-1 t 4 f. ft '- ' PAGE 2 THE MOKNINGr STAB, WILMINGTON, H C, TUESDAY, JULY; 25, 1911, .It ;. i s - v. t : . K NATIONAL LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. At Pittshm-J?. 8; Brooklyn, 2. At Cincinnati. 3; New York. 6. .At St. Louis. 10; Philadelphia, 2. At Chicago-Boston rain. -Sunday ()tmp. At Cincinnati. 2; St. Louis, 3. AWARD FOR'BRITfSH MASTER. Itandlac of the Clobi. I. V Won. Lost P.C. 51 r.2 Club: Chlensro.. . . . St. Louia .. .. .. .. 50 .Pittsburg .. .. .. 48 NewYork.. . ". , . i2 -'Cincinnati .35 i Brooklyn ..' .'. ... 31 'Boston .. .. .. .. . 20 4 31 34 30 .37 .33 40 :53 66 622 612 .576 .500 .5(r7 .422 .373 .235 NATIOTA " Cincinnati, July 24. New York fcund Keefe for Ave hits as many runs in the second , running and won from Cincinnati 'here 8 to 3.Marquad: was effective with men. on bases. The batting of : Myers featured. New York .. ..051 000 1018 13 1 Cincinnati .. ..000 101 1003 9 2 Marquad and Myers; Keefe, Smith and McLean. Time. 2:10.. Jmpires Jjhnstohe and Eason. Pittsburg; July 24. Pittsburg had no trouble today in defeating Brooklyn by a score of 8 to . 2. The home play ers hitfthe ball hard and often. The batting of .' Wilson -.was 4the feature. He hit safely every" time he 'went to bat, getting three three-baggers and a single, a total of ten bases. Adams pitched a steady game, not giving base on balls. Pittsburg .... ..002 013 02x 8 15 0 Brooklyn .... .'.100 100 0002 9 v.. Adams and Simon; Barger and Er- win. Time 1:35. Umpires Rigler and .Finneran. , St. Louis, July 24. A record-break ing attendance greeted the St. Louis r team on its return from its Eastern tour and saw the locals defeat Phila delphia, today ,10 to 2. The locals scored five runs in the ' first inning end drove Alexander from the mound, Burns relieving him, was hit hard Harmon was effective jn all but two innings. Huggins, Hawser, Smith and .Packert featured with the bat. In the four times Oaks was up he walked -tnree times and was hit once, St. Louis . .250 101 101 10 13 . 1 Philadelphia. ...000 100 001 2 6 3 t ; Harmon and Bliss ; Alexander, and Burns and.Dooin. : Time. 1:47. Um pires O'Day and Emslie. American Recognition of. Heroism in Rescue of Alex. Jones Crew. Copies of the Liverpool, England, Journal of Commerce, of . date July 14th, 1911, just, received here, con tain a lengthy account of the preset tation of a binocular glass, awarded by: the United States government Jo Capt, Evan Jones, niaster ot tjie steamer Ennisbrook, of Glasgow, in recognition of his services in assist ing to rescue the shipwrecked crew of the American steam tug Alexander Jones, of Wilmington,. N. 4 C.f .Capt. W. A. Sanders, master. The presentation was by Col.. J. Goffey, who presided at a special meeting of the Liverpool Marine Board, held for -this purpose. In making the presentation in be half of the United States government. Col. Goffey, according tq. the Journal of Commerce,. said that; although the rescue was not of that type that be came famous, yet, he, himself, after reading the account, hadcome to. the conclusion that it , was. a great feat. and one wofthy of honor. GAGING FLIERS IN CAOFORNi Hundreds of Traps Placed Along the Streets and Alleys at Redlands. Mayor , Joseph D. Smith yesterday received a letter from Mr. Walter Smallbones, who was at Los Angeles? caw when the epistle was written, en closing a clipping from a California paper relative to what RdlandsCaJ., is doing: In the way; of getting rid. bt taenies,. Traps, inventions of youths have been blaced alone streets and alleys and the place Is now known a$ "the. flyless city." In his, letter Mr gmallbons Bays of the scheme: "This is a riost successful sQlutioh. of the fly. proposition. I have seerf it wprking and it does the work ' wonderfully well." The, following is the clipping enclosed jui toe letter: Redlapds, Cal., July 15. Redlands may. soon come . to bei knfwn" as-the city without flies, so successful have been various inventions of home tal ent In caging the small pests. "Several weeks ago two local inven tors put on the. market a fly catcher for use on the streets and more than Please AMERICAN LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. No fiiiuie& Bchedulert. ?. .. Sunday, danves. At Detroit.. 4: New York. 7. At St. Louis, 1; Wnshinfftoti, 5. At Clereland, 2; Boston, 3. At Philadelphia-Chicago rain. ' SUndlnc ot the Clabm Club: Won. Lost. P.C. , Detroit.-. . . . . . . . -)!) gs .07G Philndelphla . . . . . 7A 31 .c: New York...... . . , . 45 41 .529 Chicago 44 .40 .-,24 Cleveland 47 44 .516 Boston 44 45 A'.H WaabuiRton .. , .. 30 58 .341 t. LiOUla .. 23 61 ,2!1 3. American Association. t At Minneapolis 4; Indianapolis 5 At Kansas City. 15; Columbus 7. At St. Paul 0; Toledo 2. .Second: Toledo 1: ;St. Paul At Milwaukee 2; Louisville 6. , :.. : ..Eastern League. At Rochester 6; Newark 3. At Buffalo 4; Providence 6. ' At Toronto 10; Baltimore 0. .At Montreal-Jersey City, rain, - 4 Virginia Leauge. At Norfolk 5; Richmond 4. At Roanoke 3; Lynchburg 5. At Danville 13; Peteresburg 9. Southern League. At Nashville 6; Mobile 3. At Chattanooga-Montgoniery, rain. At Atianta-New Orelans, both games postponed, rain.' South Atlantic . League. 1 At Columbia 4; Charleston 2. , At Jacksonville 5; Macon 4. At Augusta.7; Savannah 1. At Cblumbus 0; Albany Oi (Called -13th, darkness.) . Carolina Leaaue. At Greensboro 4; Charlotte 3. innings.) V . ', . .. ' At Spartanburg 9; Anderson 1. At Greenvllle-Winston-Salem, rain. Appalachian League. At Johnson City 3; KnoxVille 1. ; No other games account, rain. of (12 THRILLING RESCUE OF BOYS Misses Louise Worth and Eliza Davis w Give Timely Aid. But for the , timely assistance of "Misses Louise Worth and Elisa Davis who went to their aid In a boat. Mas. ter Louis MacMillan, aged 12, and Greene Fenley, aged 1G, son of Mr. Greene Fenley, 'would perhaps have been drowned in Jones' channel, hark of the handsome residence of Mr. Pem broke Jones', Greenville.'Sound, Sunday afternoon. The boys were in bathing in . waier ieet . deep. By some strange co-incidence they were seized with cramp at the same time and practically . helpless. Their iconditlon ;was .such that tney were not able to 'cry out for help. The young ladies were oat boat riding and chanced to Jook.in th direction of the boys Boon after they were' taken with cramp. They .rowed rapidly in the direction f the boys and did not reach them any loo. soon. The young ladies have been .' Warmly congratulated for their, brave deed Jn. rescuing the. boys. .. ; C Air. van horne arrives ' " ' "... ,. ' Will Attend Meeting of Carolina iMe- . tat; Products Co. Today. Mr. Van'Horne, general manager ol the Canton Culvert Co., of Canton, Ohio,1 arrived yesterday morning and ' will be present this afternoon at the organization meeting "of the Carolina Metal Product Company, which will be 9aeld:at 4 e-'clock In the offices of the attorneys, -Kenan yds Stacy, in -the Southern building. Mr. Horhe ac companied by; Mr. ( George ; A. Simp son, special, representative of the Canton Culvert Co., for a trip over the - rity, including a Tisit to thesite which - will m(ost likely be selected for. man tifacturing plant of the Cai-ollria Metal Products Co. He, was very much im- I)ies8ed : with ;Wilm(rfigton,,:its people jand of the possibilities for .future" de velopment. - The meeting of the : Sub- . ccribers to' stock thi afternoon 4s one of rgrfeat importance ; and all, are' re guested to be present. ... -,'. ine tion. tiorace iee wasnington,! 100 ; have been Dlaeed . in front nf American consul said he felt it an 1 stores, in the alleys and at other plac- nonor to oe auoweu to express, pn be- es where flies are particularly plenti half ot his government, their apprecia- ful. tion of such a gallant act. . . "This inspired other home inven- Many Wilmington people will re- tors, with the result that. four differ- memoer tne tnnuing rescue of Capt ent varieties of fly-catchers can be oanaers ana crew, an or mis city ana seen In front of one grocery store and aoiunpon, wnue ne Jones was nouna others are to be found in various to Key west, navmg encountered one parts of the citv. Grocers claim that of the worst storms, in recent years off the fly nuisance is almost abated. A that treacherous, coast. As showing! few weeks ago a load of sugar in front me proviaeniiai nature or tne rescue, of the stores would attract thousands in less than 20 minutes after rescuing of flies, the sacks being black with the crew of the Alexander Jones, she them. Now a load of snirar can ite.in foundered. ". ' W front of the store thr nr fniir hnnro Capt. 'Evan Jones, it is Interesting! and less than A dnzpn flies pa n ha ior me Liverpool paper to note, nasi counted on the sacks been the recipient of many letters of thanks and gratitude in connection GREGORY TRIAL POSTPONED, with this rescue from the Boards of I Trade, British .Consuls and different Defaulting Cashier of A. C. L. Will l"1!, ZJE1 J!n u irom , men be Tried on July 31st. oers aim leiauvt-s gi me rescuea men. mn,mA - i m. ..t- Six days after the rpscue the men thl. tria V'T,7i' , B vr landed 9f oif, TMa the trial of Louis L. Gregory, former casnier in the freight department of tne Atlantic Coast Line in this city. on a charge, of embezzlement, was on tne docket of the hustings court for were landed at Gulfport, Miss. TWO MEN WERE RESCUED. Your Two men were rescued , from the c,-' v, , r, T sharpie Clarence H.. by a boat sent out Sl?ce,hAsarr.?st ,n ,Denve.r ?P June from the tug Staa Kfn vtirv V" iniormauon teiegrapned to po- mornlng at 6 o'clock at Maffitt Island, 'hZrtu-?100 de near Snow's Marsh, where the former f??rFLh 1)6611 In Dr fPn- had been beached to keep her from le Tfi' n IeqSl8lSn uffiftr aImost submerged by ?o?eb"h,astT cZTm and a sailor named Toli 33 Dosher. were the sole occunants of qul..Z as,P0S.8,Ie. .. . . tne boat and they spent a thrilling fflX JJ tT , night. The sharpie Clarence H., te-7JJ7JKSt mington on Saturday for Fort Cas- iZJZldZnel may be bronght well. While sailing' down the river thltnv S aneVCr cnarf1!d late Sundav afternoon she snran n "at:a,"f of h associates were guilty int a.fi,. ..i" "T, r-rZ0,- OI stealing railroad funds leak and - the captain succeeded in beaching her on Maffitt Island, this being the only means of- saving his life and that of the sailor, as the shar pie carried no life boats. J New . Orleans, July 24. Caught by a posse after twice escaping, Miles Taylor, the negro who shot ve white , On the rising tidA iact niht .iho en Saturday . at a saw mill in Clair- boat,was almost entirely submereed !?rn. Parish- was; lynched late last J and the two sought refuee un the u'ul' reports today, , EVREC0RDERS COURT. ; ' Colored "Parson'' in Bad''Aaain-i-Oth- . ; er Cass.Yesterday. r William-Boney, colored, .erstwhile preacher and Jate of the . county chain gang,Trtln bad agakf-and yesterday morning in "the Recorder's court he recefvea total sentence of 12 months, which, time he will spend as the gnest of , the county, transformihs. !. large stones'nto smaller ones. ;The "par son" faced three charges yeste'rdayV assault with a deadly weapon, resist ing an ofllcer-and ' disorderly conduct. He was given six months each .on the flrst two charges and judgment was suspended on the last. ' ' , . The ievidence showed that Boney was creating, a disturbance Saturday r nignt and when Police Officer T.; M. Hall" approached him and placed him imder';arrest the negro struck at him with dirk. Officer , Hall promptly felled; Boney with his club and in the scuffle that followed the negro made his escape. . Later officers went to his house, .but the negro heard them and gain escaped, jumping over the back fence in his hurried flight. A third trip totals house was .fruitful and the preacher- was lodged in the city pris on.. . : -r- ; A number of other case$ were on the docket yesterday. John Teachy and Bud Hill, both cplored, were sen tenced to 30 days on the roads or $50 each for drinking publicly on a Tide water t Power Company street car. They , failed to raise the " amount . of their fines and will go; to the roads. Ella Brown, colored, contributed $10 and the costs for being drunk And dis orderly. Isaac Cblton, colored, was taxed $5 and the costs for disorderly conduct.- Julius Kenhody. colored, paid the costs for violating: the tax ordinance. Wlillis Ganse, also color ed, charged with disorderly conduct, was taxed $5 and tpe costs. ..Mary Byrd, . colored, charged with assault with a deadly weapon upon Sarah Bell, got $5 and costs. Isaac Farrior and Thelma Evans, both colored, were charged with an affray. Farrior was taxed with the costs and the woman received a sentence of $10 and costs. Nick Chambers, colored, got $10 and costs for fast driving. William Lew is, a negro,, charged .with vagrancy was' sent over to the Clerk of the Su perior Court to be examined as to his sanity. The case azainst Pet O'Neil. whitt I Woman Who fihn n:., charged with assault and battery on a in N(.w Vori- female, was continued until Thursday, New York T.,iv u,-OI, T ,jo July 27th,.as was also the case aeains n???lb JZl7:-- ll,ia? iora Yates, white,, charged with be- acauired notoriety hv Khnfitinr w rchar intrtnV Ansonia, and later capitalized !.5ftar6 of interfering with an officer, her experiences bv in, nn tha f-'1 . - . : ' . Be sure and consult your telephone directory before making a call. The party line system has been improved and every duplex telephone number has a letter suffix'"!" or "L". .. . . - , ; ' ,The letter is a part of the number and should be re peated to the operator. For instance : The correcl: way to call Maiii 123-J is to say to the operator "Main one-two-three, party J." By consulting the dire&ory before making a call you will eliminate errors, save time and co-operate with us in our efforts to improve the service. southern;-bell telephone and telegraph company - LILLIAN. GRAHAM MISSING. , was continued until today. TENNIS HONORS To MARTIN experiences by coine on the vni. deville stage, added another chapter to her -exciting history by disappear ing late last night. . THer sister, Mrs. John Singleton, wife of the PacifU coast mining mag nate, arrived hurriedly at police head- this morning Defeated Ward C. Burton In Western Match Yesterday. On Wentsia Tennis nnnrta T.air Quarters at 6 o'clock Forest. III.. -July 24 Harrv rtin witl1 Miss Conrad. -and asked Lieut of JfeWr-tYork, defeated Ward C. Bu- Fgarty tnat a general alarm be sent ton.' of MinneaDolis. in nnp nf th ht out for the missing girl. matches of the second day's play in s" SinSleton, in giving the details the Western Lawn Tennis Associa- 1 t?e detective bureau, said that Miss tion's 24th .annual tournament here Graham left Hammerstein's after the today after a hard contest, winning performance, and went directly t6 HACKNEY WAGONS and . TRUCKS i Harness and Buggies I City luivery Co. ir straight sets fi-2: 7-5. Hugh G. Whitehead, of -Norfolk, her apartment in the Cathedral Pla za, in Morningside Heights Va., had little trouble w!nningfrom ie she dccided wth Miss Con fruiirr.ip' P.nnio.j r r,, ,,, I rad to prepare a lieht luncheon Sn. masts of the sharpie and made them selves comfortable as possible by rais ing the fore-boom and fore-gaff. They remained in .that perilous position throughout the night while a strong , wind was blowing from the sea. The Sea King, on a trip down the river, yesterday morning . at daylight, steamed near the little craft and shortly afterwards Capt. Edgar D. Williams, the master, sent off a boat and brought them on the tug. This Is the second rescue made by the Sea King at Maffitt's Island within the past two years. The "sharpie Clarence H., is the same boat that capsized near the mouth of the river some years. aea wueu ssix wen were arownea. Frederick Copeland, of Glencoe, 111., v V -v rt RoAd Star Business Locals. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE STOCK OF POST DATER-STAMP CO. Inquiries From. Several Neighboring S Towns a to Stock Offioe. Mr. G. P. Peed, who has charge of the financial arrangements for the' ost Dater-btamp Co., the prospectus of which, was given in Sunday's pa per, was delighted yesterday with the reception ; which the proposition was given from not only Wilmington peo ple, but those of other progressive; towns in this .section. There came during the day a number of inauiries; from points as far as 100 miles away and .the f indications are that the. en- terprise will be ready for establish ment here. Mr. Peed has opened of-: fices in Room 411 Southern Building: ana win retain his headquarters here until the affairs of the company have reached that stage that the manuf ac-i ture of the devices will be undertaken. The initial Installment of stock is ?25,- uuu ana tnis wui likely be taken at an early date. The enterprise is a home institution and should meet with that encouragement which will insure its success from the very start. - " CLEVELAND ALL-STARS WON Defeated American League Players In Benefit Garrve ' Yesterday 1 . Cleveland, July 24. The All-Stars made up of well-known American League players, defeated the Cleveland team before an audience of 15,270 persons today. , The game was played for the benefit of the widow and chil dren of the late AddieJoss, Cleve land's pitcher. The . proceed of the tmnnn 1 hood, T iuC . Aji-oiciia were .. more consistent in their hitting than the lo- cdis ana won Dy the score of 5 to 3. Cleveland ... , . ,10 000 020 Z Au-&tars .... .... .. 210 100 1005 Young, Kaler, Blanding, Griggi and Smith and Easterly; Wood, Johnson, Ford and Streetand "Livingston. ; , Foley Kidney Pills TONIC IN ACTtON: -;pUICK IN WE8ULTS 6 Give prompfclrelief from riJACKAQHE, KIDNEY; and . BLAtlDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN- v , 5 For Sale. by. Root. r. Bellamy, 1 vji'i I w 'ill No. 411 Southern THE POST DATER- i ; ; A Wilmington :Enterprise.)r Buttd be5ng rCeive? at tbe Company's office, T"??31000,,1"6 first block of 25,000 of an issue of 100,000 is" offered to the public at the subscription price of, 1 $5.00 PER SHAREITS PAR VALUE ' -The riht is reserved to increase the price to $7.50 per share as l?mlSJh 000,is Scribed, or Sooher, at the optioTofthei Sv rfa FIanef- Wplcfte" information regarding-the-'compa-ny,. terms of sale,-etc., will be furnished by a representative in per aPPlican to the company's office, or by 'phone or mail. Pros pectus is ready for delivery upon application. ; -v DIRECTORS. JAS. F. POST. Treas. A. C. L., Wilmington, N. C, (Vice President.) E. .W. LANE, President Atlanta National Bank, Jacksonville, Fla. B, S..JERMAN, Pres. Commerc lal National Bank, Raloigh, N C D. C. LOVE, WIlmngton, N. C. ' T ' . JOSB. LACY, Treas. Norfolk & Western R. U. System, Roanoke N. G. WADE, President Wade fie Co. JacksonVille, 1 Fla-" THOS. R. POST, Wilmington, N.' C. (President and-Treasurer) , Wm. F McCAULEY, President Savannah ank '& Trust Co. Savan- . nah, Ga.- - ', . C. J. SHANNON, JR., President' First National ' Bank and Camden ' Columbians Ccmden' S" C,; also President Congaree FertUizer Co.; ;THOS. BRANCH McADAMS, Cashier Merchants' National Bank and -. member of firm Thos. Branch & Son, Richmond, Va. gar was lacking, and Miss Graham volunteered to go out and buy some. inis was about 1:30, , After waiting an hour, Mrs. Single- ion oecame alarmed, and went out witn Miss Conrad to look for her sis ter.- Their search was in vain and they returned to the apartment and sat-up all night, honinc every minute that she would return. ' Finally Mrs. Singleton decided to appeal to the police. She was hysteri cal when she reached the detective bureau. She declared that ever since her arrival here to aid her sister in the Stokes case they had been shadow ed by detectives. ; "I fear," she said, "that Lillian has been kidnapped or something dread ful has happened to her." Malaria Makes Pale Blood. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma- t laria and builds up the system. For erown people and children. 50c. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ; COMPLETE STOCKS .QUICK SERVICE. WALL PLASTER, LIME AND CEMENT, SHINGLES, SLATE, RUBBER ROOFING, LATHS, PRESS BRICK, COMMON BRICK, ETC. ' STOVE WOOD AND COAL. THORPE Phono, 789 CO. ii i Southern Conservatory of Music, DURHAM, N. C. PIANO :: VOICE :: VIOLIN :: ORGAN Quickest Method. Least Cost Thorough Courses. 13th Year. All Musical Degrees Conferred. W. H. OVERTON, Sec'y. G. W. BRYANT, Director J mfliffrJml11116!11 In;-thejtoci ot thiscompany secures safety, able management and continued profits, which 'cannot be excelled. 5,L,3no Pre!e,rr?d Stock nor Bonds.' All common Stock. " Receipt W fiUed in accordance with the time of their Address, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. HE POST Telephone Hoi 113B. 1 1 tl?Vi II l f SouterniBiuiiidiBg, 4trt Fioor. lice pmiDAii - .,- ;S; rr;. . USE COUPON. . THE POST DATER,STAMP CO.; V ' : ' ' . Wilmington. N.'C. J . .. - . " inance; Please furnish completed information " regard-' Name' Business Address Residence ...... City State J.. - i 4 NOTE.-4-Sneclal ' Attlt i , -y made with tL Hm,ii t . " u given to and arrangements - QUALITY. The feest Gas Engine Oil C eeer produc- ij ed; once S tried, always v used. Its J combinati o n f of unexcelled Vj qualities will enable Gaso line Engines to develop more power than possible i' when using other Gas J St Engine Oil. " ' s'ss r'MAijruoY. row (jT FIRE TEST. Perfect for U Gas Kngine Luhnfiiuon. 's am won, VISCOSITY. Ilishost made in Am Iter col ored (las En gine Oils. COLD TEST. Host ever same consist e n c y Winter aud Summer CARBON. s7 N ;,r,,on We are Agents for the Above Celebrated toffljap si one AND r OUTFITS. JESppJhder & Co rurcouidg,! Wilmington, N v- 'st. i..