THE MO&KINGr STAB, WlIimGjroK f?. SUNDAY, MAY 21, .1911 T H E DA R LIN GTO N CROSSING. . FAST GAMES 1I1CITY LEA60E A. C. L. Defeats Y. M. C. A. 15 to and .Ight Infantry Defeats Boys' Brigade 12 to 7. Good . Ball Playing. W. L. A. C. , 12; Boy'H Hrtiiiide. 15; V. M. C. A.. 3. Club: A lr T. V. I.. I Boys' Brijriide Y. M. C. A Standing of the Clnbt: . Wou. Lost. P.C. :i (i .. .. . . 2 j . )W7 1 ". ". 0 3 .000 It may be said that the City League i3 now in its first-class form, and from now on a class of ball closely resemb ling the real professional article may rrinv At T,paeue Park. Yesterday was only the third day the teams have played, but even in the practice tactics,, great improve ment could be seen at a glance obe of fiis famous scorchers for two bSgB; Schulken struck out, and Hines, running for Terry, stole third; Ber gen was safe on an terror of short, Hines scaring; Bergen stole second atld wfent to third on passed ball; Starritt wa4 safe on first, Bergen scor ing; Starritt stole second and Green hif to left, for two stations, scoring ciato! him; Giwen stole second and Adkins Phiindeipliia smgiea' to ngni, 'coring ui 1 UU"'M New york; Hines; Emerson new to snort; oust ohicnirb ton hit to short and went to second on Cincinnati no i1Vns- HlnesilSt. lltftlis cuwi ui uibi, ownuft i I Brooklyn hit laft oonrlne VTniietnn and an 14,' ".-T'f U b , ivr okviiuQ I DUHlUli. nereri MAonil himself: Hines scored on a -wild throw; Terry going out short .trqKlyh,, NATIONAL LEAGUE; Results Yesterday. At New York. 2; Plttsbnr, 1. At Brooklyn, 1; ClnetniiHtl, .ii. At PhtlHrtelp-lila, 4; Chieniro, 7. At Boston. 1 ; St. Louis, 4, Staadlnc of the Clnbtt v.: Won. Lnat. .' . 22 ' a2 . . 18 . 18 .. : 13 . .. 12 . .. 10 ..' . 8 10 11 12 13 13 15 21 25 Will b4o? trptibletwn.A. C. L. and S. C.: Western.. v Editor "Morning Star," Wilmington; K.:C. ;,. .... ,,,..t.;,-,,. w .. , Dear Sir i--You published In your paper this 'morning . what appears to t a telegraphic item from" Darling toil, South Carolina, in which you state that the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company has -refused to per- mit;the;gouth Carolina Western Rail road Company to cross the tracl ol the Atlantic Coast Line at Darlington, unless , the South Carolina Western would Pay the Coast i'irie PftSi 10r tne Privilege. . This, jgtatement is vitnoat, foundation of fact, and I beg .oo to ask that you correct;,. ; , The facts are that negotiations for '441 a crossing of the Atlantic Coast Line .323 py tne South Carolina .Western were and a contract. rantine the latter to first. -The last half went out in or- sWped Brooklyn's .winning streak to. if, 1 , T'ZTJS der. . day by pounding Barger for ten nits t ---"-r- T, th. MrA -HphntVTi Rineled O UnH flvo rnno In fnnr 1nn1n Sohardt ""-'"'""'s, uas uccu wctuieu auu j j .' j. a ,h t3J-uij .k. i v, h-- kt delivered to them. The delay in con BcCOnu, aUU WHS uuvauccu ttucu uueuiWJU lue uusiitugui tucicairei ""VI i,,ii , . , . ., gen got a complimentary base. Star- Keefe was invincible except in the """"'s ie cross mB out : o me ritt beat out a bunt, filling the bases; sixth, when with the bases full, he fact tnf 1 tQe South Carolina Western Green struck out; Adkins hit to center hit Ooulson, forcing over the only run "uit- y, oeen auie iu asseinuie and on wild throw Schulken, Bergen for the locals. . on ine grouuu. and RtAiTftt anrrf; this' ending the rinrinnatl . 003 200 000 5 13 1-1 .. The same statement that appeared run -getting for the frame, the last Brooklyn 000 001 0001 6 0 Pi- your paper this morning was pub- half going out the usual way. Both Keefe and Clark: Baroar, Schardt,ipished in' one of the South Carolina sides went out in one. two.; three or and Bereen and Erwin: time 1:57: um- papers, i am advisea tnat tne ppesi der in the fourth- . . Dlres Flnneran and Rieler. I nent or the South Carolina Western In the fifth, hits by Starritt and New York. Mav 20. New York took will ask that ;i correction be pvblish Green and an error of short gave the another-exciting game from Pittsburg I e 3 vin South Carolina, and will state- 1 lirw ICailja 6- v . . Ln. V snM ho loo half I n-n n V. tnh Ai hUo Kit nmlln I liilir )hn 1.1 n-V. . .....r. o c tKhnnct 4kl mrht and tha tpnn 'TlVflrlrV AT. uccub uc saiu ui iuc lasi uan. siuicu ill .uc -muLii uu uiis uj uciitu ; uuj nu- ugui lu uuos iiic vuaai i-iiiic, tneir migai, auu iu 17 n t h w a .1 f :n luting hetween the dillerent teams.' luti clr: i 6 auu ei I ur xninci ucipius. .1 ucu uau orctrii uuuipjeiea buiuc uajs U5U. TnVkps the kames interesting " from the bo6k 'in the sixth, after which the Giants did not get a safety off Leifleld; lrl tn flrjifh Yesterday afternoon Y. M. C. A: -succeeded in finding Gteen until the seventh inning. ot ? nVlftpk th Bovs' Brigade and the or iue ursi lime, auu puiicu 111111 iui riiiBourg uu uvi wu x iu fi t r.i .m PifV nd four swats, resulting in two runs in; New York 000 000 1012 5 2 tha nnnainjr nitrhers. Pthis inning, Goldberg having the hon- Leifleld and Gibson; Drucke and After dishine out passes a little too pr of first touching him for one. The Myers; time 2:00; umpires Johnstone h0r'nv Mint renlaced Barnes for seventh was uninteresting and quickly and Eason, i th Bovs' Brieade in the third inning, over. ; Boston, May 20. Securing a lead of ; but this didn't seem to mend matters, In the eighth, both sides tallied, a two funs in the first inning St. Louis nn thpv wprp aoomea to an ikhoujiui; - i - Very truly yours, GEO. B. ELLIOTT. PRAYING FOrT RAIN. Situation, Serious in Columbus Othc News Notes at wmtevine. (Special Star Corrsapondencev) WhiteVifie, May 20.1 John B ous defeat at the hands of the Soldier the first side a imn, prospects for U to? 1., - The fielding of Mowry, Hug-j llichardsrti. a prominAt citizen of -in w I more heiner ninned hv a neat, double I vi-na and Swncncv van a th fntnro ' i t n ;T)nve A tnfa I nf IZ 'SWATfi wPPr COD- I c irciufe uiu u a ucm uvun gmg o v teller wits iut' lettiui e- .rih,, hv th rnmhiiiAd work of the Play. In the last half, a pass, a Stolen Boston .........000 000 0101 .5 0 n .u j - IV... .......Ikl. I p.. aa A A rr' - ,1vl' whilA Parker. Of te W. I uaB auu emsic wan lenijuuoiuie iui IDl. UOUia ....... ZUU WU i O 1; T.'T Ainlw lof 'om pnnnppt fAr six hits, the score. Terry let loose another of . Tyldc andaridan: Steele and Bres- "Prrnrn nlnved an tmnrirtftnt nart in his brand In the ninth, scoring a lit- nahanK" time 1:45; umpires Brennan ;thf Kcnrtrie an hoth sides, which was tie later on Starritt's hit to center, and O'Day -the one disagreeable feature of the Starritt scoring on Green's single. Philadelphia, May 20. Chicago hit . . . .. . i Thara'iraa nnthinff rtniniw (n rho i a at 1 wimi .v .1 x .j .. J r -RHme. Tne details IOIlOjv. i " uu.uiu6 viut ' "j- iiiuviico cut ra uru luuay uuu wuu. For the Boys' Brigade. Mintz singled meir tnira straignt game rrom rnna- to left but was caufcht stealing: Barnes ' r Tabditrd score: - delphia 7 to 4. All of the home team's third man up, got a single and took 1 id kins.' rf.'. second on passed ballt Greelish hit to Emerson. 2-b short and went to second on an error SU" J " of short, scoring Barnes, the next man j Terr; j.,",' going out. For the W. L. I., Gore, s-uui ken. of Morse and Smith were walked in sue- ruen if cession, filling the corners; ;Orrell, hiwii n third up. hit to short and Gore scor-1 oil- Cnlder neled off the first three-1 Total.... 44 15 15 27 "base hit of the season, scoring three r-arraniiV. 8's .'. men; Rhodes was safe and Calder was 1 Ben, 2-t.'. ..' rf .. A T ti TT Tft k A T7 "a ' -T " i " ii li I n runs were due to home run drives . . 6 o o o 3 o Chicago 101 040 010 7 12 . :t .-5 . . 5 . 4 . 5 . 5 1' 1 0 0 Phfkidlnhln . 000 020 002 Ar 8 3; s o n Cole, Brown and Archer; Moore and? n o o uoom; time z:uo; umpires Kkam ana o o o Doyle. o i .i i 2 12 0 8 1 A.B.K.H.P.O.A.E. ...10011 1 111 AMERICAN LEAGUE. .. 3 . . 4 2 .". 1 .. 4 .. 4 Wessell.. . . .: .. .. .. ..4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 2 0 O 1 fi 1 15 0 ll 0 1 1 2 3 0 0 0 t 2 1 0 0 (I 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 01 eaiieht at the nlate: Rhodes annexed l MTrary two corners and scored when 0rrelliSl'Krm!,n,o;f nit to center for a couple, Parker be-i.oW 2-1".. Ing caugnt trying to annex second on snepiierci. ir ani p m tne secona mere was noimng ao-iTiiTlor. p 0 0 Ine with the exception of a couple of ir.oidiiere, if 4 1 hits and an error, but no scoring. In me iasi nan or me uura, wun one snmiimrr lirned runs: A. C. L man down. Orrell. N.. singled to left.lM r. a.. 2: two-base hits: Terry : Parker to center and Gore to left, fill-rli1,,1- 'J"? 1:. ,,asS8 0,i h;u, V. ofr r'",.r,,n' 1 j ..iv . r t t ja I . . . . r 1 ueia scoring urren, omun nying oui. 1 sr.oiii)eri to lieu. A two-base hit by C. W.: Davis, was Results Yesterday. At Cleyelnnd. ft; WnshlnKton.-4. At Detroit. 12; Ihllnlelililn. 14. At Chlcngo-Hoston ruin. At St. Louis, 2; New York, 0. Cloh: SUndloc f t6! Clb: 27 11 1 Y. Stitr- I'liilailelnltia Clevelnnil .. St. Louis.. Wjishlnston Won. Lost. P. C .27 .SIS . Ifi 13 ..V2 . l(i 14 .333 .14 I.", .4K3 . 14 15 .4S3 . 15 IS .455 . 10 22 .313 . 10 li .345 Cleveland, May 20. Pat Paige, purr the only, feature of the-fourth fraihej In the last' half if the fifth," Rhodes CORNELL TAKES HONORS. Vineland.Sand vho opetated a jewelry; store mere, wa3 foundy:o be paraiiz ed yesterday morning, -when he fail ed to get' up at the usual hour. He iu a bachelor and livedP-with relatives. a. id Is a-ntan of considerable proper ty. Mr.:Richardson has not spoken since and-'hi3 condition is critical. Mrs. Walter Smith, wife of the R. F. D. carrier on Route No. 2, out of Whiteville to EHkton, returned last Friday from an extended visit to her father's in Geoigia, and who was in a critical condiMon. Thursday it was found that Mrs. Smith had a severe caee of appendicitis and she was car ried by Dr. H B. Maxwell to the James Walker Memorial Hospital in Wilmington, where she was success fully operated on. Dr. Maxwell says Mrs. Smith , is getting, along nicely Yesterday -ill the business houses in Whiteville . were closed and the people Tepaired-to the churches to pray for rain. At Cnadtourn, O. B Power, Mayor, issued a proclamation. signed officially, calling on the people fo repair to their churches and pray :or rain. They have been having lains around and we will get our Fhare in plenty of time to make the crops. r Mr. Joe Nathan, ot Wilmington came to Whiteville yesterday and ar- fvarx-m Maui Ann tlitn niAnlr made his Cleveland debut ;toilay and hanged fcr Wn exh.bition for a iu me i. nan i we mm, UUu . ....... .- . : , artiHtinn tn irorino- Wfltthinrtnn'a I wees, oeginning next Monaay, a vau- got a two-bagger, and advanced when Wins Three-Comered Race From Yale L1"?0 D VfA10?,! deville and moving nicture show. He 111 lo Kaiici cu, uiaue a mu-uass in l I . s t win grve nis penormances ai vme- 1 " " ww--, , ...Ilk i-u 1 n j i ,v. i I Will rell annexing second. Parker singled Princeton. N. J. May 20 Cornell r "?Bu"?lu t?V"lt .i"" hnH tn center, uporin? Rhodes art A Orrell tnav rtn th. h.nrn.r h0flniuS, wuuiug s 10 . iaiciier aius- anri trnt tn thipn'nn'tho thrvarlfn Hniu Voxa iU)i'Vo1a n,A T7I walked and stole second, beine eaueht npio T.niro flnJahin.r the mio nnri IL1?"1 ruuui,1s uas5s- ' . . .. . -w i o v., i3 i piAVAionn nn nnn is. ot n ata oftnr rirrAll Hart innnut rrt I K 1 i.. I 1Worp's ssinele?- Smtth Iuuva avwuu. X IUVCIUU TV uo DCb" Wright singling and O. Orrell fanning, of aquatics between Yale and Cornell Slli "?e3KLile 1:48: umP,nes in tne nrot hair nf tho ei-rth Thhrnn. I h.n. l r . auu uucnusu. TUBERCULOSIS FIGHTERS. National Association Says Congress Pays Scant Attention to Disease. New YorK, is. Y.. May 20. A pro test is registered in a statement given rti. i" r e i-k - 1 I son was safe on an error and stole rowing relations mori than 12 vrs . ol- .ou.1' M?y warnop s pitcn- out today by the National Association second. Barnes walked and advanced ago When Harvard. Yale and Cornell 1DB',a?, Dya'm?n' Iau.,liess neming. when Grc3lish went out on first; C. contested at New London Cohn Cor- YDa . ,i ew x9 IO, W1? easuy rrom berculosls against the existing condi W. Davis, hit to left and Thompson nell won that rate, there was a mis- 'ocai team loaay oy b W ti twee- tlpna In Congress which require meas scoreu wnen neiaer iumDiea; Lacy 1 understanding and relations wer6 sev- jr .j ,1 ureg concerning pumic neaitn to oe re sacrificed, scoring Barnes; L. Davis ered. Today Cornell took ud the bur- , y. many bus us tne enure 1 fer red a committee on commerce 1 At the same time, a plea was made for a new Committee on Public Health in the House of Representatives, simi lar to the one now existing in the Sen ate . The National Association in its by almoht faultless fielding. for the Study and Prevention of Tu hit to dpen left hnt was rnmrht trvtnir ,h. hj i , i. . opposing team to streteh it. The last half wTit hnt .Hmi.ii,M i, v: .j,. !. I St. Louis 000 002 000 2 ; - nuuiimoreicu a viunuiug UClCttl iu IUJ m oraer. I Bine. ThA rtffirlal tim fnr ho nno m tne nrst nair or tne seventh tne 41 New York 000 402 0006 14 1 Warhop and Sweeney; Pelty, Ram ie seventh the was: Cornell. 9:01: Prlneetui fl-lft- ...,0,uuf uu .owccuc'- rB'1?- nttU1 Boys' Brigade a run on two hits, two Yale. 9:45. It was three InlnutP- nast uln na bten. tlme 1:5U5 um errors, ana a naRSPd hnll whiph Rhnnlri tt Mr tAM ni.ini f . tf -j- W rtrmrmm mm - - m mtm w s V M U U V W I I I I B-M I I - .. VI I rJ 1 V I11T1I I D ho v.ii.j .. . " ""'l TWroit Mav 9( Phllortalnhio hrnlra I " """uuu' ua vuiUKeu . up more. ine omer tne tnree Cfews awflv. Prineetnn T"'. "'"" Ufomint mnnrt tho rmmitt nf !Y" .CU i"1. IU"B..UU " "oi, BirucK we water nrst, with Cornell w iV-i- hl : loien Dases, anotner error, a and Yale a second later. Before tne XlotU w Ihla pass two mom hits and another stol- crews had gone 50 yards, the nose of W? J half of the eighth without doing any- toe IthY Gai- arge numper or measures oerore tne thing interesting after which theSgan advantagt Squished their (0se right wrist was broken Commit tee on latersta te a nd PoreignJ was called. The Tabulated Score: Boys Brigade- Mlutz. p and rf . Tlioiiipxon, o .. , BnrncH. p nnrt rf (irffllsli, 3-b Davis. C. 1-1 . . Lncy, ss DiivIh, L., If .. .. Burnett, 2-b .. .. Dnvls, C. C, cf A.B.K.H.P.O.A.E. 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 1 O 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 uuvttuiuge- kv o'iiAr hi.ii i. i i flnmmprrp nnhlfr hp.alth matters dn Tha oitrnrlci iu. . I "J fiwucu uau IU ll3 111 SL 1UU1UK. . ine surprise of the race was ' the Ln u. i.u . . , ,.. nnt rwaiv tho attention thv a- splendid oarsmanshiD of Princeton. D1 ."T" I". .' h-'i.-. l-rj-lfhlo n11o.r, h . v" j I t-Uliaueipnia ...iSUD UU Ull 14 lb Z tcuc. iuc swiemcm aajo iuat iiugs ! "C6" ""r.u" ,tt"ewDe Detroit ....... .220 000 440 12 14 3 cows, and steel rails receive much 5 o htm' v.",aCLif Coombs-Plak and Lapp and Thorn- more attention than that most vital of 5 o' ? mile7 mark ' length UP l tbe Stanage; time 2:19; umpires O'Lough- uu uuu uineen. 0 2 2 1 10 0 SUNDAY SCHOOL BALL LEAGUE. Total ,. W. L. I. Oore. 3-1 Morse, rf . 4 Xmltli, 88 2 Wrljrlit. e 4 Orrell, L.. 1-b 5 Oiilder, If .. .. .; .. .. 4 Klioilen . 4 Orrell, N., 2-b 4 l'urker, p .. .. .. .. ..4 ..27 7 fi 21 1) 4 A.B.K.H.P.O.A.E 3 112 4 2 1 o 1 1 0 2 2 2 Standing of Clubs at End of Success ful Week Last Fridav. Friday finished the second and the mOSt filirCPSHflll Walr nf tha Qnnilav - . " j . .... x wuuunj ' School Baseball League. The club stanaing ;re as roiiows : W L. 10 0 0 0 .1 2 4 1 2 10 0 111 l 2 ; . l let DK.Tt..t..- . A 2 0 1 0 cauj ici idua . . . . . .B di. james z 34 12 12 24 14 5 St. ' ThoittSS .... ... . 9. Total ... ... ... Suinmary Earned runs: W tn' vis; tliree-biise bit: Culder; bases on balls: Y. M- C. A, on I'nrner ------ " I "i- a uuiuao ii c n?i Bovs' Brigade .... 0 0 0 2 2 2 Pet. 1,000 1,000 1,000 .000 .000 000 as; Donovan, Willetts, LaFitte and all matters, public neaitn ana tne pre ention of disease. At the present time, thre anjtil-tuberculosls iworkers declare, no committee in the House has any direct respenstbility for health legislation. It is therefore sug rested that a new committee be form ed similar to the one in the Senate The National Association is ap realing to its 510 affiliated associa tions in all parts of the United States to support the movement for the form atien of such a committee in the House, ' Southern League. At Birmingham-Atlanta, rain. At Montgomery 4; Nashville 6. At New Orleans 3; Chattanooga 2. At Mobile 5; Memphis 0. South Atlantic League. At Savannah 4; Macon 1. At Columbia 11; Columbus 8. At Augusta 3; Albany 2. At Charleston 6; Jacksonville 0. Carolina League. :At Charlotte, 1; Anderson 6 At Greensboro 4; Winston-Salem 1 At Greenville 1; Spartanburg 10. Eastern League. At Toronto 3; Jersey City 1. At Buffalo 8; Newark 1. At Rochester 6; Providence 10. At Montreal 4; Baltimore 4 L 0 0 r ii, off Barnes 3. off Mint .t-lnnnH h.ainhawi . n 4 1 ' A . V. ' ' I UVMU&1U 4...V mini K. um: ny rarser t. i.v Barnes l. hv I mu i. , , . . . . Mint double dIiith: RbodP to r nr. ocueuuie ior mis weeK: wea-. reii, smith to n. orrell to K: Orrell. nesday, "First Presbyterians play St second came; Names': Thursday. Y. M C A niavo The socond game between the A. C. St. Thbrnas': TVidav. Good Shenhrd and Y. M. C. A. teams. -Proved to plays the Bovs' Brlead. All the hnvn Vetl i be another wnlbnvpr fnr hz cnniT I raAir niu Ao o i a-nA uw... j ,ii nings, uarKness.j Atinntie p.ftnaf T:nn oOTAfinn hilKoii rrru- j , . i Ahnerican Association. Mr-?.."'"?" -wiuuu mai ine league At rTtAlar.annUa.icanaaa Mi iuu lo i snor T.wirier. " Hrnnn" iiraon n tiainir i. 1 in nnm nhn. iTh h., i - being on the mound, opposed by Tayl- are hoping that some better place can or, who was replaced iri tb3 third In- be secured but they do not -know mug uy onepnera- Had Shepherd wnicn way to turn. Arir sueestions been put In at the be&innin? It mieht; alone: this rllne "will K Piarttv tomIvoh have been another story to tell, but byMr. Burritt miiib or i r ttitntrns-. ujrwttjr, iuey piayea wen against ton, secretary of the Y. M."C. A. gioat oaas, u Deins: acknowledeed tnat tne a. l. l. team is the stroner- Do Cheat Haunt .fivuamm? est ainaieur team seen here In many No, neyer. ; It's foolish to fear a FOG STOPS BALL GAME. years. And right -here it may not be fancied evil,, when there! are real and amiss to give a few figures that tell deadly perils to guard , against in tne taie oi tnerKoast Line Kids. " swamps and marshes, bayous and low in tne tnree games that they have lands. . These are the malaria germs played a grand total of four errors that cause ague chills and v fever, only have bieen marked against the weakness, aches In the bones and whole team They have about 20 stol- muscles arid?-mav tndiiAA deadly tv. en basfes, to their credit. 32 hits, and thoid. But Electriri Rtttrs destrovs to cap the pyramid, yesterday after- and casts out these vicious germs from noon there was a total of just 16 strike- the blood. "Three bottles, drove all outs chalked up for Mr. Green. And the malaria from toy system,'' wrote they have scpred just 38 voyages Wlri. Fretwell, of LucamaJI. C'and around the diamond In the afore men- Vre had fine health ever since." Use tldned three games. The details of this safe, sure remedy only, 50c at yesterdays siaugnier roiiows: K. Bellamy's The first ' inning resulted In no scores for either side. In the second ' ITbp of 'Pade 5.r the Coast Line, ahnexed seven tallies Read the advertisement' of the I Peo hv thA folio wine method: Terrv hltlnlA'a SnvlriM Hanlr . t Columbus 4; Minneapolis 2. At Louisville 0; St. Paul 4. At Toledo 10; Milwaukee 5 Virginia League. At Norfolk I; ROanoke 5. At Richmond 10; Lynchburg 3. Drifted Across Lynn Baseball Park. Score Was Tied. Lynn, Mftss., May 20.-A thick fog from the ocean drifted t across the r.'-wnn hacahali nork this nfternorm . n (18 in- cessitating the calling off of the game and causing inexpressible disgust to the Fall River players, who were de feated 5 to 4, although the supposed score had been tied. At the end of the sixth the score was' 5 to 4. Fall River came to bat and Haight got ft base on balls. Wea ver, -the next batter up knocked out a high fly, and the fog was so thick that i A. T" A 1 A. T 111. O - 1 I A1 ' O ai. reiersuui K o . ua.ii v ine o. ui iu- I . . j !-u , . . .. I uau uisaDDeaiuu liuiii 015111. iiiuSo, Walwhr r. k.. nhlln VumiKr moo still circling the bases and the Lynn outnelders were vainly trying to dis NAVY WINS BOAT RACE. n...j q... ...... iu ri... ri.i.u tue uau, uuiyuc v aiau uaiicu . tne game off. ruling that thra score at . ocyc,,,, . tne end of the sixth must stand AnnnnnHs. Md.. Mav .20. NaVv's .'Varsity crew redeemed its defeat at It Starttec trie Wwld. the hands of Columbia last Saturday I when the astoiindine Claims were first by winning from Syracuse by ; fourl made rf or Buckleh's Arnica Salve, but coat length in a two-miie race on, the rorty years of wonderful cures have Severn this afternoon. The winning proved thenv true, and everywhere it time was 11:02, 25 seconds faster than is how knowa-as the best sale on earth tne Columbia race, tnougn tbe condi- Tor burns, boils, scalds, sores," cuts tlons today were somewhat more fa- bruises, sprains, swellings, eczema vorable. Syracuse finished-the dis- chapped hands, fever sores and piles tance in n:i8. Only 25c at R. R. Bellamy's. 4 : Top of Page 5. Read the advertisement of the Peo ple's savings wantc. Too of Page "5. . Read the advertisement of the Peo ble's Savings Bank, - 4lr jt u-'r' mi. ffiri i i i i i ii mi lenever I f i i You're Hot, Tired or Thirsty Work, play T or' weather hot ---brain T tired or . body weary--parched dry or just plain thirsty Thinkfof and Drink It is delightfully cooling and refreshing relieves fatigue of body, brain and nerves quenches the tnirst not just wet and sweet, out vigorously satisfying.; q Del icio us R e f r e shi n g Whole some , y 5c Everywhere X Send for our interest-V ing booklet " rTheTruth About Coca-Cola"; ;the coca-gola company ' A .1 ' . . . AT ' - Atlanta, ua. . 7 Whenever you see an Arrow think. fof Coca-Cola PERSONALLY CONDUCTER TOUR TO ARRANGE OLYMPIAN GAMES WEST POINT. NEW YORK. VIA NORFOLK AND NEW YORK CITY. via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Leave Raleigh; Goldsboro, Beaufort and Oriental and intermediate Sta tions Thursday, June 15th, 1911. Another attractive personally con ducted tour has been arranged by the Norfolk Southern . Railroad at phe nomenally low rat as. The destination will be West Point, N. Y., on the his toric Hudson viver, with five whole days to do New York City. Rates include Pullman and. State Room accommodations, and air meals enroute to and from New York City and hotel (room only) for five days in Nw York City. From Raleigh, N. C, $29.83. From Wilson,' N. C, $29.35. From Goldsboro, N. C, $29.83. From Kinston N. C, $29 83. From Ncwbern, N. C, $29.85. From Greenville, N. C, $29.35. From Washington, N. C, $29.35. From Oriental N- C, $30;C0. From Beaufort, N. C, $30.C0. From Morehead City, N. C, $30.00.,' The rates will be less if Pullman ac commodations arc not required to Nor folk, Va. The party will be under the chape- ronage of Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Dowell and Miss Flora Creech, of Ra leigh, N. C. A most attractive itine rary has been arranged, including a day at Virginia Beach. The trip from Norfolk to New York will be via the Old Dominion line, which sails 'from Norfolk June 16th. Arriving New York at 3:00 P. M., June 17th. the party will be quartered at the Hotel Marl borough, 36th street and Broadway. Monday, June 19th, the party will go to West Point, N. Y., the seat of the United States Military Academy. West Point is located upon a high bluff overlooking the Hudson river about 50 miles from New York City. The government has spent countless millions in making the Military Aca demy the most attractive "War School" in the world. It is needless to elaborate upon the magnificent scenic beauty along the Hudson river, it is incomparable. ; Five days in New York will be hard ly long enough to see the wonders of the great American metropolis, but much can- be een in that time. The party will leave New York re turning by the Old Dominion line, at 3:00 P. M., June 23rd, arriing "home" on the afternoon of June 24th. Write D. V. Conn, General Agent, Norfolk Southern R. R., Raleigh, N. C., or apply to any ticket agent for the booklet giving complete informa tion and rates. W. W. CROXTON, General Passenger Agent, ma 21-SU-41.. . Norfolk, Va. international Committee at Budapest. Social Festivities. Budapest, Hungary, May 20. The international committee of the Olymp iin games will meet here Tuesday. Professor William M. Sloane, repre sents America, while Lort DesBor cugh and the Rev. Robert S. DeCour cey Laffan, are the delegates of Eng land. The most important work is to arrange to decide where to hold the sixth in 191C. An attempt will be made to reach an agreement regard ing the international definition an am ateur. The municipal officials JMadHun garian sportmen have arranged social festivities and an athletic display, in cluding a parade on the river Danube by the members of the i.owing Club for the benefit of tho commiLeeujen.' MOREHEAD WILL BE SUMMER. GAY THI3 RHEUMATISM Cured by the Marvel of the Century, B. B. Bi Tested forrSO Years v Aching hones, swollen joints permanent ly onrel through the hlool with pure Bo t.inieal Ingredients. . To prove It we will send you a SAMPLE TREATMENT FREE. If you hare bone pains, sciatica or shoot ing pains up niul down the leg. aching hack or shoulder blades, swollen joints or fwollen muscles, difficulty in moving hronnd so you have td use crutches; blood thin or skin pale; Hkin Itches and burns; shifting pains; bad breath; lumbago, gout, take Botanic blood Balm (B. B. B.) which will remove every symptom, liecause B. B. B. sends a rich, tingling flood of warm, rich, pure blood direct to the paralvzcd nerves, bones and joints, giving warmth and strength just where It Is needed., and in this way making a perfect, lasting cure of Kheumatism in all Its forms. B. B. B. has made thousands of cures of rheumatism, after all other medicines, liniments and doctors have fulled to help or cure. 'DRTYfOISTS, or bv express. ?l PEU LAliOE BOTTLE, with directions for home cure. SAMPLE 8ENT -FKEE bv writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, tia. De scribe your trouble and free medical ad- I vice given. Saved Child From eath. "After our child had suffered from severe bronchial trouble for a year," wrote G T. Richardson, of Richard son's Mills, Ala., "we feared it had consumption. It had a bad cough all the time. We tried many remedies without avail, and doctors' medicine feemed as useless. Finally we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and are pleased to say that one bottle effected a complete cure, and our child is again strong and healthy." For coughs, colds, hoarseness, lagrippe, asthma, croup and sore lungs it's the most In fallible remedy that's made. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Giiaran tetd by R. R. Bellamy. Top of Page 5. Read the advertisement of, the Peo ple's Savings Bank. Managsr Baxter Preparing to Enter tain Guests of the Atlantic Hotel. Tennis Court, Bowling, Pool and Bil liards, Sailing, Dancing, Surf Bath ing. In. addition to making extenr.ive in ternal improvements at the Atlantic Hotel, including additional piivate laths, new beds, the refurnishing Urn rooms, repainting and uioroi ..ghly ren ovating the interior. 'of the hotel, Man ager Baxter is arranging many amusement features as well. New Tennis Courts, Bowling Alleys, Poorr.nd Billiard 'Taoies will be at the lisposal of the guests this Summer, .while the finest orchestra in the State will provide musie for the devotees oi the Ball Room. Sailing and Fishing parlies are al ways popular at Morehead 'it.v. i n less all signs fail, the" fishing will lie unusually good. The season has al ready opened and. all varieties nl li: li irre running in great abundance. The Atlantic Hotel usually opens on June 1st, but on account of Hip many improvements now under way. it Is not expected that these repairs ran be finished in time to open before the middle of June. Manager Baxter, has already made reservations for a large nuniher ol f uests to be taken upon the opining da, June 15th. my Ul-sn Castle Heights More than a house a montn ouiit nere since i m ( imim-i 1910 see Wright's Agency Siipninl Column Ttad ; : r-p 1 "" . It is Time to Phy Ball and the place to get BASE BALL SHOES ' (the kind the League players wear) is . at PETEEtSOW & RULFS 202 N. Front St., Next to Murchison Bank Brick Brick Brick Just opened a kiln containing 250,000 Brick Will appreciate your orders. Also large stock of BUILDING MATERIAL Roger Moore's Sons & Company

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