THE JtOBmNO.STAB, magyOTO?Tr.H.;C.rSUNDAYratAY.:2ll 1911. BIG TlAILHOoD .. . . . j - - - tli.S;- -f - ?rEf!T feRECtAlM -SWAMPLANDS. Throu Railroad. May Mean Big Thln8 4 f6r CharfcstorYr, S. C In-. dU6ir'fai Itnterp'riaea. 1,'.', ' (Special Star Ct4spiitfaOTc. .Vf Baltimore, May, 18.The Manuraj! urers' Record of thisjveek, yi:;? .'. 'V: "If the permission granted," bjr 7-rKfntP Commefce iCommlsaioxi the -"Carolina, 'CliBLcKffi; aid Ohio Railway and connecting lines t raae a low rate of. freight m tjoal ff nSiri Southwest VirgTttfs ; CharleMpn proves to be lh .accordance wltftf tts application made.eome months agf. j the Clincbfleld r line, 4mmediatejcqn- etruction is to be undertaken of icxial shipping piers at ChftTttoV W:5cfck $500,000, . to be fohoeJd V'.tne.ejeiid iture of about $2,6Q0,dtfQ -itt Dufldlnfe "by product cjpke ovens- and anYiroHu nace, tne xatxer io use TwreigU' ores, ;ii ia rwior ted that tite'.- capital for'. lUifi development haa been apt)le;.fpr several months', .depending .upoir tne feM'tnn bv the fetef state Com&erce Commission of a ibw rattf bh cdil it Charleston. Connected - with -this ''4 velop'nient negotiations' tr& also under wav and said to be ft ell advanced!, Tpr the building of ,a large sugar refinery at Charleston." ' V: - ' . : fc' . u . is 6&bm,d"trm"T'vT6tk ithiit Canadian atid Etfgflsh:' capftaTfsts, have occuedwftmpatti east ol ; the OeJ :Mo)3btitas subject t6Xec! ama ttony.ithe goverrinrtftt -and -bFiprl-te&phahthan Jre.f6 .arfd fands ue-- sv est,., ana v within poaaibry a year;, the tctrti'iftthiutt vti thi.A (K&SeSror' reiaffo-rk in cne stjiiTja -south if the Influence of the NattoHa Irrigation- Congress Ir. B;;ar5cup'' JX was at i the. J ,or ' th- Roositelt Rec famfttldh'Axst and?th3 cbnseqiient Unit. united witn xew iors ana . oi. ioura people in , UTh'ftsl'i CotrActa tor handline Kas in the Caddo fiela rjat Kf-fiy" veiamawqn Service. That the IjrTgalfo$rCragress Mil; 'able Pf baD,ej s this year's sessions at th orgairfzatioii ate to be held -in Chicai go, ffwhere scores, of the nation's most innnentlal inen are fetefested actlTe ly in the:6tk; ' "V" -r : i-t. The areas east of the Rocky outf tains; wntca ; tguratively matk' twji eastern boifhaarr of th irricntinm -tw Htories, that the government may" rey ciaim. ana put; at the disposal -of the farmer comprise approximately , 79 000,000 acres of swamn nnrt iivernw ed lairds. . Ttiis dlrnWrfs total isigfv en ny . i' uv KlHott, -chief, of drainag? tnvestlgatioTtfc for XhS gbVerntrienti and his statistics include onlyvithose lands whfcfn . ; ray successfully r bf huudlujuh-u iiiiu uroni-DroauciiiK ,-.1 t.V: President Finley of. Southern MPtiry Talks interestingly oT conditions, .Wasihington, D. C;iaf Sfflf. Presi dent W. W, Pinley; kit :omsn. Railway Company, wfio nas recently returned' from an inspection "'trllJ s bi which he was accompanfed. ; nitoeri beis r, ?. tB0;.lwara:.,.of Dlreijitof, 'in s"EkiT todar of business co&dittobe in ;th:Sou"ffiepteYrtlSj:atei; saia:'-;!' l ue ajgrieuxurai, s qiixiook .inrougnr out 'tfb. vpvttre; cvtitheasttmf sSCtibit Seems ' td'M y'e'ry. favorable t j Whtte In som6 ' :lbitles'vlii '. the , soun'WeStcrn 1barttbt the feriritbry rafhs have, sime Mht ietarde'd- btlfo I White, relantTn ..wiu Deriecessary in aofe4to'- a IVeryjJ tiiitclt . smaileT eitefrit withsandlng the ;lncreased aftenticjii born Jand ibtWr ' crops, the' 1 aggregates icfthewfiaf reater tuls; year iTtfaV tafst. Th aVetagis tjrWn'af atifbn of .the 'feoii for plaintftig .tSitsT yfear. lias beeW .nniisui ally pdodl ..Farmers. are' irsTtig f erfilii' era rtidte iclMmcalrv. 'i a& Better f arming Is oeTng'practiced very gene?-' ally throughout the South, which may be expected to result in an increase lm tne average yield per acre. As a li ui..,;n..i.. . I fresu'ii or meir prosperous season in iaoreage'fbr.tlies'e lands is given as fol Wrs: Alataina, - 1;479,200 acres?. 800,000, acres; North Carolina 160 acres ; South Caroiiha. 3,122,120 Louisiana, and the franchise fonflfs tributlns: it to New Orleans. It 3s re- nrt that $fi ftftrt 000 han bMn !imf- scribed ; for carryfhg. btit ls 4id$r: taking, and that it will.resialtjn'btiild: ing a 320-mile toii'g ptpe Hiie to-Ipa gas to New Orleans. X..tic Amone other industrial and de mental enterprises repol,tfed'fortth.e week in the Manufacturers' Record ptj today are the lolloWrng: ,' v V u : . Durhairi Coal '& Irbfi 'Cck. CbttaeicH ea, Tean., nas incVeasM 'xlally 'capacity of its mines from 1,500 to 3,000 tons pf : coal since January: 1,' and -expects to develop several new mined for. ail ad ditional capacity of 1,500" t6i&'Ihas also contracted i for .central waster. plant With capacity BOO tons pr & hour3, and begun the' "constructidn of 75 additional coke ovn; fconstructI6n of Iron furnaces,. by-pWdnci cpke ovens, etc., will be' determined: later In the summer; " , t .; r''-y' .U;' Clinchrtefd Coal Ck)ni6ratI6n,' Spar tanburg, S. .C. .awarded contract! for new mine sh'aft at St. Pa"ulVa; sfhaft will be concrete lined,' and ; cost about 20,8OO; contemplated ; daily' ouCput, 1; 500 fobs of coal. ; '-. ; , : 1 ' '. ''r I '. .Williams:McKefthan -tumber 4 Corpo ra tibn, , Lynctrarg, :. Va.. awarded tdti: tracts to. Ttoulld anul pcfudp burned mltl at Lumber, S C: double band saW mill building will ' toe &6. by 160. feet ? ' daily capacity,; 7O;O0O feet of lilinber; esti mated 'coit. tdfflplete, : $50,000." J'Uvr Johhiiion-JJo'rse' . Can ' Co; Wtieejing, W. Va;, WiTI ereci a tWeeSstory'ttUd-, ing of trick steel containing: 84r 000 s'quafe feet of floor k6pafc6 adwjll install : machTnery Jfdi riiantifactuTlng lithdgraplied'lard 1?alls, oil cans, etc A.' P- :Mobr arid associates', Way cross,, secured 8,000 -acres of land at Avalteftown. for farming, develop ments; fhe j will plairt pecans, -frttits, berries, "etc; , and establish - packing plant; .dannery' : iftid . : dembnstration farm ; 'dispatches state: imprbVefnents costing $250,000 have been provided for " r . ' t:! i:i -,r , Tenn., was brganiied with Sd.OOOyicap ital stock, to cbhstrtfct water p"ower: electrical plant. s ' 5. . ;., ' Macon G&a, idght & Water Cb iMa con. Ga,. will exDend ' $20.000 ..toi in crease capacity 6f ga ptaiit atfil ??25,-1 Kansas.: Ctty I Structural SteelCo., Kansas ? City, Mo - contemplates : fc ganizing branch corpntloT(r tb build 2200.000 nlaWt ttt Huston. 'T'exas. i i ' Owens vWet Virginia, fiottle .Cbjrn- pany, Toledo, Ohio, ; ;wi" uVipncai6 plant at aitmbnnt, W. Va.,and( has begun consfrtictlorij wllT Install tjid f.kional furnace 'and two machines. i-' Virginia CarMina Tbtfacco Cb., pan ville, Va., was incorporated with 50,r 0U0 capital stock for manufacturing Alger-SnHivan, Lumber Co:, Detrot Mien., and Century, Fia., is negcrtiatr rng for about 45,000 acre of .Alabama timber land. :;. 'V- ; .. . I. :' - Katrim Manufacturing Co., 4 Gte'en- ville, S. was chartered wltB &u.v 00 capital stock to manufacture cbt; ton goods.' " ''., . .'.i- t Big Ben Mini'nsr Co .Teriitigtia 1 exas, will establish plant for , nrarib- tacturing 250,000 bricks, Jtpr Jts own wse: will also install furnace r l and make other imprbremeits- at; Qpfclti- ivermmesj,-,,,.,,. :- tgh, N. C-. was Incdrpdrated wlin 520,000 capital stock tor erect ..plant for manufactrrrine caske'ts' : '."..!- G riggs Packing,: C04, , .anbke, i YftX m erect 50x150 foot ,flie-proor blitrcr- ing and install machinery lor cold fctorasre meat-backine and Ice- manu facturing. Bocme County Coal :!Cot- 1 oration. Charleston. W. va. Iwas chartered with $2,000,600 capital Stock 'o. develop : coal properties. - i North Arkansas Power Co., Gan View, Ark:, was'orzaniaed to BuU water power electric plant developing nearly 4,000 horsepower -tor transmis sion by eiectrfcitv-to Northetn-Ar Kansas and Southern Missouri- cities Lathron Coal Co.. Welch. IVa. was Incorporated with $150,000 capl tal stock to deVelop .oaj bands'.' R. K. LeFever and asSdclates', ,Oa4-. toh, Ala., are pUnfilnt to construct aterpower elertrtdai piaht develop ing 20,000 hofs'epowfer for 'tf'ansmls- .-.luu oy electricity; ; S -i' .'".VV 1 .y Avon Coal Pa CinniH 'tn.nixBi develop 1,700 acres of coal ilanfl at Man, vv. Va. ' .j Southern Onlv Par f!n ' .fAck "vine, Fla., was incorporated !th T100.000 capital stock tb mannfadture autoTnobilpa Paducah Gas Co;, Pattca)iKy.;tMU mate improveme'nts t?tr1pie cSa6i- l" Ol its Phu nfanf a lih'rtit Penn Foundry 1 iSfaufacturink-' to was . incorporad farms; By , States, the goverriinent'si; 1910 $fluthern farmers, to a larger ex- this year's operations themselves with out the assistance of local merchants and banks Conditions in the cotton manufact uring: industry ate. not .wholly favor able,' but,, as the season progresses. more definite ideas as to the size of jlhis "year's cotton crop should Jbring aooui a more i iavoraDier reiauve ad justment of the prices of the raw ma terial and. the finished products of the mlllSi. .Tne nrmberi nusiness is, sua feling the reffeicts of re&trlcted .'pUr- Chaes on the part of the railways, but a slight improvement .is noticeable in some of the lumber producing locali ties. The condition of the iron and steel industry in the South is substan $lally the same as in other parts of the-country. With underlying financ ial, and agricultural conditions favor abte and with a fair business in some Industrial lines and some prospect for improvement in other lines, there is a Reasonable basis' for the expectation of an active business as the season pro gresses "The management of the Soutnern Railway Company is not unmindful of the requirments placed upon it by the . increasing volume of traffic throughout it)3 territory. It is, there fore, continuing its policy of improving its facilities for the development of business and for the movement of traf fic. It has recently taken steps to add substantially to its motive power for passenger and freight trains, and to Its passenger train equipraent. Its car rying capacity is comfortably ahead of Its present requirements. Looking for ward to the progressive development 6f its territory, the carrying capacity of those parts of its lines where the traffic is not sufficiently heavy to .re quire double-tracking Is being MrcTeas- ed by the construction .of a modern system of lap-siding3 and these lap sidfhgs are betng so constructed that, If business . shall become' sufficiently n&kvy' for db'uble'-track ilries, they can be u ed in a double-track system. . In all of these matters the,-cqm$ahy is beink governed ' by practical, and riot academffc,"conisdTatIons,- and., in pur suance of this policy, the management now contemplates increasing its mam line double-trackage at a point where the volume of traffic is heavy, and expects to be able t okeep fully abreast of traffic requirements with out going beybrld .or straining its pres ent financial resources." acres.- ; : ,. fcTV,-perwiade i !ll(e :Feaerai,. Congress to .Tctrnnnend- and authorize bond is ues,;fbt;sam'p land Reclamation will probably; be ari important part tff tho prdceedlhgs of therChicftgb':ttSeetlng Dt .thatibrjal ; frrjg46ur Congress axid Chicago business and railway ltienMnterestea -tn thi phase of ! th ;!H lend l!their effbrts .towkrds' the ;fcuc5ess 6t this mbveinent, whicb; already hasi been launched and given considerable Impetus. With tbi ores- entoVgfess at.Washtngtoait is held- tnat;4this - legislation;: Which : the State's wnos4i'devefft-nmftit ana: mtnr tefets largely upon swamp larid Trecla-lt. mauo orten nave sought.-eould nro Ibabry U obtained:' ;'; v-r '.:Reclaimed wimp: 'lands' iriake ; the iibst fertile 'and valuable farms a$r tha sofl.Hfreqnently of silt formation, la rich Inf hfUmusr usually ; containing In aJ virgin laie tma terunty oi, scores ot yearsi An anafysis of representative samples of swamp soils !nfade; last year at the University .of Ohio result ed In the report that such sbll could support .1,000 yields ; of orn at 50 bushels to the acre without any ma terial soil exhaustion resulting. ! In addition, the -swamp' acreas capable or reclamation are 1 near the 1 eastern and middle. Western markets and 'oen-' tetS of population, wbinh -msikn fhlr develbpnleht.of immediate rather than'! or mnt importance. , ' ' ' The'' 19th National Irrigation Con gresa mSets in Chicago DacemlTef 5th to: 9th' ' Sbeakfsf Tikvfti - concerting : the ;cori6mic ;i. value : of swamp land reclamation will at that time urge; tire . need of drainage legls. atlott by, the Federal Congress. , pur- ng , the meeting stronger resolution than yeV;bef6ha adopted , bt the Con gress ; relative to Swamp land ;.recla maribn no doubt will be approved, and it Is not onlfbfely that as aTresnttbf these resorutlons som definite aclion wllL be decided upon with tne object of. furthering the movmfint af Wa?h. Itgtbh.' ' 71 - i 4 TO END BLtGHT. Something of, Interest to All Lettuce GroWera for Care of Plants. Qfrrctdf..C,.5, WJlrams, bf the Ex eiiment Station,' states , that' a lettuce disease (sclerptinlose), i cbmmonly kiiown as "drop,? has been tafefully the Plant; DIseiase Division of the ; sta- uon crurrag ine past iew jeara,'a?a as a -result of 'these studies be -has worked rout a cheap' ' and : efficient m'etfioa.of efadlcatioh ot this1 disease from, affected lfetf hde ' beds. The "prac- ticai value of : this work may be real ised ! from -the ! fact .that Inl Infected bed fybm 10 to 6 per cen. of the "plants ir are. usaaly destroyed, , there by, "entailing- tens' of thousands' bf dol lars loss to .the lettnoa. growers- tf thlk State annually., . "; w ': . .The attention of lettuce growers in the vicinity of : Newbern "WSs " nirst Of the- North Carolina growers to be attracted by the ravages . 6t ; this di sease, wnu n was some 14 years ago. Stice that time It's deadly effects hive b'en fef "byi grbwers In the' WlTming tba; Faye!tWTiHe, Maxton atfd'Willard sections of the, State". , ITKe disease once .. gaining . entrance to a bed 1 it is thereby ' rendered.' unlit for profitable lettu63 growing pitiless r the : : fuhgus ther'disease is - eradicated. cans Practically all the lettuc6 growing section Of 1 the . Atlantic seaboard are troubled more or less - witn this trou f'J.rwl:- StMxthsi lias ferefiafed 4 biille- itkffiltVfim1 U issued soVn .Ving the results of his .studies of this; oi setee and' detailed dfre5fKms f flr 'bter comfeltJn the fi'tatioh lettuce' 1ifed3 Iirkfe've'ni ' wis ab'iii to rbduce lithe pwcentage' Jot- plants : flmfe frdrh' the afSeasWhlMti pet c'enV tail9d9r to less inanone-a,iOi ,.jper cent, cur ing tne seasnn ti iiu ana mi.-; Y? ' ii&S:W& that; f be';dal .trend every wlrete. fh" North Carolina IS, to xrstttist the sunerlative decree In 'ev erything. Standpatism. is heihg ighor- ed,,fh(icommunities wher' formerly; to cdvocte-atfy-charrge tnraTft-afl tirder 10 leave inej tiiace. dchci uuukb larger buildings, Increased municlpa '.eternjehls,;; greater indestries, ilm nrbvrti MffhwHVs. bieer theatres, larks, and' always sOnfetbifrg lbfier. fn&terlariyy'-i It a c'hot m.hfi. Shears VM6 that a- bond rssulpropctsed ,for county .rbads ' or mnniclp inerhtft "would randa alarm, and brtna-.a iiubirc meeting to fatter Vbfest.';Tho ciahg 'irohi tHscohdftibnji la ; u7st noteworthy. ;;A f6W; days'; ftgb Iredell b00 'for: 'fi?ibd isaads. ahd Fexcent gen- rat cbngra'tTiiatioh: Sd cbnYmerif. Is mide tincm 1 thfs .! Ilneral ' Vbnd Issue. Nearlyevery'' tbwh: ifl the State J, has Voted boras' fyt: streets, water. wrbrfcs, sewerage, electric lights, and .r. this ptk mm fb:;fiou m-mmm NewUern : Jburnfar.' V i ii: fTTninvr 'SaTy of f French Mffll nferyl PATlorsV' 'All -bods at cost 'be Water Birds arid Heron Need Help Breedlnti Grounds., r New ;Tork, May 20.- To t:ard the ifyes Jai?d homes of millions of water irfrds aooui. me,: wnoie continent, ? a fbrce dt some sixty wardens Is'tbdav tieine organized- at he headquarters hi the .'National Association of 'Audu- nnn. socieueoiu mis ciiv. fiver the wild afe'as; btany of th fiftj'-two National bird .rsr.vaiibns that stretch albhg the; . Pacific and Atlantic coasts, W. insnlf hf '.MexiMi an'A thn id fed lakes thefee men are" soon to take xp their lonely vpatrb tb protect and care.rpr ints icj.uera cnarges. Ke-'t-febdrfs from.thase rros nriri bVher bifd Colnfeff. thkt; the; Audubon workers have secured to ward off the inreaieuevi euiuwuuu oi various spec ie's of water birds,-Show'Vhit' this year special vigiianee ?will . be required to defend the fibers . that fae'st1 there from vlioB?sa:ie destruction, at the hands of professional poachers. :Far.'intb "the . press ewamips of Fiorina. Louisiana 'and fh. 'irniinna ,kherje:-.a f: colonies of white heron pjm but.i e lite aiauguier ior mil linery fiaiket : that has ; already driv en theni froni ';: the upper - reglbhs 'bf this country, it is planned this year tb pend an auxiliary force of; wardens; Although State laws forbid the kill ing of these, most beautiful of blrdSj v,ord has just been received "kt Aaidu ton headquarters that .; bfgariized gangs are seeking them out at theiT breeding grounds and butchering huri dreds of mother birds for ; their: aig rette plumes, while the young are left to starve, bpecial funds are today. being raised to provide additional wardens to stand guard over these remaining heron colonies. .. ,' While the Audubon wardens" may b&J called upon to cover One pew Nation.1 al reservation at Clear Laike in north ern California,, special arrangements are being made for guarding Bird Is land oh 0ahge Lafte, Florida, which Las just been purchased as .:a bitfji Miictaary by the: Mary Dutcher Meni orial Fund. A g;reat colony' of -ibis and herons is known to be nesting on this island refuge, where it is .re ported that hunderds of white-herons have heretofore ben butchered by poachers, to secure the "aigrettes" for the millinery market. Though twj wardens in Florida have already been shot td vdeath, a Volunteer .has just tffe'red hfs services for this post of danger. . . ; l "Personal bravery and a . knbwf edge of the habits of the birds ' are the requisites in our selection of our naiucua, nam x. uiiucn rcjueuu, ecu retafy bf the National Association of Audubon Societies at its headquar ters, 1974 Broadway,, today; "This year there will fall, upon the shoul edrs of these men the greatest bur den that has ever been imposed on ac count of the high prices prevailing itt the feather market. We hope to te able to protect the motner heron as well as other water birds, though we are obliged to raise special funds for: this purpose." C- Jtb" nd,Every'tSlstr Srfn& frorn Wbrnift'i Aflmenta. k" 1 Wfll laaiL Trw ot aay.ehuvfti WrbM At yn? TUiUMtrtictlonB to any ufferrrrom wonittn.-s aiiaierrw. iut to telid w-oitiefi about thi curefo. mj rwulur , tor yourself , yor whtet; yVur jnother, oribar ifittFfllraiit to tfll yOMjhpW tO CUT TOanolVM Ai immm th.' ootttiei'ofa doctor lte fiMt tafltrtiwd iXMfirtei ,wdw. fcettS. ttiiiG iny doctor.' I liuow that J hdrae tn fttraebt is f e nd 9un ccrtffor Uotftort Wtta UOuiitt, fllenfli, Bb hnwk Jteiw 0 Jienai.Iiinoiv fjifwt)i; Im Hint It M ttastot; Mfituj. Mutt. fctaMtr touAlaa haa tHi lu. 1 Aiiiiia. innn. a. ; wwalj frt to pror foj yo6 that you caa cure $ , jottraeItit Jiom fv 1 1 y , q u i c k 1 y and mrelr. .Remember ill tattyot aaiklafto wten to opnnnua, Is wul com yon only aboe.S 12 cent a week or let Uim two etmts a day. It will not interfere with tout ork or occupatioa. loft akoa Ma jWffUi i aMrtst, tell n6 faowyon aaner if yoa-wlahi, and I .WIH send von th treatment tor vourcaM.totirel.Tfrae.a.ilalji wran- p. by return mail.. J. will also aendyouftiaateaat my Kook "WOJUM'S 011 KEOlML iBISEB,,ith , ana now inercsnmniy-curaiaeiiwaiTes ttilakiar harutf: TKenwhein thftdoctor stb thbuiselves with my home remedy. It cures aB eld or jfiiiu.' ft Mathan af JUiijtatiri, I W1J1 etplatla a ?ir ii t wmcn Hpeeaxiy anu exrectaany cures ijeucorraofa, uraen BicKneeaaiiu Vr irreguiar menstruation in young laaies, v lampnees ana netutn aiwaysr.eBUiuirrom r -. MiiMiwiiiuuajtHoiB snowing wfiT women suufei at home. : Urgrj woman should havol't. aiid learn to tell any Bufterer ttot tjds Umd TMalmot really ciiiatahw6mTO'8di8ea8es,ridmiUteiwomcmWU,; Btronf , plump and rotuat. Jtiat una a yaar aa"drds, and the jrea ten day's treatment is yours, also the boolc .Wxlte to-Jy, as you may not eo this offarafn. Address , . L . mrs. M. summers, Box h -t - Nbte Dame, Ind., u YOUR HOiVSE NEEDS NEW SCREENS? And when' you get these screens you want good, durable, well-fitted screens screens that; yets .know Tare '' right-Such scrSehs afi only such; fecreehs are here and that Is why we Want you to come here anj place your order for your screens Better' screens for the money are tot to be found. . i " Wlti . E. Springer & Co y4V s 1 . 4' 4 v T t A -7 ' 1 ' 1' .3C.. r t.- .v. f. J,w. Jckarj?vttoWt 'b'. l ily ' permaiftmt cW'e fdr fcqt h or h'abltl1 1 No; dankeious hypodermic iri- ectforis ot nerv- "wrec-kln Grvtfa ued, rwentj--nye' years' of eeienna and wo have tHlTlSosl Ichown inVthods. - Ih fSstipato now. i --! .v., Tift BST AMU X7BArKdTAOtr,nE to -and- JNortoik soutuem PCIXMAk Lv. Wllmlujtton, A. C. L......,.. T:00 p. nt. Ar. Ooldsboi-b, A. C. L. .. ...... 10 :(A p. m. Ar. Wilson, A. C. Ii ,...-llJ0.p; m. Lv. Wfiniington,A.C,Ii. . Ar. wew Bern,A.t;.l. a 3 jfc:Rflnra.;" :25pm p;lgani . B:6Upm I.v. Ooldaboro,N.h.It.n. t;18fimI0a8pm Lv. Tfew . : '-.Soam 12 om ,i ; , i v i 1 1 1 1 i i i t , . Lv. W!teon.N.F.H-R.i, . .Ji$0auifll!3ttl Ar. . 8; 0ain :SSbm I. , S :20am 8 :00am . Lv. Norfolk.N.S.n.Il . . . 4, :00 p. m. Ar. Qoldsboro.M.S.R.B. . .. i. "...a:S0a. m. Ar. Wllflon..S.K.R.,. .. ,-.-V'..: ..6i00 a. m Ar. Wlluii igton ballj. i t Dally Except !tmtii'J" ' 4 For reservitlonB, addresa W. J.-,tvtlliBmC t. A., WflBott: F. W. Tatem; Q. A ,-GoldB-boro; T. H. . Bennett. T,. A, ,WW Bern. . " , W.ViCBOXTON, - .:-'n; P. .A-Norfolk; Vb. , i rf i lm. i v i ) i mi ni Removal Sale of the FreAh M11H- Jhe'ry Parlors. All goods' at cost be- s;InninK Mondi. May 15th. tf. NEW REPUBLICAN ORATOR. Made the Fur Fly" In First Speech (n House Yesterday. Washington, May 18. A new orator appeared in the ranks of the Republi can minority! in. Congress today. The opening speech of the mrnotrty on the Arizona-"New Mexico Statehoods reso lution, a distinction accorded to Rep: resehtaUve Frank' B. Willis, a f resh- man. irom unio, turned out to be a: two hours running fire repaTtee and fight with the Democratic leaders, i In supporting the New Mexicahf constitution as president Taft aia aPDroved it. Mr. Willis drew the fire of Chairman Flood and a half dozeni; prominent Democrats. Mi The Statehood resolufidh will be b$-; fofe the. House until Tuesday. Chaif-a man Flood, of the Territories Commit,-': tee, secured an agreement tonight to have all the debate closed on tb? measure on that date. if .1 to k ''. t- You can't be a Success anADririk! - TlTANY-a man lays his own failure nt "A th6 Botir of ill lack wheii the r&HM passes him by because his eye is bleary- -"'ah'ct-fus TKreati thiaiwftH 'uh -JmistaWebr 61 alcohol. ' " ; C., Comes in; Jt is the finder of lost oppor-C -: tunitiea,--It takes the-mere shadow of ft wan and builds it up into anew individual, with newidealjB.lffeiniratjblhs, iifew'nertbuafbrce , and the wiltethe 'strerigth, tlie eiierfry tb do. ' And, it does' -it in a scientific marine. ;,r ' The Keeley Institute -at Greensboro, N. C, treat8tlrunkenne8s as the disease that itis. It It banishes the desire "for drink by killing the Jv PPi W0?- only by removing thei ' u m&'x.V yr Aufldftig .be Mrfcaliahd mental tissues so that they regain their lost vitality. You are the .-same man you . were - before yo.u started to drink. . J - . -PIJttut "at Greerlsboro;:N C., - .ividaaH.t . Ttfere is aWsd i behmd 1t-an" mfldenfce that will give you -flfength and courage to face life jmew: It;. : vwfil taKe you out of the old groove find put ybu" 3 : j$re b?en bfenefited by it and .we can i lipydui . ':;: ' :-'- ';,'-' - r . 'S .lA AnV questions you ay ttsl-wiUbe considered strictly confidfehfial. ' ' :LM -' - ' i THK HSELEY mslMjll t - - """; ... -..--. - r He Keimi Greensboro, J i addictions to ttrtigg. ... 1 ' H isf". : j fit ::;f:!i-i47Sj 1 - LK . S'.' i It i'ii fi j" b'i-'fc-.Jii 6 me Against Deadly Fly .Si: All kinds and styles of Screen J- Doors and Windows in stoct Window Screens. .25c anJ up Door Screens. . . .75c and up Also Window Screens to Qrdef t 'a. . r"-r i:.:; -1.'.'. . :4:rl j a2S"4W:-Ths!5'fi;:Vi,",S33 ipmi pfeNk:Mql: ' a sV.-iaji i1 ;t t ,vi i. ':--: , a A iM Jitf i... i 15) 0J M mm rami 7 .':;i:: .iV!- - ill 1 1 ii! Mi r-ji 1- :',j.K,- 1 1 8 '-ill 1 1 , Ii r 1 II Ay!. J." (!) M I- :V-Bii ;1 - capital stock, , ginning Monday; Jjay Mix. iX i V.v,..

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