 ; No. 4, 5051-i No. 4, white, 51Mia51 ; No. 4. yellow. 5lp?3i, llnls Nn 2 XtU : No. 2. white. 35(3135 Nft. .S.. M-! fin. a .whtfe. ZAVCifrMV,l No. 4 white, 33i34; standard. 34 Wheat May .... . July . . .. .. . Sept V . . . . Corn : May .. . . . July Sept .. . Dec .. .. . OatSi . May - .. . July .. .. . Kept ..r .. . Dec : . . ". ; .' Mens Pork July Open. High. 04. .." 804 874 52 53 v87- 53 51 Low. Close. M 04 STOCKS WERE GIVEN SUPPORT Market "Not Influtfneed by : Action of Government Against Lumber Trust Active Issues Were Somewhat Lower. New York, May 20.-rEffective sUp port was glren to the stock market loday after it had developed a dis tinctly heavy tone. The trend of the market indicated that It was Influx enced in no small degree by the action of the Federal government against ihe so-called lumber trust. The mariket was the more susceptible at this influence on, account of the fact that the supply of floating stock, has been increased very largely withiii the last few days owing to extensive profit-taking sales. Initial prices were -irregular, most of the active is sues being somewhat lower. - Bear traders were unable to force Jexten live recessions however, and the sup-f port which was offered was sufficient to cause; a general recovery and in. ome cases small advances. The fer tilizer stocks which fell off on an nouncement of the terms of the pro posed settlement of the potash dis nute with German interests, exhibit ed further marked weakness today. Bonds were steady, total sales par alue $1,631,000. United States. 2a lost 3-8 and' '4s 1-4 on call, on the week; ' Tdtal sales -stocks for the day 212,- 300 shares. CiOSINO STOCK LIST. Allis-Chaliuers,: pfd Amalgamated t opper American Agricultural American Meet Nilgai- American .Can ... ... American Car and Foundry .. .. American ' Cotton : Oil American Hide and 1-eather. pfd .. America n ice Securities American Unseed American Locouioilve '. . Ajuerlcan .Smelting and-.nefiuiug 30 07 y4 ns 4U 11 23 23 11 42 80 Ameriami Kmelttug and Itettuing, pfd.lOiH AniericiMi steel tounaries 44 Ainericiui Sugar Itettn'nK 120 4.Hiericn Tel muUTel .,, .. 148 American toimiwo, rd ... . 101 American Woolen ... ... , 33 Anaconda -Miulntr Co . ; 40 Atchison ... ..... 112 Atchison, pfd ... ... MM. Atlantic Coast Line 12)4 Bflltiuiore and Ohio 10.1 Bethlehem Steel ....... .'. 33 Brooklyn Kapid Transit S0V4 Canadian Pacific 234 Central Leather 21 Central Leather, pfd .. 101 Central of New Jersey 275 Chesapeake and Ohio Chi ago and Alton 30 Chicago (Jreat Western 21' Chicago (irest Western, pfd 43'6 Chicago mid iortli Western H54 I'hlcngo. Mil. and St. Paul .. .. ..124 C.. C. and St. Louis 50 Colorado Fuel and Iron .t Colorado and Southern 54 Consolidated dan ..14514 Corn Products 154 lelaware and Hudson 172 I leaver and Hio ;rande ... . Denver and Hio lirnude, pfd Distillers' Securities . . .V Krie . Erie, 1st pfd ,. Krie. 2nd pfd General Electric irent Northern, pfd reat Northern lire Ctfs .. Illinois Central Interboroueh-Met luterlKrougb-Met.. pfd 52 1 -. . IT . A iiiier-niirvpsirr ui v luter-Mariue. pfd 17 International Paper 10 iniernaiiouai rump 411 lowa central 17 Kansas City Southern 35 Kansas City Southern, pfd OS Laclede Uas. , lKi Lnulsville and NashvMle 147i iinneapoiis nun m. 1.0111s ti Minn., St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie .138 .. 30 . .. GO .. .W, .. 33Vi .. 5ilV4 .. 40 .150 . .12! ivmZ 1 IM pfd Missouri. Kansas and Texas Missouri. Kansas and Texas, Missouri Poqlflc National Bisifit National Lead National Uys. of Mexico, 2nd New York Central .. .. .. .. New York, Ontario and Western Norfolk and Western .. North American Northern Pacinc Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's (!as Pittsburg. C. C. and St. Louis Pittsburg Coal ... Pressed Steel Car ... ... Pullman Palnce'Car Hallway Steel Spring 1 tea (1 In it ... :KeiHMta Hm&iftifa;,. ... .. Hepnblle Steel, pfd KocU island I'o Uock Island Co., pfd St. Ionls and San Fran., 2nd pfd St. Louis Southwestern St. Lonls Southwestern, pfd .. .. Sloss-SheflTield Steer and Iron .. Southern Pacific Southern Hallway 34 00 .130 rm r 30 .108 . 44 .108 . 75 .127 . 27 1 011 .105 35V4 .101 . 35 .150-Til -31 . 33 . 64 -A 42 31 07VJ .52 . 1 in 2 Southern Hallway, pfd 07 .Tennessee topper Texas and-Pacific .. .. .. .. .. . Toledo, St. Louis and Western ., Toledo, itt. Louis and Western, pfd Union Pacific Union Pacific, pfd United States Realty United States Rnbber ... . ." United States Steel Unite States Steel, pfd , Utah Copper ..: Virglnfc -Carolina Chemical Wabash ... Wabash, pfd . Western Maryland ..: Westinghouse Electric I Western Union ... . . , . . ; Wheeling and .Lake Erie 't ' .1 . NAVAL STORKS. ;. Why -thi Vi Wer; Vl6bJ. ; ? There's a china expert 1p. one of tha large department stores here who baa an muting little trade of his own on the side. It is notblnfr.more or less thflji deciding the value of. rare, china or glass ware broken by careless eerv ants or packing houses. "It requires a lot of diplomacy, too, he aald, with a laugh. -Not so very long ago I was called In to arbitrate between an Irate householder and one Of the big moving firms. She said with sobs . that the movers had broken a pair of vaseS' Which she valued at $100. The taovers,-aJthough. willing- to make restitution, considered thd sum exor bitant. WeII,'J looked at f the pieces and found tbe value about, $25. I told the wgman so, -quietly. I knpw that,' Abe sobbed, but they, belonged to my mother-ln-law. and my husband will think I made the men do it purposely unless I get a lot for themA'' -And it wrs not until the- men had premised to prove they had done It accidentally that the lady whs content to accept : the $25." Philadelphia Times. ; J J- . Too Much Fop Her. "The newest laws of hygiene," said a medical man, 'can't be inculcated lave among those who thoroughly un derstand : them. Take the case of Dash. "Dash, a rich country scientist, de cided to encourage cremation ambng the villagers. So when the old ash man died Dash urged bis widow to have the corpse cremated. No. sir, said the old woman. Til not cremate -him. I'll put him under the sod? - v " 'But the cremation vWon't cost you a cent,' said Dash. Til pay all the expenses if you'll let me have him cremated. M 'Well. I agree.' said the old woman in a hesitating voice. Tm too poor Hot to agree, sir.' Then she gave Dash a puzzled look., half . of pity, half of contempt., , . 'But why do you do 1. sir? she said. - 'Is it a hobby like golf or stamp Collectin,?," Washington Star. United states Department . of Agriculture, v etner Bureau. Wilmington. N. ,C May 21. Meteorological data for the 24 hours (Mill ing nt 8 A. M.. Saturday, May 20th: 'temperature af 8 A. M. , 74 dcgrees:it 8 . M.. 74 deerees: maxiinnin. 85 deirrees-' minimum. 08 decrees; mean. 70 degrees. Rainfall for the day, .00: for the month. 12 inch. Stage of water in Caie Fear river, nt Fnyetteville, at 8 A. M., Saturday. 3.0. Weather Forecast. For North Caro'linn Local thnnder showers Sunday and Mondnv : cooler in in terior; light, variable-winds. Port Calendar Mar Sun Rises . . , Sun Sets ... ..'.' .. llav's Lencth High water at Southport . High water at Wilmington Abilene . . Asheville . . Atlanta . . Augusta . . Birmingham Boston.. . . Charleston . Charlotte.. . hicago . . alveston . Jacksonville Memphis . . Mobile . . , Montgomery New Orleans New York . alestine . Oklahoma . . ittsburg . . Raleigh.. . Savannah . Slireveport . St. Lonls . . Washington The Author's Grievance. The magazine editor looked up. T wabf to protest, sir." said the caller, "against tbe way in which one of your reckless proofreaders man gled my copy See here. The judge in the story looks down at the detec tive, 'Are you Pendleton King? , he asks, and the detective, removing. bis beard, replies. I am.' Now, just see what your proofreader made him say. Tbe editor glanced at tbe line and read it aloud: "The detective, removing his beard, replies. la. ta."1 " The unhappy author1 groaned. "Where does that leave the readers?" he demanded.. Tbe editor slowly smiled. "At 1 a. m. they are naturally left in tbe dark." he replied. "Take an extra chapter and getitbem out of it.1 Tbe author suddenly: laughed. "Happy thought!" be cried. "I wlU." Cleveland Plalfi Deaer. Why They Smiled. It was tbe Sabbath day, and the eld er was shaving himself prior t church time .when he made a slight cut with the razor on tbe extreme end of hi nose. Calling his wife, be asked her if she had uhy court plaster. "You will find some In my sewing basket," she said. The elder soon bad tbe cut covered. At church in assisting with tbe collec tion he noticed every one smile as he passed tbe plate. Very, much annoy ed, he asked one of his assistants if there was anything wrong with his appearance. "I should say there was," answered the assistant "What is that upon your nose?" "Court Dlnster." "No." said his friend: "it is the label from a reel of cotton. It says, 'War ranted 200 yards. "Pearson's. NOTE The Cardui Home Treat ment for Womi'.-n consists 6f Cardui ($1), Thedford's Black Draught (25c), or. Velvo (60c.), for the liver and Car dul Antiseptic (50c). These! remedies may be taken singly, by themselves, if desired, or three togetber. as a com plete treatment for women's. Ills. Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dept,-, (Chattanoo ga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, "Hon e Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request- 27$ . 21-- .183 .. 04 ya . 78 . . 41 .. 80, .110 .. 47 . rs .. 1BV, .. 37" . ".! 73W 77 . - 4V4 S0.810. Quote : B. ( F. fi.5; ft. 7.00: H. Xew York, May 20. Turpentine, firm at .K: sales, 1,221; receipts, 775; shipments. none; stock. 13.30C. -Uosln, Arm; sales, none ; receipts, 2,533; shipments, 376: stocks.! 0.3T: D, 6.8.; F,. fi.Hrtr 7.05: I. 7.1": K. 7.30: ai. i..j..;'i. i.:s; w o. .oo; w- vv, i. ...- Charleston, May 20. Turpentine, firm, nt S0(S)50'4. Kosln. firm. Quote: B. ft.Vt6.r-. e.fi0;"D. 0.85; K. ft.00; F, 0.051)7.02; i,' 7.01X3)7.05; H, 7.10; I, 7.15; K 7.30; M.; 7.357:40; N, 7-.50; W O. 7.00; W W, 7.75. . : J THE FINANCIAL MARKET. 8 '87 51 51 52 51 88 8' . . 33 34 33 ..- 34 34 .. 33 . . 34 . 34 ' 33 .. 3TtV4 35 35 orKv'per- narrei : .,..14.00 14.62 14.55 51 51 52 51 33 3 Sept.. 14.05 - -14.05 . 14.00 t Lard, per lOf). pounds : i July-.. .. . 8.02 8.05 , 8.02 Heirt .. .. ... 8.05 8.12 8.10 Short IUb. per. 100 nounds: July .. 7.77 7.77 7.75 Sept 14.55 14.00 2 8.05 8.12 " 7.75 7.70 7.72 "Big "Holdina His Own." comedy . picture--iGran4 Thea- it9 tomorrow.'. y : New ' York. May -'20. Money on call, nom inal. . Time loans. ' strong, but very dull.: Siity days, 2fti)2i)i per cent: ninety days. 2S3 per cetit; six months, 3 a3.. Frlme raercannie paper, xy2w per cent. : nterling"-exclmn,'ge, steady, with actual bus-, lness in bankers bill at 4.84:40 for sixty--day hills, and at 4.80:35 for demand. Com me'rolal bills, 4.83; bar silver, 33; Mex ican dollars, 45. dry goods Market. 'New York, May 20. Trade continues to Improve In cotton Roods for future dellv-, ery and spot business is also; better. Hos iery And "underwear for immediate use are In much better demand. .Linen trade is in different for future use, but n fair spot trade is -passing. Burlaps and jute . are1 higher. I Castle Blights More than a house a month built - here ' since "December, 1910 rsee Wright's Agency Read Special Column. . . . Circus In Paris 8trt. Writing of street life in Paris, Wil helm Keldmanu snys in the Welt Spie gel, that the unique features are the gymnastic and -acrobatic performances which one sees there. Wherever traf fic will permit one may -expect to see the street acrdbats. men. women and children, spread their carpet, erect their apparatus and, to the accompa niment of a few instruments, some times only a drum, give their perform ances. Feats of strength, balancing and pyramid building are performed, and then one of the youngsters In tights collects the coppers from the crowd which usually congregates. This done, the performers throw long cloaks over their tights and move on .with their wagon to the next halting place. Maidens Sold by Auction. A singular custom obtains to this day in some of the towns on the lower Ithine uamely, that of "selling" maid ens at public auction. For nearly four centuries on Easter ionday auction day the town erier or clerk of St Goar has called all the young people together and to the highest bidder sold tbe privilege of dancing with' the cho sen girl and her only during the entire year.; The fees are put into the public poor box. A Fire Alarm. First Boy Where yer goin' In such a rush? Second -Boy (on the run) Fire alarm! First Boy Where? Sec ond Boy Boss i said he'd fire me If I wasn't back from his errand in ten minutes. Boston Transcript His Objection. Artist Why do you object to this miniature? Nurich It looks like me, I'll admit, but it's too stingy. Better make one life size. Llppincott's. Pale, Delicate Women and Girls. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out mal larla and builds uo tue system. For 4 Jtown people and children, 50c. THE WEATHER. 5:00 A. M. .. . .7:11.1'. M. . .14 his. 5 mlii .. ..1:48 P. M. . . . 4 :48 P. M. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT8. May 20, 1011. STATIONS! Temperature : "2 9 H oc . pt cldy . cloudy .cloudy . .clear raining . . clea r pt cldy pt cldy lMlnintr .cloudy cloudy .raining .cloudy .cloudy . pt cldy . clbudy cloudy . .clear . .clear . clear . clear , raining .raining . clear 70 74 r-ui 8S 82 f.4 82 88 84 82 82 82 ' 78 80 80 72 82 01 02 00 '82 I0 84 !K5 02 06 (Hi (5H 08 50 72 06 (S4 76 70 72 OS 7(1 70 58 72 (12 72 58 7(1 72 7(1 OS 2. as CM .0 1.10 .01 .0 .82 .0 .0 .0 .60 .0 .(I .18 2 42 "!o" .o .0 .10 .0 o .0 .0 .20 .30 .0 w H 28 S. Front Street Sincerity and Hamburger Bros. Clothing for the well dressed men, also a big ten dollar line. This week special Silk a fij Socks at, a pair ..... jZtJC STRAW HATS & PANAMAS We sell the Pants King Trousers J. W. H. FUGHS Removal Sale of the French Milli nery Parlors. All gooda at cost be ginning Mond i. May 15th. tf. Four Late Pictures. On the Grand. bill tomorrow. EXCURSION TO JACKSONVILLE, AND TAMPA, FLORIDA, VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. On Tuesday, June 6th, the Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tick ets from Wilmington to Jacksonville, Fla., at $7.f0 and to Tampa at $9.50, limited returning to reach Wilming ton not later than midnight on Tues day, June 13, '1911. Extra sloaping cars and coaches suf ficient to accommodate all passengers will be placed on trains and everything will be done by the management of the Atlantic Coast Line to make this first-class excursion. Proportionate -rates 1 'will be made from other points in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. For tickets, Pullman accommoda tions and schedules see the nearest agents or address, T. C- White, Gener al Passenger Agent, or W. J. Crai, Passener Traffic Manager, Wilming ton, N. C. HEADQUARTERS for May atone, Quinzoin, etc. Therox, Parnotes, Fresh supply of Pneumonia Anti toxin and Oxygen. Sold by J. Hicks Bunting Drug Go. Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Wilmington, N. C. (3H31D(MIffliCIE!Hla It no dUmuse If your rowu get Iwwy-but.lt In a ahamo to let tb em STAY LOUSY! Dob' fool with borne-m&dd tuff, or wnatg time trr. Ing unknown dopes. GET UOIC& AND BUB RESULTS by uritag CONKEY'S LICE POWDER 25 eent buy. n good, liberal-sited box. It U poeitive UeHth to lice. ticks, etc KaaftUr effective for lice on netting hens nnd . roang Clicks. GKT8 THEM ALLI deans ap tbe coopl Abaoioteiy Harmless to even me sniaiiest cuick. . x.a7 to apply aud does tbe business or your niouey back. Oet R. W. MONTGOMERY ft CO., Essex Model Incubators. Brooders and Poultry Supplies. WIl.MtNC.TON. N. C. Marble & Granite Works Designers and Builders of- Mon uments, Mausoleums and Head Stones, and all classes of building work FRANK MEIER, Proprietor. 310 N. Front St., Wilmington, N. C. myl4-2w CHICHESTER Si PILLS Vr s. THE llAMO.Nl BllANO. A ' Lalli-t Ask yeur lrrrlst for t-'hlucs-tei'tf uiaatOHU ifrand, IMlis to Uea And Hold metallic boaes. cealed with Blue Ribbon. . . m lrKft. A kforC'ilI-Cllt;(i.TEE llAMONI ItRANU lMLLM.br k1 yesrs known as Best.Eafest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you ovtrworked your, nervous Bya tpm.and caused trouble with .your kid r.pva and bladder? Have you pains lr loins, side, back and bladder?. Have you a flabby appearance of the face, and un der Hue eyes? A frequent desire to pass urine? If so, Williams aOdney Pills will cure you Drug-gist, Price 50c WILLIAMS MFG. CO.. Piop... ClTelad,Oti Jut received a new consignment of ART SQUARES. Prices Way Down. SULPHATE and MURIATE POTASH f 15; Tons Muriate Potash. 10 Tons Sulphate Potash. 10 Tons Cotton Seed Meal. also Three Carloads of Ellwood and Universal Fence, 3,000 Kegs Kails (wire and cuts) ; 100 Barrels Mullets. GET OUR PRICES. D. L. GORE COMPANY, Wholesale Grocers, r ? : Wilmington; Nr C. The illiirchison National Bank SS Wilmington, N. C. Capital and Surplus .$1,300,000.00 With every facility known to bank ing, we are prepared to give mo& careful attention to all business in trusted to us, whether large or small ATLANTIC INN . i EUROPEAN PLAN. Being opposite the Union Depot is, therefore, most convenient to Traveling Men. Large, Airy Rooms and' Good Restaurant. 4 GIESCHEN BROS. Proprietors WALL PLASTER 250 tons King's Windsor Wall Plaster just receiv ed by Schooner "Joel Cook.' BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds, and your orders respectfully solicited. W. B. THORPE & GO. Phone 789 ; Kingsbury's Pharmacy ; Cor. SECOND and PRINCESS STREETS. is now open with a full supply of New, Fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles, Candies, Cigars, Etc. . . Prompt and ' Efficient Attention given to air your wants, small or large. All Goods Bought and Sold for Cash. Your patronage will be deeply appreciated. WALTER R. KINGSBURY, Manager. rn2-lm W. A. DICK , ", R. L. WILLIAMS FOR ALL KINDS OF - - INSURANCE - - .. SEE - - Dick Williams Room No. 404 Southern Building. Phonef No. 240. DON'T INSURE Your property against fire then neglect your roof. "TENACITY BRAND" roof paint insures yoi against leakage. Withstands Be verest heat, cold and moisture guaranteed not to -crack or blister. Atlantic Paint & Varnish Works MANUFACTURERS. ; 'Phone 343. ', I i'B 1 HI,' PI i ' r i: ! I :1! oil! -