:l v.' .. -1 ; ) :'.v SI ! : ; a - 3 i 1 1 1 i it ! PAGE 10 THE i MORNTNG STAR, 7ILMINGTOK K. C, SUNDAY; MA.Y 2 1 ,1911 . 0 MBIMIIBM , . . . v. .-,..... i . - . . - ..- . 3 I ' ' ' - - ' . . M J .j. . i r .'5' a r 4. peoi last vear. price aiiu un terms lira i vy iu appe Atranspbrtation to intere iuaci.au yvui uc vxx . -'rm . T JrT . i. 4b 4. J . lJiivestifirs at a 5-. -T: T.' 5: : ? v tm maw a i m m glVJUUU TO DAY For ai tu you. free tV UXXV TT tllV XVIUI mil lntormatiohv. see ittve V. I t. i v r m w lit lijMlLai t .;jr;i;.nuxii!f r.r;., .is!lSty:, mfcr, . AFTER THE SUGAR nOI.uruLY if;: "1.-1 f JV. 1 It dominates the beet sugar : refiner ies' of tkrtorad.Oy - Idaho, Utah, Montana and ofb(?tStacffes.- 5ts- $90.0tiOJ)do 6f hta()ital eitend to eVefy;' sugar gi(jiw- rintr roirWVrf- ,,s ' M '-V.'- An effort was made during thejde bate on the Payne-Aldrich tarilf''b'ni in the Senate to sjiow that, the Sugar trust liad nothing to do with the Jbeet snar.Jridustry.x Published gufes of th coTjifany retotef this. A i'i;. 3tftiftrJ supporter bf tlife jtfardwicH Wsolutloi allege that thU Atneridan Siigar 'Kefifhtng -fiampiny had its" way in. framing , the sugar schedule two j&iMtfr. -gMt6r.,3.1drfefi, If; is sai(v maae many an enemy or sena tor Doinver, or lewa, by giving the place he disered on the Senate Fi-' tcetJotomltte'e;. fey enatdf SmooU' ff TTtnh Tni'-fho Povna-AMrloh tariff gtit Mr. Stfloot led hfe forces thktj Jllga - the " feiigSr 'duties. He : Clafffld tc speak for the great beet sugar in terests, . Senator Smoot was support- ed , almost loyally by Senators from thecane sugar and other. sugar beet fegliras. r Xll . lhtersfed; inade a mah tu1- stand for thetDutch'.StaTidartf 6t color, which has given the trust its. advantage for years. For 26 -years ATOidan; tariff schedules have carried!! provisions Tor -aaty ; or 'so ana . so on sugar noi aDOve xo. 10 uutcn Standard in color." This has prov en Nt ttf sort :ejt protection , desired bv . ttie An5erican Suear Refinine Co. HetiresentatiVciS fit liTjgress," whetblr (Continued : from Page Nine.).,.- ? of this inquiry is to ascertain whether or nothat Is true. There is no pur pose to play politics. The people are entitled to know ,why it is that this trust, if it be true that it is viol&fltig. the law, is still doing business! ffj thfe: same old way ut the same oldstani "We will be able to prove ttiafTtiie sugar trust has absorbed more than 14 companies since it was or It. has been taking over its cottt; tors whenever they got in its way. One case in particular; the Pennsyl vania Sugalr; Cr.nipahy, Of Philadel phia, will be looked in W. Tlirt 'con cern had been established at aHout lay of several miltidnk to ree..siigtr tut met with financial troubles, and when in distress, was trapped by the! American Sugar fietfntiife '(m'pany.i T,he E. C. Knight case Is another one. "The ,trnst controls mor.thki 50. pe r cetftu of f. e . refined . jstfgaf ' pusU r.ess of the country: "Xt probaofy ttonir iuates more than 80 per cent, of it. "There is no doubt in my mind that! u nas a gentleman s agreement wnn Arbjickle Brothers and the - SpreckH"3 interests. This agreement is made' so that here will be no competition amohs thefh . , - n "The tariff. : especially,. tW illputchi bianaara color test, makes such a combination, which seems, to. ibe un lawful, possible. Sugar is about twice as high to the consumer as it shduid. "The trust hks -;M- dflty .u't -tfifel price up to the consumer but it has fixed the price of raw cane and beet sugar. , ; , . - . "-Hie ititiuiry brovidediby Itt&W, wick resolution prompted by the factJ mm ui eugitr irusi nan vxioiea ana openly and notoriously violated the law ever since the Sherman act wentf ' into effect, rfe; has beeil .'Ho'ipon-T viction unaer tnat statute. a ;i "We propose to ascertain why It Is this great corporation ha not been convltted in the courts under the ttn-: li-trust law." It: , Mr. Hard wick says that the com mittee . will be . directed . to rikok ihto the affairs of the AmeflCah Sugar 'ft'd-' .fining , Company ,;,?rojm xfts - orlglfi Auai. iiio Liubt exisxs. ne ar gues, is evidence that the laws have nbt been enforced. i Tfier sugar trust, It 4llved his; iolated the laW'in mah waK ,! !lt" inasaue illegal contracts, xjdmbina fions and cohslderedln reifralnt t xraae. it has left nothing undone to .farther Its own Interests to the detri ment. .ot, competitors and the cost of LUG- The record 6f, the American Sugar xteunmg company , will be followed from .Its -beginning tb - the present ttay It will he -proven that it &R'"Ah:l fjct6r ,in aarj .milling at v.W'aMingtbatjk fei4,;b4May 20thrK 01-1 ton; thatlt controls the attrtei-Nd'&relina, i TfelfeveMnj ests oi me unuea states, including the cane of Louisiana, and the Jeetsi of the West, and has large htildlhW lb SRictf in the Hawaiian Islands, JP6rti and Cuba. Figures will be given to Bhow jthat Dtanocmts .or Republicans, have tefood tor-'a'duty dn sdgar. : 'The isUgar trust has Jiot hesitated to use money. fnfttttparghs., fflr tJembciratk or JRe-: publicans as ' the occasion -demanded. Senat6ra.ldrtch ver Tafled td haVe enough Democrats, j.wfcjfen:: he ' itteded tbem to put thrciugn the Xjfctcn Stahd ardr schedule, vThe records - of tariff cfbhgressea fedV :th!s: ... . L. .? Sugarjhas carried duty ever since! Sufy V 783, ttteii tin tifrffl bfi rawl sugar was one cent a pound; partially ieflned, 1 -2, and full yreffened: three infS, . TUe JilclCtftleJr bill wsiS the 0n ifrtM "thfif JmfelmWfstflgat; dnth Ifje list, ind the Walker tariff the only one that did not provide a differential them ' Mr. Warburton, of Washington, are ..'going to make a fight for free ;sugar. ..'.XJ.vilftrANT.. ' rndrthat he toes proceeded with his -wn, speech, making no tfifereiiee to fKe Interjected speech: said: NOw the Set. is just this,; that a - 'fOtrtleini'n rone,y6yk;aid he wished thaii would give him the floor for, a, single moment, and that his object Was to notify the House that he intended to publish a speech. I told him.' of course, that I had.no objection it is a pure matter of taste. I then inform ed the Bouse that I had given hiti! th Poor fbrTthat purpose. I riiade that statement, and lie made the statement I to. the committee, that he intended to IhrbliSh a speech. I took ft br grant ed" that an of that would go ihto" the Globed If that had been done, every lkly' would then, have seen that the pech which fojllcWed had hot actual ly, been delivered In the Ifouse, and' I Mad other get tlenien should have bdeh rrtteVed of an respbhsibility of an-i twering it. iieveral gentlemen have come to jne, and. said they considerea such a thing a fraud on the House, i .vrili not use such a stropg espres isIOn myself. .1 have no ffljjectiori: to ttffe ' publication of . speeches in ythe Congressional Globe that have not been .delivered here; but the fact that they- were , fiot vdeliVered Ought totbe kflowti anauiiat,todd:r '""Cni DeJemWer Srtf, 1852; Mr. Stan ley, of North Carolina, by unanimous Consent, offered, a , resolutldn as fol lows; 'Tte-golvgdr That the ' rpOrters ol jhe House of Representatives bo dl-J rected hereafter nOt to report in the Daily TOlObe; as-paTt f the prodeOd ings of the House, speeches not made ita the House.'.' , ; , : . . : i '-."Amended by d&dingt 'Provided. That nothing In this teioiotidil 'sUail prevent any member from correcting cr relsfftg-the oceYsV6e.';: ' The resolution as amended fassd by the House." ,H. E. C. BRYANT. was Exparttldrti. tb trffted S m Congressman from Fiorioa Protests isllngon, yn2Inr0Bpecn imr otheY ;aayitm'iS!!,tesMation-:-'tO' WgSnhr?ur-3rtBj Htm ia-'m to . have the Congressional Record .carJ, ry just what takeB place on the "floOr" or jthe House Mr.,, Clark, . of4 Florid.aj tarn: ; ,' V -:'; ;r.; , . - " .- ft "Mr. Chalrnian, upon investigation of this subJ6ct.il 'find that it has at dif ferent -tinies created tttiscasrffltofiw ihisii nouses &i.;-;ongraB. ? as;. correcting," tho GlObe, after -. stating that - report of the. proceedings in the,! Giooevjer a ceftaitt, day. Showed ihM white, lie -neldVtniloor'0i9ai nd"that he then Proceeded with hla speech, occupying' several . columns, HINDI COTTON IN EGYPT. Stafts l:etf mfertfs, 't Washington,- D. C, May 13. That tlfe requlremehts .-of cotton1 goods industry j. neijeftsittates ,;(he importation of approximately .60,000,00 pounds of EKVDtian -cotton, costina HG.000.000. Isr prqbaWt tfh'khOwli to; the' tinftjdrity "er-6s 6t fedttoh trdtodSd Ik mt South ern : States ;lmd ; learn that difrifig, the' last seven months, an records ,nave been '- hrokefi and practically $900,000. (S(R) Wth at " that' staple has becn-exf-rottea. ;. ''",'- a' it.r:- ' ''mV lt ,lMS tfie'rcOifslfreVafrte Taltfe cf this Import that . Induced tfce U..S: Departfflent 'Of Agricoltnre several years ago to .endeavor to develop ypll'ati c'St'tMlcultpe In - tKeVtfQffed States in order .to supply our own market with a! ome-grown product iUthoufi cxplrYments. wfere made at dfff"3reht Bliitsrom South CpflTa To Tekae, iis;Vei?r03 in western Tfewfe, ;Kew Metfw' A'rl20nafr;tfnd SoiitHern Calif ortfl it was only in , the Colora do river Region that climatic and oth. it-i cOhditJohs similar to thole in the NtSt ' Vaiiey, una puiiea to ,the Ktog Btiple. Egyptla"h cbtt'On, were fotind There C00.000 acres ' of excellent land are r ! soh-ill be, under ditch in the Ipaperial, Yuma, Salt and Gila Valleys, and One-fifth this acreage "coul'd nroduce the affiount of Egyptian tptton hnnuaily imported. ifot : the use oi rtew HiUgiaxiu wins. 'For several years studies and ex periments with the various Egyptian varietiea-have been undertaken in Southern Arizona, southeastern Cali fornia and Egypt and several bulletins l4ve Been issued giving detailed Te 'portsof the progress ! made'' and suc cess achieved - i'- , Just now the Department, has is sued another pamphlet (Bulletin 210, Bureau of Plant, Industry), reporting the results of a visit to the cotton gawrng districts of Egypt in June and July, 1910, of the Bionomlst Of the Department, in which i3 snown that fhe 'mixture of, Hindi cotton ts proy-; ing tb be a serious burden upon the Egyptian cotton industry, hindi is tbeame 'applied tti Egypt to am rm deslfable type of cotton with a short vi eafcv fibre, that1 injures the; high gride"' Egyptian varieties by infestmg them1 with hybirds- The introdnc6n of the Egyptian "cotton into the" Unit ed States brings 'also tlffc .problem of the Hindi cotton, and the 'practicabil ity of establishing a . commercial cul ture of the Egyptian : cotton in the United States deperfds largei'y npon the elimination 9t Hindi contamina tion and other forms Of. diversity, so that the fibre mjiy be produced in a satisfactory condition.! of ' nniformlty. "Breeding experiments have ." ' snown that ; It is possible to- secure a:murk higher grade of ! uniformity in Ari zona than how exists in most of the cottoif '.fields of Egypt. If Wa'SOnirhie are. can be used In maintaining the uniformity of thefee types, it does not seenrthat the Anierh;an grom Egyp ifiah -cotton is likely to suffer any com- ImerciaH disadvantage On the gf0trhdt! lacK OI uniiurimiy venr uiuug cme. Egyptian -habit of , hand-sorting ts not followed.' r .-" ; . r ! The exefusion lot ; tie Hindi dotto'n by an efficient system of selactlon will enable white varfties to Degfown pro- further the development and tloh of nnrfom "strafnS" yJ in me unuea and will preservation Egyntian cotton States. . "y r-., Vj: Saved Child From eatt. ' ! After our child had suffered from severe bronchial .trOu We fOY -ydari" wrote G. T. -Richnrdson, of Richard son's -.Mills Ala., "we feared It had consumption. - It had a bad cough all tb : time. , We tried many remedies wrthotrt.yavail, and doctors medlc'fttfc reemed'ds useless. Finally we 'tried DT. -Ktng'ff New DrsCoVery fiml -aTei pleased to say that one bottle effected a complete cure,; and our child is again stronfc '.ffnd ifealthy " For . cou eh s. CofdS. hoarseness, lagrTbde;-.- asthma.. tallible femfdy that's nfadO.-'PrlcO 56c and 51.00. "TriaT bottle Tree. Gutfan tetd by R. R. Rellamy. ...;' ' y f ; t -V- - c. - if. r. - i ' i-i Xmval -Sate'tof i the r'eficht MWH- Parlors. All goods at cost be- ; ttv ury tinning Monday.. May 15th. PRESIDENT AND LITTLE GIRL. The Sympathetic S;de of Mr. Roose Velt's Nature i-An Incident, " Ex-President Roosevelt '.was ,ooe djty vIs-T fltfg a' heigTibWs : family iff LkMg Island.' The President had not met the youngest member of the family, a little girl only 4 years old.' It was not long beforehe and the little EfrlJ became fast; friends. .; ' , jT "NOw, what is your, i name. 4arf' asked the President. .' v' r "Mary," Veplied the; little .gtfl, "what's yours?" . "Theodore,If replied the .Prccfdent. The little girl Insisted oh mohop'o li2ing the President's attention del spite all that the father,- and mother could do, and the President ehemrrag ed the child. She showed him her dolls and toys, and told him of - her playmates'; ati'd as the -two' we're talk ing the little girl suddenly looked at the open grate, .where the .fire; was burning low and, bringing a pokfer to the President,said: 'IHadn't yon better poke the fire a little, Theodore ' The mother was shocked, btit the President signaled to the father and mother inar notning soouia oevsaia. After a whne fKe TTttTe. girl was sefif 'Off to' bexl, biit Jtet as1 ;sbe gbt to the door shelookjed backat the Pres ident and asked : "Wooldfi't yon like to 'come upstaf rs and kisi 'lne good night, Theodfre?" iuutv iivut wuk uaik YALE ALUMNi GATHERING r President Hadley to Attend th Reurt- . ion at-Chicago. - !, Chicago, May - "A Yale- -cork mencement day in th3 West," the most Important Yale event of the year. out ETSe o:f , New HaVenV W.td . b staged Ii Chlcaeo tomhfrow - vhoii tfiA uv. etfffitfnirai; hetih'g o the A6socia 6d Westfertt xaTet-CluBs iwfll :be held at 'the' Onwehtsie and University Clubs. ' ' . , Snecnal carsi'wlll - leaVe all . the C bi Mid-Western: cities today bsarirife del- egstions of Yale alunrnl from tfieJ ducing longer and sfronW tCSf -kSS' 10tf the brown varitie's are likely to.afl!ord"Li .SS'10.' Xt. & 1 uiuaicu vuai at lease ' x.uuu. men ; wilt attend the; jeuntonf"-: tie ?prelininary registratioh Hst :nteht' shnwW 4nrt names with more coming ttr by ieOryH mau. - i :.'. ? v ',-:., Pfegfdettt ArthuYvT. ?adTey, wfd mil aVflve'tonborrbVlrwtU ea'ces. AraL figure,. In tha celebration. It is sal fo be Ms Mfe aV has.neier missed ings one of these Western meetq Do . Ghosts v Haunt &wihiM? V ' V NO, never. . Ifs foOlWft . to . fear a fancied evil, when there are real and deadly perils . to strard against- In J swamps ana marshes, bayous and low lands. These, are the malaria germs that cause r ague, chills -and fever, wfeaknessj ', achel3': 5n! the Tbones'.!. and muscles and may : induce rdeafflvj tv3 pfrOid: But; Electric Bitters destroisl anq casts rout these viclouS'gertna from the blood, "Three bottles drove all the malaria . f ronu my evstem." wrot vvm. T-Tepwen, or iitfcapft4;.N- a, and I'Ve-hadrflne- healthier -nf-.dyrW this safe, sur remedy Only, 50c at K; R. Bellamy's.;- . vy;yL7' ' Yff 111 1111111 1111111 1111111 """ B '-.'uiiw-..v.j.;:'. . . ,-rd:V.'t.:!:;;:' f- i That good dige'stion and good health depend largely npOTi ctea ff , tf O'ifrfSfhMg, fresh-baked goods such as bread, caHe, pies, etc. ... , To get (hse; you must either spend hours over the kitchen stove or order from your bakery. ' Let us supply you. ' Let tii iend the best. '''We hffiwenifcti bakfbi'iad',that will bake 5,000 JpaVeer .WeihiY pveh for baking cakes arid pies that will do. almost as wellr-both ovens being regulated by a system that insures perfect baking. You can'rtot afford o 'trtfje ifh your food supply. DoTi't do it 1 ' tDreffff froth M mm go. ,-- ...... ' J 1 Ii : Sl trt -,fWi Vr4 VNEW, ORLEANS FAMOUS COFFEE." 7 ' Xr:. r 4WHITE4jBE!It AWARDED '.FIRST PRIZE. The Blue Ribbon on QUALITY by the Alabama Agricultural Association, (1908, Montgdmery, Ala. state Fair Mnprm MQns-itJrtQ-lnn 1 j'K. DUik-Doubl.' State Fair. Columbia. S. C f!909). falso the Gold M'aJI . QUALITY. - i,r- " ...,.. vvf -reoora nows conclusively inai .ims is mo vesi w.. 3 ;6d td'e'tery'rnd is old' with ! our guarantee1 to please, oi .q'rOceritiflU1 ifd.tttftjinTcTjasece. . . You: can taste the difference." ' Never sold in bulk- v 8trehgtn-fDgJJcloua Flavor. i A sliyoiir Grocer to supply you- ij IS. ..J ltoStJWfe q frhPFFir rn Naw Orleans .1; -.;. -S-.rv'. .;..:.. '" . .f . 1 -